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Posted to by on 2002/07/09 09:09:50 UTC

cvs commit: tcl-site/websh/examples checkbox_ws3.txt cookie_ws3.txt dispatch_1_ws3.txt emailform_ws3.txt helloworld_ws3.txt image_ws3.txt memory_ws3.txt session_form_ws3.txt upload_ws3.txt ws3tohtml.tcl

davidw      2002/07/09 00:09:50

  Modified:    websh/examples ws3tohtml.tcl
  Added:       websh/examples checkbox_ws3.txt cookie_ws3.txt
                        dispatch_1_ws3.txt emailform_ws3.txt
                        helloworld_ws3.txt image_ws3.txt memory_ws3.txt
                        session_form_ws3.txt upload_ws3.txt
  Fixed up examples and links.  Added .txt files to download...
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +2 -1      tcl-site/websh/examples/ws3tohtml.tcl
  Index: ws3tohtml.tcl
  RCS file: /home/cvs/tcl-site/websh/examples/ws3tohtml.tcl,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- ws3tohtml.tcl	9 Jul 2002 06:54:53 -0000	1.1
  +++ ws3tohtml.tcl	9 Jul 2002 07:09:49 -0000	1.2
  @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
       catch {
   	exec /usr/bin/enscript -h -B -t [file root $ws3] --color -Etcl -B --language=html -o [file rootname $ws3].html $ws3
  \ No newline at end of file
  +    file copy $ws3 "[file rootname $ws3]_ws3.txt"
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/checkbox_ws3.txt
  Index: checkbox_ws3.txt
  # This Example shows you how to handle checkboxes in a form.
  # set flag
  set first_load "on"
  # see confirmation form example
  proc page {title code} {
      web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
  	<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
  	<h3>{web::put $title}</h3>
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</body></html>\n"
  # see confirmation form example
  proc form {page code} {
      web::put "<form enctype=\"text/html\" method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</form>"
  proc showForm {error} {
      global first_load
      # generate a page with Title "File upload example"
       page "checkbox example" {
  	# generate a form with action "submit"
  		# the return value of a checkbox is no value or "on"
  	form "submit" {
  # web::match is used to search the value "on" in the variables time_flag and firstload.
  # If the value is found it returns a checked.
  	    web::putx {
  		<br>Please choose the information that should be displayed.<br><br>
   		<input name="time_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar time_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
  		<input name="day_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar day_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
  		<input name="date_flag" type="checkbox" {web::put [web::match "checked" [web::formvar date_flag $first_load] "on"]}>
  		{set output [web::match "%T &nbsp;" [web::formvar time_flag $first_load] "on"]}
  		{append output [web::match "%A &nbsp;" [web::formvar day_flag $first_load] "on"]}
  		{append output [web::match "%d.%m.%Y" [web::formvar date_flag $first_load] "on"]}
  		{web::put [clock format [clock seconds] -format $output]}
  		<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">
  # see confirmation form example
  web::command default {
      showForm 0
  # With the set first_load 0 we know that the showForm is not displayed
  # the first time.
  # See also confirmation form example.
  web::command submit {
  	set first_load 0
  	showForm 0
  #see dispatch example
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/cookie_ws3.txt
  Index: cookie_ws3.txt
  # cookie example - store context in a cookie
  # this example demonstrates how to use cookies with websh3
  # create session context manager with the name "state"
  web::cookiecontext state
  # produce the page of this sample application
  proc page {} {
      # get current access counter from state ...
      set cnt [state::cget cnt 0]
      # ... and increment right away
      #     Note: cookie must be sent before the first "web::put" is used
      #           This is because a cookie must be sent as a HTTP header
      set  newcnt $cnt
      incr newcnt
      state::cset cnt $newcnt
      # commit the changes on the state
      # now the html output
      web::put "<html><head><title>Cookie Example</title></head>"
      web::put "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"
      # change welcome text depending on state
      if { $cnt == 0 } {
  	# the first time a warm welcome
  	web::put "<h1>Welcome</h1>"
  	web::put "to the wonderful world of Websh"
      } else {
  	# then just a hello
  	web::put "<h1>Hello</h1>"
  	web::put "looks like this is your visit Nr $cnt"
      web::put "<p>"
      # and give the user the change to:
      # - invalidate the cookie
      web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl clearCookie]\">reset</a>"
      web::put " | "
      # - to move on to the next page of the application
      #   in this example, just go back to the same page
      web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">next visit</a>"
      # properly close html code
      web::put "</body></html>"
  web::command clearCookie {
      # get current cookie, if any
      state::init mycookie
      # ... and invalidate immediately
      # show page
  web::command default {
      # get current cookie, if any
      state::init mycookie
      # show page
  # dispatch
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/dispatch_1_ws3.txt
  Index: dispatch_1_ws3.txt
  # register the websh command "pricelist"
  web::command pricelist {
      # web::put sends string to the default output channel
      # (stdout in the CGI case), including HTTP headers
      web::put {<tt><h2>price list</h2></tt>}
      # web::cmdurl produces a URL with querystring. In this case,
      # we just want to switch back to "default", that's why we omit
      # an explicit command name and just use ""
      web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl ""]\">back</a>"
  # register the websh command "default"
  web::command default {
      # welcome note
      web::put {<tt><h2>hello, customer</h2></tt>}
      # link to an other HTML page of this application, the price list.
      # We generate the URL using web::cmdurl and specify the command
      # to be used: it is called pricelist and has been defined above.
      web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl pricelist]\">price list</a>"
  # do the command dispatching
  # this will switch into "pricelist" or "default" depending on
  # the query_string
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/emailform_ws3.txt
  Index: emailform_ws3.txt
  # "order" form example
  # The "customer" fills out a form, say an order form.
  # The form data is validated and a confirmation page
  # displayed. ALso, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the
  # customer.
  # In addition, logging is used.
  # turn on logging
  # web::logfilter determines which log messages will be sent to the log
  # destination.  The rule here is: let all log messages pass which have
  # facilities that match "*" and which have a level up to and including
  # level "debug"
  web::logfilter add *.-debug
  # define where to send log messages to. Here we use a file
  # and again define a log destination based filter, which is again
  # "*.-debug" as above
  web::logdest add *.-debug file ../../logs/emailform.log
  # utility command to handle an HTML page
  proc page {title code} {
      web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
  	<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
  	<h1>{web::put $title}</h1>
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</body></html>\n"
  # utility command to handle an html form
  proc form {page code} {
      web::put "<form method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</form>"
  # define the form where address is entered
  proc showForm {error} {
      # generate a page with Title "Form"
      page "Order Form" {
  	# generate a form with action "submit"
  	form "submit" {
  	    web::putx {
  		<dt><b>Name:</b> {
  		    # if "error" flag is set, show the red error message asking for input
  		    if {$error == 1} {
  			web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">Please enter your name</font>\n"
  		<dd><input type="text" name="name" value="{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar name]]}" size="30"><p>
  		<dd><textarea name="addr" rows="4" cols="30" wrap="auto">{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar addr]]}</textarea><p>
  		<dt><b>E-Mail:</b> {
  		    # if "error" flag is set, ask for valid e-mail address
  		    if {$error == 2} {
  			web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">Please enter a valid email addres</font>\n"
  		<dd><input type="text" name="email" value="{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar email]]}" size="30"><p>
  		<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">
  # validator:
  # make sure we have a name of non-zero length.
  # Also, make sure the e-mail address is not completely wrong.
  proc checkFormData {} {
      # check if a value is in the name field
      if  { [string length [web::formvar name]]  < 1} {
  	# return error code
  	return 1
      # log (facility: emailform, level: debug)
      web::log emailform.debug {name [web::formvar name] is valid}
      # check email
      set email [web::formvar email]
      # make sure we have alpha-numeric stuff separated by "@"
      if {![regexp -nocase {^([a-z0-9]+)@([a-z0-9]+)\.+([a-z]+)$} \
  	      $email email name domain]} {
  	# return error code
  	return 2
      # check length of domain
      if {[string length $domain] < 3} {
  	return 2
      web::log emailform.debug {email [web::formvar email] is valid}
      # looks good: no error
      return 0
  # sendEmail
  # create the e-mail message and send it to the given e-mail address
  proc sendEmail {} {
      set emailtxt {
  Thank you for your submission.
  We have recieved the following information:}
      append emailtxt "\nName:\n[web::formvar name]\n"
      append emailtxt "Address:\n"
      append emailtxt [web::formvar addr]
      append emailtxt {
  Find more information about Webshell at
  The team.
      # log message
      web::log emailform.debug "e-mail: $emailtxt"
      if { [catch {
  	# Open pipe for e-mail
  	set fh [open "| /usr/lib/sendmail [web::formvar email]" w]
  	puts $fh "From:"
  	puts $fh "Subject: websh3 sample application - sample confirmation"
  	puts $fh ""
  	puts $fh $emailtxt
  	close $fh
      } cmsg ] } {
  proc showErrorPage {} {
      page "Error" {
  	web::putx {
  	    An error occurred while processing your request.
  	    Please {web::put <a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">try</a>} again
  	    If the problem persists, please contact the
  	    {web::put <a href=\"\">webmaster</a>}.
  proc showConfirmationPage {} {
      page "Confirmation" {
  	web::putx {
  	    <h3>Thank you for your order</h3>
  	    We have recieved the following information:
  	    <dd>{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar name]]}<p>
  		# take care of linebreaks in address
  		regsub -all "\r\n" [web::htmlify [web::formvar addr]] "<br>" addr
  		web::put $addr
  	    <dd>{web::put [web::htmlify [web::formvar email]]}<p>
  	    You should recieve a confirmation by e-mail shortly.
  	    {web::put <a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">Order more</a>}
  	    cool stuff.
  # register the "default" command
  # This command will be used whenever no specific command has been specified.
  # We use it to show an empty form for address submission.
  web::command default {
      showForm 0
  # register command "submit"
  # This is the "action" of our form. The form data is validated. If
  # the formdata is incomplete or invalid, the form is re-displayed with
  # an error info, where the original input is displayed as well.
  # If the data is valid, the confirmation page is shown and
  # an e-mail is sent to the specified address.
  web::command submit {
      if { [set res [checkFormData]] == 0 } {
      } else {
  	showForm $res
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/helloworld_ws3.txt
  Index: helloworld_ws3.txt
  # Hello world
  web::put "Hello, world"
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/image_ws3.txt
  Index: image_ws3.txt
  # gif sample - return a image/gif instead of text/html
  # this example demonstrates how to use cookies with websh3
  web::command image {
      set nr [format %2.2d [expr int(rand() * 13)]]
      # open a file (JPEG is a binary format)
      set fh [open [GetFileName [file join .. images memory $nr.jpg]] r]
      fconfigure $fh -translation binary
      set img [read $fh]
      close $fh
      # set HTTP header to "image/jpeg" instead of "text/html"
      array set headers [web::response -set header]
      set headers(Content-Type) image/jpeg
      web::response -set header [array get headers]
      # because we return a img, change to binary again
      fconfigure [web::response] -translation binary
      # output
      web::put $img
  # produce the page of this sample application
  proc page {} {
      web::put "<html><head><title>Image Example</title></head>"
      web::put "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"
      # the images: returned by the same app, but a different command
      web::put "<img src=\"[web::cmdurl image]\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\"\"><br>"
      web::put "<a href=\"[web::cmdurl default]\">next</a>"
      # properly close html code
      web::put "</body></html>"
  web::command default {
  # dispatch (see "dispatch_example")
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/memory_ws3.txt
  Index: memory_ws3.txt
  # short intro
  # game "memory": the player is supposed N pairs of pictures with the
  # least possible amount of tries. We thus keep track of:
  # s the current status of the pictures
  #   0 backside up
  #   1 front up
  #   2 permanently open
  # i the array of pictures used for this game
  #   (varies with each reshufflement)
  # l the current level (translates into N)
  # h which pictures have been "hit", ie selected by the player
  # r the refresh rate
  # the application needs to
  # * reshuffle --> generate new i
  # * find matching --> check/modify status
  # * change level --> keep track of l and reshuffle
  # * show help text
  # * change refresh rate
  # * keep track of best player
  # turn logging on
  web::logfilter add memory.-debug
  web::logdest add memory.-debug file [file join / tmp memory.log]
  # config: map level number to X-Y dimensions
  set _levels(1) [list 1 2]
  set _levels(2) [list 1 4]
  set _levels(3) [list 2 5]
  set _levels(4) [list 3 6]
  set _levels(5) [list 4 7]
  set _levels(6) [list 5 8]
  set _levels(7) [list 6 9]
  # setup file context
  web::filecontext mctx -path [file join / tmp %s.ctx]
  # formatLink -- helper function to generate hrefs
  proc formatLink {url {show ""}} {
      if {$show == ""} { set show $url }
      return "<a href=\"$url\">$show</a>"
  # putLink -- helper function to output links
  proc putLink {url {show ""}} {
      web::put [formatLink $url $show]
  # putLinkHtmlified -- helper function to output links
  proc putLinkHtmlified {url show} {
      web::put [formatLink $url [web::htmlify $show]]
  # commandList -- add "commands" line to HTML page
  proc commandList {} {
      web::put "<tt>"
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl decrementLevel] "<"
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl incrementLevel] ">"
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl reset] "x"
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl new] new
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl help] "?"
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl incrRefreshTime] "+"
      web::put " | "
      putLinkHtmlified [web::cmdurl decrRefreshTime] "-"
      # load hall of fame
      mctx::init memory
      # get the lowest number of tries for this level from the session context
      # why do I use web::cmdurlcfg here instead of web::param ?
      # I do not want to bother about the level when I generate a URL
      # using web::cmdurl - I keep it in the static parameters (managed
      # by web::cmdurlcfg).
      set best [mctx::cget hof([web::cmdurlcfg l]) "n/a"]
      web::put "&nbsp;&nbsp;(level: [web::cmdurlcfg l], [web::cmdurlcfg c] tries, best: $best)"
      web::put "</tt>\n"
      web::put "<br>\n"
  # page -- helper function to produce an  HTML page
  proc page {title code} {
      # HTML header stuff
      web::put "
          <body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">
      web::put "<br>\n"
      # depends on the caller
      uplevel 1 $code
      # add list of commands
      web::put "<hr>\n"
      # footer and end-of-HTML
      web::put "
  	<hr><font size=\"-2\"><tt>
  	[web::copyright -version]</tt></font><br>
  # table -- helper function to output a HTML table
  proc table {code} {
      web::put {<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">}
      web::put "\n"
      uplevel 1 $code
      web::put "\n</table>\n"
  # tablerow --
  proc tablerow {code {bgcolor {}}} {
      if {[string length $bgcolor] } {
  	web::put "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\">\n"
      } else {
  	web::put "<tr>\n"
      uplevel 1 $code
      web::put "\n</tr>\n"
  # tablecell --
  proc tablecell {code} {
      web::put "<td>\n"
      uplevel 1 $code
      web::put "\n</td>\n"
  # image --
  proc image {gif} {
      set res "<img src=\"/websh/images/memory/$gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\""
      append res "border=\"1\" ALIGN=\"middle\">"
      return $res
  # validateImg -- check current game status
  proc validateImg {vImg vStatus} {
      global _levels
      upvar $vImg img
      upvar $vStatus status
      # no images - this calls for a new game. Reshuffle.
      if { [string length $img] < 2} {
  	# reset try counter
  	web::cmdurlcfg -set c 0
  	# get current level
  	set tmp $_levels([web::cmdurlcfg l])
  	# reshuffle (number of images depends on level)
  	set numImg [expr ([lindex $tmp 0] * [lindex $tmp 1]) / 2]
  	for {set i 0} {$i < $numImg} {incr i} {
  	    set timg [format %2.2d $i]
  	    # for this image, generate two random numbers which will
  	    # determine the position of the image in the game
  	    while {1} {
  		set r1 [expr rand()]
  		if { ![info exists shuffle($r1)] } { break }
  	    while {1} {
  		set r2 [expr rand()]
  		if { ![info exists shuffle($r2)] } { break }
  	    set shuffle($r1) $timg
  	    set shuffle($r2) $timg
  	# compile string which describes game outline
  	set img ""
  	foreach tmp [array names shuffle] {
  	    append img $shuffle($tmp)
  	# and set status of every image to "closed"
  	set status [string repeat "0" [expr {$numImg * 2}]]
  # listOpen -- helper function to list currently open pictures
  proc listOpen {vStatus {val 1}} {
      upvar $vStatus status
      set i 0
      set res ""
      foreach tmp [split $status ""] {
  	if { $tmp == $val } {lappend res $i}
  	incr i
      return $res
  # countOpen -- helper to count all pictures that have a given status
  proc countOpen {vStatus {val 1}} {
      upvar $vStatus status
      set res [listOpen status $val]
      return [llength $res]
  # doMatch -- helper to decide if two selected images match
  proc doMatch {vImg vOpens} {
      upvar $vImg img
      upvar $vOpens opens
      set img1 [getImageFromArray img [lindex $opens 0]]
      set img2 [getImageFromArray img [lindex $opens 1]]
      if {[string equal $img1 $img2]} {
  	set res [list 1]
  	lappend res [lindex $opens 0]
  	lappend res [lindex $opens 1]
      } else {
  	set res [list 0]
  	lappend res [lindex $opens 0]
  	lappend res [lindex $opens 1]
      return $res
  # getImageFromArray -- helper to extract two letters from string
  proc getImageFromArray {vImg pos} {
      upvar $vImg img
      return [string range $img [expr $pos*2] [expr $pos*2 + 1]]
  # getStat -- helper to pick status for a given picture
  proc getStat {vStatus pos} {
      upvar $vStatus status
      return [string index $status $pos]
  # setStat -- set status
  proc setStat {vStatus pos {new 0}} {
      upvar $vStatus status
      set res [string range $status 0 [expr $pos - 1]]
      set res $res$new
      set res $res[string range \
  		     $status [expr $pos + 1] [string length $status]]
      set status $res
  # toggleStat -- toggle status: switch 0->1 or 1->0, but keep 2 at 2
  proc toggleStat {vStatus pos} {
      upvar $vStatus status
      set cur [getStat status $pos]
      if {$cur == 0} {
  	setStat status $pos 1
      } elseif { $cur == 2 } {
  	setStat status $pos 2
      } else {
  	setStat status $pos 0
  # findMatching -- see if the user did find two matching images
  proc findMatching {vImg vStatus} {
      upvar $vImg img
      upvar $vStatus status
      # in case only one is open, we prevent closing it again
      set tmp [listOpen status 1]
      set onlyone -1
      if { [llength $tmp] == 1 } {
  	set onlyone [lindex $tmp 0]
      # which ones are selected ?
      set hitlst [web::param h]
      foreach tmp $hitlst {
  	# if it is not the single one that is already open, flip it
  	if {$tmp != $onlyone} {
  	    toggleStat status $tmp
      # now, how many are open, really ?
      set opens [listOpen status]
      set Nopen [llength $opens]
      # more than two open ? (no tricks !)
      if { $Nopen > 2 } {
  	foreach tmp $opens {
  	    setStat status $tmp 0
      } elseif { $Nopen == 2 } {
  	# get current try counter (or 0 if not set) ...
  	set tmp [web::cmdurlcfg c 0]
  	# ... and increment it and store it back as static parameter
  	web::cmdurlcfg -set c [incr tmp]
  	# do the two selected pictures match ?
  	set tmp [doMatch img opens]
  	if { [lindex $tmp 0] == 1 } {
  	    # yes, open permanently
  	    setStat status [lindex $tmp 1] 2
  	    setStat status [lindex $tmp 2] 2
  	} else {
  	    # no. use the refresh feature
  	    set opens [listOpen status]
  	    # add img and status as static parameters
  	    # (ensure that we have status and img in the URL)
  	    web::cmdurlcfg -set s $status
  	    web::cmdurlcfg -set i $img
  	    # for refresh: simulate clicks on the two open pictures
  	    # that will close them
  	    set tmp [web::cmdurl "" [list h [lindex $opens 0] h [lindex $opens 1]]]
  	    # add the HTTP "refresh" header, using the parameter r for the
  	    # refresh time (using 2 sec as default)
  	    web::response -set Refresh "[web::cmdurlcfg r 2];URL=$tmp"
      # add img and status as static parameters
      # (ensure that we have status and img in the URL)
      web::cmdurlcfg -set s $status
      web::cmdurlcfg -set i $img
  # display table with memory
  proc showMemory {} {
      global _levels
      global _cache
      # get current status from URL
      set status [web::param s]
      # get current game outline from URL
      set img [web::param i]
      # asses status of game
      validateImg img status
      # do we have any matching images ?
      findMatching img status
      # no more closed ? --> game over --> perhaps we need to update hof
      if { [countOpen status 0] == 0} {
  	mctx::init memory
  	set best [mctx::cget hof([web::cmdurlcfg l]) -1]
  	if { ($best == -1) ||
  	     ([web::cmdurlcfg c] < $best) } {
  	    mctx::cset hof([web::cmdurlcfg l]) [web::cmdurlcfg c]
      # get X-Y dimension for game outline from level
      set tmp $_levels([web::cmdurlcfg l 5])
      set numX [lindex $tmp 0]
      set numY [lindex $tmp 1]
      # output HTML page
      page "memory game" {
  	# output HTML table
  	table {
  	    # table rows
  	    for {set i 0} {$i < $numX} {incr i} {
  		tablerow {
  		    for {set j 0} {$j < $numY} {incr j} {
  			set tmpCnt [expr $i * $numY + $j]
  			set timg [getImageFromArray img $tmpCnt]
  			set curImgStat [getStat status $tmpCnt]
  			# table cells
  			tablecell {
  			    if {$curImgStat == 0} {
  				# show backside
  				# actually, it is a link back to the CGI app,
  				# recursion of some sort.
  				# from parameter h, showMemory will know which
  				# picture the player did select
  				putLink [web::cmdurl "" h $tmpCnt] \
  				    [image back.gif]
  			    } elseif {$curImgStat == 2} {
  				# two matching found - no link any more, just the image
  				web::put [image $timg.jpg]
  			    } else {
  				# show front side
  				putLink [web::cmdurl "" h $tmpCnt] \
  				    [image $timg.jpg]
  # web::command help -- display help text
  web::command help {
      page "memory game - help text" {
  	web::put "<tt>"
  	web::put "Memory -- find the matching images."
  	web::put "<p>"
  	web::put "You can see the hidden image by clicking on its back side. "
  	web::put "When you have found two matching images, they will remain open "
  	web::put "from then on. If two images do not match, they will be "
  	web::put "closed again."
  	web::put "<p>"
  	web::put "If the images close again too quickly on your system, "
  	web::put "you can make the images stay open longer with the "
  	web::put "&quot;+&quot; command (&quot;-&quot; to close them "
  	web::put "more quickly)."
  	web::put "<p>"
  	web::put "&quot;new&quot; shuffels the images again. "
  	web::put "&quot;&times;&quot; restarts the game from the beginning."
  	web::put "</tt><p>"
  # web::command decrementLevel -- reduce level and show game
  web::command decrementLevel {
      # I do not want to have to bother about the level when I generate
      # URLs using web::cmdurl. So, I put level to the static parameters
      # and let web::dispatch track it.
      # That's why web::cmdurlcfg is used here, instead of web::param.
      set level [web::cmdurlcfg l 5]
      if {$level > 1} {incr level -1}
      web::cmdurlcfg -set l $level
      # changing the level implies resetting the game
      web::param -set i ""
  # web::command incrementLevel -- increase level and show game
  web::command incrementLevel {
      set level [web::cmdurlcfg l 5]
      if {$level < 7} {incr level}
      web::cmdurlcfg -set l $level
      # changing the level implies resetting the game
      web::param -set i ""
  # web::command incrRefreshTime -- increase refresh time
  web::command incrRefreshTime {
      set r [web::cmdurlcfg r 2]
      if {$r < 30} {incr r 2}
      web::cmdurlcfg -set r $r
  # web::command decrRefreshTime -- decrease refresh time
  web::command decrRefreshTime {
      set r [web::cmdurlcfg r 2]
      if {$r > 2} {incr r -2}
      web::cmdurlcfg -set r $r
  # web::command new -- new game on the same level (reshuffle)
  web::command new {
      web::param -set i ""
  # web::command reset -- back to the defaults
  web::command reset {
      web::param -set i ""
      web::cmdurlcfg -set l 5
  # web::command default -- if nothing is specified, use this one
  web::command default {
  # web::dispatch -- decide which command to call
  # here, we use the tracking feature of dispatch. Whenever dispatch
  # finds a parameter from the -track list, it copies it over to the
  # static parameters
  # also, we use -hook to execute code just before web::dispatch will
  # call the web::command command. Here, we set the default level to 5
  # if it is not yet known.
  web::dispatch -track [list l c r] -hook {
      web::cmdurlcfg -set l [web::cmdurlcfg l 5]
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/session_form_ws3.txt
  Index: session_form_ws3.txt
  # This example shows how persistent sessions can be stored
  # on the server.
  # It shows two HTML forms which have one input field each.
  # You can switch between these two forms using the submit
  # buttons. All data given in the form
  # Define a memory context to hold some configuration variables.
  # The next statement makes a context called 'config' to hold
  # these data. It is a cleaner way than making global variables
  # because it declares them clearly to be configuration vars.
  web::context config
  # Now set some configuration variables. Usually put the session
  # state files in a directory not accessible through the Web server.
  config::cset stateDirectory /tmp/webshstate/
  # Create a file counter that generates the session ids. We take
  # here an easy number generator, which produces sequential numbers
  # and stores the actual counter value in a file
  web::filecounter idGenerator -filename [file join [config::cget stateDirectory] counter]
  # Create a file context named 'state'. The option '-path' defines
  # where the session contexts are stored. '-attachto' defines an
  # URL parameter name that might contain an existing session.
  # (This parameter name could in fact be extracted using
  # 'web::param sid' whenever the session is initalized.)
  web::filecontext state -path [file join [config::cget stateDirectory] %s] -attachto sid -idgen "idGenerator nextval"
  # Make sure the session state directory exists
  file mkdir [config::cget stateDirectory]
  proc form {page code} {
      # Produces a HTML FORM tag. Nested form variables must be output
      # in 'code'.
      # The 'page' parameter describes the web::command to call when
      # the form is submitted.
      web::put "<html><head><title>Session Example</title></head>"
      web::put "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"
      # form starts here
      web::put "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</form>"
      web::put "</body></html>"
  proc putErrorMessage {msg} {
      # emit an error message in red.
      web::put "<p><font color=\"\#ff0000\">[web::htmlify $msg]</font></p>"
  proc pageOne {{errorMessage ""}} {
      # Display page one of our HTML form.
      form processPageOne {
          if {[string length $errorMessage]} {
              putErrorMessage $errorMessage
          web::put "Numbers only: <input type=\"text\" name=\"a\" value=\"[web::htmlify [state::cget a]]\">"
          web::put "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Page 2\">"
  proc pageTwo {{errorMessage ""}} {
      # Display page two of our HTML form.
      form processPageTwo {
          if {[string length $errorMessage]} {
              putErrorMessage $errorMessage
          web::put "Not empty: <input type=\"text\" name=\"b\" value=\"[web::htmlify [state::cget b]]\">"
          web::put "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Page 1\">"
  proc saveAllFields {} {
      # Save all form fields to state context.
      # web::formvar without parameters returns a list of HTML form
      # variables sent to this script. web::formvar with the name
      # of a field returns its value, if the field does not exist
      # it returns an empty list (or an optional 2nd parameter 'default
      # value').
      # For clarity, we do not handle multiple fields with the same
      # name correctly here. If a HTML field is given twice or more
      # 'web::formvar -count <fieldname>' would give us the field count
      # 'web::formvar <fieldname>' returns then a list of n values.
      foreach field [web::formvar names] {
          state::cset $field [web::formvar $field]
  # Define two dispatched commands to each show one page of the
  # (mini) form. The names of theses application commands will
  # be used in the submit action of the form with 'web::cmdurl'.
  web::command processPageOne {
      if {![regexp {^[0-9]+$} [web::formvar a]]} {
          # The input field does not contain only digits, so show page one again
          # including an error message.
          pageOne "Please enter a number."
      } else {
          # Everything ok, so save the form field to persistant session
          # and proceed with page two.
  web::command processPageTwo {
      if {![string length [web::formvar b]]} {
          # The input field is empty, so show page two again
          # including an error message.
          pageTwo "Please fill in field."
      } else {
          # Everything ok, so save the form field to persistant session
          # and proceed with page one.
  # Define the default command to show page one.
  web::command default {
      # Initialize a fresh state.
      # Show page one initially.
  # Dispatch to one of the web::commands according to a parameter in the
  # URL. This parameter was set using 'web::cmdurl' in the FORM tag in
  # procedure 'form'.
  # At the very beginning we don't have a command in the URL. Then the
  # web::command default is called.
  # The '-track' parameter is used to take over the URL parameter 'sid'
  # from "incoming" URLs to "outgoing" URLs. This parameters holds
  # the session id and makes a session survive
  # web::dispatch processes the URL - i.e. extracts parameters from the
  # URL - and handles HTML form input sent to this script.
  web::dispatch -track sid
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/examples/upload_ws3.txt
  Index: upload_ws3.txt
  # This example demonstrates you how "file upload": sending
  # a file to the server thru a html form.
  # allow file upload
  # uploadfilesize defines the maximum file size upload
  # in this case 100 bytes
  web::config uploadfilesize 100
  # utility command to handle an HTML page
  proc page {title code} {
      web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
  	<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
  	<h3>{web::put $title}</h3>
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</body></html>\n"
  # utility command to handle an html form
  proc form {page code} {
      web::put "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
      uplevel $code
      web::put "</form>"
  proc showForm {error} {
      # generate a page with Title "File upload example"
      page "File upload example" {
  	# generate a form with action "submit"
  	form "submit" {
  	    web::putx {{
  		    # if "error" flag is set, show the red error message asking for input
  		    if {$error == 1} {
  			web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">If you'd like to upload a file,\n you have to insert the path and file name <br></font>"
  		<b>File:</b> <input type="file" size="30" name="upload" value="{web::put [web::formvar upload]}"> &nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">
  # validator:
  # make sure we have a name that is more than 1. 
  proc checkFormData {} {
  # string lenght gets the lenght
  # "lindex [...] 1" is getting the first line from the list in the variable
      if  { [string length [lindex [web::formvar upload] 1]] < 1} {
   	# return error code
   	return 1
       # looks good: no error
       return 0
  proc showConfirmationPage {} {
      # gets return value from list upload
      set localname [lindex [web::formvar upload] 0]
      set remotename [lindex [web::formvar upload] 1]
      set NumBytesTruncated [lindex [web::formvar upload] 2]
      # open pipe for reading uploaded file
      set fh [open $localname r]
      set chunk [read $fh 10]
      close $fh
      page "File upload example" {
  	web::putx {
  	    <b>We have received your file. Thank you.<br><br>
  	    Technical information:</b>
  	    <table border="0" width="300">
  	    <td width="100">
  	    File-path:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $localname]}</td></tr>
  	    <td width="100">
  	    Localpath:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $remotename]}</td></tr>
  	    <td width="300" colspan="2">
  	    We have configured websh3 to allow a maximum file size of 100 bytes. Therefore 
  	    we have truncated the received file by {web::put $NumBytesTruncated} bytes.
  	    <td width="100">Start of content:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $chunk]}</td></tr></table>
  	    <a href="upload">upload another file</a> 
  # register the "default" command
  # See confirmation form example.
  web::command default {
      showForm 0
  # register command "submit"
  # This is the "action" of our form. See confirmation form example.
  web::command submit {
      if { [set res [checkFormData]] == 0 } {
      } else {
  	showForm $res
  #see dispatch example

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