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Posted to by Mark Prins <> on 2016/02/01 15:39:42 UTC

integration testing a plugin when using a forked lifecycle

I'm trying (but failing) to reliably test a reporting plugin that 
requires some code analysis to be done to produce report input. (code 
analysis produces xml that is xsl transformed to html)

Sometimes my test works, sometimes it doesn't; the test just uses the method.

It seems that in some cases the xml has not been (completely) written to 
disk yet causing a plugin execution failure during the transform; and 
basically I'm looking to prevent that from happening.

Any pointers are welcome.

My report plugin is decared as follows:

@Mojo(name = "scss-lint-report",
         defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.SITE,
         requiresDependencyResolution = 
ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME,  threadSafe = false)
@Execute(goal = "scss-lint")
public class SCSSLintReportMojo extends AbstractMavenReport {

    // some code here to call a POJO that does
    // XSL transform produced by the scss-lint goal to produce
    // the HTML page


Source code at:

The scss-lint mojo executes a JRuby script to produce a checkstyle-like 
xml report

Source code at:

Source code for the test is available at:

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