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Posted to by D Minor9th <> on 2005/03/10 12:13:57 UTC

Reading font fromat from cell

I'm trying to determine if the content of a cell has been struck through.

There does not seem to be a getFont() method in HSSFCell, which would
appear to provide what I need, since HSSFFont provides a
getStrikeout() method.

I tried using HSSFCell.getCellStyle().getFontIndex() but the resulting
fontindex appears not to be consistent between excel files for a given
font format.

The fontindex I get in one file for strikeout appears to be 12 for
Arial Font, Regular Font style, Size 10, Colour Automatic, Underline
None. However the fontindex I get for the same font format in another
file is 8 !

Is the getFontIndex() the correct API to use to determine this
strikethrough information, and if so does anyone know why I'm getting
these inconsistent results ?

Even better, do any of the POI developers know when/if a
HSSFCell.getFont() method will be implemented ?



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