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Posted to by peter peter <> on 2003/05/03 00:35:15 UTC

Serialization giving probem with HashMap

Hi,   I am creating a new document and could serialize it without fail.  But if I add the created document to the HashMap. and then get the document from hashMap and try to serialize, OutputFormat throws NullPointerException, Here's the exception message--- /*java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat.whichMethod(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat.<init>(Unknown Source)*/ Here's the code I am using--->  HashMap documentsMap = new HashMap();
 Document doc= new DocumentImpl();
 Element root = doc.createElement("person");     // Create Root Element
 Element item = doc.createElement("name");       // Create element
 item.appendChild( doc.createTextNode("Jeff") ); 
 root.appendChild( item );                       // Attach another Element -   doc.appendChild( root );                        // Add Root to Document//add to the HashMap....
documentsMap.put("node1",doc );
   Iterator iterator = documentsMap.entrySet().iterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext() )
      Object key =;
      doc= (Document)taxonomyNodesMap.get(key);
      OutputFormat format  = new OutputFormat( doc );   //Serialize DOM
      StringWriter  stringOut = new StringWriter();        //Writer will be a        XMLSerializer    serial = new XMLSerializer( stringOut, format );
    serial.asDOMSerializer();                            // As a DOM Serializer
    serial.serialize( doc.getDocumentElement());
  }catch...... Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Regards,Peter

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Re: Serialization giving probem with HashMap

Posted by peter peter <>.
Solution is:    I should use keySet() instead of entrySet() Regards,

peter peter <> wrote:Hi,   I am creating a new document and could serialize it without fail.  But if I add the created document to the HashMap. and then get the document from hashMap and try to serialize, OutputFormat throws NullPointerException, Here's the exception message--- /*java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat.whichMethod(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat.<init>(Unknown Source)*/ Here's the code I am using--->  HashMap documentsMap = new HashMap();
 Document doc= new DocumentImpl();
 Element root = doc.createElement("person");     // Create Root Element
 Element item = doc.createElement("name");       // Create element
 item.appendChild( doc.createTextNode("Jeff") ); 
 root.appendChild( item );                       // Attach another Element -   doc.appendChild( root );                        // Add Root to Document//add to the HashMap....
documentsMap.put("node1",doc );
   Iterator iterator = documentsMap.entrySet().iterator();
   while (iterator.hasNext() )
      Object key =;
      doc= (Document)taxonomyNodesMap.get(key);
      OutputFormat format  = new OutputFormat( doc );   //Serialize DOM
      StringWriter  stringOut = new StringWriter();        //Writer will be a        XMLSerializer    serial = new XMLSerializer( stringOut, format );
    serial.asDOMSerializer();                            // As a DOM Serializer
    serial.serialize( doc.getDocumentElement());
  }catch...... Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Regards,Peter

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