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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/10/29 05:04:53 UTC

[GitHub] [solr] sonatype-lift[bot] commented on a change in pull request #160: SOLR-15337: Avoid XPath in solrconfig.xml parsing

sonatype-lift[bot] commented on a change in pull request #160:

File path: solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/core/
@@ -168,140 +197,180 @@ public static SolrConfig readFromResourceLoader(SolrResourceLoader loader, Strin
    * @param isConfigsetTrusted  false if configset was uploaded using unsecured configset upload API, true otherwise
    * @param substitutableProperties optional properties to substitute into the XML
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
   private SolrConfig(SolrResourceLoader loader, String name, boolean isConfigsetTrusted, Properties substitutableProperties)
-      throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException {
-    // insist we have non-null substituteProperties; it might get overlayed
-    super(loader, name, null, "/config/", substitutableProperties == null ? new Properties() : substitutableProperties);
+      throws IOException {
+    this.resourceLoader = loader;
+    this.resourceName = name;
+    this.substituteProperties = substitutableProperties;
     getOverlay();//just in case it is not initialized
-    getRequestParams();
-    initLibs(loader, isConfigsetTrusted);
-    luceneMatchVersion = SolrConfig.parseLuceneVersionString(getVal(IndexSchema.LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM, true));
-"Using Lucene MatchVersion: {}", luceneMatchVersion);
-    String indexConfigPrefix;
-    // Old indexDefaults and mainIndex sections are deprecated and fails fast for luceneMatchVersion=>LUCENE_4_0_0.
-    // For older solrconfig.xml's we allow the old sections, but never mixed with the new <indexConfig>
-    boolean hasDeprecatedIndexConfig = (getNode("indexDefaults", false) != null) || (getNode("mainIndex", false) != null);
-    if (hasDeprecatedIndexConfig) {
-      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.FORBIDDEN, "<indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> configuration sections are discontinued. Use <indexConfig> instead.");
-    } else {
-      indexConfigPrefix = "indexConfig";
-    }
-    assertWarnOrFail("The <nrtMode> config has been discontinued and NRT mode is always used by Solr." +
-            " This config will be removed in future versions.", getNode(indexConfigPrefix + "/nrtMode", false) == null,
-        true
-    );
-    assertWarnOrFail("Solr no longer supports forceful unlocking via the 'unlockOnStartup' option.  "+
-                     "This is no longer necessary for the default lockType except in situations where "+
-                     "it would be dangerous and should not be done.  For other lockTypes and/or "+
-                     "directoryFactory options it may also be dangerous and users must resolve "+
-                     "problematic locks manually.",
-                     null == getNode(indexConfigPrefix + "/unlockOnStartup", false),
-                     true // 'fail' in trunk
-                     );
-    // Parse indexConfig section, using mainIndex as backup in case old config is used
-    indexConfig = new SolrIndexConfig(this, "indexConfig", null);
-    booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = getInt("query/maxBooleanClauses", IndexSearcher.getMaxClauseCount());
-    if (IndexSearcher.getMaxClauseCount() < booleanQueryMaxClauseCount) {
-      log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <maxBooleanClauses> of {} is greater than global limit of {} {}"
-          , booleanQueryMaxClauseCount, IndexSearcher.getMaxClauseCount()
-          , "and will have no effect set 'maxBooleanClauses' in solr.xml to increase global limit");
-    }
-    // Warn about deprecated / discontinued parameters
-    // boolToFilterOptimizer has had no effect since 3.1
-    if (get("query/boolTofilterOptimizer", null) != null)
-      log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <boolTofilterOptimizer> is currently not implemented and has no effect.");
-    if (get("query/HashDocSet", null) != null)
-      log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <HashDocSet> is deprecated and no longer used.");
+    // insist we have non-null substituteProperties; it might get overlaid
+    Map<String, IndexSchemaFactory.VersionedConfig> configCache =null;
+    if (loader.getCoreContainer() != null && loader.getCoreContainer().getObjectCache() != null) {
+      configCache = (Map<String, IndexSchemaFactory.VersionedConfig>) loader.getCoreContainer().getObjectCache()
+          .computeIfAbsent(ConfigSetService.ConfigResource.class.getName(), s -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
+      ResourceProvider rp = new ResourceProvider(loader.openResource(name));
+      IndexSchemaFactory.VersionedConfig cfg = rp.fileName == null ? null : configCache.get(rp.fileName);
+      if (cfg != null) {
+        if (rp.hash != -1) {
+          if (rp.hash == cfg.version) {
+            log.debug("LOADED_FROM_CACHE");
+            root =;
+          } else {
+            readXml(loader, name, configCache, rp);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(root == null) {
+      readXml(loader, name, configCache,new ResourceProvider(loader.openResource(name)) );
+    }
+    ConfigNode.SUBSTITUTES.set(key -> {
+      if (substitutableProperties != null && substitutableProperties.containsKey(key)) {
+        return substitutableProperties.getProperty(key);
+      } else {
+        Object o = overlay.getUserProps().get(key);
+        return o == null ? null : o.toString();
+      }
+    });
+    try {
+      getRequestParams();
+      initLibs(loader, isConfigsetTrusted);
+      String val = root.child(IndexSchema.LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM,
+          () -> new RuntimeException("Missing: " + IndexSchema.LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM)).txt();
+      luceneMatchVersion = SolrConfig.parseLuceneVersionString(val);
+"Using Lucene MatchVersion: {}", luceneMatchVersion);
+      String indexConfigPrefix;
+      // Old indexDefaults and mainIndex sections are deprecated and fails fast for luceneMatchVersion=>LUCENE_4_0_0.
+      // For older solrconfig.xml's we allow the old sections, but never mixed with the new <indexConfig>
+      boolean hasDeprecatedIndexConfig = get("indexDefaults").exists() || get("mainIndex").exists();
+      if (hasDeprecatedIndexConfig) {
+        throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.FORBIDDEN, "<indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> configuration sections are discontinued. Use <indexConfig> instead.");
+      } else {
+        indexConfigPrefix = "indexConfig";
+      }
+      assertWarnOrFail("The <nrtMode> config has been discontinued and NRT mode is always used by Solr." +
+              " This config will be removed in future versions.", get(indexConfigPrefix).get("nrtMode").isNull(),
+          true
+      );
+      assertWarnOrFail("Solr no longer supports forceful unlocking via the 'unlockOnStartup' option.  " +
+              "This is no longer necessary for the default lockType except in situations where " +
+              "it would be dangerous and should not be done.  For other lockTypes and/or " +
+              "directoryFactory options it may also be dangerous and users must resolve " +
+              "problematic locks manually.",
+          !get(indexConfigPrefix).get("unlockOnStartup").exists(),
+          true // 'fail' in trunk
+      );
+      // Parse indexConfig section, using mainIndex as backup in case old config is used
+      indexConfig = new SolrIndexConfig(get("indexConfig"), null);
+      booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = get("query").get("maxBooleanClauses").intVal(BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount());
+      if (IndexSearcher.getMaxClauseCount() < booleanQueryMaxClauseCount) {
+        log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <maxBooleanClauses> of {} is greater than global limit of {} and will have no effect {}"
+            , booleanQueryMaxClauseCount, BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount()
+            , "set 'maxBooleanClauses' in solr.xml to increase global limit");
+      }
+      // Warn about deprecated / discontinued parameters
+      // boolToFilterOptimizer has had no effect since 3.1
+      if (get("query").get("boolTofilterOptimizer").exists())
+        log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <boolTofilterOptimizer> is currently not implemented and has no effect.");
+      if (get("query").get("HashDocSet").exists())
+        log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <HashDocSet> is deprecated and no longer used.");
 // TODO: Old code - in case somebody wants to re-enable. Also see SolrIndexSearcher#search()
 //    filtOptEnabled = getBool("query/boolTofilterOptimizer/@enabled", false);
 //    filtOptCacheSize = getInt("query/boolTofilterOptimizer/@cacheSize",32);
 //    filtOptThreshold = getFloat("query/boolTofilterOptimizer/@threshold",.05f);
-    useFilterForSortedQuery = getBool("query/useFilterForSortedQuery", false);
-    queryResultWindowSize = Math.max(1, getInt("query/queryResultWindowSize", 1));
-    queryResultMaxDocsCached = getInt("query/queryResultMaxDocsCached", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-    enableLazyFieldLoading = getBool("query/enableLazyFieldLoading", false);
-    filterCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "query/filterCache");
-    queryResultCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "query/queryResultCache");
-    documentCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "query/documentCache");
-    CacheConfig conf = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "query/fieldValueCache");
-    if (conf == null) {
-      Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>();
-      args.put(NAME, "fieldValueCache");
-      args.put("size", "10000");
-      args.put("initialSize", "10");
-      args.put("showItems", "-1");
-      conf = new CacheConfig(CaffeineCache.class, args, null);
-    }
-    fieldValueCacheConfig = conf;
-    useColdSearcher = getBool("query/useColdSearcher", false);
-    dataDir = get("dataDir", null);
-    if (dataDir != null && dataDir.length() == 0) dataDir = null;
-    if (get("jmx", null) != null) {
-      log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <jmx> is no longer supported, use solr.xml:/metrics/reporter section instead");
-    }
-    httpCachingConfig = new HttpCachingConfig(this);
-    maxWarmingSearchers = getInt("query/maxWarmingSearchers", 1);
-    slowQueryThresholdMillis = getInt("query/slowQueryThresholdMillis", -1);
-    for (SolrPluginInfo plugin : plugins) loadPluginInfo(plugin);
-    Map<String, CacheConfig> userCacheConfigs = CacheConfig.getMultipleConfigs(this, "query/cache");
-    List<PluginInfo> caches = getPluginInfos(SolrCache.class.getName());
-    if (!caches.isEmpty()) {
-      for (PluginInfo c : caches) {
-        userCacheConfigs.put(, CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "cache", c.attributes, null));
+      useFilterForSortedQuery = get("query").get("useFilterForSortedQuery").boolVal(false);
+      queryResultWindowSize = Math.max(1, get("query").get("queryResultWindowSize").intVal(1));
+      queryResultMaxDocsCached = get("query").get("queryResultMaxDocsCached").intVal(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+      enableLazyFieldLoading = get("query").get("enableLazyFieldLoading").boolVal(false);
+      filterCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, get("query").get("filterCache"), "query/filterCache");
+      queryResultCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, get("query").get("queryResultCache"), "query/queryResultCache");
+      documentCacheConfig = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, get("query").get("documentCache"), "query/documentCache");
+      CacheConfig conf = CacheConfig.getConfig(this, get("query").get("fieldValueCache"), "query/fieldValueCache");
+      if (conf == null) {
+        Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>();
+        args.put(NAME, "fieldValueCache");
+        args.put("size", "10000");
+        args.put("initialSize", "10");
+        args.put("showItems", "-1");
+        conf = new CacheConfig(CaffeineCache.class, args, null);
-    }
-    this.userCacheConfigs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(userCacheConfigs);
+      fieldValueCacheConfig = conf;
+      useColdSearcher = get("query").get("useColdSearcher").boolVal(false);
+      dataDir = get("dataDir").txt();
+      if (dataDir != null && dataDir.length() == 0) dataDir = null;
-    updateHandlerInfo = loadUpdatehandlerInfo();
-    multipartUploadLimitKB = getInt(
-        "requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@multipartUploadLimitInKB", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-    if (multipartUploadLimitKB == -1) multipartUploadLimitKB = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+      if (get("jmx").exists()) {
+        log.warn("solrconfig.xml: <jmx> is no longer supported, use solr.xml:/metrics/reporter section instead");
+      }
+      httpCachingConfig = new HttpCachingConfig(this);
+      maxWarmingSearchers = get("query").get("maxWarmingSearchers").intVal(1);
+      slowQueryThresholdMillis = get("query").get("slowQueryThresholdMillis").intVal(-1);
+      for (SolrPluginInfo plugin : plugins) loadPluginInfo(plugin);
-    formUploadLimitKB = getInt(
-        "requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@formdataUploadLimitInKB", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-    if (formUploadLimitKB == -1) formUploadLimitKB = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+      Map<String, CacheConfig> userCacheConfigs = CacheConfig.getMultipleConfigs(this, "query/cache",
+          get("query").getAll("cache"));
+      List<PluginInfo> caches = getPluginInfos(SolrCache.class.getName());
+      if (!caches.isEmpty()) {
+        for (PluginInfo c : caches) {
+          userCacheConfigs.put(, CacheConfig.getConfig(this, "cache", c.attributes, null));
+        }
+      }
+      this.userCacheConfigs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(userCacheConfigs);
-    enableRemoteStreams = getBool(
-        "requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@enableRemoteStreaming", false);
+      updateHandlerInfo = loadUpdatehandlerInfo();
-    enableStreamBody = getBool(
-        "requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@enableStreamBody", false);
+      multipartUploadLimitKB = get("requestDispatcher").get("requestParsers").intAttr("multipartUploadLimitInKB", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+      if (multipartUploadLimitKB == -1) multipartUploadLimitKB = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-    handleSelect = getBool(
-        "requestDispatcher/@handleSelect", false);
+      formUploadLimitKB = get("requestDispatcher").get("requestParsers").intAttr("formdataUploadLimitInKB", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+      if (formUploadLimitKB == -1) formUploadLimitKB = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-    addHttpRequestToContext = getBool(
-        "requestDispatcher/requestParsers/@addHttpRequestToContext", false);
+      enableRemoteStreams = get("requestDispatcher").get("requestParsers").boolAttr("enableRemoteStreaming", false);
-    List<PluginInfo> argsInfos = getPluginInfos(InitParams.class.getName());
-    if (argsInfos != null) {
-      Map<String, InitParams> argsMap = new HashMap<>();
-      for (PluginInfo p : argsInfos) {
-        InitParams args = new InitParams(p);
-        argsMap.put( == null ? String.valueOf(args.hashCode()) :, args);
+      enableStreamBody = get("requestDispatcher").get("requestParsers").boolAttr("enableStreamBody", false);
+      handleSelect = get("requestDispatcher").boolAttr("handleSelect", false);
+      addHttpRequestToContext = get("requestDispatcher").get("requestParsers").boolAttr("addHttpRequestToContext", false);
+      List<PluginInfo> argsInfos = getPluginInfos(InitParams.class.getName());
+      if (argsInfos != null) {
+        Map<String, InitParams> argsMap = new HashMap<>();
+        for (PluginInfo p : argsInfos) {
+          InitParams args = new InitParams(p);
+          argsMap.put( == null ? String.valueOf(args.hashCode()) :, args);
+        }
+        this.initParams = Collections.unmodifiableMap(argsMap);
-      this.initParams = Collections.unmodifiableMap(argsMap);
+      solrRequestParsers = new SolrRequestParsers(this);
+      log.debug("Loaded SolrConfig: {}", name);
+    } finally {
+      ConfigNode.SUBSTITUTES.remove();
+  }
-    solrRequestParsers = new SolrRequestParsers(this);
-    log.debug("Loaded SolrConfig: {}", name);
+  private void readXml(SolrResourceLoader loader, String name, Map<String, IndexSchemaFactory.VersionedConfig> configCache, ResourceProvider rp) throws IOException {
+    XmlConfigFile xml = new XmlConfigFile(loader,rp, name, null, "/config/", null);
+    root = new DataConfigNode(new DOMConfigNode(xml.getDocument().getDocumentElement()));

Review comment:
       *NULL_DEREFERENCE:*  object returned by `getDocument(xml)` could be null and is dereferenced at line 369.
   (at-me [in a reply]( with `help` or `ignore`)

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