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Posted to by on 2011/04/29 17:08:30 UTC

svn commit: r1097832 - in /db/derby/docs/trunk: build.xml lib/map2htmtoc.xsl

Author: chaase3
Date: Fri Apr 29 15:08:30 2011
New Revision: 1097832

DERBY-5205  Documentation: toc.html files need lang attribute

Modified build.xml file, added modified version of map2htmtoc.xsl to lib directory.

Patches: DERBY-5205.diff


Modified: db/derby/docs/trunk/build.xml
--- db/derby/docs/trunk/build.xml (original)
+++ db/derby/docs/trunk/build.xml Fri Apr 29 15:08:30 2011
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ limitations under the License.
     <copy file="${dita.lib.dir}/dita2fo-subroutines.xsl" todir="${dita.dir}/xsl/xslfo"/>
     <copy file="${dita.lib.dir}/index.html" todir="${dita.dir}/resource"/>
     <copy file="${dita.lib.dir}/dita2htmlImpl.xsl" todir="${dita.dir}/xsl/xslhtml" overwrite="true"/>
+    <copy file="${dita.lib.dir}/map2htmtoc.xsl" todir="${dita.dir}/xsl"/>
     <mkdir dir="${dita.temp.dir}"/>
     <copy todir="${dita.output.dir}/images">
       <fileset dir="${dita.src.dir}/images"/>

Added: db/derby/docs/trunk/lib/map2htmtoc.xsl
--- db/derby/docs/trunk/lib/map2htmtoc.xsl (added)
+++ db/derby/docs/trunk/lib/map2htmtoc.xsl Fri Apr 29 15:08:30 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 All Rights Reserved. -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+                xmlns:xsl=""
+                xmlns:saxon=""
+                extension-element-prefixes="saxon"
+                >
+<!-- map2htmltoc.xsl   main stylesheet
+     Convert DITA map to a simple HTML table-of-contents view.
+     Input = one DITA map file
+     Output = one HTML file for viewing/checking by the author.
+     Options:
+        OUTEXT  = XHTML output extension (default is '.html')
+        WORKDIR = The working directory that contains the document being transformed.
+                   Needed as a directory prefix for the @href "document()" function calls.
+                   Default is './'
+<!-- include language-retrieval template -->
+<xsl:import href="common/dita-utilities.xsl"/>
+<!-- Include error message template -->
+<xsl:include href="common/output-message.xsl"/>
+<xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
+<!-- Set the prefix for error message numbers -->
+<xsl:variable name="msgprefix">IDXS</xsl:variable>
+<!-- *************************** Command line parameters *********************** -->
+<xsl:param name="OUTEXT" select="'.html'"/><!-- "htm" and "html" are valid values -->
+<xsl:param name="WORKDIR" select="'./'"/>
+<xsl:param name="DITAEXT" select="'.dita'"/>
+<xsl:param name="FILEREF" select="'file://'"/>
+<xsl:param name="contenttarget" select="'contentwin'"/>
+<!-- Define a newline character -->
+<xsl:variable name="newline"><xsl:text>
+<!-- *********************************************************************************
+     Setup the HTML wrapper for the table of contents
+     ********************************************************************************* -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+  <html>
+    <xsl:call-template name="setTocLanguage"/>
+    <xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+  <head><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+    <xsl:if test="string-length($contenttarget)>0 and
+	        $contenttarget!='NONE'">
+      <base target="{$contenttarget}"/>
+    </xsl:if>
+   <xsl:if test="/*[contains(@class,' map/map ')]/@title">
+    <title><xsl:value-of select="/*[contains(@class,' map/map ')]/@title"></xsl:value-of></title><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+   </xsl:if>
+  </head><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+   <body><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+    <xsl:apply-templates/>
+   </body><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+  </html>
+  <xsl:template name="setTocLanguage">
+    <xsl:variable name="childlang">
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="self::dita">
+          <xsl:for-each select="*[1]"><xsl:call-template name="getLowerCaseLang"/></xsl:for-each>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise><xsl:call-template name="getLowerCaseLang"/></xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+    </xsl:variable>
+    <xsl:attribute name="lang"><xsl:value-of select="$childlang"/></xsl:attribute>
+    <xsl:attribute name="xml:lang"><xsl:value-of select="$childlang"/></xsl:attribute>
+    <xsl:if test="$childlang='ar-eg' or $childlang='ar' or $childlang='he' or $childlang='he-il'">
+      <xsl:attribute name="dir">rtl</xsl:attribute>
+    </xsl:if>
+  </xsl:template>
+<!-- *********************************************************************************
+     If processing only a single map, setup the HTML wrapper and output the contents.
+     Otherwise, just process the contents.
+     ********************************************************************************* -->
+<xsl:template match="/*[contains(@class, ' map/map ')]">
+  <xsl:param name="pathFromMaplist"/>
+  <xsl:if test=".//*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')][not(@toc='no')]">
+    <UL><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')]">
+        <xsl:with-param name="pathFromMaplist" select="$pathFromMaplist"/>
+      </xsl:apply-templates>
+    </UL><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+  </xsl:if>
+<!-- *********************************************************************************
+     Output each topic as an <LI> with an A-link. Each item takes 2 values:
+     - A title. If a navtitle is specified on <topicref>, use that.
+       Otherwise try to open the file and retrieve the title. First look for a navigation title in the topic,
+       followed by the main topic title. Last, try to use <linktext> specified in the map.
+       Failing that, use *** and issue a message.
+     - An HREF is optional. If none is specified, this will generate a wrapper.
+       Include the HREF if specified.
+     - Ignore if TOC=no.
+     If this topicref has any child topicref's that will be part of the navigation,
+     output a <UL> around them and process the contents.
+     ********************************************************************************* -->
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')][not(@toc='no')]">
+  <xsl:param name="pathFromMaplist"/>
+  <LI>
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <!-- If there is a reference to a DITA or HTML file, and it is not external: -->
+        <xsl:when test="@href and not(@href='')">
+          <xsl:element name="a">
+            <xsl:attribute name="href">
+             <xsl:choose>        <!-- What if targeting a nested topic? Need to keep the ID? -->
+              <xsl:when test="contains(@copy-to, $DITAEXT)">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@scope='external')"><xsl:value-of select="$pathFromMaplist"/></xsl:if>
+                <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(@copy-to,$DITAEXT)"/><xsl:value-of select="$OUTEXT"/>
+              </xsl:when>
+              <xsl:when test="contains(@href,$DITAEXT)">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@scope='external')"><xsl:value-of select="$pathFromMaplist"/></xsl:if>
+                <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(@href,$DITAEXT)"/><xsl:value-of select="$OUTEXT"/>
+              </xsl:when>
+              <xsl:otherwise>  <!-- If non-DITA, keep the href as-is -->
+                <xsl:if test="not(@scope='external')"><xsl:value-of select="$pathFromMaplist"/></xsl:if>
+                <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
+              </xsl:otherwise>
+             </xsl:choose>
+            </xsl:attribute>
+           <xsl:call-template name="navtitle"/>
+          </xsl:element>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>
+         <xsl:call-template name="navtitle"/>
+        </xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+       <!-- If there are any children that should be in the TOC, process them -->
+       <xsl:if test="descendant::*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')][not(contains(@toc,'no'))]">
+         <xsl:value-of select="$newline"/><UL><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+           <xsl:apply-templates select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')]">
+             <xsl:with-param name="pathFromMaplist" select="$pathFromMaplist"/>
+           </xsl:apply-templates>
+         </UL><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+       </xsl:if>
+  </LI><xsl:value-of select="$newline"/>
+<!-- If toc=no, but a child has toc=yes, that child should bubble up to the top -->
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')][@toc='no']">
+  <xsl:param name="pathFromMaplist"/>
+  <xsl:apply-templates select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicref ')]">
+    <xsl:with-param name="pathFromMaplist" select="$pathFromMaplist"/>
+  </xsl:apply-templates>
+<xsl:template match="processing-instruction('workdir')" mode="get-work-dir">
+  <xsl:value-of select="."/><xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
+<xsl:template name="navtitle">
+  <xsl:variable name="WORKDIR">
+    <xsl:value-of select="$FILEREF"/>
+    <xsl:apply-templates select="/processing-instruction()" mode="get-work-dir"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <!-- If navtitle is specified, use it (!?but it should only be used when locktitle=yes is specifed?!) -->
+    <xsl:when test="@navtitle"><xsl:value-of select="@navtitle"/></xsl:when>
+    <!-- If this references a DITA file (has @href, not "local" or "external"),
+         try to open the file and get the title -->
+    <xsl:when test="@href and not(@href='') and 
+                    not ((ancestor-or-self::*/@scope)[last()]='external') and
+                    not ((ancestor-or-self::*/@scope)[last()]='peer') and
+                    not ((ancestor-or-self::*/@type)[last()]='external') and
+                    not ((ancestor-or-self::*/@type)[last()]='local')">
+      <!-- Need to worry about targeting a nested topic? Not for now. -->
+      <!--<xsl:variable name="FileWithPath"><xsl:value-of select="$WORKDIR"/><xsl:choose>-->
+      <xsl:variable name="FileWithPath"><xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="@copy-to"><xsl:value-of select="$WORKDIR"/><xsl:value-of select="@copy-to"/></xsl:when>
+        <xsl:when test="contains(@href,'#')"><xsl:value-of select="$WORKDIR"/><xsl:value-of select="substring-before(@href,'#')"/></xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$WORKDIR"/><xsl:value-of select="@href"/></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:variable>
+      <xsl:variable name="TargetFile" select="document($FileWithPath,/)"/>
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="not($TargetFile)">   <!-- DITA file does not exist -->
+          <xsl:choose>
+            <xsl:when test="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]">  <!-- attempt to recover by using linktext -->
+              <xsl:value-of select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]"/>
+            </xsl:when>
+            <xsl:otherwise>
+              <xsl:call-template name="output-message">
+                <xsl:with-param name="msg">File <xsl:value-of select="@href"/> does not exist.</xsl:with-param>
+                <xsl:with-param name="msgnum">004</xsl:with-param>
+                <xsl:with-param name="msgsev">W</xsl:with-param>
+              </xsl:call-template>
+            </xsl:otherwise>
+          </xsl:choose>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <!-- First choice for navtitle: topic/titlealts/navtitle -->
+        <xsl:when test="$TargetFile/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/titlealts ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/navtitle ')]">
+          <xsl:value-of select="$TargetFile/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/titlealts ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/navtitle ')]"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <!-- Second choice for navtitle: topic/title -->
+        <xsl:when test="$TargetFile/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]">
+          <xsl:value-of select="$TargetFile/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <!-- This might be a combo article; modify the same queries: dita/topic/titlealts/navtitle -->
+        <xsl:when test="$TargetFile/dita/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/titlealts ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/navtitle ')]">
+          <xsl:value-of select="$TargetFile/dita/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/titlealts ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/navtitle ')]"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <!-- Second choice: dita/topic/title -->
+        <xsl:when test="$TargetFile/dita/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]">
+          <xsl:value-of select="$TargetFile/dita/*[contains(@class,' topic/topic ')]/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <!-- Last choice: use the linktext specified within the topicref -->
+        <xsl:when test="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]">
+          <xsl:value-of select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>
+          <xsl:call-template name="output-message">
+            <xsl:with-param name="msg">Could not retrieve a title from <xsl:value-of select="$TargetFile"/>. Using '***'.</xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="msgnum">005</xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="msgsev">W</xsl:with-param>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+          <xsl:text>***</xsl:text>
+        </xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <!-- If there is no title and none can be retrieved, check for <linktext> -->
+    <xsl:when test="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]">
+      <xsl:value-of select="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]/*[contains(@class, ' map/linktext ')]"/>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <!-- No local title, and not targeting a DITA file. Could be just a container setting
+         metadata, or a file reference with no title. Issue message for the second case. -->
+    <xsl:otherwise>
+      <xsl:if test="@href and not(@href='')">
+          <xsl:call-template name="output-message">
+            <xsl:with-param name="msg">Could not retrieve a title from <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>. Using the HREF value.</xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="msgnum">005</xsl:with-param>
+            <xsl:with-param name="msgsev">W</xsl:with-param>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
+      </xsl:if>
+    </xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<!-- These are here just to prevent accidental fallthrough -->
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/navref ')]"/>
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/anchor ')]"/>
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/reltable ')]"/>
+<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' map/topicmeta ')]"/>
+<xsl:template match="*">
+  <xsl:apply-templates/>
+<!-- Convert the input value to lowercase & return it -->
+<xsl:template name="convert-to-lower">
+ <xsl:param name="inputval"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate($inputval,
+                                  '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
+                                  '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')"/>
+<!-- Template to get the relative path to a map -->
+<xsl:template name="getRelativePath">
+  <xsl:param name="remainingPath" select="@file"/>
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="contains($remainingPath,'/')">
+      <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($remainingPath,'/')"/><xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
+      <xsl:call-template name="getRelativePath">
+        <xsl:with-param name="remainingPath" select="substring-after($remainingPath,'/')"/>
+      </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <xsl:when test="contains($remainingPath,'\')">
+      <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($remainingPath,'\')"/><xsl:text>/</xsl:text>
+      <xsl:call-template name="getRelativePath">
+        <xsl:with-param name="remainingPath" select="substring-after($remainingPath,'\')"/>
+      </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:when>
+  </xsl:choose>