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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/12/12 01:02:11 UTC

[Xerces Wiki] Update of "XML_Schema_1.1_Assertions" by assertions

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The "XML_Schema_1.1_Assertions" page has been changed by assertions.


  ## page was renamed from assertions
- ''Assertions'' is a new facility in XML Schema 1.1 language. It's officially described here, in the W3C spec, For an explanation of assertions feature and to know number of practical examples, please read the article [2] in "References" section below.
+ This page describes implementation details of [[|XML Schema (XSD)]] 1.1 assertions feature, in [[|Xerces-J]] XML Schema processor.
- This page describes implementation details of XML Schema 1.1 assertions feature, in [[|Xerces-J]] XML Schema processor.
+ ''Assertions'' is a new XML validation facility introduced in XSD 1.1 language. XSD 1.1 assertions allow us to constrain XML elements and attributes in useful ways, which results in a more effective XSD language. XSD Assertions are officially described here, in the W3C spec, For an explanation of assertions feature and to know number of practical examples, please read the article [2] in "References" section below.
+ '''Status of assertions development, in Xerces-J:'''<<BR>>
+ The assertions implementation in Xerces-J is complete, and Xerces team has checked in the code for this, at the SVN repository (
- '''Status of assertions development:''' The assertions implementation in Xerces-J is complete, and Xerces team has checked in the code for this, at the SVN repository (
- The only assertions feature which still needs to be implemented and tested is, the '''id''' attribute on '''xs:assert''' and '''xs:assertion''' instructions. The work for this is underway.<<BR>>
+ The only assertions feature which still needs to be implemented and tested is, the '''id''' attribute on '''xs:assert''' and '''xs:assertion''' instructions. The work for this is underway.
+ We're hoping to have a preview release for the community, of assertions implementation along with other XSD 1.1 facilities by the end of, 2009.
  The user feedback would be helpful at this point. 
+ '''XSD 1.1 assertions grammar notes (as defined in XSD 1.1 spec)'''
- '''Assertions usage in Complex Types (as defined in the XML Schema 1.1 spec)'''
+ ''Assertions usage in Complex Types'':
   ''1. Complex Type Definition Schema Components''
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- '''Assertions usage in Simple Types (as defined in the XML Schema 1.1 spec)'''
+ ''Assertions usage in Simple Types'':
    final = (#all | List of (list | union | restriction | extension)) 
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- '''Design approach'''
+ '''Assertions design approach, within Xerces-J'''
- The Xerces XSModel (an object model representing an XML Schema) is modified to handle assertions, for the XML Schema 1.1 "simple" and "complex" types.
+ The Xerces XSModel (an object model representing an XML Schema) is modified to handle assertions, for the XML Schema 1.1 Simple and Complex types.
- Since 'assertion' is now a new facet for XML Schema simple types, the current facet data structures, and the facet traverser are enhanced to support XML Schema 1.1 assertions.
+ Since "assertion" is now a new facet (a constraining facet) in XSD 1.1, for XML Schema Simple types, the current facet data structures, and the facet traverser (traverser is a mechanism used by Xerces to populate XSModel, from XSD syntax) are enhanced to support XML Schema 1.1 assertions.
- To implement assertions  for complex types, the complex type traverser of Xerces is modified.
+ To implement assertions for Complex types, the Complex type traverser of Xerces is modified.
  '''Assertions XPath 2.0 processing implementation'''
@@ -116, +121 @@

   1. By default, the Xerces-J Schema processor would select the Eclipse/PsychoPath engine for XPath 2.0 processing. Xerces-J has a provision for the user, to select between different XPath 2.0 engines for evaluating assertions. This can be done by setting the Java system property, '''org.apache.xerces.assertProcessor'''. Xerces-J has an out of the box support for PsychoPath XPath 2.0 engine. If the user doesn't set this property, or set it's value to, '''org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLAssertPsychopathImpl''', the PsychoPath processor would be selected for XPath 2.0 processing. 
-  1. If user's wish to use an XPath 2.0 engine other than PsychoPath, for working with Xerces-J assertions, they need to write a custom Java layer similar to org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLAssertPsychopathImpl, and integrate it with the other XPath 2.0 engine, using the XPath 2.0 engine's public APIs. Xerces-J would publish an API, to integrate to any available standard compliant XPath 2.0 engines.
+  1. If user's wish to use an XPath 2.0 engine other than PsychoPath, for working with Xerces-J assertions, they need to write a custom Java layer similar to org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLAssertPsychopathImpl, and integrate it with their own XPath 2.0 engine, using the XPath 2.0 engine's APIs. Xerces-J would publish an API, to integrate to any available standard compliant XPath 2.0 engines.
-  1. Xerces-J flags error messages during assertions processing, as recommended by the XML Schema 1.1 specification. If the user provides a syntactically wrong XPath 2.0 expression, the Schema processing terminates, flagging an error message to the user with key, '''cvc-xpath.'''. If the XPath 2.0 syntax is correct, but any of the assertions evaluate to "false", the Schema processing terminates, and an error message is shown to the user with key, '''cvc-assertion.'''.
+  1. Error codes, and descriptions:
+ Xerces-J flags error messages during assertions processing, as recommended by the XML Schema 1.1 specification. Here's the summary of error codes/messages, used by Xerces during assertion processing:
+  a. '''cvc-assertion.''' -> Xerces uses this error code, with a description like following "test.xml:3:11:cvc-assertion. Assertion evaluation ('x = 'hello world'') for element 'Example' with type '#anonymous' did not succeed.", when any of the assertions evaluate to false.
+  a. '''cvc-assertion.''' -> This error code is used, with a description like following "test.xml:2:15:cvc-assertion. Assertion evaluation ('. = 'hello'') for element 'x' with type '#anonymous' did not succeed (undefined context).", when an attempt is made to access the XPath context (for e.g, with the expression "."), during assertion facet evaluation.
+  a. '''cvc-xpath.''' -> This error code is used, with a description like following "cvc-xpath. Assertion XPath expression, ('. === 'hello'') on the Schema type ('#AnonType_xExample') couldn't compile successfully.", when a syntactically wrong XPath expression, is provided for assertion evaluations. 

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