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[23/48] hadoop git commit: HDFS-8726. Move protobuf files that define the client-sever protocols to hdfs-client. Contributed by Haohui Mai.
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientDatanodeProtocol.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientDatanodeProtocol.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d1f5f..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientDatanodeProtocol.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-// This file contains protocol buffers that are used throughout HDFS -- i.e.
-// by the client, server, and data transfer protocols.
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "ClientDatanodeProtocolProtos";
-option java_generic_services = true;
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "Security.proto";
-import "hdfs.proto";
- * block - block for which visible length is requested
- */
-message GetReplicaVisibleLengthRequestProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto block = 1;
- * length - visible length of the block
- */
-message GetReplicaVisibleLengthResponseProto {
-  required uint64 length = 1;
- * void request
- */
-message RefreshNamenodesRequestProto {
- * void response
- */
-message RefreshNamenodesResponseProto {
- * blockPool - block pool to be deleted
- * force - if false, delete the block pool only if it is empty.
- *         if true, delete the block pool even if it has blocks.
- */
-message DeleteBlockPoolRequestProto {
-  required string blockPool = 1;
-  required bool force = 2;
- * void response
- */
-message DeleteBlockPoolResponseProto {
- * Gets the file information where block and its metadata is stored
- * block - block for which path information is being requested
- * token - block token
- *
- * This message is deprecated in favor of file descriptor passing.
- */
-message GetBlockLocalPathInfoRequestProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto block = 1;
-  required hadoop.common.TokenProto token = 2;
- * block - block for which file path information is being returned
- * localPath - file path where the block data is stored
- * localMetaPath - file path where the block meta data is stored
- *
- * This message is deprecated in favor of file descriptor passing.
- */
-message GetBlockLocalPathInfoResponseProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto block = 1;
-  required string localPath = 2;
-  required string localMetaPath = 3;
- * Query for the disk locations of a number of blocks on this DN.
- * blockPoolId - the pool to query
- * blockIds - list of block IDs to query
- * tokens - list of access tokens corresponding to list of block IDs
- */
-message GetHdfsBlockLocationsRequestProto {
-  // Removed: HDFS-3969
-  // repeated ExtendedBlockProto blocks = 1;
-  repeated hadoop.common.TokenProto tokens = 2;
-  required string blockPoolId = 3;
-  repeated sfixed64 blockIds = 4 [ packed = true ];
- * volumeIds - id of each volume, potentially multiple bytes
- * volumeIndexes - for each block, an index into volumeIds specifying the volume
- *               on which it is located. If block is not present on any volume,
- *               index is set to MAX_INT.
- */
-message GetHdfsBlockLocationsResponseProto {
-  repeated bytes volumeIds = 1;
-  repeated uint32 volumeIndexes = 2 [ packed = true ];
- * forUpgrade - if true, clients are advised to wait for restart and quick
- *              upgrade restart is instrumented. Otherwise, datanode does
- *              the regular shutdown.
- */
-message ShutdownDatanodeRequestProto {
-  required bool forUpgrade = 1;
-message ShutdownDatanodeResponseProto {
- * Ping datanode for liveness and quick info
- */
-message GetDatanodeInfoRequestProto {
-message GetDatanodeInfoResponseProto {
-  required DatanodeLocalInfoProto localInfo = 1;
-/** Asks DataNode to reload configuration file. */
-message StartReconfigurationRequestProto {
-message StartReconfigurationResponseProto {
-message TriggerBlockReportRequestProto {
-  required bool incremental = 1;
-message TriggerBlockReportResponseProto {
-/** Query the running status of reconfiguration process */
-message GetReconfigurationStatusRequestProto {
-message GetReconfigurationStatusConfigChangeProto {
-  required string name = 1;
-  required string oldValue = 2;
-  optional string newValue = 3;
-  optional string errorMessage = 4;  // It is empty if success.
-message GetReconfigurationStatusResponseProto {
-  required int64 startTime = 1;
-  optional int64 endTime = 2;
-  repeated GetReconfigurationStatusConfigChangeProto changes = 3;
-message ListReconfigurablePropertiesRequestProto {
-/** Query the reconfigurable properties on DataNode. */
-message ListReconfigurablePropertiesResponseProto {
-  repeated string name = 1;
- * Protocol used from client to the Datanode.
- * See the request and response for details of rpc call.
- */
-service ClientDatanodeProtocolService {
-  /**
-   * Returns the visible length of the replica
-   */
-  rpc getReplicaVisibleLength(GetReplicaVisibleLengthRequestProto)
-      returns(GetReplicaVisibleLengthResponseProto);
-  /**
-   * Refresh the list of federated namenodes from updated configuration.
-   * Adds new namenodes and stops the deleted namenodes.
-   */
-  rpc refreshNamenodes(RefreshNamenodesRequestProto)
-      returns(RefreshNamenodesResponseProto);
-  /**
-   * Delete the block pool from the datanode.
-   */
-  rpc deleteBlockPool(DeleteBlockPoolRequestProto)
-      returns(DeleteBlockPoolResponseProto);
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the path names of the block file and metadata file stored on the
-   * local file system.
-   */
-  rpc getBlockLocalPathInfo(GetBlockLocalPathInfoRequestProto)
-      returns(GetBlockLocalPathInfoResponseProto);
-  /**
-   * Retrieve additional HDFS-specific metadata about a set of blocks stored
-   * on the local file system.
-   */
-  rpc getHdfsBlockLocations(GetHdfsBlockLocationsRequestProto)
-      returns(GetHdfsBlockLocationsResponseProto);
-  rpc shutdownDatanode(ShutdownDatanodeRequestProto)
-      returns(ShutdownDatanodeResponseProto);
-  rpc getDatanodeInfo(GetDatanodeInfoRequestProto)
-      returns(GetDatanodeInfoResponseProto);
-  rpc getReconfigurationStatus(GetReconfigurationStatusRequestProto)
-      returns(GetReconfigurationStatusResponseProto);
-  rpc startReconfiguration(StartReconfigurationRequestProto)
-      returns(StartReconfigurationResponseProto);
-  rpc listReconfigurableProperties(
-      ListReconfigurablePropertiesRequestProto)
-      returns(ListReconfigurablePropertiesResponseProto);
-  rpc triggerBlockReport(TriggerBlockReportRequestProto)
-      returns(TriggerBlockReportResponseProto);
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientNamenodeProtocol.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientNamenodeProtocol.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index b44c556..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientNamenodeProtocol.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos";
-option java_generic_services = true;
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "Security.proto";
-import "hdfs.proto";
-import "acl.proto";
-import "xattr.proto";
-import "encryption.proto";
-import "inotify.proto";
- * The ClientNamenodeProtocol Service defines the interface between a client 
- * (as runnign inside a MR Task) and the Namenode.
- * See org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol for the javadoc 
- * for each of the methods.
- * The exceptions declared in the above class also apply to this protocol.
- * Exceptions are unwrapped and thrown by the  PB libraries.
- */
-message GetBlockLocationsRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;     // file name
-  required uint64 offset = 2;  // range start offset
-  required uint64 length = 3;  // range length
-message GetBlockLocationsResponseProto {
-  optional LocatedBlocksProto locations = 1;
-message GetServerDefaultsRequestProto { // No parameters
-message GetServerDefaultsResponseProto {
-  required FsServerDefaultsProto serverDefaults = 1;
-enum CreateFlagProto {
-  CREATE = 0x01;    // Create a file
-  OVERWRITE = 0x02; // Truncate/overwrite a file. Same as POSIX O_TRUNC
-  APPEND = 0x04;    // Append to a file
-  LAZY_PERSIST = 0x10; // File with reduced durability guarantees.
-  NEW_BLOCK = 0x20; // Write data to a new block when appending
-message CreateRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required FsPermissionProto masked = 2;
-  required string clientName = 3;
-  required uint32 createFlag = 4;  // bits set using CreateFlag
-  required bool createParent = 5;
-  required uint32 replication = 6; // Short: Only 16 bits used
-  required uint64 blockSize = 7;
-  repeated CryptoProtocolVersionProto cryptoProtocolVersion = 8;
-message CreateResponseProto {
-  optional HdfsFileStatusProto fs = 1;
-message AppendRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-  optional uint32 flag = 3; // bits set using CreateFlag
-message AppendResponseProto {
-  optional LocatedBlockProto block = 1;
-  optional HdfsFileStatusProto stat = 2;
-message SetReplicationRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required uint32 replication = 2; // Short: Only 16 bits used
-message SetReplicationResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message SetStoragePolicyRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string policyName = 2;
-message SetStoragePolicyResponseProto { // void response
-message GetStoragePoliciesRequestProto { // void request
-message GetStoragePoliciesResponseProto {
-  repeated BlockStoragePolicyProto policies = 1;
-message SetPermissionRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required FsPermissionProto permission = 2;
-message SetPermissionResponseProto { // void response
-message SetOwnerRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  optional string username = 2;
-  optional string groupname = 3;
-message SetOwnerResponseProto { // void response
-message AbandonBlockRequestProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto b = 1;
-  required string src = 2;
-  required string holder = 3;
-  optional uint64 fileId = 4 [default = 0];  // default to GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID
-message AbandonBlockResponseProto { // void response
-message AddBlockRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-  optional ExtendedBlockProto previous = 3;
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto excludeNodes = 4;
-  optional uint64 fileId = 5 [default = 0];  // default as a bogus id
-  repeated string favoredNodes = 6; //the set of datanodes to use for the block
-message AddBlockResponseProto {
-  required LocatedBlockProto block = 1;
-message GetAdditionalDatanodeRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required ExtendedBlockProto blk = 2;
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto existings = 3;
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto excludes = 4;
-  required uint32 numAdditionalNodes = 5;
-  required string clientName = 6;
-  repeated string existingStorageUuids = 7;
-  optional uint64 fileId = 8 [default = 0];  // default to GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID
-message GetAdditionalDatanodeResponseProto {
-  required LocatedBlockProto block = 1;
-message CompleteRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-  optional ExtendedBlockProto last = 3;
-  optional uint64 fileId = 4 [default = 0];  // default to GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID
-message CompleteResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message ReportBadBlocksRequestProto {
-  repeated LocatedBlockProto blocks = 1;
-message ReportBadBlocksResponseProto { // void response
-message ConcatRequestProto {
-  required string trg = 1;
-  repeated string srcs = 2;
-message ConcatResponseProto { // void response
-message TruncateRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required uint64 newLength = 2;
-  required string clientName = 3;
-message TruncateResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message RenameRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string dst = 2;
-message RenameResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message Rename2RequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string dst = 2;
-  required bool overwriteDest = 3;
-message Rename2ResponseProto { // void response
-message DeleteRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required bool recursive = 2;
-message DeleteResponseProto {
-    required bool result = 1;
-message MkdirsRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required FsPermissionProto masked = 2;
-  required bool createParent = 3;
-message MkdirsResponseProto {
-    required bool result = 1;
-message GetListingRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required bytes startAfter = 2;
-  required bool needLocation = 3;
-message GetListingResponseProto {
-  optional DirectoryListingProto dirList = 1;
-message GetSnapshottableDirListingRequestProto { // no input parameters
-message GetSnapshottableDirListingResponseProto {
-  optional SnapshottableDirectoryListingProto snapshottableDirList = 1;
-message GetSnapshotDiffReportRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-  required string fromSnapshot = 2;
-  required string toSnapshot = 3;
-message GetSnapshotDiffReportResponseProto {
-  required SnapshotDiffReportProto diffReport = 1;
-message RenewLeaseRequestProto {
-  required string clientName = 1;
-message RenewLeaseResponseProto { //void response
-message RecoverLeaseRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-message RecoverLeaseResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message GetFsStatusRequestProto { // no input paramters
-message GetFsStatsResponseProto {
-  required uint64 capacity = 1;
-  required uint64 used = 2;
-  required uint64 remaining = 3;
-  required uint64 under_replicated = 4;
-  required uint64 corrupt_blocks = 5;
-  required uint64 missing_blocks = 6;
-  optional uint64 missing_repl_one_blocks = 7;
-enum DatanodeReportTypeProto {  // type of the datanode report
-  ALL = 1;
-  LIVE = 2;
-  DEAD = 3;
-message GetDatanodeReportRequestProto {
-  required DatanodeReportTypeProto type = 1;
-message GetDatanodeReportResponseProto {
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto di = 1;
-message GetDatanodeStorageReportRequestProto {
-  required DatanodeReportTypeProto type = 1;
-message DatanodeStorageReportProto {
-  required DatanodeInfoProto datanodeInfo = 1;
-  repeated StorageReportProto storageReports = 2;
-message GetDatanodeStorageReportResponseProto {
-  repeated DatanodeStorageReportProto datanodeStorageReports = 1;
-message GetPreferredBlockSizeRequestProto {
-  required string filename = 1;
-message GetPreferredBlockSizeResponseProto {
-  required uint64 bsize = 1;
-enum SafeModeActionProto {
-message SetSafeModeRequestProto {
-  required SafeModeActionProto action = 1;
-  optional bool checked = 2 [default = false];
-message SetSafeModeResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message SaveNamespaceRequestProto {
-  optional uint64 timeWindow = 1 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 txGap = 2 [default = 0];
-message SaveNamespaceResponseProto { // void response
-  optional bool saved = 1 [default = true];
-message RollEditsRequestProto { // no parameters
-message RollEditsResponseProto { // response
-  required uint64 newSegmentTxId = 1;
-message RestoreFailedStorageRequestProto {
-  required string arg = 1;
-message RestoreFailedStorageResponseProto {
-    required bool result = 1;
-message RefreshNodesRequestProto { // no parameters
-message RefreshNodesResponseProto { // void response
-message FinalizeUpgradeRequestProto { // no parameters
-message FinalizeUpgradeResponseProto { // void response
-enum RollingUpgradeActionProto {
-  QUERY = 1;
-  START = 2;
-  FINALIZE = 3;
-message RollingUpgradeRequestProto {
-  required RollingUpgradeActionProto action = 1;
-message RollingUpgradeInfoProto {
-  required RollingUpgradeStatusProto status = 1;
-  required uint64 startTime = 2;
-  required uint64 finalizeTime = 3;
-  required bool createdRollbackImages = 4;
-message RollingUpgradeResponseProto {
-  optional RollingUpgradeInfoProto rollingUpgradeInfo= 1;
-message ListCorruptFileBlocksRequestProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  optional string cookie = 2;
-message ListCorruptFileBlocksResponseProto {
-  required CorruptFileBlocksProto corrupt = 1;
-message MetaSaveRequestProto {
-  required string filename = 1;
-message MetaSaveResponseProto { // void response
-message GetFileInfoRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message GetFileInfoResponseProto {
-  optional HdfsFileStatusProto fs = 1;
-message IsFileClosedRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message IsFileClosedResponseProto {
-  required bool result = 1;
-message CacheDirectiveInfoProto {
-  optional int64 id = 1;
-  optional string path = 2;
-  optional uint32 replication = 3;
-  optional string pool = 4;
-  optional CacheDirectiveInfoExpirationProto expiration = 5;
-message CacheDirectiveInfoExpirationProto {
-  required int64 millis = 1;
-  required bool isRelative = 2;
-message CacheDirectiveStatsProto {
-  required int64 bytesNeeded = 1;
-  required int64 bytesCached = 2;
-  required int64 filesNeeded = 3;
-  required int64 filesCached = 4;
-  required bool hasExpired = 5;
-enum CacheFlagProto {
-  FORCE = 0x01;    // Ignore pool resource limits
-message AddCacheDirectiveRequestProto {
-  required CacheDirectiveInfoProto info = 1;
-  optional uint32 cacheFlags = 2;  // bits set using CacheFlag
-message AddCacheDirectiveResponseProto {
-  required int64 id = 1;
-message ModifyCacheDirectiveRequestProto {
-  required CacheDirectiveInfoProto info = 1;
-  optional uint32 cacheFlags = 2;  // bits set using CacheFlag
-message ModifyCacheDirectiveResponseProto {
-message RemoveCacheDirectiveRequestProto {
-  required int64 id = 1;
-message RemoveCacheDirectiveResponseProto {
-message ListCacheDirectivesRequestProto {
-  required int64 prevId = 1;
-  required CacheDirectiveInfoProto filter = 2;
-message CacheDirectiveEntryProto {
-  required CacheDirectiveInfoProto info = 1;
-  required CacheDirectiveStatsProto stats = 2;
-message ListCacheDirectivesResponseProto {
-  repeated CacheDirectiveEntryProto elements = 1;
-  required bool hasMore = 2;
-message CachePoolInfoProto {
-  optional string poolName = 1;
-  optional string ownerName = 2;
-  optional string groupName = 3;
-  optional int32 mode = 4;
-  optional int64 limit = 5;
-  optional int64 maxRelativeExpiry = 6;
-message CachePoolStatsProto {
-  required int64 bytesNeeded = 1;
-  required int64 bytesCached = 2;
-  required int64 bytesOverlimit = 3;
-  required int64 filesNeeded = 4;
-  required int64 filesCached = 5;
-message AddCachePoolRequestProto {
-  required CachePoolInfoProto info = 1;
-message AddCachePoolResponseProto { // void response
-message ModifyCachePoolRequestProto {
-  required CachePoolInfoProto info = 1;
-message ModifyCachePoolResponseProto { // void response
-message RemoveCachePoolRequestProto {
-  required string poolName = 1;
-message RemoveCachePoolResponseProto { // void response
-message ListCachePoolsRequestProto {
-  required string prevPoolName = 1;
-message ListCachePoolsResponseProto {
-  repeated CachePoolEntryProto entries = 1;
-  required bool hasMore = 2;
-message CachePoolEntryProto {
-  required CachePoolInfoProto info = 1;
-  required CachePoolStatsProto stats = 2;
-message GetFileLinkInfoRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message GetFileLinkInfoResponseProto {
-  optional HdfsFileStatusProto fs = 1;
-message GetContentSummaryRequestProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-message GetContentSummaryResponseProto {
-  required ContentSummaryProto summary = 1;
-message SetQuotaRequestProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  required uint64 namespaceQuota = 2;
-  required uint64 storagespaceQuota = 3;
-  optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 4;
-message SetQuotaResponseProto { // void response
-message FsyncRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required string client = 2;
-  optional sint64 lastBlockLength = 3 [default = -1];
-  optional uint64 fileId = 4 [default = 0];  // default to GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID
-message FsyncResponseProto { // void response
-message SetTimesRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  required uint64 mtime = 2;
-  required uint64 atime = 3;
-message SetTimesResponseProto { // void response
-message CreateSymlinkRequestProto {
-  required string target = 1;
-  required string link = 2;
-  required FsPermissionProto dirPerm = 3;
-  required bool createParent = 4;
-message CreateSymlinkResponseProto { // void response
-message GetLinkTargetRequestProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-message GetLinkTargetResponseProto {
-  optional string targetPath = 1;
-message UpdateBlockForPipelineRequestProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto block = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-message UpdateBlockForPipelineResponseProto {
-  required LocatedBlockProto block = 1;
-message UpdatePipelineRequestProto {
-  required string clientName = 1;
-  required ExtendedBlockProto oldBlock = 2;
-  required ExtendedBlockProto newBlock = 3;
-  repeated DatanodeIDProto newNodes = 4;
-  repeated string storageIDs = 5;
-message UpdatePipelineResponseProto { // void response
-message SetBalancerBandwidthRequestProto {
-  required int64 bandwidth = 1;
-message SetBalancerBandwidthResponseProto { // void response
-message GetDataEncryptionKeyRequestProto { // no parameters
-message GetDataEncryptionKeyResponseProto {
-  optional DataEncryptionKeyProto dataEncryptionKey = 1;
-message CreateSnapshotRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-  optional string snapshotName = 2;
-message CreateSnapshotResponseProto {
-  required string snapshotPath = 1;
-message RenameSnapshotRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-  required string snapshotOldName = 2;
-  required string snapshotNewName = 3;
-message RenameSnapshotResponseProto { // void response
-message AllowSnapshotRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-message AllowSnapshotResponseProto {
-message DisallowSnapshotRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-message DisallowSnapshotResponseProto {
-message DeleteSnapshotRequestProto {
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-  required string snapshotName = 2;
-message DeleteSnapshotResponseProto { // void response
-message CheckAccessRequestProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  required AclEntryProto.FsActionProto mode = 2;
-message CheckAccessResponseProto { // void response
-message GetCurrentEditLogTxidRequestProto {
-message GetCurrentEditLogTxidResponseProto {
-  required int64 txid = 1;
-message GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto {
-  required int64 txid = 1;
-message GetEditsFromTxidResponseProto {
-  required EventsListProto eventsList = 1;
-service ClientNamenodeProtocol {
-  rpc getBlockLocations(GetBlockLocationsRequestProto)
-      returns(GetBlockLocationsResponseProto);
-  rpc getServerDefaults(GetServerDefaultsRequestProto)
-      returns(GetServerDefaultsResponseProto);
-  rpc create(CreateRequestProto)returns(CreateResponseProto);
-  rpc append(AppendRequestProto) returns(AppendResponseProto);
-  rpc setReplication(SetReplicationRequestProto)
-      returns(SetReplicationResponseProto);
-  rpc setStoragePolicy(SetStoragePolicyRequestProto)
-      returns(SetStoragePolicyResponseProto);
-  rpc getStoragePolicies(GetStoragePoliciesRequestProto)
-      returns(GetStoragePoliciesResponseProto);
-  rpc setPermission(SetPermissionRequestProto)
-      returns(SetPermissionResponseProto);
-  rpc setOwner(SetOwnerRequestProto) returns(SetOwnerResponseProto);
-  rpc abandonBlock(AbandonBlockRequestProto) returns(AbandonBlockResponseProto);
-  rpc addBlock(AddBlockRequestProto) returns(AddBlockResponseProto);
-  rpc getAdditionalDatanode(GetAdditionalDatanodeRequestProto)
-      returns(GetAdditionalDatanodeResponseProto);
-  rpc complete(CompleteRequestProto) returns(CompleteResponseProto);
-  rpc reportBadBlocks(ReportBadBlocksRequestProto)
-      returns(ReportBadBlocksResponseProto);
-  rpc concat(ConcatRequestProto) returns(ConcatResponseProto);
-  rpc truncate(TruncateRequestProto) returns(TruncateResponseProto);
-  rpc rename(RenameRequestProto) returns(RenameResponseProto);
-  rpc rename2(Rename2RequestProto) returns(Rename2ResponseProto);
-  rpc delete(DeleteRequestProto) returns(DeleteResponseProto);
-  rpc mkdirs(MkdirsRequestProto) returns(MkdirsResponseProto);
-  rpc getListing(GetListingRequestProto) returns(GetListingResponseProto);
-  rpc renewLease(RenewLeaseRequestProto) returns(RenewLeaseResponseProto);
-  rpc recoverLease(RecoverLeaseRequestProto)
-      returns(RecoverLeaseResponseProto);
-  rpc getFsStats(GetFsStatusRequestProto) returns(GetFsStatsResponseProto);
-  rpc getDatanodeReport(GetDatanodeReportRequestProto)
-      returns(GetDatanodeReportResponseProto);
-  rpc getDatanodeStorageReport(GetDatanodeStorageReportRequestProto)
-      returns(GetDatanodeStorageReportResponseProto);
-  rpc getPreferredBlockSize(GetPreferredBlockSizeRequestProto)
-      returns(GetPreferredBlockSizeResponseProto);
-  rpc setSafeMode(SetSafeModeRequestProto)
-      returns(SetSafeModeResponseProto);
-  rpc saveNamespace(SaveNamespaceRequestProto)
-      returns(SaveNamespaceResponseProto);
-  rpc rollEdits(RollEditsRequestProto)
-      returns(RollEditsResponseProto);
-  rpc restoreFailedStorage(RestoreFailedStorageRequestProto)
-      returns(RestoreFailedStorageResponseProto);
-  rpc refreshNodes(RefreshNodesRequestProto) returns(RefreshNodesResponseProto);
-  rpc finalizeUpgrade(FinalizeUpgradeRequestProto)
-      returns(FinalizeUpgradeResponseProto);
-  rpc rollingUpgrade(RollingUpgradeRequestProto)
-      returns(RollingUpgradeResponseProto);
-  rpc listCorruptFileBlocks(ListCorruptFileBlocksRequestProto)
-      returns(ListCorruptFileBlocksResponseProto);
-  rpc metaSave(MetaSaveRequestProto) returns(MetaSaveResponseProto);
-  rpc getFileInfo(GetFileInfoRequestProto) returns(GetFileInfoResponseProto);
-  rpc addCacheDirective(AddCacheDirectiveRequestProto)
-      returns (AddCacheDirectiveResponseProto);
-  rpc modifyCacheDirective(ModifyCacheDirectiveRequestProto)
-      returns (ModifyCacheDirectiveResponseProto);
-  rpc removeCacheDirective(RemoveCacheDirectiveRequestProto)
-      returns (RemoveCacheDirectiveResponseProto);
-  rpc listCacheDirectives(ListCacheDirectivesRequestProto)
-      returns (ListCacheDirectivesResponseProto);
-  rpc addCachePool(AddCachePoolRequestProto)
-      returns(AddCachePoolResponseProto);
-  rpc modifyCachePool(ModifyCachePoolRequestProto)
-      returns(ModifyCachePoolResponseProto);
-  rpc removeCachePool(RemoveCachePoolRequestProto)
-      returns(RemoveCachePoolResponseProto);
-  rpc listCachePools(ListCachePoolsRequestProto)
-      returns(ListCachePoolsResponseProto);
-  rpc getFileLinkInfo(GetFileLinkInfoRequestProto)
-      returns(GetFileLinkInfoResponseProto);
-  rpc getContentSummary(GetContentSummaryRequestProto)
-      returns(GetContentSummaryResponseProto);
-  rpc setQuota(SetQuotaRequestProto) returns(SetQuotaResponseProto);
-  rpc fsync(FsyncRequestProto) returns(FsyncResponseProto);
-  rpc setTimes(SetTimesRequestProto) returns(SetTimesResponseProto);
-  rpc createSymlink(CreateSymlinkRequestProto)
-      returns(CreateSymlinkResponseProto);
-  rpc getLinkTarget(GetLinkTargetRequestProto)
-      returns(GetLinkTargetResponseProto);
-  rpc updateBlockForPipeline(UpdateBlockForPipelineRequestProto)
-      returns(UpdateBlockForPipelineResponseProto);
-  rpc updatePipeline(UpdatePipelineRequestProto)
-      returns(UpdatePipelineResponseProto);
-  rpc getDelegationToken(hadoop.common.GetDelegationTokenRequestProto)
-      returns(hadoop.common.GetDelegationTokenResponseProto);
-  rpc renewDelegationToken(hadoop.common.RenewDelegationTokenRequestProto)
-      returns(hadoop.common.RenewDelegationTokenResponseProto);
-  rpc cancelDelegationToken(hadoop.common.CancelDelegationTokenRequestProto)
-      returns(hadoop.common.CancelDelegationTokenResponseProto);
-  rpc setBalancerBandwidth(SetBalancerBandwidthRequestProto)
-      returns(SetBalancerBandwidthResponseProto);
-  rpc getDataEncryptionKey(GetDataEncryptionKeyRequestProto)
-      returns(GetDataEncryptionKeyResponseProto);
-  rpc createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequestProto)
-      returns(CreateSnapshotResponseProto);
-  rpc renameSnapshot(RenameSnapshotRequestProto)
-      returns(RenameSnapshotResponseProto);
-  rpc allowSnapshot(AllowSnapshotRequestProto)
-      returns(AllowSnapshotResponseProto);
-  rpc disallowSnapshot(DisallowSnapshotRequestProto)
-      returns(DisallowSnapshotResponseProto);   
-  rpc getSnapshottableDirListing(GetSnapshottableDirListingRequestProto)
-      returns(GetSnapshottableDirListingResponseProto);
-  rpc deleteSnapshot(DeleteSnapshotRequestProto)
-      returns(DeleteSnapshotResponseProto);
-  rpc getSnapshotDiffReport(GetSnapshotDiffReportRequestProto)
-      returns(GetSnapshotDiffReportResponseProto);
-  rpc isFileClosed(IsFileClosedRequestProto)
-      returns(IsFileClosedResponseProto);
-  rpc modifyAclEntries(ModifyAclEntriesRequestProto)
-      returns(ModifyAclEntriesResponseProto);
-  rpc removeAclEntries(RemoveAclEntriesRequestProto)
-      returns(RemoveAclEntriesResponseProto);
-  rpc removeDefaultAcl(RemoveDefaultAclRequestProto)
-      returns(RemoveDefaultAclResponseProto);
-  rpc removeAcl(RemoveAclRequestProto)
-      returns(RemoveAclResponseProto);
-  rpc setAcl(SetAclRequestProto)
-      returns(SetAclResponseProto);
-  rpc getAclStatus(GetAclStatusRequestProto)
-      returns(GetAclStatusResponseProto);
-  rpc setXAttr(SetXAttrRequestProto)
-      returns(SetXAttrResponseProto);
-  rpc getXAttrs(GetXAttrsRequestProto)
-      returns(GetXAttrsResponseProto);
-  rpc listXAttrs(ListXAttrsRequestProto)
-      returns(ListXAttrsResponseProto);
-  rpc removeXAttr(RemoveXAttrRequestProto)
-      returns(RemoveXAttrResponseProto);
-  rpc checkAccess(CheckAccessRequestProto)
-      returns(CheckAccessResponseProto);
-  rpc createEncryptionZone(CreateEncryptionZoneRequestProto)
-      returns(CreateEncryptionZoneResponseProto);
-  rpc listEncryptionZones(ListEncryptionZonesRequestProto)
-      returns(ListEncryptionZonesResponseProto);
-  rpc getEZForPath(GetEZForPathRequestProto)
-      returns(GetEZForPathResponseProto);
-  rpc getCurrentEditLogTxid(GetCurrentEditLogTxidRequestProto)
-      returns(GetCurrentEditLogTxidResponseProto);
-  rpc getEditsFromTxid(GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto)
-      returns(GetEditsFromTxidResponseProto);
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/acl.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/acl.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cc855..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/acl.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "AclProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "hdfs.proto";
-message AclEntryProto {
-  enum AclEntryScopeProto {
-    ACCESS  = 0x0;
-    DEFAULT = 0x1;
-  }
-  enum AclEntryTypeProto {
-    USER  = 0x0;
-    GROUP = 0x1;
-    MASK  = 0x2;
-    OTHER = 0x3;
-  }
-  enum FsActionProto {
-    NONE          = 0x0;
-    EXECUTE       = 0x1;
-    WRITE         = 0x2;
-    WRITE_EXECUTE = 0x3;
-    READ          = 0x4;
-    READ_EXECUTE  = 0x5;
-    READ_WRITE    = 0x6;
-    PERM_ALL      = 0x7;
-  }
-  required AclEntryTypeProto type    = 1;
-  required AclEntryScopeProto scope  = 2;
-  required FsActionProto permissions = 3;
-  optional string name               = 4;
-message AclStatusProto {
-  required string owner          = 1;
-  required string group          = 2;
-  required bool sticky           = 3;
-  repeated AclEntryProto entries = 4;
-  optional FsPermissionProto permission = 5;
-message AclEditLogProto {
-  required string src            = 1;
-  repeated AclEntryProto entries = 2;
-message ModifyAclEntriesRequestProto {
-  required string src            = 1;
-  repeated AclEntryProto aclSpec = 2;
-message ModifyAclEntriesResponseProto {
-message RemoveAclRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message RemoveAclResponseProto {
-message RemoveAclEntriesRequestProto {
-  required string src            = 1;
-  repeated AclEntryProto aclSpec = 2;
-message RemoveAclEntriesResponseProto {
-message RemoveDefaultAclRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message RemoveDefaultAclResponseProto {
-message SetAclRequestProto {
-  required string src            = 1;
-  repeated AclEntryProto aclSpec = 2;
-message SetAclResponseProto {
-message GetAclStatusRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message GetAclStatusResponseProto {
-  required AclStatusProto result = 1;
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/datatransfer.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/datatransfer.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 5071d15..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/datatransfer.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-// This file contains protocol buffers that are used to transfer data
-// to and from the datanode, as well as between datanodes.
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "DataTransferProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "Security.proto";
-import "hdfs.proto";
-message DataTransferEncryptorMessageProto {
-  enum DataTransferEncryptorStatus {
-    SUCCESS = 0;
-    ERROR = 2;
-  }
-  required DataTransferEncryptorStatus status = 1;
-  optional bytes payload = 2;
-  optional string message = 3;
-  repeated CipherOptionProto cipherOption = 4;
-message BaseHeaderProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto block = 1;
-  optional hadoop.common.TokenProto token = 2;
-  optional DataTransferTraceInfoProto traceInfo = 3;
-message DataTransferTraceInfoProto {
-  required uint64 traceId = 1;
-  required uint64 parentId = 2;
-message ClientOperationHeaderProto {
-  required BaseHeaderProto baseHeader = 1;
-  required string clientName = 2;
-message CachingStrategyProto {
-  optional bool dropBehind = 1;
-  optional int64 readahead = 2;
-message OpReadBlockProto {
-  required ClientOperationHeaderProto header = 1;
-  required uint64 offset = 2;
-  required uint64 len = 3;
-  optional bool sendChecksums = 4 [default = true];
-  optional CachingStrategyProto cachingStrategy = 5;
-message ChecksumProto {
-  required ChecksumTypeProto type = 1;
-  required uint32 bytesPerChecksum = 2;
-message OpWriteBlockProto {
-  required ClientOperationHeaderProto header = 1;
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto targets = 2;
-  optional DatanodeInfoProto source = 3;
-  enum BlockConstructionStage {
-    // pipeline set up for failed PIPELINE_SETUP_APPEND recovery
-    // data streaming
-    // pipeline setup for failed data streaming recovery
-    // close the block and pipeline
-    // Recover a failed PIPELINE_CLOSE
-    // pipeline set up for block creation
-    // transfer RBW for adding datanodes
-    TRANSFER_RBW = 7;
-    // transfer Finalized for adding datanodes
-  }
-  required BlockConstructionStage stage = 4;
-  required uint32 pipelineSize = 5;
-  required uint64 minBytesRcvd = 6;
-  required uint64 maxBytesRcvd = 7;
-  required uint64 latestGenerationStamp = 8;
-  /**
-   * The requested checksum mechanism for this block write.
-   */
-  required ChecksumProto requestedChecksum = 9;
-  optional CachingStrategyProto cachingStrategy = 10;
-  optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 11 [default = DISK];
-  repeated StorageTypeProto targetStorageTypes = 12;
-  /**
-   * Hint to the DataNode that the block can be allocated on transient
-   * storage i.e. memory and written to disk lazily. The DataNode is free
-   * to ignore this hint.
-   */
-  optional bool allowLazyPersist = 13 [default = false];
-  //whether to pin the block, so Balancer won't move it.
-  optional bool pinning = 14 [default = false];
-  repeated bool targetPinnings = 15;
-message OpTransferBlockProto {
-  required ClientOperationHeaderProto header = 1;
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto targets = 2;
-  repeated StorageTypeProto targetStorageTypes = 3;
-message OpReplaceBlockProto {
-  required BaseHeaderProto header = 1;
-  required string delHint = 2;
-  required DatanodeInfoProto source = 3;
-  optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 4 [default = DISK];
-message OpCopyBlockProto {
-  required BaseHeaderProto header = 1;
-message OpBlockChecksumProto { 
-  required BaseHeaderProto header = 1;
- * An ID uniquely identifying a shared memory segment.
- */
-message ShortCircuitShmIdProto { 
-  required int64 hi = 1;
-  required int64 lo = 2;
- * An ID uniquely identifying a slot within a shared memory segment.
- */
-message ShortCircuitShmSlotProto {
-  required ShortCircuitShmIdProto shmId = 1;
-  required int32 slotIdx = 2; 
-message OpRequestShortCircuitAccessProto { 
-  required BaseHeaderProto header = 1;
-  /** In order to get short-circuit access to block data, clients must set this
-   * to the highest version of the block data that they can understand.
-   * Currently 1 is the only version, but more versions may exist in the future
-   * if the on-disk format changes.
-   */
-  required uint32 maxVersion = 2;
-  /**
-   * The shared memory slot to use, if we are using one.
-   */
-  optional ShortCircuitShmSlotProto slotId = 3;
-  /**
-   * True if the client supports verifying that the file descriptor has been
-   * sent successfully.
-   */
-  optional bool supportsReceiptVerification = 4 [default = false];
-message ReleaseShortCircuitAccessRequestProto {
-  required ShortCircuitShmSlotProto slotId = 1;
-  optional DataTransferTraceInfoProto traceInfo = 2;
-message ReleaseShortCircuitAccessResponseProto {
-  required Status status = 1;
-  optional string error = 2;
-message ShortCircuitShmRequestProto { 
-  // The name of the client requesting the shared memory segment.  This is
-  // purely for logging / debugging purposes.
-  required string clientName = 1;
-  optional DataTransferTraceInfoProto traceInfo = 2;
-message ShortCircuitShmResponseProto { 
-  required Status status = 1;
-  optional string error = 2;
-  optional ShortCircuitShmIdProto id = 3;
-message PacketHeaderProto {
-  // All fields must be fixed-length!
-  required sfixed64 offsetInBlock = 1;
-  required sfixed64 seqno = 2;
-  required bool lastPacketInBlock = 3;
-  required sfixed32 dataLen = 4;
-  optional bool syncBlock = 5 [default = false];
-// Status is a 4-bit enum
-enum Status {
-  SUCCESS = 0;
-  ERROR = 1;
-  OOB_RESTART = 8;            // Quick restart
-  OOB_RESERVED1 = 9;          // Reserved
-  OOB_RESERVED2 = 10;         // Reserved
-  OOB_RESERVED3 = 11;         // Reserved
-  IN_PROGRESS = 12;
-enum ShortCircuitFdResponse {
-message PipelineAckProto {
-  required sint64 seqno = 1;
-  repeated Status reply = 2;
-  optional uint64 downstreamAckTimeNanos = 3 [default = 0];
-  repeated uint32 flag = 4 [packed=true];
- * Sent as part of the BlockOpResponseProto
- * for READ_BLOCK and COPY_BLOCK operations.
- */
-message ReadOpChecksumInfoProto {
-  required ChecksumProto checksum = 1;
-  /**
-   * The offset into the block at which the first packet
-   * will start. This is necessary since reads will align
-   * backwards to a checksum chunk boundary.
-   */
-  required uint64 chunkOffset = 2;
-message BlockOpResponseProto {
-  required Status status = 1;
-  optional string firstBadLink = 2;
-  optional OpBlockChecksumResponseProto checksumResponse = 3;
-  optional ReadOpChecksumInfoProto readOpChecksumInfo = 4;
-  /** explanatory text which may be useful to log on the client side */
-  optional string message = 5;
-  /** If the server chooses to agree to the request of a client for
-   * short-circuit access, it will send a response message with the relevant
-   * file descriptors attached.
-   *
-   * In the body of the message, this version number will be set to the
-   * specific version number of the block data that the client is about to
-   * read.
-   */
-  optional uint32 shortCircuitAccessVersion = 6;
- * Message sent from the client to the DN after reading the entire
- * read request.
- */
-message ClientReadStatusProto {
-  required Status status = 1;
-message DNTransferAckProto {
-  required Status status = 1;
-message OpBlockChecksumResponseProto {
-  required uint32 bytesPerCrc = 1;
-  required uint64 crcPerBlock = 2;
-  required bytes md5 = 3;
-  optional ChecksumTypeProto crcType = 4;
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/editlog.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/editlog.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25fe59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/editlog.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
+option java_outer_classname = "EditLogProtos";
+option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
+package hadoop.hdfs;
+import "acl.proto";
+import "xattr.proto";
+message AclEditLogProto {
+  required string src            = 1;
+  repeated AclEntryProto entries = 2;
+message XAttrEditLogProto {
+  optional string src = 1;
+  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 2;
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/encryption.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/encryption.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b2f3a..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/encryption.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-// This file contains protocol buffers that are used throughout HDFS -- i.e.
-// by the client, server, and data transfer protocols.
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "EncryptionZonesProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "hdfs.proto";
-message CreateEncryptionZoneRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  optional string keyName = 2;
-message CreateEncryptionZoneResponseProto {
-message ListEncryptionZonesRequestProto {
-  required int64 id = 1;
-message EncryptionZoneProto {
-  required int64 id = 1;
-  required string path = 2;
-  required CipherSuiteProto suite = 3;
-  required CryptoProtocolVersionProto cryptoProtocolVersion = 4;
-  required string keyName = 5;
-message ListEncryptionZonesResponseProto {
-  repeated EncryptionZoneProto zones = 1;
-  required bool hasMore = 2;
-message GetEZForPathRequestProto {
-    required string src = 1;
-message GetEZForPathResponseProto {
-    optional EncryptionZoneProto zone = 1;
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/hdfs.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/hdfs.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 86fb462..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/hdfs.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-// This file contains protocol buffers that are used throughout HDFS -- i.e.
-// by the client, server, and data transfer protocols.
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "HdfsProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "Security.proto";
- * Extended block idenfies a block
- */
-message ExtendedBlockProto {
-  required string poolId = 1;   // Block pool id - gloablly unique across clusters
-  required uint64 blockId = 2;  // the local id within a pool
-  required uint64 generationStamp = 3;
-  optional uint64 numBytes = 4 [default = 0];  // len does not belong in ebid 
-                                               // here for historical reasons
- * Identifies a Datanode
- */
-message DatanodeIDProto {
-  required string ipAddr = 1;    // IP address
-  required string hostName = 2;  // hostname
-  required string datanodeUuid = 3;     // UUID assigned to the Datanode. For
-                                        // upgraded clusters this is the same
-                                        // as the original StorageID of the
-                                        // Datanode.
-  required uint32 xferPort = 4;  // data streaming port
-  required uint32 infoPort = 5;  // datanode http port
-  required uint32 ipcPort = 6;   // ipc server port
-  optional uint32 infoSecurePort = 7 [default = 0]; // datanode https port
- * Datanode local information
- */
-message DatanodeLocalInfoProto {
-  required string softwareVersion = 1;
-  required string configVersion = 2;
-  required uint64 uptime = 3;
- * DatanodeInfo array
- */
-message DatanodeInfosProto {
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto datanodes = 1;
- * The status of a Datanode
- */
-message DatanodeInfoProto {
-  required DatanodeIDProto id = 1;
-  optional uint64 capacity = 2 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 dfsUsed = 3 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 remaining = 4 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 blockPoolUsed = 5 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 lastUpdate = 6 [default = 0];
-  optional uint32 xceiverCount = 7 [default = 0];
-  optional string location = 8;
-  enum AdminState {
-    NORMAL = 0;
-  }
-  optional AdminState adminState = 10 [default = NORMAL];
-  optional uint64 cacheCapacity = 11 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 cacheUsed = 12 [default = 0];
-  optional uint64 lastUpdateMonotonic = 13 [default = 0];
- * Represents a storage available on the datanode
- */
-message DatanodeStorageProto {
-  enum StorageState {
-    NORMAL = 0;
-  }
-  required string storageUuid = 1;
-  optional StorageState state = 2 [default = NORMAL];
-  optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 3 [default = DISK];
-message StorageReportProto {
-  required string storageUuid = 1 [ deprecated = true ];
-  optional bool failed = 2 [ default = false ];
-  optional uint64 capacity = 3 [ default = 0 ];
-  optional uint64 dfsUsed = 4 [ default = 0 ];
-  optional uint64 remaining = 5 [ default = 0 ];
-  optional uint64 blockPoolUsed = 6 [ default = 0 ];
-  optional DatanodeStorageProto storage = 7; // supersedes StorageUuid
- * Summary of a file or directory
- */
-message ContentSummaryProto {
-  required uint64 length = 1;
-  required uint64 fileCount = 2;
-  required uint64 directoryCount = 3;
-  required uint64 quota = 4;
-  required uint64 spaceConsumed = 5;
-  required uint64 spaceQuota = 6;
-  optional StorageTypeQuotaInfosProto typeQuotaInfos = 7;
- * Storage type quota and usage information of a file or directory
- */
-message StorageTypeQuotaInfosProto {
-  repeated StorageTypeQuotaInfoProto typeQuotaInfo = 1;
-message StorageTypeQuotaInfoProto {
-  required StorageTypeProto type = 1;
-  required uint64 quota = 2;
-  required uint64 consumed = 3;
- * Contains a list of paths corresponding to corrupt files and a cookie
- * used for iterative calls to NameNode.listCorruptFileBlocks.
- *
- */
-message CorruptFileBlocksProto {
- repeated string files = 1;
- required string   cookie = 2;
- * File or Directory permision - same spec as posix
- */
-message FsPermissionProto {
-  required uint32 perm = 1;       // Actually a short - only 16bits used
- * Types of recognized storage media.
- */
-enum StorageTypeProto {
-  DISK = 1;
-  SSD = 2;
-  ARCHIVE = 3;
-  RAM_DISK = 4;
- * A list of storage types. 
- */
-message StorageTypesProto {
-  repeated StorageTypeProto storageTypes = 1;
- * Block replica storage policy.
- */
-message BlockStoragePolicyProto {
-  required uint32 policyId = 1;
-  required string name = 2;
-  // a list of storage types for storing the block replicas when creating a
-  // block.
-  required StorageTypesProto creationPolicy = 3;
-  // A list of storage types for creation fallback storage.
-  optional StorageTypesProto creationFallbackPolicy = 4;
-  optional StorageTypesProto replicationFallbackPolicy = 5;
- * A list of storage IDs. 
- */
-message StorageUuidsProto {
-  repeated string storageUuids = 1;
- * A LocatedBlock gives information about a block and its location.
- */ 
-message LocatedBlockProto {
-  required ExtendedBlockProto b  = 1;
-  required uint64 offset = 2;           // offset of first byte of block in the file
-  repeated DatanodeInfoProto locs = 3;  // Locations ordered by proximity to client ip
-  required bool corrupt = 4;            // true if all replicas of a block are corrupt, else false
-                                        // If block has few corrupt replicas, they are filtered and 
-                                        // their locations are not part of this object
-  required hadoop.common.TokenProto blockToken = 5;
-  repeated bool isCached = 6 [packed=true]; // if a location in locs is cached
-  repeated StorageTypeProto storageTypes = 7;
-  repeated string storageIDs = 8;
-message DataEncryptionKeyProto {
-  required uint32 keyId = 1;
-  required string blockPoolId = 2;
-  required bytes nonce = 3;
-  required bytes encryptionKey = 4;
-  required uint64 expiryDate = 5;
-  optional string encryptionAlgorithm = 6;
- * Cipher suite.
- */
-enum CipherSuiteProto {
-    UNKNOWN = 1;
- * Crypto protocol version used to access encrypted files.
- */
-enum CryptoProtocolVersionProto {
- * Encryption information for a file.
- */
-message FileEncryptionInfoProto {
-  required CipherSuiteProto suite = 1;
-  required CryptoProtocolVersionProto cryptoProtocolVersion = 2;
-  required bytes key = 3;
-  required bytes iv = 4;
-  required string keyName = 5;
-  required string ezKeyVersionName = 6;
- * Encryption information for an individual
- * file within an encryption zone
- */
-message PerFileEncryptionInfoProto {
-  required bytes key = 1;
-  required bytes iv = 2;
-  required string ezKeyVersionName = 3;
- * Encryption information for an encryption
- * zone
- */
-message ZoneEncryptionInfoProto {
-  required CipherSuiteProto suite = 1;
-  required CryptoProtocolVersionProto cryptoProtocolVersion = 2;
-  required string keyName = 3;
- * Cipher option
- */
-message CipherOptionProto {
-  required CipherSuiteProto suite = 1;
-  optional bytes inKey = 2;
-  optional bytes inIv = 3;
-  optional bytes outKey = 4;
-  optional bytes outIv = 5;
- * A set of file blocks and their locations.
- */
-message LocatedBlocksProto {
-  required uint64 fileLength = 1;
-  repeated LocatedBlockProto blocks = 2;
-  required bool underConstruction = 3;
-  optional LocatedBlockProto lastBlock = 4;
-  required bool isLastBlockComplete = 5;
-  optional FileEncryptionInfoProto fileEncryptionInfo = 6;
- * Status of a file, directory or symlink
- * Optionally includes a file's block locations if requested by client on the rpc call.
- */
-message HdfsFileStatusProto {
-  enum FileType {
-    IS_DIR = 1;
-    IS_FILE = 2;
-    IS_SYMLINK = 3;
-  }
-  required FileType fileType = 1;
-  required bytes path = 2;          // local name of inode encoded java UTF8
-  required uint64 length = 3;
-  required FsPermissionProto permission = 4;
-  required string owner = 5;
-  required string group = 6;
-  required uint64 modification_time = 7;
-  required uint64 access_time = 8;
-  // Optional fields for symlink
-  optional bytes symlink = 9;             // if symlink, target encoded java UTF8 
-  // Optional fields for file
-  optional uint32 block_replication = 10 [default = 0]; // only 16bits used
-  optional uint64 blocksize = 11 [default = 0];
-  optional LocatedBlocksProto locations = 12;  // suppled only if asked by client
-  // Optional field for fileId
-  optional uint64 fileId = 13 [default = 0]; // default as an invalid id
-  optional int32 childrenNum = 14 [default = -1];
-  // Optional field for file encryption
-  optional FileEncryptionInfoProto fileEncryptionInfo = 15;
-  optional uint32 storagePolicy = 16 [default = 0]; // block storage policy id
- * Checksum algorithms/types used in HDFS
- * Make sure this enum's integer values match enum values' id properties defined
- * in org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum.Type
- */
-enum ChecksumTypeProto {
-  CHECKSUM_CRC32 = 1;
- * HDFS Server Defaults
- */
-message FsServerDefaultsProto {
-  required uint64 blockSize = 1;
-  required uint32 bytesPerChecksum = 2;
-  required uint32 writePacketSize = 3;
-  required uint32 replication = 4; // Actually a short - only 16 bits used
-  required uint32 fileBufferSize = 5;
-  optional bool encryptDataTransfer = 6 [default = false];
-  optional uint64 trashInterval = 7 [default = 0];
-  optional ChecksumTypeProto checksumType = 8 [default = CHECKSUM_CRC32];
- * Directory listing
- */
-message DirectoryListingProto {
-  repeated HdfsFileStatusProto partialListing = 1;
-  required uint32 remainingEntries  = 2;
- * Status of a snapshottable directory: besides the normal information for 
- * a directory status, also include snapshot quota, number of snapshots, and
- * the full path of the parent directory. 
- */
-message SnapshottableDirectoryStatusProto {
-  required HdfsFileStatusProto dirStatus = 1;
-  // Fields specific for snapshottable directory
-  required uint32 snapshot_quota = 2;
-  required uint32 snapshot_number = 3;
-  required bytes parent_fullpath = 4;
- * Snapshottable directory listing
- */
-message SnapshottableDirectoryListingProto {
-  repeated SnapshottableDirectoryStatusProto snapshottableDirListing = 1;
- * Snapshot diff report entry
- */
-message SnapshotDiffReportEntryProto {
-  required bytes fullpath = 1;
-  required string modificationLabel = 2;
-  optional bytes targetPath = 3;
- * Snapshot diff report
- */
-message SnapshotDiffReportProto {
-  // full path of the directory where snapshots were taken
-  required string snapshotRoot = 1;
-  required string fromSnapshot = 2;
-  required string toSnapshot = 3;
-  repeated SnapshotDiffReportEntryProto diffReportEntries = 4;
- * Common node information shared by all the nodes in the cluster
- */
-message StorageInfoProto {
-  required uint32 layoutVersion = 1; // Layout version of the file system
-  required uint32 namespceID = 2;    // File system namespace ID
-  required string clusterID = 3;     // ID of the cluster
-  required uint64 cTime = 4;         // File system creation time
- * Information sent by a namenode to identify itself to the primary namenode.
- */
-message NamenodeRegistrationProto {
-  required string rpcAddress = 1;    // host:port of the namenode RPC address
-  required string httpAddress = 2;   // host:port of the namenode http server
-  enum NamenodeRoleProto {
-    NAMENODE = 1;
-    BACKUP = 2;
-    CHECKPOINT = 3;
-  }
-  required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 3;  // Node information
-  optional NamenodeRoleProto role = 4 [default = NAMENODE];        // Namenode role
- * Unique signature to identify checkpoint transactions.
- */
-message CheckpointSignatureProto {
-  required string blockPoolId = 1;
-  required uint64 mostRecentCheckpointTxId = 2;
-  required uint64 curSegmentTxId = 3;
-  required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 4;
- * Command sent from one namenode to another namenode.
- */
-message NamenodeCommandProto {
-  enum Type {
-    NamenodeCommand = 0;      // Base command
-    CheckPointCommand = 1;    // Check point command
-  }
-  required uint32 action = 1;
-  required Type type = 2;
-  optional CheckpointCommandProto checkpointCmd = 3;
- * Command returned from primary to checkpointing namenode.
- * This command has checkpoint signature that identifies
- * checkpoint transaction and is needed for further
- * communication related to checkpointing.
- */
-message CheckpointCommandProto {
-  // Unique signature to identify checkpoint transation
-  required CheckpointSignatureProto signature = 1; 
-  // If true, return transfer image to primary upon the completion of checkpoint
-  required bool needToReturnImage = 2;
- * Block information
- *
- * Please be wary of adding additional fields here, since INodeFiles
- * need to fit in PB's default max message size of 64MB.
- * We restrict the max # of blocks per file
- * (dfs.namenode.fs-limits.max-blocks-per-file), but it's better
- * to avoid changing this.
- */
-message BlockProto {
-  required uint64 blockId = 1;
-  required uint64 genStamp = 2;
-  optional uint64 numBytes = 3 [default = 0];
- * Block and datanodes where is it located
- */
-message BlockWithLocationsProto {
-  required BlockProto block = 1;   // Block
-  repeated string datanodeUuids = 2; // Datanodes with replicas of the block
-  repeated string storageUuids = 3;  // Storages with replicas of the block
-  repeated StorageTypeProto storageTypes = 4;
- * List of block with locations
- */
-message BlocksWithLocationsProto {
-  repeated BlockWithLocationsProto blocks = 1;
- * Editlog information with available transactions
- */
-message RemoteEditLogProto {
-  required uint64 startTxId = 1;  // Starting available edit log transaction
-  required uint64 endTxId = 2;    // Ending available edit log transaction
-  optional bool isInProgress = 3 [default = false];
- * Enumeration of editlogs available on a remote namenode
- */
-message RemoteEditLogManifestProto {
-  repeated RemoteEditLogProto logs = 1;
- * Namespace information that describes namespace on a namenode
- */
-message NamespaceInfoProto {
-  required string buildVersion = 1;         // Software revision version (e.g. an svn or git revision)
-  required uint32 unused = 2;               // Retained for backward compatibility
-  required string blockPoolID = 3;          // block pool used by the namespace
-  required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 4;// Node information
-  required string softwareVersion = 5;      // Software version number (e.g. 2.0.0)
-  optional uint64 capabilities = 6 [default = 0]; // feature flags
- * Block access token information
- */
-message BlockKeyProto {
-  required uint32 keyId = 1;      // Key identifier
-  required uint64 expiryDate = 2; // Expiry time in milliseconds
-  optional bytes keyBytes = 3;    // Key secret
- * Current key and set of block keys at the namenode.
- */
-message ExportedBlockKeysProto {
-  required bool isBlockTokenEnabled = 1;
-  required uint64 keyUpdateInterval = 2;
-  required uint64 tokenLifeTime = 3;
-  required BlockKeyProto currentKey = 4;
-  repeated BlockKeyProto allKeys = 5;
- * State of a block replica at a datanode
- */
-enum ReplicaStateProto {
-  FINALIZED = 0;  // State of a replica when it is not modified
-  RBW = 1;        // State of replica that is being written to
-  RWR = 2;        // State of replica that is waiting to be recovered
-  RUR = 3;        // State of replica that is under recovery
-  TEMPORARY = 4;  // State of replica that is created for replication
- * Block that needs to be recovered with at a given location
- */
-message RecoveringBlockProto {
-  required uint64 newGenStamp = 1;        // New genstamp post recovery
-  required LocatedBlockProto block = 2;   // Block to be recovered
-  optional BlockProto truncateBlock = 3;  // New block for recovery (truncate)
- * void request
- */
-message VersionRequestProto {
- * Version response from namenode.
- */
-message VersionResponseProto {
-  required NamespaceInfoProto info = 1;
- * Information related to a snapshot
- * TODO: add more information
- */
-message SnapshotInfoProto {
-  required string snapshotName = 1;
-  required string snapshotRoot = 2;
-  required FsPermissionProto permission = 3;
-  required string owner = 4;
-  required string group = 5;
-  required string createTime = 6;
-  // TODO: do we need access time?
- * Rolling upgrade status
- */
-message RollingUpgradeStatusProto {
-  required string blockPoolId = 1;
-  optional bool finalized = 2 [default = false];
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/inotify.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/inotify.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b78fe6..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/inotify.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
- * Please see
- * for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
- */
-// This file contains protocol buffers used to communicate edits to clients
-// as part of the inotify system.
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "InotifyProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-import "acl.proto";
-import "xattr.proto";
-import "hdfs.proto";
-enum EventType {
-  EVENT_CREATE = 0x0;
-  EVENT_CLOSE = 0x1;
-  EVENT_APPEND = 0x2;
-  EVENT_RENAME = 0x3;
-  EVENT_UNLINK = 0x5;
-message EventProto {
-  required EventType type = 1;
-  required bytes contents = 2;
-message EventBatchProto {
-  required int64 txid = 1;
-  repeated EventProto events = 2;
-enum INodeType {
-  I_TYPE_FILE = 0x0;
-  I_TYPE_SYMLINK = 0x2;
-enum MetadataUpdateType {
-  META_TYPE_ACLS = 0x4;
-message CreateEventProto {
-  required INodeType type = 1;
-  required string path = 2;
-  required int64 ctime = 3;
-  required string ownerName = 4;
-  required string groupName = 5;
-  required FsPermissionProto perms = 6;
-  optional int32 replication = 7;
-  optional string symlinkTarget = 8;
-  optional bool overwrite = 9;
-  optional int64 defaultBlockSize = 10 [default=0];
-message CloseEventProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  required int64 fileSize = 2;
-  required int64 timestamp = 3;
-message AppendEventProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  optional bool newBlock = 2 [default = false];
-message RenameEventProto {
-  required string srcPath = 1;
-  required string destPath = 2;
-  required int64 timestamp = 3;
-message MetadataUpdateEventProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  required MetadataUpdateType type = 2;
-  optional int64 mtime = 3;
-  optional int64 atime = 4;
-  optional int32 replication = 5;
-  optional string ownerName = 6;
-  optional string groupName = 7;
-  optional FsPermissionProto perms = 8;
-  repeated AclEntryProto acls = 9;
-  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 10;
-  optional bool xAttrsRemoved = 11;
-message UnlinkEventProto {
-  required string path = 1;
-  required int64 timestamp = 2;
-message EventsListProto {
-  repeated EventProto events = 1; // deprecated
-  required int64 firstTxid = 2;
-  required int64 lastTxid = 3;
-  required int64 syncTxid = 4;
-  repeated EventBatchProto batch = 5;
diff --git a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/xattr.proto b/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/xattr.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index acdc28e..0000000
--- a/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/xattr.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "XAttrProtos";
-option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
-package hadoop.hdfs;
-message XAttrProto {
-  enum XAttrNamespaceProto {
-    USER      = 0;
-    TRUSTED   = 1;
-    SECURITY  = 2;
-    SYSTEM    = 3;
-    RAW       = 4;
-  }
-  required XAttrNamespaceProto namespace = 1;
-  required string name = 2;
-  optional bytes value = 3;
-message XAttrEditLogProto {
-  optional string src = 1;
-  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 2;
-enum XAttrSetFlagProto {
-  XATTR_CREATE     = 0x01;
-  XATTR_REPLACE    = 0x02;
-message SetXAttrRequestProto {
-  required string src          = 1;
-  optional XAttrProto xAttr    = 2;
-  optional uint32 flag         = 3; //bits set using XAttrSetFlagProto
-message SetXAttrResponseProto {
-message GetXAttrsRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 2;
-message GetXAttrsResponseProto {
-  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 1;
-message ListXAttrsRequestProto {
-  required string src = 1;
-message ListXAttrsResponseProto {
-  repeated XAttrProto xAttrs = 1;
-message RemoveXAttrRequestProto {
-  required string src        = 1;
-  optional XAttrProto xAttr  = 2;
-message RemoveXAttrResponseProto {