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Posted to by on 2017/04/05 19:08:46 UTC

[couchdb] branch 63012-scheduler updated (7c2c27e -> c2d381c)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a change to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

     omits  7c2c27e   Add `_scheduler/{jobs,docs}` API endpoints
     omits  8ab8d1c   Stitch scheduling replicator together.
     omits  a61be8e   Implement replication document processor
     omits  7eacb95   Refactor utils into 3 modules
     omits  583afad   AIMD based rate limiter implementation
     omits  ed3fd49   Share connections between replications
     omits  944c864   Implement multi-db shard change monitoring
     omits  4fc28f5   Cluster ownership module implementation
     omits  dc70e22   Introduce couch_replicator_scheduler
       new  f63267f   Introduce couch_replicator_scheduler
       new  611b524   Cluster ownership module implementation
       new  d85be6b   Implement multi-db shard change monitoring
       new  6908717   Share connections between replications
       new  fdff470   AIMD based rate limiter implementation
       new  ddcd419   Refactor utils into 3 modules
       new  3d286c1   Implement replication document processor
       new  9c22dc3   Stitch scheduling replicator together.
       new  c2d381c   Add `_scheduler/{jobs,docs}` API endpoints

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
branch are not in the new version.  This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O   (7c2c27e)
             N -- N -- N   refs/heads/63012-scheduler (c2d381c)

You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.

Any revisions marked "omits" are not gone; other references still
refer to them.  Any revisions marked "discards" are gone forever.

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
['"" <>'].

[couchdb] 03/09: Implement multi-db shard change monitoring

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit d85be6bf92c7a6aad576b5e4f8485cbeeaa565c0
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 21 02:57:43 2016 -0400

    Implement multi-db shard change monitoring
    Monitor shards which match a suffix for creation, deletion, and doc updates.
    To use implement `couch_multidb_changes` behavior. Call `start_link` with
    DbSuffix, with an option to skip design docs (`skip_ddocs`). Behavior
    callback functions will be called when shards are created, deleted, found and
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_multidb_changes.erl | 819 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 819 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_multidb_changes.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_multidb_changes.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0b7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_multidb_changes.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2]).
+-export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+-export([changes_reader/3, changes_reader_cb/3]).
+-define(CTX, {user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>, <<"_replicator">>]}}).
+-define(AVG_DELAY_MSEC, 100).
+-define(MAX_DELAY_MSEC, 60000).
+-record(state, {
+    tid :: ets:tid(),
+    mod :: atom(),
+    ctx :: term(),
+    suffix :: binary(),
+    event_server :: reference(),
+    scanner :: nil | pid(),
+    pids :: [{binary(),pid()}],
+    skip_ddocs :: boolean()
+% Behavior API
+% For each db shard with a matching suffix, report created,
+% deleted, found (discovered) and change events.
+-callback db_created(DbName :: binary(), Context :: term()) ->
+    Context :: term().
+-callback db_deleted(DbName :: binary(), Context :: term()) ->
+    Context :: term().
+-callback db_found(DbName :: binary(), Context :: term()) ->
+    Context :: term().
+-callback db_change(DbName :: binary(), Change :: term(), Context :: term()) ->
+    Context :: term().
+% External API
+% Opts list can contain:
+%  - `skip_ddocs` : Skip design docs
+-spec start_link(binary(), module(), term(), list()) ->
+    {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}.
+start_link(DbSuffix, Module, Context, Opts) when
+    is_binary(DbSuffix), is_atom(Module), is_list(Opts) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [DbSuffix, Module, Context, Opts], []).
+% gen_server callbacks
+init([DbSuffix, Module, Context, Opts]) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    Server = self(),
+    {ok, #state{
+        tid = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, protected]),
+        mod = Module,
+        ctx = Context,
+        suffix = DbSuffix,
+        event_server = register_with_event_server(Server),
+        scanner = spawn_link(fun() -> scan_all_dbs(Server, DbSuffix) end),
+        pids = [],
+        skip_ddocs = proplists:is_defined(skip_ddocs, Opts)
+    }}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({change, DbName, Change}, _From,
+    #state{skip_ddocs=SkipDDocs, mod=Mod, ctx=Ctx} = State) ->
+    case {SkipDDocs, is_design_doc(Change)} of
+        {true, true} ->
+            {reply, ok, State};
+        {_, _} ->
+            {reply, ok, State#state{ctx=Mod:db_change(DbName, Change, Ctx)}}
+    end;
+handle_call({checkpoint, DbName, EndSeq}, _From, #state{tid=Ets} = State) ->
+    case ets:lookup(Ets, DbName) of
+        [] ->
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, EndSeq, false});
+        [{DbName, _OldSeq, Rescan}] ->
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, EndSeq, Rescan})
+    end,
+    {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast({resume_scan, DbName}, State) ->
+    {noreply, resume_scan(DbName, State)}.
+handle_info({'$couch_event', DbName, Event}, #state{suffix = Suf} = State) ->
+    case Suf =:= couch_db:dbname_suffix(DbName) of
+        true ->
+            {noreply, db_callback(Event, DbName, State)};
+        _ ->
+            {noreply, State}
+    end;
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info}, #state{event_server = Ref} = State) ->
+    {stop, {couch_event_server_died, Info}, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, normal}, #state{scanner = From} = State) ->
+    {noreply, State#state{scanner=nil}};
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{scanner = From} = State) ->
+    {stop, {scanner_died, Reason}, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{pids = Pids} = State) ->
+    couch_log:info("~p change feed exited ~p",[State#state.suffix, From]),
+    case lists:keytake(From, 2, Pids) of
+        {value, {DbName, From}, NewPids} ->
+            if Reason == normal -> ok; true ->
+                Fmt = "~s : Known change feed ~w died :: ~w",
+                couch_log:error(Fmt, [?MODULE, From, Reason])
+            end,
+            NewState = State#state{pids = NewPids},
+            case ets:lookup(State#state.tid, DbName) of
+                [{DbName, _EndSeq, true}] ->
+                    {noreply, resume_scan(DbName, NewState)};
+                _ ->
+                    {noreply, NewState}
+            end;
+        false when Reason == normal ->
+            {noreply, State};
+        false ->
+            Fmt = "~s(~p) : Unknown pid ~w died :: ~w",
+            couch_log:error(Fmt, [?MODULE, State#state.suffix, From, Reason]),
+            {stop, {unexpected_exit, From, Reason}, State}
+    end;
+handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+% Private functions
+-spec register_with_event_server(pid()) -> reference().
+register_with_event_server(Server) ->
+    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, couch_event_server),
+    couch_event:register_all(Server),
+    Ref.
+-spec db_callback(created | deleted | updated, binary(), #state{}) -> #state{}.
+db_callback(created, DbName, #state{mod = Mod, ctx = Ctx} = State) ->
+    State#state{ctx = Mod:db_created(DbName, Ctx)};
+db_callback(deleted, DbName, #state{mod = Mod, ctx = Ctx} = State) ->
+    State#state{ctx = Mod:db_deleted(DbName, Ctx)};
+db_callback(updated, DbName, State) ->
+    resume_scan(DbName, State);
+db_callback(_Other, _DbName, State) ->
+    State.
+-spec resume_scan(binary(), #state{}) -> #state{}.
+resume_scan(DbName, #state{pids=Pids, tid=Ets} = State) ->
+    case {lists:keyfind(DbName, 1, Pids), ets:lookup(Ets, DbName)} of
+        {{DbName, _}, []} ->
+            % Found existing change feed, but not entry in ETS
+            % Flag a need to rescan from begining
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, 0, true}),
+            State;
+        {{DbName, _}, [{DbName, EndSeq, _}]} ->
+            % Found existing change feed and entry in ETS
+            % Flag a need to rescan from last ETS checkpoint
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, EndSeq, true}),
+            State;
+        {false, []} ->
+            % No existing change feed running. No entry in ETS.
+            % This is first time seeing this db shard.
+            % Notify user with a found callback. Insert checkpoint
+            % entry in ETS to start from 0. And start a change feed.
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, 0, false}),
+            Mod = State#state.mod,
+            Ctx = Mod:db_found(DbName, State#state.ctx),
+            Pid = start_changes_reader(DbName, 0),
+            State#state{ctx=Ctx, pids=[{DbName, Pid} | Pids]};
+        {false, [{DbName, EndSeq, _}]} ->
+            % No existing change feed running. Found existing checkpoint.
+            % Start a new change reader from last checkpoint.
+            true = ets:insert(Ets, {DbName, EndSeq, false}),
+            Pid = start_changes_reader(DbName, EndSeq),
+            State#state{pids=[{DbName, Pid} | Pids]}
+     end.
+start_changes_reader(DbName, Since) ->
+    spawn_link(?MODULE, changes_reader, [self(), DbName, Since]).
+changes_reader(Server, DbName, Since) ->
+    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]),
+    ChFun = couch_changes:handle_db_changes(
+        #changes_args{
+            include_docs = true,
+            since = Since,
+            feed = "normal",
+            timeout = infinity
+        }, {json_req, null}, Db),
+    ChFun({fun ?MODULE:changes_reader_cb/3, {Server, DbName}}).
+changes_reader_cb({change, Change, _}, _, {Server, DbName}) ->
+    ok = gen_server:call(Server, {change, DbName, Change}, infinity),
+    {Server, DbName};
+changes_reader_cb({stop, EndSeq}, _, {Server, DbName}) ->
+    ok = gen_server:call(Server, {checkpoint, DbName, EndSeq}, infinity),
+    {Server, DbName};
+changes_reader_cb(_, _, Acc) ->
+    Acc.
+scan_all_dbs(Server, DbSuffix) when is_pid(Server) ->
+    ok = scan_local_db(Server, DbSuffix),
+    {ok, Db} = mem3_util:ensure_exists(
+        config:get("mem3", "shards_db", "_dbs")),
+    ChangesFun = couch_changes:handle_changes(#changes_args{}, nil, Db, nil),
+    ChangesFun(fun({change, {Change}, _}, _) ->
+        DbName = couch_util:get_value(<<"id">>, Change),
+        case DbName of <<"_design/", _/binary>> -> ok; _Else ->
+            case couch_replicator_utils:is_deleted(Change) of
+            true ->
+                ok;
+            false ->
+                [gen_server:cast(Server, {resume_scan, ShardName})
+                    || ShardName <- filter_shards(DbName, DbSuffix)],
+                ok
+            end
+        end;
+        (_, _) -> ok
+    end),
+    couch_db:close(Db).
+filter_shards(DbName, DbSuffix) ->
+    case DbSuffix =:= couch_db:dbname_suffix(DbName) of
+    false ->
+        [];
+    true ->
+        try
+            [ShardName || #shard{name = ShardName} <- mem3:local_shards(DbName)]
+        catch
+            error:database_does_not_exist ->
+                []
+        end
+    end.
+scan_local_db(Server, DbSuffix) when is_pid(Server) ->
+    case couch_db:open_int(DbSuffix, [?CTX, sys_db, nologifmissing]) of
+        {ok, Db} ->
+            gen_server:cast(Server, {resume_scan, DbSuffix}),
+            ok = couch_db:close(Db);
+        _Error ->
+            ok
+    end.
+is_design_doc({Change}) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Change) of
+        false ->
+            false;
+        {_, Id} ->
+            is_design_doc_id(Id)
+    end.
+is_design_doc_id(<<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>) ->
+    true;
+is_design_doc_id(_) ->
+    false.
+-define(MOD, multidb_test_module).
+-define(SUFFIX, <<"suff">>).
+-define(DBNAME, <<"shards/40000000-5fffffff/acct/suff.0123456789">>).
+couch_multidb_changes_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun setup/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        [
+            t_handle_call_change(),
+            t_handle_call_change_filter_design_docs(),
+            t_handle_call_checkpoint_new(),
+            t_handle_call_checkpoint_existing(),
+            t_handle_info_created(),
+            t_handle_info_deleted(),
+            t_handle_info_updated(),
+            t_handle_info_other_event(),
+            t_handle_info_created_other_db(),
+            t_handle_info_scanner_exit_normal(),
+            t_handle_info_scanner_crashed(),
+            t_handle_info_event_server_exited(),
+            t_handle_info_unknown_pid_exited(),
+            t_handle_info_change_feed_exited(),
+            t_handle_info_change_feed_exited_and_need_rescan(),
+            t_spawn_changes_reader(),
+            t_changes_reader_cb_change(),
+            t_changes_reader_cb_stop(),
+            t_changes_reader_cb_other(),
+            t_handle_call_resume_scan_no_chfeed_no_ets_entry(),
+            t_handle_call_resume_scan_chfeed_no_ets_entry(),
+            t_handle_call_resume_scan_chfeed_ets_entry(),
+            t_handle_call_resume_scan_no_chfeed_ets_entry(),
+            t_start_link(),
+            t_start_link_no_ddocs(),
+            t_misc_gen_server_callbacks()
+        ]
+    }.
+setup() ->
+    mock_logs(),
+    mock_callback_mod(),
+    meck:expect(couch_event, register_all, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(config, get, ["mem3", "shards_db", '_'], "_dbs"),
+    meck:expect(mem3_util, ensure_exists, 1, {ok, dbs}),
+    ChangesFun = meck:val(fun(_) -> ok end),
+    meck:expect(couch_changes, handle_changes, 4, ChangesFun),
+    meck:expect(couch_db, open_int,
+        fun(?DBNAME, [?CTX, sys_db]) -> {ok, db};
+            (_, _) -> {not_found, no_db_file}
+        end),
+    meck:expect(couch_db, close, 1, ok),
+    mock_changes_reader(),
+    % create process to stand in for couch_ever_server
+    % mocking erlang:monitor doesn't, so give it real process to monitor
+    EvtPid = spawn_link(fun() -> receive looper -> ok end end),
+    true = register(couch_event_server, EvtPid),
+    EvtPid.
+teardown(EvtPid) ->
+    unlink(EvtPid),
+    exit(EvtPid, kill),
+    meck:unload().
+t_handle_call_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        State = mock_state(),
+        Change = change_row(<<"blah">>),
+        handle_call_ok({change, ?DBNAME, Change}, State),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(?MOD)),
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_change, [?DBNAME, Change, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_call_change_filter_design_docs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        State0 = mock_state(),
+        State = State0#state{skip_ddocs = true},
+        Change = change_row(<<"_design/blah">>),
+        handle_call_ok({change, ?DBNAME, Change}, State),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(?MOD)),
+        ?assertNot(meck:called(?MOD, db_change, [?DBNAME, Change, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_call_checkpoint_new() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        State = mock_state(Tid),
+        handle_call_ok({checkpoint, ?DBNAME, 1}, State),
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 1, false}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        ets:delete(Tid)
+    end).
+t_handle_call_checkpoint_existing() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        State = mock_state(Tid),
+        true = ets:insert(Tid, {?DBNAME, 1, true}),
+        handle_call_ok({checkpoint, ?DBNAME, 2}, State),
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 2, true}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        ets:delete(Tid)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_created() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        State = mock_state(),
+        handle_info_check({'$couch_event', ?DBNAME, created}, State),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(?MOD)),
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_created, [?DBNAME, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_info_deleted() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        State = mock_state(),
+        handle_info_check({'$couch_event', ?DBNAME, deleted}, State),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(?MOD)),
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_deleted, [?DBNAME, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_info_updated() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        State = mock_state(Tid),
+        handle_info_check({'$couch_event', ?DBNAME, updated}, State),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(?MOD)),
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_found, [?DBNAME, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_info_other_event() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        State = mock_state(),
+        handle_info_check({'$couch_event', ?DBNAME, somethingelse}, State)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_created_other_db() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        State = mock_state(),
+        handle_info_check({'$couch_event', <<"otherdb">>, created}, State),
+        ?assertNot(meck:called(?MOD, db_created, [?DBNAME, zig]))
+    end).
+t_handle_info_scanner_exit_normal() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Res = handle_info({'EXIT', spid, normal}, mock_state()),
+        ?assertMatch({noreply, _}, Res),
+        {noreply, RState} = Res,
+        ?assertEqual(nil, RState#state.scanner)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_scanner_crashed() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Res = handle_info({'EXIT', spid, oops}, mock_state()),
+        ?assertMatch({stop, {scanner_died, oops}, _State}, Res)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_event_server_exited() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Res = handle_info({'DOWN', esref, type, espid, reason}, mock_state()),
+        ?assertMatch({stop, {couch_event_server_died, reason},_}, Res)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_unknown_pid_exited() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        State0 = mock_state(),
+        Res0 =  handle_info({'EXIT', somepid, normal}, State0),
+        ?assertMatch({noreply, State0}, Res0),
+        State1 = mock_state(),
+        Res1 = handle_info({'EXIT', somepid, oops}, State1),
+        ?assertMatch({stop, {unexpected_exit, somepid, oops}, State1}, Res1)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_change_feed_exited() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid0 = mock_ets(),
+        State0 = mock_state(Tid0, cpid),
+        Res0 = handle_info({'EXIT', cpid, normal}, State0),
+        ?assertMatch({noreply, _}, Res0),
+        {noreply, RState0} = Res0,
+        ?assertEqual([], RState0#state.pids),
+        ets:delete(Tid0),
+        Tid1 = mock_ets(),
+        State1 = mock_state(Tid1, cpid),
+        Res1 = handle_info({'EXIT', cpid, oops}, State1),
+        ?assertMatch({noreply, _}, Res1),
+        {noreply, RState1} = Res1,
+        ?assertEqual([], RState1#state.pids),
+        ets:delete(Tid1)
+    end).
+t_handle_info_change_feed_exited_and_need_rescan() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        true = ets:insert(Tid, {?DBNAME, 1, true}),
+        State = mock_state(Tid, cpid),
+        Res = handle_info({'EXIT', cpid, normal}, State),
+        ?assertMatch({noreply, _}, Res),
+        {noreply, RState} = Res,
+        % rescan flag should have been reset to false
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 1, false}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        % a mock change feed process should be running
+        [{?DBNAME, Pid}] = RState#state.pids,
+        ?assert(is_pid(Pid)),
+        ChArgs = kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid),
+        ?assertEqual({self(), ?DBNAME}, ChArgs),
+        ets:delete(Tid)
+    end).
+t_spawn_changes_reader() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Pid = start_changes_reader(?DBNAME, 3),
+        ?assert(erlang:is_process_alive(Pid)),
+        ChArgs = kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid),
+        ?assertEqual({self(), ?DBNAME}, ChArgs),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(couch_db)),
+        ?assert(meck:validate(couch_changes)),
+        ?assert(meck:called(couch_db, open_int, [?DBNAME, [?CTX, sys_db]])),
+        ?assert(meck:called(couch_changes, handle_db_changes, [
+            #changes_args{
+                include_docs = true,
+                since = 3,
+                feed = "normal",
+                timeout = infinity
+            }, {json_req, null}, db]))
+    end).
+t_changes_reader_cb_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {ok, Pid} = start_link(?SUFFIX, ?MOD, zig, []),
+        Change = change_row(<<"blah">>),
+        ChArg = {change, Change, ignore},
+        {Pid, ?DBNAME} = changes_reader_cb(ChArg, chtype, {Pid, ?DBNAME}),
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_change, [?DBNAME, Change, zig])),
+        unlink(Pid),
+        exit(Pid, kill)
+    end).
+t_changes_reader_cb_stop() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {ok, Pid} = start_link(?SUFFIX, ?MOD, zig, []),
+        ChArg = {stop, 11},
+        {Pid, ?DBNAME} = changes_reader_cb(ChArg, chtype, {Pid, ?DBNAME}),
+        % We checkpoint on stop, check if checkpointed at correct sequence
+        #state{tid = Tid} = sys:get_state(Pid),
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 11, false}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        unlink(Pid),
+        exit(Pid, kill)
+    end).
+t_changes_reader_cb_other() ->
+    ?_assertEqual(acc, changes_reader_cb(other, chtype, acc)).
+t_handle_call_resume_scan_no_chfeed_no_ets_entry() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        State = mock_state(Tid),
+        RState = resume_scan(?DBNAME, State),
+        % Check if inserted checkpoint entry in ets starting at 0
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 0, false}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        % Check if called db_found callback
+        ?assert(meck:called(?MOD, db_found, [?DBNAME, zig])),
+        % Check if started a change reader
+        [{?DBNAME, Pid}] = RState#state.pids,
+        ChArgs = kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid),
+        ?assertEqual({self(), ?DBNAME}, ChArgs),
+        ?assert(meck:called(couch_changes, handle_db_changes, [
+              #changes_args{
+                  include_docs = true,
+                  since = 0,
+                  feed = "normal",
+                  timeout = infinity
+              }, {json_req, null}, db])),
+        ets:delete(Tid)
+    end).
+t_handle_call_resume_scan_chfeed_no_ets_entry() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        Pid = start_changes_reader(?DBNAME, 0),
+        State = mock_state(Tid, Pid),
+        resume_scan(?DBNAME, State),
+        % Check ets checkpoint is set to 0 and rescan = true
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 0, true}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        ets:delete(Tid),
+        kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid)
+    end).
+t_handle_call_resume_scan_chfeed_ets_entry() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        true = ets:insert(Tid, [{?DBNAME, 2, false}]),
+        Pid = start_changes_reader(?DBNAME, 1),
+        State = mock_state(Tid, Pid),
+        resume_scan(?DBNAME, State),
+        % Check ets checkpoint is set to same endseq but rescan = true
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 2, true}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        ets:delete(Tid),
+        kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid)
+    end).
+t_handle_call_resume_scan_no_chfeed_ets_entry() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Tid = mock_ets(),
+        true = ets:insert(Tid, [{?DBNAME, 1, true}]),
+        State = mock_state(Tid),
+        RState = resume_scan(?DBNAME, State),
+        % Check if reset rescan to false but kept same endseq
+        ?assertEqual([{?DBNAME, 1, false}], ets:tab2list(Tid)),
+        % Check if started a change reader
+        [{?DBNAME, Pid}] = RState#state.pids,
+        ChArgs = kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid),
+        ?assertEqual({self(), ?DBNAME}, ChArgs),
+        ?assert(meck:called(couch_changes, handle_db_changes, [
+            #changes_args{
+                include_docs = true,
+                since = 1,
+                feed = "normal",
+                timeout = infinity
+            }, {json_req, null}, db])),
+        ets:delete(Tid)
+    end).
+t_start_link() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {ok, Pid} = start_link(?SUFFIX, ?MOD, nil, []),
+        ?assert(is_pid(Pid)),
+        ?assertMatch(#state{
+            mod = ?MOD,
+            suffix = ?SUFFIX,
+            ctx = nil,
+            pids = [],
+            skip_ddocs = false
+        },  sys:get_state(Pid)),
+        unlink(Pid),
+        exit(Pid, kill),
+        ?assert(meck:called(couch_event, register_all, [Pid]))
+    end).
+t_start_link_no_ddocs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        {ok, Pid} = start_link(?SUFFIX, ?MOD, nil, [skip_ddocs]),
+        ?assert(is_pid(Pid)),
+        ?assertMatch(#state{
+            mod = ?MOD,
+            suffix = ?SUFFIX,
+            ctx = nil,
+            pids = [],
+            skip_ddocs = true
+        },  sys:get_state(Pid)),
+        unlink(Pid),
+        exit(Pid, kill)
+    end).
+t_misc_gen_server_callbacks() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(ok, terminate(reason, state)),
+        ?assertEqual({ok, state}, code_change(old, state, extra))
+    end).
+scan_dbs_test_() ->
+    foreach,
+    fun() -> test_util:start_couch([mem3, fabric]) end,
+    fun(Ctx) -> test_util:stop_couch(Ctx) end,
+    [
+        t_pass_shard(),
+        t_fail_shard(),
+        t_pass_local(),
+        t_fail_local()
+    ]
+t_pass_shard() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        DbName0 = ?tempdb(),
+        DbSuffix = <<"_replicator">>,
+        DbName = <<DbName0/binary, "/", DbSuffix/binary>>,
+        ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?CTX]),
+        ?assertEqual(8, length(filter_shards(DbName, DbSuffix))),
+        fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?CTX])
+    end).
+t_fail_shard() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        DbName = ?tempdb(),
+        ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?CTX]),
+        ?assertEqual([], filter_shards(DbName, <<"_replicator">>)),
+        fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?CTX])
+    end).
+t_pass_local() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        LocalDb = ?tempdb(),
+        {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(LocalDb, [?CTX]),
+        ok = couch_db:close(Db),
+        scan_local_db(self(), LocalDb),
+        receive
+            {'$gen_cast', Msg} ->
+                ?assertEqual(Msg, {resume_scan, LocalDb})
+        after 0 ->
+                ?assert(false)
+        end
+    end).
+t_fail_local() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        LocalDb = ?tempdb(),
+        {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(LocalDb, [?CTX]),
+        ok = couch_db:close(Db),
+        scan_local_db(self(), <<"some_other_db">>),
+        receive
+            {'$gen_cast', Msg} ->
+                ?assertNotEqual(Msg, {resume_scan, LocalDb})
+        after 0 ->
+                ?assert(true)
+        end
+    end).
+% Test helper functions
+mock_logs() ->
+    meck:expect(couch_log, error, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, notice, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, info, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, debug, 2, ok).
+mock_callback_mod() ->
+    meck:new(?MOD, [non_strict]),
+    meck:expect(?MOD, db_created, fun(_DbName, Ctx) -> Ctx end),
+    meck:expect(?MOD, db_deleted, fun(_DbName, Ctx) -> Ctx end),
+    meck:expect(?MOD, db_found, fun(_DbName, Ctx) -> Ctx end),
+    meck:expect(?MOD, db_change, fun(_DbName, _Change, Ctx) -> Ctx end).
+mock_changes_reader_loop({_CbFun, {Server, DbName}}) ->
+    receive
+        die ->
+            exit({Server, DbName})
+    end.
+kill_mock_change_reader_and_get_its_args(Pid) ->
+    Ref = monitor(process, Pid),
+    unlink(Pid),
+    Pid ! die,
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, Pid, {Server, DbName}} ->
+            {Server, DbName}
+        after 1000 ->
+            erlang:error(spawn_change_reader_timeout)
+    end.
+mock_changes_reader() ->
+    meck:expect(couch_changes, handle_db_changes,
+        fun(_ChArgs, _Req, db) ->
+            fun mock_changes_reader_loop/1
+        end).
+mock_ets() ->
+    ets:new(multidb_test_ets, [set, public]).
+mock_state() ->
+    #state{
+        mod = ?MOD,
+        ctx = zig,
+        suffix = ?SUFFIX,
+        event_server = esref,
+        scanner = spid,
+        pids = []}.
+mock_state(Ets) ->
+    State = mock_state(),
+    State#state{tid = Ets}.
+mock_state(Ets, Pid) ->
+    State = mock_state(Ets),
+    State#state{pids = [{?DBNAME, Pid}]}.
+change_row(Id) when is_binary(Id) ->
+    {[
+        {<<"seq">>, 1},
+        {<<"id">>, Id},
+        {<<"changes">>, [{[{<<"rev">>, <<"1-f00">>}]}]},
+        {doc, {[{<<"_id">>, Id}, {<<"_rev">>, <<"1-f00">>}]}}
+    ]}.
+handle_call_ok(Msg, State) ->
+    ?assertMatch({reply, ok, _}, handle_call(Msg, from, State)).
+handle_info_check(Msg, State) ->
+    ?assertMatch({noreply, _}, handle_info(Msg, State)).

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[couchdb] 06/09: Refactor utils into 3 modules

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vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit ddcd41954258b9a5eaa95c5ecbc6300bf9f85282
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Fri May 13 18:12:52 2016 -0400

    Refactor utils into 3 modules
    Over the years utils accumulated a lot of functionality. Clean up a bit by
    separating it into specific modules according to semantics:
     - couch_replicator_docs : Handle read and writing to replicator dbs.
       It includes updating state fields, parsing options from documents, and
       making sure replication VDU design document is in sync.
     - couch_replicator_filters : Fetch and manipulate replication filters.
     - couch_replicator_ids : Calculate replication IDs. Handles versioning and
       Pretty formatting of IDs. Filtered replications using user filter functions
       incorporate a filter code hash into the calculation, in that case call
       couch_replicator_filters module to fetch the filter from the source.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_docs.erl | 736 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/couch_replicator_filters.erl               | 208 ++++++
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_ids.erl  | 129 ++++
 3 files changed, 1073 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_docs.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bdfe92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([parse_rep_doc/1, parse_rep_doc/2, parse_rep_db/3]).
+-export([parse_rep_doc_without_id/1, parse_rep_doc_without_id/2]).
+-export([before_doc_update/2, after_doc_read/2]).
+-export([ensure_rep_db_exists/0, ensure_rep_ddoc_exists/1]).
+    remove_state_fields/2,
+    update_doc_completed/4,
+    update_failed/4,
+    update_rep_id/1
+-export([update_triggered/2, update_error/2]).
+-define(REP_DB_NAME, <<"_replicator">>).
+-define(REP_DESIGN_DOC, <<"_design/_replicator">>).
+-import(couch_util, [
+    get_value/2,
+    get_value/3,
+    to_binary/1
+-import(couch_replicator_utils, [
+    get_json_value/2,
+    get_json_value/3
+-define(OWNER, <<"owner">>).
+-define(CTX, {user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>, <<"_replicator">>]}}).
+-define(replace(L, K, V), lists:keystore(K, 1, L, {K, V})).
+remove_state_fields(DbName, DocId) ->
+    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
+        {<<"_replication_state">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_state_time">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_start_time">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_id">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_stats">>, undefined}]).
+-spec update_doc_completed(binary(), binary(), [_], erlang:timestamp()) -> any().
+update_doc_completed(DbName, DocId, Stats, StartTime) ->
+    StartTimeBin = couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(StartTime),
+    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
+        {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"completed">>},
+        {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_start_time">>,  StartTimeBin},
+        {<<"_replication_stats">>, {Stats}}]),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, completed_state_updates]).
+-spec update_failed(binary(), binary(), any(), erlang:timestamp()) -> any().
+update_failed(DbName, DocId, Error, StartTime) ->
+    Reason = error_reason(Error),
+    couch_log:error("Error processing replication doc `~s` from `~s`: ~s",
+        [DocId, DbName, Reason]),
+    StartTimeBin = couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(StartTime),
+    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
+        {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"failed">>},
+        {<<"_replication_start_time">>, StartTimeBin},
+        {<<"_replication_stats">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, Reason}]),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, failed_state_updates]).
+-spec update_triggered(#rep{}, rep_id()) -> ok.
+update_triggered(Rep, {Base, Ext}) ->
+    #rep{
+        db_name = DbName,
+        doc_id = DocId,
+        start_time = StartTime
+    } = Rep,
+    StartTimeBin = couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(StartTime),
+    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
+        {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"triggered">>},
+        {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_id">>, iolist_to_binary([Base, Ext])},
+        {<<"_replication_start_time">>, StartTimeBin},
+        {<<"_replication_stats">>, undefined}]),
+    ok.
+-spec update_error(#rep{}, any()) -> ok.
+update_error(#rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId, id = RepId}, Error) ->
+    Reason = error_reason(Error),
+    BinRepId = case RepId of
+        {Base, Ext} ->
+            iolist_to_binary([Base, Ext]);
+        _Other ->
+            null
+    end,
+    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
+        {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"error">>},
+        {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, Reason},
+        {<<"_replication_stats">>, undefined},
+        {<<"_replication_id">>, BinRepId}]),
+    ok.
+-spec ensure_rep_db_exists() -> {ok, #db{}}.
+ensure_rep_db_exists() ->
+    Db = case couch_db:open_int(?REP_DB_NAME, [?CTX, sys_db, nologifmissing]) of
+        {ok, Db0} ->
+            Db0;
+        _Error ->
+            {ok, Db0} = couch_db:create(?REP_DB_NAME, [?CTX, sys_db]),
+            Db0
+    end,
+    ok = ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(?REP_DB_NAME),
+    {ok, Db}.
+-spec ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(binary()) -> ok.
+ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb) ->
+    case mem3:belongs(RepDb, ?REP_DESIGN_DOC) of
+        true ->
+            ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb, ?REP_DESIGN_DOC);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
+-spec ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(binary(), binary()) -> ok.
+ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb, DDocId) ->
+    case open_rep_doc(RepDb, DDocId) of
+        {not_found, no_db_file} ->
+            %% database was deleted.
+            ok;
+        {not_found, _Reason} ->
+            DocProps = replication_design_doc_props(DDocId),
+            DDoc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({DocProps}),
+            couch_log:notice("creating replicator ddoc", []),
+            {ok, _Rev} = save_rep_doc(RepDb, DDoc);
+        {ok, Doc} ->
+            Latest = replication_design_doc_props(DDocId),
+            {Props0} = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []),
+            {value, {_, Rev}, Props} = lists:keytake(<<"_rev">>, 1, Props0),
+            case compare_ejson({Props}, {Latest}) of
+                true ->
+                    ok;
+                false ->
+                    LatestWithRev = [{<<"_rev">>, Rev} | Latest],
+                    DDoc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({LatestWithRev}),
+                    couch_log:notice("updating replicator ddoc", []),
+                    try
+                        {ok, _} = save_rep_doc(RepDb, DDoc)
+                    catch
+                        throw:conflict ->
+                            %% ignore, we'll retry next time
+                            ok
+                    end
+            end
+    end,
+    ok.
+-spec ensure_cluster_rep_ddoc_exists(binary()) -> ok.
+ensure_cluster_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb) ->
+    DDocId = ?REP_DESIGN_DOC,
+    [#shard{name = DbShard} | _] = mem3:shards(RepDb, DDocId),
+    ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbShard, DDocId).
+-spec compare_ejson({[_]}, {[_]}) -> boolean().
+compare_ejson(EJson1, EJson2) ->
+    EjsonSorted1 = couch_replicator_filters:ejsort(EJson1),
+    EjsonSorted2 = couch_replicator_filters:ejsort(EJson2),
+    EjsonSorted1 == EjsonSorted2.
+-spec replication_design_doc_props(binary()) -> [_].
+replication_design_doc_props(DDocId) ->
+    TerminalViewEJson = {[
+                {<<"map">>, ?REP_DB_TERMINAL_STATE_VIEW_MAP_FUN},
+                {<<"reduce">>, <<"_count">>}
+            ]},
+    DocProps = [
+        {<<"_id">>, DDocId},
+        {<<"language">>, <<"javascript">>},
+        {<<"validate_doc_update">>, ?REP_DB_DOC_VALIDATE_FUN},
+        {<<"views">>, {[
+            {<<"terminal_states">>, TerminalViewEJson}
+        ]}}
+   ].
+% Note: parse_rep_doc can handle filtered replications. During parsing of the
+% replication doc it will make possibly remote http requests to the source
+% database. If failure or parsing of filter docs fails, parse_doc throws a
+% {filter_fetch_error, Error} excation. This exception should be considered transient
+% in respect to the contents of the document itself, since it depends on
+% netowrk availability of the source db and other factors.
+-spec parse_rep_doc({[_]}) -> #rep{}.
+parse_rep_doc(RepDoc) ->
+    {ok, Rep} = try
+        parse_rep_doc(RepDoc, rep_user_ctx(RepDoc))
+    catch
+    throw:{error, Reason} ->
+        throw({bad_rep_doc, Reason});
+    throw:{filter_fetch_error, Reason} ->
+        throw({filter_fetch_error, Reason});
+    Tag:Err ->
+        throw({bad_rep_doc, to_binary({Tag, Err})})
+    end,
+    Rep.
+-spec parse_rep_doc_without_id({[_]}) -> #rep{}.
+parse_rep_doc_without_id(RepDoc) ->
+    {ok, Rep} = try
+        parse_rep_doc_without_id(RepDoc, rep_user_ctx(RepDoc))
+    catch
+    throw:{error, Reason} ->
+        throw({bad_rep_doc, Reason});
+    Tag:Err ->
+        throw({bad_rep_doc, to_binary({Tag, Err})})
+    end,
+    Rep.
+-spec parse_rep_doc({[_]}, #user_ctx{}) -> {ok, #rep{}}.
+parse_rep_doc(Doc, UserCtx) ->
+    {ok, Rep} = parse_rep_doc_without_id(Doc, UserCtx),
+    Cancel = get_value(cancel, Rep#rep.options, false),
+    Id = get_value(id, Rep#rep.options, nil),
+    case {Cancel, Id} of
+        {true, nil} ->
+            % Cancel request with no id, must parse id out of body contents
+            {ok, update_rep_id(Rep)};
+        {true, Id} ->
+            % Cancel request with an id specified, so do not parse id from body
+            {ok, Rep};
+        {false, _Id} ->
+            % Not a cancel request, regular replication doc
+            {ok, update_rep_id(Rep)}
+    end.
+-spec parse_rep_doc_without_id({[_]}, #user_ctx{}) -> {ok, #rep{}}.
+parse_rep_doc_without_id({Props}, UserCtx) ->
+    Proxy = get_value(<<"proxy">>, Props, <<>>),
+    Opts = make_options(Props),
+    case get_value(cancel, Opts, false) andalso
+        (get_value(id, Opts, nil) =/= nil) of
+    true ->
+        {ok, #rep{options = Opts, user_ctx = UserCtx}};
+    false ->
+        Source = parse_rep_db(get_value(<<"source">>, Props), Proxy, Opts),
+        Target = parse_rep_db(get_value(<<"target">>, Props), Proxy, Opts),
+        {Type, View} = case couch_replicator_filters:view_type(Props, Opts) of
+        {error, Error} ->
+            throw({bad_request, Error});
+        Result ->
+            Result
+        end,
+        Rep = #rep{
+            source = Source,
+            target = Target,
+            options = Opts,
+            user_ctx = UserCtx,
+            type = Type,
+            view = View,
+            doc_id = get_value(<<"_id">>, Props, null)
+        },
+        % Check if can parse filter code, if not throw exception
+        case couch_replicator_filters:parse(Opts) of
+        {error, FilterError} ->
+            throw({error, FilterError});
+        {ok, _Filter} ->
+             ok
+        end,
+        {ok, Rep}
+    end.
+% Update a #rep{} record with a replication_id. Calculating the id might involve
+% fetching a filter from the source db, and so it could fail intermetently.
+% In case of a failure to fetch the filter this function will throw a
+%  `{filter_fetch_error, Reason} exception.
+update_rep_id(Rep) ->
+    RepId = couch_replicator_ids:replication_id(Rep),
+    Rep#rep{id = RepId}.
+update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs) ->
+    update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, 1).
+update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, Wait) when is_binary(RepDocId) ->
+    try
+        case open_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId) of
+            {ok, LastRepDoc} ->
+                update_rep_doc(RepDbName, LastRepDoc, KVs, Wait * 2);
+            _ ->
+                ok
+        end
+    catch
+        throw:conflict ->
+            Msg = "Conflict when updating replication document `~s`. Retrying.",
+            couch_log:error(Msg, [RepDocId]),
+            ok = timer:sleep(random:uniform(erlang:min(128, Wait)) * 100),
+            update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, Wait * 2)
+    end;
+update_rep_doc(RepDbName, #doc{body = {RepDocBody}} = RepDoc, KVs, _Try) ->
+    NewRepDocBody = lists:foldl(
+        fun({K, undefined}, Body) ->
+                lists:keydelete(K, 1, Body);
+           ({<<"_replication_state">> = K, State} = KV, Body) ->
+                case get_json_value(K, Body) of
+                State ->
+                    Body;
+                _ ->
+                    Body1 = lists:keystore(K, 1, Body, KV),
+                    Timestamp = couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(os:timestamp()),
+                    lists:keystore(
+                        <<"_replication_state_time">>, 1, Body1,
+                        {<<"_replication_state_time">>, Timestamp})
+                end;
+            ({K, _V} = KV, Body) ->
+                lists:keystore(K, 1, Body, KV)
+        end,
+        RepDocBody, KVs),
+    case NewRepDocBody of
+    RepDocBody ->
+        ok;
+    _ ->
+        % Might not succeed - when the replication doc is deleted right
+        % before this update (not an error, ignore).
+        save_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDoc#doc{body = {NewRepDocBody}})
+    end.
+open_rep_doc(DbName, DocId) ->
+    case couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]) of
+        {ok, Db} ->
+            try
+                couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, [ejson_body])
+            after
+                couch_db:close(Db)
+            end;
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
+save_rep_doc(DbName, Doc) ->
+    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]),
+    try
+        couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, [])
+    after
+        couch_db:close(Db)
+    end.
+-spec rep_user_ctx({[_]}) -> #user_ctx{}.
+rep_user_ctx({RepDoc}) ->
+    case get_json_value(<<"user_ctx">>, RepDoc) of
+    undefined ->
+        #user_ctx{};
+    {UserCtx} ->
+        #user_ctx{
+            name = get_json_value(<<"name">>, UserCtx, null),
+            roles = get_json_value(<<"roles">>, UserCtx, [])
+        }
+    end.
+-spec parse_rep_db({[_]} | binary(), binary(), [_]) -> #httpd{} | binary().
+parse_rep_db({Props}, Proxy, Options) ->
+    ProxyParams = parse_proxy_params(Proxy),
+    ProxyURL = case ProxyParams of
+        [] -> undefined;
+        _ -> binary_to_list(Proxy)
+    end,
+    Url = maybe_add_trailing_slash(get_value(<<"url">>, Props)),
+    {AuthProps} = get_value(<<"auth">>, Props, {[]}),
+    {BinHeaders} = get_value(<<"headers">>, Props, {[]}),
+    Headers = lists:ukeysort(1, [{?b2l(K), ?b2l(V)} || {K, V} <- BinHeaders]),
+    DefaultHeaders = (#httpdb{})#httpdb.headers,
+    OAuth = case get_value(<<"oauth">>, AuthProps) of
+    undefined ->
+        nil;
+    {OauthProps} ->
+        #oauth{
+            consumer_key = ?b2l(get_value(<<"consumer_key">>, OauthProps)),
+            token = ?b2l(get_value(<<"token">>, OauthProps)),
+            token_secret = ?b2l(get_value(<<"token_secret">>, OauthProps)),
+            consumer_secret = ?b2l(get_value(<<"consumer_secret">>, OauthProps)),
+            signature_method =
+                case get_value(<<"signature_method">>, OauthProps) of
+                undefined ->        hmac_sha1;
+                <<"PLAINTEXT">> ->  plaintext;
+                <<"HMAC-SHA1">> ->  hmac_sha1;
+                <<"RSA-SHA1">> ->   rsa_sha1
+                end
+        }
+    end,
+    #httpdb{
+        url = Url,
+        oauth = OAuth,
+        headers = lists:ukeymerge(1, Headers, DefaultHeaders),
+        ibrowse_options = lists:keysort(1,
+            [{socket_options, get_value(socket_options, Options)} |
+                ProxyParams ++ ssl_params(Url)]),
+        timeout = get_value(connection_timeout, Options),
+        http_connections = get_value(http_connections, Options),
+        retries = get_value(retries, Options),
+        proxy_url = ProxyURL
+    };
+parse_rep_db(<<"http://", _/binary>> = Url, Proxy, Options) ->
+    parse_rep_db({[{<<"url">>, Url}]}, Proxy, Options);
+parse_rep_db(<<"https://", _/binary>> = Url, Proxy, Options) ->
+    parse_rep_db({[{<<"url">>, Url}]}, Proxy, Options);
+parse_rep_db(<<DbName/binary>>, _Proxy, _Options) ->
+    DbName;
+parse_rep_db(undefined, _Proxy, _Options) ->
+    throw({error, <<"Missing replicator database">>}).
+-spec maybe_add_trailing_slash(binary() | list()) -> list().
+maybe_add_trailing_slash(Url) when is_binary(Url) ->
+    maybe_add_trailing_slash(?b2l(Url));
+maybe_add_trailing_slash(Url) ->
+    case lists:last(Url) of
+    $/ ->
+        Url;
+    _ ->
+        Url ++ "/"
+    end.
+-spec make_options([_]) -> [_].
+make_options(Props) ->
+    Options0 = lists:ukeysort(1, convert_options(Props)),
+    Options = check_options(Options0),
+    DefWorkers = config:get("replicator", "worker_processes", "4"),
+    DefBatchSize = config:get("replicator", "worker_batch_size", "500"),
+    DefConns = config:get("replicator", "http_connections", "20"),
+    DefTimeout = config:get("replicator", "connection_timeout", "30000"),
+    DefRetries = config:get("replicator", "retries_per_request", "10"),
+    UseCheckpoints = config:get("replicator", "use_checkpoints", "true"),
+    DefCheckpointInterval = config:get("replicator", "checkpoint_interval", "30000"),
+    {ok, DefSocketOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(
+        config:get("replicator", "socket_options",
+            "[{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]")),
+    lists:ukeymerge(1, Options, lists:keysort(1, [
+        {connection_timeout, list_to_integer(DefTimeout)},
+        {retries, list_to_integer(DefRetries)},
+        {http_connections, list_to_integer(DefConns)},
+        {socket_options, DefSocketOptions},
+        {worker_batch_size, list_to_integer(DefBatchSize)},
+        {worker_processes, list_to_integer(DefWorkers)},
+        {use_checkpoints, list_to_existing_atom(UseCheckpoints)},
+        {checkpoint_interval, list_to_integer(DefCheckpointInterval)}
+    ])).
+-spec convert_options([_]) -> [_].
+    [];
+convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `cancel` must be a boolean">>});
+convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{cancel, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{IdOpt, V} | R]) when IdOpt =:= <<"_local_id">>;
+        IdOpt =:= <<"replication_id">>; IdOpt =:= <<"id">> ->
+    [{id, couch_replicator_ids:convert(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `create_target` must be a boolean">>});
+convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{create_target, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `continuous` must be a boolean">>});
+convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{continuous, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"filter">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{filter, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"query_params">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{query_params, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, null} | R]) ->
+    convert_options(R);
+convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, V} | _R]) when not is_list(V) ->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `doc_ids` must be an array">>});
+convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, V} | R]) ->
+    % Ensure same behaviour as old replicator: accept a list of percent
+    % encoded doc IDs.
+    DocIds = lists:usort([?l2b(couch_httpd:unquote(Id)) || Id <- V]),
+    [{doc_ids, DocIds} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"selector">>, V} | _R]) when not is_tuple(V) ->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `selector` must be a JSON object">>});
+convert_options([{<<"selector">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{selector, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"worker_processes">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{worker_processes, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"worker_batch_size">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{worker_batch_size, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"http_connections">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{http_connections, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"connection_timeout">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{connection_timeout, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"retries_per_request">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{retries, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"socket_options">>, V} | R]) ->
+    {ok, SocketOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(V),
+    [{socket_options, SocketOptions} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"since_seq">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{since_seq, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"use_checkpoints">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{use_checkpoints, V} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([{<<"checkpoint_interval">>, V} | R]) ->
+    [{checkpoint_interval, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
+convert_options([_ | R]) -> % skip unknown option
+    convert_options(R).
+-spec check_options([_]) -> [_].
+check_options(Options) ->
+    DocIds = lists:keyfind(doc_ids, 1, Options),
+    Filter = lists:keyfind(filter, 1, Options),
+    Selector = lists:keyfind(selector, 1, Options),
+    case {DocIds, Filter, Selector} of
+        {false, false, false} -> Options;
+        {false, false, _} -> Options;
+        {false, _, false} -> Options;
+        {_, false, false} -> Options;
+        _ ->
+            throw({bad_request, "`doc_ids`, `filter`, `selector` are mutually exclusive options"})
+    end.
+-spec parse_proxy_params(binary() | [_]) -> [_].
+parse_proxy_params(ProxyUrl) when is_binary(ProxyUrl) ->
+    parse_proxy_params(?b2l(ProxyUrl));
+parse_proxy_params([]) ->
+    [];
+parse_proxy_params(ProxyUrl) ->
+    #url{
+        host = Host,
+        port = Port,
+        username = User,
+        password = Passwd,
+        protocol = Protocol
+    } = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(ProxyUrl),
+    [{proxy_protocol, Protocol}, {proxy_host, Host}, {proxy_port, Port}] ++
+        case is_list(User) andalso is_list(Passwd) of
+        false ->
+            [];
+        true ->
+            [{proxy_user, User}, {proxy_password, Passwd}]
+        end.
+-spec ssl_params([_]) -> [_].
+ssl_params(Url) ->
+    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
+    #url{protocol = https} ->
+        Depth = list_to_integer(
+            config:get("replicator", "ssl_certificate_max_depth", "3")
+        ),
+        VerifyCerts = config:get("replicator", "verify_ssl_certificates"),
+        CertFile = config:get("replicator", "cert_file", undefined),
+        KeyFile = config:get("replicator", "key_file", undefined),
+        Password = config:get("replicator", "password", undefined),
+        SslOpts = [{depth, Depth} | ssl_verify_options(VerifyCerts =:= "true")],
+        SslOpts1 = case CertFile /= undefined andalso KeyFile /= undefined of
+            true ->
+                case Password of
+                    undefined ->
+                        [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile}] ++ SslOpts;
+                    _ ->
+                        [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile},
+                            {password, Password}] ++ SslOpts
+                end;
+            false -> SslOpts
+        end,
+        [{is_ssl, true}, {ssl_options, SslOpts1}];
+    #url{protocol = http} ->
+        []
+    end.
+-spec ssl_verify_options(true | false) -> [_].
+ssl_verify_options(true) ->
+    CAFile = config:get("replicator", "ssl_trusted_certificates_file"),
+    [{verify, verify_peer}, {cacertfile, CAFile}];
+ssl_verify_options(false) ->
+    [{verify, verify_none}].
+-spec before_doc_update(#doc{}, #db{}) -> #doc{}.
+before_doc_update(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, _Db) ->
+    Doc;
+before_doc_update(#doc{body = {Body}} = Doc, #db{user_ctx=UserCtx} = Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{roles = Roles, name = Name} = UserCtx,
+    case lists:member(<<"_replicator">>, Roles) of
+    true ->
+        Doc;
+    false ->
+        case couch_util:get_value(?OWNER, Body) of
+        undefined ->
+            Doc#doc{body = {?replace(Body, ?OWNER, Name)}};
+        Name ->
+            Doc;
+        Other ->
+            case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+            ok when Other =:= null ->
+                Doc#doc{body = {?replace(Body, ?OWNER, Name)}};
+            ok ->
+                Doc;
+            _ ->
+                throw({forbidden, <<"Can't update replication documents",
+                    " from other users.">>})
+            end
+        end
+    end.
+-spec after_doc_read(#doc{}, #db{}) -> #doc{}.
+after_doc_read(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, _Db) ->
+    Doc;
+after_doc_read(#doc{body = {Body}} = Doc, #db{user_ctx=UserCtx} = Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{name = Name} = UserCtx,
+    case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+    ok ->
+        Doc;
+    _ ->
+        case couch_util:get_value(?OWNER, Body) of
+        Name ->
+            Doc;
+        _Other ->
+            Source = strip_credentials(couch_util:get_value(<<"source">>,
+            Target = strip_credentials(couch_util:get_value(<<"target">>,
+            NewBody0 = ?replace(Body, <<"source">>, Source),
+            NewBody = ?replace(NewBody0, <<"target">>, Target),
+            #doc{revs = {Pos, [_ | Revs]}} = Doc,
+            NewDoc = Doc#doc{body = {NewBody}, revs = {Pos - 1, Revs}},
+            NewRevId = couch_db:new_revid(NewDoc),
+            NewDoc#doc{revs = {Pos, [NewRevId | Revs]}}
+        end
+    end.
+-spec strip_credentials(undefined) -> undefined;
+    (binary()) -> binary();
+    ({[_]}) -> {[_]}.
+strip_credentials(undefined) ->
+    undefined;
+strip_credentials(Url) when is_binary(Url) ->
+    re:replace(Url,
+        "http(s)?://(?:[^:]+):[^@]+@(.*)$",
+        "http\\1://\\2",
+        [{return, binary}]);
+strip_credentials({Props}) ->
+    {lists:keydelete(<<"oauth">>, 1, Props)}.
+error_reason({shutdown, Error}) ->
+    error_reason(Error);
+error_reason({bad_rep_doc, Reason}) ->
+    to_binary(Reason);
+error_reason({error, {Error, Reason}})
+  when is_atom(Error), is_binary(Reason) ->
+    to_binary(io_lib:format("~s: ~s", [Error, Reason]));
+error_reason({error, Reason}) ->
+    to_binary(Reason);
+error_reason(Reason) ->
+    to_binary(Reason).
+check_options_pass_values_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual(check_options([]), []),
+    ?assertEqual(check_options([baz, {other,fiz}]), [baz, {other, fiz}]),
+    ?assertEqual(check_options([{doc_ids, x}]), [{doc_ids, x}]),
+    ?assertEqual(check_options([{filter, x}]), [{filter, x}]),
+    ?assertEqual(check_options([{selector, x}]), [{selector, x}]).
+check_options_fail_values_test() ->
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {filter, y}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {selector, y}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        check_options([{filter, x}, {selector, y}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {selector, y}, {filter, z}])).
+check_convert_options_pass_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual([], convert_options([])),
+    ?assertEqual([], convert_options([{<<"random">>, 42}])),
+    ?assertEqual([{cancel, true}],
+        convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, true}])),
+    ?assertEqual([{create_target, true}],
+        convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, true}])),
+    ?assertEqual([{continuous, true}],
+        convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, true}])),
+    ?assertEqual([{doc_ids, [<<"id">>]}],
+        convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, [<<"id">>]}])),
+    ?assertEqual([{selector, {key, value}}],
+        convert_options([{<<"selector">>, {key, value}}])).
+check_convert_options_fail_test() ->
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, <<"true">>}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, <<"true">>}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, <<"true">>}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, not_a_list}])),
+    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
+        convert_options([{<<"selector">>, [{key, value}]}])).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_filters.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_filters.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346b448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_filters.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([parse/1, fetch/4, view_type/2]).
+-import(couch_util, [
+    get_value/2,
+    get_value/3
+% Parse the filter from replication options proplist.
+% Return {ok, {FilterType,...}} | {error, ParseError}.
+% For `user` filter, i.e. filters specified as user code
+% in source database, this code doesn't fetch the filter
+% code, but only returns the name of the filter.
+-spec parse([_]) ->
+  {ok, nil} |
+  {ok, {view, binary(), {[_]}}} |
+  {ok, {user, {binary(), binary()}, {[_]}}} |
+  {ok, {docids, [_]}} |
+  {ok, {mango, {[_]}}} |
+  {error, binary()}.
+parse(Options) ->
+    Filter = get_value(filter, Options),
+    DocIds = get_value(doc_ids, Options),
+    Selector = get_value(selector, Options),
+    case {Filter, DocIds, Selector} of
+        {undefined, undefined, undefined} ->
+            {ok, nil};
+        {<<"_", _/binary>>, undefined, undefined} ->
+            {ok, {view, Filter, query_params(Options)}};
+        {_, undefined, undefined} ->
+            case parse_user_filter(Filter) of
+                {ok, {Doc, FilterName}} ->
+                    {ok, {user, {Doc, FilterName}, query_params(Options)}};
+                {error, Error} ->
+                    {error, Error}
+            end;
+        {undefined, _, undefined} ->
+            {ok, {docids, DocIds}};
+        {undefined, undefined, _} ->
+            {ok, {mango, ejsort(mango_selector:normalize(Selector))}};
+        _ ->
+            Err = "`selector`, `filter` and `doc_ids` are mutually exclusive",
+            {error, list_to_binary(Err)}
+    end.
+% Fetches body of filter function from source database. Guaranteed to either
+% return {ok, Body} or an {error, Reason}. Also assume this function might
+% block due to network / socket issues for an undeterminted amount of time.
+-spec fetch(binary(), binary(), binary(), #user_ctx{}) ->
+    {ok, {[_]}} | {error, binary()}.
+fetch(DDocName, FilterName, Source, UserCtx) ->
+    {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+        try fetch_internal(DDocName, FilterName, Source, UserCtx) of
+            Resp ->
+                exit({exit_ok, Resp})
+        catch
+            throw:{fetch_error, Reason} ->
+                exit({exit_fetch_error, Reason});
+            _OtherTag:Reason ->
+                exit({exit_other_error, Reason})
+        end
+    end),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {exit_ok, Resp}} ->
+            {ok, Resp};
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {exit_fetch_error, Reason}} ->
+            {error, Reason};
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {exit_other_error, Reason}} ->
+            {error, couch_util:to_binary(Reason)}
+    end.
+% Get replication type and view (if any) from replication document props
+-spec view_type([_], [_]) ->
+    {view, {binary(), binary()}} | {db, nil} | {error, binary()}.
+view_type(Props, Options) ->
+    case get_value(<<"filter">>, Props) of
+        <<"_view">> ->
+            {QP}  = get_value(query_params, Options, {[]}),
+            ViewParam = get_value(<<"view">>, QP),
+            case re:split(ViewParam, <<"/">>) of
+                [DName, ViewName] ->
+                    {view, {<< "_design/", DName/binary >>, ViewName}};
+                _ ->
+                    {error, <<"Invalid `view` parameter.">>}
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            {db, nil}
+    end.
+% Private functions
+fetch_internal(DDocName, FilterName, Source, UserCtx) ->
+    Db = case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Source, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}])) of
+    {ok, Db0} ->
+        Db0;
+    DbError ->
+        DbErrorMsg = io_lib:format("Could not open source database `~s`: ~s",
+           [couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source), couch_util:to_binary(DbError)]),
+        throw({fetch_error, iolist_to_binary(DbErrorMsg)})
+    end,
+    try
+        Body = case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(
+            Db, <<"_design/", DDocName/binary>>, [ejson_body])) of
+        {ok, #doc{body = Body0}} ->
+            Body0;
+        DocError ->
+            DocErrorMsg = io_lib:format(
+                "Couldn't open document `_design/~s` from source "
+                "database `~s`: ~s", [DDocName, couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source),
+                    couch_util:to_binary(DocError)]),
+            throw({fetch_error, iolist_to_binary(DocErrorMsg)})
+        end,
+        try
+            Code = couch_util:get_nested_json_value(
+                     Body, [<<"filters">>, FilterName]),
+            re:replace(Code, [$^, "\s*(.*?)\s*", $$], "\\1", [{return, binary}])
+         catch
+             _Tag:CodeError ->
+                 CodeErrorMsg = io_lib:format(
+                     "Couldn't parse filter code from document ~s on `~s` "
+                     " Error: ~s", [DDocName, couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source),
+                         couch_util:to_binary(CodeError)]),
+                 throw({fetch_error, CodeErrorMsg})
+         end
+    after
+        couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(Db)
+    end.
+-spec query_params([_]) -> {[_]}.
+    get_value(query_params, Options, {[]}).
+parse_user_filter(Filter) ->
+    case re:run(Filter, "(.*?)/(.*)", [{capture, [1, 2], binary}]) of
+        {match, [DDocName0, FilterName0]} ->
+            {ok, {DDocName0, FilterName0}};
+        _ ->
+            {error, <<"Invalid filter. Must match `ddocname/filtername`.">>}
+    end.
+% Sort an EJSON object's properties to attempt
+% to generate a unique representation. This is used
+% to reduce the chance of getting different
+% replication checkpoints for the same Mango selector
+    ejsort_props(V, []);
+ejsort(V) when is_list(V) ->
+    ejsort_array(V, []);
+ejsort(V) ->
+    V.
+ejsort_props([], Acc)->
+    {lists:keysort(1, Acc)};
+ejsort_props([{K, V}| R], Acc) ->
+    ejsort_props(R, [{K, ejsort(V)} | Acc]).
+ejsort_array([], Acc)->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+ejsort_array([V | R], Acc) ->
+    ejsort_array(R, [ejsort(V) | Acc]).
+ejsort_basic_values_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort(0), 0),
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort(<<"a">>), <<"a">>),
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort(true), true),
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort([]), []),
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort({[]}), {[]}).
+ejsort_compound_values_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort([2, 1, 3 ,<<"a">>]), [2, 1, 3, <<"a">>]),
+    Ej1 = {[{<<"a">>, 0}, {<<"c">>, 0},  {<<"b">>, 0}]},
+    Ej1s =  {[{<<"a">>, 0}, {<<"b">>, 0}, {<<"c">>, 0}]},
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort(Ej1), Ej1s),
+    Ej2 = {[{<<"x">>, Ej1}, {<<"z">>, Ej1}, {<<"y">>, [Ej1, Ej1]}]},
+    ?assertEqual(ejsort(Ej2),
+        {[{<<"x">>, Ej1s}, {<<"y">>, [Ej1s, Ej1s]}, {<<"z">>, Ej1s}]}).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_ids.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_ids.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565ed9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_ids.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([replication_id/1, replication_id/2, convert/1]).
+-import(couch_util, [
+    get_value/2,
+    get_value/3
+% replication_id/1 and replication_id/2 will attempt to fetch
+% filter code for filtered replications. If fetching or parsing
+% of the remotely fetched filter code fails they throw:
+%  {filter_fetch_error, Error} exception.
+replication_id(#rep{options = Options} = Rep) ->
+    BaseId = replication_id(Rep, ?REP_ID_VERSION),
+    {BaseId, maybe_append_options([continuous, create_target], Options)}.
+% Versioned clauses for generating replication IDs.
+% If a change is made to how replications are identified,
+% please add a new clause and increase ?REP_ID_VERSION.
+replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 3) ->
+    UUID = couch_server:get_uuid(),
+    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
+    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
+    maybe_append_filters([UUID, Src, Tgt], Rep);
+replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 2) ->
+    {ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
+    Port = case (catch mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)) of
+    P when is_number(P) ->
+        P;
+    _ ->
+        % On restart we might be called before the couch_httpd process is
+        % started.
+        % TODO: we might be under an SSL socket server only, or both under
+        % SSL and a non-SSL socket.
+        % ... mochiweb_socket_server:get(https, port)
+        list_to_integer(config:get("httpd", "port", "5984"))
+    end,
+    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
+    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
+    maybe_append_filters([HostName, Port, Src, Tgt], Rep);
+replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 1) ->
+    {ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
+    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
+    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
+    maybe_append_filters([HostName, Src, Tgt], Rep).
+-spec convert([_] | binary() | {string(), string()}) -> {string(), string()}.
+convert(Id) when is_list(Id) ->
+    convert(?l2b(Id));
+convert(Id) when is_binary(Id) ->
+    lists:splitwith(fun(Char) -> Char =/= $+ end, ?b2l(Id));
+convert({BaseId, Ext} = Id) when is_list(BaseId), is_list(Ext) ->
+    Id.
+% Private functions
+        #rep{source = Source, user_ctx = UserCtx, options = Options}) ->
+    Base2 = Base ++
+        case couch_replicator_filters:parse(Options) of
+        {ok, nil} ->
+            [];
+        {ok, {view, Filter, QueryParams}} ->
+            [Filter, QueryParams];
+        {ok, {user, {Doc, Filter}, QueryParams}} ->
+            case couch_replicator_filters:fetch(Doc, Filter, Source, UserCtx) of
+                {ok, Code} ->
+                    [Code, QueryParams];
+                {error, Error} ->
+                    throw({filter_fetch_error, Error})
+            end;
+        {ok, {docids, DocIds}} ->
+            [DocIds];
+        {ok, {mango, Selector}} ->
+            [Selector];
+        {error, FilterParseError} ->
+            throw({error, FilterParseError})
+        end,
+    couch_util:to_hex(couch_crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary(Base2))).
+maybe_append_options(Options, RepOptions) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun(Option, Acc) ->
+        Acc ++
+        case get_value(Option, RepOptions, false) of
+        true ->
+            "+" ++ atom_to_list(Option);
+        false ->
+            ""
+        end
+    end, [], Options).
+get_rep_endpoint(_UserCtx, #httpdb{url=Url, headers=Headers, oauth=OAuth}) ->
+    DefaultHeaders = (#httpdb{})#httpdb.headers,
+    case OAuth of
+    nil ->
+        {remote, Url, Headers -- DefaultHeaders};
+    #oauth{} ->
+        {remote, Url, Headers -- DefaultHeaders, OAuth}
+    end;
+get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, <<DbName/binary>>) ->
+    {local, DbName, UserCtx}.

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"" <>.

[couchdb] 04/09: Share connections between replications

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit 6908717c938ab9ac63563a746e0871300097e257
Author: Benjamin Bastian <>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 2 15:01:23 2016 -0700

    Share connections between replications
    This commit adds functionality to share connections between
    replications. This is to solve two problems:
    - Prior to this commit, each replication would create a pool of
      connections and hold onto those connections as long as the replication
      existed. This was wasteful and cause CouchDB to use many unnecessary
    - When the pool was being terminated, the pool would block while the
      socket was closed. This would cause the entire replication scheduler
      to block. By reusing connections, connections are never closed by
      clients. They are only ever relinquished. This operation is always
    This commit adds an intermediary process which tracks which connection
    processes are being used by which client. It monitors clients and
    connections. If a client or connection crashes, the paired
    client/connection will be terminated.
    A client can gracefully relinquish ownership of a connection. If that
    happens, the connection will be shared with another client. If the
    connection remains idle for too long, it will be closed.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 .../src/couch_replicator_connection.erl            | 211 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/couch_replicator_httpc_pool.erl            |  78 +++-----
 .../test/couch_replicator_connection_tests.erl     | 128 +++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_connection.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_connection.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e580663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_connection.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+-export([acquire/1, relinquish/1]).
+-export([handle_config_change/5, handle_config_terminate/3]).
+-define(DEFAULT_CLOSE_INTERVAL, 90000).
+-define(RELISTEN_DELAY, 5000).
+-record(state, {
+    close_interval,
+    timer
+-record(connection, {
+    worker,
+    host,
+    port,
+    mref
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public, {keypos, #connection.worker}]),
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    Interval = config:get_integer("replicator", "connection_close_interval", ?DEFAULT_CLOSE_INTERVAL),
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(Interval, close_idle_connections),
+    ibrowse:add_config([{inactivity_timeout, Interval}]),
+    {ok, #state{close_interval=Interval, timer=Timer}}.
+acquire(URL) when is_binary(URL) ->
+    acquire(binary_to_list(URL));
+acquire(URL) ->
+    case gen_server:call(?MODULE, {acquire, URL}) of
+        {ok, Worker} ->
+            link(Worker),
+            {ok, Worker};
+        {error, all_allocated} ->
+            {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(URL),
+            ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {create, URL, Pid}),
+            {ok, Pid};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
+relinquish(Worker) ->
+    unlink(Worker),
+    gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {relinquish, Worker}).
+handle_call({acquire, URL}, From, State) ->
+    {Pid, _Ref} = From,
+    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(URL) of
+        #url{host=Host, port=Port} ->
+            case ets:match_object(?MODULE, #connection{host=Host, port=Port, mref=undefined, _='_'}, 1) of
+                '$end_of_table' ->
+                    {reply, {error, all_allocated}, State};
+                {[Worker], _Cont} ->
+                    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, acquires]),
+                    ets:insert(?MODULE, Worker#connection{mref=monitor(process, Pid)}),
+                    {reply, {ok, Worker#connection.worker}, State}
+            end;
+        {error, invalid_uri} ->
+            {reply, {error, invalid_uri}, State}
+    end;
+handle_call({create, URL, Worker}, From, State) ->
+    {Pid, _Ref} = From,
+    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(URL) of
+        #url{host=Host, port=Port} ->
+            link(Worker),
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, creates]),
+            true = ets:insert_new(
+                ?MODULE,
+                #connection{host=Host, port=Port, worker=Worker, mref=monitor(process, Pid)}
+            ),
+            {reply, ok, State}
+    end.
+handle_cast({relinquish, WorkerPid}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, relinquishes]),
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, WorkerPid) of
+        [Worker] ->
+            case Worker#connection.mref of
+                MRef when is_reference(MRef) -> demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
+                undefined -> ok
+            end,
+            ets:insert(?MODULE, Worker#connection{mref=undefined});
+        [] ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_cast({connection_close_interval, V}, State) ->
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(State#state.timer),
+    {ok, NewTimer} = timer:send_after(V, close_idle_connections),
+    ibrowse:add_config([{inactivity_timeout, V}]),
+    {noreply, State#state{close_interval=V, timer=NewTimer}}.
+% owner crashed
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, owner_crashes]),
+    ets:match_delete(?MODULE, #connection{mref=Ref, _='_'}),
+    {noreply, State};
+% worker crashed
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, worker_crashes]),
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Pid) of
+        [] ->
+            ok;
+        [Worker] ->
+            #connection{host=Host, port=Port} = Worker,
+            maybe_log_worker_death(Host, Port, Reason),
+            case Worker#connection.mref of
+                MRef when is_reference(MRef) -> demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
+                undefined -> ok
+            end,
+            ets:delete(?MODULE, Pid)
+    end,
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(close_idle_connections, State) ->
+    #state{
+        close_interval=Interval,
+        timer=Timer
+    } = State,
+    Conns = ets:match_object(?MODULE, #connection{mref=undefined, _='_'}),
+    lists:foreach(fun(Conn) ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, closes]),
+        delete_worker(Conn)
+    end, Conns),
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(Timer),
+    {ok, NewTimer} = timer:send_after(Interval, close_idle_connections),
+    {noreply, State#state{timer=NewTimer}};
+handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+maybe_log_worker_death(_Host, _Port, normal) ->
+    ok;
+maybe_log_worker_death(Host, Port, Reason) ->
+    ErrMsg = "Replication connection to: ~p:~p died with reason ~p",
+    couch_log:info(ErrMsg, [Host, Port, Reason]).
+-spec delete_worker(#connection{}) -> ok.
+delete_worker(Worker) ->
+    ets:delete(?MODULE, Worker#connection.worker),
+    unlink(Worker#connection.worker),
+    spawn(fun() -> ibrowse_http_client:stop(Worker#connection.worker) end),
+    ok.
+handle_config_change("replicator", "connection_close_interval", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {connection_close_interval,
+        list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, S) ->
+    {ok, S}.
+handle_config_terminate(_, stop, _) ->
+    ok;
+handle_config_terminate(_, _, _) ->
+    Pid = whereis(?MODULE),
+    erlang:send_after(?RELISTEN_DELAY, Pid, restart_config_listener).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc_pool.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc_pool.erl
index 09e3b23..9f1f1a8 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc_pool.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc_pool.erl
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
 -record(state, {
     limit,                  % max # of workers allowed
-    free = [],              % free workers (connections)
-    busy = [],              % busy workers (connections)
+    conns = [],
     waiting = queue:new(),  % blocked clients waiting for a worker
     callers = []            % clients who've been given a worker
@@ -70,23 +69,17 @@ handle_call(get_worker, From, State) ->
         callers = Callers,
         url = Url,
         limit = Limit,
-        busy = Busy,
-        free = Free
+        conns = Conns
     } = State,
-    case length(Busy) >= Limit of
+    case length(Conns) >= Limit of
     true ->
         {noreply, State#state{waiting = queue:in(From, Waiting)}};
     false ->
-        case Free of
-        [] ->
-           {ok, Worker} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(Url),
-           Free2 = Free;
-        [Worker | Free2] ->
-           ok
-        end,
+        % If the call to acquire fails, the worker pool will crash with a
+        % badmatch.
+        {ok, Worker} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(Url),
         NewState = State#state{
-            free = Free2,
-            busy = [Worker | Busy],
+            conns = [Worker | Conns],
             callers = monitor_client(Callers, Worker, From)
         {reply, {ok, Worker}, NewState}
@@ -104,35 +97,29 @@ handle_cast({release_worker, Worker}, State) ->
 handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
         url = Url,
-        busy = Busy,
-        free = Free,
+        conns = Conns,
         waiting = Waiting,
         callers = Callers
     } = State,
     NewCallers0 = demonitor_client(Callers, Pid),
-    case Free -- [Pid] of
-    Free ->
-        case Busy -- [Pid] of
-        Busy ->
+    case Conns -- [Pid] of
+        Conns ->
             {noreply, State#state{callers = NewCallers0}};
-        Busy2 ->
+        Conns2 ->
             case queue:out(Waiting) of
-            {empty, _} ->
-                {noreply, State#state{busy = Busy2, callers = NewCallers0}};
-            {{value, From}, Waiting2} ->
-                {ok, Worker} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(Url),
-                NewCallers1 = monitor_client(NewCallers0, Worker, From),
-                gen_server:reply(From, {ok, Worker}),
-                NewState = State#state{
-                    busy = [Worker | Busy2],
-                    waiting = Waiting2,
-                    callers = NewCallers1
-                },
-                {noreply, NewState}
+                {empty, _} ->
+                    {noreply, State#state{conns = Conns2, callers = NewCallers0}};
+                {{value, From}, Waiting2} ->
+                    {ok, Worker} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(Url),
+                    NewCallers1 = monitor_client(NewCallers0, Worker, From),
+                    gen_server:reply(From, {ok, Worker}),
+                    NewState = State#state{
+                        conns = [Worker | Conns2],
+                        waiting = Waiting2,
+                        callers = NewCallers1
+                    },
+                    {noreply, NewState}
-        end;
-    Free2 ->
-        {noreply, State#state{free = Free2, callers = NewCallers0}}
 handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _, _}, #state{callers = Callers} = State) ->
@@ -147,9 +134,8 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, #state{}=State, _Extra) ->
     {ok, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun ibrowse_http_client:stop/1,,
-    lists:foreach(fun ibrowse_http_client:stop/1, State#state.busy).
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
 monitor_client(Callers, Worker, {ClientPid, _}) ->
     [{Worker, erlang:monitor(process, ClientPid)} | Callers].
@@ -167,22 +153,20 @@ release_worker_internal(Worker, State) ->
     #state{waiting = Waiting, callers = Callers} = State,
     NewCallers0 = demonitor_client(Callers, Worker),
     case is_process_alive(Worker) andalso
-        lists:member(Worker, State#state.busy) of
+        lists:member(Worker, State#state.conns) of
     true ->
-        case queue:out(Waiting) of
+        Conns = case queue:out(Waiting) of
         {empty, Waiting2} ->
             NewCallers1 = NewCallers0,
-            Busy2 = State#state.busy -- [Worker],
-            Free2 = [Worker |];
+            couch_replicator_connection:relinquish(Worker),
+            State#state.conns -- [Worker];
         {{value, From}, Waiting2} ->
             NewCallers1 = monitor_client(NewCallers0, Worker, From),
             gen_server:reply(From, {ok, Worker}),
-            Busy2 = State#state.busy,
-            Free2 =
+            State#state.conns
         NewState = State#state{
-           busy = Busy2,
-           free = Free2,
+           conns = Conns,
            waiting = Waiting2,
            callers = NewCallers1
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_connection_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_connection_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323a7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_connection_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(TIMEOUT, 1000).
+setup() ->
+    Host = config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
+    Port = config:get("httpd", "port", "5984"),
+    {Host, Port}.
+teardown(_) ->
+    ok.
+httpc_pool_test_() ->
+    {
+        "replicator connection sharing tests",
+        {
+            setup,
+            fun() -> test_util:start_couch([couch_replicator]) end, fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
+            {
+                foreach,
+                fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+                [
+                    fun connections_shared_after_relinquish/1,
+                    fun connections_not_shared_after_owner_death/1,
+                    fun idle_connections_closed/1,
+                    fun test_owner_monitors/1
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    }.
+connections_shared_after_relinquish({Host, Port}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        URL = "http://" ++ Host ++ ":" ++ Port,
+        Self = self(),
+        {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+        couch_replicator_connection:relinquish(Pid),
+        spawn(fun() ->
+            Self ! couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL)
+        end),
+        receive
+            {ok, Pid2} ->
+                ?assertEqual(Pid, Pid2)
+        end
+    end).
+connections_not_shared_after_owner_death({Host, Port}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        URL = "http://" ++ Host ++ ":" ++ Port,
+        Self = self(),
+        spawn(fun() ->
+            Self ! couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+            1/0
+        end),
+        receive
+            {ok, Pid} ->
+                {ok, Pid2} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+                ?assertNotEqual(Pid, Pid2),
+                MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+                receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
+                    ?assert(not is_process_alive(Pid));
+                    Other -> throw(Other)
+                end
+        end
+    end).
+idle_connections_closed({Host, Port}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        URL = "http://" ++ Host ++ ":" ++ Port,
+        {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+        couch_replicator_connection ! close_idle_connections,
+        ?assert(ets:member(couch_replicator_connection, Pid)),
+        % block until idle connections have closed
+        sys:get_status(couch_replicator_connection),
+        couch_replicator_connection:relinquish(Pid),
+        couch_replicator_connection ! close_idle_connections,
+        % block until idle connections have closed
+        sys:get_status(couch_replicator_connection),
+        ?assert(not ets:member(couch_replicator_connection, Pid))
+    end).
+test_owner_monitors({Host, Port}) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        URL = "http://" ++ Host ++ ":" ++ Port,
+        {ok, Worker0} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+        assert_monitors_equal([{process, self()}]),
+        couch_replicator_connection:relinquish(Worker0),
+        assert_monitors_equal([]),
+        {Workers, Monitors}  = lists:foldl(fun(_, {WAcc, MAcc}) ->
+            {ok, Worker1} = couch_replicator_connection:acquire(URL),
+            MAcc1 = [{process, self()} | MAcc],
+            assert_monitors_equal(MAcc1),
+            {[Worker1 | WAcc], MAcc1}
+        end, {[], []}, lists:seq(1,5)),
+        lists:foldl(fun(Worker2, Acc) ->
+            [_ | NewAcc] = Acc,
+            couch_replicator_connection:relinquish(Worker2),
+            assert_monitors_equal(NewAcc),
+            NewAcc
+        end, Monitors, Workers)
+    end).
+assert_monitors_equal(ShouldBe) ->
+    sys:get_status(couch_replicator_connection),
+    {monitors, Monitors} = process_info(whereis(couch_replicator_connection), monitors),
+    ?assertEqual(Monitors, ShouldBe).

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
"" <>.

[couchdb] 08/09: Stitch scheduling replicator together.

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit 9c22dc3276e5c46c9cc10347c57668b9f596e160
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 25 11:47:56 2016 -0500

    Stitch scheduling replicator together.
    Glue together all the scheduling replicator pieces.
    Scheduler is the main component. It can run a large number of replication jobs
    by switching between them, stopping and starting some periodically. Jobs
    which fail are backed off exponentially. Normal (non-continuous) jobs will be
    allowed to run to completion to preserve their current semantics.
    Scheduler behavior can configured by these configuration options in
    `[replicator]` sections:
     * `max_jobs` : Number of actively running replications. Making this too high
     could cause performance issues. Making it too low could mean replications jobs
     might not have enough time to make progress before getting unscheduled again.
     This parameter can be adjusted at runtime and will take effect during next
     reschudling cycle.
     * `interval` : Scheduling interval in milliseconds. During each reschedule
     cycle scheduler might start or stop up to "max_churn" number of jobs.
     * `max_churn` : Maximum number of replications to start and stop during
     rescheduling. This parameter along with "interval" defines the rate of job
     replacement. During startup, however a much larger number of jobs could be
     started (up to max_jobs) in short period of time.
    Replication jobs are added to the scheduler by the document processor or from
    the `couch_replicator:replicate/2` function when called from `_replicate` HTTP
    endpoint handler.
    Document processor listens for updates via couch_mutlidb_changes module then
    tries to add replication jobs to the scheduler. Sometimes translating a
    document update to a replication job could fail, either permantly (if document
    is malformed and missing some expected fields for example) or temporarily if
    it is a filtered replication and filter cannot be fetched. A failed filter
    fetch will be retried with an exponential backoff.
    couch_replicator_clustering is in charge of monitoring cluster membership
    changes. When membership changes, after a configurable quiet period, a rescan
    will be initiated. Rescan will shufle replication jobs to make sure a
    replication job is running on only one node.
    A new set of stats were added to introspect scheduler and doc processor
    The top replication supervisor structure is `rest_for_one`. This means if
    a child crashes, all children to the "right" of it will be restarted (if
    visualized supervisor hierarchy as an upside-down tree). Clustering,
    connection pool and rate limiter are towards the "left" as they are more
    fundamental, if clustering child crashes, most other components will be
    restart. Doc process or and multi-db changes children are towards the "right".
    If they crash, they can be safely restarted without affecting already running
    replication or components like clustering or connection pool.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 src/couch/src/couch_doc.erl                        |    3 +
 src/couch_replicator/priv/stats_descriptions.cfg   |  108 ++
 src/couch_replicator/src/  |   22 +-
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.erl      | 1229 +++++---------------
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.hrl      |   35 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.erl              |   50 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.hrl              |    3 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_httpc.erl                 |  123 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_js_functions.hrl          |   30 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_manager.erl               | 1033 +---------------
 src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_sup.erl  |   54 +-
 .../src/couch_replicator_utils.erl                 |  541 ++-------
 .../src/couch_replicator_worker.erl                |    3 +
 .../test/couch_replicator_compact_tests.erl        |   34 +-
 .../test/couch_replicator_httpc_pool_tests.erl     |    2 +-
 .../test/couch_replicator_many_leaves_tests.erl    |   24 +-
 .../test/couch_replicator_modules_load_tests.erl   |   11 +-
 .../test/couch_replicator_proxy_tests.erl          |   69 ++
 .../test/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl          |   14 +-
 .../couch_replicator_use_checkpoints_tests.erl     |   24 +-
 test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js  |    3 +-
 21 files changed, 857 insertions(+), 2558 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_doc.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_doc.erl
index 381ad4b..5e6d2b7 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_doc.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_doc.erl
@@ -270,6 +270,9 @@ transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state">>, _} = Field | Rest],
 transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state_time">>, _} = Field | Rest],
     #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
     transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_start_time">>, _} = Field | Rest],
+    #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
+    transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
 transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state_reason">>, _} = Field | Rest],
     #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
     transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/priv/stats_descriptions.cfg b/src/couch_replicator/priv/stats_descriptions.cfg
index 2564f92..c009cc9 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/priv/stats_descriptions.cfg
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/priv/stats_descriptions.cfg
@@ -54,3 +54,111 @@
     {type, counter},
     {desc, <<"number of replicator workers started">>}
+{[couch_replicator, cluster_is_stable], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"1 if cluster is stable, 0 if unstable">>}
+{[couch_replicator, db_scans], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of time replicator db scans have been started">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, dbs_created], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of db shard creations seen by replicator doc processor">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, dbs_deleted], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of db shard deletions seen by replicator doc processor">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, dbs_found], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of db shard found by replicator doc processor">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, db_changes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of db changes processed by replicator doc processor">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, failed_state_updates], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of 'failed' state document updates">>}
+{[couch_replicator, docs, completed_state_updates], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of 'completed' state document updates">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, adds], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of jobs added to replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, duplicate_adds], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of duplicate jobs added to replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, removes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of jobs removed from replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, starts], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of jobs started by replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, stops], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of jobs stopped to replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, crashes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of job crashed noticed by replicator scheduler">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, running], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"replicator scheduler running jobs">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, pending], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"replicator scheduler pending jobs">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, crashed], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"replicator scheduler crashed jobs">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, total], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"total number of replicator scheduler jobs">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, avg_running], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"average of length of time current jobs have been running">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, avg_pending], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"average length of time spent waiting to run">>}
+{[couch_replicator, jobs, avg_crashed], [
+    {type, gauge},
+    {desc, <<"average of length of time since last crash">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, acquires], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of times connections are shared">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, creates], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of connections created">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, relinquishes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of times ownership of a connection is relinquished">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, owner_crashes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of times a connection owner crashes while owning at least one connection">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, worker_crashes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of times a worker unexpectedly terminates">>}
+{[couch_replicator, connection, closes], [
+    {type, counter},
+    {desc, <<"number of times a worker is gracefully shut down">>}
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/ b/src/couch_replicator/src/
index 4f12195..f3d3dae 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/
@@ -14,24 +14,12 @@
     {description, "CouchDB replicator"},
     {vsn, git},
     {mod, {couch_replicator_app, []}},
-    {modules, [
-        couch_replicator,
-        couch_replicator_api_wrap,
-        couch_replicator_app,
-        couch_replicator_httpc,
-        couch_replicator_httpd,
-        couch_replicator_job_sup,
-        couch_replicator_notifier,
-        couch_replicator_manager,
-        couch_replicator_httpc_pool,
-        couch_replicator_sup,
-        couch_replicator_utils,
-        couch_replicator_worker
-    ]},
     {registered, [
-        couch_replicator,
-        couch_replicator_manager,
-        couch_replicator_job_sup
+        couch_replicator_sup,
+        couch_replication,  % couch_replication_event gen_event
+        couch_replicator_clustering,
+        couch_replicator_scheduler,
+        couch_replicator_scheduler_sup
     {applications, [
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.erl
index 7f0c7ee..f2b0d02 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.erl
@@ -11,91 +11,62 @@
 % the License.
-% public API
-% meant to be used only by the replicator database listener
-% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-export([replicate/2, ensure_rep_db_exists/0]).
+-export([stream_active_docs_info/3, stream_terminal_docs_info/4]).
+-export([job/1, doc/3]).
--define(LOWEST_SEQ, 0).
+    initializing,  % Just added to scheduler
+    error,         % Could not be turned into a replication job
+    running,       % Scheduled and running
+    pending,       % Scheduled and waiting to run
+    crashing,      % Scheduled but crashing, possibly backed off by the scheduler
+    completed,     % Non-continuous (normal) completed replication
+    failed         % Terminal failure, will not be retried anymore
 -import(couch_util, [
-    get_value/3,
-    to_binary/1
+    get_value/3
--import(couch_replicator_utils, [
-    start_db_compaction_notifier/2,
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier/1
--record(rep_state, {
-    rep_details,
-    source_name,
-    target_name,
-    source,
-    target,
-    history,
-    checkpoint_history,
-    start_seq,
-    committed_seq,
-    current_through_seq,
-    seqs_in_progress = [],
-    highest_seq_done = {0, ?LOWEST_SEQ},
-    source_log,
-    target_log,
-    rep_starttime,
-    src_starttime,
-    tgt_starttime,
-    timer, % checkpoint timer
-    changes_queue,
-    changes_manager,
-    changes_reader,
-    workers,
-    stats = couch_replicator_stats:new(),
-    session_id,
-    source_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
-    target_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
-    source_monitor = nil,
-    target_monitor = nil,
-    source_seq = nil,
-    use_checkpoints = true,
-    checkpoint_interval = ?DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL,
-    type = db,
-    view = nil
+-type user_doc_cb() :: fun(({[_]}, any()) -> any()).
+-type query_acc() :: {binary(), user_doc_cb(), any()}.
+-spec replicate({[_]}, #user_ctx{}) ->
+    {ok, {continuous, binary()}} |
+    {ok, {[_]}} |
+    {ok, {cancelled, binary()}} |
+    {error, any()}.
 replicate(PostBody, Ctx) ->
-    {ok, #rep{id = RepId, options = Options, user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep} =
-        couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(PostBody, Ctx),
+    {ok, Rep0} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(PostBody, Ctx),
+    Rep = Rep0#rep{start_time = os:timestamp()},
+    #rep{id = RepId, options = Options, user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep,
     case get_value(cancel, Options, false) of
     true ->
-        case get_value(id, Options, nil) of
+        CancelRepId = case get_value(id, Options, nil) of
         nil ->
-            cancel_replication(RepId);
+            RepId;
         RepId2 ->
-            cancel_replication(RepId2, UserCtx)
+            RepId2
+        end,
+        case check_authorization(CancelRepId, UserCtx) of
+        ok ->
+            cancel_replication(CancelRepId);
+        not_found ->
+            {error, not_found}
     false ->
+        check_authorization(RepId, UserCtx),
         {ok, Listener} = rep_result_listener(RepId),
         Result = do_replication_loop(Rep),
@@ -103,75 +74,34 @@ replicate(PostBody, Ctx) ->
-do_replication_loop(#rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = Id, options = Options} = Rep) ->
-    case async_replicate(Rep) of
-    {ok, _Pid} ->
-        case get_value(continuous, Options, false) of
-        true ->
-            {ok, {continuous, ?l2b(BaseId ++ Ext)}};
-        false ->
-            wait_for_result(Id)
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        Error
-    end.
+% This is called from supervisor. Must respect supervisor protocol so
+% it returns `ignore`.
+-spec ensure_rep_db_exists() -> ignore.
+ensure_rep_db_exists() ->
+    {ok, _Db} = couch_replicator_docs:ensure_rep_db_exists(),
+    couch_log:notice("~p : created local _replicator database", [?MODULE]),
+    ignore.
-async_replicate(#rep{id = {BaseId, Ext}, source = Src, target = Tgt} = Rep) ->
-    RepChildId = BaseId ++ Ext,
-    Source = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Src),
-    Target = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Tgt),
-    Timeout = get_value(connection_timeout, Rep#rep.options),
-    ChildSpec = {
-        RepChildId,
-        {gen_server, start_link, [?MODULE, Rep, [{timeout, Timeout}]]},
-        temporary,
-        250,
-        worker,
-        [?MODULE]
-    },
-    % All these nested cases to attempt starting/restarting a replication child
-    % are ugly and not 100% race condition free. The following patch submission
-    % is a solution:
-    %
-    %
-    %
-    case supervisor:start_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, ChildSpec) of
-    {ok, Pid} ->
-        couch_log:notice("starting new replication `~s` at ~p (`~s` -> `~s`)",
-            [RepChildId, Pid, Source, Target]),
-        {ok, Pid};
-    {error, already_present} ->
-        case supervisor:restart_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, RepChildId) of
-        {ok, Pid} ->
-            couch_log:notice("restarting replication `~s` at ~p (`~s` -> `~s`)",
-                [RepChildId, Pid, Source, Target]),
-            {ok, Pid};
-        {error, running} ->
-            %% this error occurs if multiple replicators are racing
-            %% each other to start and somebody else won. Just grab
-            %% the Pid by calling start_child again.
-            timer:sleep(50 + random:uniform(100)),
-            async_replicate(Rep);
-        {error, {'EXIT', {badarg,
-            [{erlang, apply, [gen_server, start_link, undefined]} | _]}}} ->
-            % Clause to deal with a change in the supervisor module introduced
-            % in R14B02. For more details consult the thread at:
-            %
-            _ = supervisor:delete_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, RepChildId),
-            async_replicate(Rep);
-        {error, _} = Error ->
-            Error
-        end;
-    {error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
-        couch_log:notice("replication `~s` already running at ~p (`~s` -> `~s`)",
-            [RepChildId, Pid, Source, Target]),
-        {ok, Pid};
-    {error, {Error, _}} ->
-        {error, Error}
+-spec do_replication_loop(#rep{}) ->
+    {ok, {continuous, binary()}} | {ok, tuple()} | {error, any()}.
+do_replication_loop(#rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = Id, options = Options} = Rep) ->
+    case couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep) of
+    ok ->
+        ok;
+    {error, already_added} ->
+        couch_log:notice("Replication '~s' already running", [BaseId ++ Ext]),
+        ok
+    end,
+    case get_value(continuous, Options, false) of
+    true ->
+        {ok, {continuous, ?l2b(BaseId ++ Ext)}};
+    false ->
+        wait_for_result(Id)
+-spec rep_result_listener(rep_id()) -> {ok, pid()}.
 rep_result_listener(RepId) ->
     ReplyTo = self(),
     {ok, _Listener} = couch_replicator_notifier:start_link(
@@ -182,6 +112,8 @@ rep_result_listener(RepId) ->
+-spec wait_for_result(rep_id()) ->
+    {ok, any()} | {error, any()}.
 wait_for_result(RepId) ->
     {finished, RepId, RepResult} ->
@@ -191,847 +123,294 @@ wait_for_result(RepId) ->
-cancel_replication({BaseId, Extension}) ->
-    FullRepId = BaseId ++ Extension,
-    couch_log:notice("Canceling replication `~s`...", [FullRepId]),
-    case supervisor:terminate_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, FullRepId) of
-    ok ->
-        couch_log:notice("Replication `~s` canceled.", [FullRepId]),
-        case supervisor:delete_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, FullRepId) of
-            ok ->
-                {ok, {cancelled, ?l2b(FullRepId)}};
-            {error, not_found} ->
-                {ok, {cancelled, ?l2b(FullRepId)}};
-            Error ->
-                Error
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        couch_log:error("Error canceling replication `~s`: ~p", [FullRepId, Error]),
-        Error
+-spec cancel_replication(rep_id()) ->
+    {ok, {cancelled, binary()}} | {error, not_found}.
+cancel_replication({BasedId, Extension} = RepId) ->
+    FullRepId = BasedId ++ Extension,
+    couch_log:notice("Canceling replication '~s' ...", [FullRepId]),
+    case couch_replicator_scheduler:rep_state(RepId) of
+    #rep{} ->
+        ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job(RepId),
+        couch_log:notice("Replication '~s' cancelled", [FullRepId]),
+        {ok, {cancelled, ?l2b(FullRepId)}};
+    nil ->
+        couch_log:notice("Replication '~s' not found", [FullRepId]),
+        {error, not_found}
-cancel_replication(RepId, #user_ctx{name = Name, roles = Roles}) ->
-    case lists:member(<<"_admin">>, Roles) of
-    true ->
-        cancel_replication(RepId);
-    false ->
-        case find_replicator(RepId) of
-        {ok, Pid} ->
-            case details(Pid) of
-            {ok, #rep{user_ctx = #user_ctx{name = Name}}} ->
-                cancel_replication(RepId);
-            {ok, _} ->
-                throw({unauthorized,
-                    <<"Can't cancel a replication triggered by another user">>});
-            Error ->
-                Error
-            end;
-        Error ->
-            Error
-        end
-    end.
-find_replicator({BaseId, Ext} = _RepId) ->
-    case lists:keysearch(
-        BaseId ++ Ext, 1, supervisor:which_children(couch_replicator_job_sup)) of
-    {value, {_, Pid, _, _}} when is_pid(Pid) ->
-            {ok, Pid};
-    _ ->
-            {error, not_found}
-    end.
-details(Pid) ->
-    case (catch gen_server:call(Pid, get_details)) of
-    {ok, Rep} ->
-        {ok, Rep};
-    {'EXIT', {noproc, {gen_server, call, _}}} ->
-        {error, not_found};
-    Error ->
-        throw(Error)
+-spec replication_states() -> [atom()].
+replication_states() ->
+-spec stream_terminal_docs_info(binary(), user_doc_cb(), any(), [atom()]) -> any().
+stream_terminal_docs_info(Db, Cb, UserAcc, States) ->
+    DDoc = <<"_replicator">>,
+    View = <<"terminal_states">>,
+    QueryCb = fun handle_replicator_doc_query/2,
+    Args = #mrargs{view_type = map, reduce = false},
+    Acc = {Db, Cb, UserAcc, States},
+    try fabric:query_view(Db, DDoc, View, QueryCb, Acc, Args) of
+    {ok, {Db, Cb, UserAcc1, States}} ->
+        UserAcc1
+    catch
+        error:database_does_not_exist ->
+            UserAcc;
+        error:{badmatch, {not_found, Reason}} ->
+            Msg = "Could not find _design/~s ~s view in replicator db ~s : ~p",
+            couch_log:error(Msg, [DDoc, View, Db, Reason]),
+            couch_replicator_docs:ensure_cluster_rep_ddoc_exists(Db),
+            timer:sleep(1000),
+            stream_terminal_docs_info(Db, Cb, UserAcc, States)
-init(InitArgs) ->
-    {ok, InitArgs, 0}.
-do_init(#rep{options = Options, id = {BaseId, Ext}, user_ctx=UserCtx} = Rep) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    random:seed(os:timestamp()),
-    #rep_state{
-        source = Source,
-        target = Target,
-        source_name = SourceName,
-        target_name = TargetName,
-        start_seq = {_Ts, StartSeq},
-        committed_seq = {_, CommittedSeq},
-        highest_seq_done = {_, HighestSeq},
-        checkpoint_interval = CheckpointInterval
-    } = State = init_state(Rep),
-    NumWorkers = get_value(worker_processes, Options),
-    BatchSize = get_value(worker_batch_size, Options),
-    {ok, ChangesQueue} = couch_work_queue:new([
-        {max_items, BatchSize * NumWorkers * 2},
-        {max_size, 100 * 1024 * NumWorkers}
-    ]),
-    % This starts the _changes reader process. It adds the changes from
-    % the source db to the ChangesQueue.
-    {ok, ChangesReader} = couch_replicator_changes_reader:start_link(
-        StartSeq, Source, ChangesQueue, Options
-    ),
-    % Changes manager - responsible for dequeing batches from the changes queue
-    % and deliver them to the worker processes.
-    ChangesManager = spawn_changes_manager(self(), ChangesQueue, BatchSize),
-    % This starts the worker processes. They ask the changes queue manager for a
-    % a batch of _changes rows to process -> check which revs are missing in the
-    % target, and for the missing ones, it copies them from the source to the target.
-    MaxConns = get_value(http_connections, Options),
-    Workers = lists:map(
-        fun(_) ->
-            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, workers_started]),
-            {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_worker:start_link(
-                self(), Source, Target, ChangesManager, MaxConns),
-            Pid
-        end,
-        lists:seq(1, NumWorkers)),
-    couch_task_status:add_task([
-        {type, replication},
-        {user,},
-        {replication_id, ?l2b(BaseId ++ Ext)},
-        {database, Rep#rep.db_name},
-        {doc_id, Rep#rep.doc_id},
-        {source, ?l2b(SourceName)},
-        {target, ?l2b(TargetName)},
-        {continuous, get_value(continuous, Options, false)},
-        {revisions_checked, 0},
-        {missing_revisions_found, 0},
-        {docs_read, 0},
-        {docs_written, 0},
-        {changes_pending, get_pending_count(State)},
-        {doc_write_failures, 0},
-        {source_seq, HighestSeq},
-        {checkpointed_source_seq, CommittedSeq},
-        {checkpoint_interval, CheckpointInterval}
-    ]),
-    couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(1000),
+-spec stream_active_docs_info(user_doc_cb(), any(), [atom()]) -> any().
+stream_active_docs_info(Cb, UserAcc, States) ->
+    Nodes = lists:sort([node() | nodes()]),
+    stream_active_docs_info(Nodes, Cb, UserAcc, States).
-    % Until OTP R14B03:
-    %
-    % Restarting a temporary supervised child implies that the original arguments
-    % (#rep{} record) specified in the MFA component of the supervisor
-    % child spec will always be used whenever the child is restarted.
-    % This implies the same replication performance tunning parameters will
-    % always be used. The solution is to delete the child spec (see
-    % cancel_replication/1) and then start the replication again, but this is
-    % unfortunately not immune to race conditions.
-    couch_log:notice("Replication `~p` is using:~n"
-        "~c~p worker processes~n"
-        "~ca worker batch size of ~p~n"
-        "~c~p HTTP connections~n"
-        "~ca connection timeout of ~p milliseconds~n"
-        "~c~p retries per request~n"
-        "~csocket options are: ~s~s",
-        [BaseId ++ Ext, $\t, NumWorkers, $\t, BatchSize, $\t,
-            MaxConns, $\t, get_value(connection_timeout, Options),
-            $\t, get_value(retries, Options),
-            $\t, io_lib:format("~p", [get_value(socket_options, Options)]),
-            case StartSeq of
-            ?LOWEST_SEQ ->
-                "";
-            _ ->
-                io_lib:format("~n~csource start sequence ~p", [$\t, StartSeq])
-            end]),
+-spec stream_active_docs_info([node()], user_doc_cb(), any(), [atom()]) -> any().
+stream_active_docs_info([], _Cb, UserAcc, _States) ->
+    UserAcc;
-    couch_log:debug("Worker pids are: ~p", [Workers]),
-    couch_replicator_manager:replication_started(Rep),
-    {ok, State#rep_state{
-            changes_queue = ChangesQueue,
-            changes_manager = ChangesManager,
-            changes_reader = ChangesReader,
-            workers = Workers
-        }
-    }.
-adjust_maxconn(Src = #httpdb{http_connections = 1}, RepId) ->
-    Msg = "Adjusting minimum number of HTTP source connections to 2 for ~p",
-    couch_log:notice(Msg, [RepId]),
-    Src#httpdb{http_connections = 2};
-adjust_maxconn(Src, _RepId) ->
-    Src.
-handle_info(shutdown, St) ->
-    {stop, shutdown, St};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Why}, #rep_state{source_monitor = Ref} = St) ->
-    couch_log:error("Source database is down. Reason: ~p", [Why]),
-    {stop, source_db_down, St};
-handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Why}, #rep_state{target_monitor = Ref} = St) ->
-    couch_log:error("Target database is down. Reason: ~p", [Why]),
-    {stop, target_db_down, St};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_reader=Pid} = State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_reader=Pid} = State) ->
-    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_reader_deaths]),
-    couch_log:error("ChangesReader process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
-    {stop, changes_reader_died, cancel_timer(State)};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_manager = Pid} = State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_manager = Pid} = State) ->
-    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_manager_deaths]),
-    couch_log:error("ChangesManager process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
-    {stop, changes_manager_died, cancel_timer(State)};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_queue=Pid} = State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_queue=Pid} = State) ->
-    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_queue_deaths]),
-    couch_log:error("ChangesQueue process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
-    {stop, changes_queue_died, cancel_timer(State)};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
-    case Workers -- [Pid] of
-    Workers ->
-        couch_log:error("unknown pid bit the dust ~p ~n",[Pid]),
-        {noreply, State#rep_state{workers = Workers}};
-        %% not clear why a stop was here before
-        %%{stop, {unknown_process_died, Pid, normal}, State};
-    [] ->
-        catch unlink(State#rep_state.changes_manager),
-        catch exit(State#rep_state.changes_manager, kill),
-        do_last_checkpoint(State);
-    Workers2 ->
-        {noreply, State#rep_state{workers = Workers2}}
-    end;
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
-    State2 = cancel_timer(State),
-    case lists:member(Pid, Workers) of
-    false ->
-        {stop, {unknown_process_died, Pid, Reason}, State2};
-    true ->
-        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, worker_deaths]),
-        couch_log:error("Worker ~p died with reason: ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
-        {stop, {worker_died, Pid, Reason}, State2}
-    end;
-handle_info(timeout, InitArgs) ->
-    try do_init(InitArgs) of {ok, State} ->
-        {noreply, State}
-    catch Class:Error ->
-        Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
-        {stop, shutdown, {error, Class, Error, Stack, InitArgs}}
+stream_active_docs_info([Node | Nodes], Cb, UserAcc, States) ->
+    case rpc:call(Node, couch_replicator_doc_processor, docs, [States]) of
+        {badrpc, Reason} ->
+            ErrMsg = "Could not get replicator docs from ~p. Error: ~p",
+            couch_log:error(ErrMsg, [Node, Reason]),
+            stream_active_docs_info(Nodes, Cb, UserAcc, States);
+        Results ->
+            UserAcc1 = lists:foldl(Cb, UserAcc, Results),
+            stream_active_docs_info(Nodes, Cb, UserAcc1, States)
-handle_call(get_details, _From, #rep_state{rep_details = Rep} = State) ->
-    {reply, {ok, Rep}, State};
-handle_call({add_stats, Stats}, From, State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
-    NewStats = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(State#rep_state.stats, Stats),
-    {noreply, State#rep_state{stats = NewStats}};
-handle_call({report_seq_done, Seq, StatsInc}, From,
-    #rep_state{seqs_in_progress = SeqsInProgress, highest_seq_done = HighestDone,
-        current_through_seq = ThroughSeq, stats = Stats} = State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
-    {NewThroughSeq0, NewSeqsInProgress} = case SeqsInProgress of
-    [] ->
-        {Seq, []};
-    [Seq | Rest] ->
-        {Seq, Rest};
-    [_ | _] ->
-        {ThroughSeq, ordsets:del_element(Seq, SeqsInProgress)}
+-spec handle_replicator_doc_query
+    ({row, [_]} , query_acc()) -> {ok, query_acc()};
+    ({error, any()}, query_acc()) -> {error, any()};
+    ({meta, any()}, query_acc()) -> {ok,  query_acc()};
+    (complete, query_acc()) -> {ok, query_acc()}.
+handle_replicator_doc_query({row, Props}, {Db, Cb, UserAcc, States}) ->
+    DocId = couch_util:get_value(id, Props),
+    DocStateBin = couch_util:get_value(key, Props),
+    DocState = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(DocStateBin, utf8),
+    MapValue = couch_util:get_value(value, Props),
+    {Source, Target, StartTime, StateTime, StateInfo} = case MapValue of
+        [Src, Tgt, StartT, StateT, Info] ->
+            {Src, Tgt, StartT, StateT, Info};
+        _Other ->
+            % Handle the case where the view code was upgraded but new view code
+            % wasn't updated yet (before a _scheduler/docs request was made)
+            {null, null, null, null, null}
-    NewHighestDone = lists:max([HighestDone, Seq]),
-    NewThroughSeq = case NewSeqsInProgress of
-    [] ->
-        lists:max([NewThroughSeq0, NewHighestDone]);
-    _ ->
-        NewThroughSeq0
-    end,
-    couch_log:debug("Worker reported seq ~p, through seq was ~p, "
-        "new through seq is ~p, highest seq done was ~p, "
-        "new highest seq done is ~p~n"
-        "Seqs in progress were: ~p~nSeqs in progress are now: ~p",
-        [Seq, ThroughSeq, NewThroughSeq, HighestDone,
-            NewHighestDone, SeqsInProgress, NewSeqsInProgress]),
-    NewState = State#rep_state{
-        stats = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats, StatsInc),
-        current_through_seq = NewThroughSeq,
-        seqs_in_progress = NewSeqsInProgress,
-        highest_seq_done = NewHighestDone
-    },
-    update_task(NewState),
-    {noreply, NewState}.
-handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
-    #rep_state{source = #db{name = DbName} = Source} = State) ->
-    {ok, NewSource} = couch_db:reopen(Source),
-    {noreply, State#rep_state{source = NewSource}};
-handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
-    #rep_state{target = #db{name = DbName} = Target} = State) ->
-    {ok, NewTarget} = couch_db:reopen(Target),
-    {noreply, State#rep_state{target = NewTarget}};
-handle_cast(checkpoint, State) ->
-    #rep_state{rep_details = #rep{} = Rep} = State,
-    case couch_replicator_manager:continue(Rep) of
-    {true, _} ->
-        case do_checkpoint(State) of
-        {ok, NewState} ->
-            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, success]),
-            {noreply, NewState#rep_state{timer = start_timer(State)}};
-        Error ->
-            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, failure]),
-            {stop, Error, State}
-        end;
-    {false, Owner} ->
-        couch_replicator_manager:replication_usurped(Rep, Owner),
-        {stop, shutdown, State}
+    % Set the error_count to 1 if failed. This is mainly for consistency as
+    % jobs from doc_processor and scheduler will have that value set
+    ErrorCount = case DocState of failed -> 1; _ -> 0 end,
+    case filter_replicator_doc_query(DocState, States) of
+        true ->
+            EjsonInfo = {[
+                {doc_id, DocId},
+                {database, Db},
+                {id, null},
+                {source, strip_url_creds(Source)},
+                {target, strip_url_creds(Target)},
+                {state, DocState},
+                {error_count, ErrorCount},
+                {info, StateInfo},
+                {last_updated, StateTime},
+                {start_time, StartTime}
+            ]},
+            {ok, {Db, Cb, Cb(EjsonInfo, UserAcc), States}};
+        false ->
+            {ok, {Db, Cb, UserAcc, States}}
-handle_cast({report_seq, Seq},
-    #rep_state{seqs_in_progress = SeqsInProgress} = State) ->
-    NewSeqsInProgress = ordsets:add_element(Seq, SeqsInProgress),
-    {noreply, State#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = NewSeqsInProgress}}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, #rep_state{}=State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-headers_strip_creds([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-headers_strip_creds([{Key, Value0} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Value = case string:to_lower(Key) of
-    "authorization" ->
-        "****";
-    _ ->
-        Value0
-    end,
-    headers_strip_creds(Rest, [{Key, Value} | Acc]).
-httpdb_strip_creds(#httpdb{url = Url, headers = Headers} = HttpDb) ->
-    HttpDb#httpdb{
-        url = couch_util:url_strip_password(Url),
-        headers = headers_strip_creds(Headers, [])
-    };
-httpdb_strip_creds(LocalDb) ->
-    LocalDb.
-rep_strip_creds(#rep{source = Source, target = Target} = Rep) ->
-    Rep#rep{
-        source = httpdb_strip_creds(Source),
-        target = httpdb_strip_creds(Target)
-    }.
-state_strip_creds(#rep_state{rep_details = Rep, source = Source, target = Target} = State) ->
-    % #rep_state contains the source and target at the top level and also
-    % in the nested #rep_details record
-    State#rep_state{
-        rep_details = rep_strip_creds(Rep),
-        source = httpdb_strip_creds(Source),
-        target = httpdb_strip_creds(Target)
-    }.
-terminate(normal, #rep_state{rep_details = #rep{id = RepId} = Rep,
-    checkpoint_history = CheckpointHistory} = State) ->
-    terminate_cleanup(State),
-    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({finished, RepId, CheckpointHistory}),
-    couch_replicator_manager:replication_completed(Rep, rep_stats(State));
-terminate(shutdown, #rep_state{rep_details = #rep{id = RepId}} = State) ->
-    % cancelled replication throught ?MODULE:cancel_replication/1
-    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, <<"cancelled">>}),
-    terminate_cleanup(State);
-terminate(shutdown, {error, Class, Error, Stack, InitArgs}) ->
-    #rep{id=RepId} = InitArgs,
-    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, failed_starts]),
-    CleanInitArgs = rep_strip_creds(InitArgs),
-    couch_log:error("~p:~p: Replication failed to start for args ~p: ~p",
-             [Class, Error, CleanInitArgs, Stack]),
-    case Error of
-    {unauthorized, DbUri} ->
-        NotifyError = {unauthorized, <<"unauthorized to access or create database ", DbUri/binary>>};
-    {db_not_found, DbUri} ->
-        NotifyError = {db_not_found, <<"could not open ", DbUri/binary>>};
-    _ ->
-        NotifyError = Error
-    end,
-    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, NotifyError}),
-    couch_replicator_manager:replication_error(InitArgs, NotifyError);
-terminate(Reason, State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        source_name = Source,
-        target_name = Target,
-        rep_details = #rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = RepId} = Rep
-    } = State,
-    couch_log:error("Replication `~s` (`~s` -> `~s`) failed: ~s",
-        [BaseId ++ Ext, Source, Target, to_binary(Reason)]),
-    terminate_cleanup(State),
-    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, Reason}),
-    couch_replicator_manager:replication_error(Rep, Reason).
-terminate_cleanup(State) ->
-    update_task(State),
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#rep_state.source_db_compaction_notifier),
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#rep_state.target_db_compaction_notifier),
-    couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(State#rep_state.source),
-    couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(
-format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, State]) ->
-    [{data, [{"State", state_strip_creds(State)}]}].
-do_last_checkpoint(#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = [],
-    highest_seq_done = {_Ts, ?LOWEST_SEQ}} = State) ->
-    {stop, normal, cancel_timer(State)};
-do_last_checkpoint(#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = [],
-    highest_seq_done = Seq} = State) ->
-    case do_checkpoint(State#rep_state{current_through_seq = Seq}) of
-    {ok, NewState} ->
-        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, success]),
-        {stop, normal, cancel_timer(NewState)};
-    Error ->
-        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, failure]),
-        {stop, Error, State}
+handle_replicator_doc_query({error, Reason}, _Acc) ->
+    {error, Reason};
+handle_replicator_doc_query({meta, _Meta}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc};
+handle_replicator_doc_query(complete, Acc) ->
+    {stop, Acc}.
+-spec strip_url_creds(binary() | {[_]}) -> binary().
+strip_url_creds(Endpoint) ->
+    case couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_db(Endpoint, [], []) of
+        #httpdb{url=Url} ->
+            iolist_to_binary(couch_util:url_strip_password(Url));
+        LocalDb when is_binary(LocalDb) ->
+            LocalDb
-start_timer(State) ->
-    After = State#rep_state.checkpoint_interval,
-    case timer:apply_after(After, gen_server, cast, [self(), checkpoint]) of
-    {ok, Ref} ->
-        Ref;
-    Error ->
-        couch_log:error("Replicator, error scheduling checkpoint:  ~p", [Error]),
-        nil
-    end.
-cancel_timer(#rep_state{timer = nil} = State) ->
-    State;
-cancel_timer(#rep_state{timer = Timer} = State) ->
-    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(Timer),
-    State#rep_state{timer = nil}.
-init_state(Rep) ->
-    #rep{
-        id = {BaseId, _Ext},
-        source = Src0, target = Tgt,
-        options = Options, user_ctx = UserCtx,
-        type = Type, view = View
-    } = Rep,
-    % Adjust minimum number of http source connections to 2 to avoid deadlock
-    Src = adjust_maxconn(Src0, BaseId),
-    {ok, Source} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Src, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}]),
-    {ok, Target} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Tgt, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}],
-        get_value(create_target, Options, false)),
-    {ok, SourceInfo} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_db_info(Source),
-    {ok, TargetInfo} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_db_info(Target),
+-spec filter_replicator_doc_query(atom(), [atom()]) -> boolean().
+filter_replicator_doc_query(_DocState, []) ->
+    true;
+filter_replicator_doc_query(State, States) when is_list(States) ->
+    lists:member(State, States).
-    [SourceLog, TargetLog] = find_replication_logs([Source, Target], Rep),
-    {StartSeq0, History} = compare_replication_logs(SourceLog, TargetLog),
-    StartSeq1 = get_value(since_seq, Options, StartSeq0),
-    StartSeq = {0, StartSeq1},
-    SourceSeq = get_value(<<"update_seq">>, SourceInfo, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
-    #doc{body={CheckpointHistory}} = SourceLog,
-    State = #rep_state{
-        rep_details = Rep,
-        source_name = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source),
-        target_name = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target),
-        source = Source,
-        target = Target,
-        history = History,
-        checkpoint_history = {[{<<"no_changes">>, true}| CheckpointHistory]},
-        start_seq = StartSeq,
-        current_through_seq = StartSeq,
-        committed_seq = StartSeq,
-        source_log = SourceLog,
-        target_log = TargetLog,
-        rep_starttime = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(),
-        src_starttime = get_value(<<"instance_start_time">>, SourceInfo),
-        tgt_starttime = get_value(<<"instance_start_time">>, TargetInfo),
-        session_id = couch_uuids:random(),
-        source_db_compaction_notifier =
-            start_db_compaction_notifier(Source, self()),
-        target_db_compaction_notifier =
-            start_db_compaction_notifier(Target, self()),
-        source_monitor = db_monitor(Source),
-        target_monitor = db_monitor(Target),
-        source_seq = SourceSeq,
-        use_checkpoints = get_value(use_checkpoints, Options, true),
-        checkpoint_interval = get_value(checkpoint_interval, Options,
-                                        ?DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL),
-        type = Type,
-        view = View
-    },
-    State#rep_state{timer = start_timer(State)}.
-find_replication_logs(DbList, #rep{id = {BaseId, _}} = Rep) ->
-    LogId = ?l2b(?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX ++ BaseId),
-    fold_replication_logs(DbList, ?REP_ID_VERSION, LogId, LogId, Rep, []).
+-spec job(binary()) -> {ok, {[_]}} | {error, not_found}.
+job(JobId0) when is_binary(JobId0) ->
+    JobId = couch_replicator_ids:convert(JobId0),
+    {Res, _Bad} = rpc:multicall(couch_replicator_scheduler, job, [JobId]),
+    case [JobInfo || {ok, JobInfo} <- Res] of
+        [JobInfo| _] ->
+            {ok, JobInfo};
+        [] ->
+            {error, not_found}
+    end.
-fold_replication_logs([], _Vsn, _LogId, _NewId, _Rep, Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-fold_replication_logs([Db | Rest] = Dbs, Vsn, LogId, NewId, Rep, Acc) ->
-    case couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(Db, LogId, [ejson_body]) of
-    {error, <<"not_found">>} when Vsn > 1 ->
-        OldRepId = couch_replicator_utils:replication_id(Rep, Vsn - 1),
-        fold_replication_logs(Dbs, Vsn - 1,
-            ?l2b(?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX ++ OldRepId), NewId, Rep, Acc);
-    {error, <<"not_found">>} ->
-        fold_replication_logs(
-            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [#doc{id = NewId} | Acc]);
-    {ok, Doc} when LogId =:= NewId ->
-        fold_replication_logs(
-            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [Doc | Acc]);
-    {ok, Doc} ->
-        MigratedLog = #doc{id = NewId, body = Doc#doc.body},
-        fold_replication_logs(
-            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [MigratedLog | Acc])
+-spec doc(binary(), binary(), [_]) -> {ok, {[_]}} | {error, not_found}.
+doc(RepDb, DocId, UserCtx) ->
+    {Res, _Bad} = rpc:multicall(couch_replicator_doc_processor, doc, [RepDb, DocId]),
+    case [DocInfo || {ok, DocInfo} <- Res] of
+        [DocInfo| _] ->
+            {ok, DocInfo};
+        [] ->
+            doc_from_db(RepDb, DocId, UserCtx)
-spawn_changes_manager(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize) ->
-    spawn_link(fun() ->
-        changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, 1)
-    end).
-changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, Ts) ->
-    receive
-    {get_changes, From} ->
-        case couch_work_queue:dequeue(ChangesQueue, BatchSize) of
-        closed ->
-            From ! {closed, self()};
-        {ok, Changes} ->
-            #doc_info{high_seq = Seq} = lists:last(Changes),
-            ReportSeq = {Ts, Seq},
-            ok = gen_server:cast(Parent, {report_seq, ReportSeq}),
-            From ! {changes, self(), Changes, ReportSeq}
-        end,
-        changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, Ts + 1)
+-spec doc_from_db(binary(), binary(), [_]) -> {ok, {[_]}} | {error, not_found}.
+doc_from_db(RepDb, DocId, UserCtx) ->
+    case fabric:open_doc(RepDb, DocId, [UserCtx, ejson_body]) of
+        {ok, Doc} ->
+            {Props} = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []),
+            Source = get_value(<<"source">>, Props),
+            Target = get_value(<<"target">>, Props),
+            State = get_value(<<"_replication_state">>, Props, null),
+            StartTime = get_value(<<"_replication_start_time">>, Props, null),
+            StateTime = get_value(<<"_replication_state_time">>, Props, null),
+            {StateInfo, ErrorCount} = case State of
+                <<"completed">> ->
+                    Info = get_value(<<"_replication_stats">>, Props, null),
+                    {Info, 0};
+                <<"failed">> ->
+                    Info = get_value(<<"_replication_state_reason">>, Props, null),
+                    {Info, 1};
+                _OtherState ->
+                    {null, 0}
+            end,
+            {ok, {[
+                {doc_id, DocId},
+                {database, RepDb},
+                {id, null},
+                {source, strip_url_creds(Source)},
+                {target, strip_url_creds(Target)},
+                {state, State},
+                {error_count, ErrorCount},
+                {info, StateInfo},
+                {start_time, StartTime},
+                {last_updated, StateTime}
+            ]}};
+         {not_found, _Reason} ->
+            {error, not_found}
-do_checkpoint(#rep_state{use_checkpoints=false} = State) ->
-    NewState = State#rep_state{checkpoint_history = {[{<<"use_checkpoints">>, false}]} },
-    {ok, NewState};
-do_checkpoint(#rep_state{current_through_seq=Seq, committed_seq=Seq} = State) ->
-    update_task(State),
-    {ok, State};
-do_checkpoint(State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        source_name=SourceName,
-        target_name=TargetName,
-        source = Source,
-        target = Target,
-        history = OldHistory,
-        start_seq = {_, StartSeq},
-        current_through_seq = {_Ts, NewSeq} = NewTsSeq,
-        source_log = SourceLog,
-        target_log = TargetLog,
-        rep_starttime = ReplicationStartTime,
-        src_starttime = SrcInstanceStartTime,
-        tgt_starttime = TgtInstanceStartTime,
-        stats = Stats,
-        rep_details = #rep{options = Options},
-        session_id = SessionId
-    } = State,
-    case commit_to_both(Source, Target) of
-    {source_error, Reason} ->
-         {checkpoint_commit_failure,
-             <<"Failure on source commit: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>};
-    {target_error, Reason} ->
-         {checkpoint_commit_failure,
-             <<"Failure on target commit: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>};
-    {SrcInstanceStartTime, TgtInstanceStartTime} ->
-        couch_log:notice("recording a checkpoint for `~s` -> `~s` at source update_seq ~p",
-            [SourceName, TargetName, NewSeq]),
-        StartTime = ?l2b(ReplicationStartTime),
-        EndTime = ?l2b(httpd_util:rfc1123_date()),
-        NewHistoryEntry = {[
-            {<<"session_id">>, SessionId},
-            {<<"start_time">>, StartTime},
-            {<<"end_time">>, EndTime},
-            {<<"start_last_seq">>, StartSeq},
-            {<<"end_last_seq">>, NewSeq},
-            {<<"recorded_seq">>, NewSeq},
-            {<<"missing_checked">>, couch_replicator_stats:missing_checked(Stats)},
-            {<<"missing_found">>, couch_replicator_stats:missing_found(Stats)},
-            {<<"docs_read">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
-            {<<"docs_written">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
-            {<<"doc_write_failures">>, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)}
-        ]},
-        BaseHistory = [
-            {<<"session_id">>, SessionId},
-            {<<"source_last_seq">>, NewSeq},
-            {<<"replication_id_version">>, ?REP_ID_VERSION}
-        ] ++ case get_value(doc_ids, Options) of
-        undefined ->
-            [];
-        _DocIds ->
-            % backwards compatibility with the result of a replication by
-            % doc IDs in versions 0.11.x and 1.0.x
-            % TODO: deprecate (use same history format, simplify code)
-            [
-                {<<"start_time">>, StartTime},
-                {<<"end_time">>, EndTime},
-                {<<"docs_read">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
-                {<<"docs_written">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
-                {<<"doc_write_failures">>, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)}
-            ]
-        end,
-        % limit history to 50 entries
-        NewRepHistory = {
-            BaseHistory ++
-            [{<<"history">>, lists:sublist([NewHistoryEntry | OldHistory], 50)}]
-        },
-        try
-            {SrcRevPos, SrcRevId} = update_checkpoint(
-                Source, SourceLog#doc{body = NewRepHistory}, source),
-            {TgtRevPos, TgtRevId} = update_checkpoint(
-                Target, TargetLog#doc{body = NewRepHistory}, target),
-            NewState = State#rep_state{
-                checkpoint_history = NewRepHistory,
-                committed_seq = NewTsSeq,
-                source_log = SourceLog#doc{revs={SrcRevPos, [SrcRevId]}},
-                target_log = TargetLog#doc{revs={TgtRevPos, [TgtRevId]}}
-            },
-            update_task(NewState),
-            {ok, NewState}
-        catch throw:{checkpoint_commit_failure, _} = Failure ->
-            Failure
-        end;
-    {SrcInstanceStartTime, _NewTgtInstanceStartTime} ->
-        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Target database out of sync. "
-            "Try to increase max_dbs_open at the target's server.">>};
-    {_NewSrcInstanceStartTime, TgtInstanceStartTime} ->
-        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Source database out of sync. "
-            "Try to increase max_dbs_open at the source's server.">>};
-    {_NewSrcInstanceStartTime, _NewTgtInstanceStartTime} ->
-        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Source and target databases out of "
-            "sync. Try to increase max_dbs_open at both servers.">>}
+-spec check_authorization(rep_id(), #user_ctx{}) -> ok | not_found.
+check_authorization(RepId, #user_ctx{name = Name} = Ctx) ->
+    case couch_replicator_scheduler:rep_state(RepId) of
+    #rep{user_ctx = #user_ctx{name = Name}} ->
+        ok;
+    #rep{} ->
+        couch_httpd:verify_is_server_admin(Ctx);
+    nil ->
+        not_found
-update_checkpoint(Db, Doc, DbType) ->
-    try
-        update_checkpoint(Db, Doc)
-    catch throw:{checkpoint_commit_failure, Reason} ->
-        throw({checkpoint_commit_failure,
-            <<"Error updating the ", (to_binary(DbType))/binary,
-                " checkpoint document: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>})
-    end.
-update_checkpoint(Db, #doc{id = LogId, body = LogBody} = Doc) ->
-    try
-        case couch_replicator_api_wrap:update_doc(Db, Doc, [delay_commit]) of
-        {ok, PosRevId} ->
-            PosRevId;
-        {error, Reason} ->
-            throw({checkpoint_commit_failure, Reason})
-        end
-    catch throw:conflict ->
-        case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(Db, LogId, [ejson_body])) of
-        {ok, #doc{body = LogBody, revs = {Pos, [RevId | _]}}} ->
-            % This means that we were able to update successfully the
-            % checkpoint doc in a previous attempt but we got a connection
-            % error (timeout for e.g.) before receiving the success response.
-            % Therefore the request was retried and we got a conflict, as the
-            % revision we sent is not the current one.
-            % We confirm this by verifying the doc body we just got is the same
-            % that we have just sent.
-            {Pos, RevId};
-        _ ->
-            throw({checkpoint_commit_failure, conflict})
-        end
-    end.
+authorization_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun () -> ok end,
+        fun (_) -> meck:unload() end,
+        [
+            t_admin_is_always_authorized(),
+            t_username_must_match(),
+            t_replication_not_found()
+        ]
+    }.
-commit_to_both(Source, Target) ->
-    % commit the src async
-    ParentPid = self(),
-    SrcCommitPid = spawn_link(
-        fun() ->
-            Result = (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:ensure_full_commit(Source)),
-            ParentPid ! {self(), Result}
-        end),
-    % commit tgt sync
-    TargetResult = (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:ensure_full_commit(Target)),
+t_admin_is_always_authorized() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        expect_rep_user_ctx(<<"someuser">>, <<"_admin">>),
+        UserCtx = #user_ctx{name = <<"adm">>, roles = [<<"_admin">>]},
+        ?assertEqual(ok, check_authorization(<<"RepId">>, UserCtx))
+    end).
-    SourceResult = receive
-    {SrcCommitPid, Result} ->
-        unlink(SrcCommitPid),
-        receive {'EXIT', SrcCommitPid, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
-        Result;
-    {'EXIT', SrcCommitPid, Reason} ->
-        {error, Reason}
-    end,
-    case TargetResult of
-    {ok, TargetStartTime} ->
-        case SourceResult of
-        {ok, SourceStartTime} ->
-            {SourceStartTime, TargetStartTime};
-        SourceError ->
-            {source_error, SourceError}
-        end;
-    TargetError ->
-        {target_error, TargetError}
-    end.
+t_username_must_match() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        expect_rep_user_ctx(<<"user">>, <<"somerole">>),
+        UserCtx1 = #user_ctx{name = <<"user">>, roles = [<<"somerole">>]},
+        ?assertEqual(ok, check_authorization(<<"RepId">>, UserCtx1)),
+        UserCtx2 = #user_ctx{name = <<"other">>, roles = [<<"somerole">>]},
+        ?assertThrow({unauthorized, _}, check_authorization(<<"RepId">>, UserCtx2))
+    end).
-compare_replication_logs(SrcDoc, TgtDoc) ->
-    #doc{body={RepRecProps}} = SrcDoc,
-    #doc{body={RepRecPropsTgt}} = TgtDoc,
-    case get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecProps) ==
-            get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecPropsTgt) of
-    true ->
-        % if the records have the same session id,
-        % then we have a valid replication history
-        OldSeqNum = get_value(<<"source_last_seq">>, RepRecProps, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
-        OldHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecProps, []),
-        {OldSeqNum, OldHistory};
-    false ->
-        SourceHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecProps, []),
-        TargetHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecPropsTgt, []),
-        couch_log:notice("Replication records differ. "
-                "Scanning histories to find a common ancestor.", []),
-        couch_log:debug("Record on source:~p~nRecord on target:~p~n",
-                [RepRecProps, RepRecPropsTgt]),
-        compare_rep_history(SourceHistory, TargetHistory)
-    end.
-compare_rep_history(S, T) when S =:= [] orelse T =:= [] ->
-    couch_log:notice("no common ancestry -- performing full replication", []),
-    {?LOWEST_SEQ, []};
-compare_rep_history([{S} | SourceRest], [{T} | TargetRest] = Target) ->
-    SourceId = get_value(<<"session_id">>, S),
-    case has_session_id(SourceId, Target) of
-    true ->
-        RecordSeqNum = get_value(<<"recorded_seq">>, S, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
-        couch_log:notice("found a common replication record with source_seq ~p",
-            [RecordSeqNum]),
-        {RecordSeqNum, SourceRest};
-    false ->
-        TargetId = get_value(<<"session_id">>, T),
-        case has_session_id(TargetId, SourceRest) of
-        true ->
-            RecordSeqNum = get_value(<<"recorded_seq">>, T, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
-            couch_log:notice("found a common replication record with source_seq ~p",
-                [RecordSeqNum]),
-            {RecordSeqNum, TargetRest};
-        false ->
-            compare_rep_history(SourceRest, TargetRest)
-        end
-    end.
+t_replication_not_found() ->
+     ?_test(begin
+        meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state, 1, nil),
+        UserCtx1 = #user_ctx{name = <<"user">>, roles = [<<"somerole">>]},
+        ?assertEqual(not_found, check_authorization(<<"RepId">>, UserCtx1)),
+        UserCtx2 = #user_ctx{name = <<"adm">>, roles = [<<"_admin">>]},
+        ?assertEqual(not_found, check_authorization(<<"RepId">>, UserCtx2))
+    end).
-has_session_id(_SessionId, []) ->
-    false;
-has_session_id(SessionId, [{Props} | Rest]) ->
-    case get_value(<<"session_id">>, Props, nil) of
-    SessionId ->
-        true;
-    _Else ->
-        has_session_id(SessionId, Rest)
-    end.
+expect_rep_user_ctx(Name, Role) ->
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state,
+        fun(_Id) ->
+            UserCtx = #user_ctx{name = Name, roles = [Role]},
+            #rep{user_ctx = UserCtx}
+        end).
-db_monitor(#db{} = Db) ->
-    couch_db:monitor(Db);
-db_monitor(_HttpDb) ->
-    nil.
+strip_url_creds_test_() ->
+     {
+        foreach,
+        fun () -> meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end) end,
+        fun (_) -> meck:unload() end,
+        [
+            t_strip_local_db_creds(),
+            t_strip_http_basic_creds(),
+            t_strip_http_props_creds()
+        ]
+    }.
-get_pending_count(St) ->
-    Rep = St#rep_state.rep_details,
-    Timeout = get_value(connection_timeout, Rep#rep.options),
-    TimeoutMicro = Timeout * 1000,
-    case get(pending_count_state) of
-        {LastUpdate, PendingCount} ->
-            case timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), LastUpdate) > TimeoutMicro of
-                true ->
-                    NewPendingCount = get_pending_count_int(St),
-                    put(pending_count_state, {os:timestamp(), NewPendingCount}),
-                    NewPendingCount;
-                false ->
-                    PendingCount
-            end;
-        undefined ->
-            NewPendingCount = get_pending_count_int(St),
-            put(pending_count_state, {os:timestamp(), NewPendingCount}),
-            NewPendingCount
-    end.
+t_strip_local_db_creds() ->
+    ?_test(?assertEqual(<<"localdb">>, strip_url_creds(<<"localdb">>))).
-get_pending_count_int(#rep_state{source = #httpdb{} = Db0}=St) ->
-    {_, Seq} = St#rep_state.highest_seq_done,
-    Db = Db0#httpdb{retries = 3},
-    case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_pending_count(Db, Seq)) of
-    {ok, Pending} ->
-        Pending;
-    _ ->
-        null
-    end;
-get_pending_count_int(#rep_state{source = Db}=St) ->
-    {_, Seq} = St#rep_state.highest_seq_done,
-    {ok, Pending} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_pending_count(Db, Seq),
-    Pending.
+t_strip_http_basic_creds() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Url1 = <<"http://adm:pass@host/db">>,
+        ?assertEqual(<<"http://adm:*****@host/db/">>, strip_url_creds(Url1)),
+        Url2 = <<"https://adm:pass@host/db">>,
+        ?assertEqual(<<"https://adm:*****@host/db/">>, strip_url_creds(Url2))
+    end).
-update_task(State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        current_through_seq = {_, ThroughSeq},
-        highest_seq_done = {_, HighestSeq}
-    } = State,
-    couch_task_status:update(
-        rep_stats(State) ++ [
-        {source_seq, HighestSeq},
-        {through_seq, ThroughSeq}
-    ]).
+t_strip_http_props_creds() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Props1 = {[{<<"url">>, <<"http://adm:pass@host/db">>}]},
+        ?assertEqual(<<"http://adm:*****@host/db/">>, strip_url_creds(Props1)),
+        Props2 = {[ {<<"url">>, <<"http://host/db">>},
+            {<<"headers">>, {[{<<"Authorization">>, <<"Basic pa55">>}]}}
+        ]},
+        ?assertEqual(<<"http://host/db/">>, strip_url_creds(Props2))
+    end).
-rep_stats(State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        committed_seq = {_, CommittedSeq},
-        stats = Stats
-    } = State,
-    [
-        {revisions_checked, couch_replicator_stats:missing_checked(Stats)},
-        {missing_revisions_found, couch_replicator_stats:missing_found(Stats)},
-        {docs_read, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
-        {docs_written, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
-        {changes_pending, get_pending_count(State)},
-        {doc_write_failures, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)},
-        {checkpointed_source_seq, CommittedSeq}
-    ].
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.hrl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.hrl
index d3485c0..b8669e8 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator.hrl
@@ -13,13 +13,30 @@
 -define(REP_ID_VERSION, 3).
 -record(rep, {
-    id,
-    source,
-    target,
-    options,
-    user_ctx,
-    type = db,
-    view = nil,
-    doc_id,
-    db_name = null
+    id :: rep_id() | '_',
+    source :: any() | '_',
+    target :: any() | '_',
+    options :: [_] | '_',
+    user_ctx :: any() | '_',
+    type = db :: atom() | '_',
+    view = nil :: any() | '_',
+    doc_id :: any() | '_',
+    db_name = null :: null | binary() | '_',
+    start_time :: erlang:timestamp() | '_'
+-type rep_id() :: {string(), string()}.
+-type db_doc_id() :: {binary(), binary() | '_'}.
+-type seconds() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type rep_start_result() ::
+    {ok, rep_id()} |
+    ignore |
+    {temporary_error, binary()} |
+    {permanent_failure, binary()}.
+-record(doc_worker_result, {
+    id :: db_doc_id(),
+    wref :: reference(),
+    result :: rep_start_result()
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.erl
index e5f6253..a0d08d7 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
-    db_uri/1
+    db_uri/1,
+    normalize_db/1
 -import(couch_replicator_httpc, [
@@ -290,6 +291,8 @@ open_doc_revs(#httpdb{} = HttpDb, Id, Revs, Options, Fun, Acc) ->
         {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {{nocatch, {missing_stub,_} = Stub}, _}} ->
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {http_request_failed, _, _, max_backoff}} ->
+            exit(max_backoff);
         {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, request_uri_too_long} ->
             NewMaxLen = get_value(max_url_len, Options, ?MAX_URL_LEN) div 2,
             case NewMaxLen < ?MIN_URL_LEN of
@@ -517,6 +520,8 @@ changes_since(#httpdb{headers = Headers1, timeout = InactiveTimeout} = HttpDb,
+        exit:{http_request_failed, _, _, max_backoff} ->
+            exit(max_backoff);
         exit:{http_request_failed, _, _, {error, {connection_closed,
                 mid_stream}}} ->
@@ -985,3 +990,46 @@ header_value(Key, Headers, Default) ->
         _ ->
+% Normalize an #httpdb{} or #db{} record such that it can be used for
+% comparisons. This means remove things like pids and also sort options / props.
+normalize_db(#httpdb{} = HttpDb) ->
+    #httpdb{
+        url = HttpDb#httpdb.url,
+        oauth = HttpDb#httpdb.oauth,
+        headers = lists:keysort(1, HttpDb#httpdb.headers),
+        timeout = HttpDb#httpdb.timeout,
+        ibrowse_options = lists:keysort(1, HttpDb#httpdb.ibrowse_options),
+        retries = HttpDb#httpdb.retries,
+        http_connections = HttpDb#httpdb.http_connections
+    };
+normalize_db(<<DbName/binary>>) ->
+    DbName.
+normalize_http_db_test() ->
+    HttpDb =  #httpdb{
+        url = "http://host/db",
+        oauth = #oauth{},
+        headers = [{"k2","v2"}, {"k1","v1"}],
+        timeout = 30000,
+        ibrowse_options = [{k2, v2}, {k1, v1}],
+        retries = 10,
+        http_connections = 20
+    },
+    Expected = HttpDb#httpdb{
+        headers = [{"k1","v1"}, {"k2","v2"}],
+        ibrowse_options = [{k1, v1}, {k2, v2}]
+    },
+    ?assertEqual(Expected, normalize_db(HttpDb)),
+    ?assertEqual(<<"local">>, normalize_db(<<"local">>)).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.hrl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.hrl
index 24e204b..fc94054 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_api_wrap.hrl
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
     wait = 250,         % milliseconds
     httpc_pool = nil,
-    backoff = 25
+    first_error_timestamp = nil,
+    proxy_url
 -record(oauth, {
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc.erl
index 309a230..58fb0e1 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_httpc.erl
@@ -40,8 +40,18 @@
-setup(#httpdb{httpc_pool = nil, url = Url, http_connections = MaxConns} = Db) ->
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_httpc_pool:start_link(Url, [{max_connections, MaxConns}]),
+setup(Db) ->
+    #httpdb{
+        httpc_pool = nil,
+        url = Url,
+        http_connections = MaxConns,
+        proxy_url = ProxyURL
+    } = Db,
+    HttpcURL = case ProxyURL of
+        undefined -> Url;
+        _ when is_list(ProxyURL) -> ProxyURL
+    end,
+    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_httpc_pool:start_link(HttpcURL, [{max_connections, MaxConns}]),
     {ok, Db#httpdb{httpc_pool = Pid}}.
@@ -98,6 +108,7 @@ send_ibrowse_req(#httpdb{headers = BaseHeaders} = HttpDb, Params) ->
         lists:ukeymerge(1, get_value(ibrowse_options, Params, []),
+    backoff_before_request(Worker, HttpDb, Params),
     Response = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
         Worker, Url, Headers2, Method, Body, IbrowseOptions, Timeout),
     {Worker, Response}.
@@ -139,8 +150,9 @@ process_response({ibrowse_req_id, ReqId}, Worker, HttpDb, Params, Callback) ->
 process_response({ok, Code, Headers, Body}, Worker, HttpDb, Params, Callback) ->
     case list_to_integer(Code) of
     429 ->
-        backoff(Worker, HttpDb, Params);
+        backoff(HttpDb, Params);
     Ok when (Ok >= 200 andalso Ok < 300) ; (Ok >= 400 andalso Ok < 500) ->
+        backoff_success(HttpDb, Params),
         couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, responses, success]),
         EJson = case Body of
         <<>> ->
@@ -150,6 +162,7 @@ process_response({ok, Code, Headers, Body}, Worker, HttpDb, Params, Callback) ->
         Callback(Ok, Headers, EJson);
     R when R =:= 301 ; R =:= 302 ; R =:= 303 ->
+        backoff_success(HttpDb, Params),
         do_redirect(Worker, R, Headers, HttpDb, Params, Callback);
     Error ->
         couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, responses, failure]),
@@ -165,9 +178,10 @@ process_stream_response(ReqId, Worker, HttpDb, Params, Callback) ->
     {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Code, Headers} ->
         case list_to_integer(Code) of
         429 ->
-            backoff(Worker, HttpDb#httpdb{timeout = get_max_back_off()},
-                Params);
+            Timeout = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:max_interval(),
+            backoff(HttpDb#httpdb{timeout = Timeout}, Params);
         Ok when (Ok >= 200 andalso Ok < 300) ; (Ok >= 400 andalso Ok < 500) ->
+            backoff_success(HttpDb, Params),
             StreamDataFun = fun() ->
                 stream_data_self(HttpDb, Params, Worker, ReqId, Callback)
@@ -184,6 +198,7 @@ process_stream_response(ReqId, Worker, HttpDb, Params, Callback) ->
                     maybe_retry(Err, Worker, HttpDb, Params)
         R when R =:= 301 ; R =:= 302 ; R =:= 303 ->
+            backoff_success(HttpDb, Params),
             do_redirect(Worker, R, Headers, HttpDb, Params, Callback);
         Error ->
@@ -266,37 +281,48 @@ discard_message(ReqId, Worker, Count) ->
-%% For 429 errors, we perform an exponential backoff up to 2.17 hours.
-%% We use Backoff time as a timeout/failure end.
-backoff(Worker, #httpdb{backoff = Backoff} = HttpDb, Params) ->
-    MaxBackOff = get_max_back_off(),
-    MaxBackOffLog = get_back_off_log_threshold(),
-    ok = timer:sleep(random:uniform(Backoff)),
-    Backoff2 = round(Backoff*get_back_off_exp()),
-    NewBackoff = erlang:min(Backoff2, MaxBackOff),
-    NewHttpDb = HttpDb#httpdb{backoff = NewBackoff},
-    case Backoff2 of
-        W0 when W0 > MaxBackOff ->
-            report_error(Worker, HttpDb, Params, {error,
-                "Long 429-induced Retry Time Out"});
-        W1 when W1 >=  MaxBackOffLog -> % Past 8 min, we log retries
-            log_retry_error(Params, HttpDb, Backoff2, "429 Retry"),
-            throw({retry, NewHttpDb, Params});
-        _ ->
-            throw({retry, NewHttpDb, Params})
-    end.
 maybe_retry(Error, Worker, #httpdb{retries = 0} = HttpDb, Params) ->
     report_error(Worker, HttpDb, Params, {error, Error});
-maybe_retry(Error, _Worker, #httpdb{retries = Retries, wait = Wait} = HttpDb,
+maybe_retry(Error, Worker, #httpdb{retries = Retries, wait = Wait} = HttpDb,
     Params) ->
-    ok = timer:sleep(Wait),
-    log_retry_error(Params, HttpDb, Wait, Error),
-    Wait2 = erlang:min(Wait * 2, ?MAX_WAIT),
-    NewHttpDb = HttpDb#httpdb{retries = Retries - 1, wait = Wait2},
-    throw({retry, NewHttpDb, Params}).
+    case total_error_time_exceeded(HttpDb) of
+        true ->
+            report_error(Worker, HttpDb, Params, {error, Error});
+        false ->
+            ok = timer:sleep(Wait),
+            log_retry_error(Params, HttpDb, Wait, Error),
+            Wait2 = erlang:min(Wait * 2, ?MAX_WAIT),
+            HttpDb1 = HttpDb#httpdb{retries = Retries - 1, wait = Wait2},
+            HttpDb2 = update_first_error_timestamp(HttpDb1),
+            throw({retry, HttpDb2, Params})
+    end.
+% When retrying, check to make total time spent retrying a request is below
+% the current scheduler health threshold. The goal is to not exceed the
+% threshold, otherwise the job which keep retrying too long will still be
+% considered healthy.
+total_error_time_exceeded(#httpdb{first_error_timestamp = nil}) ->
+    false;
+total_error_time_exceeded(#httpdb{first_error_timestamp = ErrorTimestamp}) ->
+    HealthThresholdSec = couch_replicator_scheduler:health_threshold(),
+    % Theshold value is halved because in the calling code the next step
+    % is a doubling. Not halving here could mean sleeping too long and
+    % exceeding the health threshold.
+    ThresholdUSec = (HealthThresholdSec / 2) * 1000000,
+    timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), ErrorTimestamp) > ThresholdUSec.
+% Remember the first time an error occurs. This value is used later to check
+% the total time spend retrying a request. Because retrying is cursive, on
+% successful result #httpdb{} record is reset back to the original value.
+update_first_error_timestamp(#httpdb{first_error_timestamp = nil} = HttpDb) ->
+    HttpDb#httpdb{first_error_timestamp = os:timestamp()};
+update_first_error_timestamp(HttpDb) ->
+    HttpDb.
 log_retry_error(Params, HttpDb, Wait, Error) ->
@@ -440,11 +466,32 @@ after_redirect(RedirectUrl, HttpDb, Params) ->
     Params2 = lists:keydelete(path, 1, lists:keydelete(qs, 1, Params)),
     {HttpDb#httpdb{url = RedirectUrl}, Params2}.
-get_max_back_off() ->
-    config:get_integer("replicator", "max_backoff_wait", 250 * 32768).
-get_back_off_log_threshold() ->
-    config:get_integer("replicator", "max_backoff_log_threshold", 512000).
+backoff_key(HttpDb, Params) ->
+    Method = get_value(method, Params, get),
+    Url = HttpDb#httpdb.url,
+    {Url, Method}.
+backoff(HttpDb, Params) ->
+    Key = backoff_key(HttpDb, Params),
+    couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure(Key),
+    throw({retry, HttpDb, Params}).
-get_back_off_exp() ->
-    config:get_float("replicator", "backoff_exp", 1.5).
+backoff_success(HttpDb, Params) ->
+    Key = backoff_key(HttpDb, Params),
+    couch_replicator_rate_limiter:success(Key).
+backoff_before_request(Worker, HttpDb, Params) ->
+    Key = backoff_key(HttpDb, Params),
+    Limit = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:max_interval(),
+    case couch_replicator_rate_limiter:interval(Key) of
+        Sleep when Sleep >= Limit ->
+            report_error(Worker, HttpDb, Params, max_backoff);
+        Sleep when Sleep >= 1 ->
+            timer:sleep(Sleep);
+        Sleep when Sleep == 0 ->
+            ok
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_js_functions.hrl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_js_functions.hrl
index eba1973..dbad050 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_js_functions.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_js_functions.hrl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
         var isReplicator = (userCtx.roles.indexOf('_replicator') >= 0);
         var isAdmin = (userCtx.roles.indexOf('_admin') >= 0);
-        if (newDoc._replication_state === 'error') {
+        if (newDoc._replication_state === 'failed') {
             // Skip validation in case when we update the document with the
             // failed state. In this case it might be malformed. However,
             // replicator will not pay attention to failed documents so this
@@ -61,12 +61,6 @@
-        if (oldDoc && !newDoc._deleted && !isReplicator &&
-            (oldDoc._replication_state === 'triggered')) {
-            reportError('Only the replicator can edit replication documents ' +
-                'that are in the triggered state.');
-        }
         if (!newDoc._deleted) {
             validateEndpoint(newDoc.source, 'source');
             validateEndpoint(, 'target');
@@ -176,3 +170,25 @@
+    function(doc) {
+        state = doc._replication_state;
+        if (state === 'failed') {
+            source = doc.source;
+            target =;
+            start_time = doc._replication_start_time;
+            last_updated = doc._replication_state_time;
+            state_reason = doc._replication_state_reason;
+            emit('failed', [source, target, start_time, last_updated, state_reason]);
+        } else if (state === 'completed') {
+            source = doc.source;
+            target =;
+            start_time = doc._replication_start_time;
+            last_updated = doc._replication_state_time;
+            stats = doc._replication_stats;
+            emit('completed', [source, target, start_time, last_updated, stats]);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_manager.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_manager.erl
index 85dd428..6a79ce6 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_manager.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_manager.erl
@@ -11,1033 +11,18 @@
 % the License.
-% public API
--export([replication_started/1, replication_completed/2, replication_error/2]).
--export([continue/1, replication_usurped/2]).
+% TODO: This is a temporary proxy module to external calls (outside replicator) to other 
+% replicator modules. This is done to avoid juggling multiple repos during development.
+% NV: TODO: These functions were moved to couch_replicator_docs
+% but it is still called from fabric_doc_update. Keep it here for now
+% later, update fabric to call couch_replicator_docs instead
 -export([before_doc_update/2, after_doc_read/2]).
-% gen_server callbacks
--export([start_link/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2]).
--export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
-% changes callbacks
--export([changes_reader/3, changes_reader_cb/3]).
+before_doc_update(Doc, Db) ->
+    couch_replicator_docs:before_doc_update(Doc, Db).
-% config_listener callback
--export([handle_config_change/5, handle_config_terminate/3]).
-%% exported but private
--define(DOC_TO_REP, couch_rep_doc_id_to_rep_id).
--define(REP_TO_STATE, couch_rep_id_to_rep_state).
--define(INITIAL_WAIT, 2.5). % seconds
--define(MAX_WAIT, 600).     % seconds
--define(AVG_DELAY_MSEC, 100).
--define(MAX_DELAY_MSEC, 60000).
--define(OWNER, <<"owner">>).
--define(REPLICATOR_DB, <<"_replicator">>).
--define(DB_TO_SEQ, db_to_seq).
--define(CTX, {user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>, <<"_replicator">>]}}).
--define(replace(L, K, V), lists:keystore(K, 1, L, {K, V})).
--define(RELISTEN_DELAY, 5000).
--record(rep_state, {
-    rep,
-    starting,
-    retries_left,
-    max_retries,
-    wait = ?INITIAL_WAIT
--import(couch_util, [
-    to_binary/1
--record(state, {
-    event_listener = nil,
-    scan_pid = nil,
-    rep_start_pids = [],
-    max_retries,
-    live = [],
-    epoch = nil
-start_link() ->
-    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-replication_started(#rep{id = {BaseId, _} = RepId}) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        ok;
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
-            {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"triggered">>},
-            {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, undefined},
-            {<<"_replication_id">>, ?l2b(BaseId)},
-            {<<"_replication_stats">>, undefined}]),
-        ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rep_started, RepId}, infinity),
-        couch_log:notice("Document `~s` from `~s` triggered replication `~s`",
-            [DocId, DbName, pp_rep_id(RepId)])
-    end.
-replication_completed(#rep{id = RepId}, Stats) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        ok;
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
-            {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"completed">>},
-            {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, undefined},
-            {<<"_replication_stats">>, {Stats}}]),
-        ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rep_complete, RepId}, infinity),
-        couch_log:notice("Replication `~s` finished (triggered by document `~s`"
-            " from `~s`)", [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId, DbName])
-    end.
-replication_usurped(#rep{id = RepId}, By) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        ok;
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rep_complete, RepId}, infinity),
-        couch_log:notice("Replication `~s` usurped by ~s (triggered by document"
-            " `~s` from `~s`)", [pp_rep_id(RepId), By, DocId, DbName])
-    end.
-replication_error(#rep{id = {BaseId, _} = RepId}, Error) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        ok;
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        ok = timer:sleep(jitter(ets:info(?REP_TO_STATE, size))),
-        update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [
-            {<<"_replication_state">>, <<"error">>},
-            {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, to_binary(error_reason(Error))},
-            {<<"_replication_id">>, ?l2b(BaseId)}]),
-        ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rep_error, RepId, Error}, infinity)
-    end.
-continue(#rep{doc_id = null}) ->
-    {true, no_owner};
-continue(#rep{id = RepId}) ->
-    Owner = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {owner, RepId}, infinity),
-    {node() == Owner, Owner}.
-handle_config_change("replicator", "max_replication_retry_count", V, _, S) ->
-    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_max_retries, retries_value(V)}),
-    {ok, S};
-handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, S) ->
-    {ok, S}.
-handle_config_terminate(_, stop, _) ->
-    ok;
-handle_config_terminate(_Server, _Reason, _State) ->
-    erlang:send_after(?RELISTEN_DELAY, whereis(?MODULE), restart_config_listener).
-init(_) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
-    Live = [node() | nodes()],
-    ?DOC_TO_REP = ets:new(?DOC_TO_REP, [named_table, set, public]),
-    ?REP_TO_STATE = ets:new(?REP_TO_STATE, [named_table, set, public]),
-    ?DB_TO_SEQ = ets:new(?DB_TO_SEQ, [named_table, set, public]),
-    Server = self(),
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
-    Epoch = make_ref(),
-    ScanPid = spawn_link(fun() -> scan_all_dbs(Server) end),
-    % Automatically start node local changes feed loop
-    ensure_rep_db_exists(?REPLICATOR_DB),
-    Pid = start_changes_reader(?REPLICATOR_DB, 0, Epoch),
-    {ok, #state{
-        event_listener = start_event_listener(),
-        scan_pid = ScanPid,
-        max_retries = retries_value(
-            config:get("replicator", "max_replication_retry_count", "10")),
-        rep_start_pids = [{?REPLICATOR_DB, Pid}],
-        live = Live,
-        epoch = Epoch
-    }}.
-handle_call({owner, RepId}, _From, State) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        {reply, nonode, State};
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        {reply, owner(DbName, DocId,, State}
-    end;
-handle_call({rep_db_update, DbName, {ChangeProps} = Change}, _From, State) ->
-    NewState = try
-        process_update(State, DbName, Change)
-    catch
-    _Tag:Error ->
-        {RepProps} = get_json_value(doc, ChangeProps),
-        DocId = get_json_value(<<"_id">>, RepProps),
-        rep_db_update_error(Error, DbName, DocId),
-        State
-    end,
-    {reply, ok, NewState};
-handle_call({rep_started, RepId}, _From, State) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        ok;
-    RepState ->
-        NewRepState = RepState#rep_state{
-            starting = false,
-            retries_left = State#state.max_retries,
-            max_retries = State#state.max_retries,
-            wait = ?INITIAL_WAIT
-        },
-        true = ets:insert(?REP_TO_STATE, {RepId, NewRepState})
-    end,
-    {reply, ok, State};
-handle_call({rep_complete, RepId}, _From, State) ->
-    true = ets:delete(?REP_TO_STATE, RepId),
-    {reply, ok, State};
-handle_call({rep_error, RepId, Error}, _From, State) ->
-    {reply, ok, replication_error(State, RepId, Error)};
-% Match changes epoch with the current epoch in the state.
-% New epoch ref is created on a full rescan. Change feeds have to
-% be replayed from the start to determine ownership in the new
-% cluster configuration and epoch is used to match & checkpoint
-% only changes from the current cluster configuration.
-handle_call({rep_db_checkpoint, DbName, EndSeq, Epoch}, _From,
-            #state{epoch = Epoch} = State) ->
-    Entry = case ets:lookup(?DB_TO_SEQ, DbName) of
-        [] ->
-            {DbName, EndSeq, false};
-        [{DbName, _OldSeq, Rescan}] ->
-            {DbName, EndSeq, Rescan}
-    end,
-    true = ets:insert(?DB_TO_SEQ, Entry),
-    {reply, ok, State};
-% Ignore checkpoints from previous epoch.
-handle_call({rep_db_checkpoint, _DbName, _EndSeq, _Epoch}, _From, State) ->
-    {reply, ok, State};
-handle_call(Msg, From, State) ->
-    couch_log:error("Replication manager received unexpected call ~p from ~p",
-        [Msg, From]),
-    {stop, {error, {unexpected_call, Msg}}, State}.
-handle_cast({resume_scan, DbName}, State) ->
-    Pids = State#state.rep_start_pids,
-    NewPids = case lists:keyfind(DbName, 1, Pids) of
-        {DbName, _Pid} ->
-            Entry = case ets:lookup(?DB_TO_SEQ, DbName) of
-                [] ->
-                    {DbName, 0, true};
-                [{DbName, EndSeq, _Rescan}] ->
-                    {DbName, EndSeq, true}
-            end,
-            true = ets:insert(?DB_TO_SEQ, Entry),
-            Pids;
-        false ->
-            Since = case ets:lookup(?DB_TO_SEQ, DbName) of
-                [] -> 0;
-                [{DbName, EndSeq, _Rescan}] -> EndSeq
-            end,
-            true = ets:insert(?DB_TO_SEQ, {DbName, Since, false}),
-            ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName),
-            Pid = start_changes_reader(DbName, Since, State#state.epoch),
-            couch_log:debug("Scanning ~s from update_seq ~p", [DbName, Since]),
-            [{DbName, Pid} | Pids]
-    end,
-    {noreply, State#state{rep_start_pids = NewPids}};
-handle_cast({set_max_retries, MaxRetries}, State) ->
-    {noreply, State#state{max_retries = MaxRetries}};
-handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
-    couch_log:error("Replication manager received unexpected cast ~p", [Msg]),
-    {stop, {error, {unexpected_cast, Msg}}, State}.
-handle_info({nodeup, Node}, State) ->
-    couch_log:notice("Rescanning replicator dbs as ~s came up.", [Node]),
-    Live = lists:usort([Node |]),
-    {noreply, rescan(State#state{live=Live})};
-handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
-    couch_log:notice("Rescanning replicator dbs ~s went down.", [Node]),
-    Live = -- [Node],
-    {noreply, rescan(State#state{live=Live})};
-handle_info({'EXIT', From, normal}, #state{scan_pid = From} = State) ->
-    couch_log:debug("Background scan has completed.", []),
-    {noreply, State#state{scan_pid=nil}};
-handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{scan_pid = From} = State) ->
-    couch_log:error("Background scanner died. Reason: ~p", [Reason]),
-    {stop, {scanner_died, Reason}, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{event_listener = From} = State) ->
-    couch_log:error("Database update notifier died. Reason: ~p", [Reason]),
-    {stop, {db_update_notifier_died, Reason}, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{rep_start_pids = Pids} = State) ->
-    case lists:keytake(From, 2, Pids) of
-        {value, {DbName, From}, NewPids} ->
-            if Reason == normal -> ok; true ->
-                Fmt = "~s : Known replication or change feed pid ~w died :: ~w",
-                couch_log:error(Fmt, [?MODULE, From, Reason])
-            end,
-            NewState = State#state{rep_start_pids = NewPids},
-            case ets:lookup(?DB_TO_SEQ, DbName) of
-                [{DbName, _EndSeq, true}] ->
-                    handle_cast({resume_scan, DbName}, NewState);
-                _ ->
-                    {noreply, NewState}
-            end;
-        false when Reason == normal ->
-            {noreply, State};
-        false ->
-            Fmt = "~s : Unknown pid ~w died :: ~w",
-            couch_log:error(Fmt, [?MODULE, From, Reason]),
-            {stop, {unexpected_exit, From, Reason}, State}
-    end;
-handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, _, _, _}, State) ->
-    % From a db monitor created by a replication process. Ignore.
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info(shutdown, State) ->
-    {stop, shutdown, State};
-handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info(Msg, State) ->
-    couch_log:error("Replication manager received unexpected message ~p", [Msg]),
-    {stop, {unexpected_msg, Msg}, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    #state{
-        scan_pid = ScanPid,
-        rep_start_pids = StartPids,
-        event_listener = Listener
-    } = State,
-    stop_all_replications(),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({_Tag, Pid}) ->
-            catch unlink(Pid),
-            catch exit(Pid, stop)
-        end,
-        [{scanner, ScanPid} | StartPids]),
-    true = ets:delete(?REP_TO_STATE),
-    true = ets:delete(?DOC_TO_REP),
-    true = ets:delete(?DB_TO_SEQ),
-    couch_event:stop_listener(Listener).
-code_change(1, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, erlang:append_element(State, [node() | nodes()])};
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-start_changes_reader(DbName, Since, Epoch) ->
-    spawn_link(?MODULE, changes_reader, [{self(), Epoch}, DbName, Since]).
-changes_reader({Server, Epoch}, DbName, Since) ->
-    UserCtx = #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>, <<"_replicator">>]},
-    DbOpenOptions = [{user_ctx, UserCtx}, sys_db],
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, DbOpenOptions),
-    ChangesFeedFun = couch_changes:handle_db_changes(
-        #changes_args{
-            include_docs = true,
-            since = Since,
-            feed = "normal",
-            timeout = infinity
-        },
-        {json_req, null},
-        Db
-    ),
-    ChangesFeedFun({fun ?MODULE:changes_reader_cb/3, {Server, DbName, Epoch}}).
-changes_reader_cb({change, Change, _}, _, {Server, DbName, Epoch}) ->
-    case has_valid_rep_id(Change) of
-        true ->
-            Msg = {rep_db_update, DbName, Change},
-            ok = gen_server:call(Server, Msg, infinity);
-        false ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    {Server, DbName, Epoch};
-changes_reader_cb({stop, EndSeq}, _, {Server, DbName, Epoch}) ->
-    Msg = {rep_db_checkpoint, DbName, EndSeq, Epoch},
-    ok = gen_server:call(Server, Msg, infinity),
-    {Server, DbName, Epoch};
-changes_reader_cb(_, _, Acc) ->
-    Acc.
-has_valid_rep_id({Change}) ->
-    has_valid_rep_id(get_json_value(<<"id">>, Change));
-has_valid_rep_id(<<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _Rest/binary>>) ->
-    false;
-has_valid_rep_id(_Else) ->
-    true.
-start_event_listener() ->
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_event:link_listener(
-            ?MODULE, handle_db_event, self(), [all_dbs]
-        ),
-    Pid.
-handle_db_event(DbName, created, Server) ->
-    case is_replicator_db(DbName) of
-	true ->
-	    ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName);
-	_ ->
-	    ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Server};
-handle_db_event(DbName, updated, Server) ->
-    case is_replicator_db(DbName) of
-        true ->
-	    Msg = {resume_scan, DbName},
-	    ok = gen_server:cast(Server, Msg);
-        _ ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Server};
-handle_db_event(DbName, deleted, Server) ->
-    case is_replicator_db(DbName) of
-        true ->
-            clean_up_replications(DbName);
-        _ ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Server};
-handle_db_event(_DbName, _Event, Server) ->
-    {ok, Server}.
-rescan(#state{scan_pid = nil} = State) ->
-    true = ets:delete_all_objects(?DB_TO_SEQ),
-    Server = self(),
-    Epoch = make_ref(),
-    NewScanPid = spawn_link(fun() -> scan_all_dbs(Server) end),
-    State#state{scan_pid = NewScanPid, epoch = Epoch};
-rescan(#state{scan_pid = ScanPid} = State) ->
-    unlink(ScanPid),
-    exit(ScanPid, exit),
-    rescan(State#state{scan_pid = nil}).
-process_update(State, DbName, {Change}) ->
-    {RepProps} = JsonRepDoc = get_json_value(doc, Change),
-    DocId = get_json_value(<<"_id">>, RepProps),
-    case {owner(DbName, DocId,, get_json_value(deleted, Change, false)} of
-    {_, true} ->
-        rep_doc_deleted(DbName, DocId),
-        State;
-    {Owner, false} when Owner /= node() ->
-        couch_log:notice("Not starting '~s' from '~s' as owner is ~s.",
-            [DocId, DbName, Owner]),
-        State;
-    {_Owner, false} ->
-        couch_log:notice("Maybe starting '~s' from '~s' as I'm the owner", [DocId, DbName]),
-        case get_json_value(<<"_replication_state">>, RepProps) of
-        undefined ->
-            maybe_start_replication(State, DbName, DocId, JsonRepDoc);
-        <<"triggered">> ->
-            maybe_start_replication(State, DbName, DocId, JsonRepDoc);
-        <<"completed">> ->
-            replication_complete(DbName, DocId),
-            State;
-        <<"error">> ->
-            case ets:lookup(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId}) of
-            [] ->
-                maybe_start_replication(State, DbName, DocId, JsonRepDoc);
-            _ ->
-                State
-            end
-        end
-    end.
-owner(<<"shards/", _/binary>> = DbName, DocId, Live) ->
-    Nodes = lists:sort([N || #shard{node=N} <- mem3:shards(mem3:dbname(DbName), DocId),
-			     lists:member(N, Live)]),
-    hd(mem3_util:rotate_list({DbName, DocId}, Nodes));
-owner(_DbName, _DocId, _Live) ->
-    node().
-rep_db_update_error(Error, DbName, DocId) ->
-    case Error of
-    {bad_rep_doc, Reason} ->
-        ok;
-    _ ->
-        Reason = to_binary(Error)
-    end,
-    couch_log:error("Replication manager, error processing document `~s`"
-        " from `~s`: ~s", [DocId, DbName, Reason]),
-    update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [{<<"_replication_state">>, <<"error">>},
-                           {<<"_replication_state_reason">>, Reason}]).
-rep_user_ctx({RepDoc}) ->
-    case get_json_value(<<"user_ctx">>, RepDoc) of
-    undefined ->
-        #user_ctx{};
-    {UserCtx} ->
-        #user_ctx{
-            name = get_json_value(<<"name">>, UserCtx, null),
-            roles = get_json_value(<<"roles">>, UserCtx, [])
-        }
-    end.
-maybe_start_replication(State, DbName, DocId, RepDoc) ->
-    #rep{id = {BaseId, _} = RepId} = Rep0 = parse_rep_doc(RepDoc),
-    Rep = Rep0#rep{db_name = DbName},
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        RepState = #rep_state{
-            rep = Rep,
-            starting = true,
-            retries_left = State#state.max_retries,
-            max_retries = State#state.max_retries
-        },
-        true = ets:insert(?REP_TO_STATE, {RepId, RepState}),
-        true = ets:insert(?DOC_TO_REP, {{DbName, DocId}, RepId}),
-        couch_log:notice("Attempting to start replication `~s` (document `~s`"
-            " from `~s`).", [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId, DbName]),
-        StartDelaySecs = erlang:max(0,
-            config:get_integer("replicator", "start_delay", 10)),
-        StartSplaySecs = erlang:max(1,
-            config:get_integer("replicator", "start_splay", 50)),
-        DelaySecs = StartDelaySecs + random:uniform(StartSplaySecs),
-        couch_log:notice("Delaying replication `~s` start by ~p seconds.",
-            [pp_rep_id(RepId), DelaySecs]),
-        Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, start_replication, [Rep, DelaySecs]),
-        State#state{
-            rep_start_pids = [{rep_start, Pid} | State#state.rep_start_pids]
-        };
-    #rep_state{rep = #rep{doc_id = DocId}} ->
-        State;
-    #rep_state{starting = false, rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = OtherDocId}} ->
-        couch_log:notice("The replication specified by the document `~s` from"
-            " `~s` was already triggered by the document `~s`",
-            [DocId, DbName, OtherDocId]),
-        maybe_tag_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, RepDoc, ?l2b(BaseId)),
-        State;
-    #rep_state{starting = true, rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = OtherDocId}} ->
-        couch_log:notice("The replication specified by the document `~s` from"
-            " `~s` is already being triggered by the document `~s`",
-            [DocId, DbName, OtherDocId]),
-        maybe_tag_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, RepDoc, ?l2b(BaseId)),
-        State
-    end.
-parse_rep_doc(RepDoc) ->
-    {ok, Rep} = try
-        couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(RepDoc, rep_user_ctx(RepDoc))
-    catch
-    throw:{error, Reason} ->
-        throw({bad_rep_doc, Reason});
-    Tag:Err ->
-        throw({bad_rep_doc, to_binary({Tag, Err})})
-    end,
-    Rep.
-maybe_tag_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, {RepProps}, RepId) ->
-    case get_json_value(<<"_replication_id">>, RepProps) of
-    RepId ->
-        ok;
-    _ ->
-        update_rep_doc(DbName, DocId, [{<<"_replication_id">>, RepId}])
-    end.
-start_replication(Rep, Wait) ->
-    ok = timer:sleep(Wait * 1000),
-    case (catch couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep)) of
-    {ok, _} ->
-        ok;
-    Error ->
-        replication_error(Rep, Error)
-    end.
-replication_complete(DbName, DocId) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId}) of
-    [{{DbName, DocId}, {BaseId, Ext} = RepId}] ->
-        case rep_state(RepId) of
-        nil ->
-            % Prior to OTP R14B02, temporary child specs remain in
-            % in the supervisor after a worker finishes - remove them.
-            % We want to be able to start the same replication but with
-            % eventually different values for parameters that don't
-            % contribute to its ID calculation.
-            case erlang:system_info(otp_release) < "R14B02" of
-            true ->
-                spawn(fun() ->
-                    _ = supervisor:delete_child(couch_replicator_job_sup, BaseId ++ Ext)
-                end);
-            false ->
-                ok
-            end;
-        #rep_state{} ->
-            ok
-        end,
-        true = ets:delete(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId});
-    _ ->
-        ok
-    end.
-rep_doc_deleted(DbName, DocId) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId}) of
-    [{{DbName, DocId}, RepId}] ->
-        couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId),
-        true = ets:delete(?REP_TO_STATE, RepId),
-        true = ets:delete(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId}),
-        couch_log:notice("Stopped replication `~s` because replication document"
-            " `~s` from `~s` was deleted", [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId, DbName]);
-    [] ->
-        ok
-    end.
-replication_error(State, RepId, Error) ->
-    case rep_state(RepId) of
-    nil ->
-        State;
-    RepState ->
-        maybe_retry_replication(RepState, Error, State)
-    end.
-maybe_retry_replication(#rep_state{retries_left = 0} = RepState, Error, State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        rep = #rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId, db_name = DbName},
-        max_retries = MaxRetries
-    } = RepState,
-    couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId),
-    true = ets:delete(?REP_TO_STATE, RepId),
-    true = ets:delete(?DOC_TO_REP, {DbName, DocId}),
-    couch_log:error("Error in replication `~s` (triggered by document `~s` from"
-        " `~s` ): ~s~nReached maximum retry attempts (~p).", [pp_rep_id(RepId),
-        DocId, DbName, to_binary(error_reason(Error)), MaxRetries]),
-    State;
-maybe_retry_replication(RepState, Error, State) ->
-    #rep_state{
-        rep = #rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId, db_name = DbName} = Rep
-    } = RepState,
-    #rep_state{wait = Wait} = NewRepState = state_after_error(RepState),
-    true = ets:insert(?REP_TO_STATE, {RepId, NewRepState}),
-    couch_log:error("Error in replication `~s` (triggered by document `~s` from"
-        " `~s` ): ~s~nRestarting replication in ~p seconds.", [pp_rep_id(RepId),
-        DocId, DbName, to_binary(error_reason(Error)), Wait]),
-    Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, start_replication, [Rep, Wait]),
-    State#state{
-        rep_start_pids = [{rep_start, Pid} | State#state.rep_start_pids]
-    }.
-stop_all_replications() ->
-    couch_log:notice("Stopping all ongoing replications", []),
-    ets:foldl(
-        fun({_, RepId}, _) ->
-            couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId)
-        end,
-        ok, ?DOC_TO_REP),
-    true = ets:delete_all_objects(?REP_TO_STATE),
-    true = ets:delete_all_objects(?DOC_TO_REP),
-    true = ets:delete_all_objects(?DB_TO_SEQ).
-clean_up_replications(DbName) ->
-    ets:foldl(
-        fun({{Name, DocId}, RepId}, _) when Name =:= DbName ->
-            couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId),
-            ets:delete(?DOC_TO_REP,{Name, DocId}),
-            ets:delete(?REP_TO_STATE, RepId);
-           ({_,_}, _) ->
-            ok
-        end,
-        ok, ?DOC_TO_REP),
-    ets:delete(?DB_TO_SEQ,DbName).
-update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs) ->
-    update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, 1).
-update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, Wait) when is_binary(RepDocId) ->
-    try
-        case open_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId) of
-            {ok, LastRepDoc} ->
-                update_rep_doc(RepDbName, LastRepDoc, KVs, Wait * 2);
-            _ ->
-                ok
-        end
-    catch
-        throw:conflict ->
-            Msg = "Conflict when updating replication document `~s`. Retrying.",
-            couch_log:error(Msg, [RepDocId]),
-            ok = timer:sleep(random:uniform(erlang:min(128, Wait)) * 100),
-            update_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDocId, KVs, Wait * 2)
-    end;
-update_rep_doc(RepDbName, #doc{body = {RepDocBody}} = RepDoc, KVs, _Try) ->
-    NewRepDocBody = lists:foldl(
-        fun({K, undefined}, Body) ->
-                lists:keydelete(K, 1, Body);
-           ({<<"_replication_state">> = K, State} = KV, Body) ->
-                case get_json_value(K, Body) of
-                State ->
-                    Body;
-                _ ->
-                    Body1 = lists:keystore(K, 1, Body, KV),
-                    lists:keystore(
-                        <<"_replication_state_time">>, 1, Body1,
-                        {<<"_replication_state_time">>, timestamp()})
-                end;
-            ({K, _V} = KV, Body) ->
-                lists:keystore(K, 1, Body, KV)
-        end,
-        RepDocBody, KVs),
-    case NewRepDocBody of
-    RepDocBody ->
-        ok;
-    _ ->
-        % Might not succeed - when the replication doc is deleted right
-        % before this update (not an error, ignore).
-        save_rep_doc(RepDbName, RepDoc#doc{body = {NewRepDocBody}})
-    end.
-open_rep_doc(DbName, DocId) ->
-    case couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]) of
-        {ok, Db} ->
-            try
-                couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, [ejson_body])
-            after
-                couch_db:close(Db)
-            end;
-        Else ->
-            Else
-    end.
-save_rep_doc(DbName, Doc) ->
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]),
-    try
-        couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, [])
-    after
-        couch_db:close(Db)
-    end.
-% RFC3339 timestamps.
-% Note: doesn't include the time seconds fraction (RFC3339 says it's optional).
-timestamp() ->
-    {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(now()),
-    UTime = erlang:universaltime(),
-    LocalTime = calendar:universal_time_to_local_time(UTime),
-    DiffSecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LocalTime) -
-        calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTime),
-    zone(DiffSecs div 3600, (DiffSecs rem 3600) div 60),
-    iolist_to_binary(
-        io_lib:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w~s",
-            [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec,
-                zone(DiffSecs div 3600, (DiffSecs rem 3600) div 60)])).
-zone(Hr, Min) when Hr >= 0, Min >= 0 ->
-    io_lib:format("+~2..0w:~2..0w", [Hr, Min]);
-zone(Hr, Min) ->
-    io_lib:format("-~2..0w:~2..0w", [abs(Hr), abs(Min)]).
-ensure_rep_db_exists(<<"shards/", _/binary>>=DbName) ->
-    ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName),
-    ok;
-ensure_rep_db_exists(DbName) ->
-    Db = case couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db, nologifmissing]) of
-        {ok, Db0} ->
-            Db0;
-        _Error ->
-            {ok, Db0} = couch_db:create(DbName, [?CTX, sys_db]),
-            Db0
-    end,
-    ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName),
-    {ok, Db}.
-ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb) ->
-    DDocId = <<"_design/_replicator">>,
-    case mem3:belongs(RepDb, DDocId) of
-	true ->
-	    ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb, DDocId);
-	false ->
-	    ok
-    end.
-ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(RepDb, DDocId) ->
-    case open_rep_doc(RepDb, DDocId) of
-        {not_found, no_db_file} ->
-            %% database was deleted.
-            ok;
-        {not_found, _Reason} ->
-            {ok, DDoc} = replication_design_doc(DDocId),
-            couch_log:notice("creating replicator ddoc", []),
-            {ok, _Rev} = save_rep_doc(RepDb, DDoc);
-        {ok, Doc} ->
-            {Props} = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []),
-            case couch_util:get_value(<<"validate_doc_update">>, Props, []) of
-                ?REP_DB_DOC_VALIDATE_FUN ->
-                    ok;
-                _ ->
-                    Props1 = lists:keyreplace(<<"validate_doc_update">>, 1, Props,
-                         {<<"validate_doc_update">>,
-                        ?REP_DB_DOC_VALIDATE_FUN}),
-                    DDoc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({Props1}),
-                    couch_log:notice("updating replicator ddoc", []),
-                    try
-                        {ok, _} = save_rep_doc(RepDb, DDoc)
-                    catch
-                        throw:conflict ->
-                            %% ignore, we'll retry next time
-                            ok
-                    end
-            end
-    end,
-    ok.
-replication_design_doc(DDocId) ->
-    DocProps = [
-        {<<"_id">>, DDocId},
-        {<<"language">>, <<"javascript">>},
-        {<<"validate_doc_update">>, ?REP_DB_DOC_VALIDATE_FUN}
-   ],
-   {ok, couch_doc:from_json_obj({DocProps})}.
-% pretty-print replication id
-pp_rep_id(#rep{id = RepId}) ->
-    pp_rep_id(RepId);
-pp_rep_id({Base, Extension}) ->
-    Base ++ Extension.
-rep_state(RepId) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?REP_TO_STATE, RepId) of
-    [{RepId, RepState}] ->
-        RepState;
-    [] ->
-        nil
-    end.
-error_reason({error, {Error, Reason}})
-  when is_atom(Error), is_binary(Reason) ->
-    io_lib:format("~s: ~s", [Error, Reason]);
-error_reason({error, Reason}) ->
-    Reason;
-error_reason(Reason) ->
-    Reason.
-retries_value("infinity") ->
-    infinity;
-retries_value(Value) ->
-    list_to_integer(Value).
-state_after_error(#rep_state{retries_left = Left, wait = Wait} = State) ->
-    Wait2 = erlang:min(trunc(Wait * 2), ?MAX_WAIT),
-    case Left of
-    infinity ->
-        State#rep_state{wait = Wait2};
-    _ ->
-        State#rep_state{retries_left = Left - 1, wait = Wait2}
-    end.
-before_doc_update(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, _Db) ->
-    Doc;
-before_doc_update(#doc{body = {Body}} = Doc, #db{user_ctx=UserCtx} = Db) ->
-    #user_ctx{roles = Roles, name = Name} = UserCtx,
-    case lists:member(<<"_replicator">>, Roles) of
-    true ->
-        Doc;
-    false ->
-        case couch_util:get_value(?OWNER, Body) of
-        undefined ->
-            Doc#doc{body = {?replace(Body, ?OWNER, Name)}};
-        Name ->
-            Doc;
-        Other ->
-            case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
-            ok when Other =:= null ->
-                Doc#doc{body = {?replace(Body, ?OWNER, Name)}};
-            ok ->
-                Doc;
-            _ ->
-                throw({forbidden, <<"Can't update replication documents",
-                    " from other users.">>})
-            end
-        end
-    end.
-after_doc_read(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, _Db) ->
-    Doc;
-after_doc_read(#doc{body = {Body}} = Doc, #db{user_ctx=UserCtx} = Db) ->
-    #user_ctx{name = Name} = UserCtx,
-    case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
-    ok ->
-        Doc;
-    _ ->
-        case couch_util:get_value(?OWNER, Body) of
-        Name ->
-            Doc;
-        _Other ->
-            Source = strip_credentials(couch_util:get_value(<<"source">>,
-            Target = strip_credentials(couch_util:get_value(<<"target">>,
-            NewBody0 = ?replace(Body, <<"source">>, Source),
-            NewBody = ?replace(NewBody0, <<"target">>, Target),
-            #doc{revs = {Pos, [_ | Revs]}} = Doc,
-            NewDoc = Doc#doc{body = {NewBody}, revs = {Pos - 1, Revs}},
-            NewRevId = couch_db:new_revid(NewDoc),
-            NewDoc#doc{revs = {Pos, [NewRevId | Revs]}}
-        end
-    end.
-strip_credentials(undefined) ->
-    undefined;
-strip_credentials(Url) when is_binary(Url) ->
-    re:replace(Url,
-        "http(s)?://(?:[^:]+):[^@]+@(.*)$",
-        "http\\1://\\2",
-        [{return, binary}]);
-strip_credentials({Props}) ->
-    {lists:keydelete(<<"oauth">>, 1, Props)}.
-scan_all_dbs(Server) when is_pid(Server) ->
-    {ok, Db} = mem3_util:ensure_exists(
-        config:get("mem3", "shards_db", "_dbs")),
-    ChangesFun = couch_changes:handle_changes(#changes_args{}, nil, Db, nil),
-    ChangesFun(fun({change, {Change}, _}, _) ->
-        DbName = couch_util:get_value(<<"id">>, Change),
-        case DbName of <<"_design/", _/binary>> -> ok; _Else ->
-            case couch_replicator_utils:is_deleted(Change) of
-            true ->
-                ok;
-            false ->
-                try
-                    [gen_server:cast(Server, {resume_scan, ShardName})
-                        || ShardName <- replicator_shards(DbName)]
-                catch error:database_does_not_exist ->
-                    ok
-                end
-            end
-        end;
-        (_, _) -> ok
-    end),
-    couch_db:close(Db).
-replicator_shards(DbName) ->
-    case is_replicator_db(DbName) of
-    false ->
-        [];
-    true ->
-        [ShardName || #shard{name = ShardName} <- mem3:local_shards(DbName)]
-    end.
-% calculate random delay proportional to the number of replications
-% on current node, in order to prevent a stampede:
-%   - when a source with multiple replication targets fails
-%   - when we restart couch_replication_manager
-jitter(N) ->
-    Range = min(2 * N * ?AVG_DELAY_MSEC, ?MAX_DELAY_MSEC),
-    random:uniform(Range).
-is_replicator_db(DbName) ->
-    ?REPLICATOR_DB =:= couch_db:dbname_suffix(DbName).
-get_json_value(Key, Props) ->
-    get_json_value(Key, Props, undefined).
-get_json_value(Key, Props, Default) when is_atom(Key) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    case couch_util:get_value(Key, Props, Ref) of
-        Ref ->
-            couch_util:get_value(?l2b(atom_to_list(Key)), Props, Default);
-        Else ->
-            Else
-    end;
-get_json_value(Key, Props, Default) when is_binary(Key) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    case couch_util:get_value(Key, Props, Ref) of
-        Ref ->
-            couch_util:get_value(list_to_atom(?b2l(Key)), Props, Default);
-        Else ->
-            Else
-    end.
-replicator_shards_test_() ->
-      foreach,
-      fun() -> test_util:start_couch([mem3, fabric]) end,
-      fun(Ctx) -> test_util:stop_couch(Ctx) end,
-      [
-          t_pass_replicator_shard(),
-          t_fail_non_replicator_shard()
-     ]
-t_pass_replicator_shard() ->
-    ?_test(begin
-        DbName0 = ?tempdb(),
-        DbName = <<DbName0/binary, "/_replicator">>,
-        ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?CTX]),
-        ?assertEqual(8, length(replicator_shards(DbName))),
-        fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?CTX])
-    end).
-t_fail_non_replicator_shard() ->
-    ?_test(begin
-        DbName = ?tempdb(),
-        ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?CTX]),
-        ?assertEqual([], replicator_shards(DbName)),
-        fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?CTX])
-    end).
+after_doc_read(Doc, Db) ->
+    couch_replicator_docs:after_doc_read(Doc, Db).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_sup.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_sup.erl
index 57ad63b..b50c0a1 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_sup.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_sup.erl
@@ -26,18 +26,56 @@ init(_Args) ->
-        {couch_replicator_manager,
-            {couch_replicator_manager, start_link, []},
+       {couch_replicator_clustering,
+            {couch_replicator_clustering, start_link, []},
-            [couch_replicator_manager]},
-        {couch_replicator_job_sup,
-            {couch_replicator_job_sup, start_link, []},
+            [couch_replicator_clustering]},
+       {couch_replicator_connection,
+            {couch_replicator_connection, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_replicator_connection]},
+       {couch_replicator_rate_limiter,
+            {couch_replicator_rate_limiter, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_replicator_rate_limiter]},
+        {couch_replicator_scheduler_sup,
+            {couch_replicator_scheduler_sup, start_link, []},
-            [couch_replicator_job_sup]}
+            [couch_replicator_scheduler_sup]},
+        {couch_replicator_scheduler,
+            {couch_replicator_scheduler, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_replicator_scheduler]},
+        {couch_replicator_doc_processor,
+            {couch_replicator_doc_processor, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_replicator_doc_processor]},
+        {couch_replicator,
+            % This is a simple function call which does not create a process
+            % but returns `ignore`. It is used to make sure each node
+            % a local `_replicator` database.
+            {couch_replicator, ensure_rep_db_exists, []},
+            transient,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_replicator]},
+        {couch_replicator_db_changes,
+            {couch_replicator_db_changes, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_multidb_changes]}
-    {ok, {{one_for_one,10,1}, Children}}.
+    {ok, {{rest_for_one,10,1}, Children}}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_utils.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_utils.erl
index e96d52a..3fd98a3 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_utils.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_utils.erl
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
 -export([start_db_compaction_notifier/2, stop_db_compaction_notifier/1]).
 -export([sum_stats/2, is_deleted/1]).
+-export([get_json_value/2, get_json_value/3]).
 -import(couch_util, [
@@ -31,385 +33,7 @@
-parse_rep_doc({Props}, UserCtx) ->
-    ProxyParams = parse_proxy_params(get_value(<<"proxy">>, Props, <<>>)),
-    Options = make_options(Props),
-    case get_value(cancel, Options, false) andalso
-        (get_value(id, Options, nil) =/= nil) of
-    true ->
-        {ok, #rep{options = Options, user_ctx = UserCtx}};
-    false ->
-        Source = parse_rep_db(get_value(<<"source">>, Props),
-                              ProxyParams, Options),
-        Target = parse_rep_db(get_value(<<"target">>, Props),
-                              ProxyParams, Options),
-        {RepType, View} = case get_value(<<"filter">>, Props) of
-                <<"_view">> ->
-                    {QP}  = get_value(query_params, Options, {[]}),
-                    ViewParam = get_value(<<"view">>, QP),
-                    View1 = case re:split(ViewParam, <<"/">>) of
-                        [DName, ViewName] ->
-                            {<< "_design/", DName/binary >>, ViewName};
-                        _ ->
-                            throw({bad_request, "Invalid `view` parameter."})
-                    end,
-                    {view, View1};
-                _ ->
-                    {db, nil}
-            end,
-        Rep = #rep{
-            source = Source,
-            target = Target,
-            options = Options,
-            user_ctx = UserCtx,
-            type = RepType,
-            view = View,
-            doc_id = get_value(<<"_id">>, Props, null)
-        },
-        {ok, Rep#rep{id = replication_id(Rep)}}
-    end.
-replication_id(#rep{options = Options} = Rep) ->
-    BaseId = replication_id(Rep, ?REP_ID_VERSION),
-    {BaseId, maybe_append_options([continuous, create_target], Options)}.
-% Versioned clauses for generating replication IDs.
-% If a change is made to how replications are identified,
-% please add a new clause and increase ?REP_ID_VERSION.
-replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 3) ->
-    UUID = couch_server:get_uuid(),
-    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
-    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
-    maybe_append_filters([UUID, Src, Tgt], Rep);
-replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 2) ->
-    {ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
-    Port = case (catch mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)) of
-    P when is_number(P) ->
-        P;
-    _ ->
-        % On restart we might be called before the couch_httpd process is
-        % started.
-        % TODO: we might be under an SSL socket server only, or both under
-        % SSL and a non-SSL socket.
-        % ... mochiweb_socket_server:get(https, port)
-        list_to_integer(config:get("httpd", "port", "5984"))
-    end,
-    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
-    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
-    maybe_append_filters([HostName, Port, Src, Tgt], Rep);
-replication_id(#rep{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Rep, 1) ->
-    {ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
-    Src = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, Rep#rep.source),
-    Tgt = get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx,,
-    maybe_append_filters([HostName, Src, Tgt], Rep).
-        #rep{source = Source, user_ctx = UserCtx, options = Options}) ->
-    Filter = get_value(filter, Options),
-    DocIds = get_value(doc_ids, Options),
-    Selector = get_value(selector, Options),
-    Base2 = Base ++
-        case {Filter, DocIds, Selector} of
-        {undefined, undefined, undefined} ->
-            [];
-        {<<"_", _/binary>>, undefined, undefined} ->
-            [Filter, get_value(query_params, Options, {[]})];
-        {_, undefined, undefined} ->
-            [filter_code(Filter, Source, UserCtx),
-                get_value(query_params, Options, {[]})];
-        {undefined, _, undefined} ->
-            [DocIds];
-        {undefined, undefined, _} ->
-            [ejsort(mango_selector:normalize(Selector))];
-        _ ->
-            throw({error, <<"`selector`, `filter` and `doc_ids` fields are mutually exclusive">>})
-        end,
-    couch_util:to_hex(couch_crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary(Base2))).
-filter_code(Filter, Source, UserCtx) ->
-    {DDocName, FilterName} =
-    case re:run(Filter, "(.*?)/(.*)", [{capture, [1, 2], binary}]) of
-    {match, [DDocName0, FilterName0]} ->
-        {DDocName0, FilterName0};
-    _ ->
-        throw({error, <<"Invalid filter. Must match `ddocname/filtername`.">>})
-    end,
-    Db = case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Source, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}])) of
-    {ok, Db0} ->
-        Db0;
-    DbError ->
-        DbErrorMsg = io_lib:format("Could not open source database `~s`: ~s",
-           [couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source), couch_util:to_binary(DbError)]),
-        throw({error, iolist_to_binary(DbErrorMsg)})
-    end,
-    try
-        Body = case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(
-            Db, <<"_design/", DDocName/binary>>, [ejson_body])) of
-        {ok, #doc{body = Body0}} ->
-            Body0;
-        DocError ->
-            DocErrorMsg = io_lib:format(
-                "Couldn't open document `_design/~s` from source "
-                "database `~s`: ~s", [DDocName, couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source),
-                    couch_util:to_binary(DocError)]),
-            throw({error, iolist_to_binary(DocErrorMsg)})
-        end,
-        Code = couch_util:get_nested_json_value(
-            Body, [<<"filters">>, FilterName]),
-        re:replace(Code, [$^, "\s*(.*?)\s*", $$], "\\1", [{return, binary}])
-    after
-        couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(Db)
-    end.
-maybe_append_options(Options, RepOptions) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun(Option, Acc) ->
-        Acc ++
-        case get_value(Option, RepOptions, false) of
-        true ->
-            "+" ++ atom_to_list(Option);
-        false ->
-            ""
-        end
-    end, [], Options).
-get_rep_endpoint(_UserCtx, #httpdb{url=Url, headers=Headers, oauth=OAuth}) ->
-    DefaultHeaders = (#httpdb{})#httpdb.headers,
-    case OAuth of
-    nil ->
-        {remote, Url, Headers -- DefaultHeaders};
-    #oauth{} ->
-        {remote, Url, Headers -- DefaultHeaders, OAuth}
-    end;
-get_rep_endpoint(UserCtx, <<DbName/binary>>) ->
-    {local, DbName, UserCtx}.
-parse_rep_db({Props}, ProxyParams, Options) ->
-    Url = maybe_add_trailing_slash(get_value(<<"url">>, Props)),
-    {AuthProps} = get_value(<<"auth">>, Props, {[]}),
-    {BinHeaders} = get_value(<<"headers">>, Props, {[]}),
-    Headers = lists:ukeysort(1, [{?b2l(K), ?b2l(V)} || {K, V} <- BinHeaders]),
-    DefaultHeaders = (#httpdb{})#httpdb.headers,
-    OAuth = case get_value(<<"oauth">>, AuthProps) of
-    undefined ->
-        nil;
-    {OauthProps} ->
-        #oauth{
-            consumer_key = ?b2l(get_value(<<"consumer_key">>, OauthProps)),
-            token = ?b2l(get_value(<<"token">>, OauthProps)),
-            token_secret = ?b2l(get_value(<<"token_secret">>, OauthProps)),
-            consumer_secret = ?b2l(get_value(<<"consumer_secret">>, OauthProps)),
-            signature_method =
-                case get_value(<<"signature_method">>, OauthProps) of
-                undefined ->        hmac_sha1;
-                <<"PLAINTEXT">> ->  plaintext;
-                <<"HMAC-SHA1">> ->  hmac_sha1;
-                <<"RSA-SHA1">> ->   rsa_sha1
-                end
-        }
-    end,
-    #httpdb{
-        url = Url,
-        oauth = OAuth,
-        headers = lists:ukeymerge(1, Headers, DefaultHeaders),
-        ibrowse_options = lists:keysort(1,
-            [{socket_options, get_value(socket_options, Options)} |
-                ProxyParams ++ ssl_params(Url)]),
-        timeout = get_value(connection_timeout, Options),
-        http_connections = get_value(http_connections, Options),
-        retries = get_value(retries, Options)
-    };
-parse_rep_db(<<"http://", _/binary>> = Url, ProxyParams, Options) ->
-    parse_rep_db({[{<<"url">>, Url}]}, ProxyParams, Options);
-parse_rep_db(<<"https://", _/binary>> = Url, ProxyParams, Options) ->
-    parse_rep_db({[{<<"url">>, Url}]}, ProxyParams, Options);
-parse_rep_db(<<DbName/binary>>, _ProxyParams, _Options) ->
-    DbName.
-maybe_add_trailing_slash(Url) when is_binary(Url) ->
-    maybe_add_trailing_slash(?b2l(Url));
-maybe_add_trailing_slash(Url) ->
-    case lists:last(Url) of
-    $/ ->
-        Url;
-    _ ->
-        Url ++ "/"
-    end.
-make_options(Props) ->
-    Options0 = lists:ukeysort(1, convert_options(Props)),
-    Options = check_options(Options0),
-    DefWorkers = config:get("replicator", "worker_processes", "4"),
-    DefBatchSize = config:get("replicator", "worker_batch_size", "500"),
-    DefConns = config:get("replicator", "http_connections", "20"),
-    DefTimeout = config:get("replicator", "connection_timeout", "30000"),
-    DefRetries = config:get("replicator", "retries_per_request", "10"),
-    UseCheckpoints = config:get("replicator", "use_checkpoints", "true"),
-    DefCheckpointInterval = config:get("replicator", "checkpoint_interval", "30000"),
-    {ok, DefSocketOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(
-        config:get("replicator", "socket_options",
-            "[{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]")),
-    lists:ukeymerge(1, Options, lists:keysort(1, [
-        {connection_timeout, list_to_integer(DefTimeout)},
-        {retries, list_to_integer(DefRetries)},
-        {http_connections, list_to_integer(DefConns)},
-        {socket_options, DefSocketOptions},
-        {worker_batch_size, list_to_integer(DefBatchSize)},
-        {worker_processes, list_to_integer(DefWorkers)},
-        {use_checkpoints, list_to_existing_atom(UseCheckpoints)},
-        {checkpoint_interval, list_to_integer(DefCheckpointInterval)}
-    ])).
-    [];
-convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
-    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `cancel` must be a boolean">>});
-convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{cancel, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{IdOpt, V} | R]) when IdOpt =:= <<"_local_id">>;
-        IdOpt =:= <<"replication_id">>; IdOpt =:= <<"id">> ->
-    Id = lists:splitwith(fun(X) -> X =/= $+ end, ?b2l(V)),
-    [{id, Id} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
-    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `create_target` must be a boolean">>});
-convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{create_target, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, V} | _R]) when not is_boolean(V)->
-    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `continuous` must be a boolean">>});
-convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{continuous, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"filter">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{filter, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"query_params">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{query_params, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, null} | R]) ->
-    convert_options(R);
-convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, V} | _R]) when not is_list(V) ->
-    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `doc_ids` must be an array">>});
-convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, V} | R]) ->
-    % Ensure same behaviour as old replicator: accept a list of percent
-    % encoded doc IDs.
-    DocIds = [?l2b(couch_httpd:unquote(Id)) || Id <- V],
-    [{doc_ids, DocIds} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"selector">>, V} | _R]) when not is_tuple(V) ->
-    throw({bad_request, <<"parameter `selector` must be a JSON object">>});
-convert_options([{<<"selector">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{selector, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"worker_processes">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{worker_processes, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"worker_batch_size">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{worker_batch_size, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"http_connections">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{http_connections, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"connection_timeout">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{connection_timeout, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"retries_per_request">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{retries, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"socket_options">>, V} | R]) ->
-    {ok, SocketOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(V),
-    [{socket_options, SocketOptions} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"since_seq">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{since_seq, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"use_checkpoints">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{use_checkpoints, V} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([{<<"checkpoint_interval">>, V} | R]) ->
-    [{checkpoint_interval, couch_util:to_integer(V)} | convert_options(R)];
-convert_options([_ | R]) -> % skip unknown option
-    convert_options(R).
-check_options(Options) ->
-    DocIds = lists:keyfind(doc_ids, 1, Options),
-    Filter = lists:keyfind(filter, 1, Options),
-    Selector = lists:keyfind(selector, 1, Options),
-    case {DocIds, Filter, Selector} of
-        {false, false, false} -> Options;
-        {false, false, _} -> Options;
-        {false, _, false} -> Options;
-        {_, false, false} -> Options;
-        _ ->
-            throw({bad_request, "`doc_ids`, `filter`, `selector` are mutually exclusive options"})
-    end.
-parse_proxy_params(ProxyUrl) when is_binary(ProxyUrl) ->
-    parse_proxy_params(?b2l(ProxyUrl));
-parse_proxy_params([]) ->
-    [];
-parse_proxy_params(ProxyUrl) ->
-    #url{
-        host = Host,
-        port = Port,
-        username = User,
-        password = Passwd,
-        protocol = Protocol
-    } = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(ProxyUrl),
-    [{proxy_protocol, Protocol}, {proxy_host, Host}, {proxy_port, Port}] ++
-        case is_list(User) andalso is_list(Passwd) of
-        false ->
-            [];
-        true ->
-            [{proxy_user, User}, {proxy_password, Passwd}]
-        end.
-ssl_params(Url) ->
-    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
-    #url{protocol = https} ->
-        Depth = list_to_integer(
-            config:get("replicator", "ssl_certificate_max_depth", "3")
-        ),
-        VerifyCerts = config:get("replicator", "verify_ssl_certificates"),
-        CertFile = config:get("replicator", "cert_file", undefined),
-        KeyFile = config:get("replicator", "key_file", undefined),
-        Password = config:get("replicator", "password", undefined),
-        SslOpts = [{depth, Depth} | ssl_verify_options(VerifyCerts =:= "true")],
-        SslOpts1 = case CertFile /= undefined andalso KeyFile /= undefined of
-            true ->
-                case Password of
-                    undefined ->
-                        [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile}] ++ SslOpts;
-                    _ ->
-                        [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile},
-                            {password, Password}] ++ SslOpts
-                end;
-            false -> SslOpts
-        end,
-        [{is_ssl, true}, {ssl_options, SslOpts1}];
-    #url{protocol = http} ->
-        []
-    end.
-ssl_verify_options(Value) ->
-    ssl_verify_options(Value, erlang:system_info(otp_release)).
-ssl_verify_options(true, OTPVersion) when OTPVersion >= "R14" ->
-    CAFile = config:get("replicator", "ssl_trusted_certificates_file"),
-    [{verify, verify_peer}, {cacertfile, CAFile}];
-ssl_verify_options(false, OTPVersion) when OTPVersion >= "R14" ->
-    [{verify, verify_none}];
-ssl_verify_options(true, _OTPVersion) ->
-    CAFile = config:get("replicator", "ssl_trusted_certificates_file"),
-    [{verify, 2}, {cacertfile, CAFile}];
-ssl_verify_options(false, _OTPVersion) ->
-    [{verify, 0}].
-%% New db record has Options field removed here to enable smoother dbcore migration
 open_db(#db{name = Name, user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
     {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(Name, [{user_ctx, UserCtx} | []]),
@@ -444,103 +68,78 @@ handle_db_event(DbName, compacted, Server) ->
 handle_db_event(_DbName, _Event, Server) ->
     {ok, Server}.
-% Obsolete - remove in next release
-sum_stats(S1, S2) ->
-    couch_replicator_stats:sum_stats(S1, S2).
+rep_error_to_binary(Error) ->
+    couch_util:to_binary(error_reason(Error)).
+error_reason({shutdown, Error}) ->
+    error_reason(Error);
+error_reason({error, {Error, Reason}})
+  when is_atom(Error), is_binary(Reason) ->
+    io_lib:format("~s: ~s", [Error, Reason]);
+error_reason({error, Reason}) ->
+    Reason;
+error_reason(Reason) ->
+    Reason.
+get_json_value(Key, Props) ->
+    get_json_value(Key, Props, undefined).
+get_json_value(Key, Props, Default) when is_atom(Key) ->
+    Ref = make_ref(),
+    case get_value(Key, Props, Ref) of
+        Ref ->
+            get_value(?l2b(atom_to_list(Key)), Props, Default);
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end;
+get_json_value(Key, Props, Default) when is_binary(Key) ->
+    Ref = make_ref(),
+    case get_value(Key, Props, Ref) of
+        Ref ->
+            get_value(list_to_atom(?b2l(Key)), Props, Default);
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
+% pretty-print replication id
+-spec pp_rep_id(#rep{} | rep_id()) -> string().
+pp_rep_id(#rep{id = RepId}) ->
+    pp_rep_id(RepId);
+pp_rep_id({Base, Extension}) ->
+    Base ++ Extension.
+% NV: TODO: this function is not used outside api wrap module
+% consider moving it there during final cleanup
 is_deleted(Change) ->
-    case couch_util:get_value(<<"deleted">>, Change) of
+    case get_value(<<"deleted">>, Change) of
     undefined ->
         % keep backwards compatibility for a while
-        couch_util:get_value(deleted, Change, false);
+        get_value(deleted, Change, false);
     Else ->
+% NV: TODO: proxy some functions which used to be here, later remove
+% these and replace calls to their respective modules
+replication_id(Rep, Version) ->
+    couch_replicator_ids:replication_id(Rep, Version).
+sum_stats(S1, S2) ->
+    couch_replicator_stats:sum_stats(S1, S2).
+parse_rep_doc(Props, UserCtx) ->
+    couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc(Props, UserCtx).
-% Sort an EJSON object's properties to attempt
-% to generate a unique representation. This is used
-% to reduce the chance of getting different
-% replication checkpoints for the same Mango selector
-    ejsort_props(V, []);
-ejsort(V) when is_list(V) ->
-    ejsort_array(V, []);
-ejsort(V) ->
-    V.
-ejsort_props([], Acc)->
-    {lists:keysort(1, Acc)};
-ejsort_props([{K, V}| R], Acc) ->
-    ejsort_props(R, [{K, ejsort(V)} | Acc]).
-ejsort_array([], Acc)->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-ejsort_array([V | R], Acc) ->
-    ejsort_array(R, [ejsort(V) | Acc]).
-ejsort_basic_values_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort(0), 0),
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort(<<"a">>), <<"a">>),
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort(true), true),
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort([]), []),
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort({[]}), {[]}).
-ejsort_compound_values_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort([2, 1, 3 ,<<"a">>]), [2, 1, 3, <<"a">>]),
-    Ej1 = {[{<<"a">>, 0}, {<<"c">>, 0},  {<<"b">>, 0}]},
-    Ej1s =  {[{<<"a">>, 0}, {<<"b">>, 0}, {<<"c">>, 0}]},
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort(Ej1), Ej1s),
-    Ej2 = {[{<<"x">>, Ej1}, {<<"z">>, Ej1}, {<<"y">>, [Ej1, Ej1]}]},
-    ?assertEqual(ejsort(Ej2),
-        {[{<<"x">>, Ej1s}, {<<"y">>, [Ej1s, Ej1s]}, {<<"z">>, Ej1s}]}).
-check_options_pass_values_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(check_options([]), []),
-    ?assertEqual(check_options([baz, {other,fiz}]), [baz, {other, fiz}]),
-    ?assertEqual(check_options([{doc_ids, x}]), [{doc_ids, x}]),
-    ?assertEqual(check_options([{filter, x}]), [{filter, x}]),
-    ?assertEqual(check_options([{selector, x}]), [{selector, x}]).
-check_options_fail_values_test() ->
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {filter, y}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {selector, y}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        check_options([{filter, x}, {selector, y}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        check_options([{doc_ids, x}, {selector, y}, {filter, z}])).
-check_convert_options_pass_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual([], convert_options([])),
-    ?assertEqual([], convert_options([{<<"random">>, 42}])),
-    ?assertEqual([{cancel, true}],
-        convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, true}])),
-    ?assertEqual([{create_target, true}],
-        convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, true}])),
-    ?assertEqual([{continuous, true}],
-        convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, true}])),
-    ?assertEqual([{doc_ids, [<<"id">>]}],
-        convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, [<<"id">>]}])),
-    ?assertEqual([{selector, {key, value}}],
-        convert_options([{<<"selector">>, {key, value}}])).
-check_convert_options_fail_test() ->
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        convert_options([{<<"cancel">>, <<"true">>}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        convert_options([{<<"create_target">>, <<"true">>}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        convert_options([{<<"continuous">>, <<"true">>}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        convert_options([{<<"doc_ids">>, not_a_list}])),
-    ?assertThrow({bad_request, _},
-        convert_options([{<<"selector">>, [{key, value}]}])).
+-spec iso8601(erlang:timestamp()) -> binary().
+iso8601({_Mega, _Sec, _Micro} = Timestamp) ->
+    {{Y, Mon, D}, {H, Min, S}} = calendar:now_to_universal_time(Timestamp),
+    Format = "~B-~2..0B-~2..0BT~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0BZ",
+    iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Format, [Y, Mon, D, H, Min, S])).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl
index ee0c455..1907879 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl
@@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{writer = nil} = State) ->
         {noreply, State2}
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, max_backoff}, State) ->
+    {stop, {shutdown, max_backoff}, State};
 handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
    {stop, {process_died, Pid, Reason}, State}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_compact_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_compact_tests.erl
index 7a5a25a..4dce69b 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_compact_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_compact_tests.erl
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
+-import(couch_replicator_test_helper, [
+    db_url/1
 -define(ATTFILE, filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, "logo.png"])).
 -define(DELAY, 100).
 -define(TIMEOUT, 30000).
@@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ should_run_replication(RepPid, RepId, Source, Target) ->
 should_ensure_replication_still_running(RepPid, RepId, Source, Target) ->
     ?_test(check_active_tasks(RepPid, RepId, Source, Target)).
-check_active_tasks(RepPid, {BaseId, Ext} = _RepId, Src, Tgt) ->
+check_active_tasks(RepPid, {BaseId, Ext} = RepId, Src, Tgt) ->
     Source = case Src of
         {remote, NameSrc} ->
             <<(db_url(NameSrc))/binary, $/>>;
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ check_active_tasks(RepPid, {BaseId, Ext} = _RepId, Src, Tgt) ->
     FullRepId = ?l2b(BaseId ++ Ext),
     Pid = ?l2b(pid_to_list(RepPid)),
-    ok = wait_for_replicator(RepPid),
+    ok = wait_for_replicator(RepId),
     [RepTask] = couch_task_status:all(),
     ?assertEqual(Pid, couch_util:get_value(pid, RepTask)),
     ?assertEqual(FullRepId, couch_util:get_value(replication_id, RepTask)),
@@ -124,16 +128,25 @@ check_active_tasks(RepPid, {BaseId, Ext} = _RepId, Src, Tgt) ->
     Pending = couch_util:get_value(changes_pending, RepTask),
-wait_for_replicator(Pid) ->
+get_pid(RepId) ->
+    Pid = global:whereis_name({couch_replicator_scheduler_job,RepId}),
+    ?assert(is_pid(Pid)),
+    Pid.
+rep_details(RepId) ->
+    gen_server:call(get_pid(RepId), get_details).
+wait_for_replicator(RepId) ->
     %% since replicator started asynchronously
     %% we need to wait when it would be in couch_task_status
     %% we query replicator:details to ensure that do_init happen
-    ?assertMatch({ok, _}, couch_replicator:details(Pid)),
+    ?assertMatch({ok, _}, rep_details(RepId)),
 should_cancel_replication(RepId, RepPid) ->
-        {ok, _} = couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId),
+        ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job(RepId),
@@ -295,13 +308,6 @@ wait_for_compaction(Type, Db) ->
                                          " database failed with: ", Reason])}]})
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
 replicate({remote, Db}, Target) ->
     replicate(db_url(Db), Target);
@@ -315,7 +321,9 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
         {<<"continuous">>, true}
     {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(RepObject, ?ADMIN_USER),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
+    ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep),
+    couch_replicator_scheduler:reschedule(),
+    Pid = get_pid(,
     {ok, Pid,}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_httpc_pool_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_httpc_pool_tests.erl
index ea36f7f..c4ad4e9 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_httpc_pool_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_httpc_pool_tests.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ httpc_pool_test_() ->
         "httpc pool tests",
-            fun test_util:start_couch/0, fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
+            fun() -> test_util:start_couch([couch_replicator]) end, fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
                 fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_many_leaves_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_many_leaves_tests.erl
index bde0e2c..a6999bd 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_many_leaves_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_many_leaves_tests.erl
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
+-import(couch_replicator_test_helper, [
+    db_url/1,
+    replicate/2
 -define(DOCS_CONFLICTS, [
     {<<"doc1">>, 10},
     {<<"doc2">>, 100},
@@ -199,22 +204,3 @@ add_attachments(SourceDb, NumAtts,  [{DocId, NumConflicts} | Rest]) ->
     ?assertEqual(length(NewDocs), length(NewRevs)),
     add_attachments(SourceDb, NumAtts, Rest).
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
-replicate(Source, Target) ->
-    RepObject = {[
-        {<<"source">>, Source},
-        {<<"target">>, Target}
-    ]},
-    {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(RepObject, ?ADMIN_USER),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-    receive
-        {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _} ->
-            ok
-    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_modules_load_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_modules_load_tests.erl
index 96a9346..a552d14 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_modules_load_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_modules_load_tests.erl
@@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ should_load_modules() ->
+        couch_replicator_scheduler,
+        couch_replicator_scheduler_job,
+        couch_replicator_docs,
+        couch_replicator_clustering,
+        couch_replicator_changes_reader,
+        couch_replicator_ids,
-        couch_replicator_utils,
-        couch_replicator_job_sup
+        couch_replicator_utils
     [should_load_module(Mod) || Mod <- Modules].
 should_load_module(Mod) ->
-    {atom_to_list(Mod), ?_assertMatch({module, _}, code:load_file(Mod))}.
+    {atom_to_list(Mod), ?_assertMatch({module, _}, code:ensure_loaded(Mod))}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_proxy_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_proxy_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40e5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_proxy_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup() ->
+    ok.
+teardown(_) ->
+    ok.
+replicator_proxy_test_() ->
+    {
+        "replicator proxy tests",
+        {
+            setup,
+            fun() -> test_util:start_couch([couch_replicator]) end, fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
+            {
+                foreach,
+                fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+                [
+                    fun parse_rep_doc_without_proxy/1,
+                    fun parse_rep_doc_with_proxy/1
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+    }.
+parse_rep_doc_without_proxy(_) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        NoProxyDoc = {[
+            {<<"source">>, <<"">>},
+            {<<"target">>, <<"">>}
+        ]},
+        Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc(NoProxyDoc),
+        ?assertEqual((Rep#rep.source)#httpdb.proxy_url, undefined),
+        ?assertEqual((, undefined)
+    end).
+parse_rep_doc_with_proxy(_) ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ProxyURL = <<"">>,
+        ProxyDoc = {[
+            {<<"source">>, <<"">>},
+            {<<"target">>, <<"">>},
+            {<<"proxy">>, ProxyURL}
+        ]},
+        Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc(ProxyDoc),
+        ?assertEqual((Rep#rep.source)#httpdb.proxy_url, binary_to_list(ProxyURL)),
+        ?assertEqual((, binary_to_list(ProxyURL))
+    end).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
index 398b27b..f52ab11 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 -export([compare_dbs/2, compare_dbs/3, db_url/1, replicate/1, replicate/2]).
@@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ db_url(DbName) ->
         "/", DbName
+get_pid(RepId) ->
+    Pid = global:whereis_name({couch_replicator_scheduler_job,RepId}),
+    ?assert(is_pid(Pid)),
+    Pid.
 replicate(Source, Target) ->
         {<<"source">>, Source},
@@ -111,9 +116,12 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
 replicate({[_ | _]} = RepObject) ->
     {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(RepObject, ?ADMIN_USER),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
+    ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep),
+    couch_replicator_scheduler:reschedule(),
+    Pid = get_pid(,
     MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
         {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _} ->
-    end.
+    end,
+    ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job(
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_use_checkpoints_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_use_checkpoints_tests.erl
index e04488e..73ea7f1 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_use_checkpoints_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_use_checkpoints_tests.erl
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
+-import(couch_replicator_test_helper, [
+    db_url/1,
+    replicate/1
 -define(DOCS_COUNT, 100).
 -define(TIMEOUT_EUNIT, 30).
 -define(i2l(I), integer_to_list(I)).
@@ -167,23 +172,10 @@ compare_dbs(Source, Target) ->
     ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb),
     ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb).
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
 replicate(Source, Target, UseCheckpoints) ->
-    RepObject = {[
+    replicate({[
         {<<"source">>, Source},
         {<<"target">>, Target},
         {<<"use_checkpoints">>, UseCheckpoints}
-    ]},
-    {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(RepObject, ?ADMIN_USER),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-    receive
-        {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _} ->
-            ok
-    end.
+    ]}).
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js b/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
index 529bbaa..30a1245 100644
--- a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
+++ b/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ couchTests.replicator_db_bad_rep_id = function(debug) {
     T(repDoc1._replication_state === "completed",
       "replication document with bad replication id failed");
     T(typeof repDoc1._replication_state_time === "string");
-    T(typeof repDoc1._replication_id  === "string");
-    T(repDoc1._replication_id !== "1234abc");
+    T(typeof repDoc1._replication_id === "undefined");
   /*var server_config = [

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[couchdb] 07/09: Implement replication document processor

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vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit 3d286c1539c98bd68d25ca011a7d4b8edaeadda5
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Fri May 13 18:12:53 2016 -0400

    Implement replication document processor
    Document processor listens for `_replicator` db document updates, parses those
    changes then tries to add replication jobs to the scheduler.
    Listening for changes happens in `couch_multidb_changes module`. That module is
    generic and is set up to listen to shards with `_replicator` suffix by
    `couch_replicator_db_changes`. Updates are then passed to the document
    processor's `process_change/2` function.
    Document replication ID calculation, which can involve fetching filter code
    from the source DB, and addition to the scheduler, is done in a separate
    worker process: `couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker`.
    Before couch replicator manager did most of this work. There are a few
    improvement over previous implementation:
     * Invalid (malformed) replication documents are immediately failed and will
     not be continuously retried.
     * Replication manager message queue backups is unfortunately a common issue
     in production. This is because processing document updates is a serial
     (blocking)  operation. Most of that blocking code was moved to separate worker
     * Failing filter fetches have an exponential backoff.
     * Replication documents don't have to be deleted first then re-added in order
     update the replication. Document processor on update will compare new and
     previous replication related document fields and update the replication job
     if those changed. Users can freely update unlrelated (custom) fields in their
     replication docs.
     * In case of filtered replications using custom functions, document processor
     will periodically check if filter code on the source has changed. Filter code
     contents is factored into replication ID calculation. If filter code changes
     replication ID will change as well.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 .../src/couch_replicator_db_changes.erl            |  90 ++
 .../src/couch_replicator_doc_processor.erl         | 916 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl  | 268 ++++++
 3 files changed, 1274 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_db_changes.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_db_changes.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924c24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_db_changes.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2]).
+-export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+-record(state, {
+   event_listener :: pid(),
+   mdb_changes :: pid() | nil
+-spec start_link() ->
+    {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, any()}.
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+    EvtPid = couch_replicator_clustering:link_cluster_event_listener(self()),
+    State = #state{event_listener = EvtPid, mdb_changes = nil},
+    case couch_replicator_clustering:is_stable() of
+        true ->
+            {ok, restart_mdb_changes(State)};
+        false ->
+            {ok, State}
+    end.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) ->
+    {reply, {error, invalid_call}, State}.
+handle_cast({cluster, unstable}, State) ->
+    {noreply, stop_mdb_changes(State)};
+handle_cast({cluster, stable}, State) ->
+    {noreply, restart_mdb_changes(State)}.
+handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+-spec restart_mdb_changes(#state{}) -> #state{}.
+restart_mdb_changes(#state{mdb_changes = nil} = State) ->
+    Suffix = <<"_replicator">>,
+    CallbackMod = couch_replicator_doc_processor,
+    Options = [skip_ddocs],
+    {ok, Pid} = couch_multidb_changes:start_link(Suffix, CallbackMod, nil, Options),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, db_scans]),
+    couch_log:notice("Started replicator db changes listener ~p", [Pid]),
+    State#state{mdb_changes = Pid};
+restart_mdb_changes(#state{mdb_changes = _Pid} = State) ->
+    restart_mdb_changes(stop_mdb_changes(State)).
+-spec stop_mdb_changes(#state{}) -> #state{}.
+stop_mdb_changes(#state{mdb_changes = nil} = State) ->
+    State;
+stop_mdb_changes(#state{mdb_changes = Pid} = State) ->
+    couch_log:notice("Stopping replicator db changes listener ~p", [Pid]),
+    unlink(Pid),
+    exit(Pid, kill),
+    State#state{mdb_changes = nil}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2e2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([docs/1, doc/2]).
+% multidb changes callback
+-export([db_created/2, db_deleted/2, db_found/2, db_change/3]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2,
+         code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+-import(couch_replicator_utils, [
+    get_json_value/2,
+    get_json_value/3
+-define(DEFAULT_UPDATE_DOCS, false).
+-define(ERROR_MAX_BACKOFF_EXPONENT, 12).  % ~ 1 day on average
+-define(TS_DAY_SEC, 86400).
+-type filter_type() ::  nil | view | user | docids | mango.
+-type repstate() :: initializing | error | scheduled.
+-record(rdoc, {
+    id :: db_doc_id() | '_' | {any(), '_'},
+    state :: repstate() | '_',
+    rep :: #rep{} | nil | '_',
+    rid :: rep_id() | nil | '_',
+    filter :: filter_type() | '_',
+    info :: binary() | nil | '_',
+    errcnt :: non_neg_integer() | '_',
+    worker :: reference() | nil | '_',
+    last_updated :: erlang:timestamp() | '_'
+% couch_multidb_changes API callbacks
+db_created(DbName, Server) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, dbs_created]),
+    couch_replicator_docs:ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName),
+    Server.
+db_deleted(DbName, Server) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, dbs_deleted]),
+    ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {clean_up_replications, DbName}, infinity),
+    Server.
+db_found(DbName, Server) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, dbs_found]),
+    couch_replicator_docs:ensure_rep_ddoc_exists(DbName),
+    Server.
+db_change(DbName, {ChangeProps} = Change, Server) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, docs, db_changes]),
+    try
+        ok = process_change(DbName, Change)
+    catch
+    _Tag:Error ->
+        {RepProps} = get_json_value(doc, ChangeProps),
+        DocId = get_json_value(<<"_id">>, RepProps),
+        Timestamp = os:timestamp(),
+        couch_replicator_docs:update_failed(DbName, DocId, Error, Timestamp)
+    end,
+    Server.
+-spec get_worker_ref(db_doc_id()) -> reference() | nil.
+get_worker_ref({DbName, DocId}) when is_binary(DbName), is_binary(DocId) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, {DbName, DocId}) of
+        [#rdoc{worker = WRef}] when is_reference(WRef) ->
+            WRef;
+        [#rdoc{worker = nil}] ->
+            nil;
+        [] ->
+            nil
+    end.
+% Private helpers for multidb changes API, these updates into the doc
+% processor gen_server
+process_change(DbName, {Change}) ->
+    {RepProps} = JsonRepDoc = get_json_value(doc, Change),
+    DocId = get_json_value(<<"_id">>, RepProps),
+    Owner = couch_replicator_clustering:owner(DbName, DocId),
+    Id = {DbName, DocId},
+    case {Owner, get_json_value(deleted, Change, false)} of
+    {_, true} ->
+        ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {removed, Id}, infinity);
+    {unstable, false} ->
+        couch_log:notice("Not starting '~s' as cluster is unstable", [DocId]);
+    {ThisNode, false} when ThisNode =:= node() ->
+        case get_json_value(<<"_replication_state">>, RepProps) of
+        undefined ->
+            ok = process_updated(Id, JsonRepDoc);
+        <<"triggered">> ->
+            maybe_remove_state_fields(DbName, DocId),
+            ok = process_updated(Id, JsonRepDoc);
+        <<"completed">> ->
+            ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {completed, Id}, infinity);
+        <<"error">> ->
+            % Handle replications started from older versions of replicator
+            % which wrote transient errors to replication docs
+            maybe_remove_state_fields(DbName, DocId),
+            ok = process_updated(Id, JsonRepDoc);
+        <<"failed">> ->
+            ok
+        end;
+    {Owner, false} ->
+        ok
+    end,
+    ok.
+maybe_remove_state_fields(DbName, DocId) ->
+    case update_docs() of
+        true ->
+            ok;
+        false ->
+            couch_replicator_docs:remove_state_fields(DbName, DocId)
+    end.
+process_updated({DbName, _DocId} = Id, JsonRepDoc) ->
+    % Parsing replication doc (but not calculating the id) could throw an
+    % exception which would indicate this document is malformed. This exception
+    % should propagate to db_change function and will be recorded as permanent
+    % failure in the document. User will have to delete and re-create the document
+    % to fix the problem.
+    Rep0 = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(JsonRepDoc),
+    Rep = Rep0#rep{db_name = DbName, start_time = os:timestamp()},
+    Filter = case couch_replicator_filters:parse(Rep#rep.options) of
+    {ok, nil} ->
+        nil;
+    {ok, {user, _FName, _QP}} ->
+        user;
+    {ok, {view, _FName, _QP}} ->
+        view;
+    {ok, {docids, _DocIds}} ->
+        docids;
+    {ok, {mango, _Selector}} ->
+        mango;
+    {error, FilterError} ->
+        throw(FilterError)
+    end,
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {updated, Id, Rep, Filter}, infinity).
+% Doc processor gen_server API and callbacks
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [],  []).
+init([]) ->
+    ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set, named_table, {keypos,}]),
+    couch_replicator_clustering:link_cluster_event_listener(self()),
+    {ok, nil}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({updated, Id, Rep, Filter}, _From, State) ->
+    ok = updated_doc(Id, Rep, Filter),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({removed, Id}, _From, State) ->
+    ok = removed_doc(Id),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({completed, Id}, _From, State) ->
+    true = ets:delete(?MODULE, Id),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({clean_up_replications, DbName}, _From, State) ->
+    ok = removed_db(DbName),
+    {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_cast({cluster, unstable}, State) ->
+    % Ignoring unstable state transition
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_cast({cluster, stable}, State) ->
+    % Membership changed recheck all the replication document ownership
+    nil = ets:foldl(fun cluster_membership_foldl/2, nil, ?MODULE),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+    {stop, {error, unexpected_message, Msg}, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', _, _, _, #doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = Ref,
+        result = Res}}, State) ->
+    ok = worker_returned(Ref, Id, Res),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+% Doc processor gen_server private helper functions
+% Handle doc update -- add to ets, then start a worker to try to turn it into
+% a replication job. In most cases it will succeed quickly but for filtered
+% replicationss or if there are duplicates, it could take longer
+% (theoretically indefinitely) until a replication could be started. Before
+% adding replication job, make sure to delete all old jobs associated with
+% same document.
+-spec updated_doc(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, filter_type()) -> ok.
+updated_doc(Id, Rep, Filter) ->
+    case normalize_rep(current_rep(Id)) == normalize_rep(Rep) of
+        false ->
+            removed_doc(Id),
+            Row = #rdoc{
+                id = Id,
+                state = initializing,
+                rep = Rep,
+                rid = nil,
+                filter = Filter,
+                info = nil,
+                errcnt = 0,
+                worker = nil,
+                last_updated = os:timestamp()
+            },
+            true = ets:insert(?MODULE, Row),
+            ok = maybe_start_worker(Id);
+        true ->
+            ok
+    end.
+% Return current #rep{} record if any. If replication hasn't been submitted
+% to the scheduler yet, #rep{} record will be in the document processor's
+% ETS table, otherwise query scheduler for the #rep{} record.
+-spec current_rep({binary(), binary()}) -> #rep{} | nil.
+current_rep({DbName, DocId}) when is_binary(DbName), is_binary(DocId) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, {DbName, DocId}) of
+        [] ->
+            nil;
+        [#rdoc{state = scheduled, rep = nil, rid = JobId}] ->
+            % When replication is scheduled, #rep{} record which can be quite
+            % large compared to other bits in #rdoc is removed in order to avoid
+            % having to keep 2 copies of it. So have to fetch it from the
+            % scheduler.
+            couch_replicator_scheduler:rep_state(JobId);
+        [#rdoc{rep = Rep}] ->
+            Rep
+    end.
+% Normalize a #rep{} record such that it doesn't contain time dependent fields
+% pids (like httpc pools), and options / props are sorted. This function would
+% used during comparisons.
+-spec normalize_rep(#rep{} | nil) -> #rep{} | nil.
+normalize_rep(nil) ->
+    nil;
+normalize_rep(#rep{} = Rep)->
+    #rep{
+        source = couch_replicator_api_wrap:normalize_db(Rep#rep.source),
+        target = couch_replicator_api_wrap:normalize_db(,
+        options = Rep#rep.options,  % already sorted in make_options/1
+        type = Rep#rep.type,
+        view = Rep#rep.view,
+        doc_id = Rep#rep.doc_id,
+        db_name = Rep#rep.db_name
+    }.
+-spec worker_returned(reference(), db_doc_id(), rep_start_result()) -> ok.
+worker_returned(Ref, Id, {ok, RepId}) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Id) of
+    [#rdoc{worker = Ref} = Row] ->
+        Row0 = Row#rdoc{
+            state = scheduled,
+            errcnt = 0,
+            worker = nil,
+            last_updated = os:timestamp()
+        },
+        NewRow = case Row0 of
+            #rdoc{rid = RepId, filter = user} ->
+                % Filtered replication id didn't change.
+                Row0;
+            #rdoc{rid = nil, filter = user} ->
+                % Calculated new replication id for a filtered replication. Make sure
+                % to schedule another check as filter code could change. Replications
+                % starts could have been failing, so also clear error count.
+                Row0#rdoc{rid = RepId};
+            #rdoc{rid = OldRepId, filter = user} ->
+                % Replication id of existing replication job with filter has changed.
+                % Remove old replication job from scheduler and schedule check to check
+                % for future changes.
+                ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job(OldRepId),
+                Msg = io_lib:format("Replication id changed: ~p -> ~p", [OldRepId, RepId]),
+                Row0#rdoc{rid = RepId, info = couch_util:to_binary(Msg)};
+            #rdoc{rid = nil} ->
+                % Calculated new replication id for non-filtered replication. Remove
+                % replication doc body, after this we won't needed any more.
+                Row0#rdoc{rep=nil, rid=RepId, info=nil}
+        end,
+        true = ets:insert(?MODULE, NewRow),
+        ok = maybe_update_doc_triggered(Row#rdoc.rep, RepId),
+        ok = maybe_start_worker(Id);
+    _ ->
+        ok  % doc could have been deleted, ignore
+    end,
+    ok;
+worker_returned(_Ref, _Id, ignore) ->
+    ok;
+worker_returned(Ref, Id, {temporary_error, Reason}) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Id) of
+    [#rdoc{worker = Ref, errcnt = ErrCnt} = Row] ->
+        NewRow = Row#rdoc{
+            rid = nil,
+            state = error,
+            info = Reason,
+            errcnt = ErrCnt + 1,
+            worker = nil,
+            last_updated = os:timestamp()
+        },
+        true = ets:insert(?MODULE, NewRow),
+        ok = maybe_update_doc_error(NewRow#rdoc.rep, Reason),
+        ok = maybe_start_worker(Id);
+    _ ->
+        ok  % doc could have been deleted, ignore
+    end,
+    ok;
+worker_returned(Ref, Id, {permanent_failure, _Reason}) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Id) of
+    [#rdoc{worker = Ref}] ->
+        true = ets:delete(?MODULE, Id);
+    _ ->
+        ok  % doc could have been deleted, ignore
+    end,
+    ok.
+-spec maybe_update_doc_error(#rep{}, any()) -> ok.
+maybe_update_doc_error(Rep, Reason) ->
+    case update_docs() of
+        true ->
+            couch_replicator_docs:update_error(Rep, Reason);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
+-spec maybe_update_doc_triggered(#rep{}, rep_id()) -> ok.
+maybe_update_doc_triggered(Rep, RepId) ->
+    case update_docs() of
+        true ->
+            couch_replicator_docs:update_triggered(Rep, RepId);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
+-spec error_backoff(non_neg_integer()) -> seconds().
+error_backoff(ErrCnt) ->
+    Exp = min(ErrCnt, ?ERROR_MAX_BACKOFF_EXPONENT),
+    random:uniform(64 bsl Exp).
+-spec filter_backoff() -> seconds().
+filter_backoff() ->
+    Total = ets:info(?MODULE, size),
+    Range = 1 + min(2 * (Total / 10), ?TS_DAY_SEC),
+    60 + random:uniform(round(Range)).
+% Document removed from db -- clear ets table and remove all scheduled jobs
+-spec removed_doc(db_doc_id()) -> ok.
+removed_doc({DbName, DocId} = Id) ->
+    ets:delete(?MODULE, Id),
+    RepIds = couch_replicator_scheduler:find_jobs_by_doc(DbName, DocId),
+    lists:foreach(fun couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job/1, RepIds).
+% Whole db shard is gone -- remove all its ets rows and stop jobs
+-spec removed_db(binary()) -> ok.
+removed_db(DbName) ->
+    EtsPat = #rdoc{id = {DbName, '_'}, _ = '_'},
+    ets:match_delete(?MODULE, EtsPat),
+    RepIds = couch_replicator_scheduler:find_jobs_by_dbname(DbName),
+    lists:foreach(fun couch_replicator_scheduler:remove_job/1, RepIds).
+% Spawn a worker process which will attempt to calculate a replication id, then
+% start a replication. Returns a process monitor reference. The worker is
+% guaranteed to exit with rep_start_result() type only.
+-spec maybe_start_worker(db_doc_id()) -> ok.
+maybe_start_worker(Id) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Id) of
+    [] ->
+        ok;
+    [#rdoc{state = scheduled, filter = Filter}] when Filter =/= user ->
+        ok;
+    [#rdoc{rep = Rep} = Doc] ->
+        Wait = get_worker_wait(Doc),
+        Ref = make_ref(),
+        true = ets:insert(?MODULE, Doc#rdoc{worker = Ref}),
+        couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker:spawn_worker(Id, Rep, Wait, Ref),
+        ok
+    end.
+-spec get_worker_wait(#rdoc{}) -> seconds().
+get_worker_wait(#rdoc{state = scheduled, filter = user}) ->
+    filter_backoff();
+get_worker_wait(#rdoc{state = error, errcnt = ErrCnt}) ->
+    error_backoff(ErrCnt);
+get_worker_wait(#rdoc{state = initializing}) ->
+    0.
+-spec update_docs() -> boolean().
+update_docs() ->
+    config:get_boolean("replicator", "update_docs", ?DEFAULT_UPDATE_DOCS).
+% _scheduler/docs HTTP endpoint helpers
+-spec docs([atom()]) -> [{[_]}] | [].
+docs(States) ->
+    HealthThreshold = couch_replicator_scheduler:health_threshold(),
+    ets:foldl(fun(RDoc, Acc) ->
+        case ejson_doc(RDoc, HealthThreshold) of
+            nil ->
+                Acc;  % Could have been deleted if job just completed
+            {Props} = EJson ->
+                {state, DocState} = lists:keyfind(state, 1, Props),
+                case ejson_doc_state_filter(DocState, States) of
+                    true ->
+                        [EJson | Acc];
+                    false ->
+                        Acc
+                end
+        end
+    end, [], ?MODULE).
+-spec doc(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, {[_]}} | {error, not_found}.
+doc(Db, DocId) ->
+    HealthThreshold = couch_replicator_scheduler:health_threshold(),
+    Res = ets:foldl(fun(_RDoc, [_] = Acc) -> Acc;
+        (RDoc, []) ->
+            {Shard, RDocId} =,
+            case {mem3:dbname(Shard), RDocId} of
+                {Db, DocId} ->
+                    [ejson_doc(RDoc, HealthThreshold)];
+                {_OtherDb, _OtherDocId} ->
+                    []
+            end
+    end, [], ?MODULE),
+    case Res of
+        [DocInfo] ->
+            {ok, DocInfo};
+        [] ->
+            {error, not_found}
+    end.
+-spec ejson_state_info(binary() | nil) -> binary() | null.
+ejson_state_info(nil) ->
+    null;
+ejson_state_info(Info) when is_binary(Info) ->
+    Info;
+ejson_state_info(Info) ->
+    couch_replicator_utils:rep_error_to_binary(Info).
+-spec ejson_rep_id(rep_id() | nil) -> binary() | null.
+ejson_rep_id(nil) ->
+    null;
+ejson_rep_id({BaseId, Ext}) ->
+    iolist_to_binary([BaseId, Ext]).
+-spec ejson_doc(#rdoc{}, non_neg_integer()) -> {[_]} | nil.
+ejson_doc(#rdoc{state = scheduled} = RDoc, HealthThreshold) ->
+    #rdoc{id = {DbName, DocId}, rid = RepId} = RDoc,
+    JobProps = couch_replicator_scheduler:job_summary(RepId, HealthThreshold),
+    case JobProps of
+        nil ->
+            nil;
+        [{_, _} | _] ->
+            {[
+                {doc_id, DocId},
+                {database, DbName},
+                {id, ejson_rep_id(RepId)},
+                {node, node()} | JobProps
+            ]}
+    end;
+ejson_doc(#rdoc{state = RepState} = RDoc, _HealthThreshold) ->
+    #rdoc{
+       id = {DbName, DocId},
+       info = StateInfo,
+       rid = RepId,
+       errcnt = ErrorCount,
+       last_updated = StateTime,
+       rep = Rep
+    } = RDoc,
+    {[
+        {doc_id, DocId},
+        {database, DbName},
+        {id, ejson_rep_id(RepId)},
+        {state, RepState},
+        {info, ejson_state_info(StateInfo)},
+        {error_count, ErrorCount},
+        {node, node()},
+        {last_updated, couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(StateTime)},
+        {start_time, couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(Rep#rep.start_time)}
+    ]}.
+-spec ejson_doc_state_filter(atom(), [atom()]) -> boolean().
+ejson_doc_state_filter(_DocState, []) ->
+    true;
+ejson_doc_state_filter(State, States) when is_list(States), is_atom(State) ->
+    lists:member(State, States).
+-spec cluster_membership_foldl(#rdoc{}, nil) -> nil.
+cluster_membership_foldl(#rdoc{id = {DbName, DocId} = Id, rid = RepId}, nil) ->
+    case couch_replicator_clustering:owner(DbName, DocId) of
+        unstable ->
+            nil;
+        ThisNode when ThisNode =:= node() ->
+            nil;
+        OtherNode ->
+            Msg = "Replication doc ~p:~p with id ~p usurped by node ~p",
+            couch_log:notice(Msg, [DbName, DocId, RepId, OtherNode]),
+            removed_doc(Id),
+            nil
+    end.
+-define(DB, <<"db">>).
+-define(DOC1, <<"doc1">>).
+-define(DOC2, <<"doc2">>).
+-define(R1, {"1", ""}).
+-define(R2, {"2", ""}).
+doc_processor_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun setup/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        [
+            t_bad_change(),
+            t_regular_change(),
+            t_change_with_existing_job(),
+            t_deleted_change(),
+            t_triggered_change(),
+            t_completed_change(),
+            t_active_replication_completed(),
+            t_error_change(),
+            t_failed_change(),
+            t_change_for_different_node(),
+            t_change_when_cluster_unstable(),
+            t_ejson_docs(),
+            t_cluster_membership_foldl()
+        ]
+    }.
+% Can't parse replication doc, so should write failure state to document.
+t_bad_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(acc, db_change(?DB, bad_change(), acc)),
+        ?assert(updated_doc_with_failed_state())
+    end).
+% Regular change, parse to a #rep{} and then add job.
+t_regular_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(started_worker({?DB, ?DOC1}))
+    end).
+% Regular change, parse to a #rep{} and then add job but there is already
+% a running job with same Id found.
+t_change_with_existing_job() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([test_rep(?R2)]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(started_worker({?DB, ?DOC1}))
+    end).
+% Change is a deletion, and job is running, so remove job.
+t_deleted_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([test_rep(?R2)]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, deleted_change())),
+        ?assert(removed_job(?R2))
+    end).
+% Change is in `triggered` state. Remove legacy state and add job.
+t_triggered_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change(<<"triggered">>))),
+        ?assert(removed_state_fields()),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(started_worker({?DB, ?DOC1}))
+    end).
+% Change is in `completed` state, so skip over it.
+t_completed_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change(<<"completed">>))),
+        ?assert(did_not_remove_state_fields()),
+        ?assertNot(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(did_not_spawn_worker())
+    end).
+% Completed change comes for what used to be an active job. In this case
+% remove entry from doc_processor's ets (because there is no linkage or
+% callback mechanism for scheduler to tell doc_processsor a replication just
+% completed).
+t_active_replication_completed() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change(<<"completed">>))),
+        ?assert(did_not_remove_state_fields()),
+        ?assertNot(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1}))
+    end).
+% Change is in `error` state. Remove legacy state and retry
+% running the job. This state was used for transient erorrs which are not
+% written to the document anymore.
+t_error_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change(<<"error">>))),
+        ?assert(removed_state_fields()),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(started_worker({?DB, ?DOC1}))
+    end).
+% Change is in `failed` state. This is a terminal state and it will not
+% be tried again, so skip over it.
+t_failed_change() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change(<<"failed">>))),
+        ?assert(did_not_remove_state_fields()),
+        ?assertNot(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(did_not_spawn_worker())
+    end).
+% Normal change, but according to cluster ownership algorithm, replication belongs to
+% a different node, so this node should skip it.
+t_change_for_different_node() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+        meck:expect(couch_replicator_clustering, owner, 2, different_node),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        ?assert(did_not_spawn_worker())
+   end).
+% Change handled when cluster is unstable (nodes are added or removed), so
+% job is not added. A rescan will be triggered soon and change will be evaluated again.
+t_change_when_cluster_unstable() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       meck:expect(couch_replicator_clustering, owner, 2, unstable),
+       ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+       ?assert(did_not_spawn_worker())
+   end).
+% Check if docs/0 function produces expected ejson after adding a job
+t_ejson_docs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        EJsonDocs = docs([]),
+        ?assertMatch([{[_|_]}], EJsonDocs),
+        [{DocProps}] = EJsonDocs,
+        {value, StateTime, DocProps1} = lists:keytake(last_updated, 1, DocProps),
+        ?assertMatch({last_updated, BinVal1} when is_binary(BinVal1), StateTime),
+        {value, StartTime, DocProps2} = lists:keytake(start_time, 1, DocProps1),
+        ?assertMatch({start_time, BinVal2} when is_binary(BinVal2), StartTime),
+        ExpectedProps = [
+            {database, ?DB},
+            {doc_id, ?DOC1},
+            {error_count, 0},
+            {id, null},
+            {info, null},
+            {node, node()},
+            {state, initializing}
+        ],
+        ?assertEqual(ExpectedProps, lists:usort(DocProps2))
+    end).
+% Check that when cluster membership changes records from doc processor and job
+% scheduler get removed
+t_cluster_membership_foldl() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+        mock_existing_jobs_lookup([test_rep(?R1)]),
+        ?assertEqual(ok, process_change(?DB, change())),
+        meck:expect(couch_replicator_clustering, owner, 2, different_node),
+        ?assert(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {cluster, stable}),
+        timer:sleep(100),
+        ?assertNot(ets:member(?MODULE, {?DB, ?DOC1})),
+        ?assert(removed_job(?R1))
+   end).
+normalize_rep_test_() ->
+    {
+        setup,
+        fun() -> meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end) end,
+        fun(_) -> meck:unload() end,
+        ?_test(begin
+            EJson1 = {[
+                {<<"source">>, <<"">>},
+                {<<"target">>, <<"local">>},
+                {<<"doc_ids">>, [<<"a">>, <<"c">>, <<"b">>]},
+                {<<"other_field">>, <<"some_value">>}
+            ]},
+            Rep1 = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(EJson1),
+            EJson2 = {[
+                {<<"other_field">>, <<"unrelated">>},
+                {<<"target">>, <<"local">>},
+                {<<"source">>, <<"">>},
+                {<<"doc_ids">>, [<<"c">>, <<"a">>, <<"b">>]},
+                {<<"other_field2">>, <<"unrelated2">>}
+            ]},
+            Rep2 = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(EJson2),
+            ?assertEqual(normalize_rep(Rep1), normalize_rep(Rep2))
+        end)
+    }.
+get_worker_ref_test_() ->
+    {
+        setup,
+        fun() -> ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public, {keypos,}]) end,
+        fun(_) -> ets:delete(?MODULE) end,
+        ?_test(begin
+            Id = {<<"db">>, <<"doc">>},
+            ?assertEqual(nil, get_worker_ref(Id)),
+            ets:insert(?MODULE, #rdoc{id = Id, worker = nil}),
+            ?assertEqual(nil, get_worker_ref(Id)),
+            Ref = make_ref(),
+            ets:insert(?MODULE, #rdoc{id = Id, worker = Ref}),
+            ?assertEqual(Ref, get_worker_ref(Id))
+        end)
+    }.
+% Test helper functions
+setup() ->
+    meck:expect(couch_log, info, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, notice, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, warning, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, error, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end),
+    meck:expect(config, listen_for_changes, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_clustering, owner, 2, node()),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_clustering, link_cluster_event_listener, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker, spawn_worker, 4, pid),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, remove_job, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_docs, remove_state_fields, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, 4, ok),
+    {ok, Pid} = start_link(),
+    Pid.
+teardown(Pid) ->
+    unlink(Pid),
+    exit(Pid, kill),
+    meck:unload().
+removed_state_fields() ->
+    meck:called(couch_replicator_docs, remove_state_fields, [?DB, ?DOC1]).
+started_worker(_Id) ->
+    1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker, spawn_worker, 4).
+removed_job(Id) ->
+    meck:called(couch_replicator_scheduler, remove_job, [test_rep(Id)]).
+did_not_remove_state_fields() ->
+    0 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_docs, remove_state_fields, '_').
+did_not_spawn_worker() ->
+    0 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker, spawn_worker,
+        '_').
+updated_doc_with_failed_state() ->
+    1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, '_').
+mock_existing_jobs_lookup(ExistingJobs) ->
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, find_jobs_by_doc,
+            fun(?DB, ?DOC1) -> ExistingJobs end).
+test_rep(Id) ->
+  #rep{id = Id, start_time = {0, 0, 0}}.
+change() ->
+    {[
+        {<<"id">>, ?DOC1},
+        {doc, {[
+            {<<"_id">>, ?DOC1},
+            {<<"source">>, <<"src">>},
+            {<<"target">>, <<"tgt">>}
+        ]}}
+    ]}.
+change(State) ->
+    {[
+        {<<"id">>, ?DOC1},
+        {doc, {[
+            {<<"_id">>, ?DOC1},
+            {<<"source">>, <<"src">>},
+            {<<"target">>, <<"tgt">>},
+            {<<"_replication_state">>, State}
+        ]}}
+    ]}.
+deleted_change() ->
+    {[
+        {<<"id">>, ?DOC1},
+        {<<"deleted">>, true},
+        {doc, {[
+            {<<"_id">>, ?DOC1},
+            {<<"source">>, <<"src">>},
+            {<<"target">>, <<"tgt">>}
+        ]}}
+    ]}.
+bad_change() ->
+    {[
+        {<<"id">>, ?DOC2},
+        {doc, {[
+            {<<"_id">>, ?DOC2},
+            {<<"source">>, <<"src">>}
+        ]}}
+    ]}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a6988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-import(couch_replicator_utils, [
+    pp_rep_id/1
+-define(WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC, 61000).
+% Spawn a worker which attempts to calculate replication id then add a
+% replication job to scheduler. This function create a monitor to the worker
+% a worker will then exit with the #doc_worker_result{} record within
+% ?WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC timeout period.A timeout is considered a `temporary_error`.
+% Result will be sent as the `Reason` in the {'DOWN',...} message.
+-spec spawn_worker(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, seconds(), reference()) -> pid().
+spawn_worker(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef) ->
+    {Pid, _Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> worker_fun(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef) end),
+    Pid.
+% Private functions
+-spec worker_fun(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, seconds(), reference()) -> no_return().
+worker_fun(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef) ->
+    timer:sleep(WaitSec * 1000),
+    Fun = fun() ->
+        try maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, WRef) of
+            Res ->
+                exit(Res)
+        catch
+            throw:{filter_fetch_error, Reason} ->
+                exit({temporary_error, Reason});
+            _Tag:Reason ->
+                exit({temporary_error, Reason})
+        end
+    end,
+    {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(Fun),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, _, Pid, Result} ->
+            exit(#doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = Result})
+    after ?WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC ->
+        erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
+        exit(Pid, kill),
+        {DbName, DocId} = Id,
+        TimeoutSec = round(?WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC / 1000),
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Replication for db ~p doc ~p failed to start due "
+            "to timeout after ~B seconds", [DbName, DocId, TimeoutSec]),
+        Result = {temporary_error, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)},
+        exit(#doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = Result})
+    end.
+% Try to start a replication. Used by a worker. This function should return
+% rep_start_result(), also throws {filter_fetch_error, Reason} if cannot fetch filter.
+% It can also block for an indeterminate amount of time while fetching the
+% filter.
+maybe_start_replication(Id, RepWithoutId, WRef) ->
+    Rep = couch_replicator_docs:update_rep_id(RepWithoutId),
+    case maybe_add_job_to_scheduler(Id, Rep, WRef) of
+    ignore ->
+        ignore;
+    {ok, RepId} ->
+        {ok, RepId};
+    {temporary_error, Reason} ->
+        {temporary_error, Reason};
+    {permanent_failure, Reason} ->
+        {DbName, DocId} = Id,
+        StartTime = Rep#rep.start_time,
+        couch_replicator_docs:update_failed(DbName, DocId, Reason, StartTime),
+        {permanent_failure, Reason}
+    end.
+-spec maybe_add_job_to_scheduler(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, reference()) ->
+   rep_start_result().
+maybe_add_job_to_scheduler({DbName, DocId}, Rep, WRef) ->
+    RepId =,
+    case couch_replicator_scheduler:rep_state(RepId) of
+    nil ->
+        % Before adding a job check that this worker is still the current
+        % worker. This is to handle a race condition where a worker which was
+        % sleeping and then checking a replication filter may inadvertently re-add
+        % a replication which was already deleted.
+        case couch_replicator_doc_processor:get_worker_ref({DbName, DocId}) of
+        WRef ->
+            ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep),
+            {ok, RepId};
+        _NilOrOtherWRef ->
+            ignore
+        end;
+    #rep{doc_id = DocId} ->
+        {ok, RepId};
+    #rep{doc_id = null} ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Replication `~s` specified by document `~s`"
+            " already running as a transient replication, started via"
+            " `_replicate` API endpoint", [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId]),
+        {temporary_error, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)};
+    #rep{db_name = OtherDb, doc_id = OtherDocId} ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Replication `~s` specified by document `~s`"
+            " already started, triggered by document `~s` from db `~s`",
+            [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId, OtherDocId, mem3:dbname(OtherDb)]),
+        {permanent_failure, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)}
+    end.
+-define(DB, <<"db">>).
+-define(DOC1, <<"doc1">>).
+-define(R1, {"0b7831e9a41f9322a8600ccfa02245f2", ""}).
+doc_processor_worker_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun setup/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        [
+            t_should_add_job(),
+            t_already_running_same_docid(),
+            t_already_running_transient(),
+            t_already_running_other_db_other_doc(),
+            t_spawn_worker(),
+            t_ignore_if_doc_deleted(),
+            t_ignore_if_worker_ref_does_not_match()
+        ]
+    }.
+% Replication is already running, with same doc id. Ignore change.
+t_should_add_job() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       ?assertEqual({ok, ?R1}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
+       ?assert(added_job())
+   end).
+% Replication is already running, with same doc id. Ignore change.
+t_already_running_same_docid() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       mock_already_running(?DB, ?DOC1),
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       ?assertEqual({ok, ?R1}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
+       ?assert(did_not_add_job())
+   end).
+% There is a transient replication with same replication id running. Ignore change.
+t_already_running_transient() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       mock_already_running(null, null),
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       ?assertMatch({temporary_error, _}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
+       ?assert(did_not_add_job())
+   end).
+% There is a duplicate replication potentially from a different db and doc.
+% Write permanent failure to doc.
+t_already_running_other_db_other_doc() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       mock_already_running(<<"otherdb">>, <<"otherdoc">>),
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       ?assertMatch({permanent_failure, _}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
+       ?assert(did_not_add_job()),
+       1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, '_')
+   end).
+% Should spawn worker
+t_spawn_worker() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       WRef = make_ref(),
+       meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, WRef),
+       Pid = spawn_worker(Id, Rep, 0, WRef),
+       Res = receive  {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, Reason} -> Reason
+           after 1000 -> timeout end,
+       Expect = #doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = {ok, ?R1}},
+       ?assertEqual(Expect, Res),
+       ?assert(added_job())
+   end).
+% Should not add job if by the time worker got to fetching the filter
+% and getting a replication id, replication doc was deleted
+t_ignore_if_doc_deleted() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, nil),
+       ?assertEqual(ignore, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, make_ref())),
+       ?assertNot(added_job())
+   end).
+% Should not add job if by the time worker got to fetchign the filter
+% and building a replication id, another worker was spawned.
+t_ignore_if_worker_ref_does_not_match() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+       Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
+       Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
+       meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, make_ref()),
+       ?assertEqual(ignore, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, make_ref())),
+       ?assertNot(added_job())
+   end).
+% Test helper functions
+setup() ->
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end),
+    meck:expect(couch_server, get_uuid, 0, this_is_snek),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, 4, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state, 1, nil),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, nil),
+    ok.
+teardown(_) ->
+    meck:unload().
+mock_already_running(DbName, DocId) ->
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state,
+         fun(RepId) -> #rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId, db_name = DbName} end).
+added_job() ->
+    1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, '_').
+did_not_add_job() ->
+    0 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, '_').
+change() ->
+    {[
+         {<<"_id">>, ?DOC1},
+         {<<"source">>, <<"src">>},
+         {<<"target">>, <<"tgt">>}
+     ]}.

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
"" <>.

[couchdb] 09/09: Add `_scheduler/{jobs,docs}` API endpoints

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit c2d381c48eb4f3cdf38012bcda78909b262d9c17
Author: Benjamin Bastian <>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 10 13:06:04 2017 -0800

    Add `_scheduler/{jobs,docs}` API endpoints
    The `_scheduler/docs` endpoint provides a view of all
    replicator docs which have been seen by the scheduler. This endpoint
    includes useful information such as the state of the replication and the
    coordinator node.
    The `_scheduler/jobs` endpoint provides a view of all replications
    managed by the scheduler. This endpoint includes more information on the
    replication than the `_scheduler/docs` endpoint, including the history
    of state transitions of the replication.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 src/chttpd/src/chttpd_httpd_handlers.erl |   1 +
 src/chttpd/src/chttpd_misc.erl           | 127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_httpd_handlers.erl b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_httpd_handlers.erl
index b91aae9..8d2c280 100644
--- a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_httpd_handlers.erl
+++ b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_httpd_handlers.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ url_handler(<<"favicon.ico">>)     -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_favicon_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_utils">>)          -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_utils_dir_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_all_dbs">>)        -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_all_dbs_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_active_tasks">>)   -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_task_status_req/1;
+url_handler(<<"_scheduler">>)      -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_scheduler_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_node">>)           -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_node_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_reload_query_servers">>) -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_reload_query_servers_req/1;
 url_handler(<<"_replicate">>)      -> fun chttpd_misc:handle_replicate_req/1;
diff --git a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_misc.erl b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_misc.erl
index cfeeb3f..b39a85c 100644
--- a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_misc.erl
+++ b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_misc.erl
@@ -21,13 +21,16 @@
+    handle_scheduler_req/1,
-    get_stats/0
+    get_stats/0,
+    parse_int_param/5,
+    parse_replication_state_filter/1
@@ -37,6 +40,13 @@
+-record(rep_docs_acc, {prepend, resp, count, skip, limit}).
+-define(DEFAULT_TASK_LIMIT, 100).
+-define(DEFAULT_DOCS_LIMIT, 100).
+-define(REPDB, <<"_replicator">>).
 % httpd global handlers
 handle_welcome_req(Req) ->
@@ -150,6 +160,57 @@ handle_task_status_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req) ->
 handle_task_status_req(Req) ->
     send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,HEAD").
+handle_scheduler_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_,<<"jobs">>]}=Req) ->
+    Limit = parse_int_param(Req, "limit", ?DEFAULT_TASK_LIMIT, 0, infinity),
+    Skip = parse_int_param(Req, "skip", 0, 0, infinity),
+    {Replies, _BadNodes} = rpc:multicall(couch_replicator_scheduler, jobs, []),
+    Flatlist = lists:concat(Replies),
+    Sorted = lists:sort(fun({[{id,A}|_]},{[{id,B}|_]}) -> A =< B end, Flatlist),
+    Total = length(Sorted),
+    Offset = min(Skip, Total),
+    Sublist = lists:sublist(Sorted, Offset+1, Limit),
+    Sublist1 = [update_db_name(Task) || Task <- Sublist],
+    send_json(Req, {[{total, Total}, {offset, Offset}, {jobs, Sublist1}]});
+handle_scheduler_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_,<<"jobs">>,JobId]}=Req) ->
+    case couch_replicator:job(JobId) of
+        {ok, JobInfo} ->
+            send_json(Req, update_db_name(JobInfo));
+        {error, not_found} ->
+            throw(not_found)
+    end;
+handle_scheduler_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_,<<"docs">>]}=Req) ->
+    Limit = parse_int_param(Req, "limit", ?DEFAULT_DOCS_LIMIT, 0, infinity),
+    Skip = parse_int_param(Req, "skip", 0, 0, infinity),
+    States = parse_replication_state_filter(chttpd:qs_value(Req, "states")),
+    SkipStr = integer_to_list(Skip),
+    Preamble = ["{\r\n\"offset\": ", SkipStr, ",\r\n\"docs\": ["],
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_delayed_json_response(Req, 200, [], Preamble),
+    Fun = fun stream_doc_info_cb/2,
+    Acc = #rep_docs_acc{
+        prepend = "\r\n",
+        resp = Resp,
+        count = 0,
+        skip = Skip,
+        limit = Limit
+    },
+    Acc1 = couch_replicator:stream_active_docs_info(Fun, Acc, States),
+    Acc2 = couch_replicator:stream_terminal_docs_info(?REPDB, Fun, Acc1, States),
+    #rep_docs_acc{resp = Resp1, count = Total}  = Acc2,
+    TotalStr = integer_to_list(Total),
+    Postamble = ["\r\n],\r\n\"total\": ", TotalStr, "\r\n}\r\n"],
+    {ok, Resp2} = chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(Resp1, Postamble),
+    chttpd:end_delayed_json_response(Resp2);
+handle_scheduler_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_,<<"docs">>,DocId]}=Req) ->
+    UserCtx = Req#httpd.user_ctx,
+    case couch_replicator:doc(?REPDB, DocId, UserCtx#user_ctx.roles) of
+        {ok, DocInfo} ->
+            send_json(Req, DocInfo);
+        {error, not_found} ->
+            throw(not_found)
+    end;
+handle_scheduler_req(Req) ->
+    send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,HEAD").
 handle_replicate_req(#httpd{method='POST', user_ctx=Ctx} = Req) ->
     chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
     %% see HACK in chttpd.erl about replication
@@ -439,3 +500,67 @@ message_queues(Registered) ->
         {Type, Length} = process_info(whereis(Name), Type),
         {Name, Length}
     end, Registered).
+stream_doc_info_cb(Info, Acc) ->
+    #rep_docs_acc{
+        resp = Resp,
+        prepend = Pre,
+        count = Count,
+        skip = Skip,
+        limit = Limit
+    } = Acc,
+    case Count >= Skip andalso Count < (Skip + Limit) of
+    true ->
+        Chunk = [Pre, ?JSON_ENCODE(update_db_name(Info))],
+        {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(Resp, Chunk),
+        Acc#rep_docs_acc{resp = Resp1, prepend =  ",\r\n", count = Count + 1};
+    false ->
+        Acc#rep_docs_acc{count = Count + 1}
+    end.
+update_db_name({Props}) ->
+    {value, {database, DbName}, Props1} = lists:keytake(database, 1, Props),
+    {[{database, normalize_db_name(DbName)} | Props1]}.
+normalize_db_name(<<"shards/", _/binary>> = DbName) ->
+    mem3:dbname(DbName);
+normalize_db_name(DbName) ->
+    DbName.
+parse_replication_state_filter(undefined) ->
+    [];  % This is the default (wildcard) filter
+parse_replication_state_filter(States) when is_list(States) ->
+    AllStates = couch_replicator:replication_states(),
+    StrStates = [string:to_lower(S) || S <- string:tokens(States, ",")],
+    AtomStates = try
+        [list_to_existing_atom(S) || S <- StrStates]
+    catch error:badarg ->
+        Msg1 = io_lib:format("States must be one or more of ~w", [AllStates]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg1)})
+    end,
+    AllSet = sets:from_list(AllStates),
+    StatesSet = sets:from_list(AtomStates),
+    Diff = sets:to_list(sets:subtract(StatesSet, AllSet)),
+    case Diff of
+    [] ->
+        AtomStates;
+    _ ->
+        Args = [Diff, AllStates],
+        Msg2 = io_lib:format("Unknown states ~w. Choose from: ~w", Args),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg2)})
+    end.
+parse_int_param(Req, Param, Default, Min, Max) ->
+    IntVal = try
+        list_to_integer(chttpd:qs_value(Req, Param, integer_to_list(Default)))
+    catch error:badarg ->
+        Msg1 = io_lib:format("~s must be an integer", [Param]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg1)})
+    end,
+    case IntVal >= Min andalso IntVal =< Max of
+    true ->
+        IntVal;
+    false ->
+        Msg2 = io_lib:format("~s not in range of [~w,~w]", [Param, Min, Max]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg2)})
+    end.

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
"" <>.

[couchdb] 01/09: Introduce couch_replicator_scheduler

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit f63267f4ff734a6925902756979ecefdee60e992
Author: Robert Newson <>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 11 20:12:26 2016 +0100

    Introduce couch_replicator_scheduler
    Scheduling replicator can run a large number of replication jobs by scheduling
    them. It will periodically stop some jobs and start new ones. Jobs that fail
    will be penalized with an exponential backoff.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 .../src/couch_replicator_scheduler.erl             | 1380 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/couch_replicator_scheduler.hrl             |   15 +
 .../src/couch_replicator_scheduler_job.erl         |  945 ++++++++++++++
 .../src/couch_replicator_scheduler_sup.erl         |   54 +
 4 files changed, 2394 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a741a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1380 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+%% public api
+-export([start_link/0, add_job/1, remove_job/1, reschedule/0]).
+-export([rep_state/1, find_jobs_by_dbname/1, find_jobs_by_doc/2]).
+-export([job_summary/2, health_threshold/0]).
+-export([jobs/0, job/1]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+%% config_listener callback
+-export([handle_config_change/5, handle_config_terminate/3]).
+%% types
+-type event_type() :: added | started | stopped | {crashed, any()}.
+-type event() :: {Type:: event_type(), When :: erlang:timestamp()}.
+-type history() :: nonempty_list(event()).
+%% definitions
+-define(BACKOFF_INTERVAL_MICROS, 30 * 1000 * 1000).
+-define(RELISTEN_DELAY, 5000).
+-define(DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS, 500).
+-define(DEFAULT_MAX_CHURN, 20).
+-define(DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY, 20).
+-record(state, {interval, timer, max_jobs, max_churn, max_history}).
+-record(job, {
+          id :: job_id() | '$1' | '_',
+          rep :: #rep{} | '_',
+          pid :: undefined | pid() | '$1' | '_',
+          monitor :: undefined | reference() | '_',
+          history :: history() | '_'}).
+-record(stats_acc, {
+          now  :: erlang:timestamp(),
+          pending_t = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+          running_t = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+          crashed_t = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+          pending_n = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+          running_n = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+          crashed_n = 0 :: non_neg_integer()}).
+%% public functions
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}.
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+-spec add_job(#rep{}) -> ok.
+add_job(#rep{} = Rep) when /= undefined ->
+    Job = #job{
+        id =,
+        rep = Rep,
+        history = [{added, os:timestamp()}]},
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_job, Job}, infinity).
+-spec remove_job(job_id()) -> ok.
+remove_job(Id) ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {remove_job, Id}, infinity).
+-spec reschedule() -> ok.
+% Trigger a manual reschedule. Used for testing and/or ops.
+reschedule() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, reschedule, infinity).
+-spec rep_state(rep_id()) -> #rep{} | nil.
+rep_state(RepId) ->
+    case (catch ets:lookup_element(?MODULE, RepId, #job.rep)) of
+        {'EXIT',{badarg, _}} ->
+            nil;
+        Rep ->
+            Rep
+    end.
+-spec job_summary(job_id(), non_neg_integer()) -> [_] | nil.
+job_summary(JobId, HealthThreshold) ->
+    case job_by_id(JobId) of
+        {ok, #job{pid = Pid, history = History, rep = Rep}} ->
+            ErrorCount = consecutive_crashes(History, HealthThreshold),
+            {State, Info} = case {Pid, ErrorCount} of
+                {undefined, 0}  ->
+                    {pending, null};
+                {undefined, ErrorCount} when ErrorCount > 0 ->
+                     [{{crashed, Error}, _When} | _] = History,
+                     ErrMsg = couch_replicator_utils:rep_error_to_binary(Error),
+                     {crashing, ErrMsg};
+                {Pid, ErrorCount} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+                     {running, null}
+            end,
+            [
+                {source, iolist_to_binary(ejson_url(Rep#rep.source))},
+                {target, iolist_to_binary(ejson_url(},
+                {state, State},
+                {info, Info},
+                {error_count, ErrorCount},
+                {last_updated, last_updated(History)},
+                {start_time, couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(Rep#rep.start_time)},
+                {proxy, job_proxy_url(Rep#rep.source)}
+            ];
+        {error, not_found} ->
+            nil  % Job might have just completed
+    end.
+job_proxy_url(#httpdb{proxy_url = ProxyUrl}) when is_list(ProxyUrl) ->
+    list_to_binary(couch_util:url_strip_password(ProxyUrl));
+job_proxy_url(_Endpoint) ->
+    null.
+-spec health_threshold() -> non_neg_integer().
+health_threshold() ->
+    config:get_integer("replicator", "health_threshold",
+-spec find_jobs_by_dbname(binary()) -> list(#rep{}).
+find_jobs_by_dbname(DbName) ->
+    Rep = #rep{db_name = DbName, _ = '_'},
+    MatchSpec = #job{id = '$1', rep = Rep, _ = '_'},
+    [RepId || [RepId] <- ets:match(?MODULE, MatchSpec)].
+-spec find_jobs_by_doc(binary(), binary()) -> list(#rep{}).
+find_jobs_by_doc(DbName, DocId) ->
+    Rep =  #rep{db_name = DbName, doc_id = DocId, _ = '_'},
+    MatchSpec = #job{id = '$1', rep = Rep, _ = '_'},
+    [RepId || [RepId] <- ets:match(?MODULE, MatchSpec)].
+%% gen_server functions
+init(_) ->
+    EtsOpts = [named_table, {read_concurrency, true}, {keypos,}],
+    ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, EtsOpts),
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    Interval = config:get_integer("replicator", "interval", ?DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL),
+    MaxJobs = config:get_integer("replicator", "max_jobs", ?DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS),
+    MaxChurn = config:get_integer("replicator", "max_churn", ?DEFAULT_MAX_CHURN),
+    MaxHistory = config:get_integer("replicator", "max_history", ?DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY),
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(Interval, reschedule),
+    State = #state{
+        interval = Interval,
+        max_jobs = MaxJobs,
+        max_churn = MaxChurn,
+        max_history = MaxHistory,
+        timer = Timer
+    },
+    {ok, State}.
+handle_call({add_job, Job}, _From, State) ->
+    ok = maybe_remove_job_int(, State),
+    true = add_job_int(Job),
+    ok = maybe_start_newly_added_job(Job, State),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, jobs, adds]),
+    TotalJobs = ets:info(?MODULE, size),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, total], TotalJobs),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call({remove_job, Id}, _From, State) ->
+    ok = maybe_remove_job_int(Id, State),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call(reschedule, _From, State) ->
+    ok = reschedule(State),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call(_, _From, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast({set_max_jobs, MaxJobs}, State) when is_integer(MaxJobs), MaxJobs >= 0 ->
+    couch_log:notice("~p: max_jobs set to ~B", [?MODULE, MaxJobs]),
+    {noreply, State#state{max_jobs = MaxJobs}};
+handle_cast({set_max_churn, MaxChurn}, State) when is_integer(MaxChurn), MaxChurn > 0 ->
+    couch_log:notice("~p: max_churn set to ~B", [?MODULE, MaxChurn]),
+    {noreply, State#state{max_churn = MaxChurn}};
+handle_cast({set_max_history, MaxHistory}, State) when is_integer(MaxHistory), MaxHistory > 0 ->
+    couch_log:notice("~p: max_history set to ~B", [?MODULE, MaxHistory]),
+    {noreply, State#state{max_history = MaxHistory}};
+handle_cast({set_interval, Interval}, State) when is_integer(Interval), Interval > 0 ->
+    couch_log:notice("~p: interval set to ~B", [?MODULE, Interval]),
+    {noreply, State#state{interval = Interval}};
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(reschedule, State) ->
+    ok = reschedule(State),
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(State#state.timer),
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(State#state.interval, reschedule),
+    {noreply, State#state{timer = Timer}};
+handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, normal}, State) ->
+    {ok, Job} = job_by_pid(Pid),
+    couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p completed normally", [?MODULE,]),
+    remove_job_int(Job),
+    update_running_jobs_stats(),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+    {ok, Job} = job_by_pid(Pid),
+    ok = handle_crashed_job(Job, Reason, State),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, State]) ->
+    [{max_jobs, State#state.max_jobs},
+     {running_jobs, running_job_count()},
+     {pending_jobs, pending_job_count()}].
+%% config listener functions
+handle_config_change("replicator", "max_jobs", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_max_jobs, list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change("replicator", "max_churn", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_max_churn, list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change("replicator", "interval", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_interval, list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change("replicator", "max_history", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_history, list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, S) ->
+    {ok, S}.
+handle_config_terminate(_, stop, _) ->
+    ok;
+handle_config_terminate(_, _, _) ->
+    Pid = whereis(?MODULE),
+    erlang:send_after(?RELISTEN_DELAY, Pid, restart_config_listener).
+%% private functions
+% Handle crashed jobs. Handling differs between transient and permanent jobs.
+% Transient jobs are those posted to the _replicate endpoint. They don't have a
+% db associated with them. When those jobs crash, they are not restarted. That
+% is also consistent with behavior when the node they run on, crashed and they
+% do not migrate to other nodes. Permanent jobs are those created from
+% replicator documents. Those jobs, once they pass basic validation and end up
+% in the scheduler will be retried indefinitely (with appropriate exponential
+% backoffs).
+-spec handle_crashed_job(#job{}, any(), #state{}) -> ok.
+handle_crashed_job(#job{rep = #rep{db_name = null}} = Job, Reason, _State) ->
+    Msg = "~p : Transient job ~p failed, removing. Error: ~p",
+    ErrorBinary = couch_replicator_utils:rep_error_to_binary(Reason),
+    couch_log:error(Msg, [?MODULE,, ErrorBinary]),
+    remove_job_int(Job),
+    update_running_jobs_stats(),
+    ok;
+handle_crashed_job(Job, Reason, State) ->
+    ok = update_state_crashed(Job, Reason, State),
+    case couch_replicator_doc_processor:update_docs() of
+        true ->
+            couch_replicator_docs:update_error(Job#job.rep, Reason);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    case ets:info(?MODULE, size) < State#state.max_jobs of
+        true ->
+            % Starting pending jobs is an O(TotalJobsCount) operation. Only do
+            % it if there is a relatively small number of jobs. Otherwise
+            % scheduler could be blocked if there is a cascade of lots failing
+            % jobs in a row.
+            start_pending_jobs(State),
+            update_running_jobs_stats(),
+            ok;
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
+% Attempt to start a newly added job. First quickly check if total jobs
+% already exceed max jobs, then do a more expensive check which runs a
+% select (an O(n) operation) to check pending jobs specifically.
+-spec maybe_start_newly_added_job(#job{}, #state{}) -> ok.
+maybe_start_newly_added_job(Job, State) ->
+    MaxJobs = State#state.max_jobs,
+    TotalJobs = ets:info(?MODULE, size),
+    case TotalJobs < MaxJobs andalso running_job_count() < MaxJobs of
+        true ->
+            start_job_int(Job, State),
+            update_running_jobs_stats(),
+            ok;
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
+% Return up to a given number of oldest, not recently crashed jobs. Try to be
+% memory efficient and use ets:foldl to accumulate jobs.
+-spec pending_jobs(non_neg_integer()) -> [#job{}].
+pending_jobs(0) ->
+    % Handle this case as user could set max_churn to 0. If this is passed to
+    % other function clause it will crash as gb_sets:largest assumes set is not
+    % empty.
+    [];
+pending_jobs(Count) when is_integer(Count), Count > 0 ->
+    Set0 = gb_sets:new(),  % [{LastStart, Job},...]
+    Now = os:timestamp(),
+    Acc0 = {Set0, Now, Count, health_threshold()},
+    {Set1, _, _, _} = ets:foldl(fun pending_fold/2, Acc0, ?MODULE),
+    [Job || {_Started, Job} <- gb_sets:to_list(Set1)].
+pending_fold(Job, {Set, Now, Count, HealthThreshold}) ->
+    Set1 = case {not_recently_crashed(Job, Now, HealthThreshold),
+        gb_sets:size(Set) >= Count} of
+        {true, true} ->
+             % Job is healthy but already reached accumulated limit, so might
+             % have to replace one of the accumulated jobs
+             pending_maybe_replace(Job, Set);
+        {true, false} ->
+             % Job is healthy and we haven't reached the limit, so add job
+             % to accumulator
+             gb_sets:add_element({last_started(Job), Job}, Set);
+        {false, _} ->
+             % This jobs is not healthy (has crashed too recently), so skip it.
+             Set
+    end,
+    {Set1, Now, Count, HealthThreshold}.
+% Replace Job in the accumulator if it is older than youngest job there.
+pending_maybe_replace(Job, Set) ->
+    Started = last_started(Job),
+    {Youngest, YoungestJob} = gb_sets:largest(Set),
+    case Started < Youngest of
+        true ->
+            Set1 = gb_sets:delete({Youngest, YoungestJob}, Set),
+            gb_sets:add_element({Started, Job}, Set1);
+        false ->
+            Set
+    end.
+start_jobs(Count, State) ->
+    [start_job_int(Job, State) || Job <- pending_jobs(Count)],
+    ok.
+-spec stop_jobs(non_neg_integer(), boolean(), #state{}) -> non_neg_integer().
+stop_jobs(Count, IsContinuous, State) ->
+    Running0 = running_jobs(),
+    ContinuousPred = fun(Job) -> is_continuous(Job) =:= IsContinuous end,
+    Running1 = lists:filter(ContinuousPred, Running0),
+    Running2 = lists:sort(fun oldest_job_first/2, Running1),
+    Running3 = lists:sublist(Running2, Count),
+    length([stop_job_int(Job, State) || Job <- Running3]).
+oldest_job_first(#job{} = A, #job{} = B) ->
+    last_started(A) =< last_started(B).
+not_recently_crashed(#job{history = History}, Now, HealthThreshold) ->
+    case History of
+        [{added, _When}] ->
+            true;
+        [{stopped, _When} | _] ->
+            true;
+        _ ->
+            LatestCrashT = latest_crash_timestamp(History),
+            CrashCount = consecutive_crashes(History, HealthThreshold),
+            timer:now_diff(Now, LatestCrashT) >= backoff_micros(CrashCount)
+    end.
+% Count consecutive crashes. A crash happens when there is a `crashed` event
+% within a short period of time (configurable) after any other event. It could
+% be `crashed, started` for jobs crashing quickly after starting, `crashed,
+% crashed`, `crashed, stopped` if job repeatedly failed to start
+% being stopped. Or it could be `crashed, added` if it crashed immediately after
+% being added during start.
+% The end of the consecutive crashes ends when a crashed event is seen with
+% the time delta between previous greater then the threshold.
+-spec consecutive_crashes(history(), non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+consecutive_crashes(History, HealthThreshold) when is_list(History) ->
+    consecutive_crashes(History, HealthThreshold, 0).
+-spec consecutive_crashes(history(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) ->
+     non_neg_integer().
+consecutive_crashes([], _HealthThreashold, Count) ->
+    Count;
+consecutive_crashes([{{crashed, _}, CrashT}, {_, PrevT} = PrevEvent | Rest],
+    HealthThreshold, Count) ->
+    case timer:now_diff(CrashT, PrevT) > HealthThreshold * 1000000 of
+        true ->
+            Count;
+        false ->
+            consecutive_crashes([PrevEvent | Rest], HealthThreshold, Count + 1)
+    end;
+consecutive_crashes([{stopped, _}, {started, _} | _], _HealthThreshold, Count) ->
+    Count;
+consecutive_crashes([_ | Rest], HealthThreshold, Count) ->
+    consecutive_crashes(Rest, HealthThreshold, Count).
+-spec latest_crash_timestamp(history()) -> erlang:timestamp().
+latest_crash_timestamp([]) ->
+    {0, 0, 0};  % Used to avoid special-casing "no crash" when doing now_diff
+latest_crash_timestamp([{{crashed, _Reason}, When} | _]) ->
+    When;
+latest_crash_timestamp([_Event | Rest]) ->
+    latest_crash_timestamp(Rest).
+-spec backoff_micros(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
+backoff_micros(CrashCount) ->
+    BackoffExp = erlang:min(CrashCount - 1, ?MAX_BACKOFF_EXPONENT),
+    (1 bsl BackoffExp) * ?BACKOFF_INTERVAL_MICROS.
+-spec add_job_int(#job{}) -> boolean().
+add_job_int(#job{} = Job) ->
+    ets:insert_new(?MODULE, Job).
+-spec maybe_remove_job_int(job_id(), #state{}) -> ok.
+maybe_remove_job_int(JobId, State) ->
+    case job_by_id(JobId) of
+        {ok, Job} ->
+            ok = stop_job_int(Job, State),
+            true = remove_job_int(Job),
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, jobs, removes]),
+            TotalJobs = ets:info(?MODULE, size),
+            couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, total], TotalJobs),
+            update_running_jobs_stats(),
+            ok;
+        {error, not_found} ->
+            ok
+    end.
+start_job_int(#job{pid = Pid}, _State) when Pid /= undefined ->
+    ok;
+start_job_int(#job{} = Job0, State) ->
+    Job = maybe_optimize_job_for_rate_limiting(Job0),
+    case couch_replicator_scheduler_sup:start_child(Job#job.rep) of
+        {ok, Child} ->
+            Ref = monitor(process, Child),
+            ok = update_state_started(Job, Child, Ref, State),
+            couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p started as ~p",
+                [?MODULE,, Child]);
+        {error, {already_started, OtherPid}} when node(OtherPid) =:= node ->
+            Ref = monitor(process, OtherPid),
+            ok = update_state_started(Job, OtherPid, Ref, State),
+            couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p already running as ~p. Most likely",
+                " because replicator scheduler was restarted",
+                 [?MODULE,, OtherPid]);
+        {error, {already_started, OtherPid}} when node(OtherPid) =/= node ->
+            CrashMsg = "Duplicate replication running on another node",
+            couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p already running as ~p. Most likely"
+                " because a duplicate replication is running on another node",
+                [?MODULE,, OtherPid]),
+            ok = update_state_crashed(Job, CrashMsg, State);
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p failed to start for reason ~p",
+                [?MODULE, Job, Reason]),
+            ok = update_state_crashed(Job, Reason, State)
+    end.
+-spec stop_job_int(#job{}, #state{}) -> ok | {error, term()}.
+stop_job_int(#job{pid = undefined}, _State) ->
+    ok;
+stop_job_int(#job{} = Job, State) ->
+    ok = couch_replicator_scheduler_sup:terminate_child(,
+    demonitor(Job#job.monitor, [flush]),
+    ok = update_state_stopped(Job, State),
+    couch_log:notice("~p: Job ~p stopped as ~p",
+        [?MODULE,,]).
+-spec remove_job_int(#job{}) -> true.
+remove_job_int(#job{} = Job) ->
+    ets:delete(?MODULE,
+-spec running_job_count() -> non_neg_integer().
+running_job_count() ->
+    ets:info(?MODULE, size) - pending_job_count().
+-spec running_jobs() -> [#job{}].
+running_jobs() ->
+    ets:select(?MODULE, [{#job{pid = '$1', _='_'}, [{is_pid, '$1'}], ['$_']}]).
+-spec pending_job_count() -> non_neg_integer().
+pending_job_count() ->
+    ets:select_count(?MODULE, [{#job{pid=undefined, _='_'}, [], [true]}]).
+-spec job_by_pid(pid()) -> {ok, #job{}} | {error, not_found}.
+job_by_pid(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+    case ets:match_object(?MODULE, #job{pid=Pid, _='_'}) of
+        [] ->
+            {error, not_found};
+        [#job{}=Job] ->
+            {ok, Job}
+    end.
+-spec job_by_id(job_id()) -> {ok, #job{}} | {error, not_found}.
+job_by_id(Id) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Id) of
+        [] ->
+            {error, not_found};
+        [#job{}=Job] ->
+            {ok, Job}
+    end.
+-spec update_state_stopped(#job{}, #state{}) -> ok.
+update_state_stopped(Job, State) ->
+    Job1 = reset_job_process(Job),
+    Job2 = update_history(Job1, stopped, os:timestamp(), State),
+    true = ets:insert(?MODULE, Job2),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, jobs, stops]),
+    ok.
+-spec update_state_started(#job{}, pid(), reference(), #state{}) -> ok.
+update_state_started(Job, Pid, Ref, State) ->
+    Job1 = set_job_process(Job, Pid, Ref),
+    Job2 = update_history(Job1, started, os:timestamp(), State),
+    true = ets:insert(?MODULE, Job2),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, jobs, starts]),
+    ok.
+-spec update_state_crashed(#job{}, any(), #state{}) -> ok.
+update_state_crashed(Job, Reason, State) ->
+    Job1 = reset_job_process(Job),
+    Job2 = update_history(Job1, {crashed, Reason}, os:timestamp(), State),
+    true = ets:insert(?MODULE, Job2),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, jobs, crashes]),
+    ok.
+-spec set_job_process(#job{}, pid(), reference()) -> #job{}.
+set_job_process(#job{} = Job, Pid, Ref) when is_pid(Pid), is_reference(Ref) ->
+    Job#job{pid = Pid, monitor = Ref}.
+-spec reset_job_process(#job{}) -> #job{}.
+reset_job_process(#job{} = Job) ->
+    Job#job{pid = undefined, monitor = undefined}.
+-spec reschedule(#state{}) -> ok.
+reschedule(State) ->
+    Running = running_job_count(),
+    Pending = pending_job_count(),
+    stop_excess_jobs(State, Running),
+    start_pending_jobs(State, Running, Pending),
+    rotate_jobs(State, Running, Pending),
+    update_running_jobs_stats(),
+    ok.
+-spec stop_excess_jobs(#state{}, non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
+stop_excess_jobs(State, Running) ->
+    #state{max_jobs=MaxJobs} = State,
+    StopCount = Running - MaxJobs,
+    if StopCount > 0 ->
+        Stopped = stop_jobs(StopCount, true, State),
+        OneshotLeft = StopCount - Stopped,
+        if OneshotLeft > 0 ->
+            stop_jobs(OneshotLeft, false, State),
+            ok;
+        true ->
+            ok
+        end;
+    true ->
+        ok
+    end.
+start_pending_jobs(State) ->
+    start_pending_jobs(State, running_job_count(), pending_job_count()).
+start_pending_jobs(State, Running, Pending) ->
+    #state{max_jobs=MaxJobs} = State,
+    if Running < MaxJobs, Pending > 0 ->
+        start_jobs(MaxJobs - Running, State);
+    true ->
+        ok
+    end.
+-spec rotate_jobs(#state{}, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
+rotate_jobs(State, Running, Pending) ->
+    #state{max_jobs=MaxJobs, max_churn=MaxChurn} = State,
+    if Running == MaxJobs, Pending > 0 ->
+        RotateCount = lists:min([Pending, Running, MaxChurn]),
+        StopCount = stop_jobs(RotateCount, true, State),
+        start_jobs(StopCount, State);
+    true ->
+        ok
+    end.
+-spec last_started(#job{}) -> erlang:timestamp().
+last_started(#job{} = Job) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(started, 1, Job#job.history) of
+        false ->
+            {0, 0, 0};
+        {started, When} ->
+            When
+    end.
+-spec update_history(#job{}, event_type(), erlang:timestamp(), #state{}) -> #job{}.
+update_history(Job, Type, When, State) ->
+    History0 = [{Type, When} | Job#job.history],
+    History1 = lists:sublist(History0, State#state.max_history),
+    Job#job{history = History1}.
+-spec update_running_jobs_stats() -> ok.
+update_running_jobs_stats() ->
+    Acc0 = #stats_acc{now = os:timestamp()},
+    AccR = ets:foldl(fun stats_fold/2, Acc0, ?MODULE),
+    #stats_acc{
+        pending_t = PendingSum,
+        running_t = RunningSum,
+        crashed_t = CrashedSum,
+        pending_n = PendingN,
+        running_n = RunningN,
+        crashed_n = CrashedN
+    } = AccR,
+    PendingAvg = avg(PendingSum, PendingN),
+    RunningAvg = avg(RunningSum, RunningN),
+    CrashedAvg = avg(CrashedSum, CrashedN),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, pending], PendingN),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, running], RunningN),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, crashed], CrashedN),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, avg_pending], PendingAvg),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, avg_running], RunningAvg),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, jobs, avg_crashed], CrashedAvg),
+    ok.
+-spec stats_fold(#job{}, #stats_acc{}) -> #stats_acc{}.
+stats_fold(#job{pid = undefined, history = [{added, T}]}, Acc) ->
+    #stats_acc{now = Now, pending_t = SumT, pending_n = Cnt} = Acc,
+    Dt = round(timer:now_diff(Now, T) / 1000000),
+    Acc#stats_acc{pending_t = SumT + Dt, pending_n = Cnt + 1};
+stats_fold(#job{pid = undefined, history = [{stopped, T} | _]}, Acc) ->
+    #stats_acc{now = Now, pending_t = SumT, pending_n = Cnt} = Acc,
+    Dt = round(timer:now_diff(Now, T) / 1000000),
+    Acc#stats_acc{pending_t = SumT + Dt, pending_n = Cnt + 1};
+stats_fold(#job{pid = undefined, history = [{{crashed, _}, T} | _]}, Acc) ->
+    #stats_acc{now = Now, crashed_t = SumT, crashed_n = Cnt} = Acc,
+    Dt = round(timer:now_diff(Now, T) / 1000000),
+    Acc#stats_acc{crashed_t = SumT + Dt, crashed_n = Cnt + 1};
+stats_fold(#job{pid = P, history = [{started, T} | _]}, Acc) when is_pid(P) ->
+    #stats_acc{now = Now, running_t = SumT, running_n = Cnt} = Acc,
+    Dt = round(timer:now_diff(Now, T) / 1000000),
+    Acc#stats_acc{running_t = SumT + Dt, running_n = Cnt + 1}.
+-spec avg(Sum :: non_neg_integer(), N :: non_neg_integer())  -> non_neg_integer().
+avg(_Sum, 0) ->
+    0;
+avg(Sum, N) when N > 0 ->
+    round(Sum / N).
+-spec ejson_url(#httpdb{} | binary()) -> binary().
+ejson_url(#httpdb{}=Httpdb) ->
+    couch_util:url_strip_password(Httpdb#httpdb.url);
+ejson_url(DbName) when is_binary(DbName) ->
+    DbName.
+-spec job_ejson(#job{}) -> {[_ | _]}.
+job_ejson(Job) ->
+    Rep = Job#job.rep,
+    Source = ejson_url(Rep#rep.source),
+    Target = ejson_url(,
+    History = lists:map(fun({Type, When}) ->
+        EventProps  = case Type of
+            {crashed, Reason} ->
+                [{type, crashed}, {reason, crash_reason_json(Reason)}];
+            Type ->
+                [{type, Type}]
+        end,
+        {[{timestamp, couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(When)} | EventProps]}
+    end, Job#job.history),
+    {BaseID, Ext} =,
+    Pid = case of
+        undefined ->
+            null;
+        P when is_pid(P) ->
+            ?l2b(pid_to_list(P))
+    end,
+    {[
+        {id, iolist_to_binary([BaseID, Ext])},
+        {pid, Pid},
+        {source, iolist_to_binary(Source)},
+        {target, iolist_to_binary(Target)},
+        {database, Rep#rep.db_name},
+        {user, (Rep#rep.user_ctx)},
+        {doc_id, Rep#rep.doc_id},
+        {history, History},
+        {node, node()},
+        {start_time, couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(Rep#rep.start_time)}
+    ]}.
+-spec jobs() -> [[tuple()]].
+jobs() ->
+    ets:foldl(fun(Job, Acc) ->
+        [job_ejson(Job) | Acc]
+    end, [], couch_replicator_scheduler).
+-spec job(job_id()) -> {ok, {[_ | _]}} | {error, not_found}.
+job(JobId) ->
+    case job_by_id(JobId) of
+        {ok, Job} ->
+            {ok, job_ejson(Job)};
+        Error ->
+            Error
+    end.
+crash_reason_json({_CrashType, Info}) when is_binary(Info) ->
+    Info;
+crash_reason_json(Reason) when is_binary(Reason) ->
+    Reason;
+crash_reason_json(Error) ->
+    couch_replicator_utils:rep_error_to_binary(Error).
+-spec last_updated([_]) -> binary().
+last_updated([{_Type, When} | _]) ->
+    couch_replicator_utils:iso8601(When).
+-spec is_continuous(#job{}) -> boolean().
+is_continuous(#job{rep = Rep}) ->
+    couch_util:get_value(continuous, Rep#rep.options, false).
+% If job crashed last time because it was rate limited, try to
+% optimize some options to help the job make progress.
+-spec maybe_optimize_job_for_rate_limiting(#job{}) -> #job{}.
+maybe_optimize_job_for_rate_limiting(Job = #job{history =
+    [{{crashed, {shutdown, max_backoff}}, _} | _]}) ->
+    Opts = [
+        {checkpoint_interval, 5000},
+        {worker_processes, 2},
+        {worker_batch_size, 100},
+        {http_connections, 5}
+    ],
+    Rep = lists:foldl(fun optimize_int_option/2, Job#job.rep, Opts),
+    Job#job{rep = Rep};
+maybe_optimize_job_for_rate_limiting(Job) ->
+    Job.
+-spec optimize_int_option({atom(), any()}, #rep{}) -> #rep{}.
+optimize_int_option({Key, Val}, #rep{options = Options} = Rep) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(Key, Options) of
+        CurVal when is_integer(CurVal), CurVal > Val ->
+            Msg = "~p replication ~p : setting ~p = ~p due to rate limiting",
+            couch_log:warning(Msg, [?MODULE,, Key, Val]),
+            Options1 = lists:keyreplace(Key, 1, Options, {Key, Val}),
+            Rep#rep{options = Options1};
+        _ ->
+            Rep
+    end.
+backoff_micros_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual(R * BaseInterval, backoff_micros(N)) || {R, N} <- [
+        {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {4, 3}, {8, 4}, {16, 5}, {32, 6}, {64, 7}, {128, 8},
+        {256, 9}, {512, 10}, {1024, 11}, {1024, 12}
+    ]].
+consecutive_crashes_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual(R, consecutive_crashes(H, Threshold)) || {R, H} <- [
+        {0, []},
+        {0, [added()]},
+        {0, [stopped()]},
+        {0, [crashed()]},
+        {1, [crashed(), added()]},
+        {1, [crashed(), crashed()]},
+        {1, [crashed(), stopped()]},
+        {3, [crashed(), crashed(), crashed(), added()]},
+        {2, [crashed(), crashed(), stopped()]},
+        {1, [crashed(), started(), added()]},
+        {2, [crashed(3), started(2), crashed(1), started(0)]},
+        {0, [stopped(3), started(2), crashed(1), started(0)]},
+        {1, [crashed(3), started(2), stopped(1), started(0)]},
+        {0, [crashed(999), started(0)]},
+        {1, [crashed(999), started(998), crashed(997), started(0)]}
+    ]].
+consecutive_crashes_non_default_threshold_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual(R, consecutive_crashes(H, T)) || {R, H, T} <- [
+        {0, [crashed(11), started(0)], 10},
+        {1, [crashed(10), started(0)], 10}
+    ]].
+latest_crash_timestamp_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual({0, R, 0}, latest_crash_timestamp(H)) || {R, H} <- [
+         {0, [added()]},
+         {1, [crashed(1)]},
+         {3, [crashed(3), started(2), crashed(1), started(0)]},
+         {1, [started(3), stopped(2), crashed(1), started(0)]}
+    ]].
+last_started_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual({0, R, 0}, last_started(testjob(H))) || {R, H} <- [
+         {0, [added()]},
+         {0, [crashed(1)]},
+         {1, [started(1)]},
+         {1, [added(), started(1)]},
+         {2, [started(2), started(1)]},
+         {2, [crashed(3), started(2), started(1)]}
+    ]].
+oldest_job_first_test() ->
+    J0 = testjob([crashed()]),
+    J1 = testjob([started(1)]),
+    J2 = testjob([started(2)]),
+    Sort = fun(Jobs) -> lists:sort(fun oldest_job_first/2, Jobs) end,
+    ?assertEqual([], Sort([])),
+    ?assertEqual([J1], Sort([J1])),
+    ?assertEqual([J1, J2], Sort([J2, J1])),
+    ?assertEqual([J0, J1, J2], Sort([J2, J1, J0])).
+scheduler_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun setup/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        [
+            t_pending_jobs_simple(),
+            t_pending_jobs_skip_crashed(),
+            t_one_job_starts(),
+            t_no_jobs_start_if_max_is_0(),
+            t_one_job_starts_if_max_is_1(),
+            t_max_churn_does_not_throttle_initial_start(),
+            t_excess_oneshot_only_jobs(),
+            t_excess_continuous_only_jobs(),
+            t_excess_prefer_continuous_first(),
+            t_stop_oldest_first(),
+            t_start_oldest_first(),
+            t_dont_stop_if_nothing_pending(),
+            t_max_churn_limits_number_of_rotated_jobs(),
+            t_if_pending_less_than_running_start_all_pending(),
+            t_running_less_than_pending_swap_all_running(),
+            t_oneshot_dont_get_rotated(),
+            t_rotate_continuous_only_if_mixed(),
+            t_oneshot_dont_get_starting_priority(),
+            t_oneshot_will_hog_the_scheduler(),
+            t_if_excess_is_trimmed_rotation_doesnt_happen(),
+            t_if_transient_job_crashes_it_gets_removed(),
+            t_if_permanent_job_crashes_it_stays_in_ets()
+         ]
+    }.
+t_pending_jobs_simple() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+        Job1 = oneshot(1),
+        Job2 = oneshot(2),
+        setup_jobs([Job2, Job1]),
+        ?assertEqual([], pending_jobs(0)),
+        ?assertEqual([Job1], pending_jobs(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([Job1, Job2], pending_jobs(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([Job1, Job2], pending_jobs(3))
+    end).
+t_pending_jobs_skip_crashed() ->
+   ?_test(begin
+        Job = oneshot(1),
+        Ts = os:timestamp(),
+        History = [crashed(Ts), started(Ts) | Job#job.history],
+        Job1 = Job#job{history = History},
+        Job2 = oneshot(2),
+        Job3 = oneshot(3),
+        setup_jobs([Job2, Job1, Job3]),
+        ?assertEqual([Job2], pending_jobs(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([Job2, Job3], pending_jobs(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([Job2, Job3], pending_jobs(3))
+    end).
+t_one_job_starts() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot(1)]),
+        ?assertEqual({0, 1}, run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(?DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 0}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_no_jobs_start_if_max_is_0() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot(1)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(0)),
+        ?assertEqual({0, 1}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_one_job_starts_if_max_is_1() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot(1), oneshot(2)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 1}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_max_churn_does_not_throttle_initial_start() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot(1), oneshot(2)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(?DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS, 0)),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 0}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_excess_oneshot_only_jobs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot_running(1), oneshot_running(2)]),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 0}, run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 1}, run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(0)),
+        ?assertEqual({0, 2}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_excess_continuous_only_jobs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([continuous_running(1), continuous_running(2)]),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 0}, run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 1}, run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(0)),
+        ?assertEqual({0, 2}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_excess_prefer_continuous_first() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous_running(1),
+            oneshot_running(2),
+            continuous_running(3)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        ?assertEqual({3, 0}, run_stop_count()),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 0}, oneshot_run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 1}, run_stop_count()),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 0}, oneshot_run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 0}, oneshot_run_stop_count()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(0)),
+        ?assertEqual({0, 1}, oneshot_run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_stop_oldest_first() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous_running(7),
+            continuous_running(4),
+            continuous_running(5)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 1}, run_stop_count()),
+        ?assertEqual([4], jobs_stopped()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([7], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_start_oldest_first() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([continuous(7), continuous(2), continuous(5)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual({1, 2}, run_stop_count()),
+        ?assertEqual([2], jobs_running()),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([7], jobs_stopped())
+    end).
+t_dont_stop_if_nothing_pending() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([continuous_running(1), continuous_running(2)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual({2, 0}, run_stop_count())
+    end).
+t_max_churn_limits_number_of_rotated_jobs() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous(1),
+            continuous_running(2),
+            continuous(3),
+            continuous_running(4)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2, 1)),
+        ?assertEqual([2, 3], jobs_stopped())
+    end).
+t_if_pending_less_than_running_start_all_pending() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous(1),
+            continuous_running(2),
+            continuous(3),
+            continuous_running(4),
+            continuous_running(5)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(3)),
+        ?assertEqual([1, 2, 5], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_running_less_than_pending_swap_all_running() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous(1),
+            continuous(2),
+            continuous(3),
+            continuous_running(4),
+            continuous_running(5)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([3, 4, 5], jobs_stopped())
+    end).
+t_oneshot_dont_get_rotated() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([oneshot_running(1), continuous(2)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([1], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_rotate_continuous_only_if_mixed() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([continuous(1), oneshot_running(2), continuous_running(3)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([1, 2], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_oneshot_dont_get_starting_priority() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        setup_jobs([continuous(1), oneshot(2), continuous_running(3)]),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([1], jobs_running())
+    end).
+% This tested in other test cases, it is here to mainly make explicit a property
+% of one-shot replications -- they can starve other jobs if they "take control" of
+% all the available scheduler slots.
+t_oneshot_will_hog_the_scheduler() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            oneshot_running(1),
+            oneshot_running(2),
+            oneshot(3),
+            continuous(4)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(2)),
+        ?assertEqual([1, 2], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_if_excess_is_trimmed_rotation_doesnt_happen() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Jobs = [
+            continuous(1),
+            continuous_running(2),
+            continuous_running(3)
+        ],
+        setup_jobs(Jobs),
+        reschedule(mock_state(1)),
+        ?assertEqual([3], jobs_running())
+    end).
+t_if_transient_job_crashes_it_gets_removed() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Pid = mock_pid(),
+        Job =  #job{
+            id = job1,
+            pid = Pid,
+            history = [added()],
+            rep = #rep{db_name = null, options = [{continuous, true}]}
+        },
+        setup_jobs([Job]),
+        ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?MODULE, size)),
+        State = #state{max_history = 3},
+        {noreply, State} = handle_info({'DOWN', r1, process, Pid, failed}, State),
+        ?assertEqual(0, ets:info(?MODULE, size))
+   end).
+t_if_permanent_job_crashes_it_stays_in_ets() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Pid = mock_pid(),
+        Job =  #job{
+            id = job1,
+            pid = Pid,
+            history = [added()],
+            rep = #rep{db_name = <<"db1">>, options = [{continuous, true}]}
+        },
+        setup_jobs([Job]),
+        ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?MODULE, size)),
+        State = #state{max_jobs =1, max_history = 3},
+        {noreply, State} = handle_info({'DOWN', r1, process, Pid, failed}, State),
+        ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?MODULE, size)),
+        [Job1] = ets:lookup(?MODULE, job1),
+        [Latest | _] = Job1#job.history,
+        ?assertMatch({{crashed, failed}, _}, Latest)
+   end).
+% Test helper functions
+setup() ->
+    catch ets:delete(?MODULE),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, notice, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, warning, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_log, error, 2, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler_sup, terminate_child, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_stats, increment_counter, 1, ok),
+    meck:expect(couch_stats, update_gauge, 2, ok),
+    Pid = mock_pid(),
+    meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler_sup, start_child, 1, {ok, Pid}).
+teardown(_) ->
+    catch ets:delete(?MODULE),
+    meck:unload().
+setup_jobs(Jobs) when is_list(Jobs) ->
+    ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, {keypos,}]),
+    ets:insert(?MODULE, Jobs).
+all_jobs() ->
+    lists:usort(ets:tab2list(?MODULE)).
+jobs_stopped() ->
+    [ || Job <- all_jobs(), =:= undefined].
+jobs_running() ->
+    [ || Job <- all_jobs(), =/= undefined].
+run_stop_count() ->
+    {length(jobs_running()), length(jobs_stopped())}.
+oneshot_run_stop_count() ->
+    Running = [ || Job <- all_jobs(), =/= undefined,
+        not is_continuous(Job)],
+    Stopped = [ || Job <- all_jobs(), =:= undefined,
+        not is_continuous(Job)],
+    {length(Running), length(Stopped)}.
+mock_state(MaxJobs) ->
+    #state{
+        max_jobs = MaxJobs,
+        max_churn = ?DEFAULT_MAX_CHURN,
+        max_history = ?DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY
+    }.
+mock_state(MaxJobs, MaxChurn) ->
+    #state{
+        max_jobs = MaxJobs,
+        max_churn = MaxChurn,
+        max_history = ?DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY
+    }.
+continuous(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
+    Started = Id,
+    Hist = [stopped(Started+1), started(Started), added()],
+    #job{
+        id = Id,
+        history = Hist,
+        rep = #rep{options = [{continuous, true}]}
+    }.
+continuous_running(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
+    Started = Id,
+    Pid = mock_pid(),
+    #job{
+        id = Id,
+        history = [started(Started), added()],
+        rep = #rep{options = [{continuous, true}]},
+        pid = Pid,
+        monitor = monitor(process, Pid)
+    }.
+oneshot(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
+    Started = Id,
+    Hist = [stopped(Started + 1), started(Started), added()],
+    #job{id = Id, history = Hist, rep = #rep{options = []}}.
+oneshot_running(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
+    Started = Id,
+    Pid = mock_pid(),
+    #job{
+        id = Id,
+        history = [started(Started), added()],
+        rep = #rep{options = []},
+        pid = Pid,
+        monitor = monitor(process, Pid)
+    }.
+testjob(Hist) when is_list(Hist) ->
+    #job{history = Hist}.
+mock_pid() ->
+   list_to_pid("<0.999.999>").
+crashed() ->
+    crashed(0).
+crashed(WhenSec) when is_integer(WhenSec)->
+    {{crashed, some_reason}, {0, WhenSec, 0}};
+crashed({MSec, Sec, USec}) ->
+    {{crashed, some_reason}, {MSec, Sec, USec}}.
+started() ->
+    started(0).
+started(WhenSec) when is_integer(WhenSec)->
+    {started, {0, WhenSec, 0}};
+started({MSec, Sec, USec}) ->
+    {started, {MSec, Sec, USec}}.
+stopped() ->
+    stopped(0).
+stopped(WhenSec) ->
+    {stopped, {0, WhenSec, 0}}.
+added() ->
+    {added, {0, 0, 0}}.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.hrl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5203b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-type job_id() :: term().
+-type job_args() :: term().
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_job.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_job.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9faaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_job.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+%% public api
+%% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+%% imports
+-import(couch_util, [
+    get_value/2,
+    get_value/3,
+    to_binary/1
+-import(couch_replicator_utils, [
+    start_db_compaction_notifier/2,
+    stop_db_compaction_notifier/1,
+    pp_rep_id/1
+%% definitions
+-define(LOWEST_SEQ, 0).
+-record(rep_state, {
+    rep_details,
+    source_name,
+    target_name,
+    source,
+    target,
+    history,
+    checkpoint_history,
+    start_seq,
+    committed_seq,
+    current_through_seq,
+    seqs_in_progress = [],
+    highest_seq_done = {0, ?LOWEST_SEQ},
+    source_log,
+    target_log,
+    rep_starttime,
+    src_starttime,
+    tgt_starttime,
+    timer, % checkpoint timer
+    changes_queue,
+    changes_manager,
+    changes_reader,
+    workers,
+    stats = couch_replicator_stats:new(),
+    session_id,
+    source_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
+    target_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
+    source_monitor = nil,
+    target_monitor = nil,
+    source_seq = nil,
+    use_checkpoints = true,
+    checkpoint_interval = ?DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL,
+    type = db,
+    view = nil
+start_link(#rep{id = {BaseId, Ext}, source = Src, target = Tgt} = Rep) ->
+    RepChildId = BaseId ++ Ext,
+    Source = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Src),
+    Target = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Tgt),
+    ServerName = {global, {?MODULE,}},
+    case gen_server:start_link(ServerName, ?MODULE, Rep, []) of
+        {ok, Pid} ->
+            couch_log:notice("starting new replication `~s` at ~p (`~s` -> `~s`)",
+                             [RepChildId, Pid, Source, Target]),
+            {ok, Pid};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            couch_log:warning("failed to start replication `~s` (`~s` -> `~s`)",
+                           [RepChildId, Source, Target]),
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
+init(InitArgs) ->
+    {ok, InitArgs, 0}.
+do_init(#rep{options = Options, id = {BaseId, Ext}, user_ctx=UserCtx} = Rep) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    #rep_state{
+        source = Source,
+        target = Target,
+        source_name = SourceName,
+        target_name = TargetName,
+        start_seq = {_Ts, StartSeq},
+        committed_seq = {_, CommittedSeq},
+        highest_seq_done = {_, HighestSeq},
+        checkpoint_interval = CheckpointInterval
+    } = State = init_state(Rep),
+    NumWorkers = get_value(worker_processes, Options),
+    BatchSize = get_value(worker_batch_size, Options),
+    {ok, ChangesQueue} = couch_work_queue:new([
+        {max_items, BatchSize * NumWorkers * 2},
+        {max_size, 100 * 1024 * NumWorkers}
+    ]),
+    % This starts the _changes reader process. It adds the changes from
+    % the source db to the ChangesQueue.
+    {ok, ChangesReader} = couch_replicator_changes_reader:start_link(
+        StartSeq, Source, ChangesQueue, Options
+    ),
+    % Changes manager - responsible for dequeing batches from the changes queue
+    % and deliver them to the worker processes.
+    ChangesManager = spawn_changes_manager(self(), ChangesQueue, BatchSize),
+    % This starts the worker processes. They ask the changes queue manager for a
+    % a batch of _changes rows to process -> check which revs are missing in the
+    % target, and for the missing ones, it copies them from the source to the target.
+    MaxConns = get_value(http_connections, Options),
+    Workers = lists:map(
+        fun(_) ->
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, workers_started]),
+            {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_worker:start_link(
+                self(), Source, Target, ChangesManager, MaxConns),
+            Pid
+        end,
+        lists:seq(1, NumWorkers)),
+    couch_task_status:add_task([
+        {type, replication},
+        {user,},
+        {replication_id, ?l2b(BaseId ++ Ext)},
+        {database, Rep#rep.db_name},
+        {doc_id, Rep#rep.doc_id},
+        {source, ?l2b(SourceName)},
+        {target, ?l2b(TargetName)},
+        {continuous, get_value(continuous, Options, false)},
+        {revisions_checked, 0},
+        {missing_revisions_found, 0},
+        {docs_read, 0},
+        {docs_written, 0},
+        {changes_pending, get_pending_count(State)},
+        {doc_write_failures, 0},
+        {source_seq, HighestSeq},
+        {checkpointed_source_seq, CommittedSeq},
+        {checkpoint_interval, CheckpointInterval}
+    ]),
+    couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(1000),
+    % Until OTP R14B03:
+    %
+    % Restarting a temporary supervised child implies that the original arguments
+    % (#rep{} record) specified in the MFA component of the supervisor
+    % child spec will always be used whenever the child is restarted.
+    % This implies the same replication performance tunning parameters will
+    % always be used. The solution is to delete the child spec (see
+    % cancel_replication/1) and then start the replication again, but this is
+    % unfortunately not immune to race conditions.
+    couch_log:notice("Replication `~p` is using:~n"
+        "~c~p worker processes~n"
+        "~ca worker batch size of ~p~n"
+        "~c~p HTTP connections~n"
+        "~ca connection timeout of ~p milliseconds~n"
+        "~c~p retries per request~n"
+        "~csocket options are: ~s~s",
+        [BaseId ++ Ext, $\t, NumWorkers, $\t, BatchSize, $\t,
+            MaxConns, $\t, get_value(connection_timeout, Options),
+            $\t, get_value(retries, Options),
+            $\t, io_lib:format("~p", [get_value(socket_options, Options)]),
+            case StartSeq of
+            ?LOWEST_SEQ ->
+                "";
+            _ ->
+                io_lib:format("~n~csource start sequence ~p", [$\t, StartSeq])
+            end]),
+    couch_log:debug("Worker pids are: ~p", [Workers]),
+    doc_update_triggered(Rep),
+    {ok, State#rep_state{
+            changes_queue = ChangesQueue,
+            changes_manager = ChangesManager,
+            changes_reader = ChangesReader,
+            workers = Workers
+        }
+    }.
+adjust_maxconn(Src = #httpdb{http_connections = 1}, RepId) ->
+    Msg = "Adjusting minimum number of HTTP source connections to 2 for ~p",
+    couch_log:notice(Msg, [RepId]),
+    Src#httpdb{http_connections = 2};
+adjust_maxconn(Src, _RepId) ->
+    Src.
+handle_info(shutdown, St) ->
+    {stop, shutdown, St};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Why}, #rep_state{source_monitor = Ref} = St) ->
+    couch_log:error("Source database is down. Reason: ~p", [Why]),
+    {stop, source_db_down, St};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Why}, #rep_state{target_monitor = Ref} = St) ->
+    couch_log:error("Target database is down. Reason: ~p", [Why]),
+    {stop, target_db_down, St};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, max_backoff}, State) ->
+    couch_log:error("Max backoff reached child process ~p", [Pid]),
+    {stop, {shutdown, max_backoff}, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, {shutdown, max_backoff}}, State) ->
+    couch_log:error("Max backoff reached child process ~p", [Pid]),
+    {stop, {shutdown, max_backoff}, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_reader=Pid} = State) ->
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_reader=Pid} = State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_reader_deaths]),
+    couch_log:error("ChangesReader process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
+    {stop, changes_reader_died, cancel_timer(State)};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_manager = Pid} = State) ->
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_manager = Pid} = State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_manager_deaths]),
+    couch_log:error("ChangesManager process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
+    {stop, changes_manager_died, cancel_timer(State)};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{changes_queue=Pid} = State) ->
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{changes_queue=Pid} = State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, changes_queue_deaths]),
+    couch_log:error("ChangesQueue process died with reason: ~p", [Reason]),
+    {stop, changes_queue_died, cancel_timer(State)};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #rep_state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
+    case Workers -- [Pid] of
+    Workers ->
+        couch_log:error("unknown pid bit the dust ~p ~n",[Pid]),
+        {noreply, State#rep_state{workers = Workers}};
+        %% not clear why a stop was here before
+        %%{stop, {unknown_process_died, Pid, normal}, State};
+    [] ->
+        catch unlink(State#rep_state.changes_manager),
+        catch exit(State#rep_state.changes_manager, kill),
+        do_last_checkpoint(State);
+    Workers2 ->
+        {noreply, State#rep_state{workers = Workers2}}
+    end;
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #rep_state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
+    State2 = cancel_timer(State),
+    case lists:member(Pid, Workers) of
+    false ->
+        {stop, {unknown_process_died, Pid, Reason}, State2};
+    true ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, worker_deaths]),
+        couch_log:error("Worker ~p died with reason: ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
+        {stop, {worker_died, Pid, Reason}, State2}
+    end;
+handle_info(timeout, InitArgs) ->
+    try do_init(InitArgs) of {ok, State} ->
+        {noreply, State}
+    catch
+        exit:{http_request_failed, _, _, max_backoff} ->
+            {stop, {shutdown, max_backoff}, {error, InitArgs}};
+        Class:Error ->
+            ShutdownReason = {error, replication_start_error(Error)},
+            % Shutdown state is a hack as it is not really the state of the
+            % gen_server (it failed to initialize, so it doesn't have one).
+            % Shutdown state is used to pass extra info about why start failed.
+            ShutdownState = {error, Class, erlang:get_stacktrace(), InitArgs},
+            {stop, {shutdown, ShutdownReason}, ShutdownState}
+    end.
+handle_call(get_details, _From, #rep_state{rep_details = Rep} = State) ->
+    {reply, {ok, Rep}, State};
+handle_call({add_stats, Stats}, From, State) ->
+    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
+    NewStats = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(State#rep_state.stats, Stats),
+    {noreply, State#rep_state{stats = NewStats}};
+handle_call({report_seq_done, Seq, StatsInc}, From,
+    #rep_state{seqs_in_progress = SeqsInProgress, highest_seq_done = HighestDone,
+        current_through_seq = ThroughSeq, stats = Stats} = State) ->
+    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
+    {NewThroughSeq0, NewSeqsInProgress} = case SeqsInProgress of
+    [] ->
+        {Seq, []};
+    [Seq | Rest] ->
+        {Seq, Rest};
+    [_ | _] ->
+        {ThroughSeq, ordsets:del_element(Seq, SeqsInProgress)}
+    end,
+    NewHighestDone = lists:max([HighestDone, Seq]),
+    NewThroughSeq = case NewSeqsInProgress of
+    [] ->
+        lists:max([NewThroughSeq0, NewHighestDone]);
+    _ ->
+        NewThroughSeq0
+    end,
+    couch_log:debug("Worker reported seq ~p, through seq was ~p, "
+        "new through seq is ~p, highest seq done was ~p, "
+        "new highest seq done is ~p~n"
+        "Seqs in progress were: ~p~nSeqs in progress are now: ~p",
+        [Seq, ThroughSeq, NewThroughSeq, HighestDone,
+            NewHighestDone, SeqsInProgress, NewSeqsInProgress]),
+    NewState = State#rep_state{
+        stats = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats, StatsInc),
+        current_through_seq = NewThroughSeq,
+        seqs_in_progress = NewSeqsInProgress,
+        highest_seq_done = NewHighestDone
+    },
+    update_task(NewState),
+    {noreply, NewState}.
+handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
+    #rep_state{source = #db{name = DbName} = Source} = State) ->
+    {ok, NewSource} = couch_db:reopen(Source),
+    {noreply, State#rep_state{source = NewSource}};
+handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
+    #rep_state{target = #db{name = DbName} = Target} = State) ->
+    {ok, NewTarget} = couch_db:reopen(Target),
+    {noreply, State#rep_state{target = NewTarget}};
+handle_cast(checkpoint, State) ->
+    case do_checkpoint(State) of
+    {ok, NewState} ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, success]),
+        {noreply, NewState#rep_state{timer = start_timer(State)}};
+    Error ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, failure]),
+        {stop, Error, State}
+    end;
+handle_cast({report_seq, Seq},
+    #rep_state{seqs_in_progress = SeqsInProgress} = State) ->
+    NewSeqsInProgress = ordsets:add_element(Seq, SeqsInProgress),
+    {noreply, State#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = NewSeqsInProgress}}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, #rep_state{}=State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+headers_strip_creds([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+headers_strip_creds([{Key, Value0} | Rest], Acc) ->
+    Value = case string:to_lower(Key) of
+    "authorization" ->
+        "****";
+    _ ->
+        Value0
+    end,
+    headers_strip_creds(Rest, [{Key, Value} | Acc]).
+httpdb_strip_creds(#httpdb{url = Url, headers = Headers} = HttpDb) ->
+    HttpDb#httpdb{
+        url = couch_util:url_strip_password(Url),
+        headers = headers_strip_creds(Headers, [])
+    };
+httpdb_strip_creds(LocalDb) ->
+    LocalDb.
+rep_strip_creds(#rep{source = Source, target = Target} = Rep) ->
+    Rep#rep{
+        source = httpdb_strip_creds(Source),
+        target = httpdb_strip_creds(Target)
+    }.
+state_strip_creds(#rep_state{rep_details = Rep, source = Source, target = Target} = State) ->
+    % #rep_state contains the source and target at the top level and also
+    % in the nested #rep_details record
+    State#rep_state{
+        rep_details = rep_strip_creds(Rep),
+        source = httpdb_strip_creds(Source),
+        target = httpdb_strip_creds(Target)
+    }.
+terminate(normal, #rep_state{rep_details = #rep{id = RepId} = Rep,
+    checkpoint_history = CheckpointHistory} = State) ->
+    terminate_cleanup(State),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({finished, RepId, CheckpointHistory}),
+    doc_update_completed(Rep, rep_stats(State));
+terminate(shutdown, #rep_state{rep_details = #rep{id = RepId}} = State) ->
+    % Replication stopped via _scheduler_sup:terminate_child/1, which can be
+    % occur during regular scheduler operation or when job is removed from
+    % the scheduler.
+    State1 = case do_checkpoint(State) of
+        {ok, NewState} ->
+            NewState;
+        Error ->
+            LogMsg = "~p : Failed last checkpoint. Job: ~p Error: ~p",
+            couch_log:error(LogMsg, [?MODULE, RepId, Error]),
+            State
+    end,
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({stopped, RepId, <<"stopped">>}),
+    terminate_cleanup(State1);
+terminate({shutdown, max_backoff}, {error, InitArgs}) ->
+    #rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = RepId} = InitArgs,
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, failed_starts]),
+    couch_log:warning("Replication `~s` reached max backoff ", [BaseId ++ Ext]),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, max_backoff});
+terminate({shutdown, {error, Error}}, {error, Class, Stack, InitArgs}) ->
+    #rep{id=RepId} = InitArgs,
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, failed_starts]),
+    CleanInitArgs = rep_strip_creds(InitArgs),
+    couch_log:error("~p:~p: Replication failed to start for args ~p: ~p",
+             [Class, Error, CleanInitArgs, Stack]),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, Error});
+terminate({shutdown, max_backoff}, State) ->
+    #rep_state{
+        source_name = Source,
+        target_name = Target,
+        rep_details = #rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = RepId}
+    } = State,
+    couch_log:error("Replication `~s` (`~s` -> `~s`) reached max backoff",
+        [BaseId ++ Ext, Source, Target]),
+    terminate_cleanup(State),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, max_backoff});
+terminate(Reason, State) ->
+        source_name = Source,
+        target_name = Target,
+        rep_details = #rep{id = {BaseId, Ext} = RepId}
+    } = State,
+    couch_log:error("Replication `~s` (`~s` -> `~s`) failed: ~s",
+        [BaseId ++ Ext, Source, Target, to_binary(Reason)]),
+    terminate_cleanup(State),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({error, RepId, Reason}).
+terminate_cleanup(State) ->
+    update_task(State),
+    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#rep_state.source_db_compaction_notifier),
+    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#rep_state.target_db_compaction_notifier),
+    couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(State#rep_state.source),
+    couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_close(
+format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, State]) ->
+    [{data, [{"State", state_strip_creds(State)}]}].
+-spec doc_update_triggered(#rep{}) -> ok.
+doc_update_triggered(#rep{db_name = null}) ->
+    ok;
+doc_update_triggered(#rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId} = Rep) ->
+    case couch_replicator_doc_processor:update_docs() of
+        true ->
+            couch_replicator_docs:update_triggered(Rep, RepId);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    couch_log:notice("Document `~s` triggered replication `~s`",
+        [DocId, pp_rep_id(RepId)]),
+    ok.
+-spec doc_update_completed(#rep{}, list()) -> ok.
+doc_update_completed(#rep{db_name = null}, _Stats) ->
+    ok;
+doc_update_completed(#rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId, db_name = DbName,
+    start_time = StartTime}, Stats) ->
+    couch_replicator_docs:update_doc_completed(DbName, DocId, Stats, StartTime),
+    couch_log:notice("Replication `~s` completed (triggered by `~s`)",
+        [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId]),
+    ok.
+do_last_checkpoint(#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = [],
+    highest_seq_done = {_Ts, ?LOWEST_SEQ}} = State) ->
+    {stop, normal, cancel_timer(State)};
+do_last_checkpoint(#rep_state{seqs_in_progress = [],
+    highest_seq_done = Seq} = State) ->
+    case do_checkpoint(State#rep_state{current_through_seq = Seq}) of
+    {ok, NewState} ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, success]),
+        {stop, normal, cancel_timer(NewState)};
+    Error ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, checkpoints, failure]),
+        {stop, Error, State}
+    end.
+start_timer(State) ->
+    After = State#rep_state.checkpoint_interval,
+    case timer:apply_after(After, gen_server, cast, [self(), checkpoint]) of
+    {ok, Ref} ->
+        Ref;
+    Error ->
+        couch_log:error("Replicator, error scheduling checkpoint:  ~p", [Error]),
+        nil
+    end.
+cancel_timer(#rep_state{timer = nil} = State) ->
+    State;
+cancel_timer(#rep_state{timer = Timer} = State) ->
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(Timer),
+    State#rep_state{timer = nil}.
+init_state(Rep) ->
+    #rep{
+        id = {BaseId, _Ext},
+        source = Src0, target = Tgt,
+        options = Options, user_ctx = UserCtx,
+        type = Type, view = View,
+        start_time = StartTime
+    } = Rep,
+    % Adjust minimum number of http source connections to 2 to avoid deadlock
+    Src = adjust_maxconn(Src0, BaseId),
+    {ok, Source} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Src, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}]),
+    {ok, Target} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_open(Tgt, [{user_ctx, UserCtx}],
+        get_value(create_target, Options, false)),
+    {ok, SourceInfo} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_db_info(Source),
+    {ok, TargetInfo} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_db_info(Target),
+    [SourceLog, TargetLog] = find_replication_logs([Source, Target], Rep),
+    {StartSeq0, History} = compare_replication_logs(SourceLog, TargetLog),
+    StartSeq1 = get_value(since_seq, Options, StartSeq0),
+    StartSeq = {0, StartSeq1},
+    SourceSeq = get_value(<<"update_seq">>, SourceInfo, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
+    #doc{body={CheckpointHistory}} = SourceLog,
+    State = #rep_state{
+        rep_details = Rep,
+        source_name = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Source),
+        target_name = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target),
+        source = Source,
+        target = Target,
+        history = History,
+        checkpoint_history = {[{<<"no_changes">>, true}| CheckpointHistory]},
+        start_seq = StartSeq,
+        current_through_seq = StartSeq,
+        committed_seq = StartSeq,
+        source_log = SourceLog,
+        target_log = TargetLog,
+        rep_starttime = StartTime,
+        src_starttime = get_value(<<"instance_start_time">>, SourceInfo),
+        tgt_starttime = get_value(<<"instance_start_time">>, TargetInfo),
+        session_id = couch_uuids:random(),
+        source_db_compaction_notifier =
+            start_db_compaction_notifier(Source, self()),
+        target_db_compaction_notifier =
+            start_db_compaction_notifier(Target, self()),
+        source_monitor = db_monitor(Source),
+        target_monitor = db_monitor(Target),
+        source_seq = SourceSeq,
+        use_checkpoints = get_value(use_checkpoints, Options, true),
+        checkpoint_interval = get_value(checkpoint_interval, Options,
+                                        ?DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL),
+        type = Type,
+        view = View
+    },
+    State#rep_state{timer = start_timer(State)}.
+find_replication_logs(DbList, #rep{id = {BaseId, _}} = Rep) ->
+    LogId = ?l2b(?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX ++ BaseId),
+    fold_replication_logs(DbList, ?REP_ID_VERSION, LogId, LogId, Rep, []).
+fold_replication_logs([], _Vsn, _LogId, _NewId, _Rep, Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+fold_replication_logs([Db | Rest] = Dbs, Vsn, LogId, NewId, Rep, Acc) ->
+    case couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(Db, LogId, [ejson_body]) of
+    {error, <<"not_found">>} when Vsn > 1 ->
+        OldRepId = couch_replicator_utils:replication_id(Rep, Vsn - 1),
+        fold_replication_logs(Dbs, Vsn - 1,
+            ?l2b(?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX ++ OldRepId), NewId, Rep, Acc);
+    {error, <<"not_found">>} ->
+        fold_replication_logs(
+            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [#doc{id = NewId} | Acc]);
+    {ok, Doc} when LogId =:= NewId ->
+        fold_replication_logs(
+            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [Doc | Acc]);
+    {ok, Doc} ->
+        MigratedLog = #doc{id = NewId, body = Doc#doc.body},
+        fold_replication_logs(
+            Rest, ?REP_ID_VERSION, NewId, NewId, Rep, [MigratedLog | Acc])
+    end.
+spawn_changes_manager(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize) ->
+    spawn_link(fun() ->
+        changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, 1)
+    end).
+changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, Ts) ->
+    receive
+    {get_changes, From} ->
+        case couch_work_queue:dequeue(ChangesQueue, BatchSize) of
+        closed ->
+            From ! {closed, self()};
+        {ok, Changes} ->
+            #doc_info{high_seq = Seq} = lists:last(Changes),
+            ReportSeq = {Ts, Seq},
+            ok = gen_server:cast(Parent, {report_seq, ReportSeq}),
+            From ! {changes, self(), Changes, ReportSeq}
+        end,
+        changes_manager_loop_open(Parent, ChangesQueue, BatchSize, Ts + 1)
+    end.
+do_checkpoint(#rep_state{use_checkpoints=false} = State) ->
+    NewState = State#rep_state{checkpoint_history = {[{<<"use_checkpoints">>, false}]} },
+    {ok, NewState};
+do_checkpoint(#rep_state{current_through_seq=Seq, committed_seq=Seq} = State) ->
+    update_task(State),
+    {ok, State};
+do_checkpoint(State) ->
+    #rep_state{
+        source_name=SourceName,
+        target_name=TargetName,
+        source = Source,
+        target = Target,
+        history = OldHistory,
+        start_seq = {_, StartSeq},
+        current_through_seq = {_Ts, NewSeq} = NewTsSeq,
+        source_log = SourceLog,
+        target_log = TargetLog,
+        rep_starttime = ReplicationStartTime,
+        src_starttime = SrcInstanceStartTime,
+        tgt_starttime = TgtInstanceStartTime,
+        stats = Stats,
+        rep_details = #rep{options = Options},
+        session_id = SessionId
+    } = State,
+    case commit_to_both(Source, Target) of
+    {source_error, Reason} ->
+         {checkpoint_commit_failure,
+             <<"Failure on source commit: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>};
+    {target_error, Reason} ->
+         {checkpoint_commit_failure,
+             <<"Failure on target commit: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>};
+    {SrcInstanceStartTime, TgtInstanceStartTime} ->
+        couch_log:notice("recording a checkpoint for `~s` -> `~s` at source update_seq ~p",
+            [SourceName, TargetName, NewSeq]),
+        UniversalStartTime = calendar:now_to_universal_time(ReplicationStartTime),
+        StartTime = ?l2b(httpd_util:rfc1123_date(UniversalStartTime)),
+        EndTime = ?l2b(httpd_util:rfc1123_date()),
+        NewHistoryEntry = {[
+            {<<"session_id">>, SessionId},
+            {<<"start_time">>, StartTime},
+            {<<"end_time">>, EndTime},
+            {<<"start_last_seq">>, StartSeq},
+            {<<"end_last_seq">>, NewSeq},
+            {<<"recorded_seq">>, NewSeq},
+            {<<"missing_checked">>, couch_replicator_stats:missing_checked(Stats)},
+            {<<"missing_found">>, couch_replicator_stats:missing_found(Stats)},
+            {<<"docs_read">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
+            {<<"docs_written">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
+            {<<"doc_write_failures">>, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)}
+        ]},
+        BaseHistory = [
+            {<<"session_id">>, SessionId},
+            {<<"source_last_seq">>, NewSeq},
+            {<<"replication_id_version">>, ?REP_ID_VERSION}
+        ] ++ case get_value(doc_ids, Options) of
+        undefined ->
+            [];
+        _DocIds ->
+            % backwards compatibility with the result of a replication by
+            % doc IDs in versions 0.11.x and 1.0.x
+            % TODO: deprecate (use same history format, simplify code)
+            [
+                {<<"start_time">>, StartTime},
+                {<<"end_time">>, EndTime},
+                {<<"docs_read">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
+                {<<"docs_written">>, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
+                {<<"doc_write_failures">>, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)}
+            ]
+        end,
+        % limit history to 50 entries
+        NewRepHistory = {
+            BaseHistory ++
+            [{<<"history">>, lists:sublist([NewHistoryEntry | OldHistory], 50)}]
+        },
+        try
+            {SrcRevPos, SrcRevId} = update_checkpoint(
+                Source, SourceLog#doc{body = NewRepHistory}, source),
+            {TgtRevPos, TgtRevId} = update_checkpoint(
+                Target, TargetLog#doc{body = NewRepHistory}, target),
+            NewState = State#rep_state{
+                checkpoint_history = NewRepHistory,
+                committed_seq = NewTsSeq,
+                source_log = SourceLog#doc{revs={SrcRevPos, [SrcRevId]}},
+                target_log = TargetLog#doc{revs={TgtRevPos, [TgtRevId]}}
+            },
+            update_task(NewState),
+            {ok, NewState}
+        catch throw:{checkpoint_commit_failure, _} = Failure ->
+            Failure
+        end;
+    {SrcInstanceStartTime, _NewTgtInstanceStartTime} ->
+        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Target database out of sync. "
+            "Try to increase max_dbs_open at the target's server.">>};
+    {_NewSrcInstanceStartTime, TgtInstanceStartTime} ->
+        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Source database out of sync. "
+            "Try to increase max_dbs_open at the source's server.">>};
+    {_NewSrcInstanceStartTime, _NewTgtInstanceStartTime} ->
+        {checkpoint_commit_failure, <<"Source and target databases out of "
+            "sync. Try to increase max_dbs_open at both servers.">>}
+    end.
+update_checkpoint(Db, Doc, DbType) ->
+    try
+        update_checkpoint(Db, Doc)
+    catch throw:{checkpoint_commit_failure, Reason} ->
+        throw({checkpoint_commit_failure,
+            <<"Error updating the ", (to_binary(DbType))/binary,
+                " checkpoint document: ", (to_binary(Reason))/binary>>})
+    end.
+update_checkpoint(Db, #doc{id = LogId, body = LogBody} = Doc) ->
+    try
+        case couch_replicator_api_wrap:update_doc(Db, Doc, [delay_commit]) of
+        {ok, PosRevId} ->
+            PosRevId;
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            throw({checkpoint_commit_failure, Reason})
+        end
+    catch throw:conflict ->
+        case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc(Db, LogId, [ejson_body])) of
+        {ok, #doc{body = LogBody, revs = {Pos, [RevId | _]}}} ->
+            % This means that we were able to update successfully the
+            % checkpoint doc in a previous attempt but we got a connection
+            % error (timeout for e.g.) before receiving the success response.
+            % Therefore the request was retried and we got a conflict, as the
+            % revision we sent is not the current one.
+            % We confirm this by verifying the doc body we just got is the same
+            % that we have just sent.
+            {Pos, RevId};
+        _ ->
+            throw({checkpoint_commit_failure, conflict})
+        end
+    end.
+commit_to_both(Source, Target) ->
+    % commit the src async
+    ParentPid = self(),
+    SrcCommitPid = spawn_link(
+        fun() ->
+            Result = (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:ensure_full_commit(Source)),
+            ParentPid ! {self(), Result}
+        end),
+    % commit tgt sync
+    TargetResult = (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:ensure_full_commit(Target)),
+    SourceResult = receive
+    {SrcCommitPid, Result} ->
+        unlink(SrcCommitPid),
+        receive {'EXIT', SrcCommitPid, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+        Result;
+    {'EXIT', SrcCommitPid, Reason} ->
+        {error, Reason}
+    end,
+    case TargetResult of
+    {ok, TargetStartTime} ->
+        case SourceResult of
+        {ok, SourceStartTime} ->
+            {SourceStartTime, TargetStartTime};
+        SourceError ->
+            {source_error, SourceError}
+        end;
+    TargetError ->
+        {target_error, TargetError}
+    end.
+compare_replication_logs(SrcDoc, TgtDoc) ->
+    #doc{body={RepRecProps}} = SrcDoc,
+    #doc{body={RepRecPropsTgt}} = TgtDoc,
+    case get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecProps) ==
+            get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecPropsTgt) of
+    true ->
+        % if the records have the same session id,
+        % then we have a valid replication history
+        OldSeqNum = get_value(<<"source_last_seq">>, RepRecProps, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
+        OldHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecProps, []),
+        {OldSeqNum, OldHistory};
+    false ->
+        SourceHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecProps, []),
+        TargetHistory = get_value(<<"history">>, RepRecPropsTgt, []),
+        couch_log:notice("Replication records differ. "
+                "Scanning histories to find a common ancestor.", []),
+        couch_log:debug("Record on source:~p~nRecord on target:~p~n",
+                [RepRecProps, RepRecPropsTgt]),
+        compare_rep_history(SourceHistory, TargetHistory)
+    end.
+compare_rep_history(S, T) when S =:= [] orelse T =:= [] ->
+    couch_log:notice("no common ancestry -- performing full replication", []),
+    {?LOWEST_SEQ, []};
+compare_rep_history([{S} | SourceRest], [{T} | TargetRest] = Target) ->
+    SourceId = get_value(<<"session_id">>, S),
+    case has_session_id(SourceId, Target) of
+    true ->
+        RecordSeqNum = get_value(<<"recorded_seq">>, S, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
+        couch_log:notice("found a common replication record with source_seq ~p",
+            [RecordSeqNum]),
+        {RecordSeqNum, SourceRest};
+    false ->
+        TargetId = get_value(<<"session_id">>, T),
+        case has_session_id(TargetId, SourceRest) of
+        true ->
+            RecordSeqNum = get_value(<<"recorded_seq">>, T, ?LOWEST_SEQ),
+            couch_log:notice("found a common replication record with source_seq ~p",
+                [RecordSeqNum]),
+            {RecordSeqNum, TargetRest};
+        false ->
+            compare_rep_history(SourceRest, TargetRest)
+        end
+    end.
+has_session_id(_SessionId, []) ->
+    false;
+has_session_id(SessionId, [{Props} | Rest]) ->
+    case get_value(<<"session_id">>, Props, nil) of
+    SessionId ->
+        true;
+    _Else ->
+        has_session_id(SessionId, Rest)
+    end.
+db_monitor(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_db:monitor(Db);
+db_monitor(_HttpDb) ->
+    nil.
+get_pending_count(St) ->
+    Rep = St#rep_state.rep_details,
+    Timeout = get_value(connection_timeout, Rep#rep.options),
+    TimeoutMicro = Timeout * 1000,
+    case get(pending_count_state) of
+        {LastUpdate, PendingCount} ->
+            case timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), LastUpdate) > TimeoutMicro of
+                true ->
+                    NewPendingCount = get_pending_count_int(St),
+                    put(pending_count_state, {os:timestamp(), NewPendingCount}),
+                    NewPendingCount;
+                false ->
+                    PendingCount
+            end;
+        undefined ->
+            NewPendingCount = get_pending_count_int(St),
+            put(pending_count_state, {os:timestamp(), NewPendingCount}),
+            NewPendingCount
+    end.
+get_pending_count_int(#rep_state{source = #httpdb{} = Db0}=St) ->
+    {_, Seq} = St#rep_state.highest_seq_done,
+    Db = Db0#httpdb{retries = 3},
+    case (catch couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_pending_count(Db, Seq)) of
+    {ok, Pending} ->
+        Pending;
+    _ ->
+        null
+    end;
+get_pending_count_int(#rep_state{source = Db}=St) ->
+    {_, Seq} = St#rep_state.highest_seq_done,
+    {ok, Pending} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_pending_count(Db, Seq),
+    Pending.
+update_task(State) ->
+    #rep_state{
+        current_through_seq = {_, ThroughSeq},
+        highest_seq_done = {_, HighestSeq}
+    } = State,
+    couch_task_status:update(
+        rep_stats(State) ++ [
+        {source_seq, HighestSeq},
+        {through_seq, ThroughSeq}
+    ]).
+rep_stats(State) ->
+    #rep_state{
+        committed_seq = {_, CommittedSeq},
+        stats = Stats
+    } = State,
+    [
+        {revisions_checked, couch_replicator_stats:missing_checked(Stats)},
+        {missing_revisions_found, couch_replicator_stats:missing_found(Stats)},
+        {docs_read, couch_replicator_stats:docs_read(Stats)},
+        {docs_written, couch_replicator_stats:docs_written(Stats)},
+        {changes_pending, get_pending_count(State)},
+        {doc_write_failures, couch_replicator_stats:doc_write_failures(Stats)},
+        {checkpointed_source_seq, CommittedSeq}
+    ].
+replication_start_error({unauthorized, DbUri}) ->
+    {unauthorized, <<"unauthorized to access or create database ", DbUri/binary>>};
+replication_start_error({db_not_found, DbUri}) ->
+    {db_not_found, <<"could not open ", DbUri/binary>>};
+replication_start_error(Error) ->
+    Error.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_sup.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2cf9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_scheduler_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+%% includes
+%% public api
+-export([start_link/0, start_child/1, terminate_child/1]).
+%% supervisor api
+%% public functions
+start_link() ->
+    supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+start_child(#rep{} = Rep) ->
+    supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, [Rep]).
+terminate_child(Pid) ->
+    supervisor:terminate_child(?MODULE, Pid).
+%% supervisor functions
+init(_Args) ->
+    Start = {couch_replicator_scheduler_job, start_link, []},
+    Restart = temporary, % A crashed job is not entitled to immediate restart.
+    Shutdown = 5000,
+    Type = worker,
+    Modules = [couch_replicator_scheduler_job],
+    RestartStrategy = simple_one_for_one,
+    MaxR = 10,
+    MaxT = 3,
+    ChildSpec =
+        {undefined, Start, Restart, Shutdown, Type, Modules},
+    {ok, {{RestartStrategy, MaxR, MaxT}, [ChildSpec]}}.

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[couchdb] 05/09: AIMD based rate limiter implementation

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vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit fdff470b672a07c82363e2101d0a9ef6282fb9ff
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Sun Sep 25 03:49:13 2016 -0400

    AIMD based rate limiter implementation
    AIMD: additive increase / multiplicative decrease feedback control algorithm.
    This is an algorithm which converges on the available channel capacity.
    Each participant doesn't a priori know the capacity and participants don't
    communicate or know about each other (so they don't coordinate to divide
    the capacity among themselves).
    A variation of this is used in TCP congestion control algorithm. This is proven
    to converge, while for example, additive increase / additive decrease  or
    multiplicative increase / multiplicative decrease won't.
    A few tweaks were applied to the base control logic:
     * Estimated value is an interval (period) instead of a rate. This is for
       convenience, as users will probably want to know how much to sleep. But,
       rate is just 1000 / interval, so it is easy to transform.
     * There is a hard max limit for estimated period.  Mainly as a practical concern
       as connections sleeping too long will timeout and / or jobs will waste time
       sleeping and consume scheduler slots, while others could be running.
     * There is a time decay component used to handle large pauses between updates.
       In case of large update interval, assume (optimistically) some successful
       requests have been made. Intuitively, the more time passes, the less accurate
       the estimated period probably is.
     * The rate of updates applied to the algorithm is limited. This effectively
       acts as a low pass filter and make the algorithm handle better spikes and
       short bursts of failures. This is not a novel idea, some alternative TCP
       control algorithms like Westwood+ do something similar.
     * There is a large downward pressure applied to the increasing interval as it
       approaches the max limit. This is done by tweaking the additive factor via
       a step function. In practice this has effect of trying to make it a bit
       harder for jobs to cross the maximum backoff threshold, as they would be
       killed and potentially lose intermediate work.
    Main API functions are:
       success(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
       failure(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
       interval(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
    Key is any (hashable by phash2) term. Typically would be something like
    {Method, Url}. The result from the function is the current period value. Caller
    would then presumably choose to sleep for that amount of time before or after
    making requests. The current interval can be read with interval(Key) function.
    Implementation is sharded ETS tables based on the key and there is a periodic
    timer which cleans unused items.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 .../src/couch_replicator_rate_limiter.erl          | 274 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../test/couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tests.erl   |  89 +++++++
 2 files changed, 363 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_rate_limiter.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_rate_limiter.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ae8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_rate_limiter.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This module implements rate limiting based on a variation the additive
+% increase / multiplicative decrease feedback control algorithm.
+% This is an adaptive algorithm which converges on available channel
+% capacity where each participant (client) doesn't a priori know the
+% capacity, and participants don't communicate or know about each other (so they
+% don't coordinate to divide the capacity among themselves).
+% The algorithm referenced above estimates a rate, whereas the implemented
+% algorithm uses an interval (in milliseconds). It preserves the original
+% semantics, that is the failure part is multplicative and the success part is
+% additive. The relationship between rate and interval is: rate = 1000 / interval.
+% There are two main API functions:
+%   success(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
+%   failure(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
+% Key is any term, typically something like {Method, Url}. The result from the
+% function is the current period value. Caller then might decide to sleep for
+% that amount of time before or after each request.
+% public API
+-export([interval/1, max_interval/0, failure/1, success/1]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2,
+         code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+% Types
+-type key() :: any().
+-type interval() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type msec() :: non_neg_integer().
+% Definitions
+-define(SHARDS_N, 16).
+% Main parameters of the algorithm. The factor is the multiplicative part and
+% base interval is the additive.
+-define(BASE_INTERVAL, 20).
+-define(BACKOFF_FACTOR, 1.2).
+% If estimated period exceeds a limit, it is clipped to this value. This
+% defines a practical limit of this algorithm. This is driven by real world
+% concerns such as having a connection which sleeps for too long and ends up
+% with socket timeout errors, or replication jobs which occupy a scheduler
+% slot without making any progress.
+-define(MAX_INTERVAL, 25000).
+% Specify when (threshold) and how much (factor) to decay the estimated period.
+% If there is a long pause between consecutive updates, the estimated period
+% would become less accurate as more time passes. In such case choose to
+% optimistically decay the estimated value. That is assume there a certain
+% rate of successful requests happened. (For reference, TCP congestion algorithm
+% also handles a variation of this in RFC 5681 under "Restarting Idle Connections"
+% section).
+-define(TIME_DECAY_FACTOR, 2).
+-define(TIME_DECAY_THRESHOLD, 1000).
+% Limit the rate of updates applied. This controls the rate of change of the
+% estimated value. In colloquial terms it defines how "twitchy" the algorithm
+% is. Or, another way to look at it, this is as a poor version of a low pass
+% filter. (Some alternative TCP congestion control algorithms, like Westwood+
+% use something similar to solve the ACK compression problem).
+-record(state, {timer}).
+-record(rec, {id, backoff, ts}).
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}.
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+-spec interval(key()) -> interval().
+interval(Key) ->
+    {Interval, _Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    Interval.
+-spec max_interval() -> interval().
+max_interval() ->
+-spec failure(key()) -> interval().
+failure(Key) ->
+    {Interval, Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    update_failure(Key, Interval, Timestamp, now_msec()).
+-spec success(key()) -> interval().
+success(Key) ->
+    {Interval, Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    update_success(Key, Interval, Timestamp, now_msec()).
+% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+    Opts = [named_table, public, {keypos,}, {read_concurrency, true}],
+    [ets:new(list_to_atom(TableName), Opts) || TableName <- table_names()],
+    {ok, #state{timer = new_timer()}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) ->
+    {reply, invalid, State}.
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(cleanup, #state{timer = Timer}) ->
+    timer:cancel(Timer),
+    TIds = [list_to_existing_atom(TableName) || TableName <- table_names()],
+    [cleanup_table(TId, now_msec() - ?MAX_INTERVAL) || TId <- TIds],
+    {noreply, #state{timer = new_timer()}}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+% Private functions
+-spec update_success(any(), interval(), msec(), msec()) -> interval().
+update_success(_Key, _Interval, _Timestamp = 0, _Now) ->
+    0;  % No ets entry. Keep it that way and don't insert a new one.
+update_success(_Key, Interval, Timestamp, Now)
+    when Now - Timestamp =< ?SENSITIVITY_TIME_WINDOW ->
+    Interval;  % Ignore too frequent updates.
+update_success(Key, Interval, Timestamp, Now) ->
+    DecayedInterval = time_decay(Now - Timestamp, Interval),
+    AdditiveFactor = additive_factor(DecayedInterval),
+    NewInterval = DecayedInterval - AdditiveFactor,
+    if
+        NewInterval =< 0 ->
+            ets:delete(term_to_table(Key), Key),
+            0;
+        NewInterval =< ?BASE_INTERVAL ->
+            insert(Key, ?BASE_INTERVAL, Now);
+        NewInterval > ?BASE_INTERVAL ->
+            insert(Key, NewInterval, Now)
+    end.
+-spec update_failure(any(), interval(), msec(), msec()) -> interval().
+update_failure(_Key, Interval, Timestamp, Now)
+    when Now - Timestamp =< ?SENSITIVITY_TIME_WINDOW ->
+    Interval;  % Ignore too frequent updates.
+update_failure(Key, Interval, _Timestamp, Now) ->
+    Interval1 = erlang:max(Interval, ?BASE_INTERVAL),
+    Interval2 = round(Interval1 * ?BACKOFF_FACTOR),
+    Interval3 = erlang:min(Interval2, ?MAX_INTERVAL),
+    insert(Key, Interval3, Now).
+-spec insert(any(), interval(), msec()) -> interval().
+insert(Key, Interval, Timestamp) ->
+    Entry = #rec{id = Key, backoff = Interval, ts = Timestamp},
+    ets:insert(term_to_table(Key), Entry),
+    Interval.
+-spec interval_and_timestamp(key()) -> {interval(), msec()}.
+interval_and_timestamp(Key) ->
+    case ets:lookup(term_to_table(Key), Key) of
+        [] ->
+            {0, 0};
+        [#rec{backoff = Interval, ts = Timestamp}] ->
+            {Interval, Timestamp}
+    end.
+-spec time_decay(msec(), interval()) -> interval().
+time_decay(Dt, Interval) when Dt > ?TIME_DECAY_THRESHOLD ->
+    DecayedInterval = Interval - ?TIME_DECAY_FACTOR * Dt,
+    erlang:max(round(DecayedInterval), 0);
+time_decay(_Dt, Interval) ->
+    Interval.
+% Calculate additive factor. Ideally it would be a constant but in this case
+% it is a step function to help handle larger values as they are approaching
+% the backoff limit. Large success values closer to the limit add some
+% pressure against the limit, which is useful, as at the backoff limit the
+% whole replication job is killed which can be costly in time and temporary work
+% lost by those jobs.
+-spec additive_factor(interval()) -> interval().
+additive_factor(Interval) when Interval > 10000 ->
+    ?BASE_INTERVAL * 50;
+ additive_factor(Interval) when Interval > 1000 ->
+    ?BASE_INTERVAL * 5;
+additive_factor(Interval) when Interval > 100 ->
+    ?BASE_INTERVAL * 2;
+additive_factor(_Interval) ->
+-spec table_name(non_neg_integer()) -> string().
+table_name(Id) when is_integer(Id), Id >= 0 andalso Id < ?SHARDS_N ->
+    atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Id).
+-spec table_names() -> [string()].
+table_names() ->
+    [table_name(N) || N <- lists:seq(0, ?SHARDS_N - 1)].
+-spec term_to_table(any()) -> atom().
+term_to_table(Term) ->
+    PHash = erlang:phash2(Term),
+    list_to_existing_atom(table_name(PHash rem ?SHARDS_N)).
+-spec new_timer() -> timer:tref().
+new_timer() ->
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(?MAX_INTERVAL * 2, cleanup),
+    Timer.
+-spec now_msec() -> msec().
+now_msec() ->
+    {Mega, Sec, Micro} = os:timestamp(),
+    ((Mega * 1000000) + Sec) * 1000 + round(Micro / 1000).
+-spec cleanup_table(atom(), msec()) -> non_neg_integer().
+cleanup_table(Tid, LimitMSec) ->
+    Head = #rec{ts = '$1', _ = '_'},
+    Guard = {'<', '$1', LimitMSec},
+    ets:select_delete(Tid, [{Head, [Guard], [true]}]).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034550a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+rate_limiter_test_() ->
+    {
+        foreach,
+        fun setup/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        [
+            t_new_key(),
+            t_1_failure(),
+            t_2_failures_back_to_back(),
+            t_2_failures(),
+            t_success_threshold(),
+            t_1_failure_2_successes()
+        ]
+    }.
+t_new_key() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(0, couch_replicator_rate_limiter:interval({"foo", get}))
+    end).
+t_1_failure() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        ?assertEqual(24, couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}))
+    end).
+t_2_failures() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}),
+        low_pass_filter_delay(),
+        Interval = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(29, Interval)
+    end).
+t_2_failures_back_to_back() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}),
+        Interval = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(24, Interval)
+    end).
+t_success_threshold() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        Interval = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:success({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(0, Interval),
+        Interval = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:success({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(0, Interval)
+    end).
+t_1_failure_2_successes() ->
+    ?_test(begin
+        couch_replicator_rate_limiter:failure({"foo", get}),
+        low_pass_filter_delay(),
+        Succ1 = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:success({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(20, Succ1),
+        low_pass_filter_delay(),
+        Succ2 = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:success({"foo", get}),
+        ?assertEqual(0, Succ2)
+    end).
+low_pass_filter_delay() ->
+    timer:sleep(100).
+setup() ->
+    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_rate_limiter:start_link(),
+    Pid.
+teardown(Pid) ->
+    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    unlink(Pid),
+    exit(Pid, kill),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _} ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    ok.

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"" <>.

[couchdb] 02/09: Cluster ownership module implementation

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch 63012-scheduler
in repository

commit 611b52490bb7462b5dbeabd6db76ebae416df5b7
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 20 15:42:29 2016 -0400

    Cluster ownership module implementation
    This module maintains cluster membership information for replication and
    provides functions to check ownership of replication jobs.
    A cluster membership change is registered only after a configurable
    `cluster_quiet_period` interval has passed since the last node addition or
    removal. This is useful in cases of rolling node reboots in a cluster in order
    to avoid rescanning for membership changes after every node up and down event,
    and instead doing only on rescan at the very end.
    Jira: COUCHDB-3324
 .../src/couch_replicator_clustering.erl            | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 218 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_clustering.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_clustering.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a6abd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_clustering.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% Maintain cluster membership and stability notifications for replications.
+% On changes to cluster membership, broadcast events to `replication` gen_event.
+% Listeners will get `{cluster, stable}` or `{cluster, unstable}` events.
+% Cluster stability is defined as "there have been no nodes added or removed in
+% last `QuietPeriod` seconds". QuietPeriod value is configurable. To ensure a
+% speedier startup, during initialization there is a shorter StartupQuietPeriod in
+% effect (also configurable).
+% This module is also in charge of calculating ownership of replications based on
+% where their _repicator db documents shards live.
+% public API
+-export([start_link/0, owner/2, is_stable/0]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2,
+         code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+% config_listener callbacks
+-export([handle_config_change/5, handle_config_terminate/3]).
+-define(DEFAULT_QUIET_PERIOD, 60). % seconds
+-define(DEFAULT_START_PERIOD, 5). % seconds
+-define(RELISTEN_DELAY, 5000).
+-record(state, {
+    start_time :: erlang:timestamp(),
+    last_change :: erlang:timestamp(),
+    period = ?DEFAULT_QUIET_PERIOD :: non_neg_integer(),
+    start_period = ?DEFAULT_START_PERIOD :: non_neg_integer(),
+    timer :: timer:tref()
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}.
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+% owner/2 function computes ownership for a {DbName, DocId} tuple
+% `unstable` if cluster is considered to be unstable i.e. it has changed
+% recently, or returns node() which of the owner.
+-spec owner(Dbname :: binary(), DocId :: binary()) -> node() | unstable.
+owner(<<"shards/", _/binary>> = DbName, DocId) ->
+    case is_stable() of
+        false ->
+            unstable;
+        true ->
+            owner_int(DbName, DocId)
+    end;
+owner(_DbName, _DocId) ->
+    node().
+-spec is_stable() -> true | false.
+is_stable() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, is_stable).
+% Convenience function for gen_servers to subscribe to {cluster, stable} and
+% {cluster, unstable} events from couch_replicator clustering module.
+-spec link_cluster_event_listener(pid()) -> pid().
+link_cluster_event_listener(GenServer) when is_pid(GenServer) ->
+    CallbackFun =
+        fun(Event = {cluster, _}) -> gen_server:cast(GenServer, Event);
+           (_) -> ok
+        end,
+    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator_notifier:start_link(CallbackFun),
+    Pid.
+% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+    net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    Period = abs(config:get_integer("replicator", "cluster_quiet_period",
+    StartPeriod = abs(config:get_integer("replicator", "cluster_start_period",
+    couch_log:debug("Initialized clustering gen_server ~w", [self()]),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, cluster_is_stable], 0),
+    {ok, #state{
+        start_time = os:timestamp(),
+        last_change = os:timestamp(),
+        period = Period,
+        start_period = StartPeriod,
+        timer = new_timer(StartPeriod)
+    }}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(is_stable, _From, State) ->
+    {reply, is_stable(State), State}.
+handle_cast({set_period, QuietPeriod}, State) when
+    is_integer(QuietPeriod), QuietPeriod > 0 ->
+    {noreply, State#state{period = QuietPeriod}}.
+handle_info({nodeup, Node}, State) ->
+    Timer = new_timer(interval(State)),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({cluster, unstable}),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, cluster_is_stable], 0),
+    couch_log:notice("~s : nodeup ~s, cluster unstable", [?MODULE, Node]),
+    {noreply, State#state{last_change = os:timestamp(), timer = Timer}};
+handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
+    Timer = new_timer(interval(State)),
+    couch_replicator_notifier:notify({cluster, unstable}),
+    couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, cluster_is_stable], 0),
+    couch_log:notice("~s : nodedown ~s, cluster unstable", [?MODULE, Node]),
+    {noreply, State#state{last_change = os:timestamp(), timer = Timer}};
+handle_info(stability_check, State) ->
+   timer:cancel(State#state.timer),
+   case is_stable(State) of
+       true ->
+           couch_replicator_notifier:notify({cluster, stable}),
+           couch_stats:update_gauge([couch_replicator, cluster_is_stable], 1),
+           couch_log:notice("~s : publishing cluster `stable` event", [?MODULE]),
+           {noreply, State};
+       false ->
+           Timer = new_timer(interval(State)),
+           {noreply, State#state{timer = Timer}}
+   end;
+handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+%% Internal functions
+-spec new_timer(non_neg_integer()) -> timer:tref().
+new_timer(IntervalSec) ->
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(IntervalSec * 1000, stability_check),
+    Timer.
+-spec interval(#state{}) -> non_neg_integer().
+interval(#state{period = Period, start_period = Period0, start_time = T0}) ->
+    case now_diff_sec(T0) > Period of
+        true ->
+            % Normal operation
+            Period;
+        false ->
+            % During startup
+            Period0
+    end.
+-spec is_stable(#state{}) -> boolean().
+is_stable(#state{last_change = TS} = State) ->
+    now_diff_sec(TS) > interval(State).
+-spec now_diff_sec(erlang:timestamp()) -> non_neg_integer().
+now_diff_sec(Time) ->
+    case timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), Time) of
+        USec when USec < 0 ->
+            0;
+        USec when USec >= 0 ->
+             USec / 1000000
+    end.
+handle_config_change("replicator", "cluster_quiet_period", V, _, S) ->
+    ok = gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {set_period, list_to_integer(V)}),
+    {ok, S};
+handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, S) ->
+    {ok, S}.
+handle_config_terminate(_, stop, _) -> ok;
+handle_config_terminate(_S, _R, _St) ->
+    Pid = whereis(?MODULE),
+    erlang:send_after(?RELISTEN_DELAY, Pid, restart_config_listener).
+-spec owner_int(binary(), binary()) -> node().
+owner_int(DbName, DocId) ->
+    Live = [node() | nodes()],
+    Nodes = [N || #shard{node=N} <- mem3:shards(mem3:dbname(DbName), DocId),
+                  lists:member(N, Live)],
+    hd(mem3_util:rotate_list({DbName, DocId}, lists:sort(Nodes))).

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