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incubator-rya git commit: Updating the Rya Manual to include Rya Streams. Closes #273

Repository: incubator-rya
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 30fb1c83c -> bd159a1b6

Updating the Rya Manual to include Rya Streams. Closes #273


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: bd159a1b65cc0629fab74ccab29c94cabc63542e
Parents: 30fb1c8
Author: kchilton2 <>
Authored: Fri Feb 9 12:33:36 2018 -0500
Committer: Valiyil <>
Committed: Fri Mar 9 12:35:07 2018 -0500

 .../src/site/images/rya-streams-high-level.png  | Bin 0 -> 52379 bytes
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Binary files /dev/null and b/extras/rya.manual/src/site/images/rya-streams-high-level.png differ
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index 901170a..d0b61c4 100644
--- a/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ This project contains documentation about Apache Rya, a scalable RDF triple stor
 - [Pre-computed Joins](
 - [Inferencing](
 - [MapReduce Interface](
+- [Rya Streams](
 # Samples
 - [Typical First Steps](
diff --git a/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/ b/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/
index 4e009a0..5372618 100644
--- a/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/extras/rya.manual/src/site/markdown/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ This project contains documentation about Apache Rya, a scalable RDF triple stor
 - [MapReduce Interface](
 - [Shell Interface](
 - [Incremental Join Maintenance Application (PCJ Updater)](
+- [Rya Streams](
 # Samples
 - [Typical First Steps](
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+[comment]: # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+[comment]: # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+[comment]: # distributed with this work for additional information
+[comment]: # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+[comment]: # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+[comment]: # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+[comment]: # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+[comment]: # 
+[comment]: #
+[comment]: # 
+[comment]: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+[comment]: # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+[comment]: # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+[comment]: # specific language governing permissions and limitations
+[comment]: # under the License.
+# Rya Streams
+Introduced in 3.2.13
+## Disclaimer
+This is a Beta feature. We do not guarantee newer versions of Rya Streams
+will be compatible with this version. You may need to remove all of your
+queries and their associated data from your Rya Streams system and then 
+reprocess them using the upgraded system.
+# Table of Contents
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Architecture](#architecture)
+- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
+- [Use Cases](#use-cases)
+- [Future Work](#future-work)
+<div id='introduction'/>
+## Introduction 
+Rya Streams is a system that processes SPARQL queries over streams of RDF
+Statements that may have Visibilities attached to them. It does this by
+utilizing Kafka as a data processing platform.
+There are three basic building blocks that the system depends on:
+* **Streams Query** - This is a SPARQL query that is registered with Rya Streams.
+  It is associated with a specific Rya instance because that Rya instance
+  determines which Statements the query will evaluate. It has an ID that
+  uniquely identifies it across all of the queries that are managed by the
+  system, whether or not the system should be processing it, and whether or not
+  the results of the query needs to be inserted back into the Rya instance the
+  source statements come from.
+* **Query Change Log** - A list of changes that have been performed to the
+  Streams Queries of a specific Rya Instance. This log contains the absolute
+  truth about what queries are registered, which are running, and which generates
+  new statements that need to be inserted back into Rya.
+* **Query Manager** - A daemon application that reacts to new/deleted Query
+  Change Logs as well as new entries within those logs. It starts and stops
+  Kafka Streams processing jobs for the active Streams Queries.
+The [Quick Start](#quick-start) section explains how the Rya Streams Client is
+used to interact with the system using a simple SPARQL query and some sample
+<div id='architecture'/>
+## Architecture ##
+The following image is a high level view of how Rya Streams interacts with
+Rya to process queries.
+![alt text](../images/rya-streams-high-level.png)
+1. The Rya Streams client is used to register/update/delete queries.
+2. Rya Streams notices the change and starts/stops processing a query based on
+   what the change was.
+3. Statements are discovered for ingest by whatever application is loading data
+   into Rya.
+4. Those Statements are written to Rya Streams so that the Streams Queries may
+   process them and produce results.
+5. Those Statements are also written to the Rya instance for ad-hoc querying.
+6. Rya Streams produces Visibility Binding Sets and/or Visibility Statements
+   that are written back to Rya.
+7. Those same Visibility Binding Sets and/or Visibility Statements are made
+   available to other systems as well.
+<div id='quick-start'/>
+## Quick Start ##
+This tutorial demonstrates how to install and start the Rya Streams system. It
+must be configured and running on its own before any Rya instances may use it.
+After performing the steps of this quick start, you will have installed the
+system, demonstrated that it is functioning properly, and then may use the Rya
+Shell to configure Rya instances to use it.  
+This tutorial assumes you are starting fresh and have no existing Kafka, or
+Zookeeper data. The two services must already be installed and running.
+### Step 1: Download the applications ###
+You can fetch the artifacts you need to follow this Quick Start from our
+[downloads page]( Click on the release of
+interest and follow the "Central repository for Maven and other dependency
+managers" URL.
+Fetch the following two artifacts:
+Artifact Id | Type 
+--- | ---
+rya.streams.client | shaded jar
+rya.streams.query-manager | rpm
+### Step 2: Install the Query Manager ###
+Copy the RPM to the CentOS 7 machine the Query Manager will be installed on.
+Install it using the following command:
+yum install -y rya.streams.query-manager-3.2.12-incubating.noarch.rpm
+It will install the program to **/opt/rya-streams-query-manager-3.2.12**. Follow
+the directions that are in the README.txt file within that directory to finish
+### Step 3: Register a Streams Query with Rya Streams ###
+Use the Rya Streams Client to register the following Streams Query:
+    ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .
+    ?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business
+We assume Kafka is running on the local machine using the standard Kafka port
+of 9092. Issue the following command:
+java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar add-query \
+    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start -a true \
+    -q "SELECT * WHERE { ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business }"
+The Query Manager should eventually see that this query was registered and
+start a Rya Streams job that will begin processing it using any Visibility
+Statements that have been loaded into Rya Streams. If no results are observed
+in step 6, then verify the Query Manager is working properly. Its logs can be
+found in **/opt/rya-streams-query-manager-3.2.12/logs**.
+### Step 4: Start watching for results ###
+We need to fetch the Query ID of the query we want to watch. This can be looked
+up by issuing the following command:
+java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar list-queries \
+    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start"
+The client will print something that looks like this:
+Queries in Rya Streams:
+ID: 8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a    Is Active: true     Query: SELECT * WHERE { ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business }
+Now we know that if we want to reference the query we registered in step 3, we
+need to use the Query ID **8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a**. Start
+watching the Stream Query's output using the following command:
+java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar stream-results \
+    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start" -q 8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a
+The command will not finish. The console will print results once they are produced
+by the Rya Streams job that is processing the query. Results will appear once
+Statements have been loaded.
+### Step 5: Load data into the input topic ###
+In a new terminal, create a file named **quick-start-data.nt** that contains
+the following text: 
+<urn:Bob> <urn:worksAt> <urn:TacoPlace> .
+<urn:Charlie> <urn:worksAt> <urn:BurgerJoint> .
+<urn:Eve> <urn:worksAt> <urn:CoffeeShop> .
+<urn:Bob> <urn:worksAt> <urn:BurgerJoint> .
+<urn:Alice> <urn:talksTo> <urn:Bob> .
+For the sake of simplicity within this quick start, we aren't going to use
+visibilities when we load the statements. Load the file using the following
+java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar load-statements \
+    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start" -v "" -f ./quick-start-data.nt
+### Step 6: Observe the results that appear ###
+Go back to the terminal that was listening for results. The following results
+will have appeared: 
+  names: 
+    [name]: person  ---  [value]: urn:Alice
+    [name]: employee  ---  [value]: urn:Bob
+    [name]: business  ---  [value]: urn:BurgerJoint
+  Visibility: 
+  names: 
+    [name]: person  ---  [value]: urn:Alice
+    [name]: employee  ---  [value]: urn:Bob
+    [name]: business  ---  [value]: urn:TacoPlace
+  Visibility: 
+<div id='use-cases'/>
+## Use Cases ##
+### Alerting ###
+An alerting system's job is to notify people, or another application, when 
+something of interest has been observed. Alert latency is the amount of time
+it takes for a system to issue the alert after the observations required to do
+so have been made. How the alerts are used determines how much latency is able
+to be tolerated. For example, if the alerting system is used to discover when a
+fire has started in a building, then that latency period needs to be short in
+order to save the building. However, some systems do not require low latency.
+Status updates typically aren't time critical. An alert that your package has
+been shipped doesn't need to be timely since your package still hasn't arrived.
+Rya Streams is able to be used to build alerting systems. The conditions that 
+generate alerts are encapsulated within a SPARQL query, the observations that
+are watched are the RDF Statements, and the alert is a Binding Set or
+constructed Statement that is output by the query. It being low/high latency
+will depend on how much data needs to be processed and how performant the
+alerting queries are.
+### Inference Engine - Forward Chaining ###
+An inference engine that uses forward chaining starts with a set of inference
+rules and some data. It uses the rules to generate new data until it reasons
+its way to some end goal/answer. For example, suppose that the goal is to
+conclude the color of a pet named Fritz, given that he croaks and eats flies,
+and that the rule base contains the following four rules:
+ 1. If X croaks and X eat flies - Then X is a frog
+ 2. If X chirps and X sings - Then X is a canary
+ 3. If X is a frog - Then X is green
+ 4. if X is a canary - Then X is yellow
+If the following two facts are evaluated using this rule set:
+* Fritz croaks
+* Fritz eats flies
+Then the following facts are inferred about Fritz:
+* Fritz is a frog
+* Fritz is green
+Rya Streams is able to be used to build an inference engine that executes that
+rule set. SPARQL queries are used to generate new Statements from the original
+set of Statements. For example:
+    ?x a <urn:frog>
+} WHERE {
+    ?x <urn:makesSound> <urn:croaks> .
+    ?x <urn:eats> <urn:flies> .
+    ?x <urn:hasColor> <urn:green>
+} WHERE {
+    ?x a <urn:frog>
+As long as the first query's results are ingested into the streams application,
+the second query will infer that ?x is green based on the previous query's
+inferred statement. 
+### PCJ Maintenance ###
+Pre-Computed Joins are a feature within Rya where a query's results are
+maintained and used as an index to speed up query evaluation. See the
+[PCJ section]( of the manual for more information about the
+specifics of how that index works.
+Rya Streams is able to create the Visibility Binding Sets that need to be loaded
+into the PCJ index. It just needs to see the same Statements that the core Rya
+instance has been loaded with.
+<div id='future-work'/>
+## Future Work ##
+Each of the following subsections cover an improvement that could be made to
+the Rya Streams system. These improvements would push this feature towards a
+production ready state.
+### Historic Statement Processing ###
+As currently implemented, a program needs to write new Statements to the core
+Rya data store as well as the input topic for Rya Streams. Every time a query
+is added to Rya Streams for processing, it will only see newly added Statements.
+We could write a Kafka Connect Rya source that imports historic data into the
+statements topic so that it, too, will be processed.
+### PCJ Maintenance ###
+The Rya Streams system is capable of creating PCJ results over streamed
+statements, but there isn't anything written to import those results from the
+QueryResult topic into the source Rya's PCJ index. We could use Kakfa Connect
+to write those binding sets into the index.
+### Query Manager Durability ###
+The Query Manager daemon is a single point of failure for this system. If it
+is not running, then queries can not be processed. This problem could be
+solved in a few different ways depending on the size of the deployed system.
+If multiple machines are available, but only a small amount of data/number of
+queries need to be processed, then failing over to a secondary Query Manager
+would work fine. If a cluster solution is being used, then the Query Manager
+could be refactored to run in something like YARN. It then becomes the
+cluster's responsibility to start up processing on a new machine when the
+application dies.
+### Query Change Log Reverse Compatibility ###
+We use Java Serialization to write `ChangeLogEntry<QueryChange>` objects to the
+KafkaQueryChangeLog. This will cause problems if the schema of that object is
+updated between versions. A serialization framework (Avro, Protobuf, etc) that
+supports reverse compatible models needs to be used instead to move this feature
+out of Beta.
+### Exactly Once Kafka Streams Processing ###
+The version of Kafka that we are using for this system does not guarantee
+exactly once execution within Kafka Streams. It only guarantees at least once
+execution. This means a query may process the same statement more than once.
+If this happens, then repeat results may be written to the query's results
+topic. Kafka 1.0.0+, however, does support exactly once execution. Upgrading
+Kafka would allow us to fix this problem.
+### Query Processing Scalability ###
+The Query Manager executes all query topologies with a single thread per query 
+on the same JVM. We suspect this will only work well when there are a limited 
+number of queries that need to be processed and all of those queries don't need
+to process a large volume of statements.
+Kafka Streams usually scales out by copying the processing topology to many
+machines who do the same processing, but over different hunks of work that need
+to be processed. Each streams worker handles a subset of the topic's partitions.
+This works great so long as all data that is required to process the worker's
+portion of the processing is located within a single partition of the topic.
+However, erroneous results will be computed if something is missed because a
+different streams worker had a piece of data that was required to reach the
+correct result.
+Here's an example that illustrates that problem.
+Suppose you want your Kafka Streams topology to count the number of times
+each word appears within the input topic. The topic has two partitions and
+data is written to those partitions without ensuring the same words always go
+to the same positions. The topic could look like this:  
+Partition 1: {apple}, {apple}, {bread}  
+Partition 2: {eggs}, {apple}, {eggs}  
+Two copies of the topology are executed where each copy handles one of the
+partitions. The following results would be written to the the results topic:  
+{apple, 2}, {bread, 1}, {eggs, 2}, {apple, 1}
+Both streams jobs end up counting different portions of the "apples", so you
+get two results for apples. Had all "apples" gone to a single partition, then
+a single streams worker would have counted all of them, and {apples, 3} would
+have been written a single time.  
+The same problem effects how we process SPARQL queries within Rya Streams. If
+each streams worker processes the entire topology, then you need to make sure
+each job handles all Statements that result in Binding Sets who join within
+the query. There isn't a way to partition the data at the statement level, so
+we would need to break the queries into many Kafka Streams topologies. A single
+Join node could be the entire topology where the input topic contains binding
+sets that are emited from the left and right child. So long as which partition
+the data is written to is based on a hash over the values of the join variables,
+then each worker will only receive data that is able to be joined.
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--- a/extras/rya.manual/src/site/site.xml
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@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ under the License.
         <item name="Inferencing" href="infer.html"/>
         <item name="MapReduce Interface" href="mapreduce.html"/>
         <item name="Shell Interface" href="shell.html"/>
-        <item name="Incremental Join Maintenance" href="pcj-updater.html"/>
+        <item name="Incremental Join Maintenance" href="pcj-updater.html"/>
+        <item name="Rya Streams" href="rya-streams.html"/>
     <menu name="Samples">