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Posted to by Daniel Meier <> on 2001/03/09 19:40:19 UTC

dynamic forms

i'm a newcomer to cocoon and have asimple question to the fp:library:
there is this form-example (under /fp). it always works with a static amount
of "input"-elements (for example: title, body text, image = 3 elements)

i'd like to have this dynamic. so I generated a new template in the
xsl-sheet the following way:

<xsl:template match="input[@type='object']">
 <xsl:for-each select="object/*">
   <xsl:call-template name="subobjects"/>

<xsl:template name="subobjects">
 <xsl:variable name="value">
  <xsl:call-template name="get-nested-content">
   <xsl:with-param name="content" select="."/>
 <xsl:if test="$value">
   <TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/></TD>
    <TEXTAREA ROWS="10" COLS="40">
     <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of
     <xsl:call-template name="copy-form-attributes"/><xsl:copy-of
   <xsl:call-template name="show-processes"/>
   <xsl:call-template name="show-errors"/>

now I get for each "object" all the children as textaera.

but saving in the xml doesn't work!!!!!
this is because the "get-parameter name" (zzzzzz) is also dynamic) as well
as the node (yyyyyy).

	<fp:write to="data-item" select="yyyyyy" as="node">
		<request:get-parameter name="zzzzzz"/>

has someone a solution or an easy workaround for this....

thanks for any help


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