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Posted to by Christopher BROWN <> on 2012/12/20 18:31:00 UTC

ModuleClassLoaderJava5 seems to have different Class objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName


We have embedded Felix in our product and for a project, a customer is
attempting to create an OSGi bundle for Apache POI.  It seems to be doing a
lot of stuff with reflection, but we've managed to progress (up until we
hit the subject of this message) using the different classloading messages
logged by Felix (by manualling adding the imports).

To cut a long story short, we have a "main" POI bundle and XMLBeans as a
separate bundle.  We've taken care to exclude the org.w3c.* and javax.xml.*
packages that were included in the source JARs and have checked all ".bnd"
files and MANIFEST.MF files to ensure (as best as we can) that nobody
exports "javax.xml.*" because Felix already exports it from the JDK 6

>From what we can understand from the logs, both bundles access the
javax.xml.namespace.QName class from different instances of
ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5 but we don't know how to force them to
see the same.  Below I've included (sorry for the lengthy details) :

- the stacktrace
- the Felix log as output from the Felix logger (all usages of
javax.xml.namespace are wired to Felix)
- the BND files for both output JAR files (there's another one, dom4j, but
it seems irrelevant)

I have the feeling our solution might be something to do with "uses",
having already checked that we only have QName from the JDK (we're not
running in an appserver) and it's not in any JARs or exports (it's not
impossible we may have missed something but we have tried really hard to
check everything).  Or maybe the Felix classloader is applying a version in
one case but not another.  Or maybe both packages should also export the
javax.xml.namespace that they've imported.

Here goes:

org.apache.poi.POIXMLException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument.load(
 at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.<init>(
 at vsh.system.http.HttpCallDispatcher.service(
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
... 31 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when
resolving interface method
the class loader (instance of
org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) of the
current class,
and the class loader (instance of
org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) for resolved
class, org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStore, have different Class
objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName used in the signature
at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.readFrom(
 at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.<init>(
... 36 common frames omitted

-classpath: xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
-output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
-removeheaders: Include-Resource

Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
Bundle-Version:        ${version}
Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation

-output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
-removeheaders: Include-Resource

Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
Bundle-Version:        ${version}
Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation


Include-Resource:      @poi-3.8-20120326.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE.txt
Bundle-ClassPath:    ., lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar
Include-Resource:    lib=lib

2012-12-20 17:25:18,768 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.datatype) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom.bootstrap) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package; (package= -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,772 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [3.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.3.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
(package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
(package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)) -> [8.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.commons.logging)(version>=1.1.1)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
(package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
(&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.4)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
(&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [8.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package; (&(package=>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) -> [2.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [2.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) -> [1.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [1.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [1.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [1.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
-> [1.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http.message)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http.params)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.http.util)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,802 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
(&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=javax.naming) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=javax.sql) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package; (&(package=>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(&(>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,810 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,811 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=javax.swing) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom.traversal) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package; (
-> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform.stax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.naming) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
(package=javax.sql) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
(&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,334 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.swing.table) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.bind) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [24.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
-> [24.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
(&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.imageio) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.imageio.metadata) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.swing) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.validation) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.xpath) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary) -> [8.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.codec.digest) -> [8.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.xmlbeans) -> [29.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema) -> [29.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values) -> [29.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlschema) -> [29.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
( -> [29.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.dom4j) -> [21.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package; (package= -> [21.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
( -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,345 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [18.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.0)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) ->
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(package=javax.sql) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [20.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
-> [20.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
(&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.22)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=javax.naming) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=javax.sql) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=javax.transaction) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=javax.transaction.xa) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.pool) -> [22.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=org.apache.commons.pool.impl) -> [22.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
(package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [14.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [25.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
-> [15.0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
(&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
(&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]


Re: ModuleClassLoaderJava5 seems to have different Class objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName

Posted by "Richard S. Hall" <>.
On 12/21/12 09:06 , Christopher BROWN wrote:
> Hi,
> As we're using Felix in embedded mode, and as the host exposes some
> packages to the framework (not many, but not "none" either), I don't
> think we can troubleshoot using the Gogo prompt.

Sure you can, why not? Just add the Gogo bundles and the remote shell 
bundle and you can telnet into it.

> We found one hacky solution: arbitrarily choosing one of the two
> packages concerned by the classloader conflict, and exporting the
> javax.xml.namespace ("pass through" from the import provided by the
> framework bundle 0).
> This seems hacky because it involved an arbitrary choice (and I guess
> that makes it order-dependent).  Would it make sense to make both
> packages export what they've imported?
> What's making the magic happen: why does the package that doesn't
> reexport chose to import from that package that does export instead of
> importing from the framework bundle 0?
> Does that imply that we might also need to make bundles that import
> other JDK-provided export these packages too?

I don't have enough understanding of the scenario to make any guesses. 
You are telling me that you are only making one java.xml.* available, 
but somehow there are two at run time. So, the former statement cannot 
be true.

At a minimum, it would be helpful to know from where the two different 
classes are coming, thus my original suggestion.

-> richard

p.s. BTW, you cannot export packages you import; it is not possible to 
reexport like this. The only way to reexport is with require-bundle and 
I don't recommend it generally.
> Having check with the OSGi specs, I suspect we might be applying the
> wrong solution: I'm guessing it might be better to modify the
> Export-Package header for both bundles, and add the
> ;uses="javax.xml.namespace" attribute to every exported package,
> instead of the hack above (and I'm guessing that the classloader for
> that package would then be the Felix framework classloader).
> I'm trying hard to get it "right", as opposed to "working by some
> lucky combination that might fail on me later".
> Thanks,
> Christopher
> On 20 December 2012 19:23, Richard S. Hall <> wrote:
>> You could do something like this at the Gogo prompt:
>>      each [(bundles)] { echo $it; which $it javax.xml.namespace.QName }
>> This will tell you from which class loader each bundle is getting the class.
>> That might give you some clues if you see different class loader for the
>> class in question.
>> -> richard
>> On 12/20/12 12:31 , Christopher BROWN wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have embedded Felix in our product and for a project, a customer is
>>> attempting to create an OSGi bundle for Apache POI.  It seems to be doing
>>> a
>>> lot of stuff with reflection, but we've managed to progress (up until we
>>> hit the subject of this message) using the different classloading messages
>>> logged by Felix (by manualling adding the imports).
>>> To cut a long story short, we have a "main" POI bundle and XMLBeans as a
>>> separate bundle.  We've taken care to exclude the org.w3c.* and
>>> javax.xml.*
>>> packages that were included in the source JARs and have checked all ".bnd"
>>> files and MANIFEST.MF files to ensure (as best as we can) that nobody
>>> exports "javax.xml.*" because Felix already exports it from the JDK 6
>>> runtime.
>>>   From what we can understand from the logs, both bundles access the
>>> javax.xml.namespace.QName class from different instances of
>>> ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5 but we don't know how to force them to
>>> see the same.  Below I've included (sorry for the lengthy details) :
>>> - the stacktrace
>>> - the Felix log as output from the Felix logger (all usages of
>>> javax.xml.namespace are wired to Felix)
>>> - the BND files for both output JAR files (there's another one, dom4j, but
>>> it seems irrelevant)
>>> I have the feeling our solution might be something to do with "uses",
>>> having already checked that we only have QName from the JDK (we're not
>>> running in an appserver) and it's not in any JARs or exports (it's not
>>> impossible we may have missed something but we have tried really hard to
>>> check everything).  Or maybe the Felix classloader is applying a version
>>> in
>>> one case but not another.  Or maybe both packages should also export the
>>> javax.xml.namespace that they've imported.
>>> Here goes:
>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>> org.apache.poi.POIXMLException:
>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>> at
>>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
>>>    at
>>> at org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument.load(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.<init>(
>>> at
>>>    at
>>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ExcelImport.updateImportFields(
>>> at
>>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ImportService.updateImportFields(
>>>    at
>>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.addDataToItem(
>>> at
>>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.serviceCall(
>>>    at
>>> vsh.system.http.HttpCallDispatcher.service(
>>> at
>>> Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
>>> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>>> at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>>>    at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>>> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>    at
>>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
>>> ... 31 common frames omitted
>>> Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when
>>> resolving interface method
>>> "org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStore.find_element_user(Ljavax/xml/namespace/QName;I)Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStoreUser;"
>>> the class loader (instance of
>>> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) of the
>>> current class,
>>> org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/impl/StyleSheetDocumentImpl,
>>> and the class loader (instance of
>>> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) for resolved
>>> class, org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStore, have different Class
>>> objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName used in the signature
>>>    at
>>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.StyleSheetDocumentImpl.getStyleSheet(Unknown
>>> Source)
>>> at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.readFrom(
>>>    at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.<init>(
>>> ... 36 common frames omitted
>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>> symname=org.apache.xmlbeans
>>> version=2.3.0
>>> -classpath: xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
>>> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
>>> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
>>> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
>>> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
>>> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
>>> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
>>> Bundle-License:
>>> Bundle-ContactAddress:
>>> Private-Package:\
>>> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
>>> repackage.*
>>> Import-Package:\
>>> org.w3c.*,\
>>> javax.xml.*,\
>>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
>>> com.sun.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.apache.crimson.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.apache.xml.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xquery.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> *
>>> Export-Package:org.apache.xmlbeans.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true,
>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>> symname=org.apache.poi
>>> version=3.8.0
>>> -classpath:
>>> poi-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-scratchpad-3.8-20120326.jar
>>> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
>>> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
>>> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
>>> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
>>> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
>>> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
>>> Bundle-License:
>>> Bundle-ContactAddress:
>>> Import-Package:\
>>> javax.xml.*,\
>>> junit.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
>>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.math.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.schemaLibrary.x2006.main.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficePowerpoint.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeWord.*;resolution:=optional,\
>>> *
>>> Private-Package:\
>>> org.openxmlformats.*,\
>>> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
>>> schemasMicrosoftComVml.*,\
>>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeOffice.*,\
>>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeExcel.*
>>> Export-Package:\
>>> org.apache.poi.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true;-split-package:=merge-first
>>> Include-Resource:      @poi-3.8-20120326.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE.txt
>>> Bundle-ClassPath:    ., lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar
>>> Include-Resource:    lib=lib
>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,768 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.datatype) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom.bootstrap) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package; (package=
>>> -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,772 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [3.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.3.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)) -> [8.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.logging)(version>=1.1.1)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>>> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.4)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [8.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package; (&(package=
>>>>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) -> [2.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [2.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) -> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>>> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.client.methods)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>>> -> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>>> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>>> -> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>>> -> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.cookie)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>>> -> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.message)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>>> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.params)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>>> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.http.util)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>>> [1.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,802 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package; (&(package=
>>>>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,810 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,811 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.pages)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom.traversal) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (
>>> -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform.stax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,334 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.swing.table) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.bind) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions)(version>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
>>> -> [24.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
>>> -> [24.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>>> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.imageio) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.imageio.metadata) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.validation) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.xpath) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary) -> [8.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.digest) -> [8.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans) -> [29.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema) -> [29.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values) -> [29.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlschema) -> [29.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> ( -> [29.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.dom4j) -> [21.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package; (package=
>>> -> [21.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> ( -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,345 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [18.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.0)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> ->
>>> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [20.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>>> -> [20.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>>> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.22)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.transaction) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=javax.transaction.xa) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.pool) -> [22.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=org.apache.commons.pool.impl) -> [22.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>>> -> [14.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [25.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>>> -> [15.0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>>> [0]
>>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Christopher
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Re: ModuleClassLoaderJava5 seems to have different Class objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName

Posted by Christopher BROWN <>.

As we're using Felix in embedded mode, and as the host exposes some
packages to the framework (not many, but not "none" either), I don't
think we can troubleshoot using the Gogo prompt.

We found one hacky solution: arbitrarily choosing one of the two
packages concerned by the classloader conflict, and exporting the
javax.xml.namespace ("pass through" from the import provided by the
framework bundle 0).

This seems hacky because it involved an arbitrary choice (and I guess
that makes it order-dependent).  Would it make sense to make both
packages export what they've imported?

What's making the magic happen: why does the package that doesn't
reexport chose to import from that package that does export instead of
importing from the framework bundle 0?

Does that imply that we might also need to make bundles that import
other JDK-provided export these packages too?

Having check with the OSGi specs, I suspect we might be applying the
wrong solution: I'm guessing it might be better to modify the
Export-Package header for both bundles, and add the
;uses="javax.xml.namespace" attribute to every exported package,
instead of the hack above (and I'm guessing that the classloader for
that package would then be the Felix framework classloader).

I'm trying hard to get it "right", as opposed to "working by some
lucky combination that might fail on me later".


On 20 December 2012 19:23, Richard S. Hall <> wrote:
> You could do something like this at the Gogo prompt:
>     each [(bundles)] { echo $it; which $it javax.xml.namespace.QName }
> This will tell you from which class loader each bundle is getting the class.
> That might give you some clues if you see different class loader for the
> class in question.
> -> richard
> On 12/20/12 12:31 , Christopher BROWN wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have embedded Felix in our product and for a project, a customer is
>> attempting to create an OSGi bundle for Apache POI.  It seems to be doing
>> a
>> lot of stuff with reflection, but we've managed to progress (up until we
>> hit the subject of this message) using the different classloading messages
>> logged by Felix (by manualling adding the imports).
>> To cut a long story short, we have a "main" POI bundle and XMLBeans as a
>> separate bundle.  We've taken care to exclude the org.w3c.* and
>> javax.xml.*
>> packages that were included in the source JARs and have checked all ".bnd"
>> files and MANIFEST.MF files to ensure (as best as we can) that nobody
>> exports "javax.xml.*" because Felix already exports it from the JDK 6
>> runtime.
>>  From what we can understand from the logs, both bundles access the
>> javax.xml.namespace.QName class from different instances of
>> ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5 but we don't know how to force them to
>> see the same.  Below I've included (sorry for the lengthy details) :
>> - the stacktrace
>> - the Felix log as output from the Felix logger (all usages of
>> javax.xml.namespace are wired to Felix)
>> - the BND files for both output JAR files (there's another one, dom4j, but
>> it seems irrelevant)
>> I have the feeling our solution might be something to do with "uses",
>> having already checked that we only have QName from the JDK (we're not
>> running in an appserver) and it's not in any JARs or exports (it's not
>> impossible we may have missed something but we have tried really hard to
>> check everything).  Or maybe the Felix classloader is applying a version
>> in
>> one case but not another.  Or maybe both packages should also export the
>> javax.xml.namespace that they've imported.
>> Here goes:
>> ____________________________________________________________
>> org.apache.poi.POIXMLException:
>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>> at
>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
>>   at
>> at org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument.load(
>>   at
>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.<init>(
>> at
>>   at
>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ExcelImport.updateImportFields(
>> at
>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ImportService.updateImportFields(
>>   at
>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.addDataToItem(
>> at
>> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.serviceCall(
>>   at
>> vsh.system.http.HttpCallDispatcher.service(
>> at
>> Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
>> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>>   at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>   at
>> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
>> ... 31 common frames omitted
>> Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when
>> resolving interface method
>> "org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStore.find_element_user(Ljavax/xml/namespace/QName;I)Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStoreUser;"
>> the class loader (instance of
>> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) of the
>> current class,
>> org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/impl/StyleSheetDocumentImpl,
>> and the class loader (instance of
>> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) for resolved
>> class, org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStore, have different Class
>> objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName used in the signature
>>   at
>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.StyleSheetDocumentImpl.getStyleSheet(Unknown
>> Source)
>> at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.readFrom(
>>   at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.<init>(
>> ... 36 common frames omitted
>> ____________________________________________________________
>> symname=org.apache.xmlbeans
>> version=2.3.0
>> -classpath: xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
>> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
>> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
>> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
>> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
>> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
>> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
>> Bundle-License:
>> Bundle-ContactAddress:
>> Private-Package:\
>> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
>> repackage.*
>> Import-Package:\
>> org.w3c.*,\
>> javax.xml.*,\
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
>> com.sun.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.apache.crimson.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.apache.xml.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xquery.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> *
>> Export-Package:org.apache.xmlbeans.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true,
>> ____________________________________________________________
>> symname=org.apache.poi
>> version=3.8.0
>> -classpath:
>> poi-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-scratchpad-3.8-20120326.jar
>> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
>> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
>> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
>> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
>> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
>> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
>> Bundle-License:
>> Bundle-ContactAddress:
>> Import-Package:\
>> javax.xml.*,\
>> junit.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.math.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> org.openxmlformats.schemas.schemaLibrary.x2006.main.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficePowerpoint.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeWord.*;resolution:=optional,\
>> *
>> Private-Package:\
>> org.openxmlformats.*,\
>> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
>> schemasMicrosoftComVml.*,\
>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeOffice.*,\
>> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeExcel.*
>> Export-Package:\
>> org.apache.poi.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true;-split-package:=merge-first
>> Include-Resource:      @poi-3.8-20120326.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE.txt
>> Bundle-ClassPath:    ., lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar
>> Include-Resource:    lib=lib
>> ____________________________________________________________
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,768 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.datatype) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom.bootstrap) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package; (package=
>> -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,772 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [3.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.3.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)) -> [8.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.logging)(version>=1.1.1)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
>> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.4)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [8.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package; (&(package=
>>>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) -> [2.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [2.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) -> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.client.methods)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>> -> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>> -> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>> -> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.cookie)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
>> -> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.message)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.params)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.http.util)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
>> [1.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,802 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package; (&(package=
>>>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,810 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,811 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.pages)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom.traversal) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (
>> -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform.stax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,334 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.swing.table) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.bind) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions)(version>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
>> -> [24.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
>> -> [24.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.imageio) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.imageio.metadata) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.validation) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.xpath) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary) -> [8.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.digest) -> [8.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans) -> [29.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema) -> [29.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values) -> [29.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlschema) -> [29.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> ( -> [29.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.dom4j) -> [21.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package; (package=
>> -> [21.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> ( -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,345 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [18.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.0)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> ->
>> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [20.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
>> -> [20.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.22)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=javax.transaction) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=javax.transaction.xa) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.pool) -> [22.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=org.apache.commons.pool.impl) -> [22.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
>> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
>> -> [14.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [25.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
>> -> [15.0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
>> [0]
>> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
>> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
>> Thanks,
>> Christopher
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: ModuleClassLoaderJava5 seems to have different Class objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName

Posted by "Richard S. Hall" <>.
You could do something like this at the Gogo prompt:

     each [(bundles)] { echo $it; which $it javax.xml.namespace.QName }

This will tell you from which class loader each bundle is getting the 
class. That might give you some clues if you see different class loader 
for the class in question.

-> richard

On 12/20/12 12:31 , Christopher BROWN wrote:
> Hello,
> We have embedded Felix in our product and for a project, a customer is
> attempting to create an OSGi bundle for Apache POI.  It seems to be doing a
> lot of stuff with reflection, but we've managed to progress (up until we
> hit the subject of this message) using the different classloading messages
> logged by Felix (by manualling adding the imports).
> To cut a long story short, we have a "main" POI bundle and XMLBeans as a
> separate bundle.  We've taken care to exclude the org.w3c.* and javax.xml.*
> packages that were included in the source JARs and have checked all ".bnd"
> files and MANIFEST.MF files to ensure (as best as we can) that nobody
> exports "javax.xml.*" because Felix already exports it from the JDK 6
> runtime.
>  From what we can understand from the logs, both bundles access the
> javax.xml.namespace.QName class from different instances of
> ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5 but we don't know how to force them to
> see the same.  Below I've included (sorry for the lengthy details) :
> - the stacktrace
> - the Felix log as output from the Felix logger (all usages of
> javax.xml.namespace are wired to Felix)
> - the BND files for both output JAR files (there's another one, dom4j, but
> it seems irrelevant)
> I have the feeling our solution might be something to do with "uses",
> having already checked that we only have QName from the JDK (we're not
> running in an appserver) and it's not in any JARs or exports (it's not
> impossible we may have missed something but we have tried really hard to
> check everything).  Or maybe the Felix classloader is applying a version in
> one case but not another.  Or maybe both packages should also export the
> javax.xml.namespace that they've imported.
> Here goes:
> ____________________________________________________________
> org.apache.poi.POIXMLException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> at
> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
>   at
> at org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument.load(
>   at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.<init>(
> at
>   at
> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ExcelImport.updateImportFields(
> at
> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.controller.importieren.ImportService.updateImportFields(
>   at
> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.addDataToItem(
> at
> fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.impl.view.UploadLvmService.serviceCall(
>   at vsh.system.http.HttpCallDispatcher.service(
> at
> Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>   at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>   at
> org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFactory.createDocumentPart(
> ... 31 common frames omitted
> Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when
> resolving interface method
> "org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStore.find_element_user(Ljavax/xml/namespace/QName;I)Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStoreUser;"
> the class loader (instance of
> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) of the
> current class,
> org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/impl/StyleSheetDocumentImpl,
> and the class loader (instance of
> org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoaderJava5) for resolved
> class, org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/values/TypeStore, have different Class
> objects for the type javax/xml/namespace/QName used in the signature
>   at
> org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.StyleSheetDocumentImpl.getStyleSheet(Unknown
> Source)
> at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.readFrom(
>   at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable.<init>(
> ... 36 common frames omitted
> ____________________________________________________________
> symname=org.apache.xmlbeans
> version=2.3.0
> -classpath: xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar
> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-License:
> Bundle-ContactAddress:
> Private-Package:\
> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
> repackage.*
> Import-Package:\
> org.w3c.*,\
> javax.xml.*,\
> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
> com.sun.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.apache.crimson.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.apache.xml.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xquery.*;resolution:=optional,\
> *
> Export-Package:org.apache.xmlbeans.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true,
> ____________________________________________________________
> symname=org.apache.poi
> version=3.8.0
> -classpath:
> poi-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8-20120326.jar,poi-scratchpad-3.8-20120326.jar
> -output:    ${symname}_${version}.jar
> -removeheaders: Include-Resource
> Bundle-SymbolicName:   ${symname}
> Bundle-Version:        ${version}
> Bundle-Vendor:         The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-Copyright:      Copyright 1999-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-License:
> Bundle-ContactAddress:
> Import-Package:\
> javax.xml.*,\
> junit.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema,\
> org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.math.*;resolution:=optional,\
> org.openxmlformats.schemas.schemaLibrary.x2006.main.*;resolution:=optional,\
> schemasMicrosoftComOfficePowerpoint.*;resolution:=optional,\
> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeWord.*;resolution:=optional,\
> *
> Private-Package:\
> org.openxmlformats.*,\
> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.*,\
> schemasMicrosoftComVml.*,\
> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeOffice.*,\
> schemasMicrosoftComOfficeExcel.*
> Export-Package:\
> org.apache.poi.*;version=${version};-noimport:=true;-split-package:=merge-first
> Include-Resource:      @poi-3.8-20120326.jar!/META-INF/LICENSE.txt
> Bundle-ClassPath:    ., lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar
> Include-Resource:    lib=lib
> ____________________________________________________________
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,768 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.datatype) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom.bootstrap) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package; (package=
> -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,769 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [14.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,772 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [3.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.3.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,774 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)) -> [8.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.commons.logging)(version>=1.1.1)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,775 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [1.0] package;
> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,776 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [15.0] package;
> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.4)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,781 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [4.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,784 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [17.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,797 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [8.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package; (&(package=
>>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) -> [2.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,798 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [2.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) -> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.client.methods)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
> -> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.client)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
> -> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.conn)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
> -> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.impl.cookie)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0)))
> -> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.message)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.params)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,799 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.http.util)(version>=4.2.0)(!(version>=5.0.0))) ->
> [1.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,800 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [6.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,801 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,802 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [7.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,804 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,805 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [16.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,808 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package; (&(package=
>>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(>=2.1.0)) -> [2.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.ietf.jgss) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,809 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [10.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,810 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,811 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [11.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.pages)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,813 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [9.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,820 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,821 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [5.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.core)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,827 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.service.event) -> [3.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.osgi.util.tracker) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.slf4j.spi) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom.traversal) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:18,828 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [12.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package; (
> -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform.stax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,316 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,317 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [19.0] package;
> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,319 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,320 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [25.0] package;
> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,334 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.swing.table) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.swing.tree) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.bind) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,335 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [21.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,336 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,337 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions)(version>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
> -> [24.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(>=3.8.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))
> -> [24.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [27.0] package;
> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.crypto) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.crypto.spec) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.imageio) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,338 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.imageio.metadata) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.swing) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.validation) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.xpath) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.binary) -> [8.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,339 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.codec.digest) -> [8.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.logging) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans) -> [29.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema) -> [29.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values) -> [29.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xmlschema) -> [29.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> ( -> [29.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.dom4j) -> [21.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package; (package=
> -> [21.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,340 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [24.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.namespace) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.parsers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> ( -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=javax.xml.transform) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=org.w3c.dom) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.ext) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,341 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [29.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,345 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [18.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.0)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,351 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) ->
> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,352 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [20.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))
> -> [20.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [26.0] package;
> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (&(package=com.mysql.jdbc)(version>=5.1.22)(!(version>=6.0.0))) -> [19.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=javax.naming) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,353 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=javax.naming.spi) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=javax.sql) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=javax.transaction) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=javax.transaction.xa) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.pool) -> [22.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=org.apache.commons.pool.impl) -> [22.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,354 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [20.0] package;
> (package=org.xml.sax.helpers) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node)(version>=2.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
> -> [14.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.facet)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.importieren)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.model)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,362 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.rule)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.update)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.lvm.rainbow.api.controller.view)(version>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.1.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [25.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.auth)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.config)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.connector)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,363 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.fs)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.http)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=fr.reflexe.viewshell.api.themes)(version>=0.7.0)(!(version>=1.0.0)))
> -> [15.0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.framework)(version>=1.5.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=org.osgi.util.tracker)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> 2012-12-20 17:25:19,364 DEBUG - [-] WIRE: [23.0] package;
> (&(package=org.slf4j)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) -> [0]
> Thanks,
> Christopher

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