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Posted to by Senaka Fernando <> on 2009/02/24 22:38:03 UTC

Issues with Building ODE guide, and build failure on trunk

Hi all,

I'm new to ODE, and followed the instructions of [1] on building ODE. The
documentation was very helpful and I got myself organized with a working
build in a couple of hours.

It seemed to me that there are two popular builds. However, there were
several issues I had when following the instructions on [1]. Please bare
with me if I have in fact made any wrong conclusions.

1. does not
exist, and I guess was meant here
(or perhaps this may change in time).

2. I was successful with the 1.x branch in the build but not with the trunk.
This was not due to ODE perhaps (initially) but due to buildr. First of all,
on my system simply doing 'gem install buildr -v 1.3.1' wasn't successful. I
had to do install several dependencies to start with. This might be self
explanatory to someone who's familiar with the process, but IMHO, it might
be puzzling for someone who's never used rubygem before. And, therefore, I
think it would be better to mention that additional depenedencies may be
required to be installed as well, at times. We can perhaps add an example (I
needed to install rubyforge 1.0.2 and rake 0.8.3).

3. Once I installed buildr, and when I started to build according to the
guidelines, I ran into another issue.

/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:149:in `activate': can't
activate rake (>= 0.8.3, runtime), already activated rake-0.8.1

I got this sorted by manually editting
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/buildr-1.3.1.gemspec. My system
is an Ubuntu Hardy (8.04 LTS). I believe that this might not be an issue for
most users who don't initially have ruby 1.8 installed, but in my case I had
it, and I believe that's what lead me to this issue.

Changing s.add_dependency(%q<rake>, ["= 0.8.1"]) to
s.add_dependency(%q<rake>, [">= 0.8.1"]) got me out of this issue.

4. Then I ran into a new issue with the build

(in /home/senaka/ode, development)
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'ode:package'

I still did not quite understand how to sort this. If issues 1-3 are in fact
not as yet sorted, I would be glad to raise a JIRA issue on them, but I, as
yet, don't quite know what to do for issue 4.

I have svn revision: 746581
Last Changed Date: 2009-02-21 13:58:37 +0530 (Sat, 21 Feb 2009)

in my checkout of the trunk.

