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Posted to by Nguyen Duy Tho <> on 2000/10/23 06:36:37 UTC

How to run a task with Java command in another command window?

Hi all,

I'm writing a task using and setFork(true).
I'm using ant 1.2rc with Windows 2000.

There is my build.xml
<taskdef name="orionrun" classname="tools.ant.taskdefs.OrionRun"/>
 <target name="orionrun">
     <orionrun home="d:/orion" />
 <target name="orion" depends="orionrun">
     <mkdir dir="test" />

When I run 'ant orion' the task orionrun is running but I can't have hand to run orion task.
The 'execute()' method is here:
        public void execute(){
        Java orionServer = (Java)project.createTask("java");
        orionServer.setTaskName( getTaskName());
        try {
        } catch (BuildException be) {
            throw new BuildException("Execution of Orion failed");

The question: How must I do to run my 'orionrun' in a new command window so I can run the next task 'orion' ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Nguyen Duy Tho