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-<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="ref_directive_if" itemprop="headline">if, else, elseif</h1>
-</div></div><div class="page-menu">
-<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
-<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_94" data-menu-target="autoid_94">Synopsis</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_95" data-menu-target="autoid_95">Description</a></li></ul> </div><a name="ref.directive.if"></a><a name="ref.directive.else"></a><a name="ref.directive.elseif"></a>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_94">Synopsis</h2>
-<pre class="metaTemplate">
-<code class="inline-code">&lt;#if <em class="code-color">condition</em>&gt;
-  <em class="code-color">...</em>
-&lt;#elseif <em class="code-color">condition2</em>&gt;
-  <em class="code-color">...</em>
-&lt;#elseif <em class="code-color">condition3</em>&gt;
-  <em class="code-color">...</em>
-<em class="code-color">...</em>
-  <em class="code-color">...</em>
-          <p>Where:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition</em></code>,
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition2</em></code>,
-              ...etc.: Expression evaluates to a boolean value.
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>The <code class="inline-code">elseif</code>-s and the
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code> are optional.</p>
-          <p>Camel case name variant: <code class="inline-code">elseIf</code></p>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_95">Description</h2>
-          <p>You can use <code class="inline-code">if</code>, <code class="inline-code">elseif</code>
-          and <code class="inline-code">else</code> directives to conditionally skip a
-          section of the template. The
-          <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition</em></code>-s must
-          evaluate to a boolean value, or else an error will abort template
-          processing. The <code class="inline-code">elseif</code>-s and
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code>-s must occur inside <code class="inline-code">if</code>
-          (that is, between the <code class="inline-code">if</code> start-tag and end-tag).
-          The <code class="inline-code">if</code> can contain any number of
-          <code class="inline-code">elseif</code>-s (including 0) and at the end optionally
-          one <code class="inline-code">else</code>. Examples:</p>
-          <p><code class="inline-code">if</code> with 0 <code class="inline-code">elseif</code> and no
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if x == 1&gt;
-  x is 1
-          <p><code class="inline-code">if</code> with 0 <code class="inline-code">elseif</code> and
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if x == 1&gt;
-  x is 1
-  x is not 1
-          <p><code class="inline-code">if</code> with 2 <code class="inline-code">elseif</code> and no
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if x == 1&gt;
-  x is 1
-&lt;#elseif x == 2&gt;
-  x is 2
-&lt;#elseif x == 3&gt;
-  x is 3
-          <p><code class="inline-code">if</code> with 3 <code class="inline-code">elseif</code> and
-          <code class="inline-code">else</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if x == 1&gt;
-  x is 1
-&lt;#elseif x == 2&gt;
-  x is 2
-&lt;#elseif x == 3&gt;
-  x is 3
-&lt;#elseif x == 4&gt;
-  x is 4
-  x is not 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4
-          <p>To see more about boolean expressions, see: <a href="dgui_template_exp.html">Template Author&#39;s Guide/The Template/Expressions</a>.</p>
-          <p>You can nest <code class="inline-code">if</code> directives (of
-          course):</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if x == 1&gt;
-  x is 1
-  &lt;#if y == 1&gt;
-    and y is 1 too
-  &lt;#else&gt;
-    but y is not
-  &lt;/#if&gt;
-  x is not 1
-  &lt;#if y &lt; 0&gt;
-    and y is less than 0
-  &lt;/#if&gt;
-            <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-            <p>When you want to test if <code class="inline-code">x &gt; 0</code> or
-            <code class="inline-code">x &gt;= 0</code>, writing <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if x &gt;
-            0&gt;</code> and <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if x &gt;= 0&gt;</code> is
-            WRONG, as the first <code class="inline-code">&gt;</code> will close the
-            <code class="inline-code">#if</code> tag. To work that around, write
-            <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if x gt 0&gt;</code> or <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if gte
-            0&gt;</code>. Also note that if the comparison occurs inside
-            parentheses, you will have no such problem, like <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if
-   &gt; 0)&gt;</code> works as expected.</p>
-            </div>
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-<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2017-03-13T10:55:28Z" title="Monday, March 13, 2017 10:55:28 AM GMT">2017-03-13 10:55:28 GMT</time>, for Freemarker 2.3.26 </p>
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-<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="ref_directive_import" itemprop="headline">import</h1>
-</div></div><div class="page-menu">
-<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
-<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_96" data-menu-target="autoid_96">Synopsis</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_97" data-menu-target="autoid_97">Description</a></li></ul> </div><a name="ref.directive.import"></a>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_96">Synopsis</h2>
-<pre class="metaTemplate"><code class="inline-code">&lt;#import <em class="code-color">path</em> as <em class="code-color">hash</em>&gt;</code>
-          <p>Where:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code>: The
-              path of a template. This is an expression that evaluates to a
-              string. (With other words, it doesn&#39;t have to be a fixed string,
-              it can also be something like, for example,
-              <code class="inline-code">profile.baseDir + &quot;/menu.ftl&quot;</code>.)
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">hash</em></code>: The
-              unquoted name of hash variable by which you can access the
-              namespace. Not an expression. (If you have to import into a
-              dynamically constructed name, you have to use <a href="app_faq.html#faq_assign_to_dynamic_variable_name">this
-              trick</a>.)
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_97">Description</h2>
-          <p>Imports a library. That is, it creates a new empty namespace,
-          and then executes the template given with
-          <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code> parameter in that
-          namespace so the template populates the namespace with variables
-          (macros, functions, ...etc.). Then it makes the newly created
-          namespace available to the caller with a hash variable. The hash
-          variable will be created as a plain variable in the namespace used
-          by the caller of <code class="inline-code">import</code> (as if you would create
-          it with <code class="inline-code">assign</code> directive), with the name given
-          with the <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">hash</em></code>
-          parameter. If the import happens in the namespace of the main
-          template, the hash variable is also created in the global
-          namespace.</p>
-          <p>If you call <code class="inline-code">import</code> with the same
-          <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code> for multiple
-          times, it will create the namespace and run the template for the
-          very first call of <code class="inline-code">import</code> only. The later calls
-          will just create a hash by which you can access the
-          <em>same</em> namespace.</p>
-          <p>The output printed by the imported template will be ignored
-          (will not be inserted at the place of importing). The template is
-          executed to populate the namespace with variables, and not to write
-          to the output.</p>
-          <p>Example:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#import &quot;/libs/mylib.ftl&quot; as my&gt;
-&lt;@my.copyright date=&quot;1999-2002&quot;/&gt;</pre></div>
-          <p>The <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code>
-          parameter can be a relative path like <code class="inline-code">&quot;foo.ftl&quot;</code>
-          and <code class="inline-code">&quot;../foo.ftl&quot;</code>, or an absolute like
-          <code class="inline-code">&quot;/foo.ftl&quot;</code>. Relative paths are relative to the
-          directory of the template that uses the <code class="inline-code">import</code>
-          directive. Absolute paths are relative to a base (often referred as
-          the &#39;&#39;root directory of the templates&#39;&#39;) that the programmer defines
-          when he configures FreeMarker.</p>
-          <p>Always use <code class="inline-code">/</code> (slash) to separate path
-          components, never <code class="inline-code">\</code> (backslash). If you are
-          loading templates from your local file system and it uses
-          backslashes (like under. Windows), FreeMarker will convert them
-          automatically.</p>
-          <p>Like with the <code class="inline-code">include</code> directive, <a href="ref_directive_include.html#ref_directive_include_acquisition">acquisition</a> and
-          <a href="ref_directive_include.html#ref_directive_include_localized">localized
-          lookup</a> may be used for resolving the path.</p>
-          <p><span class="marked-for-programmers">Note, that it is possible to
-          automatically do the commonly used imports for all templates, with
-          the &quot;auto imports&quot; setting of
-          <code class="inline-code">Configuration</code>.</span></p>
-          <p>If you are new to namespaces, you should read: <a href="dgui_misc_namespace.html">Template Author&#39;s Guide/Miscellaneous/Namespaces</a></p>
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-<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="ref_directive_include" itemprop="headline">include</h1>
-</div></div><div class="page-menu">
-<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
-<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_98" data-menu-target="autoid_98">Synopsis</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_99" data-menu-target="autoid_99">Description</a><ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#ref_directive_include_acquisition" data-menu-target="ref_directive_include_acquisition">Using acquisition</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#ref_directive_include_localized" data-menu-target="ref_directive_include_localized">Localized lookup</a></li></ul></li></ul> </div><a name="ref.directive.include"></a>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_98">Synopsis</h2>
-<pre class="metaTemplate">
-<code class="inline-code">&lt;#include <em class="code-color">path</em>&gt;</code>
-<code class="inline-code">&lt;#include <em class="code-color">path</em> <em class="code-color">options</em>&gt;</code>
-          <p>Where:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code>: The
-              path of the file to include; an expression that evaluates to a
-              string. (With other words, it doesn&#39;t have to be a fixed string,
-              it can also be something like, for example,
-              <code class="inline-code">profile.baseDir + &quot;/menu.ftl&quot;</code>.)
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">options</em></code>: One
-              or more of these:
-              <code class="inline-code">encoding=<em class="code-color">encoding</em></code>,
-              <code class="inline-code">parse=<em class="code-color">parse</em></code>
-              <ul>
-                <li>
-                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">encoding</em></code>:
-                  Expression evaluates to string
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">parse</em></code>:
-                  Expression evaluates to boolean (also accepts a few string
-                  values for backward compatibility)
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                  <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">ignore_missing</em></code>:
-                  Expression evaluates to boolean
-                </li>
-              </ul>
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_99">Description</h2>
-          <p>You can use it to insert another FreeMarker template file
-          (specified by the <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code>
-          parameter) into your template. The output from the included template
-          is inserted at the point where the <code class="inline-code">include</code> tag
-          occurs. The included file shares the variables with the including
-          template, similarly like if it was copy-pasted into it. The
-          <code class="inline-code">include</code> directive is not really replaced by the
-          content of the included file, instead it processes the included file
-          each time when FreeMarker reaches the <code class="inline-code">include</code>
-          directive in the course of template processing. So for example if
-          the <code class="inline-code">include</code> is inside a <code class="inline-code">list</code>
-          loop, you can specify different file names in each cycle.</p>
-            <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-            <p>This directive is not be confused with the JSP (Servlet)
-            include, as it doesn&#39;t involve the Servlet container at all, just
-            processes another FreeMarker template, without &quot;leaving&quot;
-            FreeMarker. Regarding how to do a &quot;JSP include&quot; <a href="app_faq.html#faq_servlet_include">read this...</a></p>
-            </div>
-          <p>The <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">path</em></code>
-          parameter can be a relative path like <code class="inline-code">&quot;foo.ftl&quot;</code>
-          and <code class="inline-code">&quot;../foo.ftl&quot;</code>, or an absolute like
-          <code class="inline-code">&quot;/foo.ftl&quot;</code>. Relative paths are relative to the
-          directory of the template that contains the
-          <code class="inline-code">import</code> directive. Absolute paths are relative to
-          a base (often referred as the &#39;root directory of the templates&#39;)
-          that the programmer defines when he configures FreeMarker.</p>
-            <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-            <p>This is different than the way it worked prior FreeMarker
-            2.1, where the path was always absolute. To preserve the old
-            behavior, enable the classic compatible mode in the
-            <code class="inline-code">Configuration</code> object.</p>
-            </div>
-          <p>Always use <code class="inline-code">/</code> (slash) to separate path
-          components, never <code class="inline-code">\</code> (backslash). Even if you are
-          loading templates from your local file system and it uses
-          backslashes (like under. Windows), use <code class="inline-code">/</code>.</p>
-          <p>Example:</p>
-          <p>Assume /common/copyright.ftl contains:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">Copyright 2001-2002 ${me}&lt;br&gt;
-All rights reserved.</pre></div>
-          <p>Then this:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#assign me = &quot;Juila Smith&quot;&gt;
-&lt;h1&gt;Some test&lt;/h1&gt;
-<strong>&lt;#include &quot;/common/copyright.ftl&quot;&gt;</strong></pre></div>
-          <p>will output this:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">&lt;h1&gt;Some test&lt;/h1&gt;
-<strong>Copyright 2001-2002 Juila Smith
-All rights reserved.</strong></pre></div>
-          <p>The supported
-          <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">options</em></code> are:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">parse</code>: If it is
-              <code class="inline-code">true</code>, then the included file will be parsed
-              as FTL, otherwise the whole file will be considered as simple
-              text (i.e, no FreeMarker constructs will be searched in it). If
-              you omit this option, then it defaults to
-              <code class="inline-code">true</code>.</p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">encoding</code>: The encoding (charset) of the
-              included template. You shouldn&#39;t use this option anymore; if
-              different template use different encodings, then the programmers
-              should associated the encoding to the templates via
-              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setTemplateConfigurations(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>-s
-              (which also overrides that you specify here). If
-              <code class="inline-code">Configuration.setTemplateConfigurations(<em class="code-color">...</em>)</code>
-              doesn&#39;t specify an encoding for the included template, then the
-              included file inherits the encoding (the charset) of the
-              top-level template, unless you specify an encoding with this
-              option. Examples of valid names: UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2,
-              Shift_JIS, Big5, EUC-KR, GB2312. <span class="marked-for-programmers">Encoding names are the same as the ones
-              supported be (as of Java API 1.3:
-              MIME-preferred charset names from the IANA Charset
-              Registry)</span></p>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">ignore_missing</code>: When
-              <code class="inline-code">true</code>, suppresses the error when the template
-              to include is missing, instead <code class="inline-code">&lt;#include
-              ...&gt;</code> will print nothing. When
-              <code class="inline-code">false</code>, the template processing will stop with
-              error if the template is missing. If you omit this option, then
-              it defaults to <code class="inline-code">false</code>.</p>
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>Example:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;/common/navbar.html&quot; parse=false encoding=&quot;Shift_JIS&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-          <p><span class="marked-for-programmers">Note, that it is possible to
-          automatically do the commonly used inclusions for all templates,
-          with the &quot;auto includes&quot; setting of
-          <code class="inline-code">Configuration</code>.</span></p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="ref_directive_include_acquisition">Using acquisition</h3>
-            <p>There&#39;s a special path component represented by an asterisk
-            (<code class="inline-code">*</code>). It is interpreted as &quot;this directory or
-            any of its parents&quot;. Therefore, if the template located in
-            <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/template.ftl</code> has the following
-            line:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;*/footer.ftl&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>then the engine will look for the template in following
-            locations, in this order:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>This mechanism is called <strong>acquisition</strong> and allows the designers to
-            place commonly included files in a parent directory, and redefine
-            them on a per-subdirectory basis as needed. We say that the
-            including template acquires the template to include from the first
-            parent directory that has it. Note that you can specify not only a
-            template name to the right of the asterisk, but a subpath as well.
-            I.e. if the previous template instead read:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;*/commons/footer.ftl&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>then the engine would look for the template in following
-            locations, in this order:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/commons/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/commons/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/commons/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>Finally, the asterisk needn&#39;t be the first element of the
-            path:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;commons/*/footer.ftl&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>would cause the engine to look for the template in following
-            locations, in this order:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/commons/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>However, there can be at most one asterisk in the path. If
-            you specifying more asterisks, the template won&#39;t be found.</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="ref_directive_include_localized">Localized lookup</h3>
-            <p>A locale is a language and an optional country or dialect
-            identifier (plus also maybe a further variant identifier, like
-            "MAC"). Whenever a template is requested, a desired
-            locale is always specified (explicitly or implicitly), and
-            FreeMarke will try to find a variant of the template that matches
-            that locale. When a template includes or imports another template,
-            internally that will also be requested for a locale, for the
-            locale that the <code class="inline-code">locale</code> setting is set to, and
-            that&#39;s usually for the locale of the top-level template.</p>
-            <p>Suppose your template was loaded with locale
-            <code class="inline-code">en_US</code>, which means U.S. English. When you
-            include another template:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;footer.ftl&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>the engine will in fact look for several templates, in this
-            order:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">footer_en_US.ftl</code>,
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">footer_en.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>and it will use the first one that exists.</p>
-            <p>Note that if how (and if) FreeMarker searches the localized
-            variations is configurable by the programmers, so we are just
-            describing the default behavior here.<span class="marked-for-programmers"> You can disable localized lookup with the
-            <code class="inline-code">localized_lookup</code> setting
-            (<code class="inline-code">Configuration.setLocalizedLookup(boolean)</code>).
-            Also, you can define your own sequence of deduced template names
-            with the <code class="inline-code">template_lookup_strategy</code> setting
-            (<code class="inline-code">Configuration.setTemplateLookupStrategy(TemplateLookupStrategy)</code>).</span></p>
-            <p>When you use both acquisition (i.e., <code class="inline-code">*</code>
-            step in the path) and localized template lookup, the template with
-            more specific locale in a parent directory takes precedence over
-            template with less specific locale in a child directory. Suppose
-            you use the following include from
-            <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/template.ftl</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#include &quot;*/footer.ftl&quot;&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>the engine will look for these templates, in this
-            order:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/footer_en_US.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/footer_en_US.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/footer_en_US.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/footer_en.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/footer_en.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/footer_en.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/bar/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/foo/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <code class="inline-code">/footer.ftl</code>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
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-<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="ref_directive_list" itemprop="headline">list, else, items, sep, break</h1>
-</div></div><div class="page-menu">
-<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
-<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_100" data-menu-target="autoid_100">Synopsis</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_101" data-menu-target="autoid_101">Description</a><ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_102" data-menu-target="autoid_102">Simplest form</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_103" data-menu-target="autoid_103">else directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_104" data-menu-target="autoid_104">items directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_105" data-menu-target="autoid_105">sep directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_106" data-menu-target="autoid_106">break directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_107" data-menu-target="autoid_107">Accessing iteration state</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_108" data-menu-target="autoid_108">Nesting loops into each other</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_109" data-menu-
 target="autoid_109">Notes for Java programmers</a></li></ul></li></ul> </div><a name="ref.directive.list"></a>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_100">Synopsis</h2>
-          <p>The simplest form for listing a sequence (or collection)
-          is:</p>
-<pre class="metaTemplate"><code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">sequence</em> as <em class="code-color">item</em>&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">Part repeated for each item</em>
-          <p>and to list the key-value pairs of a hash (since
-          2.3.25):</p>
-<pre class="metaTemplate"><code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">hash</em> as <em class="code-color">key</em>, <em class="code-color">value</em>&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">Part repeated for each key-value pair</em>
-          <p>But these are just cases of the generic forms, which are shown
-          below. Note that for simplicity we only show the generic forms for
-          sequence listing; simply replace "<code class="inline-code">as
-          <em class="code-color">item</em></code>" with
-          "<code class="inline-code">as <em class="code-color">key</em>,
-          <em class="code-color">value</em></code>" to get the
-          generic form for hash listing.</p>
-          <p>Generic form 1:</p>
-<pre class="metaTemplate"><code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">sequence</em> as <em class="code-color">item</em>&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">Part repeated for each item</em>
-    <em class="code-color">Part executed when there are 0 items</em>
-          <p>Where:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              The <code class="inline-code">else</code> part is optional, and is only
-              supported since FreeMarker 2.3.23.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">sequence</em></code>:
-              Expressions evaluates to a sequence or collection of the items
-              we want to iterate through
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">item</em></code>: Name
-              of the <a href="dgui_misc_var.html">loop variable</a> (not
-              an expression)
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              The various "parts" between the tags can
-              contain arbitrary FTL (including nested
-              <code class="inline-code">list</code>-s)
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>Generic form 2 (since FreeMarker 2.3.23):</p>
-<pre class="metaTemplate"><code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">sequence</em>&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">Part executed once if we have more than 0 items</em>
-    &lt;#items as <em class="code-color">item</em>&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">    Part repeated for each item</em>
-    &lt;/#items&gt;
-    <em class="code-color">Part executed once if we have more than 0 items</em>
-    <em class="code-color">Part executed when there are 0 items</em>
-          <p>Where: see the "Where" section of Form 1 above
-          (and thus the <code class="inline-code">else</code> part is optional here
-          too).</p>
-<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_101">Description</h2>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_102">Simplest form</h3>
-            <p>Assuming <code class="inline-code">users</code> contains the
-            <code class="inline-code">[&#39;Joe&#39;, &#39;Kate&#39;, &#39;Fred&#39;]</code> sequence:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users as user&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;${user}
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  &lt;p&gt;Joe
-  &lt;p&gt;Kate
-  &lt;p&gt;Fred</pre></div>
-            <p>The <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive executes the code
-            between the <code class="inline-code">list</code> start-tag and
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> end-tag (the body of
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> from now on) for each value in the
-            sequence (or collection) specified as its first parameter. For
-            each such iteration the loop variable (<code class="inline-code">user</code> in
-            this example) will store the value of the current item.</p>
-            <p>The loop variable (<code class="inline-code">user</code>) only exists
-            inside the <code class="inline-code">list</code> body. Also, macros/functions
-            called from within the loop won&#39;t see it (as if it were a local
-            variable).</p>
-            <p>Listing hashes is very similar, but you need to provide two
-            variable names after the <code class="inline-code">as</code>; one for the hash
-            key, and another for the associated value. Assuming
-            <code class="inline-code">products</code> is <code class="inline-code">{ &quot;apple&quot;: 5, &quot;banana&quot;:
-            10, &quot;kiwi&quot;: 15 }</code>:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list products as name, price&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;${name}: ${price}
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  &lt;p&gt;apple: 5
-  &lt;p&gt;banan: 10
-  &lt;p&gt;kiwi: 15</pre></div>
-            <p>Note that not all hash variables can be listed, because some
-            of them isn&#39;t able to enumerate its keys. It&#39;s practically safe to
-            assume though that hashes that stand for Java
-            <code class="inline-code">Map</code> objects can be listed.</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_103">else directive</h3>
-            <a name="ref.directive.list.else"></a>
-              <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">else</code> inside <code class="inline-code">list</code> is
-              only supported since FreeMarker 2.3.23</p>
-              </div>
-            <p>The <code class="inline-code">else</code> directive is used if when there
-            are 0 items, you have to print something special instead of just
-            printing nothing:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users as user&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;${user}
-  &lt;p&gt;No users
-            <p>This outputs the same as the earlier example, except when
-            <code class="inline-code">users</code> contains 0 items:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  &lt;p&gt;No users</pre></div>
-            <p>Note that the loop variable (<code class="inline-code">user</code>)
-            doesn&#39;t exist between the <code class="inline-code">else</code> tag and the
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> end-tag, since that part is not part of
-            the loop.</p>
-            <p><code class="inline-code">else</code> must be literally (means, in the
-            source code) inside the body of the <code class="inline-code">list</code>
-            directive. That is, you can&#39;t moved it out into a macro or
-            included template.</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_104">items directive</h3>
-            <a name="ref.directive.items"></a>
-              <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">items</code> exists since FreeMarker
-              2.3.23</p>
-              </div>
-            <p>The <code class="inline-code">items</code> directive is used if you have
-            to print (or do) something before the first list item, and after
-            the last list item, as far as there&#39;s at least 1 item. A typical
-            example:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users&gt;
-  &lt;ul&gt;
-    &lt;#items as user&gt;
-      &lt;li&gt;${user}&lt;/li&gt;
-    &lt;/#items&gt;
-  &lt;/ul&gt;
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  &lt;ul&gt;
-      &lt;li&gt;Joe&lt;/li&gt;
-      &lt;li&gt;Kate&lt;/li&gt;
-      &lt;li&gt;Fred&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;/ul&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>If there are 0 items, the above won&#39;t print anything, thus
-            you don&#39;t end up with an empty
-            <code class="inline-code">&lt;ul&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</code>.</p>
-            <p>That is, when the <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive has no
-            <code class="inline-code">as <em class="code-color">item</em></code> parameter,
-            the body of its is executed exactly once if there&#39;s at least one
-            item, or not at all otherwise. It&#39;s the body of the mandatory
-            nested <code class="inline-code">items</code> directive that will be run for
-            each item, and hence it&#39;s also the <code class="inline-code">items</code>
-            directive that defines the loop variable with <code class="inline-code">as
-            <em class="code-color">item</em></code>, not
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code>.</p>
-            <p>A <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive with
-            <code class="inline-code">items</code> also can have an <code class="inline-code">else</code>
-            directive:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users&gt;
-  &lt;ul&gt;
-    &lt;#items as user&gt;
-      &lt;li&gt;${user}&lt;/li&gt;
-    &lt;/#items&gt;
-  &lt;/ul&gt;
-  &lt;p&gt;No users
-            <p>Some further details:</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <p>The parser will check that a <code class="inline-code">list</code>
-                without <code class="inline-code">as <em class="code-color">item</em></code>
-                parameter always has a nested <code class="inline-code">items</code>
-                directive, and that an <code class="inline-code">items</code> directive
-                always has an enclosing <code class="inline-code">list</code> which has no
-                <code class="inline-code">as <em class="code-color">item</em></code>
-                parameter. This is checked when the template is parsed, not
-                when the template is executed. Thus, these rules apply on the
-                FTL source code itself, so you can&#39;t move
-                <code class="inline-code">items</code> out into a macro or included
-                template.</p>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <p>A <code class="inline-code">list</code> can have multiple
-                <code class="inline-code">items</code> directives, but only one of them will
-                be allowed to run (as far as you don&#39;t leave and re-enter the
-                enclosing <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive); and further
-                attempts to call <code class="inline-code">items</code> will cause error. So
-                multiple <code class="inline-code">items</code> can be utilized on different
-                <code class="inline-code">if</code>-<code class="inline-code">else</code> branches for
-                example, but not for iterating twice.</p>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <p><code class="inline-code">items</code> directive can&#39;t have its own
-                nested <code class="inline-code">else</code> directive, only the enclosing
-                <code class="inline-code">list</code> can have</p>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <p>The loop variable (<code class="inline-code">user</code>) only exists
-                inside the body of the <code class="inline-code">items</code>
-                directive.</p>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_105">sep directive</h3>
-            <a name="ref.directive.sep"></a>
-              <div class="callout note">
-    <strong class="callout-label">Note:</strong>
-              <p><code class="inline-code">sep</code> exists since FreeMarker
-              2.3.23</p>
-              </div>
-            <p><code class="inline-code">sep</code> is used when you have to display
-            something between each item (but not before the first item or
-            after the last item). For example:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users as user&gt;${user}<strong>&lt;#sep&gt;, </strong>&lt;/#list&gt;</pre></div>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">Joe, Kate, Fred</pre></div>
-            <p>Above, <code class="inline-code">&lt;#sep&gt;, &lt;/#list&gt;</code> is a
-            shorthand for <code class="inline-code">&lt;#sep&gt;,
-            &lt;/#sep&gt;&lt;/#list&gt;</code>; the <code class="inline-code">sep</code>
-            end-tag can be omitted if you would put it where the enclosing
-            directive is closed anyway. In the next example, you couldn&#39;t use
-            such abbreviation (HTML tags close nothing, as they are just raw
-            text to output for FreeMarker):</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users as user&gt;
-  &lt;div&gt;
-    ${user}<strong>&lt;#sep&gt;, &lt;/#sep&gt;</strong>
-  &lt;/div&gt;
-            <p><code class="inline-code">sep</code> is just a shorthand for
-            <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if
-            <em class="code-color">item</em>?has_next&gt;...&lt;/#if&gt;</code>.
-            Thus, it can be used anywhere where there&#39;s a
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> or <code class="inline-code">items</code> loop variable
-            available, it can occur for multiple times, and it can have
-            arbitrary nested content.</p>
-            <p>The parser ensures that <code class="inline-code">sep</code> is only used
-            on a place where there&#39;s a visible loop variable. This happens
-            earlier than the actual execution of the template. Thus, you can&#39;t
-            move <code class="inline-code">sep</code> from inside the associated
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> or <code class="inline-code">items</code> directive into
-            a macro or included template (the parser can&#39;t know where those
-            will be called from).</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_106">break directive</h3>
-            <a name="ref.directive.list.break"></a>
-            <p>You can exit the iteration at any point with the
-            <code class="inline-code">break</code> directive. For example:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list 1..10 as x&gt;
-  ${x}
-  &lt;#if x == 3&gt;
-    <strong>&lt;#break&gt;</strong>
-  &lt;/#if&gt;
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  1
-  2
-  3</pre></div>
-            <p>The <code class="inline-code">break</code> directives can be placed
-            anywhere inside <code class="inline-code">list</code> as far as it has
-            <code class="inline-code">as <em class="code-color">item</em></code> parameter,
-            otherwise it can be placed anywhere inside the
-            <code class="inline-code">items</code> directive. If the
-            <code class="inline-code">break</code> is inside <code class="inline-code">items</code>, it
-            will only exit from <code class="inline-code">items</code>, not from
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code>. In general, <code class="inline-code">break</code> will
-            only exit from the directive whose body is called for each item,
-            and can only be placed inside such directive. So for example can&#39;t
-            use <code class="inline-code">break</code> inside <code class="inline-code">list</code>&#39;s
-            <code class="inline-code">else</code> section, unless there&#39;s the
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> is nested into another
-            <code class="inline-code">break</code>-able directive.</p>
-            <p>Just like <code class="inline-code">else</code> and
-            <code class="inline-code">items</code>, <code class="inline-code">break</code> must be
-            literally inside body of the directive to break out from, and
-            can&#39;t be moved out into a macro or included template.</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_107">Accessing iteration state</h3>
-            <p>Starting from 2.3.23, <a href="ref_builtins_loop_var.html">loop variable built-ins</a> is
-            the preferred way of accessing current state of the iteration. For
-            example, here we use the <code class="inline-code">counter</code> and
-            <code class="inline-code">item_parity</code> loop variable built-ins (see all of
-            them <a href="ref_builtins_loop_var.html">in the
-            Reference</a>):</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list users&gt;
-  &lt;table&gt;
-    &lt;#items as user&gt;
-      &lt;tr class=&quot;${user<strong>?item_parity</strong>}Row&quot;&gt;
-        &lt;td&gt;${user<strong>?counter</strong>}
-        &lt;td&gt;${user}
-    &lt;/#items&gt;
-  &lt;/table&gt;
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  &lt;table&gt;
-      &lt;tr class=&quot;<strong>odd</strong>Row&quot;&gt;
-        &lt;td&gt;<strong>1</strong>
-        &lt;td&gt;Joe
-      &lt;tr class=&quot;<strong>even</strong>Row&quot;&gt;
-        &lt;td&gt;<strong>2</strong>
-        &lt;td&gt;Kate
-      &lt;tr class=&quot;<strong>odd</strong>Row&quot;&gt;
-        &lt;td&gt;<strong>3</strong>
-        &lt;td&gt;Fred
-  &lt;/table&gt;</pre></div>
-            <p>In 2.3.22 and earlier, there were two extra loop variables
-            to retrieve the iteration state instead (and they still exist for
-            backward compatibility):</p>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <p><code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">item</em>_index</code>
-                (<em>deprecated</em> by
-                <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">item</em>?index</code>): The
-                index (0-based number) of the current item in the loop.</p>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <p><code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">item</em>_has_next</code>
-                (<em>deprecated</em> by
-                <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">item</em>?has_next</code>):
-                Boolean value that tells if the current item is the last in
-                the sequence or not.</p>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <p>so in the above example, you could replace
-            <code class="inline-code">${user?counter}</code> with <code class="inline-code">${user_index +
-            1}</code>.</p>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_108">Nesting loops into each other</h3>
-            <p>Naturally, <code class="inline-code">list</code> or
-            <code class="inline-code">items</code> can contain further
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code>-s:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list 1..2 as i&gt;
-  &lt;#list 1..3 as j&gt;
-    i = ${i}, j = ${j}
-  &lt;/#list&gt;
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">    i = 1, j = 1
-    i = 1, j = 2
-    i = 1, j = 3
-    i = 2, j = 1
-    i = 2, j = 2
-    i = 2, j = 3</pre></div>
-            <p>It&#39;s also allowed to use clashing loop variable names
-            like:</p>
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#list 1..2 as i&gt;
-  Outer: ${i}
-  &lt;#list 10..12 as i&gt;
-    Inner: ${i}
-  &lt;/#list&gt;
-  Outer again: ${i}
-<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">  Outer: 1
-    Inner: 10
-    Inner: 11
-    Inner: 12
-  Outer again: 1
-  Outer: 2
-    Inner: 10
-    Inner: 11
-    Inner: 12
-  Outer again: 2</pre></div>
-<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_109">Notes for Java programmers</h3>
-            <p><span class="marked-for-programmers">If classic compatible mode
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code> accepts a scalar too and treats it as a
-            single-element sequence.</span></p>
-            <p><span class="marked-for-programmers">If you pass an collection that
-            wraps an <code class="inline-code">java.util.Iterator</code> to the
-            <code class="inline-code">list</code>, you can iterate over its elements only
-            once, since <code class="inline-code">Iterator</code>s are by their nature
-            one-off objects. When you try to list a such collection variable
-            for the second time, an error will abort template
-            processing.</span></p>
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-Last generated:
-<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2017-03-13T10:55:28Z" title="Monday, March 13, 2017 10:55:28 AM GMT">2017-03-13 10:55:28 GMT</time>, for Freemarker 2.3.26 </p>
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