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Posted to by Quentin Smith <> on 2001/06/29 18:31:20 UTC

Puzzling line numbers

I'm getting some odd errors when I try to go to an asp page i built. 
Specifically, I get,

   1. Unrecognized character \010 at (eval 28) line 199
      , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 1840

The odd thing is that the source code listing in the email only goes to 
line 198. I've made sure I converted every file from mac line endings to 
linux before I tried to go to the page. If I cut out all of my asp code, 
the page works (without any functionality.) The full code is shown 
below. As they say, "What gives??"
Thanks for your help,

*_Compiled Data with Error_* 

  1: package My::HBSchools; ;; sub My::HBSchools::_home_httpd_html_hbschools_students_aspxINL {  ;;  @_ = (); ;; no strict;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);;use lib qw(/home/httpd/html/hbschools//.);;;$main::Response->WriteRef(\('Enter the criteria you would like to search by:<BR>
  2: <FORM ACTION="'.($Basename).'" METHOD=GET>
  4:     <TR>
  5: 	<TH>Last Name:</TH> 
  6: 	<TD COLSPAN="4"><INPUT NAME="lastname" TYPE="text" SIZE="53"
  7: 	VALUE="'.($Form->{lastname}).'"></TD>
  8:     </TR>
  9:     <TR>
 10: 	<TH>First Name:</TH> 
 11: 	<TD><INPUT NAME="firstname" TYPE="text" SIZE="30"
 12: 	VALUE="'.($Form->{firstname}).'"></TD>
 13: 	<TH>Middle Name(s):</TH>
 14: 	<TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT NAME="middlenames" TYPE="text" SIZE="30" 
 15: 	VALUE="'.($Form->{middlenames}).'"></TD>
 16:     </TR>
 17:     <TR>
 18: 	<TH>Phone Number:</TH> 
 19: 	<TD COLSPAN="4">
 20: 	(<INPUT NAME="phone1" TYPE="text" SIZE="3" MAXLENGTH="3">)
 21: 	<INPUT NAME="phone2" TYPE="text" SIZE="3" MAXLENGTH="3">
 22: 	-
 23: 	<INPUT NAME="phone3" TYPE="text" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4">
 24: 	</TD> 
 25:     </TR>
 26:     <TR>
 27: 	<TH>Address:</TH> 
 28: 	<TD COLSPAN="4"><INPUT NAME="address" TYPE="text" SIZE="53"></TD>
 29:     </TR>
 30:     <TR>
 31: 	<TH>City:</TH>
 32: 	<TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT NAME="city" TYPE="text" SIZE="30"></TD>
 33: 	<TH>State:</TH> 
 34: 	<TD><INPUT NAME="state" TYPE="text" SIZE="2" MAXLENGTH="2"></TD> 
 35:     </TR>
 36:     <TR>
 37: 	<TH>Grade:</TH> 
 38: 	<TD COLSPAN="2"><SELECT NAME="firstgradeyear">
 39: 	    '));
 40: 	    my (undef, undef, undef, undef, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef) = localtime();
 41: 	    my $y1;
 42: 	    if ($mon > 5) { $y1 = $year + 1901; } else { $y1 = $year + 1900; }
 43: 	    ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
 45: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1).'">First Grade
 46: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-1).'">Second Grade
 47: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-2).'">Third Grade
 48: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-3).'">Fourth Grade
 49: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-4).'">Fifth Grade
 50: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-5).'">Sixth Grade
 51: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-6).'">Seventh Grade
 52: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-7).'">Eigth Grade
 53: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-8).'">Ninth Grade
 54: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-9).'">Tenth Grade
 55: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-10).'">Eleventh Grade
 56: 	    <OPTION VALUE="'.($y1-11).'">Twelfth Grade
 57: 	</SELECT></TD>
 58: 	<TH>Gender:</TH> 
 59: 	<TD><SELECT NAME="female">
 61: 	    <OPTION VALUE="0">Male
 62: 	    <OPTION VALUE="1">Female
 63: 	</SELECT></TD> 
 64:     </TR>
 65: </TABLE>
 67: <SELECT NAME="display" SIZE="1">
 68:     <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="table">Table
 69:     <OPTION VALUE="compact">Compact display
 70:     <OPTION VALUE="yearbook">Like a yearbook
 71:     <OPTION VALUE="full">Full display
 72: </SELECT>
 74: <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="search" VALUE="Search">
 75: </FORM>
 76: <BR>
 78: ')); 
 79: if ($Form->{search}) {
 80: local $sql = "";
 81: local @args;
 82: ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
 83: '));
 84: $sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE";
 85: if ($Form->{lastname}) {
 86:     $sql .= " lastname ~* ? AND";
 87:     push(@args, ".*$Form->{lastname}.*";
 88: }
 89: if ($Form->{firstname}) {
 90:     $sql .= " firstname ~* ? AND";
 91:     push(@args, ".*$Form->{firstname}.*";
 92: }
 93: if ($Form->{middlenames}) {
 94:     $sql .= " middlenames ~* ? AND";
 95:     push(@args, ".*$Form->{middlenames}.*";
 96: }
 97: if ($Form->{phone1} || $Form->{phone2} || $Form->{phone3}) {
 98:     $sql .= " phonenumber ~ ? AND";
 99:     my ($p1, $p2, $p3) = ($Form->{phone1}, $Form->{phone2}, $Form->{phone3});
100:     my $re = $p1.'.' x (3-length($p1)).$p2.'.' x (3-length($p1)).$p3.'.' x (4-length($p1));
101:     push(@args, $re);
102: }
103: if ($Form->{address}) {
104:     $sql .= " (address1 ~* ? OR address2 ~* ?) AND";
105:     push @args, ".*$Form->{address}.*", ".*$Form->{address}.*";
106: }
107: if ($Form->{city}) {
108:     $sql .= " city ~* ? AND";
109:     push @args, ".*$Form->{city}.*";
110: }
111: if ($Form->{state}) {
112:     $sql .= " state = ? AND";
113:     push @args, $Form->{state};
114: }
115: if ($Form->{firstgradeyear} > 0) {
116:     $sql .= " firstgradeyear = ? AND";
117:     push @args, $Form->{firstgradeyear};
118: }
119: if ($Form->{female} > 0) {
120:     $sql .= " female = 1 AND";
121: } elsif ($Form->{female} eq "0") {
122:     $sql .= " female = 0 AND";
123: }
124: $sql .= " id > 0";
125: ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
126: '));
127: if ($Form->{page}) {
128: 	$sql .= " LIMIT ".$Form->{page}*20.", 20";
129: } else {
130: 	$sql .= " LIMIT 20";
131: }
132: my $lsth;
133: $lsth = $Db->prepare_cached($sql);
134: $lsth->execute(@args);
135: #my $index = $Form->{'index'};
136: #my $lsth;
137: #if ((lc $index) eq 'all') {
138: #$lsth = $Db->prepare_cached("SELECT name, description FROM commandquickref");
139: #} else {
140: #$lsth = $Db->prepare_cached("SELECT name, description FROM commandquickref WHERE name LIKE ?");
141: #}
142: #unless ($lsth) {
143: #die DBI::errstr;
144: #}
145: #$lsth->execute(((lc $index ne 'all') ? ((lc $index).'%') : ())) or die DBI::errstr;
147: ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
149: Search results:<BR>
151: '));
152: my $display = $Form->{display};
153: my $row;
154: if ($display eq "table") {
155: $Response->Write("<TABLE WIDTH=90; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('\\n");
156:     while ($row = $lsth->fetchrow_hashref) {
157: 	$Response->Include("", "table", $row);
158:     }
159:     $Response->Write("</TABLE>\\n");
160: } elsif ($display eq "compact" or $display eq "full") {
161:     while ($row = $lsth->fetchrow_hashref) {
162: 	$Response->Include("", $display, $row);
163: 	$Response->Write("\\n<HR>\\n");
164:     }
165: }
167: $Response->Write(\'<P ALIGN="RIGHT">\');
169: If ($Form->{page} > 0) {
170: # Not the first page
171: my $url = $Request->ServerVariables("REQUEST_URI");
172: if ($url =~ /page\\=/i) {
173:     $url =~ s/page\\=(\\d+)/"page\\=".$1-1/ie;
174: } else {
175:     $url .= "&page=".$Form->{page}-1;
176: }
177: $Response->Write(\'<A HREF="'.('.$url.'">Previous page</A> |');
178: } else { $Response->Write("Previous page |");
179: }
180: if ($lsth->{rows} > 19) {
181: # There's another page
182: my $url = $Request->ServerVariables("REQUEST_URI");
183: if ($url =~ /page\=/i) {
184:     $url =~ s/page\=(\d+)/"page\=".$1+1/ie;
185: } else {
186:     $url .= "&page=".$Form->{page}+1;
187: }
188: ).'
189: <A HREF="'.($url).'">Next page</A>
190: ')); } else { ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
191: Next page
192: '));
193: }
194: $lsth->finish;
195: } else { ; $main::Response->WriteRef(\('
196: <P>Welcome to the HBSchools Student Database. Please enter some filters 
197: above.</P>
198: ')); } ; ;;no lib qw(/home/httpd/html/hbschools//.); ;; }

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Re: Puzzling line numbers

Posted by Joshua Chamas <>.
Quentin Smith wrote:
> Hi-
> I'm getting some odd errors when I try to go to an asp page i built.
> Specifically, I get,
>    1. Unrecognized character \010 at (eval 28) line 199
>       <mailbox:///home/quentins/.mozilla/quentins/k3xf2778.slt/Mail/Mail/>.
>       , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 1840
> The odd thing is that the source code listing in the email only goes to
> line 198. I've made sure I converted every file from mac line endings to
> linux before I tried to go to the page. If I cut out all of my asp code,
> the page works (without any functionality.) The full code is shown
> below. As they say, "What gives??"
> Thanks for your help,


I don't know what's happening... maybe you could send me your ASP
script, and I could check it out under linux.  I don't need the 
global.asa and all, I'll just tweak it as necessary.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks <- Web Link Checking          Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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Re: Puzzling line numbers

Posted by Joshua Chamas <>.
Quentin Smith wrote:
> Hi-
> I'm getting some odd errors when I try to go to an asp page i built.
> Specifically, I get,
>    1. Unrecognized character \010 at (eval 28) line 199
>       <mailbox:///home/quentins/.mozilla/quentins/k3xf2778.slt/Mail/Mail/>.
>       , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 1840
> The odd thing is that the source code listing in the email only goes to
> line 198. I've made sure I converted every file from mac line endings to
> linux before I tried to go to the page. If I cut out all of my asp code,
> the page works (without any functionality.) The full code is shown
> below. As they say, "What gives??"
> Thanks for your help,

To wrap up this thread after working on it with Quentin, it seems that 
there were so many errors in the scripts, perl got confused and
started reporting nonsense.  Isolating the code into smaller blocks
by commenting blocks out with pod comments like:

HTML <% perl %> 

allowed perl to start reporting what the real errors were.
At one point in working through things, perl actually reported
as the error: "too many errors".  Very helpful.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks <- Web Link Checking          Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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