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[44/51] [partial] incubator-juneau git commit: Add project hierarchies, part 2.
diff --git a/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/ b/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c60499..0000000
--- a/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.apache.juneau.TestUtils.*;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class ObjectListTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testBasic
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testBasic() throws Exception {
-		assertEquals(
-			"['A','B','C']",
-			new ObjectList((Object[])new String[]{"A","B","C"}).toString()
-		);
-		assertEquals(
-			"['A','B','C']",
-			new ObjectList("A","B","C").toString()
-		);
-		assertEquals(
-			"['A','B','C']",
-			new ObjectList(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"A","B","C"})).toString()
-		);
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testIterateAs
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testIterateAs() throws Exception {
-		// Iterate over a list of ObjectMaps.
-		ObjectList l = new ObjectList("[{foo:'bar'},{baz:123}]");
-		Iterator<ObjectMap> i1 = l.elements(ObjectMap.class).iterator();
-		assertEquals("bar","foo"));
-		assertEquals(123, (int)"baz"));
-		// Iterate over a list of ints.
-		l = new ObjectList("[1,2,3]");
-		Iterator<Integer> i2 = l.elements(Integer.class).iterator();
-		assertEquals(1, (int);
-		assertEquals(2, (int);
-		assertEquals(3, (int);
-		// Iterate over a list of beans.
-		// Automatically converts to beans.
-		l = new ObjectList("[{name:'John Smith',age:45}]");
-		Iterator<Person> i3 = l.elements(Person.class).iterator();
-		assertEquals("John Smith",;
-	}
-	public static class Person {
-		public String name;
-		public int age;
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testAtMethods
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testAtMethods() throws Exception {
-		ObjectList l = new ObjectList("[{foo:'bar'},{baz:123}]");
-		String r;
-		r = l.getAt("0/foo", String.class);
-		assertEquals("bar", r);
-		l.putAt("0/foo", "bing");
-		r = l.getAt("0/foo", String.class);
-		assertEquals("bing", r);
-		l.postAt("", new ObjectMap("{a:'b'}"));
-		r = l.getAt("2/a", String.class);
-		assertEquals("b", r);
-		l.deleteAt("2");
-		assertEquals("[{foo:'bing'},{baz:123}]", l.toString());
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// ObjectList(Reader)
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testFromReader() throws Exception {
-		assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", new ObjectList(new StringReader("[1,2,3]")));
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testGetMap
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testGetMap() throws Exception {
-		ObjectList l = new ObjectList("[{1:'true',2:'false'}]");
-		Map<Integer,Boolean> m2 = l.getMap(0, Integer.class, Boolean.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("{'1':true,'2':false}", m2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, m2.keySet().iterator().next().getClass());
-		assertEquals(Boolean.class, m2.values().iterator().next().getClass());
-		m2 = l.get(0, Map.class, Integer.class, Boolean.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("{'1':true,'2':false}", m2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, m2.keySet().iterator().next().getClass());
-		assertEquals(Boolean.class, m2.values().iterator().next().getClass());
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testGetList
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testGetList() throws Exception {
-		ObjectList l = new ObjectList("[['123','456']]");
-		List<Integer> l2 = l.getList(0, Integer.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("[123,456]", l2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, l2.iterator().next().getClass());
-		l2 = l.get(0, List.class, Integer.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("[123,456]", l2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, l2.iterator().next().getClass());
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/ b/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/
deleted file mode 100755
index efce0a0..0000000
--- a/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.apache.juneau.TestUtils.*;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.utils.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class ObjectMapTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testBasic
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testBasic() throws Exception {
-		String in;
-		in = "{A:'asdf'}";
-		checkStep(1, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "asdf");
-		in = "{A:{B:'asdf'}}";
-		checkStep(2, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B"), "asdf");
-		checkStep(3, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "{B:'asdf'}");
-		in = "{A:{B:'asdf'+\"asdf\"}}";
-		checkStep(4, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B"), "asdfasdf");
-		checkStep(5, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "{B:'asdfasdf'}");
-		in = "{A:{B:'asdf' + \n\t \"asdf\"}}";
-		checkStep(6, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B"), "asdfasdf");
-		checkStep(7, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "{B:'asdfasdf'}");
-		in = "{A:{B:'asdf\"asdf', C:\"asdf'asdf\", D : \"asdf\\\"asdf\", E: 'asdf\\\'asdf', F:\"asdf\\\'asdf\", G:'asdf\\\"asdf'}}";
-		checkStep(8, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B"), "asdf\"asdf");
-		checkStep(9, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/C"), "asdf'asdf");
-		checkStep(10, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/D"), "asdf\"asdf");
-		checkStep(11, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/E"), "asdf'asdf");
-		checkStep(12, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/F"), "asdf'asdf");
-		checkStep(13, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/G"), "asdf\"asdf");
-		in = "{A:123, B: 123}";
-		checkStep(16, in, new Integer(new ObjectMap(in).getInt("A")).toString(), "123");
-		checkStep(17, in, new Integer(new ObjectMap(in).getInt("B")).toString(), "123");
-		in = "{A:true, B: true, C:false, D: false}";
-		checkStep(18, in, new Boolean(new ObjectMap(in).getBoolean("A")).toString(), "true");
-		checkStep(19, in, new Boolean(new ObjectMap(in).getBoolean("B")).toString(), "true");
-		checkStep(20, in, new Boolean(new ObjectMap(in).getBoolean("C")).toString(), "false");
-		checkStep(21, in, new Boolean(new ObjectMap(in).getBoolean("D")).toString(), "false");
-		in = "{'AAA':{\"BBB\":\"CCC\",'DDD':false}}";
-		checkStep(31, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "AAA/BBB"), "CCC");
-		checkStep(32, in, getDeepBoolean(new ObjectMap(in), "AAA/DDD").toString(), "false");
-		in = " \n\n\t {  'AAA' : { \"BBB\" : \"CCC\" , 'DDD' : false } } \n\t";
-		checkStep(33, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "AAA/BBB"), "CCC");
-		checkStep(34, in, getDeepBoolean(new ObjectMap(in), "AAA/DDD").toString(), "false");
-		in = "/*x*/{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(100, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{/*x*/A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(101, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A/*x*/:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(102, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:/*x*/'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(103, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:'/*x*/B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(104, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "/*x*/B");
-		in = "{A:'B/*x*/','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(105, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B/*x*/");
-		in = "{A:'B'/*x*/,'C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(106, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:'B',/*x*/'C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(107, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':/*x*/1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(108, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1/*x*/,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(109, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,/*x*/\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(110, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"/*x*/E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(111, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("/*x*/E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E/*x*/\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(112, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E/*x*/").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\"/*x*/:[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(113, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":/*x*/[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(114, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[/*x*/1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(115, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1/*x*/,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(116, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,/*x*/2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(117, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2/*x*/,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(118, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,/*x*/3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(119, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(2), "3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3]/*x*/,G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(120, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(2), "3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],/*x*/G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(121, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:[/*x*/'g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(122, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['/*x*/g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(123, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "/*x*/g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1'/*x*/,'g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(124, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1',/*x*/'g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(125, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2'/*x*/,'g3']}";
-		checkStep(126, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2',/*x*/'g3']}";
-		checkStep(127, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3'/*x*/]}";
-		checkStep(128, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']/*x*/}";
-		checkStep(129, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}/*x*/";
-		checkStep(130, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(201, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(202, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(203, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(204, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:'/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(205, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/B");
-		in = "{A:'B/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(206, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/");
-		in = "{A:'B'/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,'C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(207, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:'B',/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/'C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(208, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(209, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(210, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C"), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(211, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(212, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(213, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\"/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/:[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(214, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(215, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(216, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(217, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(218, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(219, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(220, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(2), "3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3]/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(221, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(2), "3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(222, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:[/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/'g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(223, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(224, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1'/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,'g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(225, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g1");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1',/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/'g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(226, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2'/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/,'g3']}";
-		checkStep(227, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2',/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/'g3']}";
-		checkStep(228, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3'/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/]}";
-		checkStep(229, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/}";
-		checkStep(230, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}/*\tx\t*///\tx\t\n\t/*\tx\t*/";
-		checkStep(231, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(2), "g3");
-		in = "{  /*  x  */  //  x  \n  /*  x  */  A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(240, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A"), "B");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(301, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A", "default"), "B");
-		in = "{/*A:'B',*/'C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(302, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("A", "default"), "default");
-		in = "{A:'B',/*'C':1,*/\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(303, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("C", "default"), "default");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,/*\"E\":[1,2,3],*/G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(304, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("E", "default"), "default");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[/*1,*/2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(305, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(0), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,/*2,*/3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(306, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2/*,3*/],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(307, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("E").getString(1), "2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:[/*'g1',*/'g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(308, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(0), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1'/*,'g2'*/,'g3']}";
-		checkStep(309, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g3");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2'/*,'g3'*/]}";
-		checkStep(310, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		in = "{A:'B','C':1,\"E\":[1,2,3],G:['g1','g2','g3']}";
-		checkStep(310, in, new ObjectMap(in).getObjectList("G").getString(1), "g2");
-		// Check keys that contain array indexes
-		in = "{A:{B:[{C:'c0'},{C:'c1'},{C:'c2'}]}}";
-		checkStep(401, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B/0/C"), "c0");
-		checkStep(402, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B/1/C"), "c1");
-		checkStep(403, in, getDeepString(new ObjectMap(in), "A/B/2/C"), "c2");
-		// Check extended unicode characters.
-		in = "{'𤭢𤭢':'𤭢𤭢'}";
-		checkStep(1, in, new ObjectMap(in).getString("𤭢𤭢"), "𤭢𤭢");
-	}
-	private String getDeepString(ObjectMap m, String url) {
-		PojoRest r = new PojoRest(m);
-		return (String)r.get(url);
-	}
-	private Boolean getDeepBoolean(ObjectMap m, String url) {
-		PojoRest r = new PojoRest(m);
-		return (Boolean)r.get(url);
-	}
-	private void checkStep(int step, String input, String output, String expectedValue) {
-		if (!output.equals(expectedValue)) {
-			String msg = "Step #" + step + " failed: [" + input + "]->[" + output + "]...Expected value=[" + expectedValue + "]";
-			fail(msg);
-		}
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testComparison
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testComparison() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m1 = new ObjectMap("{ firstName:'John', lastName:'Smith', age:123, isDeceased:false }");
-		ObjectMap m2 = new ObjectMap("{ age:123, isDeceased:false, lastName:'Smith', firstName:'John' }");
-		assertTrue(m1.equals(m2));
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testParent
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testParent() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m1 = new ObjectMap("{a:1}");
-		ObjectMap m2 = new ObjectMap("{b:2}").setInner(m1);
-		assertEquals(new Integer(1), m2.getInt("a"));
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testUpdatability
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testUpdatability() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{a:[{b:'c'}]}");
-		ObjectList l = m.getObjectList("a");
-		ObjectMap m2 = l.getObjectMap(0);
-		m2.put("b", "x");
-		assertObjectEquals("{a:[{b:'x'}]}", m);
-		m = new ObjectMap("{a:[{b:'c'}]}");
-		for (ObjectMap m3 : m.getObjectList("a").elements(ObjectMap.class))
-			m3.put("b", "y");
-		assertObjectEquals("{a:[{b:'y'}]}", m);
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testAtMethods
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testAtMethods() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{a:[{b:'c'}]}");
-		String r;
-		r = m.getAt("a/0/b", String.class);
-		assertEquals("c", r);
-		m.putAt("a/0/b", "d");
-		r = m.getAt("a/0/b", String.class);
-		assertEquals("d", r);
-		m.postAt("a", "e");
-		r = m.getAt("a/1", String.class);
-		assertEquals("e", r);
-		m.deleteAt("a/1");
-		assertEquals("{a:[{b:'d'}]}", m.toString());
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// ObjectMap(Reader)
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testFromReader() throws Exception {
-		assertObjectEquals("{foo:'bar'}", new ObjectMap(new StringReader("{foo:'bar'}")));
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testGetMap
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testGetMap() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{a:{1:'true',2:'false'}}");
-		Map<Integer,Boolean> m2 = m.getMap("a", Integer.class, Boolean.class, null);
-		assertObjectEquals("{'1':true,'2':false}", m2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, m2.keySet().iterator().next().getClass());
-		assertEquals(Boolean.class, m2.values().iterator().next().getClass());
-		m2 = m.getMap("b", Integer.class, Boolean.class, null);
-		assertNull(m2);
-		m2 = m.get("a", Map.class, Integer.class, Boolean.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("{'1':true,'2':false}", m2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, m2.keySet().iterator().next().getClass());
-		assertEquals(Boolean.class, m2.values().iterator().next().getClass());
-		m2 = m.get("b", Map.class, Integer.class, Boolean.class);
-		assertNull(m2);
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testGetList
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testGetList() throws Exception {
-		ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{a:['123','456']}");
-		List<Integer> l2 = m.getList("a", Integer.class, null);
-		assertObjectEquals("[123,456]", l2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, l2.iterator().next().getClass());
-		l2 = m.getList("b", Integer.class, null);
-		assertNull(l2);
-		l2 = m.get("a", List.class, Integer.class);
-		assertObjectEquals("[123,456]", l2);
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, l2.iterator().next().getClass());
-		l2 = m.get("b", List.class, Integer.class);
-		assertNull(l2);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
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-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class ParserGenericsTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// Test generic maps
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testMap() throws Exception {
-		ReaderParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
-		String t = "{foo:{bar:'baz'}}";
-		Map<String,TreeMap<String,String>> r1 = p.parse(t, TestMap1.class);
-		assertEquals(TestMap1.class, r1.getClass());
-		assertEquals(TreeMap.class, r1.get("foo").getClass());
-		t = "{foo:[1,2,3]}";
-		Map<String,LinkedList<Integer>> r2 = p.parse(t, TestMap2.class);
-		assertEquals(TestMap2.class, r2.getClass());
-		assertEquals(LinkedList.class, r2.get("foo").getClass());
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, r2.get("foo").get(0).getClass());
-	}
-	public static class TestMap1 extends LinkedHashMap<String,TreeMap<String,String>> {}
-	public static class TestMap2 extends LinkedHashMap<String,LinkedList<Integer>> {}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// Test generic maps
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testCollection() throws Exception {
-		ReaderParser p = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
-		String t = "[{foo:{bar:'baz'}}]";
-		List<TestMap1> r1 = p.parse(t, TestCollection1.class);
-		assertEquals(TestCollection1.class, r1.getClass());
-		assertEquals(TestMap1.class, r1.get(0).getClass());
-		assertEquals(TreeMap.class, r1.get(0).get("foo").getClass());
-		t = "[{foo:[1,2,3]}]";
-		List<TestMap2> r2 = p.parse(t, TestCollection2.class);
-		assertEquals(TestCollection2.class, r2.getClass());
-		assertEquals(TestMap2.class, r2.get(0).getClass());
-		assertEquals(LinkedList.class, r2.get(0).get("foo").getClass());
-		assertEquals(Integer.class, r2.get(0).get("foo").get(0).getClass());
-	}
-	public static class TestCollection1 extends LinkedList<TestMap1> {}
-	public static class TestCollection2 extends LinkedList<TestMap2> {}
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-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class ParserReaderTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testBasic
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testBasic() throws Exception {
-		String t = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
-		// Min buff size is 20.
-		ParserReader pr = createParserReader(t);
-		String r = read(pr);
-		assertEquals(t, r);
-		pr.close();
-		pr = createParserReader(t);
-		pr.unread();
-		r = read(pr);
-		assertEquals(t, r);
-		pr.close();
-		pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals('0', (char)pr.peek());
-		assertEquals('0', (char)pr.peek());
-		r = read(pr);
-		assertEquals(t, r);
-		pr = createParserReader(t);
-		pr.unread();
-		try {
-			pr.unread();
-			fail("Exception expected");
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			// Good
-		}
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testMarking
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testMarking() throws Exception {
-		String t = "a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789";
-		String r = null;
-		// Min buff size is 20.
-		ParserReader pr = createParserReader(t);
-		read(pr, 5);
-		pr.mark();
-		read(pr, 10);
-		r = pr.getMarked();
-		assertEquals("56789b1234", r);
-		r = read(pr);
-		assertEquals("56789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789", r);
-		// Force doubling of buffer size
-		pr =createParserReader(t);
-		read(pr, 5);
-		pr.mark();
-		read(pr, 20);
-		r = pr.getMarked();
-		assertEquals("56789b123456789c1234", r);
-		r = read(pr);
-		assertEquals("56789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789", r);
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testReadStrings
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testReadStrings() throws Exception {
-		String t = "a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789";
-		// Min buff size is 20.
-		ParserReader pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals("a123456789",;
-		pr.mark();
-		assertEquals("b123456789c123456789",;
-		assertEquals("d123456789e123456789f123456789",;
-		assertEquals("123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f12345678", pr.getMarked(1, -1));
-		assertEquals("g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789",;
-		assertEquals("",;
-		pr.close();
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testReplace
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testReplace() throws Exception {
-		String t = "a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789";
-		// Min buff size is 20.
-		ParserReader pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals("a123456789",;
-		pr.mark();
-		assertEquals("b123456789",;
-		pr.replace('x');
-		assertEquals("c123456789",;
-		assertEquals("b12345678xc123456789", pr.getMarked());
-		pr.close();
-		pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals("a123456789",;
-		pr.mark();
-		assertEquals("b123456789",;
-		pr.replace('x', 5);
-		assertEquals("c123456789",;
-		assertEquals("b1234xc123456789", pr.getMarked());
-		pr.close();
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// testDelete
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testDelete() throws Exception {
-		String t = "a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789j123456789";
-		// Min buff size is 20.
-		ParserReader pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals("a123456789",;
-		pr.mark();
-		assertEquals("b123456789",;
-		pr.delete();
-		assertEquals("c123456789",;
-		assertEquals("b12345678c123456789", pr.getMarked());
-		pr.close();
-		pr = createParserReader(t);
-		assertEquals("a123456789",;
-		pr.mark();
-		assertEquals("b123456789",;
-		pr.delete(5);
-		assertEquals("c123456789",;
-		assertEquals("b1234c123456789", pr.getMarked());
-		pr.close();
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// Utility methods
-	//====================================================================================================
-	private String read(ParserReader r) throws IOException {
-		return read(r, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-	}
-	private String read(ParserReader r, int length) throws IOException {
-		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-			int c =;
-			if (c == -1)
-				return sb.toString();
-			sb.append((char)c);
-		}
-		return sb.toString();
-	}
-	private ParserReader createParserReader(Object in) throws Exception {
-		return new ParserReader(new ParserPipe(in, false, false, null, null));
-	}
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-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
-import org.apache.juneau.transform.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class PojoSwapTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// Test same type
-	// If you define a PojoSwap<String,String> filter, then it should be invoked on all strings.
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testSameType() throws Exception {
-		JsonSerializer s = new JsonSerializerBuilder().simple().pojoSwaps(ASwap.class).build();
-		JsonParser p = new JsonParserBuilder().pojoSwaps(ASwap.class).build();
-		String r;
-		r = s.serialize("foobar");
-		assertEquals("'xfoobarx'", r);
-		r = p.parse(r, String.class);
-		assertEquals("foobar", r);
-		ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap("{foo:'bar'}");
-		r = s.serialize(m);
-		assertEquals("{xfoox:'xbarx'}", r);
-	}
-	public static class ASwap extends StringSwap<String> {
-		@Override
-		public String swap(BeanSession session, String o) throws SerializeException {
-			return "x" + o + "x";
-		}
-		@Override
-		public String unswap(BeanSession session, String f, ClassMeta<?> hint) throws ParseException {
-			return f.substring(1, f.length()-1);
-		}
-	}
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-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
-// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
-// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
-// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// *                                                                             *
-// *                                                                                                                         *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
-// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *
-// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *
-// ***************************************************************************************************************************
-package org.apache.juneau;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class PropertyNamerTest {
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// test dashed-lower-case
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testDLC() throws Exception {
-		PropertyNamer n = new PropertyNamerDLC();
-		assertEquals("abc", n.getPropertyName("ABC"));
-		assertEquals("abc", n.getPropertyName("abc"));
-		assertEquals("foo-bar-baz", n.getPropertyName("FooBarBaz"));
-		assertEquals("foo-bar-baz", n.getPropertyName("FooBarBAZ"));
-		assertEquals("foo-bar-baz", n.getPropertyName("fooBarBAZ"));
-		assertEquals("", n.getPropertyName(""));
-		assertNull(n.getPropertyName(null));
-		assertEquals("a", n.getPropertyName("A"));
-		assertEquals("a", n.getPropertyName("A"));
-	}
-	//====================================================================================================
-	// test underscore-lower-case
-	//====================================================================================================
-	@Test
-	public void testULC() throws Exception {
-		PropertyNamer n = new PropertyNamerULC();
-		assertEquals("abc", n.getPropertyName("ABC"));
-		assertEquals("abc", n.getPropertyName("abc"));
-		assertEquals("foo_bar_baz", n.getPropertyName("FooBarBaz"));
-		assertEquals("foo_bar_baz", n.getPropertyName("FooBarBAZ"));
-		assertEquals("foo_bar_baz", n.getPropertyName("fooBarBAZ"));
-		assertEquals("", n.getPropertyName(""));
-		assertNull(n.getPropertyName(null));
-		assertEquals("a", n.getPropertyName("A"));
-		assertEquals("a", n.getPropertyName("A"));
-	}
\ No newline at end of file