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Posted to by Rainer Schwarze <> on 2006/10/05 20:24:11 UTC

Will HDF stay alive? And code style questions...


when looking into the Word part of POI I went through the HWPF
package. As far as I read on the web site, HWPF was created on base
of HDF. Are there plans about HDF keeping alive or will it vanish some day? 
In other words: In case I find code problems, should I check for
potential fixes in the HDF part? I assume that significant
extensions, like the picture extraction code which I saw recently,
should be developed for HWPF and not HDF - is that right?

I see a mixture of different coding styles in the project. The
projects web site explains that there is no specific coding style
enforced (except the javadoc part). 
Are there currently specific styles one should follow (which maybe
did not yet make it on the web site)? 
(for instance: indenting with tabs or spaces?, braces on same line as
function/if/for/... or not?)

Best wishes,

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