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Posted to by krishnan subramanian <> on 2012/09/08 21:50:24 UTC

BPEL Receive Activity and Correlations


    I am a newbie to Apache ODE and had the following queries on
Correleation definitions in the BPEL Receive and Reply activity,

    1) Can a Correlation be defined ( with initiate value set to yes or no
) in a BPEL Receive activity whose createInstance
      attribute is set to "yes" ?

      I cant think of a scenario that would require this and further the
standard says that no activity except some like <sequence>,
      <flow> and <scope> may be executed before the start activity.

      Does ODE does a static error checking to prevent this ?

    2) Similarly, can the Corelation be defined with initiate set to "yes"
or "join" in a BPEL Reply activity ?
        Is there a scenario that might require this ? If not does ODE does
error checking as a part of the static error checking ?

    Thanks in advance for any responses.
