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Posted to by Yann Verlynde <> on 2002/11/04 16:41:15 UTC

Problem with FileUpload


This is my code in an Action Class, I don't receive the upload file. The fileItems element is null.
How can I do to upload a file?

Thanks in advance

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {

   try {
      FileUpload fu = new FileUpload();
      // maximum size before a FileUploadException will be thrown
      // maximum size that will be stored in memory
      // the location for saving data that is larger than getSizeThreshold()

      List fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request);
      // assume we know there are two files. The first file is a small
      // text file, the second is unknown and is written to a file on
      // the server
      Iterator i = fileItems.iterator();
      String comment = ((FileItem);
      FileItem fi = (FileItem);

      // filename on the client
      String fileName = fi.getFieldName();
      // save comment and filename to database

      MessageResources messages = (MessageResources)getServlet().getServletContext().getAttribute("APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION");

      // write the file
      fi.write(messages.getMessage("upload.destination") + fileName);
    catch (Exception e) {
    //return a forward to display.jsp
    return mapping.findForward("display");