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[19/44] Remove src/couch_replicator
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d66ea..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_worker.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% public API
-% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
-% TODO: maybe make both buffer max sizes configurable
--define(DOC_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE, 512 * 1024).   % for remote targets
--define(DOC_BUFFER_LEN, 10).                 % for local targets, # of documents
--define(MAX_BULK_ATT_SIZE, 64 * 1024).
--define(MAX_BULK_ATTS_PER_DOC, 8).
--define(STATS_DELAY, 10000000).              % 10 seconds (in microseconds)
--define(inc_stat(StatPos, Stats, Inc),
-    setelement(StatPos, Stats, element(StatPos, Stats) + Inc)).
--import(couch_replicator_utils, [
-    open_db/1,
-    close_db/1,
-    start_db_compaction_notifier/2,
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier/1
--import(couch_util, [
-    to_binary/1,
-    get_value/3
--record(batch, {
-    docs = [],
-    size = 0
--record(state, {
-    cp,
-    loop,
-    max_parallel_conns,
-    source,
-    target,
-    readers = [],
-    writer = nil,
-    pending_fetch = nil,
-    flush_waiter = nil,
-    stats = #rep_stats{},
-    source_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
-    target_db_compaction_notifier = nil,
-    batch = #batch{}
-start_link(Cp, #db{} = Source, Target, ChangesManager, _MaxConns) ->
-    Pid = spawn_link(fun() ->
-        erlang:put(last_stats_report, now()),
-        queue_fetch_loop(Source, Target, Cp, Cp, ChangesManager)
-    end),
-    {ok, Pid};
-start_link(Cp, Source, Target, ChangesManager, MaxConns) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(
-        ?MODULE, {Cp, Source, Target, ChangesManager, MaxConns}, []).
-init({Cp, Source, Target, ChangesManager, MaxConns}) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    Parent = self(),
-    LoopPid = spawn_link(fun() ->
-        queue_fetch_loop(Source, Target, Parent, Cp, ChangesManager)
-    end),
-    erlang:put(last_stats_report, now()),
-    State = #state{
-        cp = Cp,
-        max_parallel_conns = MaxConns,
-        loop = LoopPid,
-        source = open_db(Source),
-        target = open_db(Target),
-        source_db_compaction_notifier =
-            start_db_compaction_notifier(Source, self()),
-        target_db_compaction_notifier =
-            start_db_compaction_notifier(Target, self())
-    },
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_call({fetch_doc, {_Id, _Revs, _PAs} = Params}, {Pid, _} = From,
-    #state{loop = Pid, readers = Readers, pending_fetch = nil,
-        source = Src, target = Tgt, max_parallel_conns = MaxConns} = State) ->
-    case length(Readers) of
-    Size when Size < MaxConns ->
-        Reader = spawn_doc_reader(Src, Tgt, Params),
-        NewState = State#state{
-            readers = [Reader | Readers]
-        },
-        {reply, ok, NewState};
-    _ ->
-        NewState = State#state{
-            pending_fetch = {From, Params}
-        },
-        {noreply, NewState}
-    end;
-handle_call({batch_doc, Doc}, From, State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
-    {noreply, maybe_flush_docs(Doc, State)};
-handle_call({add_stats, IncStats}, From, #state{stats = Stats} = State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(From, ok),
-    NewStats = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats, IncStats),
-    NewStats2 = maybe_report_stats(State#state.cp, NewStats),
-    {noreply, State#state{stats = NewStats2}};
-handle_call(flush, {Pid, _} = From,
-    #state{loop = Pid, writer = nil, flush_waiter = nil,
-        target = Target, batch = Batch} = State) ->
-    State2 = case State#state.readers of
-    [] ->
-        State#state{writer = spawn_writer(Target, Batch)};
-    _ ->
-        State
-    end,
-    {noreply, State2#state{flush_waiter = From}}.
-handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
-    #state{source = #db{name = DbName} = Source} = State) ->
-    {ok, NewSource} = couch_db:reopen(Source),
-    {noreply, State#state{source = NewSource}};
-handle_cast({db_compacted, DbName},
-    #state{target = #db{name = DbName} = Target} = State) ->
-    {ok, NewTarget} = couch_db:reopen(Target),
-    {noreply, State#state{target = NewTarget}};
-handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
-    {stop, {unexpected_async_call, Msg}, State}.
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{loop = Pid} = State) ->
-    #state{
-        batch = #batch{docs = []}, readers = [], writer = nil,
-        pending_fetch = nil, flush_waiter = nil
-    } = State,
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{writer = Pid} = State) ->
-    {noreply, after_full_flush(State)};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{writer = nil} = State) ->
-    #state{
-        readers = Readers, writer = Writer, batch = Batch,
-        source = Source, target = Target,
-        pending_fetch = Fetch, flush_waiter = FlushWaiter
-    } = State,
-    case Readers -- [Pid] of
-    Readers ->
-        {noreply, State};
-    Readers2 ->
-        State2 = case Fetch of
-        nil ->
-            case (FlushWaiter =/= nil) andalso (Writer =:= nil) andalso
-                (Readers2 =:= [])  of
-            true ->
-                State#state{
-                    readers = Readers2,
-                    writer = spawn_writer(Target, Batch)
-                };
-            false ->
-                State#state{readers = Readers2}
-            end;
-        {From, FetchParams} ->
-            Reader = spawn_doc_reader(Source, Target, FetchParams),
-            gen_server:reply(From, ok),
-            State#state{
-                readers = [Reader | Readers2],
-                pending_fetch = nil
-            }
-        end,
-        {noreply, State2}
-    end;
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
-   {stop, {process_died, Pid, Reason}, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    close_db(State#state.source),
-    close_db(,
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#state.source_db_compaction_notifier),
-    stop_db_compaction_notifier(State#state.target_db_compaction_notifier).
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-queue_fetch_loop(Source, Target, Parent, Cp, ChangesManager) ->
-    ChangesManager ! {get_changes, self()},
-    receive
-    {closed, ChangesManager} ->
-        ok;
-    {changes, ChangesManager, Changes, ReportSeq} ->
-        Target2 = open_db(Target),
-        {IdRevs, Stats0} = find_missing(Changes, Target2),
-        case Source of
-        #db{} ->
-            Source2 = open_db(Source),
-            Stats = local_process_batch(
-                IdRevs, Cp, Source2, Target2, #batch{}, Stats0),
-            close_db(Source2);
-        #httpdb{} ->
-            ok = gen_server:call(Parent, {add_stats, Stats0}, infinity),
-            remote_process_batch(IdRevs, Parent),
-            {ok, Stats} = gen_server:call(Parent, flush, infinity)
-        end,
-        close_db(Target2),
-        ok = gen_server:call(Cp, {report_seq_done, ReportSeq, Stats}, infinity),
-        erlang:put(last_stats_report, now()),
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker reported completion of seq ~p", [ReportSeq]),
-        queue_fetch_loop(Source, Target, Parent, Cp, ChangesManager)
-    end.
-local_process_batch([], _Cp, _Src, _Tgt, #batch{docs = []}, Stats) ->
-    Stats;
-local_process_batch([], Cp, Source, Target, #batch{docs = Docs, size = Size}, Stats) ->
-    case Target of
-    #httpdb{} ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of size ~p bytes", [Size]);
-    #db{} ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of ~p docs", [Size])
-    end,
-    Stats2 = flush_docs(Target, Docs),
-    Stats3 = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats, Stats2),
-    local_process_batch([], Cp, Source, Target, #batch{}, Stats3);
-local_process_batch([IdRevs | Rest], Cp, Source, Target, Batch, Stats) ->
-    {ok, {_, DocList, Stats2, _}} = fetch_doc(
-        Source, IdRevs, fun local_doc_handler/2, {Target, [], Stats, Cp}),
-    {Batch2, Stats3} = lists:foldl(
-        fun(Doc, {Batch0, Stats0}) ->
-            {Batch1, S} = maybe_flush_docs(Target, Batch0, Doc),
-            {Batch1, couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats0, S)}
-        end,
-        {Batch, Stats2}, DocList),
-    local_process_batch(Rest, Cp, Source, Target, Batch2, Stats3).
-remote_process_batch([], _Parent) ->
-    ok;
-remote_process_batch([{Id, Revs, PAs} | Rest], Parent) ->
-    % When the source is a remote database, we fetch a single document revision
-    % per HTTP request. This is mostly to facilitate retrying of HTTP requests
-    % due to network transient failures. It also helps not exceeding the maximum
-    % URL length allowed by proxies and Mochiweb.
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun(Rev) ->
-            ok = gen_server:call(Parent, {fetch_doc, {Id, [Rev], PAs}}, infinity)
-        end,
-        Revs),
-    remote_process_batch(Rest, Parent).
-spawn_doc_reader(Source, Target, FetchParams) ->
-    Parent = self(),
-    spawn_link(fun() ->
-        Source2 = open_db(Source),
-        fetch_doc(
-            Source2, FetchParams, fun remote_doc_handler/2, {Parent, Target}),
-        close_db(Source2)
-    end).
-fetch_doc(Source, {Id, Revs, PAs}, DocHandler, Acc) ->
-    try
-        couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc_revs(
-            Source, Id, Revs, [{atts_since, PAs}, latest], DocHandler, Acc)
-    catch
-    throw:{missing_stub, _} ->
-        twig:log(error,"Retrying fetch and update of document `~s` due to out of "
-            "sync attachment stubs. Missing revisions are: ~s",
-            [Id, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(Revs)]),
-        couch_replicator_api_wrap:open_doc_revs(Source, Id, Revs, [latest], DocHandler, Acc)
-    end.
-local_doc_handler({ok, Doc}, {Target, DocList, Stats, Cp}) ->
-    Stats2 = ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.docs_read, Stats, 1),
-    case batch_doc(Doc) of
-    true ->
-        {ok, {Target, [Doc | DocList], Stats2, Cp}};
-    false ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc with attachments", []),
-        Target2 = open_db(Target),
-        Success = (flush_doc(Target2, Doc) =:= ok),
-        close_db(Target2),
-        Stats3 = case Success of
-        true ->
-            ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.docs_written, Stats2, 1);
-        false ->
-            ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.doc_write_failures, Stats2, 1)
-        end,
-        Stats4 = maybe_report_stats(Cp, Stats3),
-        {ok, {Target, DocList, Stats4, Cp}}
-    end;
-local_doc_handler(_, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Acc}.
-remote_doc_handler({ok, #doc{atts = []} = Doc}, {Parent, _} = Acc) ->
-    ok = gen_server:call(Parent, {batch_doc, Doc}, infinity),
-    {ok, Acc};
-remote_doc_handler({ok, Doc}, {Parent, Target} = Acc) ->
-    % Immediately flush documents with attachments received from a remote
-    % source. The data property of each attachment is a function that starts
-    % streaming the attachment data from the remote source, therefore it's
-    % convenient to call it ASAP to avoid ibrowse inactivity timeouts.
-    Stats = #rep_stats{docs_read = 1},
-    twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc with attachments", []),
-    Target2 = open_db(Target),
-    Success = (flush_doc(Target2, Doc) =:= ok),
-    close_db(Target2),
-    {Result, Stats2} = case Success of
-    true ->
-        {{ok, Acc}, ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.docs_written, Stats, 1)};
-    false ->
-        {{skip, Acc}, ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.doc_write_failures, Stats, 1)}
-    end,
-    ok = gen_server:call(Parent, {add_stats, Stats2}, infinity),
-    Result;
-remote_doc_handler(_, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Acc}.
-spawn_writer(Target, #batch{docs = DocList, size = Size}) ->
-    case {Target, Size > 0} of
-    {#httpdb{}, true} ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of size ~p bytes", [Size]);
-    {#db{}, true} ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of ~p docs", [Size]);
-    _ ->
-        ok
-    end,
-    Parent = self(),
-    spawn_link(
-        fun() ->
-            Target2 = open_db(Target),
-            Stats = flush_docs(Target2, DocList),
-            close_db(Target2),
-            ok = gen_server:call(Parent, {add_stats, Stats}, infinity)
-        end).
-after_full_flush(#state{stats = Stats, flush_waiter = Waiter} = State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(Waiter, {ok, Stats}),
-    erlang:put(last_stats_report, now()),
-    State#state{
-        stats = #rep_stats{},
-        flush_waiter = nil,
-        writer = nil,
-        batch = #batch{}
-    }.
-maybe_flush_docs(Doc,State) ->
-    #state{
-        target = Target, batch = Batch,
-        stats = Stats, cp = Cp
-    } = State,
-    {Batch2, WStats} = maybe_flush_docs(Target, Batch, Doc),
-    Stats2 = couch_replicator_utils:sum_stats(Stats, WStats),
-    Stats3 = ?inc_stat(#rep_stats.docs_read, Stats2, 1),
-    Stats4 = maybe_report_stats(Cp, Stats3),
-    State#state{stats = Stats4, batch = Batch2}.
-maybe_flush_docs(#httpdb{} = Target, Batch, Doc) ->
-    #batch{docs = DocAcc, size = SizeAcc} = Batch,
-    case batch_doc(Doc) of
-    false ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc with attachments", []),
-        case flush_doc(Target, Doc) of
-        ok ->
-            {Batch, #rep_stats{docs_written = 1}};
-        _ ->
-            {Batch, #rep_stats{doc_write_failures = 1}}
-        end;
-    true ->
-        JsonDoc = ?JSON_ENCODE(couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, [revs, attachments])),
-        case SizeAcc + iolist_size(JsonDoc) of
-        SizeAcc2 when SizeAcc2 > ?DOC_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE ->
-            twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of size ~p bytes", [SizeAcc2]),
-            Stats = flush_docs(Target, [JsonDoc | DocAcc]),
-            {#batch{}, Stats};
-        SizeAcc2 ->
-            {#batch{docs = [JsonDoc | DocAcc], size = SizeAcc2}, #rep_stats{}}
-        end
-    end;
-maybe_flush_docs(#db{} = Target, #batch{docs = DocAcc, size = SizeAcc}, Doc) ->
-    case SizeAcc + 1 of
-    SizeAcc2 when SizeAcc2 >= ?DOC_BUFFER_LEN ->
-        twig:log(debug,"Worker flushing doc batch of ~p docs", [SizeAcc2]),
-        Stats = flush_docs(Target, [Doc | DocAcc]),
-        {#batch{}, Stats};
-    SizeAcc2 ->
-        {#batch{docs = [Doc | DocAcc], size = SizeAcc2}, #rep_stats{}}
-    end.
-batch_doc(#doc{atts = []}) ->
-    true;
-batch_doc(#doc{atts = Atts}) ->
-    (length(Atts) =< ?MAX_BULK_ATTS_PER_DOC) andalso
-        lists:all(
-            fun(#att{disk_len = L, data = Data}) ->
-                (L =< ?MAX_BULK_ATT_SIZE) andalso (Data =/= stub)
-            end, Atts).
-flush_docs(_Target, []) ->
-    #rep_stats{};
-flush_docs(Target, DocList) ->
-    {ok, Errors} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:update_docs(
-        Target, DocList, [delay_commit], replicated_changes),
-    DbUri = couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({Props}) ->
-            twig:log(error,"Replicator: couldn't write document `~s`, revision `~s`,"
-                " to target database `~s`. Error: `~s`, reason: `~s`.",
-                [get_value(id, Props, ""), get_value(rev, Props, ""), DbUri,
-                    get_value(error, Props, ""), get_value(reason, Props, "")])
-        end, Errors),
-    #rep_stats{
-        docs_written = length(DocList) - length(Errors),
-        doc_write_failures = length(Errors)
-    }.
-flush_doc(Target, #doc{id = Id, revs = {Pos, [RevId | _]}} = Doc) ->
-    try couch_replicator_api_wrap:update_doc(Target, Doc, [], replicated_changes) of
-    {ok, _} ->
-        ok;
-    Error ->
-        twig:log(error,"Replicator: error writing document `~s` to `~s`: ~s",
-            [Id, couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target), couch_util:to_binary(Error)]),
-        Error
-    catch
-    throw:{missing_stub, _} = MissingStub ->
-        throw(MissingStub);
-    throw:{Error, Reason} ->
-        twig:log(error,"Replicator: couldn't write document `~s`, revision `~s`,"
-            " to target database `~s`. Error: `~s`, reason: `~s`.",
-            [Id, couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}),
-                couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target), to_binary(Error), to_binary(Reason)]),
-        {error, Error};
-    throw:Err ->
-        twig:log(error,"Replicator: couldn't write document `~s`, revision `~s`,"
-            " to target database `~s`. Error: `~s`.",
-            [Id, couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}),
-                couch_replicator_api_wrap:db_uri(Target), to_binary(Err)]),
-        {error, Err}
-    end.
-find_missing(DocInfos, Target) ->
-    {IdRevs, AllRevsCount} = lists:foldr(
-        fun(#doc_info{id = Id, revs = RevsInfo}, {IdRevAcc, CountAcc}) ->
-            Revs = [Rev || #rev_info{rev = Rev} <- RevsInfo],
-            {[{Id, Revs} | IdRevAcc], CountAcc + length(Revs)}
-        end,
-        {[], 0}, DocInfos),
-    {ok, Missing} = couch_replicator_api_wrap:get_missing_revs(Target, IdRevs),
-    MissingRevsCount = lists:foldl(
-        fun({_Id, MissingRevs, _PAs}, Acc) -> Acc + length(MissingRevs) end,
-        0, Missing),
-    Stats = #rep_stats{
-        missing_checked = AllRevsCount,
-        missing_found = MissingRevsCount
-    },
-    {Missing, Stats}.
-maybe_report_stats(Cp, Stats) ->
-    Now = now(),
-    case timer:now_diff(erlang:get(last_stats_report), Now) >= ?STATS_DELAY of
-    true ->
-        ok = gen_server:call(Cp, {add_stats, Stats}, infinity),
-        erlang:put(last_stats_report, Now),
-        #rep_stats{};
-    false ->
-        Stats
-    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/json_stream_parse.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/json_stream_parse.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b63e011..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/json_stream_parse.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([events/2, to_ejson/1, collect_object/2]).
--define(IS_WS(X), (X == $\  orelse X == $\t orelse X == $\n orelse X == $\r)).
--define(IS_DELIM(X), (X == $} orelse X == $] orelse X == $,)).
--define(IS_DIGIT(X), (X >= $0 andalso X =< $9)).
-% Parses the json into events.
-% The DataFun param is a function that produces the data for parsing. When
-% called it must yield a tuple, or the atom done. The first element in the
-% tuple is the data itself, and the second element is a function to be called
-% next to get the next chunk of data in the stream.
-% The EventFun is called everytime a json element is parsed. It must produce
-% a new function to be called for the next event.
-% Events happen each time a new element in the json string is parsed.
-% For simple value types, the data itself is returned:
-% Strings
-% Integers
-% Floats
-% true
-% false
-% null
-% For arrays, the start of the array is signaled by the event array_start
-% atom. The end is signaled by array_end. The events before the end are the
-% values, or nested values.
-% For objects, the start of the object is signaled by the event object_start
-% atom. The end is signaled by object_end. Each key is signaled by
-% {key, KeyString}, and the following event is the value, or start of the
-% value (array_start, object_start).
-events(Data,EventFun) when is_list(Data)->
-    events(list_to_binary(Data),EventFun);
-events(Data,EventFun) when is_binary(Data)->
-    events(fun() -> {Data, fun() -> done end} end,EventFun);
-events(DataFun,EventFun) ->
-    parse_one(DataFun, EventFun, <<>>).
-% converts the JSON directly to the erlang represention of Json
-to_ejson(DF) ->
-    {_DF2, EF, _Rest} = events(DF, fun(Ev) -> collect_events(Ev, []) end),
-    [[EJson]] = make_ejson(EF(get_results), [[]]),
-    EJson.
-% This function is used to return complete objects while parsing streams.
-% Return this function from inside an event function right after getting an
-% object_start event. It then collects the remaining events for that object
-% and converts it to the erlang represention of Json.
-% It then calls your ReturnControl function with the erlang object. Your
-% return control function then should yield another event function.
-% This example stream parses an array of objects, calling
-% fun do_something_with_the_object/1 for each object.
-%    ev_array(array_start) ->
-%        fun(Ev) -> ev_object_loop(Ev) end.
-%    ev_object_loop(object_start) ->
-%        fun(Ev) ->
-%            json_stream_parse:collect_object(Ev,
-%                fun(Obj) ->
-%                    do_something_with_the_object(Obj),
-%                    fun(Ev2) -> ev_object_loop(Ev2) end
-%                end)
-%        end;
-%    ev_object_loop(array_end) ->
-%        ok
-%    end.
-%    % invoke the parse
-%    main() ->
-%        ...
-%        events(Data, fun(Ev) -> ev_array(Ev) end).
-collect_object(Ev, ReturnControl) ->
-    collect_object(Ev, 0, ReturnControl, [object_start]).
-% internal methods
-parse_one(DF,EF,Acc) ->
-    case toke(DF, Acc) of
-    none ->
-        none;
-    {Token, DF2, Rest} ->
-        case Token of
-        "{" ->
-            EF2 = EF(object_start),
-            {DF3, EF3, Rest2} = parse_object(DF2, EF2, Rest),
-            {DF3, EF3(object_end), Rest2};
-        "[" ->
-            EF2 = EF(array_start),
-            {DF3, EF3, Rest2} = parse_array(DF2, EF2, Rest),
-            {DF3, EF3(array_end), Rest2};
-        Int when is_integer(Int)->
-            {DF2, EF(Int), Rest};
-        Float when is_float(Float)->
-            {DF2, EF(Float), Rest};
-        Atom when is_atom(Atom)->
-            {DF2, EF(Atom), Rest};
-        String when is_binary(String)->
-            {DF2, EF(String), Rest};
-        _OtherToken ->
-            err(unexpected_token)
-        end
-    end.
-    case parse_one(DF, EF, Acc) of
-    none ->
-        err(Error);
-    Else ->
-        Else
-    end.
-must_toke(DF, Data, Error) ->
-    case toke(DF, Data) of
-    none ->
-        err(Error);
-    Result ->
-        Result
-    end.
-toke(DF, <<>>) ->
-    case DF() of
-    done ->
-        none;
-    {Data, DF2} ->
-        toke(DF2, Data)
-    end;
-toke(DF, <<C,Rest/binary>>) when ?IS_WS(C)->
-    toke(DF, Rest);
-toke(DF, <<${,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {"{", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$},Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {"}", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$[,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {"[", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$],Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {"]", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$",Rest/binary>>) ->
-    toke_string(DF,Rest,[]);
-toke(DF, <<$,,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {",", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$:,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {":", DF, Rest};
-toke(DF, <<$-,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {<<C,_/binary>> = Data, DF2} = must_df(DF,1,Rest,expected_number),
-    case ?IS_DIGIT(C) of
-    true ->
-        toke_number_leading(DF2, Data, "-");
-    false ->
-        err(expected_number)
-    end;
-toke(DF, <<C,_/binary>> = Data) when ?IS_DIGIT(C) ->
-    toke_number_leading(DF, Data, []);
-toke(DF, <<$t,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {Data, DF2} = must_match(<<"rue">>, DF, Rest),
-    {true, DF2, Data};
-toke(DF, <<$f,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {Data, DF2} = must_match(<<"alse">>, DF, Rest),
-    {false, DF2, Data};
-toke(DF, <<$n,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    {Data, DF2} = must_match(<<"ull">>, DF, Rest),
-    {null, DF2, Data};
-toke(_, _) ->
-    err(bad_token).
-must_match(Pattern, DF, Data) ->
-    Size = size(Pattern),
-    case must_df(DF, Size, Data, bad_token) of
-    {<<Pattern:Size/binary,Data2/binary>>, DF2} ->
-        {Data2, DF2};
-    {_, _} ->
-        err(bad_token)
-    end.
-    case DF() of
-    done ->
-        err(Error);
-    {Data, DF2} ->
-        {Data, DF2}
-    end.
-    if size(Acc) >= NeedLen ->
-        {Acc, DF};
-    true ->
-        case DF() of
-        done ->
-            err(Error);
-        {Data, DF2} ->
-            must_df(DF2, NeedLen, <<Acc/binary, Data/binary>>, Error)
-        end
-    end.
-parse_object(DF,EF,Acc) ->
-    case must_toke(DF, Acc, unterminated_object) of
-    {String, DF2, Rest} when is_binary(String)->
-        EF2 = EF({key,String}),
-        case must_toke(DF2,Rest,unterminated_object) of
-        {":", DF3, Rest2} ->
-            {DF4, EF3, Rest3} = must_parse_one(DF3, EF2, Rest2, expected_value),
-            case must_toke(DF4,Rest3, unterminated_object) of
-            {",", DF5, Rest4} ->
-                parse_object(DF5, EF3, Rest4);
-            {"}", DF5, Rest4} ->
-                {DF5, EF3, Rest4};
-            {_, _, _} ->
-                err(unexpected_token)
-            end;
-        _Else ->
-            err(expected_colon)
-        end;
-    {"}", DF2, Rest} ->
-        {DF2, EF, Rest};
-    {_, _, _} ->
-        err(unexpected_token)
-    end.
-parse_array0(DF,EF,Acc) ->
-    case toke(DF, Acc) of
-    none ->
-        err(unterminated_array);
-    {",", DF2, Rest} ->
-        parse_array(DF2,EF,Rest);
-    {"]", DF2, Rest} ->
-        {DF2,EF,Rest};
-    _ ->
-        err(unexpected_token)
-    end.
-parse_array(DF,EF,Acc) ->
-    case toke(DF, Acc) of
-    none ->
-         err(unterminated_array);
-    {Token, DF2, Rest} ->
-        case Token of
-        "{" ->
-            EF2 = EF(object_start),
-            {DF3, EF3, Rest2} = parse_object(DF2, EF2, Rest),
-            parse_array0(DF3, EF3(object_end), Rest2);
-        "[" ->
-            EF2 = EF(array_start),
-            {DF3, EF3, Rest2} = parse_array(DF2, EF2, Rest),
-            parse_array0(DF3, EF3(array_end), Rest2);
-        Int when is_integer(Int)->
-            parse_array0(DF2, EF(Int), Rest);
-        Float when is_float(Float)->
-            parse_array0(DF2, EF(Float), Rest);
-        Atom when is_atom(Atom)->
-            parse_array0(DF2, EF(Atom), Rest);
-        String when is_binary(String)->
-            parse_array0(DF2, EF(String), Rest);
-        "]" ->
-            {DF2, EF, Rest};
-        _ ->
-            err(unexpected_token)
-        end
-    end.
-toke_string(DF, <<>>, Acc) ->
-    {Data, DF2} = must_df(DF, unterminated_string),
-    toke_string(DF2, Data, Acc);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$",Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$" | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$\\,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\\ | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$/,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$/ | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$b,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\b | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$f,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\f | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$n,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\n | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$r,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\r | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$t,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [$\t | Acc]);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\,$u,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    {<<A,B,C,D,Data/binary>>, DF2} = must_df(DF,4,Rest,missing_hex),
-    UTFChar = erlang:list_to_integer([A, B, C, D], 16),
-    if UTFChar == 16#FFFF orelse UTFChar == 16#FFFE ->
-        err(invalid_utf_char);
-    true ->
-        ok
-    end,
-    Chars = xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(UTFChar),
-    toke_string(DF2, Data, lists:reverse(Chars) ++ Acc);
-toke_string(DF, <<$\\>>, Acc) ->
-    {Data, DF2} = must_df(DF, unterminated_string),
-    toke_string(DF2, <<$\\,Data/binary>>, Acc);
-toke_string(_DF, <<$\\, _/binary>>, _Acc) ->
-    err(bad_escape);
-toke_string(DF, <<$", Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    {list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), DF, Rest};
-toke_string(DF, <<C, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_string(DF, Rest, [C | Acc]).
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<Digit,Rest/binary>>, Acc)
-        when ?IS_DIGIT(Digit) ->
-    toke_number_leading(DF, Rest, [Digit | Acc]);
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<C,_/binary>>=Rest, Acc)
-        when ?IS_WS(C) orelse ?IS_DELIM(C) ->
-    {list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)), DF, Rest};
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<>>, Acc) ->
-    case DF() of
-    done ->
-         {list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)), fun() -> done end, <<>>};
-    {Data, DF2} ->
-        toke_number_leading(DF2, Data, Acc)
-    end;
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<$., Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_number_trailing(DF, Rest, [$.|Acc]);
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<$e, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [$e, $0, $.|Acc]);
-toke_number_leading(DF, <<$E, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [$e, $0, $.|Acc]);
-toke_number_leading(_, _, _) ->
-    err(unexpected_character_in_number).
-toke_number_trailing(DF, <<Digit,Rest/binary>>, Acc)
-        when ?IS_DIGIT(Digit) ->
-    toke_number_trailing(DF, Rest, [Digit | Acc]);
-toke_number_trailing(DF, <<C,_/binary>>=Rest, Acc)
-        when ?IS_WS(C) orelse ?IS_DELIM(C) ->
-    {list_to_float(lists:reverse(Acc)), DF, Rest};
-toke_number_trailing(DF, <<>>, Acc) ->
-    case DF() of
-    done ->
-        {list_to_float(lists:reverse(Acc)), fun() -> done end, <<>>};
-    {Data, DF2} ->
-        toke_number_trailing(DF2, Data, Acc)
-    end;
-toke_number_trailing(DF, <<"e", Rest/binary>>, [C|_]=Acc) when C /= $. ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [$e|Acc]);
-toke_number_trailing(DF, <<"E", Rest/binary>>, [C|_]=Acc) when C /= $. ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [$e|Acc]);
-toke_number_trailing(_, _, _) ->
-    err(unexpected_character_in_number).
-toke_number_exponent(DF, <<Digit,Rest/binary>>, Acc) when ?IS_DIGIT(Digit) ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [Digit | Acc]);
-toke_number_exponent(DF, <<Sign,Rest/binary>>, [$e|_]=Acc)
-        when Sign == $+ orelse Sign == $- ->
-    toke_number_exponent(DF, Rest, [Sign | Acc]);
-toke_number_exponent(DF, <<C,_/binary>>=Rest, Acc)
-        when ?IS_WS(C) orelse ?IS_DELIM(C) ->
-    {list_to_float(lists:reverse(Acc)), DF, Rest};
-toke_number_exponent(DF, <<>>, Acc) ->
-    case DF() of
-    done ->
-        {list_to_float(lists:reverse(Acc)), fun() -> done end, <<>>};
-    {Data, DF2} ->
-        toke_number_exponent(DF2, Data, Acc)
-    end;
-toke_number_exponent(_, _, _) ->
-        err(unexpected_character_in_number).
-    throw({parse_error,Error}).
-make_ejson([], Stack) ->
-    Stack;
-make_ejson([array_start | RevEvs], [ArrayValues, PrevValues | RestStack]) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[ArrayValues | PrevValues] | RestStack]);
-make_ejson([array_end | RevEvs], Stack) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[] | Stack]);
-make_ejson([object_start | RevEvs], [ObjValues, PrevValues | RestStack]) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[{ObjValues} | PrevValues] | RestStack]);
-make_ejson([object_end | RevEvs], Stack) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[] | Stack]);
-make_ejson([{key, String} | RevEvs], [[PrevValue|RestObject] | RestStack] = _Stack) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[{String, PrevValue}|RestObject] | RestStack]);
-make_ejson([Value | RevEvs], [Vals | RestStack] = _Stack) ->
-    make_ejson(RevEvs, [[Value | Vals] | RestStack]).
-collect_events(get_results, Acc) ->
-    Acc;
-collect_events(Ev, Acc) ->
-    fun(NextEv) -> collect_events(NextEv, [Ev | Acc]) end.
-collect_object(object_end, 0, ReturnControl, Acc) ->
-    [[Obj]] = make_ejson([object_end | Acc], [[]]),
-    ReturnControl(Obj);
-collect_object(object_end, NestCount, ReturnControl, Acc) ->
-    fun(Ev) ->
-        collect_object(Ev, NestCount - 1, ReturnControl, [object_end | Acc])
-    end;
-collect_object(object_start, NestCount, ReturnControl, Acc) ->
-    fun(Ev) ->
-        collect_object(Ev, NestCount + 1, ReturnControl, [object_start | Acc])
-    end;
-collect_object(Ev, NestCount, ReturnControl, Acc) ->
-    fun(Ev2) ->
-        collect_object(Ev2, NestCount, ReturnControl, [Ev | Acc])
-    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/01-load.t b/src/couch_replicator/test/01-load.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd82dd..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/01-load.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% Test that we can load each module.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:init_code_path(),
-    Modules = [
-        couch_replicator_api_wrap,
-        couch_replicator_httpc,
-        couch_replicator_httpd,
-        couch_replicator_manager,
-        couch_replicator_notifier,
-        couch_replicator,
-        couch_replicator_worker,
-        couch_replicator_utils,
-        couch_replicator_job_sup
-    ],
-    etap:plan(length(Modules)),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun(Module) ->
-            etap:loaded_ok(Module, lists:concat(["Loaded: ", Module]))
-        end, Modules),
-    etap:end_tests().
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/02-httpc-pool.t b/src/couch_replicator/test/02-httpc-pool.t
deleted file mode 100755
index fc86cce..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/02-httpc-pool.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(55, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    ibrowse:start(),
-    test_pool_full(),
-    test_worker_dead_pool_non_full(),
-    test_worker_dead_pool_full(),
-    couch_server_sup:stop(),
-    ok.
-test_pool_full() ->
-    Pool = spawn_pool(),
-    Client1 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    Client2 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    Client3 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:diag("Check that we can spawn the max number of connections."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client1), ok, "Client 1 started ok."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client2), ok, "Client 2 started ok."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client3), ok, "Client 3 started ok."),
-    Worker1 = get_client_worker(Client1, "1"),
-    Worker2 = get_client_worker(Client2, "2"),
-    Worker3 = get_client_worker(Client3, "3"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker1), true, "Client's 1 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker2), true, "Client's 2 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker3), true, "Client's 3 worker is alive."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker1, Worker2, "Clients 1 and 2 got different workers."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker2, Worker3, "Clients 2 and 3 got different workers."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker1, Worker3, "Clients 1 and 3 got different workers."),
-    etap:diag("Check that client 4 blocks waiting for a worker."),
-    Client4 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client4), timeout, "Client 4 blocked while waiting."),
-    etap:diag("Check that stopping a client gives up its worker."),
-    etap:is(stop_client(Client1), ok, "First client stopped."),
-    etap:diag("And check that our blocked client has been unblocked."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client4), ok, "Client 4 was unblocked."),
-    Worker4 = get_client_worker(Client4, "4"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker4), true, "Client's 4 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(Worker4, Worker1, "Client 4 got worker that client 1 got before."),
-    lists:foreach(fun(C) -> ok = stop_client(C) end, [Client2, Client3, Client4]),
-    stop_pool(Pool).
-test_worker_dead_pool_non_full() ->
-    Pool = spawn_pool(),
-    Client1 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client1), ok, "Client 1 started ok."),
-    Worker1 = get_client_worker(Client1, "1"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker1), true, "Client's 1 worker is alive."),
-    etap:diag("Kill client's 1 worker."),
-    etap:is(kill_client_worker(Client1), ok, "Killed client's 1 worker."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker1), false, "Client's 1 worker process is dead."),
-    etap:is(stop_client(Client1), ok, "First client stopped and released its worker."),
-    Client2 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client2), ok, "Client 2 started ok."),
-    Worker2 = get_client_worker(Client2, "2"),
-    etap:isnt(Worker2, Worker1, "Client 2 got a different worker from client 1"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker2), true, "Client's 2 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(stop_client(Client2), ok, "Second client stopped."),
-    stop_pool(Pool).
-test_worker_dead_pool_full() ->
-    Pool = spawn_pool(),
-    Client1 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    Client2 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    Client3 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:diag("Check that we can spawn the max number of connections."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client1), ok, "Client 1 started ok."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client2), ok, "Client 2 started ok."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client3), ok, "Client 3 started ok."),
-    Worker1 = get_client_worker(Client1, "1"),
-    Worker2 = get_client_worker(Client2, "2"),
-    Worker3 = get_client_worker(Client3, "3"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker1), true, "Client's 1 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker2), true, "Client's 2 worker is alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker3), true, "Client's 3 worker is alive."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker1, Worker2, "Clients 1 and 2 got different workers."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker2, Worker3, "Clients 2 and 3 got different workers."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker1, Worker3, "Clients 1 and 3 got different workers."),
-    etap:diag("Check that client 4 blocks waiting for a worker."),
-    Client4 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client4), timeout, "Client 4 blocked while waiting."),
-    etap:diag("Kill client's 1 worker."),
-    etap:is(kill_client_worker(Client1), ok, "Killed client's 1 worker."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker1), false, "Client's 1 worker process is dead."),
-    etap:diag("Check client 4 got unblocked after first worker's death"),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client4), ok, "Client 4 not blocked anymore."),
-    Worker4 = get_client_worker(Client4, "4"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker4), true, "Client's 4 worker is alive."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker4, Worker1, "Client 4 got a worker different from client 1."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker4, Worker2, "Client 4 got a worker different from client 2."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker4, Worker3, "Client 4 got a worker different from client 3."),
-    etap:diag("Check that stopping client 1 is a noop."),
-    etap:is(stop_client(Client1), ok, "First client stopped."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker2), true, "Client's 2 worker still alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker3), true, "Client's 3 worker still alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker4), true, "Client's 4 worker still alive."),
-    etap:diag("Check that client 5 blocks waiting for a worker."),
-    Client5 = spawn_client(Pool),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client5), timeout, "Client 5 blocked while waiting."),
-    etap:diag("Check that stopping client 2 gives up its worker."),
-    etap:is(stop_client(Client2), ok, "Second client stopped."),
-    etap:diag("Now check that client 5 has been unblocked."),
-    etap:is(ping_client(Client5), ok, "Client 5 was unblocked."),
-    Worker5 = get_client_worker(Client5, "5"),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker5), true, "Client's 5 worker is alive."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker5, Worker1, "Client 5 got a worker different from client 1."),
-    etap:is(Worker5, Worker2, "Client 5 got same worker as client 2."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker5, Worker3, "Client 5 got a worker different from client 3."),
-    etap:isnt(Worker5, Worker4, "Client 5 got a worker different from client 4."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker3), true, "Client's 3 worker still alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker4), true, "Client's 4 worker still alive."),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Worker5), true, "Client's 5 worker still alive."),
-    lists:foreach(fun(C) -> ok = stop_client(C) end, [Client3, Client4, Client5]),
-    stop_pool(Pool).
-spawn_client(Pool) ->
-    Parent = self(),
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    Pid = spawn(fun() ->
-        {ok, Worker} = couch_replicator_httpc_pool:get_worker(Pool),
-        loop(Parent, Ref, Worker, Pool)
-    end),
-    {Pid, Ref}.
-ping_client({Pid, Ref}) ->
-    Pid ! ping,
-    receive
-        {pong, Ref} ->
-            ok
-    after 3000 ->
-        timeout
-    end.
-get_client_worker({Pid, Ref}, ClientName) ->
-    Pid ! get_worker,
-    receive
-        {worker, Ref, Worker} ->
-            Worker
-    after 3000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout getting client " ++ ClientName ++ " worker.")
-    end.
-stop_client({Pid, Ref}) ->
-    Pid ! stop,
-    receive
-        {stop, Ref} ->
-            ok
-    after 3000 ->
-        timeout
-    end.
-kill_client_worker({Pid, Ref}) ->
-    Pid ! get_worker,
-    receive
-        {worker, Ref, Worker} ->
-            exit(Worker, kill),
-            ok
-    after 3000 ->
-        timeout
-    end.
-loop(Parent, Ref, Worker, Pool) ->
-    receive
-        ping ->
-            Parent ! {pong, Ref},
-            loop(Parent, Ref, Worker, Pool);
-        get_worker  ->
-            Parent ! {worker, Ref, Worker},
-            loop(Parent, Ref, Worker, Pool);
-        stop ->
-            couch_replicator_httpc_pool:release_worker(Pool, Worker),
-            Parent ! {stop, Ref}
-    end.
-spawn_pool() ->
-    Host = config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-    Port = config:get("httpd", "port", "5984"),
-    {ok, Pool} = couch_replicator_httpc_pool:start_link(
-        "http://" ++ Host ++ ":5984", [{max_connections, 3}]),
-    Pool.
-stop_pool(Pool) ->
-    ok = couch_replicator_httpc_pool:stop(Pool).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/03-replication-compact.t b/src/couch_replicator/test/03-replication-compact.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 888d123..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/03-replication-compact.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% Verify that compacting databases that are being used as the source or
-% target of a replication doesn't affect the replication and that the
-% replication doesn't hold their reference counters forever.
--define(b2l(B), binary_to_list(B)).
--record(user_ctx, {
-    name = null,
-    roles = [],
-    handler
--record(db, {
-    main_pid = nil,
-    compactor_pid = nil,
-    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
-    fd,
-    fd_monitor,
-    header = nil,
-    committed_update_seq,
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    local_tree,
-    update_seq,
-    name,
-    filepath,
-    validate_doc_funs = [],
-    security = [],
-    security_ptr = nil,
-    user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
-    waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
-    revs_limit = 1000,
-    fsync_options = [],
-    options = [],
-    compression,
-    before_doc_update,
-    after_doc_read
--record(rep, {
-    id,
-    source,
-    target,
-    options,
-    user_ctx,
-    doc_id
-source_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_a">>.
-target_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_b">>.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(376, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    ibrowse:start(),
-    Pairs = [
-        {source_db_name(), target_db_name()},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, target_db_name()},
-        {source_db_name(), {remote, target_db_name()}},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, {remote, (target_db_name())}}
-    ],
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({Source, Target}) ->
-            {ok, SourceDb} = create_db(source_db_name()),
-            etap:is(couch_db:is_idle(SourceDb), true,
-                "Source database is idle before starting replication"),
-            {ok, TargetDb} = create_db(target_db_name()),
-            etap:is(couch_db:is_idle(TargetDb), true,
-                "Target database is idle before starting replication"),
-            {ok, RepPid, RepId} = replicate(Source, Target),
-            check_active_tasks(RepPid, RepId, Source, Target),
-            {ok, DocsWritten} = populate_and_compact_test(
-                RepPid, SourceDb, TargetDb),
-            wait_target_in_sync(DocsWritten, TargetDb),
-            check_active_tasks(RepPid, RepId, Source, Target),
-            cancel_replication(RepId, RepPid),
-            compare_dbs(SourceDb, TargetDb),
-            delete_db(SourceDb),
-            delete_db(TargetDb),
-            ok = test_util:stop_couch(),
-            ok = timer:sleep(1000),
-            ok = test_util:start_couch()
-        end,
-        Pairs),
-    ok = test_util:stop_couch(),
-    ok.
-populate_and_compact_test(RepPid, SourceDb0, TargetDb0) ->
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), true, "Replication process is alive"),
-    check_db_alive("source", SourceDb0),
-    check_db_alive("target", TargetDb0),
-    Writer = spawn_writer(SourceDb0),
-    lists:foldl(
-        fun(_, {SourceDb, TargetDb, DocCount}) ->
-            pause_writer(Writer),
-            compact_db("source", SourceDb),
-            etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), true,
-                "Replication process is alive after source database compaction"),
-            check_db_alive("source", SourceDb),
-            check_fd("source", SourceDb),
-            compact_db("target", TargetDb),
-            etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), true,
-                "Replication process is alive after target database compaction"),
-            check_db_alive("target", TargetDb),
-            check_fd("target", TargetDb),
-            {ok, SourceDb2} = reopen_db(SourceDb),
-            {ok, TargetDb2} = reopen_db(TargetDb),
-            resume_writer(Writer),
-            wait_writer(Writer, DocCount),
-            compact_db("source", SourceDb2),
-            etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), true,
-                "Replication process is alive after source database compaction"),
-            check_db_alive("source", SourceDb2),
-            pause_writer(Writer),
-            check_fd("source", SourceDb2),
-            resume_writer(Writer),
-            compact_db("target", TargetDb2),
-            etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), true,
-                "Replication process is alive after target database compaction"),
-            check_db_alive("target", TargetDb2),
-            pause_writer(Writer),
-            check_fd("target", TargetDb2),
-            resume_writer(Writer),
-            {ok, SourceDb3} = reopen_db(SourceDb2),
-            {ok, TargetDb3} = reopen_db(TargetDb2),
-            {SourceDb3, TargetDb3, DocCount + 50}
-        end,
-        {SourceDb0, TargetDb0, 50}, lists:seq(1, 5)),
-    DocsWritten = stop_writer(Writer),
-    {ok, DocsWritten}.
-check_db_alive(Type, #db{main_pid = Pid}) ->
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(Pid), true,
-        "Local " ++ Type ++ " database main pid is alive").
-compact_db(Type, #db{name = Name}) ->
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(Name, []),
-    {ok, CompactPid} = couch_db:start_compact(Db),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, CompactPid),
-    receive
-    {'DOWN', MonRef, process, CompactPid, normal} ->
-        ok;
-    {'DOWN', MonRef, process, CompactPid, Reason} ->
-        etap:bail("Error compacting " ++ Type ++ " database " ++ ?b2l(Name) ++
-            ": " ++ couch_util:to_list(Reason))
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Compaction for " ++ Type ++ " database " ++ ?b2l(Name) ++
-            " didn't finish")
-    end,
-    ok = couch_db:close(Db).
-check_fd(Type, #db{name = Name, fd = Fd, fd_monitor=OldMonRef}) ->
-    {_, MonRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
-        MC = fun(F) ->
-            % Speed up the close after the switch
-            Fd ! maybe_close,
-            {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(Name, []),
-            couch_db:close(Db),
-            case Db#db.fd of
-                Fd ->
-                    receive _ -> ok after 1000 -> ok end,
-                    F(F);
-                _ ->
-                    ok
-            end
-        end,
-        MC(MC)
-    end),
-    receive {'DOWN', MonRef, process, _, _} ->
-        etap:diag("Old " ++ Type ++ " database fd terminated")
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Old " ++ Type ++ " database fd didn't terminate")
-    end,
-    {ok, #db{fd_monitor = NewMonRef} = Db} = couch_db:open_int(Name, []),
-    ok = couch_db:close(Db),
-    etap:isnt(
-        NewMonRef, OldMonRef, Type ++ " database has new fd monitor").
-reopen_db(#db{name = Name}) ->
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(Name, []),
-    ok = couch_db:close(Db),
-    {ok, Db}.
-wait_target_in_sync(DocCount, #db{name = TargetName}) ->
-    wait_target_in_sync_loop(DocCount, TargetName, 300).
-wait_target_in_sync_loop(_DocCount, _TargetName, 0) ->
-    etap:bail("Could not get source and target databases in sync");
-wait_target_in_sync_loop(DocCount, TargetName, RetriesLeft) ->
-    {ok, Target} = couch_db:open_int(TargetName, []),
-    {ok, TargetInfo} = couch_db:get_db_info(Target),
-    ok = couch_db:close(Target),
-    TargetDocCount = couch_util:get_value(doc_count, TargetInfo),
-    case TargetDocCount == DocCount of
-    true ->
-        etap:diag("Source and target databases are in sync");
-    false ->
-        ok = timer:sleep(100),
-        wait_target_in_sync_loop(DocCount, TargetName, RetriesLeft - 1)
-    end.
-compare_dbs(#db{name = SourceName}, #db{name = TargetName}) ->
-    {ok, SourceDb} = couch_db:open_int(SourceName, []),
-    {ok, TargetDb} = couch_db:open_int(TargetName, []),
-    Fun = fun(FullDocInfo, _, Acc) ->
-        {ok, Doc} = couch_db:open_doc(SourceDb, FullDocInfo),
-        {Props} = DocJson = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, [attachments]),
-        DocId = couch_util:get_value(<<"_id">>, Props),
-        DocTarget = case couch_db:open_doc(TargetDb, DocId) of
-        {ok, DocT} ->
-            DocT;
-        Error ->
-            etap:bail("Error opening document '" ++ ?b2l(DocId) ++
-                "' from target: " ++ couch_util:to_list(Error))
-        end,
-        DocTargetJson = couch_doc:to_json_obj(DocTarget, [attachments]),
-        case DocTargetJson of
-        DocJson ->
-            ok;
-        _ ->
-            etap:bail("Content from document '" ++ ?b2l(DocId) ++
-                "' differs in target database")
-        end,
-        {ok, Acc}
-    end,
-    {ok, _, _} = couch_db:enum_docs(SourceDb, Fun, [], []),
-    etap:diag("Target database has the same documents as the source database"),
-    ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb),
-    ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb).
-check_active_tasks(RepPid, {BaseId, Ext} = _RepId, Src, Tgt) ->
-    timer:sleep(1000),
-    Source = case Src of
-    {remote, NameSrc} ->
-        <<(db_url(NameSrc))/binary, $/>>;
-    _ ->
-        Src
-    end,
-    Target = case Tgt of
-    {remote, NameTgt} ->
-        <<(db_url(NameTgt))/binary, $/>>;
-    _ ->
-        Tgt
-    end,
-    FullRepId = list_to_binary(BaseId ++ Ext),
-    Pid = list_to_binary(pid_to_list(RepPid)),
-    [RepTask] = couch_task_status:all(),
-    etap:is(couch_util:get_value(pid, RepTask), Pid,
-        "_active_tasks entry has correct pid property"),
-    etap:is(couch_util:get_value(replication_id, RepTask), FullRepId,
-        "_active_tasks entry has right replication id"),
-    etap:is(couch_util:get_value(continuous, RepTask), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has continuous property set to true"),
-    etap:is(couch_util:get_value(source, RepTask), Source,
-        "_active_tasks entry has correct source property"),
-    etap:is(couch_util:get_value(target, RepTask), Target,
-        "_active_tasks entry has correct target property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(docs_read, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer docs_read property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(docs_written, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer docs_written property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(doc_write_failures, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer doc_write_failures property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(revisions_checked, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer revisions_checked property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(missing_revisions_found, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer missing_revisions_found property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(checkpointed_source_seq, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer checkpointed_source_seq property"),
-    etap:is(is_integer(couch_util:get_value(source_seq, RepTask)), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has integer source_seq property"),
-    Progress = couch_util:get_value(progress, RepTask),
-    etap:is(is_integer(Progress), true,
-        "_active_tasks entry has an integer progress property"),
-    etap:is(Progress =< 100, true, "Progress is not greater than 100%").
-wait_writer(Pid, NumDocs) ->
-    case get_writer_num_docs_written(Pid) of
-    N when N >= NumDocs ->
-        ok;
-    _ ->
-        wait_writer(Pid, NumDocs)
-    end.
-spawn_writer(Db) ->
-    Parent = self(),
-    Pid = spawn(fun() -> writer_loop(Db, Parent, 0) end),
-    etap:diag("Started source database writer"),
-    Pid.
-pause_writer(Pid) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    Pid ! {pause, Ref},
-    receive
-    {paused, Ref} ->
-        ok
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Failed to pause source database writer")
-    end.
-resume_writer(Pid) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    Pid ! {continue, Ref},
-    receive
-    {ok, Ref} ->
-        ok
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Failed to unpause source database writer")
-    end.
-get_writer_num_docs_written(Pid) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    Pid ! {get_count, Ref},
-    receive
-    {count, Ref, Count} ->
-        Count
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout getting number of documents written from "
-            "source database writer")
-    end.
-stop_writer(Pid) ->
-    Ref = make_ref(),
-    Pid ! {stop, Ref},
-    receive
-    {stopped, Ref, DocsWritten} ->
-        MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-        receive
-        {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
-            etap:diag("Stopped source database writer"),
-            DocsWritten
-        after 30000 ->
-            etap:bail("Timeout stopping source database writer")
-        end
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout stopping source database writer")
-    end.
-writer_loop(#db{name = DbName}, Parent, Counter) ->
-    maybe_pause(Parent, Counter),
-    Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[
-        {<<"_id">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Counter + 1))},
-        {<<"value">>, Counter + 1},
-        {<<"_attachments">>, {[
-            {<<"icon1.png">>, {[
-                {<<"data">>, base64:encode(att_data())},
-                {<<"content_type">>, <<"image/png">>}
-            ]}},
-            {<<"icon2.png">>, {[
-                {<<"data">>, base64:encode(iolist_to_binary(
-                    [att_data(), att_data()]))},
-                {<<"content_type">>, <<"image/png">>}
-            ]}}
-        ]}}
-    ]}),
-    maybe_pause(Parent, Counter),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
-    {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []),
-    ok = couch_db:close(Db),
-    receive
-    {get_count, Ref} ->
-        Parent ! {count, Ref, Counter + 1},
-        writer_loop(Db, Parent, Counter + 1);
-    {stop, Ref} ->
-        Parent ! {stopped, Ref, Counter + 1}
-    after 0 ->
-        ok = timer:sleep(500),
-        writer_loop(Db, Parent, Counter + 1)
-    end.
-maybe_pause(Parent, Counter) ->
-    receive
-    {get_count, Ref} ->
-        Parent ! {count, Ref, Counter};
-    {pause, Ref} ->
-        Parent ! {paused, Ref},
-        receive {continue, Ref2} -> Parent ! {ok, Ref2} end
-    after 0 ->
-        ok
-    end.
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
-create_db(DbName) ->
-    {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(
-        DbName,
-        [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}, overwrite]),
-    couch_db:close(Db),
-    {ok, Db}.
-delete_db(#db{name = DbName, main_pid = Pid}) ->
-    ok = couch_server:delete(
-        DbName, [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}]),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-    receive
-    {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
-        ok
-    after 30000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout deleting database")
-    end.
-replicate({remote, Db}, Target) ->
-    replicate(db_url(Db), Target);
-replicate(Source, {remote, Db}) ->
-    replicate(Source, db_url(Db));
-replicate(Source, Target) ->
-    RepObject = {[
-        {<<"source">>, Source},
-        {<<"target">>, Target},
-        {<<"continuous">>, true}
-    ]},
-    {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(
-        RepObject, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
-    {ok, Pid,}.
-cancel_replication(RepId, RepPid) ->
-    {ok, _} = couch_replicator:cancel_replication(RepId),
-    etap:is(is_process_alive(RepPid), false,
-        "Replication process is no longer alive after cancel").
-att_data() ->
-    {ok, Data} = file:read_file(
-        test_util:source_file("share/www/image/logo.png")),
-    Data.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/04-replication-large-atts.t b/src/couch_replicator/test/04-replication-large-atts.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 9adaead..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/04-replication-large-atts.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% Test replication of large attachments. Verify that both source and
-% target have the same attachment data and metadata.
--define(b2l(Bin), binary_to_list(Bin)).
--record(user_ctx, {
-    name = null,
-    roles = [],
-    handler
--record(doc, {
-    id = <<"">>,
-    revs = {0, []},
-    body = {[]},
-    atts = [],
-    deleted = false,
-    meta = []
--record(att, {
-    name,
-    type,
-    att_len,
-    disk_len,
-    md5= <<>>,
-    revpos=0,
-    data,
-    encoding=identity
-source_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_a">>.
-target_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_b">>.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(1192, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    ibrowse:start(),
-    crypto:start(),
-    config:set("attachments", "compressible_types", "text/*", false),
-    Pairs = [
-        {source_db_name(), target_db_name()},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, target_db_name()},
-        {source_db_name(), {remote, target_db_name()}},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, {remote, (target_db_name())}}
-    ],
-    {ok, SourceDb} = create_db(source_db_name()),
-    etap:diag("Populating source database"),
-    populate_db(SourceDb, 11),
-    ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({Source, Target}) ->
-            etap:diag("Creating target database"),
-            {ok, TargetDb} = create_db(target_db_name()),
-            ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb),
-            etap:diag("Triggering replication"),
-            replicate(Source, Target),
-            etap:diag("Replication finished, comparing source and target databases"),
-            compare_dbs(SourceDb, TargetDb),
-            etap:diag("Deleting target database"),
-            delete_db(TargetDb),
-            ok = timer:sleep(1000)
-        end,
-        Pairs),
-    delete_db(SourceDb),
-    test_util:stop_couch().
-populate_db(Db, DocCount) ->
-    Docs = lists:foldl(
-        fun(DocIdCounter, Acc) ->
-            Doc = #doc{
-                id = iolist_to_binary(["doc", integer_to_list(DocIdCounter)]),
-                body = {[]},
-                atts = [
-                    att(<<"att1">>, 2 * 1024 * 1024, <<"text/plain">>),
-                    att(<<"att2">>, round(6.6 * 1024 * 1024), <<"app/binary">>)
-                ]
-            },
-            [Doc | Acc]
-        end,
-        [], lists:seq(1, DocCount)),
-    {ok, _} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, Docs, []).
-att(Name, Size, Type) ->
-    #att{
-        name = Name,
-        type = Type,
-        att_len = Size,
-        data = fun(Count) -> crypto:rand_bytes(Count) end
-    }.
-compare_dbs(Source, Target) ->
-    {ok, SourceDb} = couch_db:open_int(couch_db:name(Source), []),
-    {ok, TargetDb} = couch_db:open_int(couch_db:name(Target), []),
-    Fun = fun(FullDocInfo, _, Acc) ->
-        {ok, DocSource} = couch_db:open_doc(SourceDb, FullDocInfo),
-        Id =,
-        etap:diag("Verifying document " ++ ?b2l(Id)),
-        {ok, DocTarget} = couch_db:open_doc(TargetDb, Id),
-        etap:is(DocTarget#doc.body, DocSource#doc.body,
-            "Same body in source and target databases"),
-        #doc{atts = SourceAtts} = DocSource,
-        #doc{atts = TargetAtts} = DocTarget,
-        etap:is(
-            lists:sort([N || #att{name = N} <- SourceAtts]),
-            lists:sort([N || #att{name = N} <- TargetAtts]),
-            "Document has same number (and names) of attachments in "
-            "source and target databases"),
-        lists:foreach(
-            fun(#att{name = AttName} = Att) ->
-                etap:diag("Verifying attachment " ++ ?b2l(AttName)),
-                {ok, AttTarget} = find_att(TargetAtts, AttName),
-                SourceMd5 = att_md5(Att),
-                TargetMd5 = att_md5(AttTarget),
-                case AttName of
-                <<"att1">> ->
-                    etap:is(Att#att.encoding, gzip,
-                        "Attachment is gzip encoded in source database"),
-                    etap:is(AttTarget#att.encoding, gzip,
-                        "Attachment is gzip encoded in target database"),
-                    DecSourceMd5 = att_decoded_md5(Att),
-                    DecTargetMd5 = att_decoded_md5(AttTarget),
-                    etap:is(DecTargetMd5, DecSourceMd5,
-                        "Same identity content in source and target databases");
-                _ ->
-                    etap:is(Att#att.encoding, identity,
-                        "Attachment is not encoded in source database"),
-                    etap:is(AttTarget#att.encoding, identity,
-                        "Attachment is not encoded in target database")
-                end,
-                etap:is(TargetMd5, SourceMd5,
-                    "Same content in source and target databases"),
-                etap:is(is_integer(Att#att.disk_len), true,
-                    "#att.disk_len is an integer in source database"),
-                etap:is(is_integer(Att#att.att_len), true,
-                    "#att.att_len is an integer in source database"),
-                etap:is(is_integer(AttTarget#att.disk_len), true,
-                    "#att.disk_len is an integer in target database"),
-                etap:is(is_integer(AttTarget#att.att_len), true,
-                    "#att.att_len is an integer in target database"),
-                etap:is(Att#att.disk_len, AttTarget#att.disk_len,
-                    "Same identity length in source and target databases"),
-                etap:is(Att#att.att_len, AttTarget#att.att_len,
-                    "Same encoded length in source and target databases"),
-                etap:is(Att#att.type, AttTarget#att.type,
-                    "Same type in source and target databases"),
-                etap:is(Att#att.md5, SourceMd5, "Correct MD5 in source database"),
-                etap:is(AttTarget#att.md5, SourceMd5, "Correct MD5 in target database")
-            end,
-            SourceAtts),
-        {ok, Acc}
-    end,
-    {ok, _, _} = couch_db:enum_docs(SourceDb, Fun, [], []),
-    ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb),
-    ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb).
-find_att([], _Name) ->
-    nil;
-find_att([#att{name = Name} = Att | _], Name) ->
-    {ok, Att};
-find_att([_ | Rest], Name) ->
-    find_att(Rest, Name).
-att_md5(Att) ->
-    Md50 = couch_doc:att_foldl(
-        Att,
-        fun(Chunk, Acc) -> couch_util:md5_update(Acc, Chunk) end,
-        couch_util:md5_init()),
-    couch_util:md5_final(Md50).
-att_decoded_md5(Att) ->
-    Md50 = couch_doc:att_foldl_decode(
-        Att,
-        fun(Chunk, Acc) -> couch_util:md5_update(Acc, Chunk) end,
-        couch_util:md5_init()),
-    couch_util:md5_final(Md50).
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
-create_db(DbName) ->
-    couch_db:create(
-        DbName,
-        [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}, overwrite]).
-delete_db(Db) ->
-    ok = couch_server:delete(
-        couch_db:name(Db), [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}]).
-replicate({remote, Db}, Target) ->
-    replicate(db_url(Db), Target);
-replicate(Source, {remote, Db}) ->
-    replicate(Source, db_url(Db));
-replicate(Source, Target) ->
-    RepObject = {[
-        {<<"source">>, Source},
-        {<<"target">>, Target}
-    ]},
-    {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(
-        RepObject, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-    receive
-    {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
-        etap:is(Reason, normal, "Replication finished successfully")
-    after 300000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout waiting for replication to finish")
-    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/05-replication-many-leaves.t b/src/couch_replicator/test/05-replication-many-leaves.t
deleted file mode 100755
index bd795ec..0000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/05-replication-many-leaves.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% Test replication of documents with many leaf revisions.
-% Motivated by COUCHDB-1340 and other similar issues where a document
-% GET with a too long ?open_revs revision list doesn't work due to
-% maximum web server limits for the HTTP request path.
--record(user_ctx, {
-    name = null,
-    roles = [],
-    handler
--record(doc, {
-    id = <<"">>,
-    revs = {0, []},
-    body = {[]},
-    atts = [],
-    deleted = false,
-    meta = []
--record(att, {
-    name,
-    type,
-    att_len,
-    disk_len,
-    md5= <<>>,
-    revpos=0,
-    data,
-    encoding=identity
--define(b2l(B), binary_to_list(B)).
--define(l2b(L), list_to_binary(L)).
--define(i2l(I), integer_to_list(I)).
-source_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_a">>.
-target_db_name() -> <<"couch_test_rep_db_b">>.
-doc_ids() ->
-    [<<"doc1">>, <<"doc2">>, <<"doc3">>].
-doc_num_conflicts(<<"doc1">>) -> 10;
-doc_num_conflicts(<<"doc2">>) -> 100;
-% a number > MaxURLlength (7000) / length(DocRevisionString)
-doc_num_conflicts(<<"doc3">>) -> 210.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(56, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    ibrowse:start(),
-    crypto:start(),
-    config:set("replicator", "connection_timeout", "90000", false),
-    Pairs = [
-        {source_db_name(), target_db_name()},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, target_db_name()},
-        {source_db_name(), {remote, target_db_name()}},
-        {{remote, source_db_name()}, {remote, (target_db_name())}}
-    ],
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({Source, Target}) ->
-            {ok, SourceDb} = create_db(source_db_name()),
-            etap:diag("Populating source database"),
-            {ok, DocRevs} = populate_db(SourceDb),
-            ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb),
-            etap:diag("Creating target database"),
-            {ok, TargetDb} = create_db(target_db_name()),
-            ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb),
-            etap:diag("Triggering replication"),
-            replicate(Source, Target),
-            etap:diag("Replication finished, comparing source and target databases"),
-            {ok, SourceDb2} = couch_db:open_int(source_db_name(), []),
-            {ok, TargetDb2} = couch_db:open_int(target_db_name(), []),
-            verify_target(SourceDb2, TargetDb2, DocRevs),
-            ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb2),
-            ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb2),
-            {ok, SourceDb3} = couch_db:open_int(source_db_name(), []),
-            {ok, DocRevs2} = add_attachments(SourceDb3, DocRevs, 2),
-            ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb3),
-            etap:diag("Triggering replication again"),
-            replicate(Source, Target),
-            etap:diag("Replication finished, comparing source and target databases"),
-            {ok, SourceDb4} = couch_db:open_int(source_db_name(), []),
-            {ok, TargetDb4} = couch_db:open_int(target_db_name(), []),
-            verify_target(SourceDb4, TargetDb4, DocRevs2),
-            ok = couch_db:close(SourceDb4),
-            ok = couch_db:close(TargetDb4),
-            etap:diag("Deleting source and target databases"),
-            delete_db(TargetDb),
-            delete_db(SourceDb),
-            ok = timer:sleep(1000)
-        end,
-        Pairs),
-    test_util:stop_couch().
-populate_db(Db) ->
-    DocRevsDict = lists:foldl(
-        fun(DocId, Acc) ->
-            Value = <<"0">>,
-            Doc = #doc{
-                id = DocId,
-                body = {[ {<<"value">>, Value} ]}
-            },
-            {ok, Rev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []),
-            {ok, DocRevs} = add_doc_siblings(Db, DocId, doc_num_conflicts(DocId)),
-            dict:store(DocId, [Rev | DocRevs], Acc)
-        end,
-        dict:new(), doc_ids()),
-    {ok, dict:to_list(DocRevsDict)}.
-add_doc_siblings(Db, DocId, NumLeaves) when NumLeaves > 0 ->
-    add_doc_siblings(Db, DocId, NumLeaves, [], []).
-add_doc_siblings(Db, _DocId, 0, AccDocs, AccRevs) ->
-    {ok, []} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, AccDocs, [], replicated_changes),
-    {ok, AccRevs};
-add_doc_siblings(Db, DocId, NumLeaves, AccDocs, AccRevs) ->
-    Value = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(NumLeaves)),
-    Rev = couch_util:md5(Value),
-    Doc = #doc{
-        id = DocId,
-        revs = {1, [Rev]},
-        body = {[ {<<"value">>, Value} ]}
-    },
-    add_doc_siblings(Db, DocId, NumLeaves - 1, [Doc | AccDocs], [{1, Rev} | AccRevs]).
-verify_target(_SourceDb, _TargetDb, []) ->
-    ok;
-verify_target(SourceDb, TargetDb, [{DocId, RevList} | Rest]) ->
-    {ok, Lookups} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(
-        TargetDb,
-        DocId,
-        RevList,
-        [conflicts, deleted_conflicts]),
-    Docs = [Doc || {ok, Doc} <- Lookups],
-    {ok, SourceLookups} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(
-        SourceDb,
-        DocId,
-        RevList,
-        [conflicts, deleted_conflicts]),
-    SourceDocs = [Doc || {ok, Doc} <- SourceLookups],
-    Total = doc_num_conflicts(DocId) + 1,
-    etap:is(
-        length(Docs),
-        Total,
-        "Target has " ++ ?i2l(Total) ++ " leaf revisions of document " ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
-    etap:diag("Verifying all revisions of document " ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun({#doc{id = Id, revs = Revs} = TgtDoc, #doc{id = Id, revs = Revs} = SrcDoc}) ->
-            SourceJson = couch_doc:to_json_obj(SrcDoc, [attachments]),
-            TargetJson = couch_doc:to_json_obj(TgtDoc, [attachments]),
-            case TargetJson of
-            SourceJson ->
-                ok;
-            _ ->
-                {Pos, [Rev | _]} = Revs,
-                etap:bail("Wrong value for revision " ++
-                    ?b2l(couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos, Rev})) ++
-                    " of document " ++ ?b2l(DocId))
-            end
-        end,
-        lists:zip(Docs, SourceDocs)),
-    verify_target(SourceDb, TargetDb, Rest).
-add_attachments(Source, DocIdRevs, NumAtts) ->
-    add_attachments(Source, DocIdRevs, NumAtts, []).
-add_attachments(_SourceDb, [], _NumAtts, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Acc};
-add_attachments(SourceDb, [{DocId, RevList} | Rest], NumAtts, IdRevsAcc) ->
-    {ok, SourceLookups} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(
-        SourceDb,
-        DocId,
-        RevList,
-        []),
-    SourceDocs = [Doc || {ok, Doc} <- SourceLookups],
-    Total = doc_num_conflicts(DocId) + 1,
-    etap:is(
-        length(SourceDocs),
-        Total,
-        "Source still has " ++ ?i2l(Total) ++
-            " leaf revisions of document " ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
-    etap:diag("Adding " ++ ?i2l(NumAtts) ++
-        " attachments to each revision of the document " ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
-    NewDocs = lists:foldl(
-        fun(#doc{atts = Atts, revs = {Pos, [Rev | _]}} = Doc, Acc) ->
-            NewAtts = lists:foldl(
-                fun(I, AttAcc) ->
-                    AttData = crypto:rand_bytes(100),
-                    NewAtt = #att{
-                        name = iolist_to_binary(
-                            ["att_", ?i2l(I), "_", couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos, Rev})]),
-                        type = <<"application/foobar">>,
-                        att_len = byte_size(AttData),
-                        data = AttData
-                    },
-                    [NewAtt | AttAcc]
-                end,
-                [], lists:seq(1, NumAtts)),
-            [Doc#doc{atts = Atts ++ NewAtts} | Acc]
-        end,
-        [], SourceDocs),
-    {ok, UpdateResults} = couch_db:update_docs(SourceDb, NewDocs, []),
-    NewRevs = [R || {ok, R} <- UpdateResults],
-    etap:is(
-        length(NewRevs),
-        length(NewDocs),
-        "Document revisions updated with " ++ ?i2l(NumAtts) ++ " attachments"),
-    add_attachments(SourceDb, Rest, NumAtts, [{DocId, NewRevs} | IdRevsAcc]).
-db_url(DbName) ->
-    iolist_to_binary([
-        "http://", config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
-        ":", integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
-        "/", DbName
-    ]).
-create_db(DbName) ->
-    couch_db:create(
-        DbName,
-        [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}, overwrite]).
-delete_db(Db) ->
-    ok = couch_server:delete(
-        couch_db:name(Db), [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}}]).
-replicate({remote, Db}, Target) ->
-    replicate(db_url(Db), Target);
-replicate(Source, {remote, Db}) ->
-    replicate(Source, db_url(Db));
-replicate(Source, Target) ->
-    RepObject = {[
-        {<<"source">>, Source},
-        {<<"target">>, Target}
-    ]},
-    {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_utils:parse_rep_doc(
-        RepObject, #user_ctx{roles = [<<"_admin">>]}),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_replicator:async_replicate(Rep),
-    MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
-    receive
-    {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
-        etap:is(Reason, normal, "Replication finished successfully")
-    after 900000 ->
-        etap:bail("Timeout waiting for replication to finish")
-    end.