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Posted to by "Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET" <> on 2007/08/20 02:05:01 UTC

Is this a crazy idea? Double scoring..


	I've been looking at doing the Sitewide Bayes and
Sitewide Bayes Feedback. My mail server averages a KNOWN spam
every 2 seconds, so I'd like to feed it to a site wide database.
THEN, would like to score mail completely by the users private
one, but then RESCORE it against the site one. Track for a few
weeks and if it proves fine, then switch over. If it doesn't
make a major difference, then it was a nice try.

	Is there a way I could do it, have 2 sets of headers?
I know when I have my mail scanned on my server, and then again
on my laptop all the previous headers are gone, but could I
have some add_header lines in a that I point
a config file to? Would I have to run 2 instances of spamd?

		Thanks, Tuc