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Posted to by chan <> on 2001/03/20 00:03:42 UTC

serializer for an object with internal array

how can a complex object with an internal array be serialized?

 public class Invoice
  String name;
  int amount;
  int array[];

i tried the following but the array was ignored by the system.
   SOAPMappingRegistry registry = new SOAPMappingRegistry();
    QName qname = new QName( "urn:my_encoding", "Invoice" );
    BeanSerializer serializer = new BeanSerializer();
    registry.mapTypes( Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, qname, arrayt.Invoice.class, serializer, serializer );
   Invoice inv=new Invoice( "MyInvoice", 42, new int[]{30,40,50 } );
   params.addElement( new Parameter( "invoice", arrayt.Invoice.class, inv, null ) );
    call.setParams( params );

can anybody help me please? thanks.
