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Posted to by Rupert Smith <> on 2007/05/17 11:44:15 UTC

Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.


I have spoken to Rob about what we think a good exception handling and
logging solution will look like. I've written this up in note form, which I
am now sharing with the dev list. I'd quite happily just get on with this
refactoring effort, however, I notice that you have already done some
refactoring on trunk, introducing some new exception classes instead of
abusing AMQException in every moment of uncertainty, which seems correct to
me. We need to align our thinking on this, so as not to tread on each others

We know there are some things about the existing exception handling that are
not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when really it
should simply terminate the JVM.

There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase, that
causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on creation,
in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this before. I
had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they see
various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of todo's
to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions are
handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the debug
level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).

Some thoughts:

I think that InternalErrorException should be dropped? It seems likely that
it will be abused, as AMQException has been, as a general
don't-know-what-to-do-with-it exception class; it is too broad to be a
usefull checked exception. If the catcher can't get a more specific
exception, it is unlikely to be able to be recovered from, so would be
better throwing a runtime anyway. InternlErrorException might make a good
root for the exception hierarchy of checked exceptions internal to the
broker only? for the case where a handler wants to catch all checked
internal exceptions. However, I can't think where we might actually want to
do that? For checked exceptions that are handled, the handling code is
likely to be not too far away from the throw point, and quite specific to
the exception type.

I can sort of see where you are going with InternalErrorException, as I
agree a seperate hierarchy to AMQException is needed, but there is now a
comical situation, where AMQException is caught and rethrown as
InternalError, which is then caught and rethrown as AMQException... (which
is then caught and logged and swallowed and the broker carries on).

It would have been better just to replace the original source (a JMX error
in the case I am looking at) of the unrecoverable condition with a throw
runtime, then we don't need to worry about all this juggling to fit method
signatures. If that runtime comes up in testing, then a suitable
handling/recovery strategy for the JMX error would be written, if it never
comes up, it might always be left as a runtime.

I think AMQException needs to be reserved just for protocol specific
exceptions, with an AMQP status code. It should be made abstract, and its
constructor should accept a non-null type safe enumeration of an AMQP status

We should follow the Java convention of using runtime exceptions for
conditions that are not expected to be recoverable from, checked exceptions
for recoverable conditions. Recoverable here also means that a compensating
action can be performed, for example, an internal checked exception may not
be recovered from in the sense that the original processing pathway can be
re-attained, the compensating action may be to send an error code to the

Some heuristics for deciding what exception to throw in what scenario might

In *MethodHandler code, dealing directly with the protocol, raise error
conditions as specific AMQExceptions with the appropriate status code.
In code further down the call tree, not directly dealing with the protocol,
if the error condition can be handled, throw a checked exception for it.
For error conditions that you don't know what to do about and cannot
obviously be handled, throw a runtime (or might like to use a more specific
sub-type of Runtime, for example, IllegalArgumentException).

So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a checked
QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with that
exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go through the

One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor, and
passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just that I
like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc and
contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand why it
is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException has 4
and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which the
exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.

Here are my notes:


Put in top level handlers to correctly handle all exceptions. One already
exists at an approriate point in some mina related code, need one at the top
of the worker thread pool too. There will also be a top-level handler point
somewhere in the Main class to ensure all start up errors are logged (might
already be one).

Top level handlers to:

Shutdown JVM on all unhandled exceptions and error conditions.
Be responsible for logging all unhandled exceptions, checked and runtime. An
attempt to log errors may be made, but of course, may fail due to the
uncertain state of the JVM at that time.
If appropriate to the positioning of the top-level handler, handle AMQ
status code related exceptions by sending the status code to client, and
taking action as appropriate in the protocol, that is, possibly closing the
channel or connection.

The exception hierarchy needs some adjustment. AMQException originally
intended only for AMQP errors with related status codes that get returned to
the client, but has been abused as a general-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it
exception class. Re-establish it as the root of an exception hierarchy just
for AMQP errors. Add internal, non-AMQP exceptions to a different hierarchy.

Many unhandled conditions currently thrown as AMQException may need to be
changed to throw runtimes, as they are not possible to recover from.

Make all exceptions have a single constructor, that accepts nulls for
optional parameters. It makes writing sub-classes less tedious.

Create two new logging hierarchies. One for 'business' or operate level
logging. One for AMQP wire level logging. Classes that output debug logging
for developers as well as wire or operate logging will have multiple

AMQP wire level logging could use the AMQP class.method hierarchy to log all
wire level stuff to. It should log to the trace level as it will only ever
be used for fairly low level debugging work. Seperate hierarchy makes it
easy to isolate and watch the protocol traffic on the wire.

The operate level logging may have some sort of hierarchy? Or just a root,
that is at least different to 'org.apache.qpid', for example 'qpid.operate'.
That will make it easy to write a production log4j file that just pulls out
the logging that operators would want to know about.

Operate level logging to use well known identifiers for all errors, to be
included in the log output. Something like 'QPID-XX', with XX an error code.
All error codes to be defined as a type-safe enum, with code, format string
and number of arguments defined. All operator exceptions to get their codes
from this one file, making it easy to add new codes without accidentally
re-using already assigned numbers. (Could generate this from
xml/properties/other so that code definitions are shared between Java and
C++, but will only do that if/when C++ wants to use same logging codes).
Makes writing the operator logging documentation easier too as no longer
need to grep the entire codebase for logging statements. There will probably
only be 3 calls to log.error in the entire codebase; one at each of the
top-level handler locations identified.

Eliminate arbitrary logging (at info, warn or error level) of exceptions in
constructors, or upon creation, or in catch and rethrow scenarios. All
exceptions to be logged when handled only, that is, at the top level
handler, or in handlers that have specifically been written to
recover/compensate for checked exceptions.

Work on trunk, if there's time merge into M2, otherwise these improvements
are for M3.



Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Rupert Smith <>.

I'm glad we seem to be in general agreement. Don't worry too much about
eliminating spurios logging in your code, I will have to go through all of
the code with my todo list anyway, so will spot any double loggings. I will
probably just downgrade log.error on exception creation to log.debug, and
check that the exception will actually make it to a handling point where its
logged (if it really is an error).

Also, if I eliminate any of the many exception constructors, I will change
calling code to call just one constructor, but leave the others in marked as
deprecated for a while, so as not to play nice with code other people are
still working on.

I'm not going to add or delete any exceptions, perhpas alter the class
hierarchy a little in a few places, but really existing code and stuff you
are working on at the moment should be able to use the existing exceptions
without being impacted.


On 18/05/07, Arnaud Simon <> wrote:
> Rupert,
> > We know there are some things about the existing exception handling that
> are
> > not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> > conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when really
> it
> > should simply terminate the JVM.
> +1
> > There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase,
> that
> > causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on
> creation,
> > in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this before.
> I
> > had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they
> see
> > various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of
> todo's
> > to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions
> are
> > handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the
> debug
> > level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).
> I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
> exceptions when throwing them.
> > Some thoughts:
> >
> ....
> > So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a checked
> > QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
> > queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
> > method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with
> that
> > exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go through
> the
> > protocol.
> I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
> InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
> code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
> avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one.
> > One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor,
> and
> > passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just
> that I
> > like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc and
> > contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand
> why it
> > is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> > different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException
> has 4
> > and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
> > javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which
> the
> > exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.
> +1
> As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
> doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
> my code for:
> 1) removing useless logging statements
> 2) use your Exception hierarchy
> What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses the
> same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as it
> is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy.
> Arnaud

Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Rupert Smith <>.
I don't think any of this will impact the client API, its really just a
question of handling error conditions in the borker more cleanly. If a
Runtime does slip through the client code, its a bug and should be fixed.

Also, not planning to call System.exit in the client library code. That
wouldn't be nice!

The exception listener is part of the JMS api? So we can't really change
that design decision.

On 18/05/07, Marnie McCormack <> wrote:
> Hi Rupert & Arnaud,
> Just been thinking about how we might sensibly go about making any changes
> to method signatures as backwards compatible as possible, I guess only
> really in terms of any changes which ripple through to the client code -
> which I'm guessing some will ?
> For example, I'm thinking that replacing some Exceptions with Runtimes
> will
> cause compilation failures/warnings for our clients - unless we really
> don't
> have changes to the exposed API on the client side ? And are we saying
> that
> all Runtimes should be/will be handled as a System.exit() case ?
> The only other area I'm aware of that might cause our existing users
> issues
> is around the handling of undeliverable messages (i.e. where we're using
> the
> immediate flag to detect a 'no consumers on this queue' scenario). I know
> we've already got a user problem here in terms of the M2 broker behaving
> differently from it's predecessors. (I know it's documented locally Rupert
> though probably not in Apache JIRAs ?)
> A related, but more general problem, is the correct use of exception
> listener. It's not too clear what exceptions ought to always go to te
> listener and which should not. This seems like a minor issue, but since
> the
> listener interface does not expose any exceptions it gets tricky in that
> it
> forces the user's client code to handle to exception within the listener
> method(s) which is not very flexible imho.
> I'm a little rusty (for obvious - at least in person reasons) so apologies
> if I've missed a change/beat :-)
> Hth,
> Bfn,
> Marnie
> On 5/18/07, Arnaud Simon <> wrote:
> >
> > Rupert,
> >
> > > We know there are some things about the existing exception handling
> that
> > are
> > > not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> > > conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when
> really
> > it
> > > should simply terminate the JVM.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > > There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase,
> > that
> > > causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on
> > creation,
> > > in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this
> before.
> > I
> > > had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they
> > see
> > > various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of
> > todo's
> > > to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions
> > are
> > > handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the
> > debug
> > > level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).
> >
> > I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
> > exceptions when throwing them.
> >
> > > Some thoughts:
> > >
> > ....
> > > So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a
> checked
> > > QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
> > > queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
> > > method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with
> > that
> > > exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go
> through
> > the
> > > protocol.
> >
> > I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
> > InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
> > code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
> > avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one.
> >
> > > One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor,
> > and
> > > passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just
> > that I
> > > like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc
> and
> > > contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand
> > why it
> > > is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> > > different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException
> > has 4
> > > and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
> > > javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which
> > the
> > > exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
> > doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
> > my code for:
> > 1) removing useless logging statements
> > 2) use your Exception hierarchy
> >
> > What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses the
> > same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as it
> > is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy.
> >
> > Arnaud
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Rupert Smith <>.
Limping on after an OOME is never a good idea. Our strategy for handling
exhaustion of the in-memory store will be to set a byte-limit on the store
and keep a count of messages sizes added/removed. The JVM will be allocated
enough heap to hold such a store, so we can cleanly detect exhaustion of the
store, without encountering OOME. OOME may still occurr in other places, for
example, unbounded buffers used by mina, but if it does, its a bug and
something in need of fixing to make things more robust (for example, use a
bounded buffer and block when full).

On 18/05/07, Marnie McCormack <> wrote:
> Also meant to mention that I have concerns around our existing handling of
> OutOfMemory which imho we shouldn't try to handle and survive. However, I
> know lots of our users feel differently about that and would prefer the
> broker to limp on .....
> I think it's highly dubious to try and 'manage' and OoM situation using
> queue limits etc. But I know others differ here !
> Bfn,
> Marnie
> On 5/18/07, Marnie McCormack <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rupert & Arnaud,
> >
> > Just been thinking about how we might sensibly go about making any
> changes
> > to method signatures as backwards compatible as possible, I guess only
> > really in terms of any changes which ripple through to the client code -
> > which I'm guessing some will ?
> >
> > For example, I'm thinking that replacing some Exceptions with Runtimes
> > will cause compilation failures/warnings for our clients - unless we
> really
> > don't have changes to the exposed API on the client side ? And are we
> saying
> > that all Runtimes should be/will be handled as a System.exit() case ?
> >
> > The only other area I'm aware of that might cause our existing users
> > issues is around the handling of undeliverable messages (i.e. where
> we're
> > using the immediate flag to detect a 'no consumers on this queue'
> scenario).
> > I know we've already got a user problem here in terms of the M2 broker
> > behaving differently from it's predecessors. (I know it's documented
> locally
> > Rupert though probably not in Apache JIRAs ?)
> >
> > A related, but more general problem, is the correct use of exception
> > listener. It's not too clear what exceptions ought to always go to te
> > listener and which should not. This seems like a minor issue, but since
> the
> > listener interface does not expose any exceptions it gets tricky in that
> it
> > forces the user's client code to handle to exception within the listener
> > method(s) which is not very flexible imho.
> >
> > I'm a little rusty (for obvious - at least in person reasons) so
> apologies
> > if I've missed a change/beat :-)
> >
> > Hth,
> > Bfn,
> > Marnie
> >
> >  On 5/18/07, Arnaud Simon <> wrote:
> > >
> > > Rupert,
> > >
> > > > We know there are some things about the existing exception handling
> > > that are
> > > > not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> > > > conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when
> > > really it
> > > > should simply terminate the JVM.
> > >
> > > +1
> > >
> > > > There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the
> codebase,
> > > that
> > > > causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on
> > > creation,
> > > > in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this
> > > before. I
> > > > had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when
> they
> > > see
> > > > various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of
> > > todo's
> > > > to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where
> exceptions
> > > are
> > > > handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the
> > > debug
> > > > level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).
> > >
> > > I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
> > > exceptions when throwing them.
> > >
> > > > Some thoughts:
> > > >
> > > ....
> > > > So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a
> > > checked
> > > > QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a
> non-existant
> > > > queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls
> that
> > > > method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal
> with
> > > that
> > > > exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go
> > > through the
> > > > protocol.
> > >
> > > I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
> > > InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
> > > code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
> > > avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one.
> > >
> > > > One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one
> constructor,
> > > and
> > > > passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its
> just
> > > that I
> > > > like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc
> > > and
> > > > contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never
> understand
> > > why it
> > > > is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> > > > different constructors for every permutation of options.
> AMQException
> > > has 4
> > > > and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit
> of
> > > > javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under
> which
> > > the
> > > > exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.
> > >
> > > +1
> > >
> > > As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
> > > doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
> > > my code for:
> > > 1) removing useless logging statements
> > > 2) use your Exception hierarchy
> > >
> > > What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses
> the
> > > same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as
> it
> > > is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy.
> > >
> > > Arnaud
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Marnie McCormack <>.
Also meant to mention that I have concerns around our existing handling of
OutOfMemory which imho we shouldn't try to handle and survive. However, I
know lots of our users feel differently about that and would prefer the
broker to limp on .....

I think it's highly dubious to try and 'manage' and OoM situation using
queue limits etc. But I know others differ here !


On 5/18/07, Marnie McCormack <> wrote:
> Hi Rupert & Arnaud,
> Just been thinking about how we might sensibly go about making any changes
> to method signatures as backwards compatible as possible, I guess only
> really in terms of any changes which ripple through to the client code -
> which I'm guessing some will ?
> For example, I'm thinking that replacing some Exceptions with Runtimes
> will cause compilation failures/warnings for our clients - unless we really
> don't have changes to the exposed API on the client side ? And are we saying
> that all Runtimes should be/will be handled as a System.exit() case ?
> The only other area I'm aware of that might cause our existing users
> issues is around the handling of undeliverable messages (i.e. where we're
> using the immediate flag to detect a 'no consumers on this queue' scenario).
> I know we've already got a user problem here in terms of the M2 broker
> behaving differently from it's predecessors. (I know it's documented locally
> Rupert though probably not in Apache JIRAs ?)
> A related, but more general problem, is the correct use of exception
> listener. It's not too clear what exceptions ought to always go to te
> listener and which should not. This seems like a minor issue, but since the
> listener interface does not expose any exceptions it gets tricky in that it
> forces the user's client code to handle to exception within the listener
> method(s) which is not very flexible imho.
> I'm a little rusty (for obvious - at least in person reasons) so apologies
> if I've missed a change/beat :-)
> Hth,
> Bfn,
> Marnie
>  On 5/18/07, Arnaud Simon <> wrote:
> >
> > Rupert,
> >
> > > We know there are some things about the existing exception handling
> > that are
> > > not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> > > conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when
> > really it
> > > should simply terminate the JVM.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > > There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase,
> > that
> > > causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on
> > creation,
> > > in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this
> > before. I
> > > had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they
> > see
> > > various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of
> > todo's
> > > to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions
> > are
> > > handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the
> > debug
> > > level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).
> >
> > I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
> > exceptions when throwing them.
> >
> > > Some thoughts:
> > >
> > ....
> > > So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a
> > checked
> > > QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
> > > queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
> > > method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with
> > that
> > > exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go
> > through the
> > > protocol.
> >
> > I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
> > InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
> > code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
> > avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one.
> >
> > > One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor,
> > and
> > > passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just
> > that I
> > > like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc
> > and
> > > contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand
> > why it
> > > is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> > > different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException
> > has 4
> > > and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
> > > javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which
> > the
> > > exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
> > doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
> > my code for:
> > 1) removing useless logging statements
> > 2) use your Exception hierarchy
> >
> > What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses the
> > same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as it
> > is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy.
> >
> > Arnaud
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Marnie McCormack <>.
Hi Rupert & Arnaud,

Just been thinking about how we might sensibly go about making any changes
to method signatures as backwards compatible as possible, I guess only
really in terms of any changes which ripple through to the client code -
which I'm guessing some will ?

For example, I'm thinking that replacing some Exceptions with Runtimes will
cause compilation failures/warnings for our clients - unless we really don't
have changes to the exposed API on the client side ? And are we saying that
all Runtimes should be/will be handled as a System.exit() case ?

The only other area I'm aware of that might cause our existing users issues
is around the handling of undeliverable messages (i.e. where we're using the
immediate flag to detect a 'no consumers on this queue' scenario). I know
we've already got a user problem here in terms of the M2 broker behaving
differently from it's predecessors. (I know it's documented locally Rupert
though probably not in Apache JIRAs ?)

A related, but more general problem, is the correct use of exception
listener. It's not too clear what exceptions ought to always go to te
listener and which should not. This seems like a minor issue, but since the
listener interface does not expose any exceptions it gets tricky in that it
forces the user's client code to handle to exception within the listener
method(s) which is not very flexible imho.

I'm a little rusty (for obvious - at least in person reasons) so apologies
if I've missed a change/beat :-)


On 5/18/07, Arnaud Simon <> wrote:
> Rupert,
> > We know there are some things about the existing exception handling that
> are
> > not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> > conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when really
> it
> > should simply terminate the JVM.
> +1
> > There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase,
> that
> > causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on
> creation,
> > in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this before.
> I
> > had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they
> see
> > various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of
> todo's
> > to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions
> are
> > handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the
> debug
> > level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).
> I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
> exceptions when throwing them.
> > Some thoughts:
> >
> ....
> > So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a checked
> > QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
> > queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
> > method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with
> that
> > exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go through
> the
> > protocol.
> I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
> InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
> code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
> avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one.
> > One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor,
> and
> > passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just
> that I
> > like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc and
> > contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand
> why it
> > is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> > different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException
> has 4
> > and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
> > javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which
> the
> > exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.
> +1
> As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
> doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
> my code for:
> 1) removing useless logging statements
> 2) use your Exception hierarchy
> What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses the
> same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as it
> is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy.
> Arnaud

Re: Java Broker Exception Handling and Logging.

Posted by Arnaud Simon <>.

> We know there are some things about the existing exception handling that are
> not right. In particular when the broker encounters unrecoverable
> conditions, it will often go limping on in an unknown state, when really it
> should simply terminate the JVM.


> There is also some dodgy logging code, spread throughout the codebase, that
> causes exceptions to be logged mutliple times, in constructors, on creation,
> in catch and rethrow scenarios and so on; I've mailed about this before. I
> had to write a document explaining to sys admins what to do when they see
> various log messages, so as a side to this I have compiled a list of todo's
> to eliminate the dodgy logging. Logging will be done where exceptions are
> handled and never where they are created (at least logging above the debug
> level, which is for devs only and can occur anywhere we like).

I agree with that, I'll be careful now as I may have logged my
exceptions when throwing them.

> Some thoughts:
> So, I think its correct that you have made message store throw a checked
> QueueDoesntExistException, if a method handler looks up a non-existant
> queue, it might translate that into a 404. Other code that calls that
> method, for example during start-up and configuration, will deal with that
> exception in its own way, and not as a 404, since it doesn't go through the
> protocol.

I agree 100% with what you are saying. I have introduced
InternalErrorException because it should be translated into an error
code. This is part of the dtx API. But however for consistency and for
avoiding this exception being abused we should use a Runtime one. 

> One thing I'm keen on is making exceptions only have one constructor, and
> passing in optional arguments as nulls. Its not a huge deal, its just that I
> like to Javadoc stuff and its a pain to write three lots of Javadoc and
> contructors for such trivial things as exceptions. I never understand why it
> is that exceptions in particular seem to end up with huge numbers of
> different constructors for every permutation of options. AMQException has 4
> and thats after I got rid of another 3! On that note, I think a bit of
> javadoc on all exception classes explaining the conditions under which the
> exception may be thrown, is extremely usefull.


As I don't want to walk on your toes we should coordinate. One way of
doing it is for you to define the new hierarchy. I can then go through
my code for: 
1) removing useless logging statements 
2) use your Exception hierarchy

What do you think? BTW I have already written a JDBC store that uses the
same exception strategy than before. I suggest that we check it in as it
is. I'll update the code later based on your exception hierarchy. 
