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Posted to by on 2015/01/08 02:07:14 UTC

[2/5] incubator-aurora git commit: Removing client v1 code.
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec558f8..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-from collections import defaultdict
-from mock import create_autospec, patch
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.api import AuroraClientAPI
-from apache.aurora.client.api.sla import DomainUpTimeSlaVector, JobUpTimeDetails, JobUpTimeLimit
-from apache.aurora.client.base import DEFAULT_GROUPING
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.admin import sla_list_safe_domain, sla_probe_hosts
-from apache.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-class TestAdminSlaListSafeDomainCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls, exclude=None, include=None, override=None,
-                         exclude_list=None, include_list=None, list_jobs=False, grouping=None):
-    mock_options = create_autospec(spec=['exclude_filename', 'exclude_hosts', 'include_filename',
-        'include_hosts', 'override_filename', 'list_jobs', 'verbosity', 'disable_all_hooks',
-        'min_instance_count', 'grouping'], instance=True)
-    mock_options.exclude_filename = exclude
-    mock_options.exclude_hosts = exclude_list
-    mock_options.include_filename = include
-    mock_options.include_hosts = include_list
-    mock_options.override_filename = override
-    mock_options.list_jobs = list_jobs
-    mock_options.verbosity = False
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    mock_options.min_instance_count = MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT
-    mock_options.grouping = grouping or DEFAULT_GROUPING
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_hosts(cls, num_hosts, percentage, duration):
-    hosts = defaultdict(list)
-    for i in range(num_hosts):
-      host_name = 'h%s' % i
-      job = AuroraJobKey.from_path('west/role/env/job%s' % i)
-      hosts[host_name].append(JobUpTimeLimit(job, percentage, duration))
-    return [hosts]
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_vector(cls, result):
-    mock_vector = create_autospec(spec=DomainUpTimeSlaVector, instance=True)
-    mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.return_value = result
-    return mock_vector
-  def test_safe_domain_no_options(self):
-    """Tests successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command without extra options."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(3, 80, 100))
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-            new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-    ) as (
-        mock_api,
-        mock_print_results,
-        test_clusters,
-        mock_options):
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-      sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-      mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with(['h0', 'h1', 'h2'])
-  def test_safe_domain_exclude_hosts(self):
-    """Test successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with exclude hosts option."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(3, 80, 100))
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write('h1')
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(
-      with contextlib.nested(
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-              new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-          patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-      ) as (
-          mock_api,
-          mock_print_results,
-          test_clusters,
-          mock_options):
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-        mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-        mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with(['h0', 'h2'])
-  def test_safe_domain_exclude_hosts_from_list(self):
-    """Test successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with exclude list option."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(3, 80, 100))
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(exclude_list=','.join(['h0', 'h1']))
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-            new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-    ) as (
-        mock_api,
-        mock_print_results,
-        test_clusters,
-        mock_options):
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-      sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-      mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with(['h2'])
-  def test_safe_domain_include_hosts(self):
-    """Test successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with include hosts option."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(1, 80, 100))
-    hostname = 'h0'
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write(hostname)
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(
-      with contextlib.nested(
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-              new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-          patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-      ) as (
-          mock_api,
-          mock_print_results,
-          test_clusters,
-          mock_options):
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.assert_called_once_with(
-            MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, [hostname])
-        mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-        mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with([hostname])
-  def test_safe_domain_include_hosts_from_list(self):
-    """Test successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with include list option."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(2, 80, 100))
-    hosts = ['h0', 'h1']
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(include_list=','.join(hosts))
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-            new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-    ) as (
-        mock_api,
-        mock_print_results,
-        test_clusters,
-        mock_options):
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-      sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.assert_called_once_with(
-          MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, hosts)
-      mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-      mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with(hosts)
-  def test_safe_domain_override_jobs(self):
-    """Test successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with override_jobs option."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(3, 80, 100))
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write('west/role/env/job1 30 200s')
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(
-      with contextlib.nested(
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-              new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-          patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-      ) as (
-          mock_api,
-          mock_print_results,
-          test_clusters,
-          mock_options):
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-        job_key = AuroraJobKey.from_path('west/role/env/job1')
-        override = {job_key: JobUpTimeLimit(job_key, 30, 200)}
-        mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, override, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-        mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with(['h0', 'h1', 'h2'])
-  def test_safe_domain_list_jobs(self):
-    """Tests successful execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with list_jobs option."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(list_jobs=True)
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_vector(self.create_hosts(3, 50, 100))
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-            new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-    ) as (
-        mock_api,
-        mock_print_results,
-        test_clusters,
-        mock_options):
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-      sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      mock_vector.get_safe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(50.0, 100.0, {}, DEFAULT_GROUPING)
-      mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with([
-          'h0\twest/role/env/job0\t50.00\t100',
-          'h1\twest/role/env/job1\t50.00\t100',
-          'h2\twest/role/env/job2\t50.00\t100'])
-  def test_safe_domain_invalid_percentage(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with invalid percentage"""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-      try:
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '0', '100s'])
-      except SystemExit:
-        pass
-      else:
-        assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
-  def test_safe_domain_malformed_job_override(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with invalid job_override file"""
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write('30 200s')
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(
-      with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-        try:
-          sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-        except SystemExit:
-          pass
-        else:
-          assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
-  def test_safe_domain_hosts_error(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command with both include file and list"""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(include='file', include_list='list')
-    with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-      try:
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      except SystemExit:
-        pass
-      else:
-        assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
-  def test_safe_domain_grouping_error(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_list_safe_domain command invalid grouping"""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(grouping='foo')
-    with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-      try:
-        sla_list_safe_domain(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      except SystemExit:
-        pass
-      else:
-        assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
-class TestAdminSlaProbeHostsCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls, hosts=None, filename=None, grouping=None):
-    mock_options = create_autospec(
-        spec=['hosts', 'filename', 'verbosity', 'min_instance_count', 'grouping'],
-        spec_set=False,
-        instance=True)
-    mock_options.hosts = hosts
-    mock_options.filename = filename
-    mock_options.verbosity = False
-    mock_options.grouping = grouping or DEFAULT_GROUPING
-    mock_options.min_instance_count = 1
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_vector(cls, result):
-    mock_vector = create_autospec(spec=DomainUpTimeSlaVector, instance=True)
-    mock_vector.probe_hosts.return_value = result
-    return mock_vector
-  @classmethod
-  def create_probe_hosts(cls, num_hosts, predicted, safe, safe_in):
-    hosts = defaultdict(list)
-    for i in range(num_hosts):
-      host_name = 'h%s' % i
-      job = AuroraJobKey.from_path('west/role/env/job%s' % i)
-      hosts[host_name].append(JobUpTimeDetails(job, predicted, safe, safe_in))
-    return [hosts]
-  def test_probe_hosts_with_list(self):
-    """Tests successful execution of the sla_probe_hosts command with host list."""
-    hosts = ['h0', 'h1']
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(hosts=','.join(hosts))
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_probe_hosts_vector([self.create_probe_hosts(2, 80, True, 0)])
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-            new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-    ) as (
-        mock_api,
-        mock_print_results,
-        test_clusters,
-        options):
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-      sla_probe_hosts(['west', '90', '200s'])
-      mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.assert_called_once_with(
-          mock_options.min_instance_count, hosts)
-      mock_vector.probe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(90.0, 200.0, mock_options.grouping)
-      mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with([
-          'h0\twest/role/env/job0\t80.00\tTrue\t0',
-          'h1\twest/role/env/job1\t80.00\tTrue\t0'
-      ])
-  def test_probe_hosts_with_file(self):
-    """Tests successful execution of the sla_probe_hosts command with host filename."""
-    mock_vector = self.create_mock_probe_hosts_vector([self.create_probe_hosts(1, 80, False, None)])
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write('h0')
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(
-      with contextlib.nested(
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.make_client',
-              new=create_autospec(spec=AuroraClientAPI)),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.print_results'),
-          patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.admin.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-          patch('', return_value=mock_options)
-      ) as (
-          mock_api,
-          mock_print_results,
-          test_clusters,
-          options):
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.return_value = mock_vector
-        sla_probe_hosts(['west', '90', '200s'])
-        mock_api.return_value.sla_get_safe_domain_vector.assert_called_once_with(
-          mock_options.min_instance_count, ['h0'])
-        mock_vector.probe_hosts.assert_called_once_with(90.0, 200.0, mock_options.grouping)
-        mock_print_results.assert_called_once_with([
-            'h0\twest/role/env/job0\t80.00\tFalse\tn/a'
-        ])
-  def test_probe_hosts_error(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_probe_hosts command with both host and filename provided."""
-    with temporary_file() as fp:
-      fp.write('h0')
-      fp.flush()
-      mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(hosts='h0',
-      with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-        try:
-          sla_probe_hosts(['west', '50', '100s'])
-        except SystemExit:
-          pass
-        else:
-          assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
-  def test_probe_grouping_error(self):
-    """Tests execution of the sla_probe_hosts command with invalid grouping."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options(hosts='h0', grouping='foo')
-    with patch('', return_value=mock_options):
-      try:
-        sla_probe_hosts(['west', '50', '100s'])
-      except SystemExit:
-        pass
-      else:
-        assert 'Expected error is not raised.'
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index e827b38..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-from mock import Mock, patch
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import cancel_update
-from apache.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import JobKey, TaskQuery
-class TestClientCancelUpdateCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = Mock()
-    mock_options.open_browser = False
-    mock_options.shards = None
-    mock_options.cluster = None
-    mock_options.json = False
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_api_factory(cls):
-    mock_api_factory, mock_api = cls.create_mock_api_factory()
-    mock_api_factory('fake').cancel_update.return_value = cls.get_cancel_update_response()
-    return mock_api_factory
-  @classmethod
-  def get_cancel_update_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_simple_success_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_cancel_update_called(cls, mock_api):
-    # Running cancel update should result in calling the API cancel_update
-    # method once, with an AuroraJobKey parameter.
-    assert mock_api.cancel_update.call_count == 1
-    mock_api.cancel_update.assert_called_with(
-        AuroraJobKey(cls.TEST_CLUSTER, cls.TEST_ROLE, cls.TEST_ENV, cls.TEST_JOB),
-        config=None)
-  def test_simple_successful_cancel_update(self):
-    """Run a test of the "kill" command against a mocked-out API:
-    Verifies that the kill command sends the right API RPCs, and performs the correct
-    tests on the result."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_api_factory = self.setup_mock_api_factory()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client_factory',
-            return_value=mock_api_factory),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      mock_api = mock_api_factory('fake')
-      cancel_update(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello'], mock_options)
-      self.assert_cancel_update_called(mock_api)
-  @classmethod
-  def get_expected_task_query(cls, shards=None):
-    instance_ids = frozenset(shards) if shards is not None else None
-    # Helper to create the query that will be a parameter to job kill.
-    return TaskQuery(
-        taskIds=None,
-        jobKeys=[JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=cls.TEST_JOB)],
-        instanceIds=instance_ids)
-  @classmethod
-  def get_release_lock_response(cls):
-    """Set up the response to a startUpdate API call."""
-    return cls.create_simple_success_response()
-  def test_cancel_update_api_level(self):
-    """Test kill client-side API logic."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.releaseLock.return_value = self.get_release_lock_response()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class, mock_clusters, options, mock_get_job_config):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        cancel_update(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello'], mock_options)
-      # All that cancel_update really does is release the update lock.
-      # So that's all we really need to check.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.releaseLock.call_count == 1
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.releaseLock.call_args[0][0].key.job == JobKey(environment='test',
-          role='mchucarroll', name='hello')
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a61d6e..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-from mock import create_autospec, patch
-from pystachio.config import Config
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import create
-from apache.aurora.config import AuroraConfig
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import (
-    AssignedTask,
-    JobKey,
-    ScheduledTask,
-    ScheduleStatus,
-    ScheduleStatusResult,
-    TaskEvent,
-    TaskQuery
-class TestClientCreateCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = create_autospec(spec={}, instance=True)
-    mock_options.json = False
-    mock_options.bindings = {}
-    mock_options.open_browser = False
-    mock_options.cluster = None
-    mock_options.wait_until = 'RUNNING'  # or 'FINISHED' for other tests
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks_reason = None
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_task(cls, task_id, instance_id, initial_time, status):
-    mock_task = create_autospec(spec=ScheduledTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask = create_autospec(spec=AssignedTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask.taskId = task_id
-    mock_task.assignedTask.instanceId = instance_id
-    mock_task.status = status
-    mock_task_event = create_autospec(spec=TaskEvent, instance=True)
-    mock_task_event.timestamp = initial_time
-    mock_task.taskEvents = [mock_task_event]
-    return mock_task
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_status_query_result(cls, scheduleStatus):
-    mock_query_result = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    mock_query_result.result.scheduleStatusResult = create_autospec(
-        spec=ScheduleStatusResult,
-        spec_set=False,
-        instance=True)
-    mock_task_one = cls.create_mock_task('hello', 0, 1000, scheduleStatus)
-    mock_task_two = cls.create_mock_task('hello', 1, 1004, scheduleStatus)
-    mock_query_result.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks = [mock_task_one, mock_task_two]
-    return mock_query_result
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_query(cls):
-    return TaskQuery(
-        jobKeys=[JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=cls.TEST_JOB)])
-  @classmethod
-  def get_createjob_response(cls):
-    # Then, we call api.create_job(config)
-    return cls.create_simple_success_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def get_failed_createjob_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_error_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_create_job_called(cls, mock_api):
-    # Check that create_job was called exactly once, with an AuroraConfig parameter.
-    assert mock_api.create_job.call_count == 1
-    assert isinstance(mock_api.create_job.call_args_list[0][0][0], AuroraConfig)
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_scheduler_called(cls, mock_api, mock_query, num_queries):
-    # scheduler.scheduler() is called once, as a part of the handle_open call.
-    assert mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.call_count == num_queries
-    mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.assert_called_with(mock_query)
-  def test_simple_successful_create_job(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API:
-    Verifies that the creation command sends the right API RPCs, and performs the correct
-    tests on the result."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    # create first calls get_job_config, which calls get_config. As long as we've got the options
-    # set up correctly, this should work.
-    # Next, create gets an API object via make_client. We need to replace that with a mock API.
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (make_client,
-        options):
-      # After making the client, create sets up a job monitor.
-      # The monitor uses TaskQuery to get the tasks. It's called at least twice:once before
-      # the job is created, and once after. So we need to set up mocks for the query results.
-      mock_query = self.create_mock_query()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
-      ]
-      # With the monitor set up, create finally gets around to calling create_job.
-      mock_api.create_job.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      # Finally, it calls the monitor to watch and make sure the jobs started;
-      # but we already set that up in the side-effects list for the query mock.
-      # This is the real test: invoke create as if it had been called by the command line.
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        create(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      # Check that create_job was called exactly once, with an AuroraConfig parameter.
-      self.assert_create_job_called(mock_api)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, mock_query, 1)
-      # make_client should have been called once.
-      make_client.assert_called_with('west')
-  def test_create_job_wait_until_finished(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API:
-    this time, make the monitor check status several times before successful completion.
-    """
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (sleep, make_client,
-        options):
-      mock_query = self.create_mock_query()
-      mock_options.wait_until = 'FINISHED'
-      mock_query_results = [
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.PENDING),
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.PENDING),
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.FINISHED),
-      ]
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-      mock_api.create_job.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        create(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      # Check that create_job was called exactly once, with an AuroraConfig parameter.
-      self.assert_create_job_called(mock_api)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, mock_query, 4)
-      # make_client should have been called once.
-      make_client.assert_called_with('west')
-  def test_create_job_failed(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API:
-    this time, make the monitor check status several times before successful completion.
-    """
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (make_client,
-        options):
-      mock_api.create_job.return_value = self.get_failed_createjob_response()
-      # This is the real test: invoke create as if it had been called by the command line.
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, create, (['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',]))
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      # Check that create_job was called exactly once, with an AuroraConfig parameter.
-      self.assert_create_job_called(mock_api)
-      # make_client should have been called once.
-      make_client.assert_called_with('west')
-  def test_delayed_job(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API:
-    this time, make the monitor check status several times before successful completion.
-    """
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (sleep, make_client,
-        options):
-      mock_query = self.create_mock_query()
-      mock_query_results = [
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.PENDING),
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.PENDING),
-          self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
-      ]
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-      mock_api.create_job.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        create(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      self.assert_create_job_called(mock_api)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, mock_query, 3)
-      # make_client should have been called once.
-      make_client.assert_called_with('west')
-  def test_create_job_failed_invalid_config(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API, with a configuration
-    containing a syntax error"""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (make_client,
-        options):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_invalid_config('invalid_clause=oops'))
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(Config.InvalidConfigError, create, (['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',
-  ]))
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      # Check that create_job was not called.
-      assert mock_api.create_job.call_count == 0
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.call_count == 0
-      # make_client should not have been called.
-      assert make_client.call_count == 0
-  def test_create_job_failed_invalid_config_two(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked-out API:
-    this time, make the monitor check status several times before successful completion.
-    """
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_v1_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (make_client,
-        options):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_invalid_config('invalid_clause=\'oops\','))
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, create, (['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',]))
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      # Check that create_job was not called.
-      assert mock_api.create_job.call_count == 0
-      # getTasksWithoutConfigs was called once, before the create_job
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.call_count == 0
-      # make_client should not have been called.
-      assert make_client.call_count == 0
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e02b2..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-import os
-from mock import Mock, patch
-from pystachio.config import Config
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import diff
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.constants import ACTIVE_STATES
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import (
-    AssignedTask,
-    ExecutorConfig,
-    Identity,
-    JobConfiguration,
-    JobKey,
-    PopulateJobResult,
-    ResponseCode,
-    Result,
-    ScheduledTask,
-    ScheduleStatus,
-    ScheduleStatusResult,
-    TaskConfig,
-    TaskEvent,
-    TaskQuery
-class TestDiffCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = Mock()
-    mock_options.env = None
-    mock_options.json = False
-    mock_options.bindings = {}
-    mock_options.open_browser = False
-    mock_options.rename_from = None
-    mock_options.cluster = None
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_scheduled_tasks(cls):
-    jobs = []
-    for name in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']:
-      job = ScheduledTask()
-      job.failure_count = 0
-      job.assignedTask = AssignedTask()
-      job.assignedTask.slaveHost = 'slavehost'
-      job.assignedTask.task = TaskConfig()
-      job.assignedTask.task.maxTaskFailures = 1
-      job.assignedTask.task.executorConfig = ExecutorConfig(name='name', data='fake data')
-      job.assignedTask.task.metadata = []
-      job.assignedTask.task.job = JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=name)
-      job.assignedTask.task.owner = Identity(role='mchucarroll')
-      job.assignedTask.task.environment = 'test'
-      job.assignedTask.task.jobName = 'woops'
-      job.assignedTask.task.numCpus = 2
-      job.assignedTask.task.ramMb = 2
-      job.assignedTask.task.diskMb = 2
-      job.assignedTask.instanceId = 4237894
-      job.assignedTask.assignedPorts = None
-      job.status = ScheduleStatus.RUNNING
-      event = TaskEvent()
-      event.timestamp = 28234726395
-      event.status = ScheduleStatus.RUNNING
-      event.message = "Hi there"
-      job.taskEvents = [event]
-      jobs.append(job)
-    return jobs
-  @classmethod
-  def create_status_response(cls):
-    resp = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    resp.result = Result(
-        scheduleStatusResult=ScheduleStatusResult(tasks=set(cls.create_mock_scheduled_tasks())))
-    return resp
-  @classmethod
-  def create_failed_status_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_blank_response(ResponseCode.INVALID_REQUEST, 'No tasks found for query')
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_populate_job_config(cls, api):
-    populate = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    api.populateJobConfig.return_value = populate
-    tasks = set(task.assignedTask.task for task in cls.create_mock_scheduled_tasks())
-    populate.result = Result(populateJobResult=PopulateJobResult(
-      populatedDEPRECATED=tasks,
-      taskConfig=list(tasks)[0]
-    ))
-    return populate
-  def test_successful_diff(self):
-    """Test the diff command."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.return_value = self.create_status_response()
-    self.setup_populate_job_config(mock_scheduler_proxy)
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('', return_value=0),
-        patch('json.loads', return_value=Mock())) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class,
-            mock_clusters,
-            options,
-            subprocess_patch,
-            json_patch):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        diff(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-        # Diff should get the task status, populate a config, and run diff.
-        mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.assert_called_with(
-            TaskQuery(
-                jobKeys=[JobKey(role='mchucarroll', environment='test', name='hello')],
-                statuses=ACTIVE_STATES))
-        assert mock_scheduler_proxy.populateJobConfig.call_count == 1
-        assert isinstance(mock_scheduler_proxy.populateJobConfig.call_args[0][0], JobConfiguration)
-        assert (mock_scheduler_proxy.populateJobConfig.call_args[0][0].key ==
-            JobKey(environment=u'test', role=u'mchucarroll', name=u'hello'))
-        # Subprocess should have been used to invoke diff with two parameters.
-        assert subprocess_patch.call_count == 1
-        assert len(subprocess_patch.call_args[0][0]) == 3
-        assert subprocess_patch.call_args[0][0][0] == os.environ.get('DIFF_VIEWER', 'diff')
-  def test_diff_invalid_config(self):
-    """Test the diff command if the user passes a config with an error in it."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.return_value = self.create_status_response()
-    self.setup_populate_job_config(mock_scheduler_proxy)
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('', return_value=0),
-        patch('json.loads', return_value=Mock())) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class,
-            mock_clusters,
-            options,
-            subprocess_patch,
-            json_patch):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_invalid_config('stupid="me"',))
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(Config.InvalidConfigError, diff,
-            ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-        assert mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.call_count == 0
-        assert mock_scheduler_proxy.populateJobConfig.call_count == 0
-        assert subprocess_patch.call_count == 0
-  def test_diff_server_error(self):
-    """Test the diff command if the user passes a config with an error in it."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.return_value = self.create_failed_status_response()
-    self.setup_populate_job_config(mock_scheduler_proxy)
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('', return_value=0),
-        patch('json.loads', return_value=Mock())) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class,
-            mock_clusters,
-            options,
-            subprocess_patch,
-            json_patch):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, diff,
-            ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-        # In this error case, we should have called the server getTasksStatus;
-        # but since it fails, we shouldn't call populateJobConfig or subprocess.
-        mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksStatus.assert_called_with(
-            TaskQuery(
-                jobKeys=[JobKey(role='mchucarroll', environment='test', name='hello')],
-                statuses=ACTIVE_STATES))
-        assert mock_scheduler_proxy.populateJobConfig.call_count == 0
-        assert subprocess_patch.call_count == 0
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index de1781e..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-from mock import create_autospec, patch
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import create
-from apache.aurora.client.config import AuroraConfig, GlobalHookRegistry
-from apache.aurora.client.hooks.hooked_api import HookedAuroraClientAPI
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import (
-    AssignedTask,
-    Result,
-    ScheduledTask,
-    ScheduleStatus,
-    ScheduleStatusResult,
-    TaskEvent
-class CreateHookForTesting(object):
-  def __init__(self, succeed):
-    self.created_jobs = []
-    self.succeed = succeed
-  def pre_create_job(self, api, config):
-    self.created_jobs.append(config)
-    return self.succeed
-class TestClientCreateCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  def setUp(self):
-    GlobalHookRegistry.reset()
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = create_autospec(spec={}, instance=True)
-    mock_options.json = False
-    mock_options.bindings = {}
-    mock_options.open_browser = False
-    mock_options.cluster = None
-    mock_options.wait_until = 'RUNNING'  # or 'FINISHED' for other tests
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks_reason = None
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_task(cls, task_id, instance_id, initial_time, status):
-    mock_task = create_autospec(spec=ScheduledTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask = create_autospec(spec=AssignedTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask.taskId = task_id
-    mock_task.assignedTask.instanceId = instance_id
-    mock_task.status = status
-    mock_task_event = create_autospec(spec=TaskEvent, instance=True)
-    mock_task_event.timestamp = initial_time
-    mock_task.taskEvents = [mock_task_event]
-    return mock_task
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_status_query_result(cls, scheduleStatus):
-    mock_query_result = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    if scheduleStatus == ScheduleStatus.INIT:
-      # status query result for before job is launched.
-      tasks = []
-    else:
-      mock_task_one = cls.create_mock_task('hello', 0, 1000, scheduleStatus)
-      mock_task_two = cls.create_mock_task('hello', 1, 1004, scheduleStatus)
-      tasks = [mock_task_one, mock_task_two]
-    mock_query_result.result = Result(scheduleStatusResult=ScheduleStatusResult(tasks=tasks))
-    return mock_query_result
-  @classmethod
-  def get_createjob_response(cls):
-    # Then, we call api.create_job(config)
-    return cls.create_simple_success_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def get_failed_createjob_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_error_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_create_job_called(cls, mock_api):
-    # Check that create_job was called exactly once, with an AuroraConfig parameter.
-    assert mock_api.create_job.call_count == 1
-    assert isinstance(mock_api.create_job.call_args_list[0][0][0], AuroraConfig)
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_scheduler_called(cls, mock_api, mock_query, num_queries):
-    # scheduler.scheduler() is called once, as a part of the handle_open call.
-    assert mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.call_count == num_queries
-    mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.assert_called_with(mock_query)
-  def test_create_job_hook_called(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked API;
-    verifies that a required hook runs, even though the config doesn't mention it.
-    """
-    # Create a hook on "create_job" that just adds something to a list in the test.
-    # Patch in HookedAuroraClientAPI to replace the UnhookedAuroraClientAPI with a mock.
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    hook = CreateHookForTesting(True)
-    GlobalHookRegistry.register_global_hook(hook)
-    # create first calls get_job_config, which calls get_config. As long as we've got the options
-    # set up correctly, this should work.
-    # Next, create gets an API object via make_client. We need to replace that with a mock API.
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)):
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.INIT),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
-      ]
-      # Finally, it calls the monitor to watch and make sure the jobs started;
-      # but we already set that up in the side-effects list for the query mock.
-      # This is the real test: invoke create as if it had been called by the command line.
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        create(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.call_count == 1
-      assert len(hook.created_jobs) == 1
-  def test_create_job_hook_aborts(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked API;
-    verifies that a required hook runs, even though the config doesn't mention it.
-    """
-    # Create a hook on "create_job" that just adds something to a list in the test.
-    # Patch in HookedAuroraClientAPI to replace the UnhookedAuroraClientAPI with a mock.
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    hook = CreateHookForTesting(False)
-    GlobalHookRegistry.register_global_hook(hook)
-    # create first calls get_job_config, which calls get_config. As long as we've got the options
-    # set up correctly, this should work.
-    # Next, create gets an API object via make_client. We need to replace that with a mock API.
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)):
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.INIT),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
-      ]
-      # Finally, it calls the monitor to watch and make sure the jobs started;
-      # but we already set that up in the side-effects list for the query mock.
-      # This is the real test: invoke create as if it had been called by the command line.
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(HookedAuroraClientAPI.PreHooksStoppedCall, create,
-            ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.call_count == 0
-      assert len(hook.created_jobs) == 1
-  def test_block_hooks(self):
-    """Run a test of the "create" command against a mocked API;
-    verifies that a required hook runs, even though the config doesn't mention it.
-    """
-    # Create a hook on "create_job" that just adds something to a list in the test.
-    # Patch in HookedAuroraClientAPI to replace the UnhookedAuroraClientAPI with a mock.
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    hook = CreateHookForTesting(True)
-    GlobalHookRegistry.register_global_hook(hook)
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks_reason = "Because I said so."
-    # create first calls get_job_config, which calls get_config. As long as we've got the options
-    # set up correctly, this should work.
-    # Next, create gets an API object via make_client. We need to replace that with a mock API.
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)):
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.return_value = self.get_createjob_response()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.INIT),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
-      ]
-      # Finally, it calls the monitor to watch and make sure the jobs started;
-      # but we already set that up in the side-effects list for the query mock.
-      # This is the real test: invoke create as if it had been called by the command line.
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        create(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',])
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.createJob.call_count == 1
-      assert len(hook.created_jobs) == 0
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52732ea..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-import threading
-from mock import create_autospec, Mock, patch
-from twitter.common.contextutil import temporary_file
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import CoreCommandHook, kill, killall
-from apache.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import (
-    AssignedTask,
-    JobKey,
-    Response,
-    ResponseCode,
-    ResponseDetail,
-    Result,
-    ScheduledTask,
-    ScheduleStatus,
-    ScheduleStatusResult,
-    TaskConfig,
-    TaskEvent,
-    TaskQuery
-class TestClientKillCommand(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = create_autospec(spec=[], instance=True)
-    mock_options.open_browser = False
-    mock_options.shards = None
-    mock_options.cluster = None
-    mock_options.json = False
-    mock_options.batch_size = None
-    mock_options.max_total_failures = 1
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks_reason = None
-    mock_options.max_failures_option = None
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_api_factory(cls):
-    mock_api_factory, mock_api = cls.create_mock_api_factory()
-    mock_api_factory('x').return_value.kill_job.return_value = cls.get_kill_job_response()
-    return mock_api_factory
-  @classmethod
-  def get_kill_job_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_simple_success_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def get_kill_job_error_response(cls):
-    return cls.create_error_response()
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_kill_job_called(cls, mock_api):
-    assert mock_api.kill_job.call_count == 1
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_task(cls, task_id, instance_id, initial_time, status):
-    mock_task = create_autospec(spec=ScheduledTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask = create_autospec(spec=AssignedTask, instance=True)
-    mock_task.assignedTask.taskId = task_id
-    mock_task.assignedTask.instanceId = instance_id
-    mock_task.status = status
-    mock_task_event = create_autospec(spec=TaskEvent, instance=True)
-    mock_task_event.timestamp = initial_time
-    mock_task.taskEvents = [mock_task_event]
-    return mock_task
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_status_query_result(cls, scheduleStatus):
-    mock_query_result = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    mock_query_result.result.scheduleStatusResult = create_autospec(
-        spec=ScheduleStatusResult,
-        spec_set=False,
-        instance=True)
-    task = cls.create_mock_task('hello', 0, 1000, scheduleStatus)
-    mock_query_result.result.scheduleStatusResult.tasks = [task]
-    return mock_query_result
-  @classmethod
-  def assert_scheduler_called(cls, mock_api, mock_query, num_queries):
-    assert mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.call_count == num_queries
-    mock_api.scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.assert_called_with(mock_query)
-  def test_kill_job_tasks_not_killed_in_time(self):
-    """Test kill timed out waiting in job monitor."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_query_results = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-    ]
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.make_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(
-            SystemExit, killall, ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.call_count == 1
-      query = self.get_expected_task_query()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.assert_called_with(query, None)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, query, 8)
-  def test_kill_job_noshards_fail(self):
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_api_factory = self.setup_mock_api_factory()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client_factory',
-            return_value=mock_api_factory),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      mock_api = mock_api_factory('x').return_value
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, kill, ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      assert mock_api.kill_job.call_count == 0
-  def test_simple_successful_killall_job(self):
-    """Run a test of the "kill" command against a mocked-out API:
-    Verifies that the kill command sends the right API RPCs, and performs the correct
-    tests on the result."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_api.kill_job.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_query_results = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLED),
-    ]
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-    mock_event = create_autospec(spec=threading.Event)
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('time.sleep'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client',
-            return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config),
-        patch('threading._Event.wait', return_value=mock_event)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        killall(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      self.assert_kill_job_called(mock_api)
-      mock_api.kill_job.assert_called_with(
-        AuroraJobKey(cluster=self.TEST_CLUSTER, role=self.TEST_ROLE, env=self.TEST_ENV,
-            name=self.TEST_JOB), None, config=mock_config)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, self.get_expected_task_query(), 3)
-  def test_happy_hook(self):
-    """Test that hooks that return 0 don't block command execution"""
-    class HappyHook(CoreCommandHook):
-      @property
-      def name(self):
-        return "I'm so happy"
-      def execute(self, cmd, options, *args, **kwargs):
-        return 0
-    CoreCommandHook.register_hook(HappyHook())
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_api.kill_job.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_query_results = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLED),
-    ]
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client',
-            return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        killall(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      self.assert_kill_job_called(mock_api)
-      mock_api.kill_job.assert_called_with(
-        AuroraJobKey(cluster=self.TEST_CLUSTER, role=self.TEST_ROLE, env=self.TEST_ENV,
-            name=self.TEST_JOB), None, config=mock_config)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, self.get_expected_task_query(), 3)
-      CoreCommandHook.clear_hooks()
-  def test_hook_aborts_kill(self):
-    """Test that a command hook that returns non-zero does block command execution."""
-    class FailingKillHook(CoreCommandHook):
-      @property
-      def name(self):
-        return "failure"
-      def execute(self, cmd, options, *args, **kwargs):
-        if cmd == "killall":
-          assert args[0] == 'west/mchucarroll/test/hello'
-          return 1
-        else:
-          return 0
-    CoreCommandHook.register_hook(FailingKillHook())
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('time.sleep'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client',
-            return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        self.assertRaises(
-            SystemExit, killall, ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      CoreCommandHook.clear_hooks()
-      assert mock_api.kill_job.call_count == 0
-  def create_status_call_result(cls):
-    """Set up the mock status call that will be used to get a task list for
-    a batched kill command.
-    """
-    tasks = []
-    for i in range(20):
-      tasks.append(ScheduledTask(
-        assignedTask=AssignedTask(
-          instanceId=i,
-          taskId='Task%s' % i,
-          slaveId='Slave%s' % i,
-          slaveHost='SlaveHost%s' % i,
-          task=TaskConfig()
-        )
-      ))
-    return Response(
-        responseCode=ResponseCode.OK,
-        details=[ResponseDetail(message='Ok')],
-        result=Result(scheduleStatusResult=ScheduleStatusResult(tasks=tasks))
-    )
-  def test_successful_batched_killall_job(self):
-    """Run a test of the "kill" command against a mocked-out API:
-    Verifies that the kill command sends the right API RPCs, and performs the correct
-    tests on the result."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_options.batch_size = 5
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_api.kill_job.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_api.check_status.return_value = self.create_status_call_result()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.make_client',
-            return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.JobMonitor')):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        killall(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_api.kill_job.call_count == 4
-      mock_api.kill_job.assert_called_with(
-        AuroraJobKey(cluster=self.TEST_CLUSTER, role=self.TEST_ROLE, env=self.TEST_ENV,
-            name=self.TEST_JOB), [15, 16, 17, 18, 19])
-  @classmethod
-  def get_expected_task_query(cls, shards=None):
-    """Helper to create the query that will be a parameter to job kill."""
-    instance_ids = frozenset(shards) if shards is not None else None
-    return TaskQuery(taskIds=None,
-                     instanceIds=instance_ids,
-                     jobKeys=[JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE,
-                                     environment=cls.TEST_ENV,
-                                     name=cls.TEST_JOB)])
-  def test_kill_job_api_level(self):
-    """Test kill client-side API logic."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_query_results = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLED),
-    ]
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.make_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        killall(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.call_count == 1
-      query = self.get_expected_task_query()
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.assert_called_with(query, None)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, query, 3)
-  def test_kill_job_api_level_with_shards(self):
-    """Test kill client-side API logic."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_options.shards = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    mock_query_results = [
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.RUNNING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLING),
-        self.create_mock_status_query_result(ScheduleStatus.KILLED),
-    ]
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.side_effect = mock_query_results
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('threading._Event.wait'),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.make_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        kill(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.call_count == 1
-      query = self.get_expected_task_query([0, 1, 2, 3])
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.assert_called_with(query, None)
-      self.assert_scheduler_called(mock_api, query, 3)
-  def test_kill_job_api_level_with_shards_batched(self):
-    """Test kill client-side API logic."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_options.batch_size = 2
-    mock_options.shards = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_api.check_status.return_value = self.create_status_call_result()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.return_value = self.create_status_call_result()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.return_value = self.get_kill_job_response()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.make_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.JobMonitor')):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        kill(['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # Now check that the right API calls got made.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.call_count == 2
-      query = self.get_expected_task_query([2, 3])
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.assert_called_with(query, None)
-  def test_kill_job_api_level_with_shards_batched_and_some_errors(self):
-    """Test kill client-side API logic."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    mock_options.batch_size = 2
-    mock_options.shards = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-    mock_options.max_failures_option = 3
-    mock_config = Mock()
-    mock_config.hooks = []
-    mock_config.raw.return_value.enable_hooks.return_value.get.return_value = False
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_api.check_status.return_value = self.create_status_call_result()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getTasksWithoutConfigs.return_value = self.create_status_call_result()
-    mock_api.kill_job.side_effect = [
-        self.get_kill_job_error_response(), self.get_kill_job_response()]
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.make_client', return_value=mock_api),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.commands.core.get_job_config', return_value=mock_config)):
-      with temporary_file() as fp:
-        fp.write(self.get_valid_config())
-        fp.flush()
-        # We should get an exception in this case, because the one of the two calls fails.
-        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, kill, ['west/mchucarroll/test/hello',], mock_options)
-      # killTasks should still have been called twice - the first error shouldn't abort
-      # the second batch.
-      assert mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.call_count == 2
-      query = self.get_expected_task_query([2, 3])
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.killTasks.assert_called_with(query, None)
diff --git a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/ b/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7cb98f..0000000
--- a/src/test/python/apache/aurora/client/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import contextlib
-from mock import create_autospec, Mock, patch
-from apache.aurora.client.commands.core import list_jobs
-from .util import AuroraClientCommandTest
-from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import GetJobsResult, JobKey
-class TestListJobs(AuroraClientCommandTest):
-  @classmethod
-  def setup_mock_options(cls):
-    """set up to get a mock options object."""
-    mock_options = Mock()
-    mock_options.pretty = False
-    mock_options.show_cron = False
-    mock_options.disable_all_hooks = False
-    return mock_options
-  @classmethod
-  def create_mock_jobs(cls):
-    jobs = []
-    for name in ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']:
-      job = Mock()
-      job.key = JobKey(role=cls.TEST_ROLE, environment=cls.TEST_ENV, name=name)
-      jobs.append(job)
-    return jobs
-  @classmethod
-  def create_listjobs_response(cls):
-    resp = cls.create_simple_success_response()
-    resp.result.getJobsResult = create_autospec(spec=GetJobsResult, instance=True)
-    resp.result.getJobsResult.configs = set(cls.create_mock_jobs())
-    return resp
-  def test_successful_listjobs(self):
-    """Test the list_jobs command."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getJobs.return_value = self.create_listjobs_response()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class,
-            mock_clusters,
-            options):
-      list_jobs(['west/mchucarroll'])
-      mock_scheduler_proxy.getJobs.assert_called_with(self.TEST_ROLE)
-  def test_listjobs_badcluster(self):
-    """Test the list_jobs command when the user provides an invalid cluster."""
-    mock_options = self.setup_mock_options()
-    (mock_api, mock_scheduler_proxy) = self.create_mock_api()
-    mock_scheduler_proxy.getJobs.return_value = self.create_listjobs_response()
-    with contextlib.nested(
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.api.SchedulerProxy', return_value=mock_scheduler_proxy),
-        patch('apache.aurora.client.factory.CLUSTERS', new=self.TEST_CLUSTERS),
-        patch('', return_value=mock_options)) as (
-            mock_scheduler_proxy_class,
-            mock_clusters,
-            options):
-      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, list_jobs, ['smoof/mchucarroll'])