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[2/2] trafficserver git commit: doc: include example code rather than copying it

doc: include example code rather than copying it


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 0dde77e35c975e65ced9a61ba67a1e070f224ec9
Parents: ec7bd82
Author: James Peach <>
Authored: Thu Mar 24 10:40:31 2016 -0700
Committer: James Peach <>
Committed: Thu Mar 24 10:40:31 2016 -0700

 .../blacklist/source-code.en.rst                | 262 +------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/developer-guide/plugins/example-plugins/blacklist/source-code.en.rst b/doc/developer-guide/plugins/example-plugins/blacklist/source-code.en.rst
index 402c54f..af952a0 100644
--- a/doc/developer-guide/plugins/example-plugins/blacklist/source-code.en.rst
+++ b/doc/developer-guide/plugins/example-plugins/blacklist/source-code.en.rst
@@ -43,263 +43,5 @@ This plugin illustrates:
 -  How to use the plugin configuration management interface
-.. code-block:: c
-       /* blacklist-1.c:  An example program that denies client access
-        *                 to blacklisted sites. This plugin illustrates
-        *                 how to use configuration information from the
-        *                 blacklist.txt configuration file.
-        *
-        * Usage:
-        * (Solaris) :
-        *
-        *
-        */
-       #include <stdio.h>
-       #include <string.h>
-       #include <ts/ts.h>
-       #define MAX_NSITES 500
-       static char* sites[MAX_NSITES];
-       static int nsites;
-       static TSMutex sites_mutex;
-       static TSTextLogObject log;
-       static void
-       handle_dns (TSHttpTxn txnp, TSCont contp)
-       {
-           TSMBuffer bufp;
-           TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-           TSMLoc url_loc;
-           const char *host;
-           int i;
-           int host_length;
-           if (!TSHttpTxnClientReqGet (txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc)) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve client request header");
-               goto done;
-           }
-           url_loc = TSHttpHdrUrlGet (bufp, hdr_loc);
-           if (!url_loc) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve request url");
-               TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-               goto done;
-           }
-           host = TSUrlHostGet (bufp, url_loc, &host_length);
-           if (!host) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve request hostname");
-               TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
-               TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-               goto done;
-           }
-           TSMutexLock(sites_mutex);
-           for (i = 0; i < nsites; i++) {
-               if (strncmp (host, sites[i], host_length) == 0) {
-                   if (log) {
-                       TSTextLogObjectWrite(log, "blacklisting site: %s", sites[i]);
-                   } else {
-                       printf ("blacklisting site: %s\n", sites[i]);
-                   }
-                   TSHttpTxnHookAdd (txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, contp);
-                   TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
-                   TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-                   TSHttpTxnReenable (txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR);
-                   TSMutexUnlock(sites_mutex);
-                   return;
-               }
-           }
-           TSMutexUnlock(sites_mutex);
-           TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
-           TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-        done:
-           TSHttpTxnReenable (txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
-       }
-       static void
-       handle_response (TSHttpTxn txnp)
-       {
-           TSMBuffer bufp;
-           TSMLoc hdr_loc;
-           TSMLoc url_loc;
-           char *url_str;
-           char *buf;
-           int url_length;
-           if (!TSHttpTxnClientRespGet (txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc)) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve client response header");
-               goto done;
-           }
-           TSHttpHdrStatusSet (bufp, hdr_loc, TS_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
-           TSHttpHdrReasonSet (bufp, hdr_loc,
-               TSHttpHdrReasonLookup (TS_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN),
-               strlen (TSHttpHdrReasonLookup (TS_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN)) );
-           if (!TSHttpTxnClientReqGet (txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc)) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve client request header");
-               TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-               goto done;
-           }
-           url_loc = TSHttpHdrUrlGet (bufp, hdr_loc);
-           if (!url_loc) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Couldn't retrieve request url");
-               TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-               goto done;
-           }
-           buf = (char *)TSmalloc (4096);
-           url_str = TSUrlStringGet (bufp, url_loc, &url_length);
-           sprintf (buf, "You are forbidden from accessing \"%s\"\n", url_str);
-           TSfree (url_str);
-           TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
-           TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
-           TSHttpTxnErrorBodySet (txnp, buf, strlen (buf), NULL);
-        done:
-           TSHttpTxnReenable (txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
-       }
-       static void
-       read_blacklist (void)
-       {
-           char blacklist_file[1024];
-           TSFile file;
-           sprintf (blacklist_file, "%s/blacklist.txt", TSPluginDirGet());
-           file = TSfopen(blacklist_file, "r");
-           TSMutexLock (sites_mutex);
-           nsites = 0;
-           if (file != NULL) {
-               char buffer[1024];
-               while (TSfgets (file, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1) != NULL && nsites < MAX_NSITES) {
-                   char* eol;
-                   if ((eol = strstr(buffer, "\r\n")) != NULL) {
-                       /* To handle newlines on Windows */
-                       *eol = '\0';
-                   } else if ((eol = strchr(buffer, '\n')) != NULL) {
-                       *eol = '\0';
-                   } else {
-                       /* Not a valid line, skip it */
-                       continue;
-                  }
-                  if (sites[nsites] != NULL) {
-                       TSfree (sites[nsites]);
-                  }
-                  sites[nsites] = TSstrdup (buffer);
-                  nsites++;
-              }
-               TSfclose (file);
-           } else {
-              TSError ("[blacklist-1] Unable to open %s", blacklist_file);
-              TSError ("[blacklist-1] All sites will be allowed", blacklist_file);
-           }
-           TSMutexUnlock (sites_mutex);
-       }
-       static int
-       blacklist_plugin (TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata)
-       {
-           TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;
-           switch (event) {
-           case TS_EVENT_HTTP_OS_DNS:
-               handle_dns (txnp, contp);
-               return 0;
-               handle_response (txnp);
-               return 0;
-           case TS_EVENT_MGMT_UPDATE:
-               read_blacklist ();
-               return 0;
-           default:
-               break;
-           }
-           return 0;
-       }
-       int
-       check_ts_version()
-       {
-          const char *ts_version = TSTrafficServerVersionGet();
-          int result = 0;
-          if (ts_version) {
-              int major_ts_version = 0;
-              int minor_ts_version = 0;
-              int patch_ts_version = 0;
-              if (sscanf(ts_version, "%d.%d.%d", &major_ts_version, &minor_ts_version, &patch_ts_version) != 3) {
-                   return 0;
-              }
-              /* Need at least TS 2.0 */
-              if (major_ts_version >= 2) {
-                   result = 1;
-              }
-          }
-          return result;
-       }
-       void
-       TSPluginInit (int argc, const char *argv[])
-       {
-           int i;
-           TSCont contp;
-           TSPluginRegistrationInfo info;
-           info.plugin_name = "blacklist-1";
-           info.vendor_name = "DsCompany";
-           info.support_email = "";
-           if (!TSPluginRegister(&info)) {
-               TSError ("[blacklist-1] Plugin registration failed.");
-           }
-           if (!check_ts_version()) {
-              TSError ("[blacklist-1] Plugin requires Traffic Server 2.0 or later");
-              return;
-           }
-           /* create an TSTextLogObject to log blacklisted requests to */
-           TSReturnCode error = TSTextLogObjectCreate("blacklist", TS_LOG_MODE_ADD_TIMESTAMP,
-                    &log);
-           if (error != TS_SUCCESS) {
-               printf("Blacklist plugin: error %d while creating log\n", error);
-           }
-           sites_mutex = TSMutexCreate ();
-           nsites = 0;
-           for (i = 0; i < MAX_NSITES; i++) {
-               sites[i] = NULL;
-           }
-           read_blacklist ();
-           contp = TSContCreate (blacklist_plugin, NULL);
-           TSHttpHookAdd (TS_HTTP_OS_DNS_HOOK, contp);
-           TSMgmtUpdateRegister (contp, "Super Blacklist Plugin", "blacklist.cgi");
-       }
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../../../example/blacklist-1/blacklist-1.c
+   :language: c