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Posted to by ali via MXNet Forum <> on 2020/12/16 18:11:52 UTC

[MXNet Forum] Out of Memory when using

I followed the example to load the COCO data sets as follows:

    from gluoncv import data, utils
    train_dataset = data.COCODetection(splits=['instances_train2017'])
    val_dataset = data.COCODetection(splits=['instances_val2017'])

The train_dataset is about 117266 images and labels.
Now I am simply trying to loop through the data-set:

    for i in range(len(train_dataset)):
        train_image, train_label = train_dataset[i]

This loop simply eats up all of my 15Gb of RAM and I am not even 60% of data. 

How can I make sure that my memory is used properly or how can i fix a batch size etc?

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