You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2006/01/27 00:58:20 UTC

svn commit: r372668 [16/16] - in /myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource: ./ src/ src/alg/ src/animation/ src/collections/ src/crypto/ src/data/ src/dnd/ src/event/ src/flash/ src/flash/flash6/ sr...

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TaskBar.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TaskBar.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TaskBar.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// Icon associated w/a floating pane
+dojo.widget.html.TaskBarItem = function(){
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.TaskBarItem, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.TaskBarItem, {
+	// constructor arguments
+	iconSrc: '',
+	caption: 'Untitled',
+	window: null,
+	templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTaskBarItemTemplate.html"),
+	templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTaskBar.css"),
+	fillInTemplate: function() {
+		if ( this.iconSrc != '' ) {
+			var img = document.createElement("img");
+			img.src = this.iconSrc;
+			this.domNode.appendChild(img);
+		}
+		this.domNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption));
+		dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
+	},
+	postCreate: function() {
+		this.window=dojo.widget.getWidgetById(this.windowId);
+		this.window.explodeSrc = this.domNode;
+		dojo.event.connect(this.window, "destroy", this, "destroy")
+	},
+	onClick: function() {
+		if (this.window.windowState != "minimized") {
+			this.window.bringToTop();
+		} else {
+			this.window.restoreWindow();
+		}
+	}
+// Collection of widgets in a bar, like Windows task bar
+dojo.widget.html.TaskBar = function(){
+	this.titleBarDisplay = "none";
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.TaskBar, dojo.widget.html.FloatingPane);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.TaskBar, {
+	addChild: function(child) {
+		var tbi = dojo.widget.createWidget("TaskBarItem",{windowId:child.widgetId, caption: child.title, iconSrc: child.iconSrc} );
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TimePicker.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TimePicker.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/TimePicker.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.html.TimePicker = function(){
+	var _this = this;
+	// selected time, JS Date object
+	this.time = "";
+	// set following flag to true if a default time should be set
+	this.useDefaultTime = false;
+	// set the following to true to set default minutes to current time, false to // use zero
+	this.useDefaultMinutes = false;
+	// rfc 3339 date
+	this.storedTime = "";
+	// time currently selected in the UI, stored in hours, minutes, seconds in the format that will be actually displayed
+	this.currentTime = {};
+	this.classNames = {
+		selectedTime: "selectedItem"
+	}
+	this.any = "any"
+	// dom node indecies for selected hour, minute, amPm, and "any time option"
+	this.selectedTime = {
+		hour: "",
+		minute: "",
+		amPm: "",
+		anyTime: false
+	}
+	// minutes are ordered as follows: ["12", "6", "1", "7", "2", "8", "3", "9", "4", "10", "5", "11"]
+	this.hourIndexMap = ["", 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 0];
+	// minutes are ordered as follows: ["00", "30", "05", "35", "10", "40", "15", "45", "20", "50", "25", "55"]
+	this.minuteIndexMap = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];
+	this.templatePath =  dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTimePicker.html");
+	this.templateCssPath = dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTimePicker.css");
+	this.fillInTemplate = function(){
+		this.initData();
+		this.initUI();
+	}
+	this.initData = function() {
+		// FIXME: doesn't currently validate the time before trying to set it
+		// Determine the date/time from stored info, or by default don't 
+		//  have a set time
+		// FIXME: should normalize against whitespace on storedTime... for now 
+		// just a lame hack
+		if(this.storedTime.split("T")[1] && this.storedTime!=" " && this.storedTime.split("T")[1]!="any") {
+			this.time = dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.fromRfcDateTime(this.storedTime, this.useDefaultMinutes);
+		} else if (this.useDefaultTime) {
+			this.time = dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.fromRfcDateTime("", this.useDefaultMinutes);
+		} else {
+			this.selectedTime.anyTime = true;
+		}
+	}
+	this.initUI = function() {
+		// set UI to match the currently selected time
+		if(this.time) {
+			var amPmHour = dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.toAmPmHour(this.time.getHours());
+			var hour = amPmHour[0];
+			var isAm = amPmHour[1];
+			var minute = this.time.getMinutes();
+			var minuteIndex = parseInt(minute/5);
+			this.onSetSelectedHour(this.hourIndexMap[hour]);
+			this.onSetSelectedMinute(this.minuteIndexMap[minuteIndex]);
+			this.onSetSelectedAmPm(isAm);
+		} else {
+			this.onSetSelectedAnyTime();
+		}
+	}
+	this.setDateTime = function(rfcDate) {
+		this.storedTime = rfcDate;
+	}
+	this.onClearSelectedHour = function(evt) {
+		this.clearSelectedHour();
+	}
+	this.onClearSelectedMinute = function(evt) {
+		this.clearSelectedMinute();
+	}
+	this.onClearSelectedAmPm = function(evt) {
+		this.clearSelectedAmPm();
+	}
+	this.onClearSelectedAnyTime = function(evt) {
+		this.clearSelectedAnyTime();
+		if(this.selectedTime.anyTime) {
+			this.selectedTime.anyTime = false;
+			this.time = dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.fromRfcDateTime("", this.useDefaultMinutes);
+			this.initUI();
+		}
+	}
+	this.clearSelectedHour = function() {
+		var hourNodes = this.hourContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+		for (var i=0; i<hourNodes.length; i++) {
+			dojo.html.setClass(hourNodes.item(i), "");
+		}
+	}
+	this.clearSelectedMinute = function() {
+		var minuteNodes = this.minuteContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+		for (var i=0; i<minuteNodes.length; i++) {
+			dojo.html.setClass(minuteNodes.item(i), "");
+		}
+	}
+	this.clearSelectedAmPm = function() {
+		var amPmNodes = this.amPmContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+		for (var i=0; i<amPmNodes.length; i++) {
+			dojo.html.setClass(amPmNodes.item(i), "");
+		}
+	}
+	this.clearSelectedAnyTime = function() {
+		dojo.html.setClass(this.anyTimeContainerNode, "anyTimeContainer");
+	}
+	this.onSetSelectedHour = function(evt) {
+		this.onClearSelectedAnyTime();
+		this.onClearSelectedHour();
+		this.setSelectedHour(evt);
+		this.onSetTime();
+	}
+	this.setSelectedHour = function(evt) {
+		if(evt && {
+			dojo.html.setClass(, this.classNames.selectedTime);
+			this.selectedTime["hour"] =;
+		} else if (!isNaN(evt)) {
+			var hourNodes = this.hourContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+			if(hourNodes.item(evt)) {
+				dojo.html.setClass(hourNodes.item(evt), this.classNames.selectedTime);
+				this.selectedTime["hour"] = hourNodes.item(evt).innerHTML;
+			}
+		}
+		this.selectedTime.anyTime = false;
+	}
+	this.onSetSelectedMinute = function(evt) {
+		this.onClearSelectedAnyTime();
+		this.onClearSelectedMinute();
+		this.setSelectedMinute(evt);
+		this.selectedTime.anyTime = false;
+		this.onSetTime();
+	}
+	this.setSelectedMinute = function(evt) {
+		if(evt && {
+			dojo.html.setClass(, this.classNames.selectedTime);
+			this.selectedTime["minute"] =;
+		} else if (!isNaN(evt)) {
+			var minuteNodes = this.minuteContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+			if(minuteNodes.item(evt)) {
+				dojo.html.setClass(minuteNodes.item(evt), this.classNames.selectedTime);
+				this.selectedTime["minute"] = minuteNodes.item(evt).innerHTML;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.onSetSelectedAmPm = function(evt) {
+		this.onClearSelectedAnyTime();
+		this.onClearSelectedAmPm();
+		this.setSelectedAmPm(evt);
+		this.selectedTime.anyTime = false;
+		this.onSetTime();
+	}
+	this.setSelectedAmPm = function(evt) {
+		if(evt && {
+			dojo.html.setClass(, this.classNames.selectedTime);
+			this.selectedTime["amPm"] =;
+		} else {
+			evt = evt ? 0 : 1;
+			var amPmNodes = this.amPmContainerNode.getElementsByTagName("td");
+			if(amPmNodes.item(evt)) {
+				dojo.html.setClass(amPmNodes.item(evt), this.classNames.selectedTime);
+				this.selectedTime["amPm"] = amPmNodes.item(evt).innerHTML;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.onSetSelectedAnyTime = function(evt) {
+		this.onClearSelectedHour();
+		this.onClearSelectedMinute();
+		this.onClearSelectedAmPm();
+		this.setSelectedAnyTime();
+		this.onSetTime();
+	}
+	this.setSelectedAnyTime = function(evt) {
+		this.selectedTime.anyTime = true;
+		dojo.html.setClass(this.anyTimeContainerNode, this.classNames.selectedTime + " " + "anyTimeContainer");
+	}
+	this.onClick = function(evt) {
+		dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt)
+	}
+	this.onSetTime = function() {
+		if(this.selectedTime.anyTime) {
+			this.time = new Date();
+			var tempDateTime = dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.toRfcDateTime(this.time);
+			this.setDateTime(tempDateTime.split("T")[0] + "T" + this.any);
+		} else {
+			var hour = 12;
+			var minute = 0;
+			var isAm = false;
+			if(this.selectedTime["hour"]) {
+				hour = parseInt(this.selectedTime["hour"], 10);
+			}
+			if(this.selectedTime["minute"]) {
+				minute = parseInt(this.selectedTime["minute"], 10);
+			}
+			if(this.selectedTime["amPm"]) {
+				isAm = (this.selectedTime["amPm"].toLowerCase() == "am");
+			}
+			this.time = new Date();
+			this.time.setHours(dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.fromAmPmHour(hour, isAm));
+			this.time.setMinutes(minute);
+			this.setDateTime(dojo.widget.TimePicker.util.toRfcDateTime(this.time));
+		}
+	}
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.TimePicker, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/Tooltip.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/Tooltip.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/Tooltip.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.html.Tooltip = function(){
+	// mix in the tooltip properties
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.Tooltip, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.Tooltip, {
+	// Constructor arguments (should these be in tooltip.js rather than html/tooltip.js???)
+	caption: "undefined",
+	delay: 500,
+	connectId: "",
+	templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTooltipTemplate.html"),
+	templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlTooltipTemplate.css"),
+	containerNode: null,
+	connectNode: null,
+	hovering: false,
+	displayed: false,
+	fillInTemplate: function(args, frag){
+		if(this.caption != "undefined"){
+			this.domNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption));
+		}
+		dojo.html.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
+		this.connectNode = dojo.byId(this.connectId);
+		// IE bug workaround
+		this.bgIframe = new dojo.html.BackgroundIframe();
+	},
+	postCreate: function(args, frag){
+		var self = this;
+		this.timerEvent = function () { self.display.apply(self); };
+		dojo.event.connect(this.connectNode, "onmouseover", this, "onMouseOver");
+	},
+	onMouseOver: function(e) {
+		if( this.displayed ){ return; }
+		this.timerEventId = setTimeout(this.timerEvent, this.delay);
+		dojo.event.connect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "onMouseMove");
+	},
+	onMouseMove: function(e) {
+		this.mouseX = e.pageX || e.clientX + dojo.html.body().scrollLeft;
+		this.mouseY = e.pageY || e.clientY + dojo.html.body().scrollTop;
+		if( !dojo.html.overElement(this.connectNode, e) ){
+			// Note: can't use onMouseOut because the "explode" effect causes
+			// spurious onMouseOut/onMouseOver events (due to interference from outline)
+			this.erase();
+		}
+	},
+	display: function() {
+		if ( this.displayed ) { return; }
+ = this.mouseY + 15 + "px";
+ = this.mouseX + 10 + "px";
+		// if rendering using explosion effect, need to set explosion source
+		this.explodeSrc = [this.mouseX, this.mouseY];
+		this.displayed=true;
+	},
+	onShow: function() {
+		// for explode effect, have to display the iframe after the effect completes
+	},
+	erase: function() {
+		if ( this.timerEventId ) {
+			clearTimeout(this.timerEventId);
+			delete this.timerEventId;
+		}
+		if ( this.displayed ) {
+			this.hide();
+			this.bgIframe.hide();
+			this.displayed=false;
+		}
+		dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "onMouseMove");
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/stabile.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/stabile.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/html/stabile.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// Maintain state of widgets when user hits back/forward button
+dojo.widget.html.stabile = {
+	// Characters to quote in single-quoted regexprs
+	_sqQuotables: new RegExp("([\\\\'])", "g"),
+	// Current depth.
+	_depth: 0,
+	// Set to true when calling v.toString, to sniff for infinite
+	// recursion.
+	_recur: false,
+	// Levels of nesting of Array and object displays.
+	// If when >= depth, no display or array or object internals.
+	depthLimit: 2
+// Get the state stored for the widget with the given ID, or undefined
+// if none.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.getState = function(id){
+	dojo.widget.html.stabile.setup();
+	return dojo.widget.html.stabile.widgetState[id];
+// Set the state stored for the widget with the given ID.  If isCommit
+// is true, commits all widget state to more stable storage.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.setState = function(id, state, isCommit){
+	dojo.widget.html.stabile.setup();
+	dojo.widget.html.stabile.widgetState[id] = state;
+	if(isCommit){
+		dojo.widget.html.stabile.commit(dojo.widget.html.stabile.widgetState);
+	}
+// Sets up widgetState: a hash keyed by widgetId, maps to an object
+// or array writable with "describe".  If there is data in the widget
+// storage area, use it, otherwise initialize an empty object.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.setup = function(){
+	if(!dojo.widget.html.stabile.widgetState){
+		var text = dojo.widget.html.stabile.getStorage().value;
+		dojo.widget.html.stabile.widgetState = text ? dj_eval("("+text+")") : {};
+	}
+// Commits all widget state to more stable storage, so if the user
+// navigates away and returns, it can be restored.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.commit = function(state){
+	dojo.widget.html.stabile.getStorage().value = dojo.widget.html.stabile.description(state);
+// Return a JSON "description string" for the given value.
+// Supports only core JavaScript types with literals, plus Date,
+// and cyclic structures are unsupported.
+// showAll defaults to false -- if true, this becomes a simple symbolic
+// object dumper, but you cannot "eval" the output.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.description = function(v, showAll){
+	// Save and later restore dojo.widget.html.stabile._depth;
+	var depth = dojo.widget.html.stabile._depth;
+	try {
+		if(v===void(0)){
+			return "undefined";
+		}
+		if(v===null){
+			return "null";
+		}
+		if(typeof(v)=="boolean" || typeof(v)=="number"
+		    || v instanceof Boolean || v instanceof Number){
+			return v.toString();
+		}
+		if(typeof(v)=="string" || v instanceof String){
+			// Quote strings and their contents as required.
+			// Replacing by $& fails in IE 5.0
+			var v1 = v.replace(dojo.widget.html.stabile._sqQuotables, "\\$1"); 
+			v1 = v1.replace(/\n/g, "\\n");
+			v1 = v1.replace(/\r/g, "\\r");
+			// Any other important special cases?
+			return "'"+v1+"'";
+		}
+		if(v instanceof Date){
+			// Create a data constructor.
+			return "new Date("+d.getFullYear+","+d.getMonth()+","+d.getDate()+")";
+		}
+		var d;
+		if(v instanceof Array || v.push){
+			// "push" test needed for KHTML/Safari, don't know why -cp
+			if(depth>=dojo.widget.html.stabile.depthLimit)
+			  return "[ ... ]";
+			d = "[";
+			var first = true;
+			dojo.widget.html.stabile._depth++;
+			for(var i=0; i<v.length; i++){
+				// Skip functions and undefined values
+				// if(v[i]==undef || typeof(v[i])=="function")
+				//   continue;
+				if(first){
+					first = false;
+				}else{
+					d += ",";
+				}
+				d+=arguments.callee(v[i], showAll);
+			}
+			return d+"]";
+		}
+		if(v.constructor==Object
+		    || v.toString==describeThis){
+			if(depth>=dojo.widget.html.stabile.depthLimit)
+			  return "{ ... }";
+			// Instanceof Hash is good, or if we just use Objects,
+			// we can say v.constructor==Object.
+			// IE (5?) lacks hasOwnProperty, but perhaps objects do not always
+			// have prototypes??
+			if(typeof(v.hasOwnProperty)!="function" && v.prototype){
+				throw new Error("description: "+v+" not supported by script engine");
+			}
+			var first = true;
+			d = "{";
+			dojo.widget.html.stabile._depth++;
+			for(var key in v){
+				// Skip values that are functions or undefined.
+				if(v[key]==void(0) || typeof(v[key])=="function")
+					continue;
+				if(first){
+					first = false;
+				}else{
+					d += ", ";
+				}
+				kd = key;
+				// If the key is not a legal identifier, use its description.
+				// For strings this will quote the stirng.
+				if(!kd.match(/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/)){
+					kd = arguments.callee(key, showAll);
+				}
+				d += kd+": "+arguments.callee(v[key], showAll);
+			}
+			return d+"}";
+		}
+		if(showAll){
+			if(dojo.widget.html.stabile._recur){
+				return objectToString.apply(v, []);
+			}else{
+				dojo.widget.html.stabile._recur = true;
+				return v.toString();
+			}
+		}else{
+			// log("Description? "+v.toString()+", "+typeof(v));
+			throw new Error("Unknown type: "+v);
+			return "'unknown'";
+		}
+	} finally {
+		// Always restore the global current depth.
+		dojo.widget.html.stabile._depth = depth;
+	}
+// Gets an object (form field) with a read/write "value" property.
+dojo.widget.html.stabile.getStorage = function(){
+	if (dojo.widget.html.stabile.dataField) {
+		return dojo.widget.html.stabile.dataField;
+	}
+	var form = document.forms._dojo_form;
+	return dojo.widget.html.stabile.dataField = form ? form.stabile : {value: ""};

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/Chart.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/Chart.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/Chart.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.svg.Chart, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.svg.Chart, {
+	//	widget props
+	templatePath:null,
+	templateCssPath:null,
+	//	state
+	_isInitialized:false,
+	hasData:false,
+	//	chart props
+	vectorNode:null,
+	plotArea:null,
+	dataGroup:null,
+	axisGroup:null,
+	properties:{
+		height:400,	//	defaults, will resize to the domNode.
+		width:600,
+		plotType:null,
+		padding:{
+			top:10,
+			bottom:2,
+			left:60,
+			right:30
+		},
+		axes:{
+			x:{
+				plotAt:0,
+				label:"",
+				unitLabel:"",
+				unitType:Number,
+				nUnitsToShow:10,
+				range:{
+					min:0,
+					max:200
+				}
+			},
+			y:{
+				plotAt:0,
+				label:"",
+				unitLabel:"",
+				unitType:Number,
+				nUnitsToShow:10,
+				range:{
+					min:0,
+					max:200
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	fillInTemplate:function(args,frag){
+		this.parseData();
+		this.initialize();
+		this.render();
+	},
+	parseData:function(){
+	},
+	initialize:function(){
+		//	begin by grabbing the table, and reading it in.
+		var table=this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
+		if (!table) return;
+		var bRangeX=false;
+		var bRangeY=false;
+		//	properties off the table
+		if (table.getAttribute("width"))"width");
+		if (table.getAttribute("height"))"height");
+		if (table.getAttribute("plotType"))"plotType");
+		if (table.getAttribute("padding")){
+			if (table.getAttribute("padding").indexOf(",") > -1)
+				var p=table.getAttribute("padding").split(","); 
+			else var p=table.getAttribute("padding").split(" ");
+			if (p.length==1){
+				var pad=parseFloat(p[0]);
+			} else if(p.length==2){
+				var padV=parseFloat(p[0]);
+				var padH=parseFloat(p[1]);
+			} else if(p.length==4){
+			}
+		}
+		if (table.getAttribute("rangeX")){
+			var p=table.getAttribute("rangeX");
+			if (p.indexOf(",")>-1) p=p.split(",");
+			else p=p.split(" ");
+			bRangeX=true;
+		}
+		if (table.getAttribute("rangeY")){
+			var p=table.getAttribute("rangeY");
+			if (p.indexOf(",")>-1) p=p.split(",");
+			else p=p.split(" ");
+			bRangeY=true;
+		}
+		var thead=table.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
+		var tbody=table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
+		if(!(thead&&tbody)) dojo.raise("dojo.widget.Chart: supplied table must define a head and a body.");
+		//	set up the series.
+		var columns=thead.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].getElementsByTagName("th");	//	should be <tr><..>
+		//	assume column 0 == X
+		for (var i=1; i<columns.length; i++){
+			var key="column"+i;
+			var label=columns[i].innerHTML;
+			var plotType=columns[i].getAttribute("plotType")||"line";
+			var color=columns[i].getAttribute("color");
+			var ds=new dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries(key,label,plotType,color);
+			this.series.push(ds);
+		}
+		//	ok, get the values.
+		var rows=tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr");
+		var xMin=Number.MAX_VALUE,xMax=Number.MIN_VALUE;
+		var yMin=Number.MAX_VALUE,yMax=Number.MIN_VALUE;
+		var ignore = ["accesskey","align","bgcolor","class","colspan","height","id","nowrap","rowspan","style","tabindex","title","valign","width"];
+		for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
+			var row=rows[i];
+			var cells=row.getElementsByTagName("td");
+			var x=Number.MIN_VALUE;
+			for (var j=0; j<cells.length; j++){
+				if (j==0){
+					x=parseFloat(cells[j].innerHTML);
+					xMin=Math.min(xMin, x);
+					xMax=Math.max(xMax, x);
+				} else {
+					var ds=this.series[j-1];
+					var y=parseFloat(cells[j].innerHTML);
+					yMin=Math.min(yMin,y);
+					yMax=Math.max(yMax,y);
+					var o={x:x, value:y};
+					var attrs=cells[j].attributes;
+					for(var k=0; k<attrs.length; k++){
+						var attr=attrs.item(k);
+						var bIgnore=false;
+						for (var l=0; l<ignore.length; l++){
+							if (attr.nodeName.toLowerCase()==ignore[l]){
+								bIgnore=true;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if(!bIgnore) o[attr.nodeName]=attr.nodeValue;
+					}
+					ds.add(o);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//	fix the axes
+		if(!bRangeX){
+{min:xMin, max:xMax};
+		}
+		if(!bRangeY){
+{min:yMin, max:yMax};
+		}
+		//	where to plot the axes
+		if (table.getAttribute("axisAt")){
+			var p=table.getAttribute("axisAt");
+			if (p.indexOf(",")>-1) p=p.split(",");
+			else p=p.split(" ");
+			//	x axis
+			if (!isNaN(parseFloat(p[0]))){
+			} else if (p[0].toLowerCase()=="ymin"){
+			} else if (p[0].toLowerCase()=="ymax"){
+			}
+			// y axis
+			if (!isNaN(parseFloat(p[1]))){
+			} else if (p[1].toLowerCase()=="xmin"){
+			} else if (p[1].toLowerCase()=="xmax"){
+			}
+		} else {
+		}
+		//	table values should be populated, now pop it off.
+		this.domNode.removeChild(table);
+		//	get the width and the height.
+		// ok, lets create the chart itself.
+		dojo.svg.g.suspend();		
+		if(this.vectorNode) this.destroy();
+		this.vectorNode=document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "svg");
+		this.vectorNode.setAttribute("width",;
+		this.vectorNode.setAttribute("height",;
+		//	set up the clip path for the plot area.
+		var defs = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "defs");
+		var clip = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "clipPath");
+		clip.setAttribute("id","plotClip"+this.widgetId);
+		var rect = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "rect");		
+		rect.setAttribute("x",;
+		rect.setAttribute("y",;
+		rect.setAttribute("width",;
+		rect.setAttribute("height",;
+		clip.appendChild(rect);
+		defs.appendChild(clip);
+		this.vectorNode.appendChild(defs);
+		//	the plot background.
+		this.plotArea = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "g");
+		this.vectorNode.appendChild(this.plotArea);
+		var rect = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "rect");		
+		rect.setAttribute("x",;
+		rect.setAttribute("y",;
+		rect.setAttribute("width",;
+		rect.setAttribute("height",;
+		rect.setAttribute("fill", "#fff");
+		this.plotArea.appendChild(rect);
+		//	data group
+		this.dataGroup = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "g");
+		this.dataGroup.setAttribute("style","clip-path:url(#plotClip"+this.widgetId+");");
+		this.plotArea.appendChild(this.dataGroup);
+		//	axis group
+		this.axisGroup = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "g");
+		this.plotArea.appendChild(this.axisGroup);
+		//	x axis
+		var stroke=1;
+		var line = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "line");
+		var y=dojo.widget.svg.Chart.Plotter.getY(, this);
+		line.setAttribute("y1", y);
+		line.setAttribute("y2", y);
+		line.setAttribute("x1",;
+		line.setAttribute("x2",;
+		line.setAttribute("style","stroke:#000;stroke-width:"+stroke+";");
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(line);
+		//	x axis units.
+		//	(min and max)
+		var textSize=10;
+		var text = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "text");
+		text.setAttribute("x",;
+		text.setAttribute("y",;
+		text.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor:middle;font-size:"+textSize+"px;fill:#000;");
+		text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dojo.math.round(parseFloat(,2));
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(text);
+		var text = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "text");
+		text.setAttribute("x",;
+		text.setAttribute("y",;
+		text.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor:middle;font-size:"+textSize+"px;fill:#000;");
+		text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dojo.math.round(parseFloat(,2));
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(text);	
+		//	y axis
+		var line=document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "line");
+		var x=dojo.widget.svg.Chart.Plotter.getX(, this);
+		line.setAttribute("x1", x);
+		line.setAttribute("x2", x);
+		line.setAttribute("y1",;
+		line.setAttribute("y2",;
+		line.setAttribute("style", "stroke:#000;stroke-width:"+stroke+";");
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(line);
+		//	y axis units
+		var text = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "text");
+		text.setAttribute("x",;
+		text.setAttribute("y",;
+		text.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor:end;font-size:"+textSize+"px;fill:#000;");
+		text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dojo.math.round(parseFloat(,2));
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(text);
+		var text = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "text");
+		text.setAttribute("x",;
+		text.setAttribute("y",;
+		text.setAttribute("style", "text-anchor:end;font-size:"+textSize+"px;fill:#000;");
+		text.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dojo.math.round(parseFloat(,2));
+		this.axisGroup.appendChild(text);	
+		this.domNode.appendChild(this.vectorNode);
+		dojo.svg.g.resume();
+		//	this is last.
+		this.assignColors();
+		this._isInitialized=true;
+	},
+	destroy:function(){
+		while(this.domNode.childNodes.length>0){
+			this.domNode.removeChild(this.domNode.childNodes.item(0));
+		}
+		this.vectorNode=this.plotArea=this.dataGroup=this.axisGroup=null;
+	},
+	render:function(){
+		dojo.svg.g.suspend();
+		if (this.dataGroup){
+			while(this.dataGroup.childNodes.length>0){
+				this.dataGroup.removeChild(this.dataGroup.childNodes.item(0));
+			}
+		} else {
+			this.initialize();
+		}
+		//	the remove/append is an attempt to streamline the rendering, it's totally optional
+//		var p=this.dataGroup.parentNode;
+//		p.removeChild(this.dataGroup);
+		for(var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++){
+			dojo.widget.svg.Chart.Plotter.plot(this.series[i], this);
+		}
+//		p.appendChild(this.dataGroup);
+		dojo.svg.g.resume();
+	}
+dojo.widget.svg.Chart.PlotTypes = {
+	Bar:"bar",
+	Line:"line",
+	Scatter:"scatter",
+	Bubble:"bubble"
+dojo.widget.svg.Chart.Plotter=new function(){
+	var _this=this;
+	var plotters = {};
+	var types=dojo.widget.svg.Chart.PlotTypes;
+	this.getX=function(value, chart){
+		var v=parseFloat(value);
+		var;
+		var;
+		var ofst=0-min;
+		min+=ofst; max+=ofst; v+=ofst;
+		var;
+		var;
+		var x=(v*((xmax-xmin)/max))+xmin;
+		return x;
+	};
+	this.getY=function(value, chart){
+		var v=parseFloat(value);
+		var;
+		var;
+		var ofst=0;
+		if(min<0)ofst+=Math.abs(min);
+		min+=ofst; max+=ofst; v+=ofst;
+		var;
+		var;
+		var y=(((ymin-ymax)/(max-min))*(max-v))+ymax;
+		return y;
+	};
+	this.addPlotter=function(name, func){
+		plotters[name]=func;
+	};
+	this.plot=function(series, chart){
+		if (series.values.length==0) return;
+		if (series.plotType && plotters[series.plotType]){
+			return plotters[series.plotType](series, chart);
+		}
+		else if (chart.plotType && plotters[chart.plotType]){
+			return plotters[chart.plotType](series, chart);
+		}
+//		else {
+//			return plotters[types.Bar](series, chart);
+//		}
+	};
+	//	plotting
+	plotters[types.Bar]=function(series, chart){
+		var space=1;
+		var lastW = 0;
+		for (var i=0; i<series.values.length; i++){
+			var x=_this.getX(series.values[i].x, chart);
+			var w;
+			if (i==series.values.length-1){
+				w=lastW;
+			} else{
+				w=_this.getX(series.values[i+1].x, chart)-x-space;
+				lastW=w;
+			}
+			x-=(w/2);
+			var yA=_this.getY(, chart);
+			var y=_this.getY(series.values[i].value, chart);
+			var h=Math.abs(yA-y);
+			if (parseFloat(series.values[i].value)<{
+				var oy=yA;
+				yA=y;
+				y=oy;
+			}
+			var bar=document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "rect");
+			bar.setAttribute("fill", series.color);
+			bar.setAttribute("title", series.label + ": " + series.values[i].value);
+			bar.setAttribute("stroke-width", "0");
+			bar.setAttribute("x", x);
+			bar.setAttribute("y", y);
+			bar.setAttribute("width", w);
+			bar.setAttribute("height", h);
+			bar.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.9");
+			chart.dataGroup.appendChild(bar);
+		}
+	};
+	plotters[types.Line]=function(series, chart){
+		var tension=3;
+		var line = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "path");
+		line.setAttribute("fill", "none");
+		line.setAttribute("stroke", series.color);
+		line.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1.5");
+		line.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", "0.85");
+		line.setAttribute("title", series.label);
+		chart.dataGroup.appendChild(line);
+		var path = [];
+		for (var i=0; i<series.values.length; i++){
+			var x = _this.getX(series.values[i].x, chart)
+			var y = _this.getY(series.values[i].value, chart);
+			var dx =;
+			var dy =;
+			if (i>0){
+				dx=x-_this.getX(series.values[i-1].x, chart);
+				dy=_this.getY(series.values[i-1].value, chart);
+			}
+			if (i==0) path.push("M");
+			else {
+				path.push("C");
+				var cx=x-(tension-1)*(dx/tension);
+				path.push(cx+","+dy);
+				cx=x-(dx/tension);
+				path.push(cx+","+y);
+			}
+			path.push(x+","+y);
+		}
+		line.setAttribute("d", path.join(" "));
+	};
+	plotters[types.Scatter]=function(series, chart){
+		var r=7;
+		for (var i=0; i<series.values.length; i++){
+			var x=_this.getX(series.values[i].x, chart);
+			var y=_this.getY(series.values[i].value, chart);
+			var point = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "path");
+			point.setAttribute("fill", series.color);
+			point.setAttribute("stroke-width", "0");
+			point.setAttribute("title", series.label + ": " + series.values[i].value);
+			point.setAttribute("d",
+				"M " + x + "," + (y-r) + " " +
+				"Q " + x + "," + y + " " + (x+r) + "," + y + " " +
+				"Q " + x + "," + y + " " + x + "," + (y+r) + " " +
+				"Q " + x + "," + y + " " + (x-r) + "," + y + " " +
+				"Q " + x + "," + y + " " + x + "," + (y-r) + " " +
+				"Z"
+			);
+			chart.dataGroup.appendChild(point);
+		}
+	};
+	plotters[types.Bubble]=function(series, chart){
+		//	added param for series[n].value: size
+		var minR=1;
+		//	do this off the x axis?
+		var;
+		var;
+		var ofst=0-min;
+		min+=ofst; max+=ofst; v+=ofst;
+		var;
+		var;
+		var factor=(max-min)/(xmax-xmin)*25;
+		for (var i=0; i<series.values.length; i++){
+			var size = series.values[i].size;
+			if (isNaN(parseFloat(size))) size=minR;
+			var point=document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "circle");
+			point.setAttribute("stroke-width", 0);
+			point.setAttribute("fill", series.color);
+			point.setAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.8");
+			point.setAttribute("r", (parseFloat(size)*factor)/2);
+			point.setAttribute("cx", _this.getX(series.values[i].x, chart));
+			point.setAttribute("cy", _this.getY(series.values[i].value, chart));
+			point.setAttribute("title", series.label + ": " + series.values[i].value + " (" + size + ")");
+			chart.dataGroup.appendChild(point);
+		}
+	};

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/HslColorPicker.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/HslColorPicker.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/widget/svg/HslColorPicker.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	dojo.debug("warning: the HslColorPicker is not a finished widget, and is not yet ready for general use");
+	this.hue = "0";
+	this.saturation = "0";
+	this.light = "0";
+	this.storedColor = "#0054aa";
+	var _this = this;
+	this.filterObject = {
+	}
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.svg.HslColorPicker, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.svg.HslColorPicker, {
+	//	widget props
+	templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HslColorPicker.svg"),
+	templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HslColorPicker.css"),
+	fillInTemplate: function() {
+		this.height = "131px";
+		this.svgDoc = this.hueNode.ownerDocument;
+		this.leftGradientColorNode = this.hueNode.ownerDocument.getElementById("leftGradientColor");
+		this.rightGradientColorNode = this.hueNode.ownerDocument.getElementById("rightGradientColor");
+		this.hueNode.setAttributeNS(dojo.dom.xmlns.xlink, "href", dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/hue.png"));
+		var hsl =;
+		this.hue = hsl[0];
+		this.saturation = hsl[1];
+		this.light = hsl[2];
+		this.setSaturationStopColors();
+		//this.setHueSlider();
+		//this.setSaturationLightSlider();
+	},
+	setSaturationStopColors: function() {
+		//this.leftGradientStopColor = "rgb(" +, 20, 50).join(", ") + ")";
+		//this.rightGradientStopColor = "rgb(" +, 100, 50).join(", ") + ")";
+		//this.leftGradientStopColor =, 20, 50);
+		//this.rightGradientStopColor =, 100, 50);
+		this.leftGradientStopColor =, 0, 50));
+		this.rightGradientStopColor =, 100, 50));
+		this.leftGradientColorNode.setAttributeNS(null,'stop-color',this.leftGradientStopColor);
+		this.rightGradientColorNode.setAttributeNS(null,'stop-color',this.rightGradientStopColor);
+	},
+	setHue: function(hue) {
+		this.hue = hue;
+	},
+	setHueSlider: function() {
+		// FIXME: need to add some padding around the picker so you can see the slider at the top and bottom of the picker)
+		this.hueSliderNode.setAttribute("y", parseInt((this.hue/360) * parseInt(this.height) - 2) + "px" );
+	},
+	setSaturationLight: function(saturation, light) {
+		this.saturation = saturation;
+		this.light = light;
+	},
+	setSaturationLightSlider: function() {
+		// TODO
+	},
+	onHueClick: function(evt) {
+		// get the position that was clicked on the element
+		// FIXME: handle document scrolling, offset
+		var yPosition = parseInt(evt.clientY) - parseInt("y"));
+		this.setHue( 360 - parseInt(yPosition*(360/parseInt(this.height))) );
+		this.setSaturationStopColors();
+		this.setStoredColor(, this.saturation, this.light));
+	},
+	onHueDrag: function(evt) {
+		// TODO
+	},
+	onSaturationLightClick: function(evt) {
+		// get the position that was clicked on the element
+		// FIXME: handle document scrolling, offset
+		var xPosition = parseInt(evt.clientX) - parseInt("y"));
+		var yPosition = parseInt(evt.clientY) - parseInt("y"));
+		saturation = parseInt(parseInt(xPosition)*(101/106));
+		light = parseInt(parseInt(yPosition)*(101/106));
+		this.setSaturationLight(saturation, light);
+		this.setStoredColor(, this.saturation, this.light));
+	},
+	onSaturationLightDrag: function(evt) {
+		// TODO
+	},
+	getStoredColor: function() {
+		return this.storedColor;
+	},
+	setStoredColor: function(rgbHexColor) {
+		this.storedColor = rgbHexColor;
+		dojo.event.topic.publish("/" + this.widgetId + "/setStoredColor", this.filterObject);
+	},
+	hsl2rgb: function(hue, saturation, light)
+	{
+		// hsl2rgb in did not behave hte way I expected, so 
+		// I'm using some old code I wrote until I figure out what the issue is
+		// first, check to see if saturation = 0
+		function rgb(q1,q2,hue) {
+			if (hue>360) hue=hue-360;
+			if (hue<0) hue=hue+360;
+			if (hue<60) return (q1+(q2-q1)*hue/60);
+			else if (hue<180) return(q2);
+			else if (hue<240) return(q1+(q2-q1)*(240-hue)/60);
+			else return(q1);
+		}
+		this.rgb = rgb
+		if (saturation==0) {
+			return [Math.round(light*255/100), Math.round(light*255/100), Math.round(light*255/100)];
+		} else {
+			light = light/100;
+			saturation = saturation/100;
+			// check to see if light > 0.5
+			if ((light)<0.5) {
+				var temp2 = (light)*(1.0+saturation)
+			} else {
+				var temp2 = (light+saturation-(light*saturation))
+			}
+			temp1 = 2.0*light - temp2;
+			var rgbcolor = [];
+			rgbcolor[0] = Math.round(rgb(temp1,temp2,parseInt(hue)+120)*255);
+			rgbcolor[1] = Math.round(rgb(temp1,temp2,hue)*255);
+			rgbcolor[2] = Math.round(rgb(temp1,temp2,parseInt(hue)-120)*255);
+			return rgbcolor;
+		}
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/Parse.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/Parse.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/Parse.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+//TODO: determine dependencies
+// currently has dependency on dojo.xml.DomUtil nodeTypes constants...
+/* generic method for taking a node and parsing it into an object
+TODO: WARNING: This comment is wrong!
+For example, the following xml fragment
+<foo bar="bar">
+	<baz xyzzy="xyzzy"/>
+can be described as:
+dojo.???.foo = {}
+dojo.??? = {}
+dojo.??? = "bar";
+dojo.???.foo.baz = {}
+dojo.???.foo.baz.xyzzy = {}
+dojo.???.foo.baz.xyzzy.value = "xyzzy"
+// using documentFragment nomenclature to generalize in case we don't want to require passing a collection of nodes with a single parent
+dojo.xml.Parse = function(){
+	this.parseFragment = function(documentFragment) {
+		// handle parent element
+		var parsedFragment = {};
+		// var tagName = dojo.xml.domUtil.getTagName(node);
+		var tagName = dojo.dom.getTagName(documentFragment);
+		// TODO: What if document fragment is just text... need to check for nodeType perhaps?
+		parsedFragment[tagName] = new Array(documentFragment.tagName);
+		var attributeSet = this.parseAttributes(documentFragment);
+		for(var attr in attributeSet){
+			if(!parsedFragment[attr]){
+				parsedFragment[attr] = [];
+			}
+			parsedFragment[attr][parsedFragment[attr].length] = attributeSet[attr];
+		}
+		var nodes = documentFragment.childNodes;
+		for(var childNode in nodes){
+			switch(nodes[childNode].nodeType){
+				case  dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE: // element nodes, call this function recursively
+					parsedFragment[tagName].push(this.parseElement(nodes[childNode]));
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE: // if a single text node is the child, treat it as an attribute
+					if(nodes.length == 1){
+						if(!parsedFragment[documentFragment.tagName]){
+							parsedFragment[tagName] = [];
+						}
+						parsedFragment[tagName].push({ value: nodes[0].nodeValue });
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		return parsedFragment;
+	}
+	this.parseElement = function(node, hasParentNodeSet, optimizeForDojoML, thisIdx){
+		// TODO: make this namespace aware
+		var parsedNodeSet = {};
+		var tagName = dojo.dom.getTagName(node);
+		parsedNodeSet[tagName] = [];
+		if((!optimizeForDojoML)||(tagName.substr(0,4).toLowerCase()=="dojo")){
+			var attributeSet = this.parseAttributes(node);
+			for(var attr in attributeSet){
+				if((!parsedNodeSet[tagName][attr])||(typeof parsedNodeSet[tagName][attr] != "array")){
+					parsedNodeSet[tagName][attr] = [];
+				}
+				parsedNodeSet[tagName][attr].push(attributeSet[attr]);
+			}
+			// FIXME: we might want to make this optional or provide cloning instead of
+			// referencing, but for now, we include a node reference to allow
+			// instantiated components to figure out their "roots"
+			parsedNodeSet[tagName].nodeRef = node;
+			parsedNodeSet.tagName = tagName;
+			parsedNodeSet.index = thisIdx||0;
+		}
+		var count = 0;
+		for(var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++){
+			var tcn = node.childNodes.item(i);
+			switch(tcn.nodeType){
+				case  dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE: // element nodes, call this function recursively
+					count++;
+					var ctn = dojo.dom.getTagName(tcn);
+					if(!parsedNodeSet[ctn]){
+						parsedNodeSet[ctn] = [];
+					}
+					parsedNodeSet[ctn].push(this.parseElement(tcn, true, optimizeForDojoML, count));
+					if(	(tcn.childNodes.length == 1)&&
+						(tcn.childNodes.item(0).nodeType == dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE)){
+						parsedNodeSet[ctn][parsedNodeSet[ctn].length-1].value = tcn.childNodes.item(0).nodeValue;
+					}
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE: // if a single text node is the child, treat it as an attribute
+					if(node.childNodes.length == 1) {
+						parsedNodeSet[tagName].push({ value: node.childNodes.item(0).nodeValue });
+					}
+					break;
+				default: break;
+				/*
+				case  dojo.dom.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: // attribute node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: // cdata section... not sure if this would ever be meaningful... might be...
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: // entity reference node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.ENTITY_NODE: // entity node... not sure if this would ever be meaningful
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: // processing instruction node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.COMMENT_NODE: // comment node... not not sure if this would ever be meaningful 
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.DOCUMENT_NODE: // document node... not sure if this would ever be meaningful
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: // document type node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: // document fragment node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				case  dojo.dom.NOTATION_NODE:// notation node... not meaningful here
+					break;
+				*/
+			}
+		}
+		//return (hasParentNodeSet) ? parsedNodeSet[node.tagName] : parsedNodeSet;
+		return parsedNodeSet;
+	}
+	/* parses a set of attributes on a node into an object tree */
+	this.parseAttributes = function(node) {
+		// TODO: make this namespace aware
+		var parsedAttributeSet = {};
+		var atts = node.attributes;
+		// TODO: should we allow for duplicate attributes at this point...
+		// would any of the relevant dom implementations even allow this?
+		for(var i=0; i<atts.length; i++) {
+			var attnode = atts.item(i);
+			if((dojo.render.html.capable)&&({
+				if(!attnode){ continue; }
+				if(	(typeof attnode == "object")&&
+					(typeof attnode.nodeValue == 'undefined')||
+					(attnode.nodeValue == null)||
+					(attnode.nodeValue == '')){ 
+					continue; 
+				}
+			}
+			var nn = (attnode.nodeName.indexOf("dojo:") == -1) ? attnode.nodeName : attnode.nodeName.split("dojo:")[1];
+			parsedAttributeSet[nn] = { 
+				value: attnode.nodeValue 
+			};
+		}
+		return parsedAttributeSet;
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/__package__.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/__package__.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/__package__.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	common:		["dojo.xml.domUtil"],
+    browser: 	["dojo.xml.htmlUtil"],
+    svg: 		["dojo.xml.svgUtil"]

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/domUtil.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/domUtil.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/domUtil.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.domUtil is deprecated, use dojo.dom instead");
+// for loading script:
+dojo.xml.domUtil = new function(){
+	this.nodeTypes = {
+		ELEMENT_NODE                  : 1,
+		ATTRIBUTE_NODE                : 2,
+		TEXT_NODE                     : 3,
+		CDATA_SECTION_NODE            : 4,
+		ENTITY_NODE                   : 6,
+		COMMENT_NODE                  : 8,
+		DOCUMENT_NODE                 : 9,
+		DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE            : 10,
+		NOTATION_NODE                 : 12
+	}
+	this.dojoml = "";
+	this.idIncrement = 0;
+	this.getTagName = function(){return dojo.dom.getTagName.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getUniqueId = function(){return dojo.dom.getUniqueId.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getFirstChildTag = function() {return dojo.dom.getFirstChildElement.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getLastChildTag = function() {return dojo.dom.getLastChildElement.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getNextSiblingTag = function() {return dojo.dom.getNextSiblingElement.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getPreviousSiblingTag = function() {return dojo.dom.getPreviousSiblingElement.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.forEachChildTag = function(node, unaryFunc) {
+		var child = this.getFirstChildTag(node);
+		while(child) {
+			if(unaryFunc(child) == "break") { break; }
+			child = this.getNextSiblingTag(child);
+		}
+	}
+	this.moveChildren = function() {return dojo.dom.moveChildren.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.copyChildren = function() {return dojo.dom.copyChildren.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.clearChildren = function() {return dojo.dom.removeChildren.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.replaceChildren = function() {return dojo.dom.replaceChildren.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.getStyle = function() {return, arguments);}
+	this.toCamelCase = function() {return, arguments);}
+	this.toSelectorCase = function() {return, arguments);}
+	this.getAncestors = function(){return dojo.dom.getAncestors.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.isChildOf = function() {return dojo.dom.isDescendantOf.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.createDocumentFromText = function() {return dojo.dom.createDocumentFromText.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	if(dojo.render.html.capable || dojo.render.svg.capable) {
+		this.createNodesFromText = function(txt, wrap){return dojo.dom.createNodesFromText.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	}
+	this.extractRGB = function(color) { return; }
+	this.hex2rgb = function(hex) { return; }
+	this.rgb2hex = function(r, g, b) { return, g, b); }
+	this.insertBefore = function() {return dojo.dom.insertBefore.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.before = this.insertBefore;
+	this.insertAfter = function() {return dojo.dom.insertAfter.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.after = this.insertAfter
+	this.insert = function(){return dojo.dom.insertAtPosition.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.insertAtIndex = function(){return dojo.dom.insertAtIndex.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.textContent = function () {return dojo.dom.textContent.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.renderedTextContent = function () {return dojo.dom.renderedTextContent.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}
+	this.remove = function (node) {return dojo.dom.removeNode.apply(dojo.dom, arguments);}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/htmlUtil.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/htmlUtil.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/htmlUtil.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil is deprecated, use dojo.html instead");
+dojo.xml.htmlUtil = new function(){
+	this.styleSheet =;
+	this._clobberSelection = function(){return dojo.html.clearSelection.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.disableSelect = function(){return dojo.html.disableSelection.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.enableSelect = function(){return dojo.html.enableSelection.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.getInnerWidth = function(){return, arguments);}
+	this.getOuterWidth = function(node){
+		dj_unimplemented("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.getOuterWidth");
+	}
+	this.getInnerHeight = function(){return, arguments);}
+	this.getOuterHeight = function(node){
+		dj_unimplemented("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.getOuterHeight");
+	}
+	this.getTotalOffset = function(){return, arguments);}
+	this.totalOffsetLeft = function(){return, arguments);}
+	this.getAbsoluteX = this.totalOffsetLeft;
+	this.totalOffsetTop = function(){return, arguments);}
+	this.getAbsoluteY = this.totalOffsetTop;
+	this.getEventTarget = function(){return dojo.html.getEventTarget.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.getScrollTop = function() {return dojo.html.getScrollTop.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.getScrollLeft = function() {return dojo.html.getScrollLeft.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.evtTgt = this.getEventTarget;
+	this.getParentOfType = function(){return dojo.html.getParentOfType.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.getAttribute = function(){return dojo.html.getAttribute.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.getAttr = function (node, attr) { // for backwards compat (may disappear!!!)
+		dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.getAttr is deprecated, use dojo.xml.htmlUtil.getAttribute instead");
+		return dojo.xml.htmlUtil.getAttribute(node, attr);
+	}
+	this.hasAttribute = function(){return dojo.html.hasAttribute.apply(dojo.html, arguments);}
+	this.hasAttr = function (node, attr) { // for backwards compat (may disappear!!!)
+		dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.hasAttr is deprecated, use dojo.xml.htmlUtil.hasAttribute instead");
+		return dojo.xml.htmlUtil.hasAttribute(node, attr);
+	}
+	this.getClass = function(){return dojo.html.getClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.hasClass = function(){return dojo.html.hasClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.prependClass = function(){return dojo.html.prependClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.addClass = function(){return dojo.html.addClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.setClass = function(){return dojo.html.setClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.removeClass = function(){return dojo.html.removeClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	// Enum type for getElementsByClass classMatchType arg:
+	this.classMatchType = {
+		ContainsAll : 0, // all of the classes are part of the node's class (default)
+		ContainsAny : 1, // any of the classes are part of the node's class
+		IsOnly : 2 // only all of the classes are part of the node's class
+	}
+	this.getElementsByClass = function() {return dojo.html.getElementsByClass.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.getElementsByClassName = this.getElementsByClass;
+	this.setOpacity = function() {return, arguments)}
+	this.getOpacity = function() {return, arguments)}
+	this.clearOpacity = function() {return, arguments)}
+	this.gravity = function(){return dojo.html.gravity.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.gravity.NORTH = 1;
+	this.gravity.SOUTH = 1 << 1;
+	this.gravity.EAST = 1 << 2;
+	this.gravity.WEST = 1 << 3;
+	this.overElement = function(){return dojo.html.overElement.apply(dojo.html, arguments)}
+	this.insertCssRule = function(){return, arguments)}
+	this.insertCSSRule = function(selector, declaration, index){
+		dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCSSRule is deprecated, use dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCssRule instead");
+		return dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCssRule(selector, declaration, index);
+	}
+	this.removeCssRule = function(){return, arguments)}
+	this.removeCSSRule = function(index){
+		dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.removeCSSRule is deprecated, use dojo.xml.htmlUtil.removeCssRule instead");
+		return dojo.xml.htmlUtil.removeCssRule(index);
+	}
+	this.insertCssFile = function(){return, arguments)}
+	this.insertCSSFile = function(URI, doc, checkDuplicates){
+		dj_deprecated("dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCSSFile is deprecated, use dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCssFile instead");
+		return dojo.xml.htmlUtil.insertCssFile(URI, doc, checkDuplicates);
+	}
+	this.getBackgroundColor = function() {return, arguments)}
+	this.getUniqueId = function() { return dojo.dom.getUniqueId(); }
+	this.getStyle = function() {return, arguments)}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/svgUtil.js
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/svgUtil.js (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/src/xml/svgUtil.js Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// FIXME: add imports for deps!
+dojo.xml.svgUtil = new function(){
+	this.getInnerWidth = function(node){
+		// FIXME: need to find out from dylan how to 
+	}
+	this.getOuterWidth = function(node){
+	}
+	this.getInnerHeight = function(node){
+	}
+	this.getOuterHeight = function(node){
+	}

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/version.txt
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/version.txt (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/version.txt Thu Jan 26 15:56:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DOJO library version 0.2.2
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/version.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/sandbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/dojo/resource/version.txt
    svn:keywords = Date Author Id Revision HeadURL