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svn commit: r1579184 [30/33] - in /openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes: ./ ext_sources/ extras/l10n/source/de/ extras/l10n/source/es/ extras/l10n/source/eu/ extras/l10n/source/hi/ extras/l10n/source/kk/ extras/l10n/source/lt/ extras/l10n/source/nb/ ex...

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.cxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.cxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.cxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -19,302 +19,547 @@
 // MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
 #include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <vector>
+#include <hash_map>
 #include <set>
+#include "salgdi.h"
+#include "atsfonts.hxx"
 #include "vcl/svapp.hxx"
+#include "vcl/impfont.hxx"
-#include "aqua/salgdi.h"
-#include "aqua/saldata.hxx"
-#include "atsfonts.hxx"
-#include "impfont.hxx"
+#include "basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx"
+#include "basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx"
+typedef GlyphID ATSGlyphID;
+// =======================================================================
+// mac specific physically available font face
+class AtsFontData
+:	public ImplMacFontData
+	explicit				AtsFontData( const ImplDevFontAttributes&, ATSUFontID );
+	virtual					~AtsFontData( void );
+	virtual ImplFontData*   Clone( void ) const;
+	virtual ImplMacTextStyle*	CreateMacTextStyle( const ImplFontSelectData& ) const;    
+	virtual ImplFontEntry*		CreateFontInstance( /*const*/ ImplFontSelectData& ) const;
+	virtual int					GetFontTable( const char pTagName[5], unsigned char* ) const;
+// =======================================================================
+class AtsFontList
+:	public SystemFontList
+	explicit	AtsFontList( void );
+	virtual		~AtsFontList( void );
+	virtual void			AnnounceFonts( ImplDevFontList& ) const;
+	virtual ImplMacFontData* GetFontDataFromId( sal_IntPtr nFontId ) const;
+	typedef std::hash_map<sal_IntPtr,AtsFontData*> AtsFontContainer;
+	AtsFontContainer maFontContainer;
+	void InitGlyphFallbacks( void );	
+	ATSUFontFallbacks	maFontFallbacks;
+// =======================================================================
+AtsFontData::AtsFontData( const ImplDevFontAttributes& rDFA, ATSUFontID nFontId )
+:	ImplMacFontData( rDFA, (sal_IntPtr)nFontId )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+AtsFontData::~AtsFontData( void )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImplFontData* AtsFontData::Clone( void ) const
+	AtsFontData* pClone = new AtsFontData(*this);
+	return pClone;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImplMacTextStyle* AtsFontData::CreateMacTextStyle( const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD ) const
+	return new AtsTextStyle( rFSD );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImplFontEntry* AtsFontData::CreateFontInstance( /*const*/ ImplFontSelectData& rFSD ) const
+	return new ImplFontEntry( rFSD );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+int AtsFontData::GetFontTable( const char pTagName[5], unsigned char* pResultBuf ) const
+	DBG_ASSERT( aTagName[4]=='\0', "AtsFontData::GetFontTable with invalid tagname!\n" );
+	const FourCharCode pTagCode = (pTagName[0]<<24) + (pTagName[1]<<16) + (pTagName[2]<<8) + (pTagName[3]<<0);
+	// get the byte size of the raw table
+	ATSFontRef rATSFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( (ATSUFontID)mnFontId );
+	ByteCount nBufSize = 0;
+	OSStatus eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rATSFont, pTagCode, 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize );
+	if( eStatus != noErr )
+		return 0;
+	// get the raw table data if requested
+	if( pResultBuf && (nBufSize > 0))
+	{
+		ByteCount nRawLength = 0;
+		eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rATSFont, pTagCode, 0, nBufSize, (void*)pResultBuf, &nRawLength );
+		if( eStatus != noErr )
+			return 0;
+		DBG_ASSERT( (nBufSize==nRawLength), "AtsFontData::GetFontTable ByteCount mismatch!\n");
+	}
+	return nBufSize;
+// =======================================================================
+AtsTextStyle::AtsTextStyle( const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD )
+:	ImplMacTextStyle( rFSD )
+	// create the style object for ATSUI font attributes
+	ATSUCreateStyle( &maATSUStyle );
+	const ImplFontSelectData* const pReqFont = &rFSD;
+	mpFontData = (AtsFontData*)rFSD.mpFontData;
+	// limit the ATS font size to avoid Fixed16.16 overflows
+	double fScaledFontHeight = pReqFont->mfExactHeight;
+	static const float fMaxFontHeight = 144.0;
+	if( fScaledFontHeight > fMaxFontHeight )
+	{
+		mfFontScale = fScaledFontHeight / fMaxFontHeight;
+		fScaledFontHeight = fMaxFontHeight;
+	}
+	// convert font rotation to radian
+	mfFontRotation = pReqFont->mnOrientation * (M_PI / 1800.0);
+	// determine if font stretching is needed
+	if( (pReqFont->mnWidth != 0) && (pReqFont->mnWidth != pReqFont->mnHeight) )
+	{
+		mfFontStretch = (float)pReqFont->mnWidth / pReqFont->mnHeight;
+		// set text style to stretching matrix
+		CGAffineTransform aMatrix = CGAffineTransformMakeScale( mfFontStretch, 1.0F );
+		const ATSUAttributeTag aMatrixTag = kATSUFontMatrixTag;
+		const ATSUAttributeValuePtr aAttr = &aMatrix;
+		const ByteCount aMatrixBytes = sizeof(aMatrix);
+		/*OSStatus eStatus =*/ ATSUSetAttributes( maATSUStyle, 1, &aMatrixTag, &aMatrixBytes, &aAttr );
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+AtsTextStyle::~AtsTextStyle( void )
+	ATSUDisposeStyle( maATSUStyle );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AtsTextStyle::GetFontMetric( float fDPIY, ImplFontMetricData& rMetric ) const
+	// get the font metrics (in point units)
+	// of the font that has eventually been size-limited
+	// get the matching ATSU font handle
+	ATSUFontID fontId; 	 
+	OSStatus err = ::ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(ATSUFontID), &fontId, 0 );
+	DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font id\n");
+	ATSFontMetrics aMetrics;
+	ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( fontId );
+	err = ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics ( rFont, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &aMetrics );
+	DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font metrics\n");
+	if( err != noErr )
+		return;
+	// all ATS fonts are scalable fonts
+	rMetric.mbScalableFont = true;
+	// TODO: check if any kerning is possible
+	rMetric.mbKernableFont = true;
+	// convert into VCL font metrics (in unscaled pixel units)
+	Fixed ptSize;
+	err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUSizeTag, sizeof(Fixed), &ptSize, 0);
+	DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font size\n");
+	const double fPointSize = Fix2X( ptSize );
+	// convert quartz units to pixel units
+	// please see the comment in AquaSalGraphics::SetFont() for details
+	const double fPixelSize = (mfFontScale * fDPIY * fPointSize);
+	rMetric.mnAscent       = static_cast<long>(+aMetrics.ascent  * fPixelSize + 0.5);
+	rMetric.mnDescent      = static_cast<long>(-aMetrics.descent * fPixelSize + 0.5);
+	const long nExtDescent = static_cast<long>((-aMetrics.descent + aMetrics.leading) * fPixelSize + 0.5);
+	rMetric.mnExtLeading   = nExtDescent - rMetric.mnDescent;
+	rMetric.mnIntLeading   = 0;
+	// since ImplFontMetricData::mnWidth is only used for stretching/squeezing fonts
+	// setting this width to the pixel height of the fontsize is good enough
+	// it also makes the calculation of the stretch factor simple
+	rMetric.mnWidth        = static_cast<long>(mfFontStretch * fPixelSize + 0.5);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AtsTextStyle::SetTextColor( const RGBAColor& rColor )
+	RGBColor aAtsColor;
+   = (unsigned short)( rColor.GetRed()   * 65535.0 );
+ = (unsigned short)( rColor.GetGreen() * 65535.0 );
+  = (unsigned short)( rColor.GetColor() * 65535.0 );
+	ATSUAttributeTag aTag = kATSUColorTag;
+	ByteCount aValueSize = sizeof( aAtsColor );
+	ATSUAttributeValuePtr aValue = &aAtsColor;
+	/*OSStatus err =*/ ATSUSetAttributes( maATSUStyle, 1, &aTag, &aValueSize, &aValue );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool AtsTextStyle::GetGlyphBoundRect( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, Rectangle& rRect ) const
+	ATSUStyle rATSUStyle = maATSUStyle;	// TODO: handle glyph fallback
+	ATSGlyphID aGlyphId = aGlyphId;
+	ATSGlyphScreenMetrics aGlyphMetrics;
+	const bool bNonAntialiasedText = false;
+	OSStatus eStatus = ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics( rATSUStyle,
+		1, &aGlyphId, 0, FALSE, !bNonAntialiasedText, &aGlyphMetrics );
+	if( eStatus != noErr )
+		return false;
+	const long nMinX = (long)(+aGlyphMetrics.topLeft.x * mfFontScale - 0.5);
+	const long nMaxX = (long)(aGlyphMetrics.width * mfFontScale + 0.5) + nMinX;
+	const long nMinY = (long)(-aGlyphMetrics.topLeft.y * mfFontScale - 0.5);
+	const long nMaxY = (long)(aGlyphMetrics.height * mfFontScale + 0.5) + nMinY;
+	rRect = Rectangle( nMinX, nMinY, nMaxX, nMaxY );
+	return true;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// callbacks from ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths() fore GetGlyphOutline()
+struct GgoData { basegfx::B2DPolygon maPolygon; basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* mpPolyPoly; };
+static OSStatus GgoLineToProc( const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData )
+	basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData)->maPolygon;
+	const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DPoint( pPoint->x, pPoint->y );
+	rPolygon.append( aB2DPoint );
+	return noErr;
+static OSStatus GgoCurveToProc( const Float32Point* pCP1, const Float32Point* pCP2,
+	const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData )
+	basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData)->maPolygon;
+	const sal_uInt32 nPointCount = rPolygon.count();
+	const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DControlPoint1( pCP1->x, pCP1->y );
+	rPolygon.setNextControlPoint( nPointCount-1, aB2DControlPoint1 );
+	const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DEndPoint( pPoint->x, pPoint->y );
+	rPolygon.append( aB2DEndPoint );
+	const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DControlPoint2( pCP2->x, pCP2->y );
+	rPolygon.setPrevControlPoint( nPointCount, aB2DControlPoint2 );
+	return noErr;
+static OSStatus GgoClosePathProc( void* pData )
+	GgoData* pGgoData = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData);
+	basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = pGgoData->maPolygon;
+	if( rPolygon.count() > 0 )
+		pGgoData->mpPolyPoly->append( rPolygon );
+	rPolygon.clear();
+	return noErr;
+static OSStatus GgoMoveToProc( const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData )
+	GgoClosePathProc( pData );
+	OSStatus eStatus = GgoLineToProc( pPoint, pData );
+	return eStatus;
+bool AtsTextStyle::GetGlyphOutline( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rResult ) const
+	GgoData aGgoData;
+	aGgoData.mpPolyPoly = &rResult;
+	rResult.clear();
+	OSStatus eGgoStatus = noErr;
+	OSStatus eStatus = ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths( maATSUStyle, aGlyphId,
+		GgoMoveToProc, GgoLineToProc, GgoCurveToProc, GgoClosePathProc,
+		&aGgoData, &eGgoStatus );
+	if( (eStatus != noErr) ) // TODO: why is (eGgoStatus!=noErr) when curves are involved?
+		return false;
+	GgoClosePathProc( &aGgoData );
+	// apply the font scale
+	if( mfFontScale != 1.0 ) {
+		basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aScale;
+		aScale.scale( +mfFontScale, +mfFontScale );
+		rResult.transform( aScale );
+	}
+	return true;
+// =======================================================================
 static bool GetDevFontAttributes( ATSUFontID nFontID, ImplDevFontAttributes& rDFA )
-    // all ATSU fonts are device fonts that can be directly rotated
-    rDFA.mbOrientation = true;
-    rDFA.mbDevice      = true;
-    rDFA.mnQuality     = 0;
-    // reset the attributes
-    rDFA.meFamily     = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
-    rDFA.mePitch      = PITCH_VARIABLE;
-    rDFA.meWidthType  = WIDTH_NORMAL;
-    rDFA.meWeight     = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
-    rDFA.meItalic     = ITALIC_NONE;
-    rDFA.mbSymbolFlag = false;
-    // ignore bitmap fonts
-    ATSFontRef rATSFontRef = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( nFontID );
-    ByteCount nHeadLen = 0;
-    OSStatus rc = ATSFontGetTable( rATSFontRef, 0x68656164/*head*/, 0, 0, NULL, &nHeadLen );
-    if( (rc != noErr) || (nHeadLen <= 0) )
-        return false;
+	// all ATSU fonts are device fonts that can be directly rotated
+	rDFA.mbOrientation = true;
+	rDFA.mbDevice      = true;
+	rDFA.mnQuality     = 0;
+	// reset the attributes
+	rDFA.meFamily     = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
+	rDFA.mePitch      = PITCH_VARIABLE;
+	rDFA.meWidthType  = WIDTH_NORMAL;
+	rDFA.meWeight     = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+	rDFA.meItalic     = ITALIC_NONE;
+	rDFA.mbSymbolFlag = false;
+	// ignore bitmap fonts
+	ATSFontRef rATSFontRef = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( nFontID );
+	ByteCount nHeadLen = 0;
+	OSStatus rc = ATSFontGetTable( rATSFontRef, 0x68656164/*head*/, 0, 0, NULL, &nHeadLen );
+	if( (rc != noErr) || (nHeadLen <= 0) )
+		return false;
 	// all scalable fonts on this platform are subsettable
 	rDFA.mbSubsettable	= true;
 	rDFA.mbEmbeddable	= false;
+	// TODO: these members are needed only for our X11 platform targets
 	// prepare iterating over all name strings of the font	
-    ItemCount nFontNameCount = 0;
-    rc = ATSUCountFontNames( nFontID, &nFontNameCount );
-    if( rc != noErr )
-        return false;
-    int nBestNameValue = 0;
-    int nBestStyleValue = 0;
+	ItemCount nFontNameCount = 0;
+	rc = ATSUCountFontNames( nFontID, &nFontNameCount );
+	if( rc != noErr )
+		return false;
+	int nBestNameValue = 0;
+	int nBestStyleValue = 0;
 	FontLanguageCode eBestLangCode = 0;
 	const FontLanguageCode eUILangCode = Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguage();
 	typedef std::vector<char> NameBuffer;
-    NameBuffer aNameBuffer( 256 );
+	NameBuffer aNameBuffer( 256 );
+	// iterate over all available name strings of the font
+	for( ItemCount nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nFontNameCount; ++nNameIndex )
+	{
+		ByteCount nNameLength = 0;
+		FontNameCode     eFontNameCode; 
+		FontPlatformCode eFontNamePlatform; 
+		FontScriptCode   eFontNameScript; 
+		FontLanguageCode eFontNameLanguage;
+		rc = ATSUGetIndFontName( nFontID, nNameIndex, 0, NULL,
+			&nNameLength, &eFontNameCode, &eFontNamePlatform, &eFontNameScript, &eFontNameLanguage );
+		if( rc != noErr )
+			continue;
+		// ignore non-interesting name entries
+		if( (eFontNameCode != kFontFamilyName)
+		&&  (eFontNameCode != kFontStyleName)
+		&&  (eFontNameCode != kFontPostscriptName) )
+			continue;
+		// heuristic to find the most common font name
+		// prefering default language names or even better the names matching to the UI language
+		int nNameValue = (eFontNameLanguage==eUILangCode) ? 0 : ((eFontNameLanguage==0) ? -10 : -20);
+		rtl_TextEncoding eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE;
+		const int nPlatformEncoding = ((int)eFontNamePlatform << 8) + (int)eFontNameScript;
+		switch( nPlatformEncoding )
+		{
+			case 0x000: nNameValue += 23; break;    // Unicode 1.0
+			case 0x001: nNameValue += 24; break;    // Unicode 1.1
+			case 0x002: nNameValue += 25; break;    // iso10646_1993
+			case 0x003: nNameValue += 26; break;    // UCS-2
+			case 0x301: nNameValue += 27; break;    // Win UCS-2
+			case 0x004:                             // UCS-4
+			case 0x30A: nNameValue += 0;            // Win-UCS-4
+				eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS4;
+				break;
+			case 0x100: nNameValue += 21; 	        // Mac Roman
+				break;
+			case 0x300: nNameValue =  0;            // Win Symbol encoded name!
+				rDFA.mbSymbolFlag = true;           // (often seen for symbol fonts)
+				break;
+			default: nNameValue = 0;	            // ignore other encodings
+				break;
+		}
+		// ignore name entries with no useful encoding
+		if( nNameValue <= 0 )
+			continue;
+		if( nNameLength >= aNameBuffer.size() )
+			continue;
+		// get the encoded name
+		aNameBuffer.reserve( nNameLength+1 ); // extra byte helps for debugging
+		rc = ATSUGetIndFontName( nFontID, nNameIndex, nNameLength, &aNameBuffer[0],
+			&nNameLength, &eFontNameCode, &eFontNamePlatform, &eFontNameScript, &eFontNameLanguage );
+		if( rc != noErr )
+			continue;
+		// convert to unicode name
+		UniString aUtf16Name;
+		if( eEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ) // we are just interested in UTF16 encoded names
+			aUtf16Name = UniString( (const sal_Unicode*)&aNameBuffer[0], nNameLength/2 );
+		else if( eEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS4 )
+			aUtf16Name = UniString(); // TODO
+		else // assume the non-unicode encoded names are byte encoded
+			aUtf16Name = UniString( &aNameBuffer[0], nNameLength, eEncoding );
+		// ignore empty strings
+		if( aUtf16Name.Len() <= 0 )
+			continue;
-    // iterate over all available name strings of the font
-    for( ItemCount nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nFontNameCount; ++nNameIndex )
-    {
-        ByteCount nNameLength = 0;
-        FontNameCode     eFontNameCode; 
-        FontPlatformCode eFontNamePlatform; 
-        FontScriptCode   eFontNameScript; 
-        FontLanguageCode eFontNameLanguage;
-        rc = ATSUGetIndFontName( nFontID, nNameIndex, 0, NULL,
-            &nNameLength, &eFontNameCode, &eFontNamePlatform, &eFontNameScript, &eFontNameLanguage );
-        if( rc != noErr )
-            continue;
-        // ignore non-interesting name entries
-        if( (eFontNameCode != kFontFamilyName)
-        &&  (eFontNameCode != kFontStyleName)
-        &&  (eFontNameCode != kFontPostscriptName) )
-            continue;
-        // heuristic to find the most common font name
-        // prefering default language names or even better the names matching to the UI language
-        int nNameValue = (eFontNameLanguage==eUILangCode) ? 0 : ((eFontNameLanguage==0) ? -10 : -20);
-        rtl_TextEncoding eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE;
-        const int nPlatformEncoding = ((int)eFontNamePlatform << 8) + (int)eFontNameScript;
-        switch( nPlatformEncoding )
-        {
-            case 0x000: nNameValue += 23; break;    // Unicode 1.0
-            case 0x001: nNameValue += 24; break;    // Unicode 1.1
-            case 0x002: nNameValue += 25; break;    // iso10646_1993
-            case 0x003: nNameValue += 26; break;    // UCS-2
-            case 0x301: nNameValue += 27; break;    // Win UCS-2
-            case 0x004:                             // UCS-4
-            case 0x30A: nNameValue += 0;            // Win-UCS-4
-                        eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS4;
-                        break;
-            case 0x100: nNameValue += 21; 	        // Mac Roman
-                        eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN;
-                        break;
-            case 0x300: nNameValue =  0;            // Win Symbol encoded name!
-                        rDFA.mbSymbolFlag = true;   // (often seen for symbol fonts)
-                        break;
-            default:    nNameValue = 0;	            // ignore other encodings
+		// handle the name depending on its namecode
+		switch( eFontNameCode )
+		{
+		case kFontFamilyName:
+			// ignore font names starting with '.'
+			if( aUtf16Name.GetChar(0) == '.' )
+			    nNameValue = 0;
+			else if( rDFA.maName.Len() )
+			{
+				// even if a family name is not the one we are looking for
+				// it is still useful as a font name alternative
+				if( rDFA.maMapNames.Len() )
+					rDFA.maMapNames += ';';
+				rDFA.maMapNames += (nBestNameValue < nNameValue) ? rDFA.maName : aUtf16Name;
+			}
+			if( nBestNameValue < nNameValue )
+			{
+				// get the best family name
+				nBestNameValue = nNameValue;
+				eBestLangCode = eFontNameLanguage;
+				rDFA.maName = aUtf16Name;
+			}
+			break;
+		case kFontStyleName:
+			// get a style name matching to the family name
+			if( nBestStyleValue < nNameValue )
+			{
+				nBestStyleValue = nNameValue;
+				rDFA.maStyleName = aUtf16Name;
+			}
+			break;
+		case kFontPostscriptName:
+			// use the postscript name to get some useful info
+			UpdateAttributesFromPSName( aUtf16Name, rDFA );
+			break;
+		default:
+			// TODO: use other name entries too?
-        }
+		}
+	}
-        // ignore name entries with no useful encoding
-        if( nNameValue <= 0 )
-            continue;
-        if( nNameLength >= aNameBuffer.size() )
-            continue;
-        // get the encoded name
-        aNameBuffer.reserve( nNameLength+1 ); // extra byte helps for debugging
-        rc = ATSUGetIndFontName( nFontID, nNameIndex, nNameLength, &aNameBuffer[0],
-           &nNameLength, &eFontNameCode, &eFontNamePlatform, &eFontNameScript, &eFontNameLanguage );
-        if( rc != noErr )
-            continue;
-        // convert to unicode name
-        UniString aUtf16Name;
-        if( eEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ) // we are just interested in UTF16 encoded names
-            aUtf16Name = UniString( (const sal_Unicode*)&aNameBuffer[0], nNameLength/2 );
-        else if( eEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UCS4 )
-            aUtf16Name = UniString(); // TODO
-        else // assume the non-unicode encoded names are byte encoded
-            aUtf16Name = UniString( &aNameBuffer[0], nNameLength, eEncoding );
-        // ignore empty strings
-        if( aUtf16Name.Len() <= 0 )
-            continue;
+	bool bRet = (rDFA.maName.Len() > 0);
+	return bRet;
-        // handle the name depending on its namecode
-        switch( eFontNameCode )
-		{
-            case kFontFamilyName:
-                // ignore font names starting with '.'
-                if( aUtf16Name.GetChar(0) == '.' )
-                    nNameValue = 0;
-                else if( rDFA.maName.Len() )
-                {
-                    // even if a family name is not the one we are looking for
-                    // it is still useful as a font name alternative
-                    if( rDFA.maMapNames.Len() )
-                        rDFA.maMapNames += ';';
-                    rDFA.maMapNames += (nBestNameValue < nNameValue) ? rDFA.maName : aUtf16Name;
-                }
-                if( nBestNameValue < nNameValue )
-                {
-                    // get the best family name
-                    nBestNameValue = nNameValue;
-					eBestLangCode = eFontNameLanguage;
-                    rDFA.maName = aUtf16Name;
-                }
-                break;
-            case kFontStyleName:
-                // get a style name matching to the family name
-                if( nBestStyleValue < nNameValue )
-                {
-                    nBestStyleValue = nNameValue;
-                    rDFA.maStyleName = aUtf16Name;
-                }
-                break;
-            case kFontPostscriptName:
-                // use the postscript name to get some useful info
-                UpdateAttributesFromPSName( aUtf16Name, rDFA );
-                break;
-            default:
-                // TODO: use other name entries too?
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-#if 0 // multiple-master fonts are mostly obsolete nowadays
-      // if we still want to support them this should probably be done one frame higher 
-    ItemCount nMaxInstances = 0;
-    rc = ATSUCountFontInstances ( nFontID, &nMaxInstances );
-    for( ItemCount nInstanceIndex = 0; nInstanceIndex < nMaxInstances; ++nInstanceIndex )
-    {
-        ItemCount nMaxVariations = 0;
-        rc = ATSUGetFontInstance( nFontID, nInstanceIndex, 0, NULL, NULL, &nMaxVariations );
-        if( (rc == noErr) && (nMaxVariations > 0) )
-        {
-            fprintf(stderr,"\tnMaxVariations=%d\n",(int)nMaxVariations);
-            typedef ::std::vector<ATSUFontVariationAxis> VariationAxisVector;
-            typedef ::std::vector<ATSUFontVariationValue> VariationValueVector;
-            VariationAxisVector aVariationAxes( nMaxVariations );
-            VariationValueVector aVariationValues( nMaxVariations );
-            ItemCount nVariationCount = 0;
-            rc = ATSUGetFontInstance ( nFontID, nInstanceIndex, nMaxVariations, 
-                &aVariationAxes[0], &aVariationValues[0], &nVariationCount );
-            fprintf(stderr,"\tnVariationCount=%d\n",(int)nVariationCount);
-            for( ItemCount nVariationIndex = 0; nVariationIndex < nMaxVariations; ++nVariationIndex )
-            {
-                const char* pTag = (const char*)&aVariationAxes[nVariationIndex];
-                fprintf(stderr,"\tvariation[%d] \'%c%c%c%c\' is %d\n", (int)nVariationIndex,
-                    pTag[3],pTag[2],pTag[1],pTag[0], (int)aVariationValues[nVariationIndex]);
-            }
-       }
-    }
-#if 0 // selecting non-defaulted font features is not enabled yet
-    ByteString aFName( rDFA.maName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
-    ByteString aSName( rDFA.maStyleName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
-    ItemCount nMaxFeatures = 0;
-    rc = ATSUCountFontFeatureTypes( nFontID, &nMaxFeatures );
-    fprintf(stderr,"Font \"%s\" \"%s\" has %d features\n",aFName.GetBuffer(),aSName.GetBuffer(),rc);
-    if( (rc == noErr) && (nMaxFeatures > 0) )
-    {
-        typedef std::vector<ATSUFontFeatureType> FeatureVector;
-        FeatureVector aFeatureVector( nMaxFeatures );
-        ItemCount nFeatureCount = 0;
-        rc = ATSUGetFontFeatureTypes( nFontID, nMaxFeatures, &aFeatureVector[0], &nFeatureCount );
-        fprintf(stderr,"nFeatureCount=%d\n",(int)nFeatureCount);
-        for( ItemCount nFeatureIndex = 0; nFeatureIndex < nFeatureCount; ++nFeatureIndex )
-        {
-            ItemCount nMaxSelectors = 0;
-            rc = ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors( nFontID, aFeatureVector[nFeatureIndex], &nMaxSelectors );
-            fprintf(stderr,"\tFeature[%d] = %d has %d selectors\n",
-               (int)nFeatureIndex, (int)aFeatureVector[nFeatureIndex], (int)nMaxSelectors );
-            typedef std::vector<ATSUFontFeatureSelector> SelectorVector;
-            SelectorVector aSelectorVector( nMaxSelectors );
-            typedef std::vector<MacOSBoolean> BooleanVector;
-            BooleanVector aEnabledVector( nMaxSelectors );
-            BooleanVector aExclusiveVector( nMaxSelectors );
-            ItemCount nSelectorCount = 0;
-            rc = ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors ( nFontID, aFeatureVector[nFeatureIndex], nMaxSelectors,
-                &aSelectorVector[0], &aEnabledVector[0], &nSelectorCount, &aExclusiveVector[0]);
-            for( ItemCount nSelectorIndex = 0; nSelectorIndex < nSelectorCount; ++nSelectorIndex )
-            {
-                FontNameCode eFontNameCode;
-                rc = ATSUGetFontFeatureNameCode( nFontID, aFeatureVector[nFeatureIndex],
-                    aSelectorVector[nSelectorIndex], &eFontNameCode );
-                fprintf(stderr,"\t\tselector[%d] n=%d e=%d, x=%d\n",
-                    (int)nSelectorIndex, (int)eFontNameCode,
-                    aEnabledVector[nSelectorIndex], aExclusiveVector[nSelectorIndex] );
-            }
-        }
-    }
+// =======================================================================
-    bool bRet = (rDFA.maName.Len() > 0);
-    return bRet;
+SystemFontList* GetAtsFontList( void )
+	return new AtsFontList();
 // =======================================================================
-    // count available system fonts
-    ItemCount nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable = 0;
-    if( ATSUFontCount(&nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable) != noErr )
-        return;
-    if( nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable <= 0 )
-       return;
+	// count available system fonts
+	ItemCount nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable = 0;
+	if( ATSUFontCount(&nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable) != noErr )
+		return;
+	if( nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable <= 0 )
+		return;
+	// enumerate available system fonts
+	typedef std::vector<ATSUFontID> AtsFontIDVector;
+	AtsFontIDVector aFontIDVector( nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable );
+	ItemCount nFontItemsCount = 0;
+	if( ATSUGetFontIDs( &aFontIDVector[0], aFontIDVector.capacity(), &nFontItemsCount ) != noErr )
+		return;
+	BOOST_ASSERT(nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable == nFontItemsCount && "Strange I would expect them to be equal");
+	// prepare use of the available fonts
+	AtsFontIDVector::const_iterator it = aFontIDVector.begin();
+	for(; it != aFontIDVector.end(); ++it )
+	{
+		const ATSUFontID nFontID = *it;
+		ImplDevFontAttributes aDevFontAttr;
+		if( !GetDevFontAttributes( nFontID, aDevFontAttr ) )
+			continue;
+		AtsFontData* pFontData = new AtsFontData( aDevFontAttr, nFontID );
+		maFontContainer[ nFontID ] = pFontData;
+	}
-    // enumerate available system fonts
-    typedef std::vector<ATSUFontID> AtsFontIDVector;
-    AtsFontIDVector aFontIDVector( nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable );
-    ItemCount nFontItemsCount = 0;
-    if( ATSUGetFontIDs( &aFontIDVector[0], aFontIDVector.capacity(), &nFontItemsCount ) != noErr )
-       return;
+	InitGlyphFallbacks();
-    BOOST_ASSERT(nATSUICompatibleFontsAvailable == nFontItemsCount && "Strange I would expect them to be equal");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // prepare use of the available fonts
-    AtsFontIDVector::const_iterator it = aFontIDVector.begin();
-    for(; it != aFontIDVector.end(); ++it )
-    {
-	const ATSUFontID nFontID = *it;
-        ImplDevFontAttributes aDevFontAttr;
-        if( !GetDevFontAttributes( nFontID, aDevFontAttr ) )
-            continue;
-        ImplMacFontData* pFontData = new ImplMacFontData(  aDevFontAttr, nFontID );
-        maFontContainer[ nFontID ] = pFontData;
-    }
+	AtsFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
+	for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
+		delete (*it).second;
+	maFontContainer.clear();
-    InitGlyphFallbacks();
+	ATSUDisposeFontFallbacks( maFontFallbacks );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void AtsFontList::AnnounceFonts( ImplDevFontList& rFontList ) const
-    MacFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
-    for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
-        delete (*it).second;
-    maFontContainer.clear();
-    ATSUDisposeFontFallbacks( maFontFallbacks );
+	AtsFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
+	for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
+		rFontList.Add( (*it).second->Clone() );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SystemFontList::AnnounceFonts( ImplDevFontList& rFontList ) const
+ImplMacFontData* AtsFontList::GetFontDataFromId( sal_IntPtr nFontId ) const
-    MacFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
-    for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
-        rFontList.Add( (*it).second->Clone() );
+	AtsFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.find( nFontId );
+	if( it == maFontContainer.end() )
+		return NULL;
+	return (*it).second;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -352,46 +597,38 @@ inline bool GfbCompare::operator()( cons
 	return false;
-void SystemFontList::InitGlyphFallbacks()
-    // sort fonts for "glyph fallback"
-    typedef std::multiset<const ImplMacFontData*,GfbCompare> FallbackSet;
-    FallbackSet aFallbackSet;
-    MacFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
-    for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
-    {
-	const ImplMacFontData* pIFD = (*it).second;
-	// TODO: subsettable/embeddable glyph fallback only for PDF export?
-        if( pIFD->IsSubsettable() || pIFD->IsEmbeddable() )
-	    aFallbackSet.insert( pIFD );
-    }
-    // tell ATSU about font preferences for "glyph fallback"
-    typedef std::vector<ATSUFontID> AtsFontIDVector;
-    AtsFontIDVector aFallbackVector;
-    aFallbackVector.reserve( maFontContainer.size() );
-    FallbackSet::const_iterator itFData = aFallbackSet.begin();
-    for(; itFData != aFallbackSet.end(); ++itFData )
-    {
-        const ImplMacFontData* pFontData = (*itFData);
-        ATSUFontID nFontID = (ATSUFontID)pFontData->GetFontId();
-        aFallbackVector.push_back( nFontID );
-    }
-    ATSUCreateFontFallbacks( &maFontFallbacks );
-    ATSUSetObjFontFallbacks( maFontFallbacks,
-		aFallbackVector.size(), &aFallbackVector[0], kATSUSequentialFallbacksPreferred );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-ImplMacFontData* SystemFontList::GetFontDataFromId( ATSUFontID nFontId ) const
+void AtsFontList::InitGlyphFallbacks()
-    MacFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.find( nFontId );
-    if( it == maFontContainer.end() )
-	return NULL;
-    return (*it).second;
+	// sort fonts for "glyph fallback"
+	typedef std::multiset<const ImplMacFontData*,GfbCompare> FallbackSet;
+	FallbackSet aFallbackSet;
+	AtsFontContainer::const_iterator it = maFontContainer.begin();
+	for(; it != maFontContainer.end(); ++it )
+	{
+		const ImplMacFontData* pIFD = (*it).second;
+		// TODO: subsettable/embeddable glyph fallback only for PDF export?
+		if( pIFD->IsSubsettable() || pIFD->IsEmbeddable() )
+			aFallbackSet.insert( pIFD );
+	}
+	// tell ATSU about font preferences for "glyph fallback"
+	typedef std::vector<ATSUFontID> AtsFontIDVector;
+	AtsFontIDVector aFallbackVector;
+	aFallbackVector.reserve( maFontContainer.size() );
+	FallbackSet::const_iterator itFData = aFallbackSet.begin();
+	for(; itFData != aFallbackSet.end(); ++itFData )
+	{
+		const ImplMacFontData* pFontData = (*itFData);
+	    ATSUFontID nFontID = (ATSUFontID)pFontData->GetFontId();
+	    aFallbackVector.push_back( nFontID );
+	}
+	ATSUCreateFontFallbacks( &maFontFallbacks );
+	ATSUSetObjFontFallbacks( maFontFallbacks,
+		aFallbackVector.size(), &aFallbackVector[0], kATSUSequentialFallbacksPreferred );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// =======================================================================

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.hxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.hxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atsfonts.hxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -19,39 +19,27 @@
-#ifndef _ATSFONTS_HXX
-#define _ATSFONTS_HXX
+// =======================================================================
-class ImplMacFontData;
-class ImplDevFontList;
-#include <premac.h>
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-#include <postmac.h>
-#include <map>
-/* This class has the responsibility of assembling a list
-   of atsui compatible fonts available on the system and
-   enabling access to that list.
- */
-class SystemFontList
+class AtsTextStyle
+:	public ImplMacTextStyle
-    SystemFontList();
-    ~SystemFontList();
-    void AnnounceFonts( ImplDevFontList& ) const;
-    ImplMacFontData* GetFontDataFromId( ATSUFontID ) const;
+	explicit	AtsTextStyle( const ImplFontSelectData& );
+	virtual		~AtsTextStyle( void );
-    ATSUFontFallbacks maFontFallbacks;
+	virtual SalLayout* GetTextLayout( void ) const;
-    typedef std::hash_map<ATSUFontID,ImplMacFontData*> MacFontContainer;
-    MacFontContainer maFontContainer;
+	virtual void	GetFontMetric( float fDPIY, ImplFontMetricData& ) const;
+	virtual bool	GetGlyphBoundRect( sal_GlyphId, Rectangle& ) const;
+	virtual bool	GetGlyphOutline( sal_GlyphId, basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& ) const;
-    void InitGlyphFallbacks();	
+	virtual void	SetTextColor( const RGBAColor& );
+	/// ATSU text style object
+	ATSUStyle	maATSUStyle;
-#endif // _ATSFONTS_HXX
+// =======================================================================

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atslayout.cxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atslayout.cxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/atslayout.cxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 class ATSLayout : public SalLayout
-                    ATSLayout( ATSUStyle&, float fFontScale );
+	explicit        ATSLayout( ATSUStyle&, float fFontScale );
 	virtual         ~ATSLayout();
 	virtual bool	LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& );
 	virtual void	AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutArgs& );
 	virtual void	DrawText( SalGraphics& ) const;
-	virtual int		GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, sal_GlyphId* pGlyphs, Point& rPos, int&,
+	virtual int     GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, sal_GlyphId* pOutGlyphIds, Point& rPos, int&,
 						sal_Int32* pGlyphAdvances, int* pCharIndexes ) const;
 	virtual long    GetTextWidth() const;
@@ -80,50 +80,50 @@ private:
 	int	AtsuPix2Vcl( int ) const;       // convert ATSU-Pixel units to VCL units
 	Fixed	Vcl2Fixed( int ) const;     // convert VCL units to ATSU-Fixed units
-    // cached details about the resulting layout
-    // mutable members since these details are all lazy initialized
-    mutable int			mnGlyphCount;			// glyph count
-    mutable Fixed		mnCachedWidth;			// cached value of resulting typographical width
-    int					mnTrailingSpaceWidth;   // in Pixels
+	// cached details about the resulting layout
+	// mutable members since these details are all lazy initialized
+	mutable int			mnGlyphCount;			// glyph count
+	mutable Fixed		mnCachedWidth;			// cached value of resulting typographical width
+	int					mnTrailingSpaceWidth;   // in Pixels
 	mutable ATSGlyphRef*	mpGlyphIds;			// ATSU glyph ids
-    mutable Fixed*			mpCharWidths;       // map relative charpos to charwidth
-    mutable int*			mpChars2Glyphs;     // map relative charpos to absolute glyphpos
-    mutable int*			mpGlyphs2Chars;     // map absolute glyphpos to absolute charpos
-    mutable bool*			mpGlyphRTLFlags;    // BiDi status for glyphs: true if RTL
-    mutable Fixed*			mpGlyphAdvances;	// contains glyph widths for the justified layout
-    mutable Fixed*			mpGlyphOrigAdvs;	// contains glyph widths for the unjustified layout
-    mutable Fixed*			mpDeltaY;			// vertical offset from the baseline
+	mutable Fixed*			mpCharWidths;       // map relative charpos to charwidth
+	mutable int*			mpChars2Glyphs;     // map relative charpos to absolute glyphpos
+	mutable int*			mpGlyphs2Chars;     // map absolute glyphpos to absolute charpos
+	mutable bool*			mpGlyphRTLFlags;    // BiDi status for glyphs: true if RTL
+	mutable Fixed*			mpGlyphAdvances;	// contains glyph widths for the justified layout
+	mutable Fixed*			mpGlyphOrigAdvs;	// contains glyph widths for the unjustified layout
+	mutable Fixed*			mpDeltaY;			// vertical offset from the baseline
 	struct SubPortion { int mnMinCharPos, mnEndCharPos; Fixed mnXOffset; };
 	typedef std::vector<SubPortion> SubPortionVector;
 	mutable SubPortionVector	maSubPortions;		// Writer&ATSUI layouts can differ quite a bit... 
-    // storing details about fonts used in glyph-fallback for this layout
-    mutable class FallbackInfo*	mpFallbackInfo;
+	// storing details about fonts used in glyph-fallback for this layout
+	mutable class FallbackInfo*	mpFallbackInfo;
-    // x-offset relative to layout origin
-    // currently only used in RTL-layouts
-    mutable Fixed			mnBaseAdv;
+	// x-offset relative to layout origin
+	// currently only used in RTL-layouts
+	mutable Fixed			mnBaseAdv;
 class FallbackInfo
-        FallbackInfo() : mnMaxLevel(0) {}
-    int AddFallback( ATSUFontID );
-    const ImplFontData* GetFallbackFontData( int nLevel ) const;
+	FallbackInfo() : mnMaxLevel(0) {}
+	int AddFallback( ATSUFontID );
+	const ImplFontData* GetFallbackFontData( int nLevel ) const;
-    const ImplMacFontData* maFontData[ MAX_FALLBACK ];
-    ATSUFontID             maATSUFontId[ MAX_FALLBACK ];
-    int                    mnMaxLevel;
+	const ImplMacFontData* maFontData[ MAX_FALLBACK ];
+	ATSUFontID             maATSUFontId[ MAX_FALLBACK ];
+	int                    mnMaxLevel;
 // =======================================================================
 ATSLayout::ATSLayout( ATSUStyle& rATSUStyle, float fFontScale )
-:   mrATSUStyle( rATSUStyle ),
+:	mrATSUStyle( rATSUStyle ),
 	maATSULayout( NULL ),
 	mnCharCount( 0 ),
 	mfFontScale( fFontScale ),
@@ -146,23 +146,23 @@ ATSLayout::ATSLayout( ATSUStyle& rATSUSt
-    if( mpDeltaY )
-        ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL,
-            kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray, (void**)&mpDeltaY );
+	if( mpDeltaY )
+		ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL,
+			kATSUDirectDataBaselineDeltaFixedArray, (void**)&mpDeltaY );
-    if( maATSULayout )
-        ATSUDisposeTextLayout( maATSULayout );
+	if( maATSULayout )
+		ATSUDisposeTextLayout( maATSULayout );
-    delete[] mpGlyphRTLFlags;
-    delete[] mpGlyphs2Chars;
-    delete[] mpChars2Glyphs;
-    if( mpCharWidths != mpGlyphAdvances )
-        delete[] mpCharWidths;
-    delete[] mpGlyphIds;
-    delete[] mpGlyphOrigAdvs;
-    delete[] mpGlyphAdvances;
+	delete[] mpGlyphRTLFlags;
+	delete[] mpGlyphs2Chars;
+	delete[] mpChars2Glyphs;
+	if( mpCharWidths != mpGlyphAdvances )
+		delete[] mpCharWidths;
+	delete[] mpGlyphIds;
+	delete[] mpGlyphOrigAdvs;
+	delete[] mpGlyphAdvances;
-    delete mpFallbackInfo;
+	delete mpFallbackInfo;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ bool ATSLayout::LayoutText( ImplLayoutAr
 	if( maATSULayout )
 		ATSUDisposeTextLayout( maATSULayout );
-    maATSULayout = NULL;
+	maATSULayout = NULL;
 	// Layout text
 	// set up our locals, verify parameters... 
-    DBG_ASSERT( (rArgs.mpStr!=NULL), "ATSLayout::LayoutText() with rArgs.mpStr==NULL !!!");
-    DBG_ASSERT( (mrATSUStyle!=NULL), "ATSLayout::LayoutText() with ATSUStyle==NULL !!!");
+	DBG_ASSERT( (rArgs.mpStr!=NULL), "ATSLayout::LayoutText() with rArgs.mpStr==NULL !!!");
+	DBG_ASSERT( (mrATSUStyle!=NULL), "ATSLayout::LayoutText() with ATSUStyle==NULL !!!");
 	SalLayout::AdjustLayout( rArgs );
 	mnCharCount = mnEndCharPos - mnMinCharPos;
@@ -219,23 +219,12 @@ bool ATSLayout::LayoutText( ImplLayoutAr
 	if( mnCharCount<=0 )
 		return false;
-#if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 3)
-	Fixed fFontSize = 0;
-	ByteCount nDummy;
-	ATSUGetAttribute( mrATSUStyle, kATSUSizeTag, sizeof(fFontSize), &fFontSize, &nDummy);
-	String aUniName( &rArgs.mpStr[rArgs.mnMinCharPos], mnCharCount );
-	ByteString aCName( aUniName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
-	fprintf( stderr, "ATSLayout( \"%s\" %d..%d of %d) with h=%4.1f\n",
-    	aCName.GetBuffer(),rArgs.mnMinCharPos,rArgs.mnEndCharPos,rArgs.mnLength,Fix2X(fFontSize) );
 	// create the ATSUI layout
 	UniCharCount nRunLengths[1] = { mnCharCount };
 	const int nRunCount = sizeof(nRunLengths)/sizeof(*nRunLengths);
 	OSStatus eStatus = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( rArgs.mpStr,
-        rArgs.mnMinCharPos, mnCharCount, rArgs.mnLength,
-        nRunCount, &nRunLengths[0], &mrATSUStyle,
-		&maATSULayout);
+		rArgs.mnMinCharPos, mnCharCount, rArgs.mnLength,
+		nRunCount, &nRunLengths[0], &mrATSUStyle, &maATSULayout);
 	DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr failed\n");
 	if( eStatus != noErr )
@@ -271,7 +260,7 @@ bool ATSLayout::LayoutText( ImplLayoutAr
 		aTagSizes[0] = sizeof( nLineDirTag );
 		aTagValues[0] = &nLineDirTag;
 		// set run-specific layout controls
-#if 0 // why don't line-controls work as reliably as layout-controls???
+#if 0 // why don't line-controls work as reliable as layout-controls???
 		ATSUSetLineControls( maATSULayout, rArgs.mnMinCharPos, 1, aTagAttrs, aTagSizes, aTagValues );
 		ATSUSetLayoutControls( maATSULayout, 1, aTagAttrs, aTagSizes, aTagValues );
@@ -309,7 +298,7 @@ void ATSLayout::AdjustLayout( ImplLayout
 		mnTrailingSpaceWidth = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount-1 ];
 		if( i > 0 )
 			mnTrailingSpaceWidth -= rArgs.mpDXArray[ i-1 ];
-        InitGIA(); // ensure valid mpCharWidths[], TODO: use GetIdealX() instead?
+		InitGIA(); // ensure valid mpCharWidths[], TODO: use GetIdealX() instead?
 		mnTrailingSpaceWidth -= Fixed2Vcl( mpCharWidths[i] );
 		// ignore trailing space for calculating the available width
 		nOrigWidth -= mnTrailingSpaceWidth;
@@ -380,11 +369,11 @@ void ATSLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& r
 	// the view is vertically flipped => flipped glyphs
-    // so apply a temporary transformation that it flips back
+	// so apply a temporary transformation that it flips back
 	// also compensate if the font was size limited
-    CGContextSaveGState( rAquaGraphics.mrContext );
-    CGContextScaleCTM( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, +mfFontScale, -mfFontScale );
-    CGContextSetShouldAntialias( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, !rAquaGraphics.mbNonAntialiasedText );
+	CGContextSaveGState( rAquaGraphics.mrContext );
+	CGContextScaleCTM( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, +mfFontScale, -mfFontScale );
+	CGContextSetShouldAntialias( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, !rAquaGraphics.mbNonAntialiasedText );
 	// prepare ATSUI drawing attributes
 	static const ItemCount nMaxControls = 8;
@@ -394,9 +383,9 @@ void ATSLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& r
 	ItemCount numcontrols = 0;
 	// Tell ATSUI to use CoreGraphics
-    theTags[numcontrols] = kATSUCGContextTag;
-    theSizes[numcontrols] = sizeof( CGContextRef );
-    theValues[numcontrols++] = &rAquaGraphics.mrContext;
+	theTags[numcontrols] = kATSUCGContextTag;
+	theSizes[numcontrols] = sizeof( CGContextRef );
+	theValues[numcontrols++] = &rAquaGraphics.mrContext;
 	// Rotate if necessary
 	if( rAquaGraphics.mnATSUIRotation != 0 )
@@ -447,21 +436,21 @@ void ATSLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& r
 		theErr = ATSUMeasureTextImage( maATSULayout,
 			mnMinCharPos, mnCharCount, nFixedX, nFixedY, &drawRect );
 		if( theErr == noErr )
-        {
-            // FIXME: transformation from baseline to top left
-            // with the simple approach below we invalidate too much
-            short d = drawRect.bottom -;
-   -= d;
-            drawRect.bottom += d;
-            CGRect aRect = CGRectMake( drawRect.left,,
-                                       drawRect.right - drawRect.left,
-                                       drawRect.bottom - );
-            aRect = CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, aRect );
+		{
+			// FIXME: transformation from baseline to top left
+			// with the simple approach below we invalidate too much
+			short d = drawRect.bottom -;
+ -= d;
+			drawRect.bottom += d;
+			CGRect aRect = CGRectMake( drawRect.left,,
+					drawRect.right - drawRect.left,
+					drawRect.bottom - );
+			aRect = CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, aRect );
 			rAquaGraphics.RefreshRect( aRect );
-        }
+		}
-    // restore the original graphic context transformations
+	// restore the original graphic context transformations
 	CGContextRestoreGState( rAquaGraphics.mrContext );
@@ -481,7 +470,7 @@ void ATSLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& r
  * @return : number of glyph details that were provided
 int ATSLayout::GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, sal_GlyphId* pOutGlyphIds, Point& rPos, int& nStart,
-    sal_Int32* pGlyphAdvances, int* pCharIndexes ) const
+	sal_Int32* pGlyphAdvances, int* pCharIndexes ) const
 	if( nStart < 0 )                // first glyph requested?
 		nStart = 0;
@@ -499,103 +488,103 @@ int ATSLayout::GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, 
 		return 0;
 	// calculate glyph position relative to layout base
-    // TODO: avoid for nStart!=0 case by reusing rPos
-    Fixed nXOffset = mnBaseAdv;
-    for( int i = 0; i < nStart; ++i )
-        nXOffset += mpGlyphAdvances[ i ];
-    // if sub-portion offsets are involved there is an additional x-offset
-    if( !maSubPortions.empty() )
-    {
-    	// prepare to find the sub-portion
-        int nCharPos = nStart + mnMinCharPos;
-        if( mpGlyphs2Chars )
-            nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart];
-    	// find the matching subportion
-    	// TODO: is a non-linear search worth it?
-    	SubPortionVector::const_iterator it = maSubPortions.begin();
-        for(; it != maSubPortions.end(); ++it) {
-            const SubPortion& r = *it;
-            if( nCharPos < r.mnMinCharPos )
-                continue;
-            if( nCharPos >= r.mnEndCharPos )
-                continue;
-            // apply the sub-portion xoffset
-            nXOffset += r.mnXOffset;
-            break;
-    	}
-    }
+	// TODO: avoid for nStart!=0 case by reusing rPos
+	Fixed nXOffset = mnBaseAdv;
+	for( int i = 0; i < nStart; ++i )
+		nXOffset += mpGlyphAdvances[ i ];
+	// if sub-portion offsets are involved there is an additional x-offset
+	if( !maSubPortions.empty() )
+	{
+		// prepare to find the sub-portion
+		int nCharPos = nStart + mnMinCharPos;
+		if( mpGlyphs2Chars )
+			nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart];
+		// find the matching subportion
+		// TODO: is a non-linear search worth it?
+		SubPortionVector::const_iterator it = maSubPortions.begin();
+		for(; it != maSubPortions.end(); ++it) {
+			const SubPortion& r = *it;
+			if( nCharPos < r.mnMinCharPos )
+				continue;
+			if( nCharPos >= r.mnEndCharPos )
+				continue;
+			// apply the sub-portion xoffset
+			nXOffset += r.mnXOffset;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
 	Fixed nYOffset = 0;
 	if( mpDeltaY )
 		nYOffset = mpDeltaY[ nStart ];
-    // calculate absolute position in pixel units
-    const Point aRelativePos( Fix2Long(static_cast<Fixed>(nXOffset*mfFontScale)), Fix2Long(static_cast<Fixed>(nYOffset*mfFontScale)) );
-    rPos = GetDrawPosition( aRelativePos );
+	// calculate absolute position in pixel units
+	const Point aRelativePos( Fix2Long(static_cast<Fixed>(nXOffset*mfFontScale)), Fix2Long(static_cast<Fixed>(nYOffset*mfFontScale)) );
+	rPos = GetDrawPosition( aRelativePos );
 	// update return values
 	int nCount = 0;
-    while( nCount < nLen )
-    {
-        ++nCount;
-        sal_GlyphId aGlyphId = mpGlyphIds[ nStart];
-       	// check if glyph fallback is needed for this glyph
-        // TODO: use ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout(kATSUDirectDataStyleIndex) API instead?
-        const int nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars ? mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart] : nStart + mnMinCharPos;
-        ATSUFontID nFallbackFontID = kATSUInvalidFontID;
-        UniCharArrayOffset nChangedOffset = 0;
-        UniCharCount nChangedLength = 0;
-        OSStatus eStatus = ATSUMatchFontsToText( maATSULayout, nCharPos, kATSUToTextEnd,
-                      &nFallbackFontID, &nChangedOffset, &nChangedLength );
-        if( (eStatus == kATSUFontsMatched) && ((int)nChangedOffset == nCharPos) )
-        {
-            // fallback is needed
-            if( !mpFallbackInfo )
-                mpFallbackInfo = new FallbackInfo;
-            // register fallback font
-            const int nLevel = mpFallbackInfo->AddFallback( nFallbackFontID );
-       	    // update sal_GlyphId with fallback level
-            aGlyphId |= (nLevel << GF_FONTSHIFT);
-        }
-        // update resulting glyphid array
-        *(pOutGlyphIds++) = aGlyphId;
-        // update returned glyph advance array
-        if( pGlyphAdvances )
-            *(pGlyphAdvances++) = Fixed2Vcl( mpGlyphAdvances[nStart] );
-        // update returned index-into-string array
-        if( pCharIndexes )
-        {
-            int nCharPos;
-            if( mpGlyphs2Chars )
-                nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart];
-            else
-                nCharPos = nStart + mnMinCharPos;
-            *(pCharIndexes++) = nCharPos;
-        }
-        // stop at last glyph
-        if( ++nStart >= mnGlyphCount )
-            break;
-        // stop when next the x-position is unexpected
-        if( !maSubPortions.empty() )
-            break;	 // TODO: finish the complete sub-portion
-        if( !pGlyphAdvances && mpGlyphOrigAdvs )
-            if( mpGlyphAdvances[nStart-1] != mpGlyphOrigAdvs[nStart-1] )
-                break;
-        // stop when the next y-position is unexpected
-        if( mpDeltaY )
-            if( mpDeltaY[nStart-1] != mpDeltaY[nStart] )
-                break;
-    }
+	while( nCount < nLen )
+	{
+		++nCount;
+		sal_GlyphId aGlyphId = mpGlyphIds[nStart];
-    return nCount;
+		// check if glyph fallback is needed for this glyph
+		// TODO: use ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout(kATSUDirectDataStyleIndex) API instead?
+		const int nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars ? mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart] : nStart + mnMinCharPos;
+		ATSUFontID nFallbackFontID = kATSUInvalidFontID;
+		UniCharArrayOffset nChangedOffset = 0;
+		UniCharCount nChangedLength = 0;
+		OSStatus eStatus = ATSUMatchFontsToText( maATSULayout, nCharPos, kATSUToTextEnd,
+			&nFallbackFontID, &nChangedOffset, &nChangedLength );
+		if( (eStatus == kATSUFontsMatched) && ((int)nChangedOffset == nCharPos) )
+		{
+			// fallback is needed
+			if( !mpFallbackInfo )
+				mpFallbackInfo = new FallbackInfo;
+			// register fallback font
+			const int nLevel = mpFallbackInfo->AddFallback( nFallbackFontID );
+			// update sal_GlyphId with fallback level
+			aGlyphId |= (nLevel << GF_FONTSHIFT);
+		}
+		// update resulting glyphid array
+		*(pOutGlyphIds++) = aGlyphId;
+		// update returned glyph advance array
+		if( pGlyphAdvances )
+			*(pGlyphAdvances++) = Fixed2Vcl( mpGlyphAdvances[nStart] );
+		// update returned index-into-string array
+		if( pCharIndexes )
+		{
+			int nCharPos;
+			if( mpGlyphs2Chars )
+				nCharPos = mpGlyphs2Chars[nStart];
+			else
+				nCharPos = nStart + mnMinCharPos;
+			*(pCharIndexes++) = nCharPos;
+		}
+		// stop at last glyph
+		if( ++nStart >= mnGlyphCount )
+			break;
+		// stop when next the x-position is unexpected
+		if( !maSubPortions.empty() )
+			break;	 // TODO: finish the complete sub-portion
+		if( !pGlyphAdvances && mpGlyphOrigAdvs )
+			if( mpGlyphAdvances[nStart-1] != mpGlyphOrigAdvs[nStart-1] )
+				break;
+		// stop when the next y-position is unexpected
+		if( mpDeltaY )
+			if( mpDeltaY[nStart-1] != mpDeltaY[nStart] )
+				break;
+	}
+	return nCount;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -656,9 +645,9 @@ long ATSLayout::GetTextWidth() const
 		// adjust for eliminated trailing space widths
-    int nScaledWidth = Fixed2Vcl( mnCachedWidth );
+	int nScaledWidth = Fixed2Vcl( mnCachedWidth );
 	nScaledWidth += mnTrailingSpaceWidth;
-    return nScaledWidth;
+	return nScaledWidth;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -673,29 +662,29 @@ long ATSLayout::GetTextWidth() const
 long ATSLayout::FillDXArray( long* pDXArray ) const
-    // short circuit requests which don't need full details
-    if( !pDXArray )
-        return GetTextWidth();
+	// short circuit requests which don't need full details
+	if( !pDXArray )
+		return GetTextWidth();
 	// check assumptions
 	DBG_ASSERT( !mnTrailingSpaceWidth, "ATSLayout::FillDXArray() with nTSW!=0" );
 	// initialize details about the resulting layout
-    InitGIA(); 
+	InitGIA(); 
-    // distribute the widths among the string elements
-    int nPixWidth = 0;
-    mnCachedWidth = 0;
-    for( int i = 0; i < mnCharCount; ++i )
-    {
-        // convert and adjust for accumulated rounding errors
-        mnCachedWidth += mpCharWidths[i];
-        const int nOldPixWidth = nPixWidth;
-        nPixWidth = Fixed2Vcl( mnCachedWidth );
-        pDXArray[i] = nPixWidth - nOldPixWidth;
-    }
+	// distribute the widths among the string elements
+	int nPixWidth = 0;
+	mnCachedWidth = 0;
+	for( int i = 0; i < mnCharCount; ++i )
+	{
+		// convert and adjust for accumulated rounding errors
+		mnCachedWidth += mpCharWidths[i];
+		const int nOldPixWidth = nPixWidth;
+		nPixWidth = Fixed2Vcl( mnCachedWidth );
+		pDXArray[i] = nPixWidth - nOldPixWidth;
+	}
-    return nPixWidth;
+	return nPixWidth;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -742,9 +731,9 @@ int ATSLayout::GetTextBreak( long nMaxWi
 	// get a quick overview on what could fit
-    const long nPixelWidth = (nMaxWidth - (nCharExtra * mnCharCount)) / nFactor;
-    if( nPixelWidth <= 0 )
-        return mnMinCharPos;
+	const long nPixelWidth = (nMaxWidth - (nCharExtra * mnCharCount)) / nFactor;
+	if( nPixelWidth <= 0 )
+		return mnMinCharPos;
 	// check assumptions
 	DBG_ASSERT( !mnTrailingSpaceWidth, "ATSLayout::GetTextBreak() with nTSW!=0" );
@@ -803,8 +792,8 @@ void ATSLayout::GetCaretPositions( int n
 		"ATSLayout::GetCaretPositions() : invalid number of caret pairs requested");
 	// initialize the caret positions
-    for( int i = 0; i < nMaxIndex; ++i )
-        pCaretXArray[ i ] = -1;
+	for( int i = 0; i < nMaxIndex; ++i )
+		pCaretXArray[ i ] = -1;
 	for( int n = 0; n <= mnCharCount; ++n )
@@ -1043,7 +1032,7 @@ bool ATSLayout::GetDeltaY() const
 		return true;
 #if 1
-    if( !maATSULayout )
+	if( !maATSULayout )
 		return false;
 	// get and keep the y-deltas in the mpDeltaY member variable
@@ -1211,13 +1200,13 @@ void ATSLayout::Simplify( bool /*bIsBase
 // for a glyphid that was returned by ATSLayout::GetNextGlyphs()
 const ImplFontData* ATSLayout::GetFallbackFontData( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId ) const
-    // check if any fallback fonts were needed
-    if( !mpFallbackInfo )
-        return NULL;
-    // check if the current glyph needs a fallback font
-    int nFallbackLevel = (aGlyphId & GF_FONTMASK) >> GF_FONTSHIFT;
-    if( !nFallbackLevel )
-        return NULL;
+	// check if any fallback fonts were needed
+	if( !mpFallbackInfo )
+		return NULL;
+	// check if the current glyph needs a fallback font
+	int nFallbackLevel = (aGlyphId & GF_FONTMASK) >> GF_FONTSHIFT;
+	if( !nFallbackLevel )
+		return NULL;
 	return mpFallbackInfo->GetFallbackFontData( nFallbackLevel );
@@ -1225,38 +1214,38 @@ const ImplFontData* ATSLayout::GetFallba
 int FallbackInfo::AddFallback( ATSUFontID nFontId )
-    // check if the fallback font is already known
-    for( int nLevel = 0; nLevel < mnMaxLevel; ++nLevel )
-        if( maATSUFontId[ nLevel ] == nFontId )
-            return (nLevel + 1);
+	// check if the fallback font is already known
+	for( int nLevel = 0; nLevel < mnMaxLevel; ++nLevel )
+		if( maATSUFontId[ nLevel ] == nFontId )
+			return (nLevel + 1);
 	// append new fallback font if possible
-    if( mnMaxLevel >= MAX_FALLBACK-1 )
-        return 0;
-    // keep ATSU font id of fallback font
-    maATSUFontId[ mnMaxLevel ] = nFontId;
-    // find and cache the corresponding ImplFontData pointer
-    const SystemFontList* pSFL = GetSalData()->mpFontList;
-    const ImplMacFontData* pFontData = pSFL->GetFontDataFromId( nFontId );
-    maFontData[ mnMaxLevel ] = pFontData;
-    // increase fallback level by one
-    return (++mnMaxLevel);
+	if( mnMaxLevel >= MAX_FALLBACK-1 )
+		return 0;
+	// keep ATSU font id of fallback font
+	maATSUFontId[ mnMaxLevel ] = nFontId;
+	// find and cache the corresponding ImplFontData pointer
+	const SystemFontList* pSFL = GetSalData()->mpFontList;
+	const ImplMacFontData* pFontData = pSFL->GetFontDataFromId( nFontId );
+	maFontData[ mnMaxLevel ] = pFontData;
+	// increase fallback level by one
+	return (++mnMaxLevel);
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 const ImplFontData* FallbackInfo::GetFallbackFontData( int nFallbackLevel ) const
-    const ImplMacFontData* pFallbackFont = maFontData[ nFallbackLevel-1 ];
-    return pFallbackFont;
+	const ImplMacFontData* pFallbackFont = maFontData[ nFallbackLevel-1 ];
+	return pFallbackFont;
 // =======================================================================
 SalLayout* AquaSalGraphics::GetTextLayout( ImplLayoutArgs&, int /*nFallbackLevel*/ )
-    ATSLayout* pATSLayout = new ATSLayout( maATSUStyle, mfFontScale );
-    return pATSLayout;
+	ATSLayout* pATSLayout = new ATSLayout( maATSUStyle, mfFontScale );
+	return pATSLayout;
 // =======================================================================

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctfonts.cxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctfonts.cxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctfonts.cxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@ CTTextStyle::CTTextStyle( const ImplFont
 		pMatrix = &aMatrix;
+	// handle emulation of italic/oblique styles if requested and the font doesn't provide them
+	if( ((pReqFont->meItalic == ITALIC_NORMAL) || (pReqFont->meItalic == ITALIC_OBLIQUE))
+	&& (mpFontData->meItalic == ITALIC_NONE))
+	{
+		if( !pMatrix)
+			pMatrix = &(aMatrix = CGAffineTransformIdentity);
+		aMatrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(aMatrix, CGAffineTransformMake( 1, 0, 0.375F, 1, 0, 0));
+	}
 	// create the style object for CoreText font attributes
 	static const CFIndex nMaxDictSize = 16; // TODO: does this really suffice?
 	mpStyleDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, nMaxDictSize,
@@ -131,6 +140,16 @@ CTTextStyle::CTTextStyle( const ImplFont
 	CFDictionarySetValue( mpStyleDict, kCTFontAttributeName, pNewCTFont );
 	CFRelease( pNewCTFont);
+	// handle emulation of bold styles if requested and the font that doesn't provide them
+	if( (pReqFont->meWeight > WEIGHT_MEDIUM)
+	&&  (mpFontData->meWeight <= WEIGHT_MEDIUM)
+	&&  (mpFontData->meWeight != WEIGHT_DONTKNOW))
+	{
+		const int nBoldFactor = -lrint( (3.5F * pReqFont->meWeight) / mpFontData->meWeight);
+		CFNumberRef pCFIntBold = CFNumberCreate( NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &nBoldFactor);
+		CFDictionarySetValue( mpStyleDict, kCTStrokeWidthAttributeName, pCFIntBold);
+	}
 #if 0 // LastResort is implicit in CoreText's font cascading
 	const void* aGFBDescriptors[] = { CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize( CFSTR("LastResort"), 0) }; // TODO: use the full GFB list
 	const int nGfbCount = sizeof(aGFBDescriptors) / sizeof(*aGFBDescriptors);

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctlayout.cxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctlayout.cxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ctlayout.cxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
-//#include "salgdi.hxx"
-#include "tools/debug.hxx"
 #include "ctfonts.hxx"
 // =======================================================================
@@ -62,7 +59,8 @@ private:
 	CTLineRef mpCTLine;
 	int mnCharCount;		// ==mnEndCharPos-mnMinCharPos
-	int mnTrailingSpaces;
+	int mnTrailingSpaceCount;
+	double mfTrailingSpaceWidth;	// preserves the width of stripped-off trailing space
 	// to prevent overflows
 	// font requests get size limited by downscaling huge fonts
@@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ private:
 	// cached details about the resulting layout
 	// mutable members since these details are all lazy initialized
 	mutable double	mfCachedWidth;			// cached value of resulting typographical width
-	mutable double	mfTrailingSpaceWidth;   // in Pixels
 	// x-offset relative to layout origin
 	// currently only used in RTL-layouts
@@ -86,10 +83,10 @@ CTLayout::CTLayout( const CTTextStyle* p
 ,	mpAttrString( NULL )
 ,	mpCTLine( NULL )
 ,	mnCharCount( 0 )
-,	mnTrailingSpaces( 0 )
+,	mnTrailingSpaceCount( 0 )
+,	mfTrailingSpaceWidth( 0.0 )
 ,	mfFontScale( pTextStyle->mfFontScale )
 ,	mfCachedWidth( -1 )
-,	mfTrailingSpaceWidth( 0 )
 ,	mnBaseAdv( 0 )
 	CFRetain( mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() );
@@ -131,9 +128,10 @@ bool CTLayout::LayoutText( ImplLayoutArg
 	CFRelease( aCFText);
 	// get info about trailing whitespace to prepare for text justification in AdjustLayout()
-	mnTrailingSpaces = 0;
-	for( int i = mnEndCharPos; --i >= mnMinCharPos; ++mnTrailingSpaces )
-		if( !IsSpacingGlyph( rArgs.mpStr[i] | GF_ISCHAR ))
+	mnTrailingSpaceCount = 0;
+	for( int i = mnEndCharPos; --i >= mnMinCharPos; ++mnTrailingSpaceCount )
+		if( !IsSpacingGlyph( rArgs.mpStr[i] | GF_ISCHAR )
+		&&  (rArgs.mpStr[i] != 0x00A0) )
 	return true;
@@ -145,31 +143,22 @@ void CTLayout::AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutA
 	if( !mpCTLine)
-	const DynCoreTextSyms& rCT = DynCoreTextSyms::get();
-	// CoreText fills trailing space during justification so we have to
-	// take that into account when requesting CT to justify something
-	mfTrailingSpaceWidth = rCT.LineGetTrailingWhitespaceWidth( mpCTLine );
-	const int nTrailingSpaceWidth = rint( mfFontScale * mfTrailingSpaceWidth );
-	int nOrigWidth = GetTextWidth();
 	int nPixelWidth = rArgs.mnLayoutWidth;
-	if( nPixelWidth )
-	{
-		nPixelWidth -= nTrailingSpaceWidth;
-		if( nPixelWidth <= 0)
-			return;
-	}
-	else if( rArgs.mpDXArray )
+	if( rArgs.mpDXArray )
 		// for now we are only interested in the layout width
 		// TODO: use all mpDXArray elements for layouting
-		nPixelWidth = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount - 1 - mnTrailingSpaces ];
+		nPixelWidth = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount-1 ];
+	else if( !nPixelWidth ) // short-circuit if there is nothing to adjust
+		return;
-	// in RTL-layouts trailing spaces are leftmost
-	// TODO: use BiDi-algorithm to thoroughly check this assumption
-	if( rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL)
-		mnBaseAdv = nTrailingSpaceWidth;
+	// short-circuit when justifying an all-whitespace string
+	if( mnTrailingSpaceCount >= mnCharCount)
+	{
+		mfCachedWidth = nPixelWidth / mfFontScale;
+		return;
+	}
 	// return early if there is nothing to do
 	if( nPixelWidth <= 0 )
@@ -177,33 +166,46 @@ void CTLayout::AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutA
 	// HACK: justification requests which change the width by just one pixel are probably
 	// #i86038# introduced by lossy conversions between integer based coordinate system
+	const int nOrigWidth = GetTextWidth();
 	if( (nOrigWidth >= nPixelWidth-1) && (nOrigWidth <= nPixelWidth+1) )
 	// if the text to be justified has whitespace in it then
 	// - Writer goes crazy with its HalfSpace magic
-	// - LayoutEngine handles spaces specially (in particular at the text start or end)
-	if( mnTrailingSpaces ) {
-		// adjust for Writer's SwFntObj::DrawText() Halfspace magic at the text end
-		std::vector<sal_Int32> aOrigDXAry;
-		aOrigDXAry.resize( mnCharCount);
-		FillDXArray( &aOrigDXAry[0] );
-		int nLastCharSpace = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount-1-mnTrailingSpaces ]
-			- aOrigDXAry[ mnCharCount-1-mnTrailingSpaces ];
-		nPixelWidth -= nLastCharSpace;
-		if( nPixelWidth < 0 )
+	// - CoreText handles spaces specially (in particular at the text end)
+	if( mnTrailingSpaceCount ) {
+		int nTrailingSpaceWidth = 0;
+		if( rArgs.mpDXArray) {
+			const int nFullPixWidth = nPixelWidth;
+			nPixelWidth = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount-1-mnTrailingSpaceCount ];
+			nTrailingSpaceWidth = nFullPixWidth - nPixelWidth;
+			mfTrailingSpaceWidth = nTrailingSpaceWidth;
+		} else {
+			if( mfTrailingSpaceWidth <= 0.0 )
+				mfTrailingSpaceWidth = CTLineGetTrailingWhitespaceWidth( mpCTLine );
+			nTrailingSpaceWidth = rint( mfTrailingSpaceWidth );
+			nPixelWidth -= nTrailingSpaceWidth;
+		}
+		if( nPixelWidth <= 0 )
 		// recreate the CoreText line layout without trailing spaces
 		CFRelease( mpCTLine );
 		CFStringRef aCFText = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( NULL, rArgs.mpStr + mnMinCharPos,
-			mnCharCount - mnTrailingSpaces, kCFAllocatorNull );
+			mnCharCount - mnTrailingSpaceCount, kCFAllocatorNull );
 		CFAttributedStringRef pAttrStr = CFAttributedStringCreate( NULL, aCFText, mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() );
 		mpCTLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString( pAttrStr );
 		CFRelease( aCFText);
 		CFRelease( pAttrStr );
+		// in RTL-layouts trailing spaces are leftmost
+		// TODO: use BiDi-algorithm to thoroughly check this assumption
+		if( rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL)
+			mnBaseAdv = nTrailingSpaceWidth;
-	CTLineRef pNewCTLine = rCT.LineCreateJustifiedLine( mpCTLine, 1.0, nPixelWidth / mfFontScale );
+	const double fAdjustedWidth = nPixelWidth / mfFontScale;
+	CTLineRef pNewCTLine = CTLineCreateJustifiedLine( mpCTLine, 1.0, fAdjustedWidth );
 	if( !pNewCTLine ) { // CTLineCreateJustifiedLine can and does fail
 		// handle failure by keeping the unjustified layout
 		// TODO: a better solution such as
@@ -214,8 +216,7 @@ void CTLayout::AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutA
 	CFRelease( mpCTLine );
 	mpCTLine = pNewCTLine;
-	mfCachedWidth = -1; // TODO: can we set it directly to target width we requested? For now we re-measure
-	mfTrailingSpaceWidth = 0;
+	mfCachedWidth = fAdjustedWidth + mfTrailingSpaceWidth;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -383,10 +384,14 @@ long CTLayout::FillDXArray( sal_Int32* p
 	long nPixWidth = GetTextWidth();
 	if( pDXArray ) {
-		// initialize the result array
-		for( int i = 0; i < mnCharCount; ++i)
-			pDXArray[i] = 0;
-		// handle each glyph run
+		// prepare the sub-pixel accurate logical-width array
+		::std::vector<float> aWidthVector( mnCharCount );
+		if( mnTrailingSpaceCount && (mfTrailingSpaceWidth > 0.0) ) {
+			const double fOneWidth = mfTrailingSpaceWidth / mnTrailingSpaceCount;
+			for( int i = 1; i <= mnTrailingSpaceCount; ++i)
+				aWidthVector[ mnCharCount - i ] = fOneWidth;
+		}
+		// measure advances in each glyph run
 		CFArrayRef aGlyphRuns = CTLineGetGlyphRuns( mpCTLine );
 		const int nRunCount = CFArrayGetCount( aGlyphRuns );
 		typedef std::vector<CGSize> CGSizeVector;
@@ -397,14 +402,23 @@ long CTLayout::FillDXArray( sal_Int32* p
 			CTRunRef pGlyphRun = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( aGlyphRuns, nRunIndex );
 			const CFIndex nGlyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount( pGlyphRun );
 			const CFRange aFullRange = CFRangeMake( 0, nGlyphCount );
-			aSizeVec.reserve( nGlyphCount );
-			aIndexVec.reserve( nGlyphCount );
+			aSizeVec.resize( nGlyphCount );
+			aIndexVec.resize( nGlyphCount );
 			CTRunGetAdvances( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aSizeVec[0] );
 			CTRunGetStringIndices( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aIndexVec[0] );
 			for( int i = 0; i != nGlyphCount; ++i ) {
 				const int nRelIdx = aIndexVec[i];
-				pDXArray[ nRelIdx ] += aSizeVec[i].width;
-			}
+				aWidthVector[nRelIdx] += aSizeVec[i].width;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+		// convert the sub-pixel accurate array into classic pDXArray integers
+		float fWidthSum = 0.0;
+		sal_Int32 nOldDX = 0;
+		for( int i = 0; i < mnCharCount; ++i) {
+			const sal_Int32 nNewDX = rint( fWidthSum += aWidthVector[i]);
+			pDXArray[i] = nNewDX - nOldDX;
+			nOldDX = nNewDX;

Modified: openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx
--- openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx (original)
+++ openoffice/branches/alg_writerframes/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx Wed Mar 19 10:14:42 2014
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ CGImageRef AquaSalBitmap::CreateWithMask
 	    CFRelease( xMask );
 		CGDataProviderRef xDataProvider( CGDataProviderCreateWithData( NULL,
 		pMaskMem, nHeight * nMaskBytesPerRow, &CFRTLFree ) );
-		static const float* pDecode = NULL;
+		static const CGFloat* pDecode = NULL;
 		xMask = CGImageMaskCreate( nWidth, nHeight, 8, 8, nMaskBytesPerRow, xDataProvider, pDecode, false );
 		CFRelease( xDataProvider );
 		CFRelease( xMaskContext );