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cvs commit: xml-rpc build.xml

dlr         2002/08/06 19:50:00

  Modified:    .        build.xml
  Reverting to CVS revision 1.13 (pre-Maven).  Maven users should not need this file (Jason, Martin, correct me if I am wrong here).  This build file will be removed upon first stable release of Maven.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +415 -62   xml-rpc/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-rpc/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- build.xml	3 Jun 2002 16:03:51 -0000	1.14
  +++ build.xml	7 Aug 2002 02:50:00 -0000	1.15
  @@ -1,93 +1,446 @@
   <?xml version="1.0"?>
  -<project name="maven" default="maven:jar" basedir=".">
  -  <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
  -       (and without typing -D each time they invoke a target) -->
  +<project name="xmlrpc" default="jar" basedir=".">
     <!-- Allow any user specific values to override the defaults -->
     <property file="${user.home}/" />
  -  <!-- Allow user defaults for this project -->
  -  <property file="" />
     <!-- Set default values for the build -->
  -  <property file="" />
  +  <property file="" />
  -  <!-- maven:start -->
  +  <property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src"/>
  +  <property name="build.dest" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
  +  <property name="" value="${project}-${version}"/>
  +  <property name="final.dir" value="../${}/"/>
  +  <!-- Construct compile classpath -->
  +  <path id="classpath">
  +    <pathelement location="${jsse.jar}"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${jnet.jar}"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${jcert.jar}"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
  +    <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
  +  </path>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- E N V I R O N M E N T                                             -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="env">
  +    <echo message="java.home = ${java.home}"/>
  +    <echo message="user.home = ${user.home}"/>
  +    <echo message="jsse.jar = ${jsse.jar}"/>
  +    <echo message="jnet.jar = ${jnet.jar}"/>
  +    <echo message="jcert.jar = ${jcert.jar}"/>
  +    <echo message="servlet.jar = ${servlet.jar}"/>
  +    <echo message="junit.jar = ${junit.jar}"/>
  +  </target>
     <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <!-- D E L E G A T O R S                                                -->
  +  <!-- U S A G E                                                          -->
     <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:site">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="site"/>
  +  <target name="usage">
  +    <echo message="use -projecthelp to see the available targets"/>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:jar">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="jar"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- I N I T                                                            -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="init" depends="env">
  +    <available 
  +      classname=""
  +      property="jsse.present"
  +      classpathref="classpath"
  +    />
  +    <available 
  +      classname="javax.servlet.Servlet"
  +      property="servlet.present"
  +      classpathref="classpath"
  +    />
  +    <available 
  +      classname="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"
  +      property="xerces.present"
  +      classpathref="classpath"
  +    />
  +    <available
  +      classname="junit.framework.TestCase"
  +      property="junit.present"
  +      classpathref="classpath"
  +    />
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:install-jar">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="install-jar"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- P R O P E R T Y  C H E C K S  A N D  W A R N I N G S               -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- No additional classes are required to compile the
  +       core package. If you wish to use the SSL extensions
  +       or the XmlRpcProxyServlet than you can make the
  +       necessary properties changes. -->
  +  <target name="check.jsse" unless="jsse.present">
  +    <antcall target="property-warning">
  +      <param name="name" value="jsse.jar"/>
  +      <param name="value" value="${jsse.jar}"/>
  +    </antcall>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:env">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="env"/>
  +  <target name="check.junit" unless="junit.present">
  +    <antcall target="property-warning">
  +      <param name="name" value="junit.jar"/>
  +      <param name="value" value="${junit.jar}"/>
  +    </antcall>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:docs">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="docs"/>
  +  <target name="property-warning">
  +    <echo>
  +      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
  +      + F A I L E D  R E Q U I R E M E N T                             |
  +      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
  +      | You must define the following property in order                |
  +      | to build XML-RPC:                                              |
  +      |                                                                |
  +      | ${name} = ${value}
  +      |                                                                |
  +      | You can set this property in the provided     |
  +      | file, or you may set this property in your                     |
  +      | ${user.home}/ file.                            
  +      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
  +    </echo>
  +    <fail message="Failed Requirement"/>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:test">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-test.xml" target="test"/>
  +  <!-- =================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- P R E P A R E                                                       -->
  +  <!-- =================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="prepare" depends="init">
  +    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +    <mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
  +    <mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
  +    <!-- 
  +      We don't care about the javascript interpreter or the
  +      the applet code so we'll just exclude it from the
  +      build. All we want is the client and server code.
  +    -->
  +    <copy todir="${build.src}">
  +      <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> 
  +        <include name="**/*.java"/>
  +        <exclude name="**/fesi/**"/>
  +        <exclude name="**/secure/**" unless="jsse.present"/>
  +        <exclude name="**/" unless="servlet.present"/>
  +        <exclude name="**/test/**"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:clean">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="clean"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- C O M P I L E                                                      -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
  +    <javac 
  +      srcdir="${build.src}"
  +      destdir="${build.dest}"
  +      debug="${debug}"
  +      deprecation="${deprecation}"
  +      optimize="${optimize}"
  +    >
  +    <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +    </javac>
  -  <target  
  -    name="maven:metrics">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-metrics.xml" target="metrics"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- J A R                                                              -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="jar" depends="compile"
  +    description="Builds the two JAR files from source">
  +    <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar">
  +      <fileset dir="${build.dest}" excludes="**/applet/*"/>
  +    </jar>
  +    <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-applet.jar">
  +      <fileset dir="${build.dest}"
  +      excludes="**/xmlrpc/*,**/fesi/*,**/secure/*"/>
  +    </jar>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:dist">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="dist"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- J A V A D O C S                                                    -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="javadocs" depends="prepare">
  +    <mkdir dir="${javadoc.destdir}"/>
  +    <javadoc
  +      sourcepath="${build.src}/java"
  +      packagenames="org.apache.xmlrpc.*"
  +      destdir="${javadoc.destdir}"
  +      author="true"
  +      private="true"
  +      version="true"
  +      use="true"
  +      windowtitle="${name} ${version} API"
  +      doctitle="${name} ${version} API"
  +      bottom="Copyright &#169; ${year} Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved."
  +    >
  +    <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +    </javadoc>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:deploy-site">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="deploy-site"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- C L E A N                                                          -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="clean">
  +    <delete file="${}.tar.gz"/>
  +    <delete file="${}.zip"/>
  +    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  +    <delete dir="${test.reportsDirectory}"/>
  -  <target 
  -    name="maven:gump-descriptor">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="gump-descriptor"/>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- T E S T                                                            -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="compile-tests"
  +    depends="init,check.junit,compile"
  +    description="Compiles testing source code">
  +    <mkdir dir="${build.test.dest}"/>
  +    <javac srcdir="${src.test.dir}"
  +      destdir="${build.test.dest}"
  +      includes="**/*"
  +      excludes="**/package.html"
  +      debug="${debug}"
  +      deprecation="${deprecation}"
  +      optimize="${optimize}">
  +      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +      <classpath>
  +        <pathelement path="${build.dest}"/>
  +      </classpath>
  +    </javac>
  +  <target name="test"
  +    depends="compile-tests"
  +    description="Runs unit and run-time tests">
  +    <echo>
  +      Running all JUnit tests
  +    </echo>
  +    <delete dir="${test.reportsDirectory}"/>
  +    <mkdir dir="${test.reportsDirectory}"/>
  +    <junit printSummary="yes">
  +      <formatter type="plain"/>
  +      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
  +      <classpath>
  +        <!-- <pathelement location="${xerces.jar}"/> -->
  +        <pathelement path="${build.dest}"/>
  +        <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
  +        <pathelement path="${build.test.dest}"/>
  +      </classpath>
  +      <batchtest todir="${test.reportsDirectory}">
  +        <fileset dir="${build.test.dest}">
  +          <include name="**/*Test.class"/>
  +        </fileset>
  +      </batchtest>
  +    </junit>
  +  </target>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- D O C S                                                            -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  -    name="maven:javadocs">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="javadocs"/>
  +    name="check_for_jdom">
  +    <available 
  +      property="jdom.present"
  +      classname="org.jdom.JDOMException">
  +      <classpath>
  +        <pathelement location="${jakarta.site2}/lib/${jdom.jar}"/>
  +      </classpath>
  +    </available>
  -    name="maven:compile">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="compile"/>
  +    depends="check_for_jdom" 
  +    name="docs-prepare-error" 
  +    unless="jdom.present">
  +    <echo>
  +      The Jakarta-Site2 module is not present! Please check
  +      to make sure that you have checked it out from CVS.
  +      &lt;;
  +    </echo>
  -    name="maven:update-jars">
  -    <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-maven.xml" target="update-jars"/>
  +    name="docs"
  +    depends="docs-prepare-error,javadocs"
  +    description="Generates the HTML documentation (including JavaDoc)"
  +    if="jdom.present">
  +    <taskdef 
  +      name="anakia"
  +      classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask">
  +      <classpath>
  +        <fileset dir="${jakarta.site2}/lib">
  +          <include name="*.jar"/>
  +        </fileset>
  +      </classpath>
  +    </taskdef>
  +    <anakia 
  +      basedir="${docs.src}" 
  +      destdir="${docs.dest}/"
  +      extension=".html" 
  +      style="./site.vsl"
  +      projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
  +      excludes="**/stylesheets/** empty.xml"
  +      includes="**/*.xml"
  +      lastModifiedCheck="true"
  +      templatePath="${docs.src}/stylesheets">
  +    </anakia>
  +    <copy 
  +      todir="${docs.dest}/images" 
  +      filtering="no">
  +      <fileset dir="${docs.src}/images">
  +        <include name="**/*.gif"/>
  +        <include name="**/*.jpeg"/>
  +        <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- I N S T A L L  J A R                                               -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target name="install-jar" depends="jar" 
  +    description="Installs .jar file in ${lib.repo}">
  +    <copy todir="${lib.repo}" filtering="no">
  +      <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="${}.jar"/>
  +        <include name="${}-applet.jar"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  +  </target>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- D I S T R I B U T I O N S                                          -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <target 
  +    name="dist"
  +    depends="jar,javadocs,docs">
  +    <property name="distDir" value="${build.dir}/${}"/>
  +    <!-- B I N A R Y  D I S T R I B U T I O N -->
  +    <echo>
  +      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  +      | C R E A T I N G  B I N A R Y  D I S T R I B U T I O N |
  +      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  +    </echo>
  +    <mkdir dir="${distDir}"/>
  +    <!-- Copy README and LICENSE -->
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}" file="README.txt"/>
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}" file="LICENSE"/>
  +    <!-- Copy Jars -->
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}">
  +      <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  +    <!-- Copy documentation -->
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}/docs">
  +      <fileset dir="${docs.dest}">
  +        <include name="**"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  +    <!-- Create a tar.gz file -->
  +    <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${}.tar">
  +      <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="${}/**"/>
  +      </tarfileset>
  +    </tar>
  -  <!-- maven:end -->
  +    <gzip zipfile="${}.tar.gz" src="${}.tar"/>
  +    <delete file="${}.tar"/>
  +    <!-- Create a zip file -->
  +    <zip zipfile="${}.zip">
  +      <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="${}/**"/>
  +      </zipfileset>
  +    </zip>
  +    <!-- S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N -->
  +    <echo>
  +      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  +      | C R E A T I N G  S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N |
  +      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  +    </echo>
  +    <delete>
  +      <fileset dir="${distDir}">
  +        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </delete>
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}" file=""/>
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}" file="build.xml"/>
  +    <!-- Copy Source -->
  +    <copy todir="${distDir}/src">
  +      <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
  +        <include name="**/*.java"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
  +    <!-- Create a tar.gz file -->
  +    <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${}-src.tar">
  +      <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="${}/**"/>
  +      </tarfileset>
  +    </tar>
  +    <gzip zipfile="${}-src.tar.gz" src="${}-src.tar"/>
  +    <delete file="${}-src.tar"/>
  +    <!-- Create a zip file -->
  +    <zip zipfile="${}">
  +      <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}">
  +        <include name="${}/**"/>
  +      </zipfileset>
  +    </zip>
  +  </target>