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Posted to by Charles Randall <> on 2001/08/30 21:23:58 UTC

[PATCH] RE: make distclean doesn't

The attached patch against 2.0.25 makes "make distclean" remove these files
with the exception of the stuff in the os/beos and os/os2 directories (there
wasn't a framework in place).

I tested using,

	make distclean

to make sure that it didn't break subsequent builds.

With this patch, the differences between the distribution and "make
distclean" are reduced to,

--- before.md5  Thu Aug 30 12:36:38 2001
+++ after.md5   Thu Aug 30 12:43:39 2001
+MD5 (httpd-2_0_25/os/beos/Makefile) = 7689dc88879ceac86d1f56d268519e87
+MD5 (httpd-2_0_25/os/beos/.deps) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
+MD5 (httpd-2_0_25/os/os2/Makefile) = 9686658ba23a18659d002eaf5ee354d9
+MD5 (httpd-2_0_25/os/os2/.deps) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
-MD5 (httpd-2_0_25/.deps) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Can someone commit this?


Re: [PATCH] RE: make distclean doesn't

Posted by Justin Erenkrantz <>.
On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 01:23:58PM -0600, Charles Randall wrote:
> The attached patch against 2.0.25 makes "make distclean" remove these files
> with the exception of the stuff in the os/beos and os/os2 directories (there
> wasn't a framework in place).
> I tested using,
> 	configure
> 	make
> 	make distclean
> 	configure
> 	make
> to make sure that it didn't break subsequent builds.
> With this patch, the differences between the distribution and "make
> distclean" are reduced to,

FWIW, we should not remove the config.nice files or certain generated
files (exports.c seems to come to mind) under any circumstances.  We
also don't remove because it is like a Makefile (which we 
don't seem to remove).

gstein had some thoughts on this (look for "distclean cleanups").

I'm not sure if my patch got committed from back then.  I think it
did though.  The ldap stuff looks like it should be added, but some 
of the other stuff shouldn't be cleaned up.  -- justin