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[47/51] [partial] incubator-hivemall-site git commit: Updated userguide for dimsum and general classifier/regressor
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d6d51
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+        <li class="header">TABLE OF CONTENTS</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.1" data-path="../">
+                <a href="../">
+                        <b>1.1.</b>
+                    Introduction
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.2" data-path="../getting_started/">
+                <a href="../getting_started/">
+                        <b>1.2.</b>
+                    Getting Started
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.2.1" data-path="../getting_started/installation.html">
+                <a href="../getting_started/installation.html">
+                        <b>1.2.1.</b>
+                    Installation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.2.2" data-path="../getting_started/permanent-functions.html">
+                <a href="../getting_started/permanent-functions.html">
+                        <b>1.2.2.</b>
+                    Install as permanent functions
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.2.3" data-path="../getting_started/input-format.html">
+                <a href="../getting_started/input-format.html">
+                        <b>1.2.3.</b>
+                    Input Format
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3" data-path="../tips/">
+                <a href="../tips/">
+                        <b>1.3.</b>
+                    Tips for Effective Hivemall
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.1" data-path="../tips/addbias.html">
+                <a href="../tips/addbias.html">
+                        <b>1.3.1.</b>
+                    Explicit addBias() for better prediction
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.2" data-path="../tips/rand_amplify.html">
+                <a href="../tips/rand_amplify.html">
+                        <b>1.3.2.</b>
+                    Use rand_amplify() to better prediction results
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.3" data-path="../tips/rt_prediction.html">
+                <a href="../tips/rt_prediction.html">
+                        <b>1.3.3.</b>
+                    Real-time Prediction on RDBMS
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.4" data-path="../tips/ensemble_learning.html">
+                <a href="../tips/ensemble_learning.html">
+                        <b>1.3.4.</b>
+                    Ensemble learning for stable prediction
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.5" data-path="../tips/mixserver.html">
+                <a href="../tips/mixserver.html">
+                        <b>1.3.5.</b>
+                    Mixing models for a better prediction convergence (MIX server)
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.3.6" data-path="../tips/emr.html">
+                <a href="../tips/emr.html">
+                        <b>1.3.6.</b>
+                    Run Hivemall on Amazon Elastic MapReduce
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.4" data-path="../tips/general_tips.html">
+                <a href="../tips/general_tips.html">
+                        <b>1.4.</b>
+                    General Hive/Hadoop tips
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.4.1" data-path="../tips/rowid.html">
+                <a href="../tips/rowid.html">
+                        <b>1.4.1.</b>
+                    Adding rowid for each row
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.4.2" data-path="../tips/hadoop_tuning.html">
+                <a href="../tips/hadoop_tuning.html">
+                        <b>1.4.2.</b>
+                    Hadoop tuning for Hivemall
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5" data-path="../troubleshooting/">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/">
+                        <b>1.5.</b>
+                    Troubleshooting
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5.1" data-path="../troubleshooting/oom.html">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/oom.html">
+                        <b>1.5.1.</b>
+                    OutOfMemoryError in training
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5.2" data-path="../troubleshooting/mapjoin_task_error.html">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/mapjoin_task_error.html">
+                        <b>1.5.2.</b>
+                    SemanticException Generate Map Join Task Error: Cannot serialize object
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5.3" data-path="../troubleshooting/asterisk.html">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/asterisk.html">
+                        <b>1.5.3.</b>
+                    Asterisk argument for UDTF does not work
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5.4" data-path="../troubleshooting/num_mappers.html">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/num_mappers.html">
+                        <b>1.5.4.</b>
+                    The number of mappers is less than input splits in Hadoop 2.x
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="1.5.5" data-path="../troubleshooting/mapjoin_classcastex.html">
+                <a href="../troubleshooting/mapjoin_classcastex.html">
+                        <b>1.5.5.</b>
+                    Map-side Join causes ClassCastException on Tez
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part II - Generic Features</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="2.1" data-path="../misc/generic_funcs.html">
+                <a href="../misc/generic_funcs.html">
+                        <b>2.1.</b>
+                    List of generic Hivemall functions
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="2.2" data-path="../misc/topk.html">
+                <a href="../misc/topk.html">
+                        <b>2.2.</b>
+                    Efficient Top-K query processing
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="2.3" data-path="../misc/tokenizer.html">
+                <a href="../misc/tokenizer.html">
+                        <b>2.3.</b>
+                    English/Japanese Text Tokenizer
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part III - Feature Engineering</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.1" data-path="../ft_engineering/scaling.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/scaling.html">
+                        <b>3.1.</b>
+                    Feature Scaling
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.2" data-path="../ft_engineering/hashing.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/hashing.html">
+                        <b>3.2.</b>
+                    Feature Hashing
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.3" data-path="../ft_engineering/selection.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/selection.html">
+                        <b>3.3.</b>
+                    Feature Selection
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.4" data-path="../ft_engineering/binning.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/binning.html">
+                        <b>3.4.</b>
+                    Feature Binning
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.5" data-path="../ft_engineering/tfidf.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/tfidf.html">
+                        <b>3.5.</b>
+                    TF-IDF Calculation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.6" data-path="../ft_engineering/ft_trans.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/ft_trans.html">
+                        <b>3.6.</b>
+                    FEATURE TRANSFORMATION
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.6.1" data-path="../ft_engineering/vectorization.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/vectorization.html">
+                        <b>3.6.1.</b>
+                    Feature Vectorization
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="3.6.2" data-path="../ft_engineering/quantify.html">
+                <a href="../ft_engineering/quantify.html">
+                        <b>3.6.2.</b>
+                    Quantify non-number features
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part IV - Evaluation</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="4.1" data-path="../eval/stat_eval.html">
+                <a href="../eval/stat_eval.html">
+                        <b>4.1.</b>
+                    Statistical evaluation of a prediction model
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="4.1.1" data-path="../eval/auc.html">
+                <a href="../eval/auc.html">
+                        <b>4.1.1.</b>
+                    Area Under the ROC Curve
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="4.2" data-path="../eval/rank.html">
+                <a href="../eval/rank.html">
+                        <b>4.2.</b>
+                    Ranking Measures
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="4.3" data-path="../eval/datagen.html">
+                <a href="../eval/datagen.html">
+                        <b>4.3.</b>
+                    Data Generation
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="4.3.1" data-path="../eval/lr_datagen.html">
+                <a href="../eval/lr_datagen.html">
+                        <b>4.3.1.</b>
+                    Logistic Regression data generation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part V - Prediction</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="5.1" data-path="../misc/prediction.html">
+                <a href="../misc/prediction.html">
+                        <b>5.1.</b>
+                    How Prediction Works
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="5.2" data-path="../regression/general.html">
+                <a href="../regression/general.html">
+                        <b>5.2.</b>
+                    Regression
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter active" data-level="5.3" data-path="general.html">
+                <a href="general.html">
+                        <b>5.3.</b>
+                    Binary Classification
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part VI - Binary classification tutorials</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.1" data-path="a9a.html">
+                <a href="a9a.html">
+                        <b>6.1.</b>
+                    a9a
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.1.1" data-path="a9a_dataset.html">
+                <a href="a9a_dataset.html">
+                        <b>6.1.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.1.2" data-path="a9a_lr.html">
+                <a href="a9a_lr.html">
+                        <b>6.1.2.</b>
+                    Logistic Regression
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.1.3" data-path="a9a_minibatch.html">
+                <a href="a9a_minibatch.html">
+                        <b>6.1.3.</b>
+                    Mini-batch Gradient Descent
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.2" data-path="news20.html">
+                <a href="news20.html">
+                        <b>6.2.</b>
+                    News20
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.2.1" data-path="news20_dataset.html">
+                <a href="news20_dataset.html">
+                        <b>6.2.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.2.2" data-path="news20_pa.html">
+                <a href="news20_pa.html">
+                        <b>6.2.2.</b>
+                    Perceptron, Passive Aggressive
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.2.3" data-path="news20_scw.html">
+                <a href="news20_scw.html">
+                        <b>6.2.3.</b>
+                    CW, AROW, SCW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.2.4" data-path="news20_adagrad.html">
+                <a href="news20_adagrad.html">
+                        <b>6.2.4.</b>
+                    AdaGradRDA, AdaGrad, AdaDelta
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.3" data-path="kdd2010a.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010a.html">
+                        <b>6.3.</b>
+                    KDD2010a
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.3.1" data-path="kdd2010a_dataset.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010a_dataset.html">
+                        <b>6.3.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.3.2" data-path="kdd2010a_scw.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010a_scw.html">
+                        <b>6.3.2.</b>
+                    PA, CW, AROW, SCW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.4" data-path="kdd2010b.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010b.html">
+                        <b>6.4.</b>
+                    KDD2010b
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.4.1" data-path="kdd2010b_dataset.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010b_dataset.html">
+                        <b>6.4.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.4.2" data-path="kdd2010b_arow.html">
+                <a href="kdd2010b_arow.html">
+                        <b>6.4.2.</b>
+                    AROW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.5" data-path="webspam.html">
+                <a href="webspam.html">
+                        <b>6.5.</b>
+                    Webspam
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.5.1" data-path="webspam_dataset.html">
+                <a href="webspam_dataset.html">
+                        <b>6.5.1.</b>
+                    Data pareparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.5.2" data-path="webspam_scw.html">
+                <a href="webspam_scw.html">
+                        <b>6.5.2.</b>
+                    PA1, AROW, SCW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="6.6" data-path="titanic_rf.html">
+                <a href="titanic_rf.html">
+                        <b>6.6.</b>
+                    Kaggle Titanic
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part VII - Multiclass classification tutorials</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1" data-path="../multiclass/news20.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20.html">
+                        <b>7.1.</b>
+                    News20 Multiclass
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.1" data-path="../multiclass/news20_dataset.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_dataset.html">
+                        <b>7.1.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.2" data-path="../multiclass/news20_one-vs-the-rest_dataset.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_one-vs-the-rest_dataset.html">
+                        <b>7.1.2.</b>
+                    Data preparation for one-vs-the-rest classifiers
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.3" data-path="../multiclass/news20_pa.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_pa.html">
+                        <b>7.1.3.</b>
+                    PA
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.4" data-path="../multiclass/news20_scw.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_scw.html">
+                        <b>7.1.4.</b>
+                    CW, AROW, SCW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.5" data-path="../multiclass/news20_ensemble.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_ensemble.html">
+                        <b>7.1.5.</b>
+                    Ensemble learning
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.1.6" data-path="../multiclass/news20_one-vs-the-rest.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/news20_one-vs-the-rest.html">
+                        <b>7.1.6.</b>
+                    one-vs-the-rest classifier
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.2" data-path="../multiclass/iris.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/iris.html">
+                        <b>7.2.</b>
+                    Iris
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.2.1" data-path="../multiclass/iris_dataset.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/iris_dataset.html">
+                        <b>7.2.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.2.2" data-path="../multiclass/iris_scw.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/iris_scw.html">
+                        <b>7.2.2.</b>
+                    SCW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="7.2.3" data-path="../multiclass/iris_randomforest.html">
+                <a href="../multiclass/iris_randomforest.html">
+                        <b>7.2.3.</b>
+                    RandomForest
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part VIII - Regression tutorials</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.1" data-path="../regression/e2006.html">
+                <a href="../regression/e2006.html">
+                        <b>8.1.</b>
+                    E2006-tfidf regression
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.1.1" data-path="../regression/e2006_dataset.html">
+                <a href="../regression/e2006_dataset.html">
+                        <b>8.1.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.1.2" data-path="../regression/e2006_arow.html">
+                <a href="../regression/e2006_arow.html">
+                        <b>8.1.2.</b>
+                    Passive Aggressive, AROW
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.2" data-path="../regression/kddcup12tr2.html">
+                <a href="../regression/kddcup12tr2.html">
+                        <b>8.2.</b>
+                    KDDCup 2012 track 2 CTR prediction
+                </a>
+            <ul class="articles">
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.2.1" data-path="../regression/kddcup12tr2_dataset.html">
+                <a href="../regression/kddcup12tr2_dataset.html">
+                        <b>8.2.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.2.2" data-path="../regression/kddcup12tr2_lr.html">
+                <a href="../regression/kddcup12tr2_lr.html">
+                        <b>8.2.2.</b>
+                    Logistic Regression, Passive Aggressive
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="8.2.3" data-path="../regression/kddcup12tr2_lr_amplify.html">
+                <a href="../regression/kddcup12tr2_lr_amplify.html">
+                        <b>8.2.3.</b>
+                    Logistic Regression with Amplifier
+                </a>
+        </li>
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+                    AdaGrad, AdaDelta
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+                        <b>9.2.</b>
+                    News20 related article recommendation Tutorial
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+                        <b>9.2.1.</b>
+                    Data preparation
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+                        <b>9.2.2.</b>
+                    LSH/Minhash and Jaccard Similarity
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+                        <b>9.2.3.</b>
+                    LSH/Minhash and Brute-Force Search
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="9.2.4" data-path="../recommend/news20_bbit_minhash.html">
+                <a href="../recommend/news20_bbit_minhash.html">
+                        <b>9.2.4.</b>
+                    kNN search using b-Bits Minhash
+                </a>
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+        <li class="chapter " data-level="9.3" data-path="../recommend/movielens.html">
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+                        <b>9.3.</b>
+                    MovieLens movie recommendation Tutorial
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+                    Data preparation
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+                        <b>9.3.2.</b>
+                    Item-based Collaborative Filtering
+                </a>
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+                        <b>9.3.3.</b>
+                    Matrix Factorization
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+                        <b>9.3.4.</b>
+                    Factorization Machine
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+                        <b>9.3.5.</b>
+                    10-fold Cross Validation (Matrix Factorization)
+                </a>
+        </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part X - Anomaly Detection</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="10.1" data-path="../anomaly/lof.html">
+                <a href="../anomaly/lof.html">
+                        <b>10.1.</b>
+                    Outlier Detection using Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="10.2" data-path="../anomaly/sst.html">
+                <a href="../anomaly/sst.html">
+                        <b>10.2.</b>
+                    Change-Point Detection using Singular Spectrum Transformation (SST)
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="10.3" data-path="../anomaly/changefinder.html">
+                <a href="../anomaly/changefinder.html">
+                        <b>10.3.</b>
+                    ChangeFinder: Detecting Outlier and Change-Point Simultaneously
+                </a>
+        </li>
+        <li class="header">Part XI - Clustering</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="11.1" data-path="../clustering/lda.html">
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+                        <b>11.1.</b>
+                    Latent Dirichlet Allocation
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+                <a href="../clustering/plsa.html">
+                        <b>11.2.</b>
+                    Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
+                </a>
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+        <li class="header">Part XII - GeoSpatial functions</li>
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+                <a href="../geospatial/latlon.html">
+                        <b>12.1.</b>
+                    Lat/Lon functions
+                </a>
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+        <li class="header">Part XIII - Hivemall on Spark</li>
+        <li class="chapter " data-level="13.1" data-path="../spark/getting_started/">
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+                        <b>13.1.</b>
+                    Getting Started
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+                        <b>13.1.1.</b>
+                    Installation
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+                        <b>13.2.</b>
+                    Binary Classification
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+                        <b>13.2.1.</b>
+                    a9a Tutorial for DataFrame
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+                    E2006-tfidf regression Tutorial for DataFrame
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+                        <b>13.4.2.</b>
+                    Other utility functions
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+        <li class="header">Part XIV - Hivemall on Docker</li>
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+                        <b>14.1.</b>
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+                        <b>15.2.</b>
+                    Hivemall on Apache Pig
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+<p>Hivemall has a generic function for classification: <code>train_classifier</code>. Compared to the other functions we will see in the later chapters, <code>train_classifier</code> provides simpler and configureable generic interface which can be utilized to build binary classification models in a variety of settings.</p>
+<p>Here, we briefly introduce usage of the function. Before trying sample queries, you first need to prepare <a href="" target="_blank">a9a data</a>. See <a href="a9a_dataset.html">our a9a tutorial page</a> for further instructions.</p>
+<!-- toc --><div id="toc" class="toc">
+<li><a href="#preparation">Preparation</a></li>
+<li><a href="#training">Training</a></li>
+<li><a href="#prediction--evaluation">Prediction &amp; evaluation</a></li>
+<li><a href="#comparison-with-the-other-binary-classifiers">Comparison with the other binary classifiers</a></li>
+</div><!-- tocstop -->
+<div class="panel panel-primary"><div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title" id="note"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Note</h3></div><div class="panel-body"><p>This feature is supported from Hivemall v0.5-rc.1 or later.</p></div></div>
+<h1 id="preparation">Preparation</h1>
+<li>Set <code>total_steps</code> ideally be <code>count(1) / {# of map tasks}</code>:<pre><code>  hive&gt; select count(1) from a9a_train; 
+  hive&gt; set hivevar:total_steps=32561;
+<li>Set <code>n_samples</code> to compute accuracy of prediction:<pre><code>  hive&gt; select count(1) from a9a_test;
+  hive&gt; set hivevar:n_samples=16281;
+<h1 id="training">Training</h1>
+<pre><code class="lang-sql"><span class="hljs-keyword">create</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">table</span> classification_model <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span>
+<span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+ feature,
+ <span class="hljs-keyword">avg</span>(weight) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> weight
+<span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+ (
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    train_classifier(add_bias(features), label, <span class="hljs-string">&apos;-loss logloss -opt SGD -reg no -eta simple -total_steps ${total_steps}&apos;</span>) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> (feature, weight)
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+     a9a_train
+ ) t
+<span class="hljs-keyword">group</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">by</span> feature;
+<h1 id="prediction--evaluation">Prediction &amp; evaluation</h1>
+<pre><code class="lang-sql">WITH test_exploded as (
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    <span class="hljs-keyword">rowid</span>,
+    label,
+    extract_feature(feature) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> feature,
+    extract_weight(feature) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">value</span>
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+    a9a_test LATERAL <span class="hljs-keyword">VIEW</span> explode(add_bias(features)) t <span class="hljs-keyword">AS</span> feature
+predict <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> (
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    t.<span class="hljs-keyword">rowid</span>,
+    sigmoid(<span class="hljs-keyword">sum</span>(m.weight * t.<span class="hljs-keyword">value</span>)) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> prob,
+    <span class="hljs-keyword">CAST</span>((<span class="hljs-keyword">case</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">when</span> sigmoid(<span class="hljs-keyword">sum</span>(m.weight * t.<span class="hljs-keyword">value</span>)) &gt;= <span class="hljs-number">0.5</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">then</span> <span class="hljs-number">1.0</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">else</span> <span class="hljs-number">0.0</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">end</span>) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">FLOAT</span>) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> label
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+    test_exploded t <span class="hljs-keyword">LEFT</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">OUTER</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">JOIN</span>
+    classification_model m <span class="hljs-keyword">ON</span> (t.feature = m.feature)
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">group</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">by</span>
+    t.<span class="hljs-keyword">rowid</span>
+submit <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> (
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    t.label <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> actual,
+    pd.label <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> predicted,
+    pd.prob <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> probability
+  <span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+    a9a_test t <span class="hljs-keyword">JOIN</span> predict pd
+      <span class="hljs-keyword">on</span> (t.<span class="hljs-keyword">rowid</span> = pd.<span class="hljs-keyword">rowid</span>)
+<span class="hljs-keyword">select</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">count</span>(<span class="hljs-number">1</span>) / ${n_samples} <span class="hljs-keyword">from</span> submit
+<span class="hljs-keyword">where</span> actual = predicted;
+<h1 id="comparison-with-the-other-binary-classifiers">Comparison with the other binary classifiers</h1>
+<p>In the next part of this user guide, our binary classification tutorials introduce many different functions:</p>
+<li><a href="a9a_lr.html">Logistic Regression</a><ul>
+<li>and <a href="a9a_minibatch.html">its mini-batch variant</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_pa.html#perceptron">Perceptron</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_pa.html#passive-aggressive">Passive Aggressive</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_scw.html#confidence-weighted-cw">CW</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_scw.html#adaptive-regularization-of-weight-vectors-arow">AROW</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_scw.html#soft-confidence-weighted-scw1">SCW</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_adagrad.html#adagradrda">AdaGradRDA</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_adagrad.html#adagrad">AdaGrad</a></li>
+<li><a href="news20_adagrad.html#adadelta">AdaDelta</a></li>
+<p>All of them actually have the same interface, but mathematical formulation and its implementation differ from each other.</p>
+<p>In particular, the above sample queries are almost same as <a href="a9a_lr.html">a9a tutorial using Logistic Regression</a>. The difference is only in a choice of training function: <code>logress()</code> vs. <code>train_classifier()</code>.</p>
+<p>However, at the same time, the options <code>-loss logloss -opt SGD -reg no -eta simple -total_steps ${total_steps}</code> for <code>train_classifier</code> indicates that Hivemall uses the generic classifier as Logistic Regressor (<code>logress</code>). Hence, the accuracy of prediction based on either <code>logress</code> and <code>train_classifier</code> should be same under the configuration.</p>
+<p>In addition, <code>train_classifier</code> supports the <code>-mini_batch</code> option in a similar manner to <a href="a9a_minibatch.html">what <code>logress</code> does</a>. Thus, following two training queries show the same results:</p>
+<pre><code class="lang-sql"><span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    logress(add_bias(features), label, <span class="hljs-string">&apos;-total_steps ${total_steps} -mini_batch 10&apos;</span>) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> (feature, weight)
+<span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+    a9a_train
+<pre><code class="lang-sql"><span class="hljs-keyword">select</span>
+    train_classifier(add_bias(features), label, <span class="hljs-string">&apos;-loss logloss -opt SGD -reg no -eta simple -total_steps ${total_steps} -mini_batch 10&apos;</span>) <span class="hljs-keyword">as</span> (feature, weight)
+<span class="hljs-keyword">from</span>
+    a9a_train
+<p>Likewise, you can generate many different classifiers based on its options.
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