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Posted to by Francois Beausoleil <> on 2004/02/02 14:06:40 UTC

[BUG-REPORT] svn merge --dry-run reports "'file.bin' is not under version control"

Hello everyone !

Little problem report.  I copied trunk/ to a branch two days ago.  I
then began changing the branch.  One of the changes was the addition
of a binary file.  Today, I wanted to know if I had any conflicts
    within the changes I made.  So, I svn log'd my branch, and did
a --dry-run merge:

r2080 | fbos | 2004-01-31 16:32:48 -0500 (Sat, 31 Jan 2004) | 3 lines

* branches/activity-reorg/:
  New temporary branch for activity reorganization.


E:\java\leadmanagement>svn merge --dry-run -r2080:head
svn: Use --force to override this restriction
svn: 'lib/mockobjects-jdk1.4-j2ee1.3.jar' is not under version control

Checking my lib/ folder, I can see that the file does not exist.
Which is correct, since I'm on trunk.

E:\java\leadmanagement>svn status


As you can see, I have no changes in my WC too.  Now, I tried --force,
as recommended by Subversion itself:
E:\java\leadmanagement>svn merge --dry-run --force -r2080:head
svn: Use --force to override this restriction
svn: 'lib/mockobjects-jdk1.4-j2ee1.3.jar' is not under version control

Interesting that the same error occurs.  A real merge now:

E:\java\leadmanagement>svn merge -r2080:head
A  lib\mockobjects-jdk1.4-j2ee1.3.jar

Would you look at that ?  It works !  I have a repro recipe right here:

rd /s/q repos wc
svnadmin create repos
svn checkout file:///repos wc
cd wc
mkdir trunk branches
echo "text file" >trunk\file.txt
svn add trunk branches
svn commit --message ""
svn copy file:///repos/trunk file:///repos/branches/reorg --message ""
svn update
cd branches\reorg
echo "binary file" >file.bin
svn add file.bin
svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream file.bin
svn commit --message "Adding binary file"
cd ..\..\trunk
svn merge --dry-run --revision 2:head file:///repos/branches/reorg

Is this a real bug ?  Should I file an issue ?

Thanks !

Results of running the repro script:

E:\>svnadmin create repos

E:\>svn checkout file:///repos wc
Checked out revision 0.

E:\>cd wc

E:\wc>mkdir trunk branches

E:\wc>echo "text file"  1>trunk\file.txt

E:\wc>svn add trunk branches
A         trunk
A         trunk\file.txt
A         branches

E:\wc>svn commit --message ""
Adding         branches
Adding         trunk
Adding         trunk\file.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.

E:\wc>svn copy file:///repos/trunk file:///repos/branches/reorg --message

Committed revision 2.

E:\wc>svn update
A  branches\reorg
A  branches\reorg\file.txt
Updated to revision 2.

E:\wc>cd branches\reorg

E:\wc\branches\reorg>echo "binary file"  >file.bin

E:\wc\branches\reorg>svn add file.bin
A         file.bin

E:\wc\branches\reorg>svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream

property 'svn:mime-type' set on 'file.bin'

E:\wc\branches\reorg>svn commit --message "Adding binary file"
Adding  (bin)  reorg\file.bin
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 3.

E:\wc\branches\reorg>cd ..\..\trunk

E:\wc\trunk>svn merge --dry-run --revision 2:head
svn: Use --force to override this restriction
svn: 'file.bin' is not under version control


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