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Posted to by on 2004/11/23 12:11:11 UTC

cvs commit: ws-axis/c/include/axis AxisException.hpp AxisUserAPI.hpp AxisWrapperAPI.hpp BasicHandler.hpp BasicNode.hpp GDefine.hpp Handler.hpp IHandlerSoapDeSerializer.hpp IHandlerSoapSerializer.hpp IHeaderBlock.hpp IMessageData.hpp IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp SoapEnvVersions.hpp TypeMapping.hpp WSDDDefines.hpp

whitlock    2004/11/23 03:11:11

  Added:       c/include/axis AxisException.hpp AxisUserAPI.hpp
                        AxisWrapperAPI.hpp BasicHandler.hpp BasicNode.hpp
                        GDefine.hpp Handler.hpp
                        IHandlerSoapSerializer.hpp IHeaderBlock.hpp
                        IMessageData.hpp IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp
                        IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp SoapEnvVersions.hpp
                        TypeMapping.hpp WSDDDefines.hpp
  Move common header files from include/axis/server to include/axis
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/AxisException.hpp
  Index: AxisException.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @file AxisException.h
   * @author Damitha Kumarage (,
  #include <axis/server/GDefine.hpp>
  #include <string>
  #include <exception>
  #include <new>
  #include <typeinfo>
  #include <stdexcept>
  using namespace std;
   * The following enumeration is used to serve the Axis C++ codes for 
   * faults.
      /* VersionMismatch faults */
      /* MustUnderstand faults */
      /*The notation used for naming these exceptions is as follows
       *CLIENT at the beginning means when this interpreted as a soap fault
       *    it's fault code is CLIENT
       *SERVER at the beginning means when this interpreted as a soap fault
       *    it's fault code is SERVER
       *SOAP that comes next to CLIENT/SERVER means this is a soap releated
       *    exception
       *ENGINE that comes next to CLIENT/SERVER means this is a axisc++ engine
       *    related exception
       *WSDD that comes next to CLIENT/SERVER means this is a wsdd releated
       *    exception
       *TRANSPORT that comes next to CLIENT/SERVER means this is a transport releated
       *    exception
       *CONFIG that comes next to CLIENT/SERVER means this is a axisc++ configuration
       *    related exception
      /* Client faults */
      /* Server faults */
      /*Following exceptions are not releated to soap faults
       * This FAULT_LAST is not used as a fault code, but instead is used 
       * internaly in the code. Developers should not use this as a fault 
       * code.
  /*57*/    FAULT_LAST 
   *   @class AxisException
   *   @brief Base class for Axis C++ exception hierarchy.
   *   This will act as the base class for Axis C++ exception hierarchy. 
   *   This is class is derived from the std c++ exception class. Derived
   *   from this class are AxisConfigExceptin, AxisSoapExceptin, AxisWsddException,
   *   AxisEngineException, AxisTransportException and AxisParseException.
   *   @author Damitha Kumarage (,
  class STORAGE_CLASS_INFO AxisException :public exception
      /** No parameter constructor*/
      /** This can be used to throw an exception with the exception code
        * which is defined in the AxisException.h file, under AXISC_EXCEPTIONS
        * type. Axis C++ exception model heavily use this.
        * @param Exception code which is defined in the AxisException.h file, 
        * under AXISC_EXCEPTIONS type.
        * @example throw AxisException(AXISC_NODE_VALUE_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION);
      //AxisException(const int iExceptionCode);
      /** This can be used to throw an exception with exception code which is
        * is defined in the AxisException.h file, under AXISC_EXCEPTIONS type.
        * An additional description of the exception could be appended.
        * @param Exception code which is defined in the AxisException.h file,
        *  under AXISC_EXCEPTIONS type.
        * @param A char pointer that will point to an exception message.
        * @example throw AxisException(AXISC_NODE_VALUE_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION, 
              "Some additional exception info");
      //AxisException(const int iExceptionCode, char* pcMessage);
      /** This can be used to throw an exception with another exception as a
        * parameter. One situation in which this can be used is when we catch
        * a standard exception like std::bad_alloc
        * @param An exception class derived from std::exception
        * @example throw AxisException(std::bad_alloc);
      //AxisException(const exception* e);
      /** This accept two parameters, both an exception code an exception object
        * derived from std::exception
        * @param An exception class derived from std::exception
        * @param An exception code
      //AxisException(const exception* e, const int iExceptionCode);
      /** This accept an exception message
        * @param An exception message
      //AxisException(const char* pcMessage){m_sMessage = pcMessage;};
      /** Destructor */
      virtual ~AxisException() throw(){};
      /** This method is defined in std::exception. AxisException and derived
        * classes will override this to print exception messages
      virtual const char* what() throw() = 0;
      /** This can be called to get the exception code which is passed
        * in the constructor. This returns -1 value when the 
        * constructor does not have a exception code parameter
        * @return the exception code if the construct have a exception code
        * int parameter. Else return -1.
        * @return exception message
      virtual const int getExceptionCode() = 0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/AxisUserAPI.hpp
  Index: AxisUserAPI.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include <axis/server/GDefine.hpp>
  #include <time.h>
  #include <string.h>
    * @file AxisUserAPI.hpp
    * This file contains types defined in Axis C++. The mapping of basic xsd types
    * to the C language types.
    * @author Susantha Kumara (,
   * @typedef xsd__string
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type string
  typedef AxisChar * xsd__string;
   * @typedef xsd__integer
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type integer
  typedef int xsd__integer;
   * @typedef xsd__int
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type int
  typedef int xsd__int;
   * @typedef xsd__long
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type long
  //FJP v Added
  #ifdef WIN32
  typedef __int64 xsd__long;
  typedef long long xsd__long;
  //FJP ^ Added
   * @typedef xsd__short
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type short
  typedef short xsd__short;
   * @typedef xsd__decimal
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type decimal
  typedef double xsd__decimal;
   * @typedef xsd__float
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type float
  typedef float xsd__float;
   * @typedef xsd__double
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type double
  typedef double xsd__double;
   * @typedef xsd__boolean
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type boolean
  typedef enum { false_=0, true_ } xsd__boolean;
   * @typedef xsd__byte
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type byte
  typedef signed char xsd__byte;
   * @typedef xsd__QName
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type QName
  typedef AxisChar * xsd__QName;
   * @typedef xsd__NCName
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type NCName
  typedef AxisChar * xsd__NCName;
   * @typedef xsd__dateTime
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type dateTime
  typedef struct tm xsd__dateTime;
   * @typedef xsd__date
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type date
  typedef struct tm xsd__date;
   * @typedef xsd__time
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type time
  typedef struct tm xsd__time;
   * @typedef xsd__unsignedByte
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type unsignedByte
  typedef unsigned char xsd__unsignedByte;
   * @typedef xsd__unsignedInt
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type unsignedInt
  typedef unsigned int xsd__unsignedInt;
   * @typedef xsd__unsignedLong
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type unsignedLong
  typedef unsigned long xsd__unsignedLong;
   * @typedef xsd__unsignedShort
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type unsignedShort
  typedef unsigned short xsd__unsignedShort;
   * @class xsd__base64Binary
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type base64Binary
  class STORAGE_CLASS_INFO xsd__base64Binary {
      xsd__unsignedByte * __ptr;
      xsd__int __size;
   * @class xsd__hexBinary
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type hexBinary
  class STORAGE_CLASS_INFO xsd__hexBinary {
      xsd__unsignedByte * __ptr;
      xsd__int __size;
   * @typedef xsd__anyURI
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type anyURI
  typedef AxisChar * xsd__anyURI;
   * @typedef xsd__NMTOKEN
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml basic type anyURI
  typedef AxisChar * xsd__NMTOKEN;
   * Enumeration for the different wsdl styles. This is used by the Axis
   * engine to identify the web service or client style.
  typedef enum {
      RPC_ENCODED, /*default*/
  #define AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(type) \
      class type##_Array {\
          type * m_Array;\
          int m_Size;\
  class Axis_Array {
      void* m_Array;
      int m_Size;
  #define AXIS_OUT_PARAM 
  static const int xsd_boolean_true = 1;
  static const int xsd_boolean_false = 0;
  typedef enum {
   * @typedef XML_String
   * Axis C++ defined type for xml encoded string. This is used only in AnyType.
  typedef char* XML_String;
   * @class AnyType
   * Axis C++ defined type for handling xsd:any.
       * @var _array Contains an array of xml encoded strings.
      XML_String* _array;
       * @var _size Contains how many xml strings are there in _array
      int _size;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/AxisWrapperAPI.hpp
  Index: AxisWrapperAPI.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp"
  #include "IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp"
  #include "BasicHandler.hpp"
   * @file AxisWrapperAPI.hpp
   * This file contains the API functions that are implemented by the WSDL2Ws
   * tool generated code to manipulate C/C++ type for each complex type in a xml
   * schema.
   * @author Susantha Kumara (,
   * Function that deserializes a custom type 
  typedef int (* AXIS_DESERIALIZE_FUNCT)(void*, void*);
   * Function used to create a custom type. bArray is true if array of 
   * objects to be created. Then nSize is the size of that array.
  typedef void* (* AXIS_OBJECT_CREATE_FUNCT)(void*, bool bArray, int nSize);
   * Function used to delete a custom type. bArray is true if void* is a 
   * pointer to an array. Then nSize is the size of that array.
  typedef void (* AXIS_OBJECT_DELETE_FUNCT)(void*, bool bArray, int nSize);
   * Function that serializes a custom type. bArray indicates that the object 
   * in void is an element of an array (note that void* is not itself an array).
  typedef int (* AXIS_SERIALIZE_FUNCT)(void*, void*, bool bArray);
   * Function that is used to get the size of an object of a custom type.
  typedef int (* AXIS_OBJECT_SIZE_FUNCT)(void);
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/BasicHandler.hpp
  Index: BasicHandler.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @file BasicHandler.hpp
   * @author Susantha Kumara (
   * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (, *
  #include <axis/server/IMessageData.hpp>
  #include "GDefine.hpp"
  typedef struct 
      int (AXISCALL* invoke)(void* _object, void* pMsg);
      void (AXISCALL* onFault)(void* _object, void* pMsg);
      int (AXISCALL* init)(void* _object);
      int (AXISCALL* fini)(void* _object);
      int (AXISCALL* getType)(void* _object);
      AXIS_BINDING_STYLE (AXISCALL* getBindingStyle)(void* _object);
  } BasicHandlerFunctions;
  typedef struct 
      void* _object; 
      /* present only for interfaces passed from C to C++ (eg:BasicHandler) */
      BasicHandlerFunctions* _functions;
  } BasicHandler;
    * @class HandlerBase
    * @brief interface for the Handlers. This is the base class for:
    *        - Handler 
    *        - WrapperClassHandler
    * In the Axis Architecture there are different types of Handlers :
    *        - NORMAL_HANDLER : A Handler which is used to process SOAP Headers.
    *        - WEBSERVICE_HANDLER : A web service is also considered as a Handler.
    *        - CHAIN_HANDLER : Handler Chains are also derived from Handler.
    * Each of these handlers will inherit from this HandlerBase which serves as
    * the base point for all the different types of Handlers.
    * @author Susantha Kumara (
    * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
   * Revision 1.1  2004/06/14 roshan
   * Added doxygen comments to help autobuild API docs
  class HandlerBase
        * Constructor.
        * Destructor.
      virtual ~HandlerBase(){};
        * The invoke method is automatically called by the Axis Engine when it
        * needs to execute a Handler. The main task of the handler which a
        * Handler writer expects the Handler to be performed needs to be written
        * within the invoke method of the Handler.
        * A example code segment within a invoke method which is written to
        * process a SOAP Header is as following:
        * <PRE>
        * int ESHHandler::invoke(void *pvIMsg)
        * {
        * IMessageData *pIMsg = (IMessageData*) pvIMsg;
        *    AxisChar* pachTemp;
        *    if(pIMsg->isPastPivot()) {
        *        //this is a response
        *        IHandlerSoapSerializer* pISZ;
        *        pIMsg->getSoapSerializer(&pISZ);
        *        IHeaderBlock* pIHeaderBlock= pISZ->createHeaderBlock();
        *        pIHeaderBlock->setLocalName("echoMeStringResponse");
        *        pIHeaderBlock->setUri("");
        *        pachTemp = "";
        *        const AxisChar* pachHeaderVal = pIMsg->getProperty(pachTemp);
        *        printf("in the ESHHandler::Invoke : %s\n",pachHeaderVal);
        *        BasicNode* pBasicNode = pIHeaderBlock->createChild(CHARACTER_NODE);
        *        pBasicNode->setValue(pachHeaderVal);
        *        pIHeaderBlock->addChild(pBasicNode);
        * } else {
        *        //this is a request
        *        IHandlerSoapDeSerializer* pIHandlerSoapDeSerializer;
        *        pIMsg->getSoapDeSerializer(&pIHandlerSoapDeSerializer);
        *        IHeaderBlock* pIHeaderBlock= pIHandlerSoapDeSerializer->getHeaderBlock("echoMeString", "");
        *        if (pIHeaderBlock != NULL) {
        *            const BasicNode* pBasicNode= pIHeaderBlock->getFirstChild();
        *            const AxisChar* pachHeaderValue;
        *            if (pBasicNode != NULL)
        *            {
        *                if((pBasicNode->getNodeType()) == CHARACTER_NODE) {
        *                    pachHeaderValue= pBasicNode->getValue();
        *                } else {
        *                    pachHeaderValue = "This was not the expected value Ros";
        *                }
        *            } else
        *            {
        *                pachHeaderValue = "pBascNode is NULL";
        *            }
        *            AxisChar* pachTmpValue = (AxisChar*) malloc(strlen(pachHeaderValue) + 4);
        *            strcpy(pachTmpValue, pachHeaderValue);
        *            pachTemp = "";
        *            pIMsg->setProperty(pachTemp, pachTmpValue);
        *            free(pachTmpValue);
        *        } else {
        *            //do some thing
        *        }
        *    }
        *    return AXIS_SUCCESS;
        *    }
        * </PRE>
        * In case of a Web Service Handler the invoke method should do what is
        * required by a web service invoke method, which is different from the
        * above shown example.
        * @param pMsg The MessageData object pointer. This MessageData object is
        * passed to every handler when serving to a client request. The handler
        * writer can get access to objects such as:
        *        - IHandlerSoapDeSerializer
        *        - IHandlerSoapSerializer
        *        - The properties/data/info which are set by other handlers
        *        - The properties/data/info which is set by the Client Stub in case
        *          the Handler is a Client side Handler.
        *                                                etc.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS or AXIS_FAIL to indicate success or fail.
      virtual int AXISCALL invoke(void* pMsg)=0;
        * Called when ever a fault is occured within the handler. The tasks which
        * needs to be persormed when ever an error occurs within a Handler has
        * to be written within this method.
        * @param mMsg The MessageData object pointer. This MessageData object is
        * passed to every handler when serving to a client request. The handler
        * writer can get access to objects such as:
        *        - IHandlerSoapDeSerializer
        *        - IHandlerSoapSerializer
        *                                etc.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS or AXIS_FAIL to indicate success or fail.
      virtual void AXISCALL onFault(void* mMsg)=0;
        * The initialization tasks which needs to be performed within a Handler
        * has to be written here. This method will be automatically called by the
        * Axis Engine when it loads a handler.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS or AXIS_FAIL to indicate success or fail.
      virtual int AXISCALL init()=0;
        * The finalization tasks which needs to be performed within a Handler
        * has to be written here. This method will be automatically called by the
        * Axis Engine when it unloads a handler.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS or AXIS_FAIL to indicate success or fail.
      virtual int AXISCALL fini()=0;
        * Gets and returns the type of the handler. The return value could be :
        *        - NORMAL_HANDLER
        *        - WEBSERVICE_HANDLER
        *        - CHAIN_HANDLER
        *    @return This returns the following depending on the actual Handler
        * type:
        *        - NORMAL_HANDLER : In case of a normal Handler which is used to
        *                           process SOAP Headers.
        *        - WEBSERVICE_HANDLER : In case of a Web Service.
        *        - CHAIN_HANDLER : In case of a HandlerChain
      virtual int AXISCALL getType()=0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/BasicNode.hpp
  Index: BasicNode.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @file BasicNode.hpp
   * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  #if !defined(_BASICNODE_H____OF_AXIS_INCLUDED_)
  #include "GDefine.hpp"
  #include <axis/IAttribute.hpp>
  #include <list>
  using namespace std;
  class SoapSerializer;
   * @class BasicNode
   * @brief interface for the BasicNode class.
   * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
   * @author Samisa Abeysinghe (
   * Revision 1.1  2004/05/25 samisa
   * Added constructors, copy constructure and pure virtual clone for copy constructing derived classes
   * Revision 1.2  2004/06/13 roshan
   * Added doxygen comments to help autobuild API docs
   * Revision 1.3  2004/07/28 roshan
   * Added the method getLocalName()
  using namespace std;
  class BasicNode
        * Returns the Attribute of this node, corresponding to the given 
        * prefix/localname pair or the given namespace URI/localname pair. 
        * The users could get the attributes with the 
        * following combinations of pairs.
        *  1. by prefix and localname pair (here the namespace URI(i.e pachURI
        *      has to be a empty string)) or
        *  2. by namespace URI and localname pair (here the prefix
        *      (i.e pachPrefix has to be a empty string)).
        * The operation behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual IAttribute* getAttribute(AxisChar* pachPrefix, AxisChar* pachURI, AxisChar* pachLocalname) = 0;
        * Returns the first Attribute of this node. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual IAttribute* getFirstAttribute() = 0;
        * Returns the last Attribute of this node. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual IAttribute* getLastAttribute() = 0;
        * Returns the next Attribute of this node. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual IAttribute* getNextAttribute() = 0;
        * Returns the current Attribute of this node. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual IAttribute* getCurrentAttribute() = 0;
        * Creates an Attribute and adds it to this Basic Node. 
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute. 
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute. 
        * @param uri The namespace uri of the attribute. 
        * @param value The value of the attribute. 
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned. 
      virtual IAttribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname, 
              const AxisChar* prefix, const AxisChar* uri, 
              const AxisChar* value) =0;
        * Creates an Attribute and adds it to this Basic Node. 
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute. 
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute. 
        * @param value The value of the attribute. 
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned. 
      virtual IAttribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname,
          const AxisChar* prefix, const AxisChar* value)=0 ;
        * Creates an Attribute and adds it to this Basic Node.
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute.
        * @param value The value of the attribute.
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.
      virtual IAttribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname,
          const AxisChar* value)=0 ;
        * Returns the local name of this node. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @return The localname of this element.
      virtual const AxisChar* getLocalName() = 0; 
        * Returns the number of child elements of this element. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @return The number of child elements of this element. The return value
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual int getNoOfChildren() = 0;
        * Gets the first Child Node of this Complex Element. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @return The first Child Node of this Element.
      virtual const BasicNode* getFirstChild() const = 0;
        * Gets the last Child Node of this Complex Element. The operation
        * behavior depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @return The last Child Node of this Element.
      virtual const BasicNode* getLastChild() const = 0;
        * Get the Child Node of the given position. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param iChildPosition The child position.
        * @return The Child Node of the given position.
      virtual const BasicNode* getChild(int iChildPosition) const = 0;
        * Adds the given child node to this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param pBasicNode the child node to be added to this Element.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
      virtual int addChild(BasicNode* pBasicNode) =0;
        * Gets the Node Type of the Element.
        * @return The Node Type of the Element.
      virtual NODE_TYPE getNodeType() const =0;
        * Gets and return the value of this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @return The value of this Element.
      virtual const AxisChar* getValue() const =0;
        * Sets the value of this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param pachValue The value to be set
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate success.
      virtual int setValue(const AxisChar* pachValue)=0;
        * Sets the namespace URI of this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param pachURI the namespace URI of this Element.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
      virtual int setURI(const AxisChar* sURI) =0;
        * Sets the local name of this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param pachLocalName the local name of this Element.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
      virtual int setLocalName(const AxisChar* sLocalName) =0;
        * Sets the prefix of this Element. The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
        * @param pachPrefix the prefix of this Element.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
      virtual int setPrefix(const AxisChar* sPrefix) =0;
        * Returns the namespace URI of this node.  The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual const AxisChar* getURI() = 0;
        * Returns the prefix  of this node.  The operation behavior
        * depends on the TYPE of the node.
      virtual const AxisChar* getPrefix() = 0;
      virtual int serialize(SoapSerializer& pSZ) =0;
      virtual int serialize(SoapSerializer& pSZ, 
      std::list<AxisChar*>& lstTmpNameSpaceStack) =0;
      BasicNode(const AxisChar* pachValue, NODE_TYPE eNodeType = ELEMENT_NODE);
      BasicNode(const BasicNode& rCopy);
      virtual BasicNode* clone() = 0;
      virtual ~BasicNode();
        * Used to store the Node Type, which is either ELEMENT_NODE or 
      NODE_TYPE m_iNodeType;
        * Used to store the value. The usage of this variable depends on the TYPE
        * of the node.
      AxisChar* m_pachValue;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/GDefine.hpp
  Index: GDefine.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @author Susantha Kumara (
  #ifdef WIN32
  #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
  #pragma warning (disable : 4530)
  #if !defined(__GDEFINE_OF_AXIS_INCLUDED__)
  /* This file contains all global definitions that are valid across whole
   * Axis C++ project.
  typedef enum 
      AXIS_FAIL = -1, 
  typedef enum 
  typedef enum 
  #define AxisChar char
  #define AxisXMLCh char
  #define XML_Ch AxisChar
  #define AXIS_CPP_NAMESPACE_START namespace axiscpp {
  The following is necessary for the skeletons and stubs to be built
  namespace axiscpp {}
  #define AXIS_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE using namespace axiscpp;
  #define AXIS_CPP_NAMESPACE_PREFIX axiscpp::
  #define AxisString basic_string<char>
  #define AxisXMLString basic_string<AxisXMLCh>
  #ifdef WIN32
      #define AxisSprintf(X, Y, Z, W) sprintf(X, Z, W)
  #else /* linux */
      #define AxisSprintf(X, Y, Z, W) sprintf(X, Z, W)
  extern void Ax_Sleep(int);
  extern void ModuleInitialize();
  extern void ModuleUnInitialize();
  #if defined(WIN32) 
  #define STORAGE_CLASS_INFO __declspec(dllexport)
  #if defined(__GNUC__)
  /*replaced stdcall with cdecl to make it work on some platforms with older libraries - Samisa*/
  /*#define AXISCALL __attribute__((stdcall))*/
  #define AXISCALL __attribute__((cdecl))
  #else /* unix or win32 */
  #if defined(__unix)
  #define AXISCALL
  #define AXISCALL __stdcall
   * Following macro define an API function of Axis C++
   * Format of the AXISAPI macro is as follows
  #define AXISAPI(M, P) AXISCALL M P = 0;
  #define APINOPARAMS 
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/Handler.hpp
  Index: Handler.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #ifdef WIN32
  #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
  #if !defined(__HANDLER_OF_AXIS_INCLUDED__)
  #include "BasicHandler.hpp"
   * @class Handler
   * @brief interface for handlers.
   * @author Damitha Kumarage (,
   * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
   * Revision 1.1  2004/06/14 roshan
   * Added doxygen comments to help autobuild API docs
   * Added the implementations of getOption(const string& sArg) and 
   *  setOptionList(const map<string, string>* OptionList), because these methods
   *  are not needed to be implemented by the users. These are generic methods.
  class Handler : public HandlerBase
  	  * Constructor.
  	  * Destructor.
      virtual ~Handler(){};
  	  * Returns the value of the given option.
  	  * @param sArg The option name, i.e key
  	  * @return The option value.
      const string& getOption(const string& sArg)
  		m_sEmpty = "";
  		map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m_pOption->find(sArg);
  		if (it != m_pOption->end())
  			return (*it).second;
  		return m_sEmpty;	
  	  * This method is automatically called by the Axis Engine when it loads a
  	  * Handler. The purpose of this method is described below:
  	  * For each Handler we could configure various parameters/options in the
  	  * Server.wsdd or Client.wsdd. If the engine finds any such options then
  	  * the engine will automaticaly call this method of each handler and will
  	  * set those options to each Handler by calling this method of each 
  	  * Handler which those configuration options belong to. Normaly a Handler
  	  * writer doesn't need to interact/deal with this method.
  	  * @param OptionList The map which contains the options to be set.
      void setOptionList(const map<string, string>* OptionList) {m_pOption = OptionList;};
  	  * Gets and returns the type of the handler. The return value here is
  	  * always NORMAL_HANDLER.
  	  *	@return returns the type of the handler. The return value here is
  	  * always NORMAL_HANDLER.
      int AXISCALL getType(){return NORMAL_HANDLER;};
  	  * Used to store the options which are configured in the WSDD.
  	const map<string, string>* m_pOption;
  	  * Represents an empty string.
  	string m_sEmpty;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IHandlerSoapDeSerializer.hpp
  Index: IHandlerSoapDeSerializer.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp"
  #include "IHeaderBlock.hpp"
  #include "AxisUserAPI.hpp"
   *  @class IHandlerSoapDeSerializer
   *  @brief interface for the IHandlerSoapDeSerializer class.
   *  @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
   * Revision 1.1  2004/06/14 roshan
   * Removed virtual int AXISCALL addHeaderBlock(IHeaderBlock* pBlk)=0; method
   * from this interface, because a user should not be able to add any thing
   * to the DeSerialzer.
  class IHandlerSoapDeSerializer : public IWrapperSoapDeSerializer
      virtual ~IHandlerSoapDeSerializer() {};
       * The soap body may be encrypted/compressed and a 
       * handler in the request message 
       * path may decode and then decrypt and/or decompress 
       * whole soap body and set the
       * XML to the Deserializer. In such a case a handler 
       * will use following functions 
       * to get soap body and set back the XML. 
       * If this process goes throgh several
       * handlers the intermediate binary data 
       * (unencrypted/uncompressed body) may be kept 
       * in the IMessageData until it is converted to XML. 
       * A handler usually converts it 
       * to XML and use SetNewSoapBody(..) function to set 
       * the new SoapBody back to the 
       * Deserializer.
      virtual xsd__hexBinary AXISCALL getBodyAsHexBinary()=0;
      virtual xsd__base64Binary AXISCALL getBodyAsBase64Binary()=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL setNewSoapBody(AxisChar* pNewSoapBody)=0;
  	  * Gets and returns the Header Block of the given local name and 
  	  * namespace uri. After returning the Header Block pointer, it will be
  	  * removed from the available Header Block list of the DeSerializer.
  	  * It is the responsibilty of the caller of this method to delete the
  	  * returned pointer object, to avoid memory leaks.
      virtual IHeaderBlock* getHeaderBlock(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace) = 0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IHandlerSoapSerializer.hpp
  Index: IHandlerSoapSerializer.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp"
  #include "SoapEnvVersions.hpp"
  class IHeaderBlock;
    * @class IHandlerSoapSerializer
    * @brief interface for the IHandlerSoapSerializer class. This interface is
    *	exposed to a Handler Writer, to let him manipulate on the Serialzer object.
    * Example usage is given below.
    * <PRE>
    * int ESHHandler::invoke(void *pvIMsg)
    * {
    *	IMessageData *pIMsg = (IMessageData*) pvIMsg;
    *  AxisChar* pachTemp;
    *	if(pIMsg->isPastPivot()) {
    *		//this is a response
    *		IHandlerSoapSerializer* pISZ;
    *		pIMsg->getSoapSerializer(&pISZ);
    *		IHeaderBlock* pIHeaderBlock= pISZ->createHeaderBlock();
    *		pIHeaderBlock->setLocalName("echoMeStringResponse");
    * </PRE>
    * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  class IHandlerSoapSerializer : public IWrapperSoapSerializer
      virtual ~IHandlerSoapSerializer() {};
  	  * Will create a Header Block and adds it to the Serializer.
  	  * @return The created Header Block pointer will be returned, which the
  	  * user can manipulate on it.
      virtual IHeaderBlock* createHeaderBlock()=0;
  	  * Will create a Header Block using the given local name and the namespace
  	  * uri, and adds it to the Serializer.
  	  * @param pachLocalName The local name of the Header Block
  	  * @param pachUri The namespace uri of the Header Block.
  	  * @return The created Header Block pointer will be returned, which the
  	  * user can manipulate on it.
      virtual IHeaderBlock*  createHeaderBlock(AxisChar *pachLocalName, 
  		AxisChar *pachUri)=0;    
  	  * Adds the given Header Block to the Serialzer.
  	  * @param pBlk The Header Block to be added.
  	  * @return AXIS_SUCCESS or AXIS_FAIL to indicate success or fail.
      virtual int AXISCALL addHeaderBlock(IHeaderBlock* pBlk)=0;
  	  * Sets the SOAP Version.
  	  * @param eSOAP_VERSION The SOAP version to set.
  	  * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate success.
      virtual int setSoapVersion(SOAP_VERSION eSOAP_VERSION)=0;
  	  * Gets the Header Block. After returning the Header Block pointer, it 
  	  * will not be removed from the available Header Block list of the 
  	  * Serializer.The caller of this method should not delete the returned 
  	  * pointer object.
  	virtual IHeaderBlock* getHeaderBlock() = 0;
  	  * Gets and returns the Header Block of the given local name and 
  	  * namespace uri.After returning the Header Block pointer, it will not be
  	  * removed from the available Header Block list of the Serializer.
  	  * The caller of this method should not delete the returned pointer 
  	  * object.
  	virtual IHeaderBlock* getHeaderBlock(const AxisChar *pcName, 
  											 const AxisChar *pcNamespace) = 0;
        * Used with getNextHeaderBlock, it returns the first header block,
        * or NULL if there are no headers.
       virtual IHeaderBlock* getFirstHeaderBlock()=0;
        * Used with getFirstHeaderBlock, it returns the next header block,
        * or NULL if there are no headers.
       virtual IHeaderBlock* getNextHeaderBlock()=0;
       * A handler may get the entire soap body and encrypt/compress 
       * it and encode to either base64Binary or hexBinary before 
       * sending to the trasport. So any handler in the response message 
       * path may use following functions to get the entire soap 
       * body / set encrypted and/or compressed and then encoded soap body
       * back to the Serializer
      virtual int AXISCALL setBodyAsHexBinary(xsd__hexBinary body)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL setBodyAsBase64Binary(xsd__base64Binary body)=0;
      virtual const AxisChar* AXISCALL getBodyAsString()=0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IHeaderBlock.hpp
  Index: IHeaderBlock.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "BasicNode.hpp"
  #include "SoapEnvVersions.hpp"
  #include <axis/IAttribute.hpp>
  {   ROLE_NEXT=1, ROLE_NONE=2, 
   *  @class IHeaderBlock
   *  @brief interface for the IHeaderBlock class.
   *  @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
   *  @author Samisa Abeysinghe (
   *  @author Susantha Kumara (,
   * Revision 1.1  2004/05/26 samisa
   * Added copy constructor and clone
   * Revision 1.2  2004/06/13 roshan
   * Added doxygen comments to help autobuild API docs
   * Revision 1.12  2004/06/13 susantha
   * Added support for writing C web services and handlers
  class IHeaderBlock
        * Sets the namespace declaration of the Header Block. 
        * @param pAttribute The Attribute pointer which points to a valid 
        * namespace declartion Attribute. 
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation. 
      virtual int addNamespaceDecl(IAttribute *pAttribute)=0;
        * Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block as a namespace. 
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute. 
        * @param uri The namespace uri of the attribute. 
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned. 
      virtual IAttribute* createNamespaceDecl(const AxisChar *prefix, 
              const AxisChar *uri)=0; 
      virtual const BasicNode* getFirstChild() =0;
       * Returns the number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.
       * @return The number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.
      virtual int getNoOfChildren() =0;
        * Creates a child node depending on the given node type. i.e:
        * if node type == CHARACTER_NODE then it creates a Character Element.
        * if node type == ELEMENT_NODE then it creates a Complex Element.
        * This method doesn't add the created child to this Header Block. If the
        * user needs to add this created child then he has to use the
        * addChild(BasicNode *pBasicNode) method after creating the child.
        * If the node to be created is a CHARACTER_NODE then only the parameter
        * pachValue will be usefull and for others you can provide NULL.
        * If the node to be created is a ELEMENT_NODE then the parameters 
        * pachLocalName, pachPrefix, pachUri will be needed to provide and you
        * can provide NULL for the pachValue.
        * @param eNODE_TYPE The node type to be created, i.e CHARACTER_NODE or
        * ELEMENT_NODE.
        * @param pachLocalName The local name of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
        * will ignore this.
        * @param pachPrefix The prefix of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
        * will ignore this.
        * @param pachUri The namespace uri of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE
        * will ignore this.
        * @param pachValue The value of the child node. A ELEMENT_NODE
        * will ignore this.
        * @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
        * successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
      virtual BasicNode* createChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE,  
          AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri, 
          AxisChar* pachValue) = 0;
     * Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is 
     *  CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is 
     *  ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
     *  will be added as a immediate child to the header block.
     *  It is important to note that if the type is CHARACTER_NODE only the
     *  NODE_TYPE and value (pachValue) parameters will be usefull.If the type
     *  is ELEMENT_NODE the parameters NODE_TYPE, pachLocalName, pachPrefix, 
     *  pachUri will be usefull.
     * @param eNODE_TYPE The type of the child to be created, it should be either 
     *  CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for 
     *  ComplexElements.
     * @param pachLocalName The local name of the complex element to be created.
     * @param pachPrefix The prefix of the complex element to be created.
     * @param pachUri The namespace uri of the complex element to be created.
     * @param pachValue The value of the character element to be created.
     * @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
     *  successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
      virtual BasicNode* createImmediateChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE, 
          AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri, 
          AxisChar* pachValue) = 0;
       * A user can use this method to create a standard HeaderBlock attribute. 
       * The types of HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE are:
       * ROLE_NEXT : To create the role attribute to point to next.
       * ROLE_NONE : To create the role attribute to point to none.
       * ROLE_ULTIMATE_RECEIVER : To create the role attribute to point to 
       * ultimate receiver.
       * ACTOR : To create the actor attribute to point to next.
       * MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to 
       * point to true.
       * MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to 
       * point to false.
       * To use ROLE_NEXT, 
       * MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE the user has to pass SOAP_VER_1_2 as the 
       * SOAP_VERSION.
       * to pass SOAP_VER_1_1 as the SOAP_VERSION.
       * @param eStdAttrType The standard attribute to be created.
       * The current values that can be passes are: ROLE_NEXT, ROLE_NONE, 
       * @param eSOAP_VERSION The related soap version. 
       * The vallues which could be
       * passes are SOAP_VER_1_1 and SOAP_VER_1_2.
       * @return A pointer to the created standard Attribute will be returned.
      virtual IAttribute* createStdAttribute(HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE 
          eStdAttrType, SOAP_VERSION eSOAP_VERSION) =0;
        * Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block.
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute.
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute.
        * @param uri The namespace uri of the attribute.
        * @param value The value of the attribute.
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.
      virtual IAttribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar* localname, 
          const AxisChar* prefix, 
          const AxisChar* uri, const AxisChar* value) = 0;
        * Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block.
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute.
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute.
        * @param value The value of the attribute.
        * @return A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.
      virtual IAttribute* createAttribute(const AxisChar *localname, 
          const AxisChar *prefix, const AxisChar *value) = 0;
        * Gets an Attribute from the HeaderBlock.
        * @param localname The local name of the attribute.
        * @param prefix The prefix of the attribute.
        * @return the value of the attribute is returned.
       virtual const AxisChar* getAttributeValue(const AxisChar* localname,
           const AxisChar* prefix) = 0;
       * Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is 
       * CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is 
       * ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
       * will be added as a immediate child to the header block.
       * @param The type of the child to be created, it should be either 
       * CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for 
       * ComplexElements.
       * @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
       * successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
      virtual BasicNode* createImmediateChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE) = 0;
       * Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is 
       * CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is 
       * ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it
       * will not be added as a child to the header block. The user has to add
       * the created child to the appropriate locaion as his wish.
       * @param eNODE_TYPE The type of the child to be created, 
       * it should be either 
       * CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for 
       * ComplexElements.
       * @return The child node created will be returned if the creation is
       * successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.
      virtual BasicNode* createChild(NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE)=0;
       * Returns the last child element. The user has to check whether the
       * method return NULL before proceding.
       * @return The last child element is returned if it exists. 
       * If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.
      virtual const BasicNode* getLastChild() = 0;
       * Returns the child element at the given postion. 
       * The user has to check whether the method return NULL before proceding.
       * @param iChildPosition The positon of the required child element.
       * @return The required child element is returned if it exists. 
       * If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.
      virtual const BasicNode* getChild(int iChildPosition) = 0;
        * Adds a child node to the Header Block.
        * @param pBasicNode The child node pointer which is to be added.
        * @return AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.
      virtual int addChild(BasicNode* pBasicNode)=0;
        * Sets the local name of this Header Block.
        * @param localname The localname to set in.
      virtual void setLocalName(const AxisChar* localname)=0;
        * Sets the namespace uri of this Header Block.
        * @param uri The namespace uri to set in.
      virtual void setUri(const AxisChar* uri)=0;
  	 * Commented by Susantha - 21/06/2004
  	 * The prefix should be decided by the Serializer at runtime
  	 * Uncommented by Mark Whitlock - 24/8/04 after discussion 
  	 * on the mailing list agreed to add back in this method.
  	 * Jira issue AXISCPP-135
        * Sets the prefix of this Header Block.
        * @param prefix The prefix to set in.
      virtual void setPrefix(const AxisChar* prefix)=0;
        * Initialized the Header Block for testing.
      virtual int initializeForTesting() = 0;
      IHeaderBlock(){/*empty body as there are no member variable*/};
      IHeaderBlock(const IHeaderBlock& rCopy){/*empty body as there are no member variable*/};
        * Creates and returns a clone of this Header Block.
        * @return A clone of this Header Block.
      virtual IHeaderBlock* clone() = 0;
        * The Destructor.
      virtual ~IHeaderBlock() {};
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IMessageData.hpp
  Index: IMessageData.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "GDefine.hpp"
  #include "IHandlerSoapDeSerializer.hpp"
  #include "IHandlerSoapSerializer.hpp"
  #include "IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp"
  #include "IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp"
  class WSDDService;
  class IAdminUtils;
   *   @class IMessageData
   *   @brief interface for the IMessageData class.
   *   @author Susantha Kumara (,
   *   @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  class IMessageData
      /* Allow AxisAdminService access to the private methods */
      friend class AxisAdminServiceWrapper; 
      virtual ~IMessageData(){};
      virtual void getAdminUtils(IAdminUtils** pIAdminUtils)=0;
  	virtual int setProperty(AxisChar* pachName, const AxisChar* pachValue)=0;
      virtual int setProperty(AxisChar* pachName, const void* pachValue, int len)=0;
      virtual const void* getProperty(AxisChar* sName)=0;
      virtual const AxisChar* AXISCALL getOperationName()=0;
      virtual void AXISCALL getSoapSerializer(IWrapperSoapSerializer** pIWSS)=0;
      virtual void AXISCALL getSoapDeSerializer
          (IWrapperSoapDeSerializer** pIWSDS)=0;
      virtual void getSoapSerializer
          (IHandlerSoapSerializer** pIHandlerSoapSerializer)=0;
      virtual void getSoapDeSerializer
          (IHandlerSoapDeSerializer** pIHandlerSoapDeSerializer)=0;
      virtual void setUserName(string& m_sUserName)=0;
      virtual string& getUserName()=0;
      virtual void setService(const WSDDService* argService) = 0;
      virtual const WSDDService* getService() = 0; 
      virtual bool isPastPivot()=0;
      virtual int setPastPivotState(bool bState)=0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp
  Index: IWrapperSoapDeSerializer.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "AxisUserAPI.hpp"
  #include "TypeMapping.hpp"
  #include "WSDDDefines.hpp"
      @class IWrapperSoapDeSerializer
      @brief interface for the IWrapperSoapDeSerializer class.
      @author Susantha Kumara (,
      @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  class IWrapperSoapDeSerializer
      virtual ~IWrapperSoapDeSerializer(){};
      virtual int AXISCALL checkMessageBody(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual void* AXISCALL checkForFault(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      /* Method used by wrappers to get a deserialized Array of complex types */
      virtual Axis_Array AXISCALL getCmplxArray(void* pDZFunct, void* pCreFunct, 
          void* pDelFunct, void* pSizeFunct, const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      /* Method used by wrappers to get a deserialized Array of basic types */
      virtual Axis_Array AXISCALL getBasicArray(XSDTYPE nType, 
          const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      /* Method used by wrappers to get a deserialized single object of 
       * complex type 
      virtual void* AXISCALL getCmplxObject(void* pDZFunct, void* pCreFunct, 
          void* pDelFunct, const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      /* Methods used by wrappers to get a deserialized value of basic types */
      virtual int AXISCALL getElementAsInt(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL getFaultDetail(char** ppcDetail) = 0;
      virtual xsd__boolean AXISCALL getElementAsBoolean(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned int AXISCALL getElementAsUnsignedInt(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual short AXISCALL getElementAsShort(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned short AXISCALL getElementAsUnsignedShort(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual char AXISCALL getElementAsByte(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned char AXISCALL getElementAsUnsignedByte(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
  #ifdef WIN32
      virtual __int64 AXISCALL getElementAsLong(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long long AXISCALL getElementAsLong(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long AXISCALL getElementAsInteger(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned long AXISCALL getElementAsUnsignedLong(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual float AXISCALL getElementAsFloat(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual double AXISCALL getElementAsDouble(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual double AXISCALL getElementAsDecimal(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getElementAsString(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getElementAsAnyURI(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getElementAsQName(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual xsd__hexBinary AXISCALL getElementAsHexBinary(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual xsd__base64Binary AXISCALL getElementAsBase64Binary(const AxisChar*
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getElementAsDateTime(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getElementAsDate(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getElementAsTime(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long AXISCALL getElementAsDuration(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL getAttributeAsInt(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual xsd__boolean AXISCALL getAttributeAsBoolean(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned int AXISCALL getAttributeAsUnsignedInt(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual short AXISCALL getAttributeAsShort(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned short AXISCALL getAttributeAsUnsignedShort(const AxisChar*
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual char AXISCALL getAttributeAsByte(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned char AXISCALL getAttributeAsUnsignedByte(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long AXISCALL getAttributeAsLong(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long AXISCALL getAttributeAsInteger(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual unsigned long AXISCALL getAttributeAsUnsignedLong(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual float AXISCALL getAttributeAsFloat(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual double AXISCALL getAttributeAsDouble(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual double AXISCALL getAttributeAsDecimal(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getAttributeAsString(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getAttributeAsAnyURI(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual AxisChar* AXISCALL getAttributeAsQName(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual xsd__hexBinary AXISCALL getAttributeAsHexBinary(const AxisChar* 
          pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual xsd__base64Binary AXISCALL getAttributeAsBase64Binary(const 
          AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getAttributeAsDateTime(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getAttributeAsDate(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual struct tm AXISCALL getAttributeAsTime(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual long AXISCALL getAttributeAsDuration(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL getStatus()=0;
      /* Externalization of deserializer API */
  //    virtual int setInputStream(SOAPTransport* pInputStream)=0;
  //    virtual int init()=0;
  //    virtual PROVIDERTYPE getCurrentProviderType()=0;
  //    virtual void setCurrentProviderType(PROVIDERTYPE nType)=0;    
      virtual AXIS_BINDING_STYLE getStyle()=0;    
      virtual void setStyle(AXIS_BINDING_STYLE nStyle)=0;
      virtual int getVersion()=0;
      virtual int getHeader()=0;    
  	virtual AnyType* AXISCALL getAnyObject()=0;            
      virtual void getChardataAs(void* pValue, XSDTYPE type)=0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp
  Index: IWrapperSoapSerializer.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #include "AxisUserAPI.hpp"
  #include "TypeMapping.hpp"
  #include "WSDDDefines.hpp"
   *  @class IWrapperSoapSerializer
   *  @brief interface for the IWrapperSoapSerializer class.
   *  @author Susantha Kumara (,
   *  @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  class IWrapperSoapSerializer
      virtual ~IWrapperSoapSerializer(){};
      virtual int AXISCALL createSoapMethod(const AxisChar* sLocalName, 
          const AxisChar* sURI)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL createSoapFault(const AxisChar* sLocalName, 
          const AxisChar* sURI, const AxisChar* sFaultCode,
  	const AxisChar* sFaultString)=0;
      virtual const AxisChar* AXISCALL getNamespacePrefix
          (const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual void AXISCALL removeNamespacePrefix(const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      /* for basic types */
      virtual int AXISCALL addOutputParam(const AxisChar* pchName, void* pValue, 
          XSDTYPE type)=0;
      /* for arrays */
      virtual int AXISCALL addOutputCmplxArrayParam(const Axis_Array* pArray, 
          void* pSZFunct, void* pDelFunct, void* pSizeFunct, 
          const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL addOutputBasicArrayParam(const Axis_Array* pArray, 
          XSDTYPE nType, const AxisChar* pName)=0;
      /* for complex types */
      virtual int AXISCALL addOutputCmplxParam(void* pObject, void* pSZFunct, 
          void* pDelFunct, const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace) = 0;
      virtual int AXISCALL addFaultDetail(void* pObject, void* pSZFunct,
          void* pDelFunct, const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace) = 0;
      /* Methods used to serialize arrays */
      virtual int AXISCALL serializeCmplxArray(const Axis_Array* pArray, 
          void* pSZFunct, void* pDelFunct, void* pSizeFunct, 
          const AxisChar* pName, const AxisChar* pNamespace)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL serializeBasicArray
          (const Axis_Array* pArray, XSDTYPE nType, const AxisChar* pName)=0;
      /* Basic Type Serializing methods */
      virtual int AXISCALL serializeAsElement(const AxisChar* sName, 
          void* pValue, XSDTYPE type)=0;
      virtual int AXISCALL serializeAsAttribute(const AxisChar* sName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace, void* pValue, XSDTYPE type)=0;
      virtual void AXISCALL serialize(const char* pFirst, ...)=0;
       * following two functions are needed by serializer 
       * functions of complex types for RPC style web services 
      virtual void AXISCALL serializeStartElementOfType(const AxisChar* pName, 
          const AxisChar* pNamespace, const AxisChar* pPrefix)=0;
      virtual void AXISCALL serializeEndElementOfType(const AxisChar* pName)=0;
      /* Externalization of serializer API */
      /* Following functions need not be exposed. They are internal to the
  	 * Axis Engine - Commented by Susantha 02/07/2004
      virtual int setOutputStream(SOAPTransport* pStream)=0;
      virtual void markEndOfStream()=0;    
      virtual int init()=0;    
      virtual void setStyle(AXIS_BINDING_STYLE nStyle)=0;
      virtual AXIS_BINDING_STYLE getStyle()=0;
      virtual PROVIDERTYPE getCurrentProviderType()=0;
      virtual void setCurrentProviderType(PROVIDERTYPE nType)=0;    
      virtual int addOutputAnyObject(AnyType* pAnyObject)=0;
      virtual int serializeAnyObject(AnyType* pAnyObject)=0;
      virtual int serializeAsChardata(void* pValue, XSDTYPE type)=0;
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/SoapEnvVersions.hpp
  Index: SoapEnvVersions.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @author Roshan Weerasuriya (,
  /* SoapEnvVersions.h:*/
  #include "../server/GDefine.hpp"
  #ifdef WIN32
  #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
   * Here SKW stands for SoapKeyWord. This is a internal naming convension
   * for Axis C++.
  typedef enum SOAP_WORDSTag 
      SKW_ENVELOPE=0, /* this should always be 0 */
      SOAP_WORDS_LAST /*this should be the number of entries in this enum */
  typedef enum SOAP_VERSIONTag 
  struct SoapEnvVersionsStruct 
      const AxisChar* pchNamespaceUri;
      const AxisChar* pchPrefix;
      const AxisChar* pchWords[SOAP_WORDS_LAST];
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/TypeMapping.hpp
  Index: TypeMapping.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
  #ifdef WIN32
  #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
  #include "GDefine.hpp"
  #include <map>
  #include <string>
  typedef enum XSDTYPETag 
                  XSD_BYTE, XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, \
                  XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE, \
                  XSD_DATETIME, XSD_TIME, XSD_DATE, \
                  XSD_MONTH, XSD_HEXBINARY, \
                  XSD_INTEGER, \
  using namespace std;
   *  @class TypeMapping
   *  @brief interface for the TypeMapping class.
   *  @author Susantha Kumara (
  class TypeMapping  
      static XSDTYPE map(const AxisXMLCh* sType);
      static void initialize();
  #if (defined(AIX) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300) || defined( __OS400__ ) || defined(__sun))
      static std::map<std::AxisXMLString, XSDTYPE> m_sTypeMap;
      static std::map<const std::AxisXMLString, XSDTYPE> m_sTypeMap;
      static volatile bool m_bInit;
      virtual ~TypeMapping();
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/include/axis/WSDDDefines.hpp
  Index: WSDDDefines.hpp
   *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *   limitations under the License.
   * @author Susantha Kumara (
  typedef enum  