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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2012/08/31 22:08:42 UTC

[Cordova Wiki] Update of "AndroidReleaseChecklist" by SimonMacDonald

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The "AndroidReleaseChecklist" page has been changed by SimonMacDonald:

+  0. Build the tagged cordova-js for this version ( from the [[ | cordova-js]] project, and put the file in the [[ | framework/assets/js]] folder, replacing the current [[ |]] file
-  0. Run all [[ | mobile-spec]] (!JavaScript) unit-tests, and inspect the results, fix the bugs if necessary.
+  1. Run all [[ | mobile-spec]] (!JavaScript) unit-tests, and inspect the results, fix the bugs if necessary.
-  1. Run all the [[RunningTests|manual tests]] (scroll down) and make sure the expectations are met as described in the manual test list in the link
+  2. Run all the [[RunningTests|manual tests]] (scroll down) and make sure the expectations are met as described in the manual test list in the link
-  1. Run all native Android (Java) tests in the [[ | test]] directory, and inspect the results, fix the bugs if necessary.
+  3. Run all native Android (Java) tests in the [[ | test]] directory, and inspect the results, fix the bugs if necessary.
-  2. Update [[ |]] (instructions, FAQ items) for the current version
+  4. Update [[ |]] (instructions, FAQ items) for the current version
-  3. SHOULD ANDROID HAVE THIS (IT CURRENTLY DOESN'T)?  Update [[ |]] for the current version
+  5. SHOULD ANDROID HAVE THIS (IT CURRENTLY DOESN'T)?  Update [[ |]] for the current version
      a. Grab changes from a previous tag to HEAD i.e if the previous tag was "Foo":
              git shortlog --no-merges Foo..HEAD
      a. Edit the commit logs - don't add the commits verbatim, usually they are meaningless to the user. Only show the ones relevant for the user (fixes, new features)
      a. Put the edited logs into a new section for the new version with a date (YYYYMMDD) in parentheses, and follow the previous formats
-  4. Build the tagged cordova-js for this version ( from the [[ | cordova-js]] project, and put the file in the [[ | framework/assets/js]] folder, replacing the current [[ |]] file
-  5. Update the Cordova version data for the current version
+  6. Update the Cordova version data for the current version
    a. Update the [[ | VERSION]] file with the current version number
    a. Run '''bin/create''', make sure it builds everything ok and that it actually generates an example project ('''ant build''' isn't good enough anymore)
    a. Create a commit that includes the following files
     i. [[ | VERSION]]
+    i. [[ | bin/templates/project/assets/www/index.html]]
+    i. [[ | framework/assets/js/]]
     i. [[ | framework/assets/www/index.html]]
     i. [[ | framework/src/org/apache/cordova/]]
-  6. If completion of the previous steps is satisfactory, tag your repo with the new version, then...
+  7. If completion of the previous steps is satisfactory, tag your repo with the new version, then...
-  7. Push your commits with the new tag to the [[ | Android repo]]
+  8. Push your commits with the new tag to the [[ | Android repo]]