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[10/11] incubator-madlib git commit: Build: Add support for HAWQ 2.0
diff --git a/methods/cart/src/pg_gp/dt.c b/methods/cart/src/pg_gp/dt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 625cc98..0000000
--- a/methods/cart/src/pg_gp/dt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2751 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file dt.c
- *
- * @brief Aggregate and utility functions written in C for C45 and RF in MADlib
- *
- * @date April 10, 2012
- */
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "fmgr.h"
-#include "access/tupmacs.h"
-#include "utils/array.h"
-#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
-#include "utils/builtins.h"
-#include "utils/typcache.h"
-#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
-#include "catalog/namespace.h"
-#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
-#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
-#include "nodes/nodes.h"
-#include "funcapi.h"
-/*#define __DT_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO__*/
-#ifdef __DT_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO__
-#define dtelog(...) elog(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dtelog(...)
- * Postgres8.4 doesn't have such macro, so we add here
- */
-#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x)))
- * This macro is used to get the mask bit of the given feature
- * id. 
- * fid - ((fid >> power) << power) equals to fid % (2^power)
- */
-#define dt_fid_mask(fid, power) \
-			(1 << (fid - ((fid >> power) << power)))
- * We use a lot of floating number operations during the training. 
- * For these operations, DBL_EPSILON defined in float.h, leads to error
- * add-up and wrong results. For our calculations, we need to redefine 
- * that to a bigger number. Any floating number whose absolute value is 
- * smaller than the one defined here will be treated as zero. 
- */
-#define DT_EPSILON 0.000000001
- * This macro is used to test if a float value is 0.
- * Due to the precision loss of floating numbers, we can not
- * compare them directly with 0.
- */
-#define dt_is_float_zero(value)  \
-			((value) < DT_EPSILON && (value) > -DT_EPSILON)
- * calculate the value of (val)log(val)
- *
- * @param   val     the value to be calculated
- *
- * NOTE: when x approximates 0, x*log(x) also approximates 0.
- * Therefore, we directly return 0 when v is 0.
- */
-#define dt_cal_log(v)  (dt_is_float_zero(v) ? 0.0 : (v) * log(v))
-#define dt_cal_sqr(v)  ((v) * (v))
-#define dt_cal_sqr_div(v1, v2)  (dt_is_float_zero(v2) ? \
-                                0.0 : ((v1) * (v1))/(v2))
- * For Error Based Pruning (EBP), we need to compute the additional errors
- * if the error rate increases to the upper limit of the confidence level.
- * The coefficient is the square of the number of standard deviations
- * corresponding to the selected confidence level.
- * (Excerpt from Documenta Geigy Scientific Tables (Sixth Edition),
- * p185 (with modifications).)
- */
-static float8 DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL[] =
-				{0, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 1.00};
-static float8 DT_CONFIDENCE_DEV[]   =
-				{4.0, 3.09, 2.58, 2.33, 1.65, 1.28, 0.84, 0.25, 0.00};
-#define dt_check_error_value(condition, message, value) \
-			do { \
-				if (!(condition)) \
-					ereport(ERROR, \
-							(errcode(ERRCODE_RAISE_EXCEPTION), \
-							 errmsg(message, (value)) \
-							) \
-						   ); \
-			} while (0)
-#define dt_check_error(condition, message) \
-			do { \
-				if (!(condition)) \
-					ereport(ERROR, \
-							(errcode(ERRCODE_RAISE_EXCEPTION), \
-							 errmsg(message) \
-							) \
-						   ); \
-			} while (0)
- * a forward declaration. 
- */ 
-	(
-	float8 total_samples,
-	float8 num_errors,
-	float8 conf_level,
-	float8 coeff
-	);
- * @brief Calculates the total errors used by Error Based Pruning (EBP).
- *
- * @param total         The number of total samples represented by the node
- *                      being processed.
- * @param probability   The probability to mis-classify samples represented
- *                      by the child nodes if they are pruned with EBP.
- * @param conf_level    A certainty factor to calculate the confidence limits
- *                      for the probability of error using the binomial theorem.
- * 
- * @return The computed total error.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    float8 total_samples 	= PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
-    float8 probability 	    = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
-    float8 conf_level 	    = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(2);
-    float8 result 		    = 1.0L;
-    float8 coeff 		    = 0.0L;
-    unsigned int i 		    = 0;
-    if (!dt_is_float_zero(100 - conf_level))
-    {
-    	dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			!(
-    				conf_level < MIN_DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL ||
-    				conf_level > MAX_DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL
-    			 ),
-    			"invalid confidence level:  %lf."
-    			"Confidence level must be in range from 0.001 to 100",
-    			conf_level
-    		);
-    	dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			total_samples > 0,
-    			"invalid number: %lf. "
-    			"The number of samples must be greater than 0",
-    			total_samples
-    		);
-    	dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			!(probability < 0 || probability > 1),
-    			"invalid probability: %lf. "
-    			"The probability must be in range from 0 to 1",
-    			probability
-    		);
-    	/*
-    	 * Confidence level value is in range from 0.001 to 1.0.
-    	 * It should be divided by 100 when calculate addition error.
-    	 * Therefore, the range of conf_level here is [0.00001, 1.0].
-    	 */
-    	conf_level = conf_level * 0.01;
-		/*
-		 * Since the conf_level is in [0.00001, 1.0],
-		 * the value of i will be in [1, length(DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL) - 1]
-		 */
-		while (conf_level > DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL[i]) i++;
-    	dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			i > 0 && i < ARRAY_SIZE(DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL),
-    			"invalid value: %d. "
-    			"The index of confidence level must be in range from 0 to 8",
-    			i
-    		);
-		coeff = DT_CONFIDENCE_DEV[i-1] +
-				(conf_level - DT_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL[i-1]) /
-		coeff *= coeff;
-		float8 num_errors = total_samples * (1 - probability);
-    	result 			  = dt_ebp_calc_additional_errors
-								(
-									total_samples,
-									num_errors,
-									conf_level,
-									coeff
-								) + num_errors;
-    }
-	PG_RETURN_FLOAT8((float8)result);
- * @brief This function calculates the additional errors for EBP.
- *        Detailed description of that pruning strategy can be found in the paper
- *        'Error-Based Pruning of Decision Trees Grown on Very Large Data Sets 
- *        Can Work!'.
- *
- * @param total_samples The number of total samples represented by the node
- *                      being processed.
- * @param num_errors    The number of mis-classified samples represented
- *                      by the child nodes if they are pruned with EBP.
- * @param conf_level    A certainty factor to calculate the confidence limits
- *                      for the probability of error using the binomial theorem.
- *
- * @return The additional errors if we prune the node being processed.
- *
- */
-    (
-	float8 total_samples,
-	float8 num_errors,
-	float8 conf_level,
-	float8 coeff
-    )
-    if (num_errors < 1E-6)
-    {
-        return total_samples * (1 - exp(log(conf_level) / total_samples));
-    }
-    else
-    if (num_errors < 0.9999)
-    {
-        float8 tmp = total_samples * (1 - exp(log(conf_level) / total_samples));
-        return tmp +
-        	   num_errors *
-               (
-                   dt_ebp_calc_additional_errors
-                   	   (total_samples, 1.0, conf_level, coeff) -
-                   tmp
-               );
-    }
-    else
-    if (num_errors + 0.5 >= total_samples)
-    {
-        return 0.67 * (total_samples - num_errors);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        float8 tmp =
-			(
-			num_errors + 0.5 + coeff/2 +
-			sqrt(coeff * ((num_errors + 0.5) *
-				 (1 - (num_errors + 0.5)/total_samples) + coeff/4))
-			)
-			/ (total_samples + coeff);
-        return (total_samples * tmp - num_errors);
-    }
- * @brief The step function for aggregating the class counts while
- *        doing Reduce Error Pruning (REP).
- *        The input for this aggregation is the result of an internal join
- *        between validation set's classification result and encoded table.
- *
- * @param class_count_array     The array used to store the accumulated information.
- *                              [0]: the total number of mis-classified samples
- *                              [i]: the number of samples belonging to the ith class
- * @param classified_class      The predicted class based on our trained DT model.
- * @param original_class        The real class value provided in the validation set.
- * @param max_num_of_classes    The total number of distinct class values.
- *
- * @return An updated state array.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType *pg_class_count    = NULL;
-    int array_dim                = 0;
-    int *p_array_dim             = NULL;
-    int array_length             = 0;
-    int64 *class_count           = NULL;
-    int classified_class    	 = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
-    int original_class      	 = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
-    int max_num_of_classes  	 = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
-    bool rebuild_array     		 = false;
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			max_num_of_classes >= 2,
-			"invalid value: %d. "
-			"The number of classes must be greater than or equal to 2",
-			max_num_of_classes
-		);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			original_class > 0 && original_class <= max_num_of_classes,
-			"invalid real class value: %d. "
-			"It must be in range from 1 to the number of classes",
-			original_class
-		);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			classified_class > 0 && classified_class <= max_num_of_classes,
-			"invalid classified class value: %d. "
-			"It must be in range from 1 to the number of classes",
-			classified_class
-		);
-    /* test if the first argument (class count array) is null */
-    if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
-    {
-    	/*
-    	 * We assume the maximum number of classes is limited (up to millions),
-    	 * so that the allocated array won't break our memory limitation.
-    	 */
-        class_count 	 = palloc0(sizeof(int64) * (max_num_of_classes + 1));
-        array_length 	 = max_num_of_classes + 1;
-        rebuild_array 	 = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-            pg_class_count = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-        else
-            pg_class_count = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			pg_class_count,
-    			"invalid aggregation state array"
-    		);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			!ARR_HASNULL(pg_class_count),
-    			"dt_rep_aggr_class_count_sfunc cannot accept arrays with NULL values"
-    		);
-        array_dim = ARR_NDIM(pg_class_count);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_dim == 1,
-    			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-    			"The dimension of class count array must be equal to 1",
-    			array_dim
-    		);
-        p_array_dim         = ARR_DIMS(pg_class_count);
-        array_length        = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim,p_array_dim);
-        class_count    		= (int64 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(pg_class_count);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_length == max_num_of_classes + 1,
-    			"dt_rep_aggr_class_count_sfunc invalid array length: %d. "
-    			"The length of class count array must be "
-    			"equal to the total number classes + 1",
-    			array_length
-    		);
-    }
-    /*
-     * If the condition is met, then the current record
-     * has been mis-classified. Therefore, we will need
-     * to increase the first element.
-     */
-    if (original_class != classified_class)
-        ++class_count[0];
-    /* In any sample, we will update the original class count */
-    ++class_count[original_class];
-    if (rebuild_array)
-    {
-        /* construct a new array to keep the aggr states. */
-        pg_class_count =
-        	construct_array(
-        		(Datum *)class_count,
-                array_length,
-                INT8OID,
-                sizeof(int64),
-                true,
-                'd'
-                );
-    }
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(pg_class_count);
- * @brief It takes two bigint arrays and add them together.
- *        If this function is used in an aggregation's context,
- *        we store the added information to 
- *
- * @param 1 arg         The array 1.
- * @param 2 arg         The array 2.
- *
- * @return The array with the added information.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType *pg_array1    	= NULL;
-    int array_dim               = 0;
-    int *p_array_dim            = NULL;
-    int array_length            = 0;
-    int64 *array1         		= NULL;
-    ArrayType *pg_array2   	= NULL;
-    int array_dim2          = 0;
-    int *p_array_dim2       = NULL;
-    int array_length2       = 0;
-    int64 *array2        	= NULL;
-    if (PG_ARGISNULL(0) && PG_ARGISNULL(1))
-        PG_RETURN_NULL();
-    else if (PG_ARGISNULL(1) || PG_ARGISNULL(0))
-    {
-        /*
-         * If one of the two array is null,
-         * just return the non-null array directly
-         */
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* If both arrays are not null, we will add them together */
-        if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-        {
-            /* We can safely modify the original array in an aggregate */
-            pg_array1 = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* 
-             * We must not modify the original array out of aggregate's
-             * context. We simply use copy here to avoid the tedious work
-             * to allocate new arrays. There is no explicit facility to 
-             * do that.
-             */ 
-            pg_array1 = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-        }
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			!ARR_HASNULL(pg_array1),
-    			"bigint_array_add cannot accept arrays with NULL values"
-    		);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			pg_array1,
-    			"invalid aggregation state array"
-    		);
-        array_dim = ARR_NDIM(pg_array1);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_dim == 1,
-    			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-    			"The dimension of array1 must be equal to 1",
-    			array_dim
-    		);
-        p_array_dim     = ARR_DIMS(pg_array1);
-        array_length    = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim,p_array_dim);
-        array1        	= (int64 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(pg_array1);
-        pg_array2      	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
-        array_dim2      = ARR_NDIM(pg_array2);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_dim2 == 1,
-    			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-    			"The dimension of array2 must be equal to 1",
-    			array_dim2
-    		);
-        p_array_dim2        = ARR_DIMS(pg_array2);
-        array_length2       = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim2,p_array_dim2);
-        array2              = (int64 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(pg_array2);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			array_length == array_length2,
-    			"the size of the two array must be the same"
-    		);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			!ARR_HASNULL(pg_array2),
-    			"bigint_array_add cannot accept arrays with NULL values"
-    		);
-        for (int index = 0; index < array_length; index++)
-            array1[index] += array2[index];
-        PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(pg_array1);
-    }
- * @brief The final function for aggregating the class counts for REP.
- *        It takes the class count array produced by the step function.
- *        
- * @param class_count_array     The array used to store the accumulated information.
- *                              [0]: the total number of mis-classified samples
- *                              [i]: the number of samples belonging to the ith class
- *
- * @return A two-element array. The first element is the ID of the class that
- *         has the maximum number of samples represented by the root node of
- *         the subtree being processed. The second element is the number of
- *         reduced misclassified samples if the leaf nodes of the subtree are pruned.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType *pg_class_count    = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-    int array_dim                = ARR_NDIM(pg_class_count);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of class count array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(pg_class_count),
-            "dt_rep_aggr_class_count_ffunc cannot accept arrays with NULL values"
-        );
-    int *p_array_dim           = ARR_DIMS(pg_class_count);
-    int array_length           = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim,p_array_dim);
-    int64 *class_count         = (int64 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(pg_class_count);
-    int64 *result              = palloc(sizeof(int64)*2);
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			result,
-			"memory allocation failure"
-		);
-    int64 max = class_count[1];
-    int64 sum = max;
-    int maxid = 1;
-    for(int i = 2; i < array_length; ++i)
-    {
-        if(max < class_count[i])
-        {
-            max = class_count[i];
-            maxid = i;
-        }
-        sum += class_count[i];
-    }
-    /* maxid is the id of the class, which has the most samples */
-    result[0] = maxid;
-    /*
-     * (sum - max) is the number of mis-classified samples represented by
-     * the root node of the subtree being processed
-     * class_count_data[0] the total number of mis-classified samples
-     */
-    result[1] = class_count[0] - (sum - max);
-    ArrayType* result_array =
-    	construct_array(
-         (Datum *)result,
-         2,
-         INT8OID,
-         sizeof(int64),
-         true,
-         'd'
-        );
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(result_array);
- * 	Calculating Split Criteria Values (SCVs for short) is a major
- * 	step for growing a decision tree. While the formulas for different
- * 	criteria are well defined and understood, the process for calculating
- * 	them are not. In the database context, we can not follow the classical
- * 	approach to keep all needed counts data in memory resident structures,
- * 	as the memory requirement is usually proportional to the size of
- * 	the train sets. For big data, this requirement is usually hard to fulfill.
- *
- * 	When building DT in databases, we try to leverage the DB's aggregation
- * 	mechanism to do the same thing. This will also give us the opportunity
- * 	to leverage database's parallelization infrastructure.
- *
- * 	For that purpose, we will process the train set into something we call
- * 	Attribute Class Statistic (ACS for short) with a set of transformations
- * 	and use aggregate functions to work on that. Details of how an ACS is
- * 	generated can be found in DT design doc. The following is an example ACS
- * 	for the golf data set:
- *
- *   tid | nid | fid | split_value | is_cont |  le   | total 
- *  -----+-----+-----+-------------+---------+-------+-------
- *     1 |   1 |   4 |             | f       | {2,6} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   4 |             | f       | {3,3} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   3 |             | f       | {2,3} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   3 |             | f       | {0,4} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   3 |             | f       | {3,2} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          64 | t       | {0,1} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          65 | t       | {1,1} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          68 | t       | {1,2} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          69 | t       | {1,3} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          70 | t       | {1,4} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          71 | t       | {2,4} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          72 | t       | {3,5} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          75 | t       | {3,7} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          80 | t       | {4,7} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          81 | t       | {4,8} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          83 | t       | {4,9} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   2 |          85 | t       | {5,9} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          65 | t       | {0,1} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          70 | t       | {1,3} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          75 | t       | {1,4} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          78 | t       | {1,5} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          80 | t       | {2,7} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          85 | t       | {3,7} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          90 | t       | {4,8} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          95 | t       | {5,8} | {5,9}
- *     1 |   1 |   1 |          96 | t       | {5,9} | {5,9}
- *  (26 rows) 
- *
- * The fields of ACS is explained below. 
- *  tid     The ID of the tree.
- *
- *  nid     The ID of the node in the specified tree.
- *
- *  fid     The ID of the selected feature.
- *
- *  split_value 
- *          For continuous features, each distinct value is one candidate 
- *          split value. For discrete features, this field is always NULL.
- *
- *  is_cont Whether the feature fid is continuous or not. This column can be 
- *          eliminated if we check (split_value IS NOT NULL) 
- *
- *  le      An m-element array, where m is the total number of distinct 
- *          classes. le[i] is the number of samples whose class labels are 
- *          class i and whose feature fid holds a distinct value equal to 
- *          (for discrete features) or less-than or equal to (for continuous 
- *          features) the feature value corresponding to the current row. The 
- *          corresponding value is split_value for a continous feature, or one 
- *          of its distinct values for a discrete feature. 
- *
- *  total   An m-element array, where m is the total number of distinct classes. 
- *          total[i] is the total number of samples whose class labels are class i. 
- *
- * The rows are grouped by (tid, nid, fid, split_value). For a discrete feature,
- * split_value always contains NULL. For a discrete feature with n distinct values,
- * the group for that feature contains n rows. For a continuous feature, 
- * its group has only one row. For each group, we will calculate an SCV based 
- * on the specified splitting criterion and then choose the split with the 
- * maximum scv value. Because groups are independent, calculating SCVs can be done 
- * in parallel. 
- *
- * Given the format of the input data stream, SCV calculation is different
- * from using the SCV formulas directly. There is one row for each distinct 
- * value of a feature. For information gain, we can further transform the 
- * formula as below. We assume there are n distinct values for feature a and
- * m distinct classes. We denote c[j] as the total number of samples whose class
- * labels are class j. The cardinality of S is defined as |S|. |Si| is the 
- * total count of samples whose feature value is the ith distinct value. We 
- * denote d[i][j] as the count of samples whose class is j and feature value is  
- * the ith distinct value.
- *
- * We define the entropy of S, denoted as info(S), as: 
- * 
- *      info(S) = (c[1]/|S|)log(|S|/c[1])+...+(c[m]/|S|)log(|S|/c[m])
- *
- * Suppose using the distinct values of feature a, S is split into n subsets 
- * {S1, S2, ..., Sn}. We define info(S, a) as the weighted entropy of all the 
- * subsets after splitting S using feature a: 
- *
- *      info(S, a) = (|S1|/|S|)info(S1)+...+(|Sn|/|S|)info(Sn)
- * 
- * The information gain of using a to split S can be defined as: 
- *
- *      IG(S, a)= info(S) - info(S, a) 
- *              = log(t) - ( u + v - w ) / t, 
- *
- * where t, u, v and w are defined as:
- *
- *      t = |S|
- *      u = (c[1])log(c[1])+...+(c[m])log(c[m]) 
- *      v = |S1|log(|S1|)+...+|Sn|log(|Sn|) 
- *      w = (d[1][1])log(d[1][1])+(d[1][2])log(d[1][2])+...+(d[n][m])log(d[n][m])
- * 
- * In the above formulas, c[j] actually equals to total[j] within the ACS set. 
- * |S| equals to the sum of all elements in total. For the i-th distinct value 
- * of a discrete feature, d[i][j] equals to le[j] of the ACS row corresponding
- * to the i-th value. With that, |Si| then equals to the sum of all d[i][j]s. 
- * 
- * Therefore, we can define an aggregate function to process the rows in ACS 
- * to calcualte the information gain of all features. The aggregate can calculate 
- * t, u, v, and w incrementally as the rows come in. Their intermediate values will 
- * be kept in the aggregate state variables. In the final function, we can get the
- * information with log(t) - ( u + v - w ) / t. 
- *
- * This way, we successfully remove the need to keep all attribute-class counts 
- * in a possibly very big in-memory array. The calculation process fits quite 
- * well with the aggregate mechanism, which are widely available on most data 
- * processing systems.
- *
- * When using gain ratio as the split criterion, besides IG(S, a), we also need
- * Split_info(S, a), which can be defined as: 
- *
- *      Split_info(S, a) = (|S1|/|S|)log(|S|/|S1|)+...+(|Sn|/|S|)log(|S|/|Sn|)
- *
- * With ACS in place, we can get |S| and |Si| for each incoming row, based on which 
- * part of Split_info can be calculated. Then in the final function, the gain ratio 
- * of using a to split S can be calculated as: 
- *      
- *      GR(S, a) = IG(S, a) / Split_info(s, a)
- *
- * For gini, the computation can be reduced to formula below.
- *
- *      GI(S, a) = (W1/V1+W2/V2+...+Wn/Vn)/t - u/(t^2)
- *
- * where u,t,Wi and Vi is defined below. 
- *
- *      t  = |S|
- *      u  = (c[1])^2+(c[2])^2+...+(c[m])^2.
- *      Wi = (d[i][1])^2+(d[i][2])^2+...+(d[i][m])^2. 
- *      Vi = d[i][1]+d[i][2]+...+d[i][m]
- *
- * We do not need to store Wi and Vi into separate variables. Instead, we only
- * need two variables to keep the accumulated results of Wi and Vi.
- * This way the gini index can also be calculated with aggregates using constant
- * memory.
- *
- * Based on this understanding, we will define the following structures,
- * types, and aggregate functions to calculate SCVs.
- *
- */
- * We use a 9-element array to keep the state of the
- * aggregate for calculating splitting criteria values (SCVs).
- * The enum types defines which element of that array is used
- * for which purpose.
- *
- */
-    /* 1 infogain, 2 gainratio, 3 gini */
-    SCV_CODE = 0,
-    /* is continuous or not*/
-    /* the u component */
-    SCV_U,
-    /* the v component */
-    SCV_V,
-    /* the w component */
-    SCV_W,
-    /* the t component */
-    SCV_T,
-    /* the total number of samples in the training set */
-    /* the ID of the class with the largest number of samples */
-    /* the total number of samples belonging to MAX_CLASS */
- * We use a 5-element array to keep the final result of the
- * aggregate for calculating splitting criteria values (SCVs).
- * The enum types defines which element of that array is used
- * for which purpose.
- *
- */
-    /* Calculated SCV */
-    SCV_FINAL_VALUE     = 0,
-    /* Whether the selected feature is continuous or discrete */
-    /* The ID of the class with the largest number of samples */
-    /* The percentage of samples belonging to MAX_CLASS */
-    /* Total count of samples */
-/* Codes for different split criteria. */
-#define DT_SC_INFOGAIN  1
-#define DT_SC_GAINRATIO 2
-#define DT_SC_GINI      3
- * @brief The step function for the aggregation used to find the best SCV.
- *
- * @param best_scv_array    This array stores the internal aggregation state. Its
- *                          definition is the same as the returned array.
- * @param scv_final_array   This array contains the computed splitting criteria 
- *                          values. Please refer to the definition of 
- *                          DT_SCV_FINAL_ARRAY_INDEX.
- * @param fid               The ID of the feature used by this split.
- * @param split_value       The split_value for this split. For discrete features,
- *                          it is always NULL.
- *
- * @return A seven-element array. Please refer to the definition of 
- *         DT_SCV_FINAL_ARRAY_INDEX for the first five elements. The
- *         last two elements of this array is fid and split_value.
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType*	best_scv_array	= NULL;
-    if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-        best_scv_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-    else
-        best_scv_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			best_scv_array,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(best_scv_array),
-            "the first array passed to dt_best_scv_sfunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    int	 array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(best_scv_array);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    int* p_array_dim	= ARR_DIMS(best_scv_array);
-    int  array_length	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 3,
-			"dt_best_scv_sfunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    float8 *best_scv_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(best_scv_array);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			best_scv_data,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		);
-    // scv array
-    ArrayType*	scv_array	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
-	dt_check_error(scv_array, "invalid scv array");
-    array_dim 	        	= ARR_NDIM(scv_array);
-    dt_check_error(array_dim == 1, 
-                   "the dimension of scv array must be equal to 1");
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_array),
-            "the second array passed to dt_best_scv_sfunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    p_array_dim	    = ARR_DIMS(scv_array);
-    array_length	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1,
-			"dt_best_scv_sfunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    float8 *scv_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_array);
-	dt_check_error(scv_data, "invalid scv data array");
-    float8 scvdiff  = 0.0;
-    int i           = 0;
-    int fid	        = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
-    float8 sp_val   = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(3);
-    scvdiff = scv_data[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] - best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_VALUE];
-    dtelog( NOTICE, 
-            "cur:%lf, %lf, best:%lf, %lf", 
-            scv_data[SCV_FINAL_VALUE], 
-            fid, 
-            best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_VALUE], 
-            best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1]);
-    /*
-     *  When the SCVs for two features tie, we will use the fid and split_value
-     *  as the tie breakers. This ensures that we consistently choose the same 
-     *  feature/splitting value as the split. 
-     */     
-    if ( (scvdiff > DT_EPSILON) ||
-         (
-            dt_is_float_zero(scvdiff) && 
-                (
-                 (best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1] < fid) ||
-                    ( dt_is_float_zero
-                         (
-                         best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1]-fid
-                         ) && 
-                      best_scv_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 2] < sp_val
-                    )
-                )
-         ) 
-       )
-    {
-        for (i = 0; i <= SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT; ++i)
-        {
-            best_scv_data[i] = scv_data[i];
-        }
-        best_scv_data[i]        = fid;
-        best_scv_data[i + 1]    = sp_val;
-    }
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(best_scv_array);
- * @brief The pre-function for finding the best splitting criteria values.
- *
- * @param scv_state_array    The array from sfunc1.
- * @param scv_state_array    The array from sfunc2.
- *
- * @return A seven element array. Please refer to the definition of 
- *         DT_SCV_FINAL_ARRAY_INDEX for the first five elements. The
- *         last two elements of this array is fid and split_value.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType*	scv_state_array	= NULL;
-    if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-    else
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array),
-            "the first array passed to dt_best_scv_prefunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    int array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    int *p_array_dim 	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array);
-    int array_length 	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 3,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_prefunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    /* the scv state data from a segment */
-    float8 *scv_state_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_data,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		);    
-    ArrayType* scv_state_array2	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array2,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array2),
-            "the second array passed to dt_best_scv_prefunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array2);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);    
-    p_array_dim 	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array2);
-    array_length 	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 3,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_prefunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    /* the scv state data from another segment */
-    float8 *scv_state_data2 = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array2);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_data2,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		); 
-    float8 scvdiff = scv_state_data2[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] - 
-                     scv_state_data[SCV_FINAL_VALUE];
-    int i       = 0;
-    float8  array2_fid      = scv_state_data2[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1];
-    float8  array2_sp_val   = scv_state_data2[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 2];
-    float8  array1_fid      = scv_state_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1];
-    float8  array1_sp_val   = scv_state_data[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 2];
-    /*
-     *  When the SCVs for two features tie, we will use the fid and split_value
-     *  as the tie breakers. This ensures that we consistently choose the same 
-     *  feature/splitting value as the split. 
-     */ 
-    if ((scvdiff > DT_EPSILON) ||
-        (
-            dt_is_float_zero(scvdiff) && 
-                (
-                 (array1_fid < array2_fid) ||
-                    ( dt_is_float_zero
-                         (
-                         array1_fid-array2_fid
-                         ) && 
-                      array1_sp_val < array2_sp_val
-                    )
-                )
-        )
-       )
-    {
-        for (i = 0; i <= SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 2; ++i)
-        {
-            scv_state_data[i] = scv_state_data2[i];
-        }
-    }
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(scv_state_array);
- * @brief The step function for the aggregation of SCV.
- *        It accumulates all the information for SCV calculation
- *        and stores to a nine-element array.
- *
- * @param scv_state_array   The array used to accumulate all the information
- *                          for the calculation of SCV.
- *                          Please refer to the definition of 
- *                          DT_SCV_STATE_ARRAY_INDEX.
- * @param sc_code           1- infogain; 2- gainratio; 3- gini.
- * @param feature_val       The feature value of current record under processing.
- * @param class             The class of current record under processing.
- * @param is_cont_feature   True  - The feature is continuous. 
- *                          False - The feature is discrete.
- * @param le                The le component of an ACS record.
- * @param total             The total component of an ACS record.
- * @param true_total_count  If there is any missing value, true_total_count is larger
- *      				    than the total count computed in the aggregation. Thus,
- *                          we should multiply a ratio for the computed gain.
- *
- * @return A nine-element array. Please refer to the definition of 
- *         DT_SCV_STATE_ARRAY_INDEX for the detailed information of this array.
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType*	scv_state_array	= NULL;
-    if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-    else
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array),
-            "the first array passed to dt_scv_aggr_sfunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    int	 array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    int* p_array_dim	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array);
-    int  array_length	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT + 1,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_sfunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    float8 *scv_state_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_data,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		);
-    int sc_type	        = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
-    bool is_cont_feat 	= PG_ARGISNULL(2) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
-    int num_class     	= PG_ARGISNULL(3) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
-    // we only read the data from le-array and total-array 
-    ArrayType* le_array =  PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(4);
-    dt_check_error(le_array, "invalid le array");
-    array_dim 	    	= ARR_NDIM(le_array);
-    dt_check_error(array_dim == 1, "the dimemsion of le array must be 1");
-    p_array_dim	        = ARR_DIMS(le_array);
-    array_length	    = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            array_length == num_class, 
-            "the size of le array must be the number of class"
-        );
-    float8* le_data     = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(le_array);
-    // total array
-    ArrayType* total_array  =  PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(5);
-    dt_check_error(total_array, "invalid total array");
-    array_dim 	    	    = ARR_NDIM(total_array);
-    dt_check_error(array_dim == 1, "the dimemsion of total array must be 1");
-    p_array_dim	            = ARR_DIMS(total_array);
-    array_length	        = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            array_length == num_class, 
-            "the size of total array must be the number of class"
-        );
-    float8* total_data  = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(total_array);
-    int i               = 0;
-    float8 feat_le      = 0.0;
-    float8 feat_cnts    = 0.0;
-	dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			DT_SC_INFOGAIN  == sc_type ||
-			DT_SC_GAINRATIO == sc_type ||
-			DT_SC_GINI      == sc_type,
-			"invalid split criterion: %d. "
-			"It must be 1(infogain), 2(gainratio) or 3(gini)",
-			sc_type
-		);
-    scv_state_data[SCV_CODE] 		    = sc_type;
-    scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL]    = PG_ARGISNULL(6) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_INT64(6);
-    scv_state_data[SCV_IS_CONT]         = is_cont_feat;
-    dtelog(NOTICE, "array: %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf", 
-       le_data[0], le_data[1], total_data[0], total_data[1]);
-    // processing the continuous feature
-    if (is_cont_feat)
-    {
-        // the definitions of t, u, v and w are the same between IG and GR
-        if (DT_SC_INFOGAIN == sc_type || DT_SC_GAINRATIO == sc_type)
-        {
-            scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = 0;
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-        	    dt_check_error_value
-		        (
-                    total_data[i] >= le_data[i],
-                    "the difference: %lf",
-                    total_data[i] - le_data[i]
-                );
-                feat_le     += le_data[i];
-                feat_cnts   += total_data[i];
-                // max class count and ID
-                if (scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] < total_data[i])
-                {
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = total_data[i];
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID]    = i + 1;
-                }
-                // calculate the statistic info for class 
-                scv_state_data[SCV_U] += dt_cal_log(total_data[i]);
-                // calculate the statistic info for the class label and the feature value
-                scv_state_data[SCV_W] += 
-                    (dt_cal_log(le_data[i]) + dt_cal_log(total_data[i] - le_data[i]));
-            }
-            // calculate the statistic info for the feature
-            scv_state_data[SCV_V] += 
-                (dt_cal_log(feat_le) + dt_cal_log(feat_cnts - feat_le));
-            // calculate the number of non-null elements
-            scv_state_data[SCV_T] = feat_cnts; 
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // gini index
-            scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = 0;
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-        	    dt_check_error_value
-		        (
-                    total_data[i] >= le_data[i],
-                    "the difference: %lf",
-                    total_data[i] - le_data[i]
-                );
-                feat_le     += le_data[i];
-                feat_cnts   += total_data[i];
-                // max class count and ID
-                if (scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] < total_data[i])
-                {
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = total_data[i];
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID]    = i + 1;
-                }
-                // calculate the statistic info for class 
-                scv_state_data[SCV_U] += dt_cal_sqr(total_data[i]);
-            }
-            // calculate the number of non-null elements
-            scv_state_data[SCV_T] = feat_cnts; 
-            // calculate the statistic info for the class label and the feature value
-            feat_cnts -= feat_le;
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-                scv_state_data[SCV_W] += 
-                    (
-                        dt_cal_sqr_div(le_data[i], feat_le) +
-                        dt_cal_sqr_div(total_data[i] - le_data[i], feat_cnts)
-                    );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else // processing the discrete feature
-    {
-        // the definitions of t, u, v and w are the same between IG and GR
-        if (DT_SC_INFOGAIN == sc_type || DT_SC_GAINRATIO == sc_type)
-        {
-            /*
-             * calculate the value of count, the max class and class info
-             * we only need to write once
-             */
-            if (dt_is_float_zero(scv_state_data[SCV_T]))
-            {
-                scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = 0;                
-                for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-                {
-                    feat_cnts   += total_data[i];
-                    // max class count and ID
-                    if (scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] < total_data[i])
-                    {
-                        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = total_data[i];
-                        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID]    = i + 1;
-                    }
-                    // calculate the statistic info for class 
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_U] += dt_cal_log(total_data[i]);
-                }
-                // calculate the count
-                scv_state_data[SCV_T] = feat_cnts;
-            }
-            // calculate the statistic info for the class label and the feature value
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-                scv_state_data[SCV_W] += dt_cal_log(le_data[i]);
-                feat_le     += le_data[i];
-            }
-            // calculate the statistic info for the feature
-            scv_state_data[SCV_V] += dt_cal_log(feat_le);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /*
-             * calculate the value of count, the max class and class info
-             * we only need to write once
-             */
-            if (dt_is_float_zero(scv_state_data[SCV_T]))
-            {
-                scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = 0;                
-                for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-                {
-                    feat_cnts   += total_data[i];
-                    // max class count and ID
-                    if (scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] < total_data[i])
-                    {
-                        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] = total_data[i];
-                        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID]    = i + 1;
-                    }
-                    // calculate the statistic info for class 
-                    scv_state_data[SCV_U] += dt_cal_sqr(total_data[i]);
-                }
-                // calculate the count
-                scv_state_data[SCV_T] = feat_cnts;
-            }
-            // calculate the statistic info for the class label and the feature value
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-                feat_le     += le_data[i];
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < num_class; ++i)
-            {
-                scv_state_data[SCV_W] += dt_cal_sqr_div(le_data[i], feat_le);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    dtelog(NOTICE, "data: %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf", 
-        scv_state_data[SCV_W], 
-        scv_state_data[SCV_U],
-        scv_state_data[SCV_V],
-        scv_state_data[SCV_T]);
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(scv_state_array);
- * @brief   The pre-function for the aggregation of SCV. It takes the state 
- *          array produced by two sfunc and combine them together.
- *
- * @param scv_state_array    The array from sfunc1.
- * @param scv_state_array    The array from sfunc2.
- *
- * @return A nine-element array. Please refer to the definition of 
- *         DT_SCV_STATE_ARRAY_INDEX for the detailed information of this array.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType*	scv_state_array	= NULL;
-    if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-    else
-        scv_state_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array),
-            "the first array passed to dt_scv_aggr_prefunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    int array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    int *p_array_dim 	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array);
-    int array_length 	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT + 1,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_prefunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    /* the scv state data from a segment */
-    float8 *scv_state_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_data,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		);    
-    ArrayType* scv_state_array2	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array2,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array2),
-            "the second array passed to dt_scv_aggr_prefunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    array_dim 		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array2);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of scv state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);    
-    p_array_dim 	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array2);
-    array_length 	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT + 1,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_prefunc invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    /* the scv state data from another segment */
-    float8 *scv_state_data2 = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array2);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_data2,
-			"invalid aggregation data array"
-		); 
-    /*
-     * For the following data, such as entropy, gini and split info,
-     * we need to combine the accumulated value from multiple segments.
-     */ 
-    scv_state_data[SCV_W]	+= scv_state_data2[SCV_W];
-    scv_state_data[SCV_V] += scv_state_data2[SCV_V];
-    if (dt_is_float_zero(scv_state_data[SCV_T]))
-    {
-        scv_state_data[SCV_T]  = scv_state_data2[SCV_T];
-        scv_state_data[SCV_U]  = scv_state_data2[SCV_U];
-        scv_state_data[SCV_IS_CONT]     =  scv_state_data2[SCV_IS_CONT];
-        scv_state_data[SCV_CODE]        =  scv_state_data2[SCV_CODE];
-    }
-    /*
-     *  We should compare the results from different segments and
-     *  find the class with maximum samples.
-     */ 
-    if (scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] <
-    	scv_state_data2[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT])
-    {
-        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT]	=
-        		scv_state_data2[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT];
-        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID]	=
-        		scv_state_data2[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID];
-    }
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(scv_state_array);
- * @brief The final function for the aggregation of SCV.
- *        It takes the state array produced by the prefunc and produces
- *        a five-element array.
- *
- * @param scv_state_array  The array containing all the information for the 
- *                         calculation of SCV. 
- *
- * @return A five-element array. Please refer to the definition of 
- *         DT_SCV_FINAL_ARRAY_INDEX for the detailed information of this array.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType*	scv_state_array	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			scv_state_array,
-			"invalid aggregation state array"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(scv_state_array),
-            "the first array passed to dt_scv_aggr_ffunc cannot contain NULL values"
-        );
-    int	 array_dim		= ARR_NDIM(scv_state_array);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_dim == 1,
-			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-			"The dimension of state array must be equal to 1",
-			array_dim
-		);
-    int* p_array_dim 	= ARR_DIMS(scv_state_array);
-    int  array_length 	= ArrayGetNItems(array_dim, p_array_dim);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			array_length == SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT + 1,
-			"dt_scv_aggr_ffunc: invalid array length: %d",
-			array_length
-		);
-    dtelog(NOTICE, "dt_scv_aggr_ffunc array_length:%d",array_length);
-    float8 *scv_state_data = (float8 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(scv_state_array);
-    dt_check_error
-    	(
-    		scv_state_data,
-    		"invalid aggregation data array"
-    	);
-    dtelog(NOTICE, "final: %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf", 
-        scv_state_data[SCV_W], 
-        scv_state_data[SCV_U],
-        scv_state_data[SCV_V],
-        scv_state_data[SCV_T]);
-    int result_size	= SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT + 1;
-    float8 *result	= palloc0(sizeof(float8) * result_size);
-    float8 tmp      = 0.0;
-    dtelog( NOTICE, 
-            "total:%lf, %lf",
-            scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL], 
-            scv_state_data[SCV_T]);
-    /* If true total count is 0/null, there is no missing values*/
-    if (dt_is_float_zero(scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL]))
-    {
-        scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL] =
-        		scv_state_data[SCV_T];
-    }
-    /* true total count should be greater than 0*/
-    dt_check_error
-    	(
-    		scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL] > 0 && scv_state_data[SCV_T] > 0,
-    		"true total count should be greater than 0"
-    	);
-    /* 
-     * For the following elements, such as max class id, we should copy
-     * them from step function array to final function array for returning.
-     */
-    result[SCV_FINAL_CLASS_ID]	    = scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_ID];
-    result[SCV_FINAL_IS_CONT]   	= scv_state_data[SCV_IS_CONT];
-    result[SCV_FINAL_TOTAL_COUNT]   = scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL];
-    result[SCV_FINAL_CLASS_PROB]    = 
-        scv_state_data[SCV_MAX_CLASS_COUNT] / scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL];
-    if (DT_SC_INFOGAIN == ((int)scv_state_data[SCV_CODE]))
-    {
-        // info gain
-        result[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] = 
-            log(scv_state_data[SCV_T]) - 
-             ((scv_state_data[SCV_U] + scv_state_data[SCV_V] -
-              scv_state_data[SCV_W]) / scv_state_data[SCV_T]);
-    }
-    else if (DT_SC_GAINRATIO == ((int)scv_state_data[SCV_CODE]))
-    {
-        // gain ratio
-        tmp = dt_cal_log(scv_state_data[SCV_T]) - scv_state_data[SCV_V];
-        result[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] = dt_is_float_zero(tmp) ? 0.0 :
-            1 + (scv_state_data[SCV_W] - scv_state_data[SCV_U]) / tmp;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        //gini index
-        result[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] = 
-            (scv_state_data[SCV_W] / scv_state_data[SCV_T]) -
-            (scv_state_data[SCV_U]) / dt_cal_sqr(scv_state_data[SCV_T]);
-    }
-    result[SCV_FINAL_VALUE] *= (scv_state_data[SCV_T] / 
-            scv_state_data[SCV_SAMPLE_TOTAL]); 
-    dtelog(NOTICE, "final value: %lf", result[SCV_FINAL_VALUE]);
-    ArrayType* result_array =
-        construct_array(
-            (Datum *)result,
-            result_size,
-            FLOAT8OID,
-            sizeof(float8),
-            true,
-            'd'
-            );
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(result_array);
- * @brief The function samples a set of integer values between low and high.
- *        The sample method is 'sample with replacement', which means a sample
- *        could be chosen multiple times.
- *
- * @param sample_size     Number of records to be sampled.
- * @param low             Low limit of sampled values.
- * @param high            High limit of sampled values.
- * @param seed            Seed for random number.
- *
- * @return A set of integer values sampled randomly between [low, high].
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    FuncCallContext     *funcctx 	= NULL;
-    int64               call_cntr	= 0;
-    int64               max_calls	= 0;
-    /* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
-    if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL())
-    {
-        MemoryContext   oldcontext;
-        /* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
-        funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
-        /* switch to memory context appropriate for multiple function calls */
-        oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
-        int64  low = PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
-        int64 high = PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
-		dt_check_error
-			(
-				low<=high && low>=0,
-				"The low margin must not be greater than the high margin. "
-           		"And negative numbers are not accepted"
-			);
-        /* total number of samples to be returned */
-        funcctx->max_calls = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
-        MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
-    }
-    /* stuff done on every call of the function */
-    funcctx   = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
-    call_cntr = funcctx->call_cntr;
-    max_calls = funcctx->max_calls;
-    /* when there is more records to return */
-    if (call_cntr < max_calls)
-    {
-        int64       low			= PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
-        int64       high		= PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
-        float8      rand_num	= (random()/(float8)(RAND_MAX+1.0));
-        int64       selection	= (int64)(rand_num*(high-low+1)+low);
-        SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, Int64GetDatum(selection));
-    }
-    /* when there is no more records left */
-    SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
- * @brief Retrieve the specified number of unique features for a node.
- *        Discrete features used by ancestor nodes will be excluded.
- *        If the number of remaining features is less or equal than the
- *        requested number of features, then all the remaining features
- *        will be returned. Otherwise, we will sample the requested 
- *        number of features from the remaining features.
- *
- * @param num_req_features  The number of requested features.
- * @param num_features      The total number of features.
- * @param nid               The ID of the node for which the
- *                          features are sampled.
- * @param dp_fids           The IDs of the discrete features
- *                          used by the ancestors.
- *
- * @return An array containing all the IDs of sampled features.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-	int32 num_req_features 	= PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_INT32(0);
-	int32 num_features 		= PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
-	int32 nid 				= PG_ARGISNULL(2) ? 0 : PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			num_req_features > 0 && num_features > 0 && nid > 0,
-			"the first three arguments can not be null"
-		);
-	int32 n_remain_fids 	= num_features;
-	int32 *dp_fids 			= NULL;
-	Datum *result 			= NULL;
-	ArrayType *result_array = NULL;
-	int32 power_uint32		= 5;
-	/* bit map for whether a feature was chosen before or not */
-	uint32 n_bitmap = (num_features + (1 << power_uint32) - 1) >> power_uint32;
-	uint32 *bitmap 	= (uint32*)palloc0(n_bitmap * sizeof(uint32));
-	if (!PG_ARGISNULL(3))
-	{
-    	ArrayType *dp_fids_array	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(3);
-        int	 dim_nids				= ARR_NDIM(dp_fids_array);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			1 == dim_nids,
-    			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-    			"The dimension of the array must be equal to 1",
-    			dim_nids
-    		);
-        dt_check_error_value
-            (
-                !ARR_HASNULL(dp_fids_array),
-                "the first array passed to %s cannot contain NULL values",
-                __FUNCTION__
-            );
-        int *p_dim_nids 			= ARR_DIMS(dp_fids_array);
-        int len_nids 		  		= ArrayGetNItems(dim_nids, p_dim_nids);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			len_nids <= num_features,
-    			"dt_get_node_split_fids invalid array length: %d",
-    			len_nids
-    		);
-        dp_fids 					= (int *)ARR_DATA_PTR(dp_fids_array);
-        dt_check_error (dp_fids, "invalid data array");
-        /*
-         * the feature ID starts from 1
-         * if the feature was already chosen, then set the bit to 1
-         */
-        for (int i = 0; i < len_nids; ++i)
-        	bitmap[(dp_fids[i] - 1) >> power_uint32] |=
-        			dt_fid_mask((dp_fids[i] - 1), power_uint32);
-        n_remain_fids = num_features - len_nids;
-	}
-	result = palloc0
-				(
-					((n_remain_fids > num_req_features) ?
-							num_req_features :
-							n_remain_fids ? n_remain_fids : 1) * sizeof(Datum)
-				);
-    /*
-     * Sample the features if the number of remaining features is greater
-	 * than the request number 
-     */
-    if (n_remain_fids > num_req_features)
-    {
-		for (int i = 0; i < num_req_features; ++i)
-		{
-			int32 fid = 0;
-			/*
-			 * if sample a duplicated number, then sample again until
-			 * we found a unique number
-			 */
-			do
-			{
-				fid = random() % num_features;
-			}
-            while (0 < (bitmap[fid >> power_uint32] & dt_fid_mask(fid, power_uint32)));
-			result[i] = Int32GetDatum(fid + 1);
-			/* set the bit to true for the sampled number*/
-			bitmap[fid >> power_uint32] |= dt_fid_mask(fid, power_uint32);
-		}
-    }
-    else if (0 == n_remain_fids)
-    {
-    	/*
-    	 * if no features left, then simply return any one of the features
-    	 * so that the best split information can be retrieved
-    	 */
-    	num_req_features = 1;
-    	result[0] 		 = Int32GetDatum(1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	    /*
-         * If the number of remain features are less than or equal randomly
-         * chosen features then return the remain features directly.
-         * n_remain_fids <= num_req_features
-         */
-    	num_req_features = n_remain_fids;
-		/* if the features weren't chosen, then choose them */
-		for (int32 i = 0; i < num_features; ++i)
-			if (0 == (bitmap[i >> power_uint32] & dt_fid_mask(i, power_uint32)))
-				result[--n_remain_fids] = Int32GetDatum(i + 1);
-		dt_check_error_value
-			(
-				0 == n_remain_fids,
-				"the number of random chosen features is wrong, total:%d",
-				n_remain_fids
-			);
-    }
-    /* free the bitmap */
-    pfree(bitmap);
-    /*
-     * the number of elements in the result array must be
-     * greater than or equal to 1
-     */
-	dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			num_req_features > 0,
-			"the number of chosen features for node %d is zero",
-			nid
-		);
-    result_array =
-        construct_array(
-            result,
-            num_req_features,
-            INT4OID,
-            sizeof(int32),
-            true,
-            'i'
-            );
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(result_array);
- * @brief Use % as the delimiter to split the given string. The char '\' is used
- *        to escape %. We will not change the default behavior of '\' in PG/GP.
- *        For example, assume the given string is E"\\\\\\\\\\%123%123". Then it only
- *        has one delimiter; the string will be split to two substrings:
- *        E'\\\\\\\\\\%123' and '123'; the position array size is 1, where position[0] = 9;
- *        ; (*len) = 13.
- *
- * @param str       The string to be split.
- * @param position  An array to store the position of each un-escaped % in the string.
- * @param num_pos   The expected number of un-escaped %s in the string.
- * @param len       The length of the string. It doesn't include the terminal.
- *
- * @return The position array which records the positions of all un-escaped %s
- *         in the give string.
- *
- * @note If the number of %s in the string is not equal to the expected number,
- *       we will report error via elog.
- */
-	(
-	char *str,
-	int  *position,
-    int  num_pos,
-	int  *len
-	)
-	int i 				  = 0;
-	int j 				  = 0;
-	/* the number of the escape chars which occur continuously */
-	int num_cont_escapes  = 0;
-	for(; str != NULL && *str != '\0'; ++str, ++j)
-	{
-		if ('%' == *str)
-		{
-			/*
-			 * if the number of the escapes is even number
-			 * then no need to escape. Otherwise escape the delimiter
-			 */
-			if (!(num_cont_escapes & 0x01))
-			{
-            	dt_check_error
-	            	(
-                        i < num_pos,
-                        "the number of the elements in the array is less than "
-                        "the format string expects."
-                    );
-				/*  convert the char '%' to '\0' */
-				position[i++] 	= j;
-				*str 			= '\0';
-			}
-			/* reset the number of the continuous escape chars */
-			num_cont_escapes = 0;
-		}
-		else if ('\\' == *str)
-		{
-			/* increase the number of continuous escape chars */
-			++num_cont_escapes;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/* reset the number of the continuous escape chars */
-			num_cont_escapes = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	*len      = j;
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            i == num_pos,
-            "the number of the elements in the array is greater than "
-            "the format string expects. "
-        );
-	return position;
- * @brief Change all occurrences of '\%' in the give string to '%'. Our split
- *        method will ensure that the char immediately before a '%' must be a '\'.
- *        We traverse the string from left to right, if we meet a '%', then
- *        move the substring after the current '\%' to the right place until
- *        we meet next '\%' or the '\0'. Finally, set the terminal symbol for
- *        the replaced string.
- *
- * @param str   The null terminated string to be escaped.
- *              The char immediately before a '%' must be a '\'.
- *
- * @return The new string with \% changed to %.
- *
- */
-	(
-	char *str
-	)
-	int num_escapes		  = 0;
-	/* remember the start address of the escaped string */
-	char *p_new_string 	  = str;
-	while(str != NULL && *str != '\0')
-	{
-		if ('%' == *str)
-		{
-			dt_check_error_value
-				(
-					(str - 1) && ('\\' == *(str - 1)),
-					"The char immediately before a %s must be a \\",
-					"%"
-				);
-			/*
-			 * The char immediately before % is \
-			 * increase the number of escape chars
-			 */
-			++num_escapes;
-			do
-			{
-				/*
-				 * move the string which is between the current "\%"
-				 * and next "\%"
-				 */
-				*(str - num_escapes) = *str;
-				++str;
-			} while (str != NULL && *str != '\0' && *str != '%');
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			++str;
-		}
-	}
-	/* if there is no escapes, then set the end symbol for the string */
-	if (num_escapes > 0)
-		*(str - num_escapes) = '\0';
-	return p_new_string;
- * @brief We need to build a lot of query strings based on a set of arguments. For that
- *        purpose, this function will take a format string (the template) and an array
- *        of values, scan through the format string, and replace the %s in the format
- *        string with the corresponding values in the array. The result string is
- *        returned as a PG/GP text Datum. The escape char for '%' is '\'. And we will
- *        not change it's default behavior in PG/GP. For example, assume that
- *        fmt = E'\\\\\\\\ % \\% %', args[] = {"100", "20"}, then the returned text
- *        of this function is E'\\\\\\\\ 100 % 20'
- *
- * @param fmt       The format string. %s are used to indicate a position
- *                  where a value should be filled in.
- * @param args      An array of values that should be used for replacements.
- *                  args[i] replaces the i-th % in fmt. The array length should
- *                  equal to the number of %s in fmt.
- *
- * @return A string with all %s which were not escaped in first argument replaced
- *         with the corresponding values in the second argument.
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-	dt_check_error
-		(
-			"the format string and its arguments must not be null"
-		);
-	char	   *fmt 		= text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0));
-	ArrayType  *args_array 	= PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(args_array),
-            "the first array passed to %s cannot contain NULL values",
-            __FUNCTION__
-        );
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			!ARR_NULLBITMAP(args_array),
-			"the argument array must not has null value"
-		);
-	int			nitems		= 0;
-	int		   *dims		= NULL;
-	int         ndims       = 0;
-	Oid			element_type= 0;
-	int			typlen		= 0;
-	bool		typbyval	= false;
-	char		typalign	= '\0';
-	char	   *p			= NULL;
-	int			i			= 0;
-	ArrayMetaState *my_extra= NULL;
-	StringInfoData buf;
-	ndims  = ARR_NDIM(args_array);
-	dims   = ARR_DIMS(args_array);
-	nitems = ArrayGetNItems(ndims, dims);
-	/* if there are no elements, return the format string directly */
-	if (nitems == 0)
-		PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(fmt));
-	int *position 	= (int*)palloc0(nitems * sizeof(int));
-	int last_pos    = 0;
-	int len_fmt     = 0;
-	/*
-	 * split the format string, so that later we can replace the delimiters
-	 * with the given arguments
-	 */
-	dt_split_string(fmt, position, nitems, &len_fmt);
-	element_type = ARR_ELEMTYPE(args_array);
-	initStringInfo(&buf);
-	/*
-	 * We arrange to look up info about element type, including its output
-	 * conversion proc, only once per series of calls, assuming the element
-	 * type doesn't change underneath us.
-	 */
-	my_extra = (ArrayMetaState *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
-	if (my_extra == NULL)
-	{
-		fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = MemoryContextAlloc
-									(
-										fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt,
-										sizeof(ArrayMetaState)
-									);
-		my_extra = (ArrayMetaState *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
-		my_extra->element_type = ~element_type;
-	}
-	if (my_extra->element_type != element_type)
-	{
-		/*
-		 * Get info about element type, including its output conversion proc
-		 */
-		get_type_io_data
-			(
-				element_type,
-				IOFunc_output,
-				&my_extra->typlen,
-				&my_extra->typbyval,
-				&my_extra->typalign,
-				&my_extra->typdelim,
-				&my_extra->typioparam,
-				&my_extra->typiofunc
-			);
-		fmgr_info_cxt
-			(
-				my_extra->typiofunc,
-				&my_extra->proc,
-				fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt
-			);
-		my_extra->element_type = element_type;
-	}
-	typlen 		= my_extra->typlen;
-	typbyval 	= my_extra->typbyval;
-	typalign 	= my_extra->typalign;
-	p 			= ARR_DATA_PTR(args_array);
-	for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
-	{
-		Datum		itemvalue;
-		char	   *value;
-		itemvalue = fetch_att(p, typbyval, typlen);
-		value 	  = OutputFunctionCall(&my_extra->proc, itemvalue);
-		/* there is no string before the delimiter */
-		if (last_pos == position[i])
-		{
-			appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s", value);
-			++last_pos;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*
-			 * has a string before the delimiter
-			 * we replace "\%" in the string to "%", since "%" is escaped
-			 * then combine the string and argument string together
-			 */
-			appendStringInfo
-				(
-					&buf,
-					"%s%s",
-					dt_escape_pct_sym(fmt + last_pos),
-					value
-				);
-			last_pos = position[i] + 1;
-		}
-		p = att_addlength_pointer(p, typlen, p);
-		p = (char *) att_align_nominal(p, typalign);
-	}
-	/* the last char in the format string is not delimiter */
-	if (last_pos < len_fmt)
-		appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s", fmt + last_pos);
-	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text_with_len(, buf.len));
- * @brief This function checks whether the specified table exists or not.
- *
- * @param input     The table name to be tested.	    
- *
- * @return A boolean value indicating whether the table exists or not.
- */
-Datum table_exists(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-    text*           input;
-    List*           names;
-    Oid             relid;
-    if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
-        PG_RETURN_BOOL(false);
-    input = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
-    names = textToQualifiedNameList(input);
-#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90200
-    relid = RangeVarGetRelid(makeRangeVarFromNameList(names), NoLock, true);
-    relid = RangeVarGetRelid(makeRangeVarFromNameList(names), true);
-    PG_RETURN_BOOL(OidIsValid(relid));
- * @brief The step function for generating the acc counts.
- *
- * @param class_count_array     The array used to store the count information.
- *                              The length of the array equals max_num_of_classes.
- * @param max_num_of_classes    The total number of distinct class values.
- * @param count                 The count value to be accumulated.
- * @param class                 The current class value.
- *
- * @return The updated version of class_count_array. 
- *
- */
-	(
-	)
-    ArrayType *pg_count_array    = NULL;
-    int array_dim                = 0;
-    int *p_array_dim             = NULL;
-    int array_length             = 0;
-    int64 *count_array           = NULL;
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			"In function: %s. "
-			"The parameter of 'max_num_of_classes' should not be null",
-			__FUNCTION__
-		);
-    int max_num_of_classes  	 = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
-    int64  count                 = PG_ARGISNULL(2)?0:PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
-    int    class                 = PG_ARGISNULL(3)?0:PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
-    bool rebuild_array     		 = false;
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			max_num_of_classes >= 2 && max_num_of_classes <= 1e6,
-			"invalid value: %d. "
-			"The number of classes must be in the range of [2, 1e6]",
-			max_num_of_classes
-		);
-    dt_check_error_value
-		(
-			class >= 1 && class <= max_num_of_classes,
-			"invalid real class value: %d. "
-			"It must be in range from 1 to the number of classes",
-			class
-		);
-    /* test if the first argument (class count array) is null */
-    if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
-    {
-    	/*
-    	 * We assume the maximum number of classes is limited (up to millions),
-    	 * so that the allocated array won't break our memory limitation.
-    	 */
-        count_array 	 = palloc0(sizeof(int64) * max_num_of_classes);
-        array_length 	 = max_num_of_classes;
-        rebuild_array 	 = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState))
-            pg_count_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-        else
-            pg_count_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
-        dt_check_error
-    		(
-    			pg_count_array,
-    			"invalid aggregation state array"
-    		);
-        dt_check_error_value
-            (
-                !ARR_HASNULL(pg_count_array),
-                "the first array passed to %s cannot contain NULL values",
-                __FUNCTION__
-            );
-        array_dim = ARR_NDIM(pg_count_array);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_dim == 1,
-    			"invalid array dimension: %d. "
-    			"The dimension of class count array must be equal to 1",
-    			array_dim
-    		);
-        p_array_dim         = ARR_DIMS(pg_count_array);
-        array_length        = ArrayGetNItems(array_dim,p_array_dim);
-        count_array    		= (int64 *)ARR_DATA_PTR(pg_count_array);
-        dt_check_error_value
-    		(
-    			array_length == max_num_of_classes,
-    			"dt_acc_count_sfunc invalid array length: %d. "
-    			"The length of class count array must be "
-    			"equal to the total number classes",
-    			array_length
-    		);
-    }
-    count_array[class - 1] += count;
-    if (rebuild_array)
-    {
-        /* construct a new array to keep the aggr states. */
-        pg_count_array =
-        	construct_array(
-        		(Datum *)count_array,
-                array_length,
-                INT8OID,
-                sizeof(int64),
-                true,
-                'd'
-                );
-    }
-    PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(pg_count_array);
- * @brief The step function of the aggregate array_indexed_agg.
- *        To avoid allocating memory in each step function and manipulating
- *        the array bitmap for null values, we keep the null values by 
- *        ourself. The solution is that, we use two items in the state 
- *        array to represent one result item. The 2*i-th item in the state 
- *        array represents the actual value of the i-th result item, 
- *        and the 2*i+1-th item in the state array represents whether 
- *        the i-th result item is NULL.
- *
- * @param state         The step state array of the aggregate function.
- * @param elem          The element to be filled into the state array.
- * @param elem_cnt      The number of elements.
- * @param elem_idx      The subscript of "elem" in the state array.
- * 
- */
-Datum dt_array_indexed_agg_sfunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-	ArrayType       *state;
-	ArrayBuildState build_state;
-	Datum           elem;
-	Oid             elem_typ = FLOAT8OID;
-	int32_t         elem_cnt;
-	int32_t         elem_idx;
-	int32_t         iterator_idx;
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState)),
-            "%s can only be used in aggregations",
-            __FUNCTION__
-        );
-	state       = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
-	elem        = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? (Datum) 0 : PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);    
-	elem_cnt    = PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
-	elem_idx    = PG_GETARG_INT64(3) - 1;
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            elem_cnt > 0,
-            "array_size:%d should be bigger than zero",
-            elem_cnt
-        );
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            elem_idx >= 0 && elem_idx < elem_cnt,
-            "the subscript %d is out of range",
-            elem_idx
-        );
-	get_typlenbyvalalign
-        (
-         elem_typ, 
-         &build_state.typlen, 
-         &build_state.typbyval, 
-         &build_state.typalign
-        );
-	if (NULL == state)
-	{
-		build_state.mcontext = NULL;
-		/* 
-		 * allocate two element for each index, the first one is the value, 
-		 * the second one indicates whether the item is null 
-		 */ 
-		build_state.alen    = (elem_cnt << 1);
-		build_state.dvalues = (Datum *) palloc(build_state.alen * sizeof(Datum));
-		build_state.dnulls  = NULL;
-		build_state.nelems  = build_state.alen;
-		build_state.element_type = elem_typ;
-		for (iterator_idx = 0; iterator_idx < build_state.alen; iterator_idx++)
-		{
-			build_state.dvalues[iterator_idx]   = Float8GetDatum(1);
-		}
-		/* put the elem into the target slot */
-		build_state.dvalues[elem_idx << 1]       = elem;
-		build_state.dvalues[(elem_idx << 1) + 1] =  
-			Float8GetDatum(PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? 1 : 0);
-		state = construct_array(build_state.dvalues, build_state.nelems,
-			build_state.element_type, build_state.typlen, 
-			build_state.typbyval, build_state.typalign);
-	}
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            !ARR_HASNULL(state),
-            "the first array passed to %s cannot contain NULL values",
-            __FUNCTION__
-        );
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            ARR_DIMS(state)[0] == (elem_cnt << 1),
-            "The dimension of state array should be %d",
-            (elem_cnt << 1)
-        );
-	((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(state))[(elem_idx << 1)]     = DatumGetFloat8(elem);
-	((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(state))[(elem_idx << 1) + 1] = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? 1 : 0;
- * @brief The pre-function of the aggregate array_indexed_agg.
- * 
- * @param arg0  The first state array.
- * @param arg1  The second state array.
- *  
- * @return The combined state.  
- *
- */
-Datum dt_array_indexed_agg_prefunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-	ArrayType   *arg0,  *arg1;
-	int64       iterator_idx;
-	int32       elem_cnt;
-    int64       elem_idx;
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState)),
-            "%s can only be used in aggregations",
-            __FUNCTION__
-        );
-	if (NULL == arg0)
-	{
-	}
-	else if (NULL == arg1)
-	{
-	}
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            ARR_NDIM(arg0) == ARR_NDIM(arg1),
-            "the dimension of the two state array should be the same"
-        );
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			 1 == ARR_NDIM(arg0),
-			"the dimension of state array must be equal to 1"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-        (
-            ARR_DIMS(arg0)[0] == ARR_DIMS(arg1)[0],
-            "the size of the two state array must be the same"
-        );
-	elem_cnt = (ARR_DIMS(arg0)[0]) >> 1;
-	for (iterator_idx = 0; iterator_idx < elem_cnt; iterator_idx++)
-	{
-        elem_idx = iterator_idx << 1;
-		/* 
-		 * just taking the non-null one, pre-steps must make 
-		 * sure there is no duplicate 
-		 */
-		if (0 == (int)((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(arg1))[elem_idx + 1])
-		{
-			((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(arg0))[elem_idx] = 
-                ((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(arg1))[elem_idx];
-			((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(arg0))[elem_idx + 1] = 0;
-		}
-	}
- * @brief The final function of array_indexed_agg.
- * 
- * @param state  The state array.
- * 
- * @return The aggregate result.
- *
- */
-Datum dt_array_indexed_agg_ffunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-	ArrayType   *state, *result;
-	ArrayBuildState build_state;
-	Oid         elem_typ = FLOAT8OID;
-	int32_t     elem_cnt; 
-	int32_t     iterator_idx;
-	int 		lbs[1];
-    dt_check_error_value
-        (
-            (fcinfo->context && IsA(fcinfo->context, AggState)),
-            "%s can only be used in aggregations",
-            __FUNCTION__
-        );
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			 NULL != state,
-			"the state array that fed into the final aggregate "
-            "should not be null"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			 1 == ARR_NDIM(state),
-			"the dimension of the state array should be equal to 1"
-		);
-    dt_check_error
-		(
-			 0 == (ARR_DIMS(state)[0] & 0x01),
-			"invalid state array"
-		);
-	elem_cnt = (ARR_DIMS(state)[0]) >> 1;
-	get_typlenbyvalalign
-        (
-            elem_typ, 
-            &build_state.typlen, 
-            &build_state.typbyval, 
-            &build_state.typalign
-        );
-	build_state.mcontext    = NULL;
-	build_state.alen        = elem_cnt;
-	build_state.dvalues     = (Datum *) palloc(build_state.alen * sizeof(Datum));
-	build_state.dnulls      = (bool *) palloc(build_state.alen * sizeof(bool));
-	build_state.nelems      = build_state.alen;
-	build_state.element_type= elem_typ;
-	for (iterator_idx = 0; iterator_idx < elem_cnt; iterator_idx ++)
-	{
-		build_state.dnulls[iterator_idx] = 
-            (int)((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(state))[(iterator_idx << 1) + 1]; 
-		build_state.dvalues[iterator_idx] = 
-            Float8GetDatum(((float8*)ARR_DATA_PTR(state))[(iterator_idx << 1)]);
-	}
-	lbs[0] = 1;
-	result = construct_md_array
-        (
-            build_state.dvalues, 
-            build_state.dnulls, 
-            1, 
-            &(build_state.nelems), 
-            lbs, 
-		    build_state.element_type, 
-            build_state.typlen, 
-            build_state.typbyval, 
-            build_state.typalign
-        );