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cvs commit: ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja build.xml forrest-targets.ent

toshi       2005/01/26 01:09:00

  Added:       site/src4forrest-060/ja build.xml forrest-targets.ent
  A feedback from the i18n task on the Japanese Axis Community.
  The translation was made by Youhei Kawada [].
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      ==================  [AXIS SITE BUILDER]  ==================
      * This is an ant build-file for building whole Axis site.
      * This version supports only Windows platforms.
      * You may have to edit the 'IEPath' property below.
      * The target you have to edit will be temporary created in;
      * After editing the target, you have to commit a set of
        updates in 'ws-axis/site/src' and 'ws-site/target/axis'.
  <project name="BuildSite" default="build-site" basedir=".">
    <property name="version" value="0.1"/>
    <property name="IEPath" location="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"/>
      |        Japanese Axis Site Builder w/ Forrest 0.6      |
      |                         0.1.0                         |
      |                                                       |
      |             $Date: 2005/01/26 09:09:00 $              |
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: build-site                         ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <!-- ===============================================================
         Main target procedure.
         =============================================================== -->
    <target name="build-site" depends="clean">
      <parallel >
        <ant target="run-browser"/>
        <ant target="run-forrest"/>
      <ant target="backcopy"/>
      <ant target="forrest"/>
      <ant target="replace"/>
      <ant target="putmessage"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: clean                              ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="clean" description="clean up the build area">
      <delete dir="./build"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: run-browser                        ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="run-browser">
      <echo message="=> After waiting 15 secs, IE will be comming up ..."/>
      <sleep seconds="15"/>
      <echo message="=> A browser (Internet Explorer) is starting up !!"/>
      <exec executable="${IEPath}\IEXPLORE.EXE">
        <arg line="http://localhost:8888/"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: run-forrest                        ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="run-forrest">
      <echo message="=> Starting Forrest with Jetty server ..."/>
      <exec executable="cmd">
        <env key="PATH" path="${path}"/>
        <arg line="/c start forrest run"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: backcopy                           ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="backcopy">
      <echo message="=> Reflecting the updates to the original sources ..."/>
      <exec executable="cmd">
        <env key="PATH" path="${path}"/>
        <arg line="/c forrest backcopy"/>
      <echo message="=> DONE !!"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: forrest                            ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="forrest">
        => Creating static contents with the latest updates ...
      <exec executable="cmd">
        <env key="PATH" path="${path}"/>
        <arg line="/c forrest"/>
      <echo message="=> DONE !!"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: replace                            ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="replace">
      <echo message="=> Copying the updated (static) contents ..."/>
      <copy todir="../../../../ws-site/targets/axis/ja">
        <fileset dir="./build/site">
          <different targetdir="../../../../ws-site/targets/axis/ja"
      <echo message="=> DONE !!"/>
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- **                  TARGET: putmessage                         ** -->
  <!-- **                                                             ** -->
  <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <target name="putmessage">
        (If you are a committer,) please commit your updates in
        'ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja' and 'ws-site/target/axis/ja' !!
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/forrest-targets.ent
  Index: forrest-targets.ent
  This build.xml snippet contains Forrest targets for Ant 1.5+.  It checks that
  the user has set ${forrest.home}, either in one of:
  or with the FORREST_HOME environment variable, and prints an informative error
  message if not found.
  1) Copy this file to somewhere in your project.
  2) Add the following to the top of your project's Ant build.xml script
  (adjusting the path):
    <!DOCTYPE project [
      <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  3) Before the closing '</project>' in your build.xml, add this:
  This is like expanding a macro: it pulls in the contents of this file.
  A minimal build.xml would thus be:
  <!DOCTYPE project [
  <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  <project default="site">
    <target name="site" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates static HTML documentation">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="site"/>
    <target name="webapp" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates an unpackaged webapp of the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="webapp"/>
    <target name="war" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates a .war file containing the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="war"/>
    <target name="validate" depends="forrest.init" description="Validates XML documentation files">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="validate"/>
    <target name="forrest.init" depends="forrest.sethome, forrest.home.defined"/>
    <target name="forrest.sethome" depends="forrest.loadenv,
    forrest.checkenv, forrest.checkhome,,,,"/>
    <target name="forrest.loadenv" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property environment="env"/>
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Got ${env.FORREST_HOME}</echo>
    <target name="forrest.checkenv" if="env.FORREST_HOME">
      <echo level="verbose">Found $FORREST_HOME..</echo>
      <property name="forrest.home" location="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
      <echo level="verbose">forrest.home set to ${forrest.home}</echo>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.checkhome">
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
    <!-- No we can't extract the commonalities below into an antcall'ed target,
    because it wouldn't be able to set forrest.home -->
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.home.defined" depends="forrest.sethome" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property name="path" value="${user.home}/xml-forrest/build/dist/shbat"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="windows" property="winpath">
          <pathelement location="${path}"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="unixpath">
        To run this target, you need Forrest installed.
        Please do the following:
        cvs checkout xml-forrest
        cd xml-forrest
        build      (Windows)
        ./ (Unix)
        Then either:
        - Set FORREST_HOME as the Forrest build instructions describe
        - Create a, with the forrest.home property pointing to
          the forrest shbat directory, eg:
          forrest.home=${winpath}  (Windows)
          forrest.home=${unixpath}  (Unix)
          (adjusting the path according to where your xml-forrest is)
      <fail message="Need to define $${forrest.home}"/>
  1.1                  ws-axis/site/src4forrest-060/ja/
  # Properties used by for building the website
  # Prints out a summary of Forrest settings for this project
  # Project name (used to name .war file)
  # Specifies name of Forrest skin to use
  # layout properties
  # Properties that must be set to override the default locations
  # Parent properties must be set. This usually means uncommenting
  # project.content-dir if any other property using it is uncommented
  # Cocoon catalog entity resolver properties
  # A local catalog to supplement the default Forrest catalog
  # The verbosity level for the entity resolver (1..10)
  # validation properties
  # These props determine if validation is performed at all
  # Values are inherited unless overridden.
  # Eg, if forrest.validate=false, then all others are false unless set to true.
  # Key:
  # *.failonerror=(true|false)    stop when an XML file is invalid
  # *.includes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to validate
  # *.excludes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to not validate