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Posted to by lars hofhansl <> on 2013/06/01 08:08:21 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.94.8 is available for download

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.94.8 is available for download

The HBase Team is pleased to announce the immediate release of HBase 0.94.8.
Download it from your favorite Apache mirror [1].

As usual, all previous 0.92.x and 0.94.x releases can upgraded to 0.94.8 via a rolling upgrade without downtime, intermediary versions can be skipped.

0.94.8 is the current stable release of HBase. It fixes the following 45 issues:

[HBASE-8381] - TestTableInputFormatScan on Hadoop 2 fails because YARN kills our applications
[HBASE-8399] - TestTableInputFormatScan2#testScanFromConfiguration fails on hadoop2 profile
[HBASE-7122] - Proper warning message when opening a log file with no entries (idle cluster)
[HBASE-7210] - Backport HBASE-6059 to 0.94
[HBASE-7921] - TestHFileBlock.testGzipCompression should ignore the
 block checksum
[HBASE-8282] - User triggered flushes does not allow compaction to get triggered even if compaction criteria is met
[HBASE-8325] - ReplicationSource read a empty HLog throws EOFException
[HBASE-8327] - Consolidate class loaders
[HBASE-8354] - Backport HBASE-7878 'recoverFileLease does not check return value of recoverLease' to 0.94
[HBASE-8355] - BaseRegionObserver#pre(Compact|Flush|Store)ScannerOpen returns null
[HBASE-8377] - IntegrationTestBigLinkedList calculates wrap for linked list size incorrectly
[HBASE-8379] - bin/ does not return the balancer to original state
[HBASE-8385] - [SNAPSHOTS]: Restore fails to restore snapshot of a deleted table
[HBASE-8389] - HBASE-8354 forces Namenode into loop with lease recovery requests
[HBASE-8413] - Snapshot verify region will always fail if the HFile has been archived
[HBASE-8451] - MetricsMBeanBase has concurrency issues in init
 - Update ExportSnapshot to reflect changes in HBASE-7419
[HBASE-8464] - FastDiffEncoder - valueOffset calculation is incorrect
[HBASE-8483] - HConnectionManager can leak ZooKeeper connections when using deleteStaleConnection
[HBASE-8493] - Backport HBASE-8422, 'Master won't go down', to 0.94
[HBASE-8505] - References to split daughters should not be deleted separately from parent META entry
[HBASE-8509] - ZKUtil#createWithParents won't set data during znode creation when parent folder doesn't exit
[HBASE-8513] - [0.94] Fix class files with CRLF endings
[HBASE-8516] - FSUtils.create() fail with ViewFS
[HBASE-8525] - Use sleep multilier when choosing sinks in ReplicationSource
[HBASE-8530] - Refine error message from ExportSnapshot when there is leftover snapshot in target cluster
[HBASE-8538] - HBaseAdmin#isTableEnabled() should check table existence before checking zk state.
[HBASE-8539] - Double(or tripple ...)
 ZooKeeper listeners of the same type when Master recovers from ZK SessionExpiredException
[HBASE-8540] - SnapshotFileCache logs too many times if snapshot dir doesn't exists
[HBASE-8547] - Fix java.lang.RuntimeException: Cached an already cached block
[HBASE-8550] - 0.94 ChaosMonkey grep for master is too broad
[HBASE-8563] - Double count of read requests for Gets
[HBASE-8588] - [Documentation]: Add information about adding REST and Thrift API kerberos principals to HBase ACL table
[HBASE-5930] - Limits the amount of time an edit can live in the memstore.
[HBASE-6870] - HTable#coprocessorExec always scan the whole table
[HBASE-8345] - Add all available resources in and VersionResource to
[HBASE-8350] - enable ChaosMonkey to run commands as different users
[HBASE-8367] - LoadIncrementalHFiles does not return an error code nor throw Exception when failures occur due to
[HBASE-8383] - Support lib/*jar inside coprocessor jar
[HBASE-8405] - Add more custom options to how ClusterManager runs commands
[HBASE-8446] - Allow parallel snapshot of different tables
[HBASE-7965] - Port table locking to 0.94 (HBASE-7305, HBASE-7546, HBASE-7933)
[HBASE-8415] - DisabledRegionSplitPolicy
[HBASE-8574] - Add how to rename a table in the docbook
[HBASE-8508] - improve unit-test coverage of package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.metrics.file

See also the full release notes [2].
Thanks to the 22 individuals who contributed to this release!

The HBase Team
