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Posted to by on 2007/01/26 15:50:02 UTC

Request for access to the Bugzilla database

Dear administrator of the Spam Assassin project,
  We are researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) in Kaiserslautern (Germany) and are working on defect mining techniques to support the quality assurance in software projects. In this context we would like to have access to large amounts of defect data from open source projects in order to find clusters of similar defects in software systems. The goal of our work is to find defect patterns that describe recurring problems in one or multiple software systems, and which could be used to support developers in preventing defects.

Therefore, we would like to ask if you could send us a dump of your bugzilla database - either with all the data or the data from the beginning of your project until December 2006. The results of our research will probably be available during the second half of 2007 and we would inform every project about the results.

If you do not exactly know how to make a dump of the bugzilla DB, you can use the following instructions:

1. Use a shell (Unix, Mac) or command line (Windows) where you can execute the "mysqldump" program. This command is typically stored in the directory "/usr/bin/mysqldump" (Unix) or something like "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin" (Windows).

2. Execute the command "mysqldump -u root -p bugs > bugzilla_Spam Assassin.sql" where you use the "root" (or "bugs") user account with access rights to the bugzilla DB.

3. Compress the sql-file (e.g., using the command "gzip bugzilla_Spam Assassin.sql").

4a. If the compressed dump (i.e., the file "bugzilla_Spam Assassin.sql.gz") is smaller than 20MB, please send it via email to

4b. If it is larger than 20MB, please email us at before sending the dump.

An alternative is for you to create a new user in the database, assign it read-only right to the bugzilla DB, and send us the URL to your DB as well as the username and password. Then we could dump the DB on our own.

Best regards,
Joerg Rech & XiaoMing Guo

Jörg Rech 
Project Manager and Scientist
Speaker of the GI-Workgroup Architecture and Design Patterns

Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
Tel.: +49 (0) 631/6800-2210 email: