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cvs commit: jakarta-site2/xdocs/site versioning.xml

morgand     02/02/12 14:24:08

  Added:       xdocs/site versioning.xml
  document with guidelines for product version and release management
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-site2/xdocs/site/versioning.xml
  Index: versioning.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!-- $Id: versioning.xml,v 1.1 2002/02/12 22:24:08 morgand Exp $ -->
    <title>Versioning Guidelines</title>
    <author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
    <author email="">Morgan Delagrange</author>
    <author email="">Glenn Nielsen</author>
    <author email="">Rodney Waldhoff</author>
    <section name="Overview">
     <p>This document provides:</p>
       a set of guidelines intended to help project
       teams balance the need to provide a stable interface to
       clients with the growth and evolution of components over
       a language for describing the changes to a component
       and the types of incompatibilities such changes may
       and a protocol for communicating those changes and
       incompatibilities to users and developers.
    <section name="Interface Types">
      We identify three distinct categories of interfaces or APIs
      within a component: <em>external</em>, <em>internal</em>
      and <em>private</em>.
     <subsection name="The External Interface">
       The <em>external</em> interface of component is composed of the
       public-facing classes, interfaces, methods and attributes
       provided by the component--those that are likely to be
       used by clients to the component.
       For obvious reasons, we try to avoid or at least
       acknowledge changes to the external interface.
       The external interface of a component <em>may</em> correspond to
       the <code>public</code> scope classes and members, but this is not
       always the case. For example, a <code>protected</code> method of a class
       designed to be extended by the clients of a component may
       be deemed part of the external interface.
     <subsection name="The Internal Interface">
       The <em>internal</em> interface of a component is composed of the
       classes, methods and attributes that are primarily or
       exclusively intended for use by the component
       implementation itself.  Clients to the component are
       unlikely to use or be concerned with the internal
       The internal interface of a component <em>may</em> correspond to
       the <code>package</code> and <code>private</code> scope classes
       and members of the component, but this is not always the case.
       For example, a component implementation may be split over
       multiple packages and hence require <code>protected</code> scope
       members, or may, for design reasons, include an interface
       intended primarily for internal use.
     <subsection name="The Private Interface">
       The <em>private</em> interface of a component is just that--the set
       of classes, methods and attributes that have "package" or
       <code>private</code> scope and hence cannot be used by external clients
       by virtue of the Java Language Specification.
      Whenever a class, interface or member is considered part of the
      external or internal interface of a component, it should be
      clearly indicated as such in the JavaDoc comments or other
      documentation for the component. (We may want to consider
      adding custom JavaDoc tags for this purpose.)
    <section name="Types of Change">
      We can categorize the changes to a component according to
      the degree to which these changes are compatible with
      previous releases of the component.  We define three such
      categories: <em>fully-compatible</em>, <em>interface-compatible</em>,
      and <em>external-interface-compatible</em>.
     <subsection name="Fully-Compatible Changes">
       Release <i>B</i> is said to be <em>fully-compatible</em>
       with Release <i>A</i> if <i>B</i> can simply replace <i>A</i>
       in (<a href="#note1">nearly</a>) all circumstances
       and deployments without changing the client code or
       configuration, and without changing the semantics of any
       <code>public</code> or <code>protected</code> member.
      <p>Examples of fully-compatible changes include:</p>
       <li>adding a non-<code>abstract</code> method to a class</li>
       <li>adding a class or interface to a component</li>
        changing a member from <code>private</code> to
        changing a <code>private</code> attribute to
        a <code>private</code> method
        changing an implementation such that a given external
        library is no longer needed by the component
        changing a method or class from <code>final</code> to
        deprecating, but not otherwise changing, a class, inteface
        or member
        changing a component in order to fix a defect (a
        deviation from the documented or reasonably expected
        behavior), assuming no other incompatibilities are
      <p>Examples of changes which are not fully-compatible include:</p>
        a release that no longer supports the same set of JREs,
        or that requires new libraries to be added to the
        changing a <code>public</code> or <code>protected</code> method signature
        changing the default value of an attribute in a
        behaviour-impacting way
        removing a class, interface, method or attribute
        from either the internal or external interface of
        the component
       Note that not every non-fully-compatible change
       will cause compilation or readily apparent
       run-time problems.
       Generally speaking, a fully-compatible change will at
       most change the private interface of a component, or simply
       add classes, methods and attributes whose use is optional
       to both internal and external interface clients.
     <subsection name="Interface-Compatible Changes">
       Release <i>B</i> is said to be "interface-compatible" with
       Release <i>A</i> if (<a href="#note1">nearly</a>) all clients
       that can be compiled with <i>A</i> in the classpath can
       also be compiled with <i>B</i> in the classpath,
       without changing the semantics of any <code>public</code> or
       <code>protected</code> member.  A configuration or
       classpath change may be required.
        Examples of interface-compatible changes include:
        <li>all fully-compatible changes</li>
           changing a component such that it now depends
           upon an additional external library or
           configuration file
        Examples of changes which are not interface-compatible
           changing a public or protected method signature
           changing the default value of an attribute in a
           behaviour changing way
           removing a class, interface, method or attribute
           from either the internal or external interface of the
        Generally speaking, an interface-compatible change
        will at most change the private interface of a
        component, or simply add classes, methods and
        attributes whose use is optional to both
        internal and external interface clients.
     <subsection name="External-Interface-Compatible Changes">
       Release <i>B</i> is said to be "external-interface-compatible"
       with Release <i>A</i> if (<a href="#note1">nearly</a>) all
       clients that depend only on the external interface of a
       component and that can be compiled with <i>A</i> in the
       classpath can also be compiled with <i>B</i> in the classpath,
       without changing the semantics of any member in the
       <em>external</em> interface. A configuration or classpath
       change may be required.
        Examples of external-interface-compatible changes include:
        <li>all interface-compatible changes</li>
            removing a class, interface, method or attribute from
            the internal interface of the component
            a change to the internal or private interface of a
            component that requires a change in configuration
            settings or in the external libraries required to
            use the component
            changes to the internal or private interface of a
            component without impacting the external interface
        Examples of changes which are not
        external-interface-compatible include:
          changing the method signature of any method that is
          part of the external interface of the component
          changing the default value of any attribute that is
          part of the external interface of the component in a
          behaviour changing way
          removing a class, interface, method or attribute from
          external interface of the component
        Generally speaking, external-interface-compatible
        changes correspond to changes to at most the internal
        interface of the component or the addition of
        optional classes, interfaces or members to the
        external interface.
    <section name="Release Types">
      We identify five types of releases: "Major", "Minor",
      "Point", "Beta" and "Milestone".
      Developers are encouraged to "upgrade" a release to a
      stronger type whenever the nature or scope of the change
      warrants it.
     <subsection name="Major Releases">
       Major releases signify significant changes to a component.
       Developers <em>may</em> perform a major release if there have been
       substantial improvements to the component.  Developers
       <em>must</em> perform a major release whenever the new release
       is not at least interface-compatible the previous release.
     <subsection name="Minor Releases">
       Minor releases signify enhancements to a component that do
       not necessitate a major release.  Developers <em>may</em> perform a
       minor release if the release is at least
       external-interface-compatible with the previous release.
       In other words, whenever a client depends upon at most
       the external interface of a component with a given minor
       release, it will work with all subsequent minor releases
       within that major release.
     <subsection name="Point Releases">
       A point release typically involves simple bug fixes or
       optimizations that do not introduce new features.
       Developers <em>may</em> perform a point release if the release
       is at least interface-compatible with the
       previous release.
       In other words, whenever a client depends upon a component
       with a given point release, it will work with all
       subsequent point releases within that minor release.
     <subsection name="Beta Releases">
       Developers may, at their option, perform a beta preview of
       any major, minor or point release.  Beta releases may be
       performed for a variety of purposes such as:
       <li>Showcasing new, untested features</li>
       <li>Providing early corrections of critical bugs</li>
       <li>Generating a stable version before large-scale changes</li>
       While every effort should be made to ensure the quality of
       released code, "beta" releases are essentially provided
       as-is with no guarantees of stability or maintenance.
     <subsection name="Milestone Releases">
       Developers may, at their option, offer a milestone
       preview of any major release.  A milestone release is
       appropriate when part of the overall component is
       fully functioning and the team wants to make it more widely
       available for testing. Those features implemented and those
       remaining to be implemented should be clearly defined and
       While every effort should be made to ensure the quality of
       released code, "milestone" releases are essentially
       provided as-is with no guarantees of stability or
    <section name="Release Numbers">
     <subsection name="Initial Release Number">
       A component's initial release number is generally
       1.0[.0], unless there have been versioned beta releases.
     <subsection name="Dissecting the Release Number">
       A release number is comprised of 3 components: the major
       release number, the minor release number, and an optional
       point release number.  Here is a sample release number:
      <p>and it can be broken into three parts:</p>
       <li>major release: 2</li>
       <li>minor release: 0</li>
       <li>point release: 4</li>
       The next release of this component would increment the
       appropriate part of the release number, depending on the
       type of release (major, minor, or point).  For example, a
       subsequent minor release would be version 2.1, or a
       subsequent major release would be 3.0.
       Note that release numbers are composed of three _integers_,
       not three <em>digits</em>.  Hence if the current release is
       3.9.4, the next minor release is 3.10.0.
     <subsection name="Beta Release Numbers">
       Beta releases are denoted by adding
       "B&lt;beta version number&gt;" after the release number.  For
       example, if the current release version is 2.0.4, and a
       developer wished to preview the next major release, the
       release would be labeled 3.0-B1.
     <subsection name="Milestone Release Numbers">
       Beta releases are denoted by adding
       "M&lt;milestone version number&gt;" after the release number.  For
       example, if the current release version is 2.0.4, and a
       developer wished to preview the next major release, the
       release would be labeled 3.0-M1.
    <section name="Development States">
      We identify four possible states: "in development", "beta",
      "released", and "unsupported".
     <subsection name="In Development State">
        When a component is "in development", it is new and still
        relatively unstable. Typically components in this state
        do not have any binary releases available beyond the
        nightly builds.  Users should be made aware that this
        component may change its functionality or interface before
        a stable release is achieved.  A "milestone" release may
        be made while the component is still "in development" to
        make the features currently implemented more widely
        available for testing in a more stable test version.
     <subsection name="Beta State">
        When a component has made significant progress toward
        release-quality code, the committers may vote to perform
        a "beta" release.  At this point, the component state will
        change from "in development" to "beta".  The component will
        remain in this state until it is ready for its first major
        Note that developers may skip vote to skip the "beta" state
        and go directly to "released", if the component is
        sufficiently stable.
     <subsection name="Released State">
       When a new component is finally production-quality, the
       developers may vote to perform the first major release.
       At this point, the component status will be changed from
       "beta" to "released".  In the future this component will
       always be considered to be in the "released" state, even
       when new releases are initiated. The only exception is in
       the case of "unsupported" components.
     <subsection name="Unsupported State">
       Under rare circumstances, committers may vote to make a
       component "unsupported", if there are no resources to
       maintain the library or if it has been completely
       supplanted by another component.  Only "released"
       components may become "unsupported"; components in other
       states will simply be terminated after a brief warning
    <section name="Comments">
        Using this approach it is possible to very precisely and
        concisely define the dependencies between a component and
        its clients.
        For example, suppose that the application Foo depends
        (only) upon features of the commons-superwidget component
        that are part of the external interface in release 2.3.0.
        Then the maintainers of Foo can state with a high degree of
        certainty that Foo will work with any 2.x release of
        superwidget (x &gt;= 3).
        Similarly, suppose the application Bar depends upon
        features of superwidget that were part of the internal
        interface of release 2.3.0.  Then the maintainers of Bar
        can state with a high degree of certainty that Bar will
        work with any 2.3.x release of superwidget.  Only once 2.4
        (or 3.0) is released will Bar's developers have to
    <section name="End Notes">
      <dt><a name="note1">Note 1</a></dt>
       We say "nearly" here since there are rare
       or unusual circumstances in which changes that are usually
       "safe" may cause problems for a small number of users.
       For example, adding a new method to a component class
       shouldn't in general cause problems for any clients. But it
       may cause problems for some clients who've extended that
       class and already added a method with the same signature in
       their subclass.

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