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Posted to by Niclas Hedhman <> on 2017/05/24 15:03:50 UTC

Ascii Art

I have always been fascinated by ASCII art, ever since ~12 years old when
my brother ran a punch tape (teleprinter tape) through my dad's telex
machine and out came a "picture" of a naked woman, all in letters, numbers
and various characters. I think there was only 2x32 characters available on

Anyway, why design a fancy logo when ASCII art does the trick? Here are

 ____   __   __    _  _  ___  ____  __ _  ____
(  _ \ /  \ (  )  ( \/ )/ __)(  __)(  ( \(  __)
 ) __/(  O )/ (_/\ )  /( (_ \ ) _) /    / ) _)
(__)   \__/ \____/(__/  \___/(____)\_)__)(____)

 ____  ____  _    ___  _ _____ _____ _      _____
/  __\/  _ \/ \   \  \///  __//  __// \  /|/  __/
|  \/|| / \|| |    \  / | |  _|  \  | |\ |||  \
|  __/| \_/|| |_/\ / /  | |_//|  /_ | | \|||  /_
\_/   \____/\____//_/   \____\\____\\_/  \|\____\

 )\ )      (
(()/(      )\ (     (  (     (           (
 /(_)) (  ((_))\ )  )\))(   ))\  (      ))\
(_))   )\  _ (()/( ((_))\  /((_) )\ )  /((_)
| _ \ ((_)| | )(_)) (()(_)(_))  _(_/( (_))
|  _// _ \| || || |/ _` | / -_)| ' \))/ -_)
|_|  \___/|_| \_, |\__, | \___||_||_| \___|
              |__/ |___/

 _____     _
|  _  |___| |_ _ ___ ___ ___ ___
|   __| . | | | | . | -_|   | -_|
|__|  |___|_|_  |_  |___|_|_|___|

    ____        __
   / __ \____  / /_  ______ ____  ____  ___
  / /_/ / __ \/ / / / / __ `/ _ \/ __ \/ _ \
 / ____/ /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / /  __/
/_/    \____/_/\__, /\__, /\___/_/ /_/\___/

  ___     _
 | _ \___| |_  _ __ _ ___ _ _  ___
 |  _/ _ \ | || / _` / -_) ' \/ -_)
 |_| \___/_|\_, \__, \___|_||_\___|

   ___       __
  / _ \___  / /_ _____ ____ ___  ___
 / ___/ _ \/ / // / _ `/ -_) _ \/ -_)
/_/   \___/_/\_, /\_, /\__/_//_/\__/

  ____       _
 |  _ \ ___ | |_   _  __ _  ___ _ __   ___
 | |_) / _ \| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \
 |  __/ (_) | | |_| | (_| |  __/ | | |  __/
 |_|   \___/|_|\__, |\__, |\___|_| |_|\___|
               |___/ |___/

 ____        ___
/\  _`\     /\_ \
\ \ \L\ \___\//\ \    __  __     __      __    ___      __
 \ \ ,__/ __`\\ \ \  /\ \/\ \  /'_ `\  /'__`\/' _ `\  /'__`\
  \ \ \/\ \L\ \\_\ \_\ \ \_\ \/\ \L\ \/\  __//\ \/\ \/\  __/
   \ \_\ \____//\____\\/`____ \ \____ \ \____\ \_\ \_\ \____\
    \/_/\/___/ \/____/ `/___/> \/___L\ \/____/\/_/\/_/\/____/
                          /\___/ /\____/
                          \/__/  \_/__/

________      ______
___  __ \________  /____  ________ _________________
__  /_/ /  __ \_  /__  / / /_  __ `/  _ \_  __ \  _ \
_  ____// /_/ /  / _  /_/ /_  /_/ //  __/  / / /  __/
/_/     \____//_/  _\__, / _\__, / \___//_/ /_/\___/
                   /____/  /____/

Reveal; Yeah, I didn't design these...

Have fun!
Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java