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Posted to by Brian Nielsen <> on 2005/07/14 23:13:14 UTC

verifying signatures, useReqSigCert and keystores

Since I'm not sure I got this right, I've chosen to write it here instead of
creating a jira.

When using "useReqSigCert" I thought I didn't need to have a keystore for
the encryption since it should come from/be found in processing the
signature in the request. I've found out that if I don't provide a
"encryptionPropFile" I get an error, so I've tried a dummy one, and it
works. I'm not really sure if it's needed. 

When verifying a signature what should the keystore contain? If the message
use DirectReference the certificate is in the message, and the keystore
isn't needed, unless to do certificate path validation, but that isn't
enabled right?. Whereas if it's one of the other identifier types the public
key is needed from the keystore, and possibly also the trusted root
certificate(s). So in this scenario the need for a keystore for validation
depends on how the certificate is referenced. 

If this is true, there should not be a need for a keystore for the
encryption when using "useReqSigCert".

During my experiments with WSE 2.0 interop I've found out that WSE always
uses/wants DirectReference for signatures and SubjectKeyIdentifier for
encryption (shouldn't it be "SubjectKeyIdentifier" instead of
"SKIKeyIdentifier"). Given this subset of the wss-standard it's more simple,
as to what is needed in the verification/"useReqSigCert"-encryption.

Have I got this right, and should it be possible to leave out the
"signaturePropFile"/"encryptionPropFile" in this scenario?
