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Posted to by José Luis Larroque <> on 2015/03/17 05:12:34 UTC

Zookeper master finish, but the others doesn't, giraph Shortesth Path Example, Giraph 1.1.0, Hadoop 2.4.0

Hi guys, newbie here, hope not doing some dumb question.

I builded giraph 1.1.0, with -Phadoop_yarn option, set in 2.4.0 (i choose
this version because it's the most advanced version suported in AWS).

I already try a hadoop example, like the quick start guide suggests with
wordcount example, but now i want to execute the Shortest Path Example
using the following command:

$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar
org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputation -vif
-vip /user/hduser/input/tiny_graph.txt -vof -op
/user/hduser/output/shortestpaths -w 4

But it doesn't finish (never), and also, don't give any serious error.
After the zookeeper (container 2) master finish, it doesn't do much more.

I attach several logs in hope that someone can help me.

The only log that i couldn't check it's zookeeper log, because i couldn't
find a way to read it properly.

thanxs !