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[buildstream-plugins] 08/49: Initially adding docker source

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commit d848a2426f442fc256b3710f0677554e8cb8ea20
Author: Tristan van Berkom <>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 18 16:56:11 2022 +0900

    Initially adding docker source
    From bst-plugins-container
 src/buildstream_plugins/sources/ | 568 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 568 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/buildstream_plugins/sources/ b/src/buildstream_plugins/sources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2afde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buildstream_plugins/sources/
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+#  Copyright (C) 2017 Codethink Limited
+#  Copyright (C) 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+#  Authors:
+#        Sam Thursfield <>
+#        Chandan Singh <>
+docker - stage files from Docker images
+.. code:: yaml
+   # Specify the docker source kind
+   kind: docker
+   # Specify the registry endpoint, defaults to Docker Hub (optional)
+   registry-url:
+   # Image path (required)
+   image: library/alpine
+   # Image tag to follow (optional)
+   track: latest
+   # Specify the digest of the exact image to use (required)
+   ref: 6c9f6f68a131ec6381da82f2bff978083ed7f4f7991d931bfa767b7965ebc94b
+   # Some images are built for multiple platforms. When tracking a tag, we
+   # will choose which image to use based on these settings. Default values
+   # are chosen based on the output of `uname -m` and `uname -s`, but you
+   # can override them.
+   #architecture: arm64
+   #os: linux
+Note that Docker images may contain device nodes. BuildStream elements cannot
+contain device nodes so those will be dropped. Any regular files in the /dev
+directory will also be dropped.
+See `built-in functionality doumentation
+<>`_ for
+details on common configuration options for sources.
+import hashlib
+import json
+import os
+import platform
+import shutil
+import tarfile
+import urllib.parse
+import requests
+from buildstream import Source, SourceError
+from buildstream.utils import (
+    save_file_atomic,
+    sha256sum,
+    link_files,
+    move_atomic,
+def parse_bearer_authorization_challenge(text):
+    # Hand-written and probably broken parsing of the Www-Authenticate
+    # response. I can't find a built-in way to parse this, but I probably
+    # didn't look hard enough.
+    if not text.startswith("Bearer "):
+        raise SourceError("Unexpected Www-Authenticate response: %{}".format(text))
+    pairs = {}
+    text = text[len("Bearer ") :]
+    for pair in text.split(","):
+        key, value = pair.split("=")
+        pairs[key] = value[1:-1]
+    return pairs
+def default_architecture():
+    machine = platform.machine()
+    if machine == "x86_64":
+        return "amd64"
+    elif machine == "aarch64":
+        return "arm64"
+    else:
+        return machine
+def default_os():
+    return platform.system().lower()
+# Variant of urllib.parse.urljoin() allowing multiple path components at once.
+def urljoin(url, *args):
+    for arg in args:
+        if not url.endswith("/"):
+            url += "/"
+        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, arg.lstrip("/"))
+    return url
+# DockerManifestError
+# Raised if something goes wrong while querying an image manifest from a remote
+# registry.
+class DockerManifestError(SourceError):
+    def __init__(self, message, manifest=None):
+        super().__init__(message)
+        self.manifest = manifest
+class DockerRegistryV2Client:
+    def __init__(self, endpoint, api_timeout=3):
+        self.endpoint = endpoint
+        self.api_timeout = api_timeout
+        self.token = None
+    def _request(self, subpath, extra_headers=None, stream=False, _reauthorized=False):
+        if not extra_headers:
+            extra_headers = {}
+        headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
+        headers.update(extra_headers)
+        if self.token:
+            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer {}".format(self.token)
+        url = urljoin(self.endpoint, "v2", subpath)
+        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=stream, timeout=self.api_timeout)
+        if response.status_code ==["unauthorized"] and not _reauthorized:
+            # This request requires (re)authorization. See:
+            #
+            auth_challenge = response.headers["Www-Authenticate"]
+            auth_vars = parse_bearer_authorization_challenge(auth_challenge)
+            self._auth(auth_vars["realm"], auth_vars["service"], auth_vars["scope"])
+            return self._request(subpath, extra_headers=extra_headers, _reauthorized=True)
+        else:
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            return response
+    def _auth(self, realm, service, scope):
+        # Respond to an Www-Authenticate challenge by requesting the necessary
+        # token from the 'realm' (endpoint) that we were given in the challenge.
+        request_url = "{}?service={}&scope={}".format(realm, service, scope)
+        response = requests.get(request_url, timeout=self.api_timeout)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        self.token = response.json()["token"]
+    # digest():
+    #
+    # Calculate a Docker-compatible digest of an arbitrary string of bytes.
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    content (bytes): Content to hash
+    #
+    # Returns:
+    #    (str) A Docker-compatible digest of 'content'
+    @staticmethod
+    def digest(content):
+        digest_hash = hashlib.sha256()
+        digest_hash.update(content)
+        return "sha256:" + digest_hash.hexdigest()
+    # manifest():
+    #
+    # Fetches the image manifest for a given image from the remote registry.
+    #
+    # If this is a "fat" (multiplatform) image, the 'artitecture' and 'os'
+    # parameters control which of the available images is chosen.
+    #
+    # The manifest is returned verbatim, so you need to parse it yourself
+    # with json.loads() to get at its contents. The verbatim text can be used
+    # to recalculate the content digest, just encode it and pass to .digest().
+    # If we returned only the parsed JSON data you wouldn't be able to do this.
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    image_path (str): Relative path to the image, e.g. library/alpine
+    #    reference (str): Either a tag name (such as 'latest') or the content
+    #                     digest of an exact version of the image.
+    #    architecture (str): Architecture name (amd64, arm64, etc.)
+    #    os_ (str): OS name (e.g. linux)
+    #
+    # Raises:
+    #    requests.RequestException, if network errors occur
+    #
+    # Returns:
+    #    (str, str): A tuple of the manifest content as text, and its content hash
+    def manifest(
+        self, image_path, reference, architecture=default_architecture(), os_=default_os(),
+    ):
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+        accept_types = [
+            "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
+            "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
+        ]
+        manifest_url = urljoin(image_path, "manifests", urllib.parse.quote(reference))
+        response = self._request(manifest_url, extra_headers={"Accept": ",".join(accept_types)})
+        try:
+            manifest = json.loads(response.text)
+        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+            raise DockerManifestError(
+                "Server did not return a valid manifest: {}".format(e), manifest=response.text,
+            ) from e
+        schema_version = manifest.get("schemaVersion")
+        if schema_version == 1:
+            raise DockerManifestError("Schema version 1 is unsupported.", manifest=response.text)
+        if schema_version is None:
+            raise DockerManifestError(
+                "Manifest did not include the schemaVersion key.", manifest=response.text,
+            )
+        our_digest = self.digest(response.text.encode("utf8"))
+        their_digest = response.headers.get("Docker-Content-Digest")
+        if not their_digest:
+            raise DockerManifestError(
+                "Server did not set the Docker-Content-Digest header.", manifest=response.text,
+            )
+        if our_digest != their_digest:
+            raise DockerManifestError(
+                "Server returned a non-matching content digest. "
+                "Our digest: {}, their digest: {}".format(our_digest, their_digest),
+                manifest=response.text,
+            )
+        if manifest["mediaType"] == "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json":
+            # This is a "fat manifest", we need to narrow down to a specific
+            # architecture.
+            for sub in manifest["manifests"]:
+                if sub["platform"]["architecture"] == architecture and sub["platform"]["os"]:
+                    sub_digest = sub["digest"]
+                    return self.manifest(image_path, sub_digest, architecture=architecture, os_=os_,)
+                else:
+                    raise DockerManifestError(
+                        "No images found for architecture {}, OS {}".format(architecture, os_), manifest=response.text,
+                    )
+        elif manifest["mediaType"] == "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json":
+            return response.text, our_digest
+        else:
+            raise DockerManifestError(
+                "Unsupported manifest type {}".format(manifest["mediaType"]), manifest=response.text,
+            )
+    # blob():
+    #
+    # Fetch a blob from the remote registry. This is used for getting each
+    # layer of an image in tar.gz format.
+    #
+    # Raises:
+    #    requests.RequestException, if network errors occur
+    #
+    # Args:
+    #    image_path (str): Relative path to the image, e.g. library/alpine
+    #    blob_digest (str): Content hash of the blob.
+    #    download_to (str): Path to a file where the content will be written.
+    def blob(self, image_path, blob_digest, download_to):
+        blob_url = urljoin(image_path, "blobs", urllib.parse.quote(blob_digest))
+        response = self._request(blob_url, stream=True)
+        with save_file_atomic(download_to, "wb") as f:
+            shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f)
+class ReadableTarInfo(tarfile.TarInfo):
+    """
+    The goal is to override`TarFile`'s `extractall` semantics by ensuring that on extraction, the
+    files are readable by the owner of the file. This is done by over-riding the accessor for the
+    mode` attribute in `TarInfo`, class that encapsulates the internal meta-data of the tarball,
+    so that the owner-read bit is always set.
+    """
+    # The mode attribute is not declared as a property and so
+    # this trips up the static type checker, mark this as "ignore"
+    #
+    @property  # type: ignore
+    def mode(self):
+        # ensure file is readable by owner
+        return self.__permission | 0o400
+    @mode.setter
+    def mode(self, permission):
+        self.__permission = permission
+class DockerSource(Source):
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+    BST_MIN_VERSION = "2.0"
+    # Docker identifies images by a content digest calculated from the image's
+    # manifest. This corresponds well with the concept of a 'ref' in
+    # BuildStream. However, Docker theoretically supports multiple hash
+    # methods while BuildStream does not. Right now every Docker registry
+    # uses sha256 so let's ignore that issue for the time being.
+    @staticmethod
+    def _digest_to_ref(digest):
+        if digest.startswith("sha256:"):
+            return digest[len("sha256:") :]
+        else:
+            method = digest.split(":")[0]
+            raise SourceError("Unsupported digest method: {}".format(method))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _ref_to_digest(ref):
+        return "sha256:" + ref
+    def configure(self, node):
+        # url is deprecated, but accept it as a valid key so that we can raise
+        # a nicer warning.
+        node.validate_keys(["registry-url", "image", "ref", "track", "url"] + Source.COMMON_CONFIG_KEYS)
+        if "url" in node:
+            raise SourceError(
+                "{}: 'url' parameter is now deprecated, " "use 'registry-url' and 'image' instead.".format(self)
+            )
+        self.image = node.get_str("image")
+        self.original_registry_url = node.get_str("registry-url", _DOCKER_HUB_URL)
+        self.registry_url = self.translate_url(self.original_registry_url)
+        if "ref" in node:
+            self.digest = self._ref_to_digest(node.get_str("ref"))
+        else:
+            self.digest = None
+        self.tag = node.get_str("track", "") or None
+        self.architecture = node.get_str("architecture", "") or default_architecture()
+        self.os = node.get_str("os", "") or default_os()
+        if not (self.digest or self.tag):
+            raise SourceError("{}: Must specify either 'ref' or 'track' parameters".format(self))
+        self.client = DockerRegistryV2Client(self.registry_url)
+        self.manifest = None
+    def preflight(self):
+        return
+    def get_unique_key(self):
+        return [self.original_registry_url, self.image, self.digest]
+    def get_ref(self):
+        return None if self.digest is None else self._digest_to_ref(self.digest)
+    def set_ref(self, ref, node):
+        node["ref"] = ref
+        self.digest = self._ref_to_digest(ref)
+    def track(self):
+        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+        # If the tracking ref is not specified it's not an error, just silently return
+        if not self.tag:
+            return None
+        with self.timed_activity(
+            "Fetching image manifest for image: '{}:{}' from: {}".format(self.image, self.tag, self.registry_url)
+        ):
+            try:
+                _, digest = self.client.manifest(self.image, self.tag)
+            except DockerManifestError as e:
+                self.log("Problem downloading manifest", detail=e.manifest)
+                raise
+            except (OSError, requests.RequestException) as e:
+                raise SourceError(e) from e
+        return self._digest_to_ref(digest)
+    def is_resolved(self):
+        return self.digest is not None
+    def is_cached(self):
+        mirror_dir = self.get_mirror_directory()
+        try:
+            manifest = self._load_manifest()
+            for layer in manifest["layers"]:
+                layer_digest = layer["digest"]
+                blob_path = os.path.join(mirror_dir, layer_digest + ".tar.gz")
+                try:
+                    self._verify_blob(blob_path, expected_digest=layer_digest)
+                except FileNotFoundError:
+                    # digest fetched, but some layer blob not fetched
+                    return False
+            return True
+        except (FileNotFoundError, SourceError):
+            return False
+    def _load_manifest(self):
+        manifest_file = os.path.join(self.get_mirror_directory(), self.digest + ".manifest.json")
+        with open(manifest_file, "rb") as f:
+            text =
+        real_digest = self.client.digest(text)
+        if real_digest != self.digest:
+            raise SourceError("Manifest {} is corrupt; got content hash of {}".format(manifest_file, real_digest))
+        return json.loads(text.decode("utf-8"))
+    def _save_manifest(self, text, path):
+        manifest_file = os.path.join(path, self.digest + ".manifest.json")
+        with save_file_atomic(manifest_file, "wb") as f:
+            f.write(text.encode("utf-8"))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _verify_blob(path, expected_digest):
+        blob_digest = "sha256:" + sha256sum(path)
+        if expected_digest != blob_digest:
+            raise SourceError("Blob {} is corrupt; got content hash of {}.".format(path, blob_digest))
+    def fetch(self):
+        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+        with self.timed_activity(
+            "Fetching image {}:{} with digest {}".format(self.image, self.tag, self.digest), silent_nested=True,
+        ):
+            with self.tempdir() as tmpdir:
+                # move all files to a tmpdir
+                try:
+                    manifest = self._load_manifest()
+                except FileNotFoundError as e:
+                    try:
+                        manifest_text, digest = self.client.manifest(self.image, self.digest)
+                    except requests.RequestException as ee:
+                        raise SourceError(ee) from ee
+                    if digest != self.digest:
+                        raise SourceError(
+                            "Requested image {}, got manifest with digest {}".format(self.digest, digest)
+                        ) from e
+                    self._save_manifest(manifest_text, tmpdir)
+                    manifest = json.loads(manifest_text)
+                except DockerManifestError as e:
+                    self.log("Unexpected manifest", detail=e.manifest)
+                    raise
+                except (OSError, requests.RequestException) as e:
+                    raise SourceError(e) from e
+                for layer in manifest["layers"]:
+                    if layer["mediaType"] != "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip":
+                        raise SourceError("Unsupported layer type: {}".format(layer["mediaType"]))
+                    layer_digest = layer["digest"]
+                    blob_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, layer_digest + ".tar.gz")
+                    if not os.path.exists(blob_path):
+                        try:
+                            self.client.blob(self.image, layer_digest, download_to=blob_path)
+                        except (OSError, requests.RequestException) as e:
+                            if os.path.exists(blob_path):
+                                shutil.rmtree(blob_path)
+                            raise SourceError(e) from e
+                    self._verify_blob(blob_path, expected_digest=layer_digest)
+                # Only if all sources are successfully fetched, move files to staging directory
+                # As both the manifest and blobs are content addressable, we can optimize space by having
+                # a flat mirror directory. We check one-by-one if there is any need to copy a file out of the tmpdir.
+                for fetched_file in os.listdir(tmpdir):
+                    move_atomic(
+                        os.path.join(tmpdir, fetched_file), os.path.join(self.get_mirror_directory(), fetched_file),
+                    )
+    def stage(self, directory):
+        mirror_dir = self.get_mirror_directory()
+        try:
+            manifest = self._load_manifest()
+        except (OSError, SourceError) as e:
+            raise SourceError("Unable to load manifest: {}".format(e)) from e
+        try:
+            for layer in manifest["layers"]:
+                layer_digest = layer["digest"]
+                blob_path = os.path.join(mirror_dir, layer_digest + ".tar.gz")
+                self._verify_blob(blob_path, expected_digest=layer_digest)
+                (extract_fileset, white_out_fileset,) = self._get_extract_and_remove_files(blob_path)
+                # remove files associated with whiteouts
+                for white_out_file in white_out_fileset:
+                    white_out_file = os.path.join(directory, white_out_file)
+                    os.remove(white_out_file)
+                # extract files for the current layer
+                with, tarinfo=ReadableTarInfo) as tar:
+                    with self.tempdir() as td:
+                        tar.extractall(path=td, members=extract_fileset)
+                        link_files(td, directory)
+        except (OSError, SourceError, tarfile.TarError) as e:
+            raise SourceError("{}: Error staging source: {}".format(self, e)) from e
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_extract_and_remove_files(layer_tar_path):
+        """Return the set of files to remove and extract for a given layer
+        :param layer_tar_path: The path where a layer has been extracted
+        :return: Tuple of filesets
+          - extract_fileset: files to extract into staging directory
+          - delete_fileset: files to remove from staging directory as the current layer
+            contains a whiteout corresponding to a staged file in the previous layers
+        """
+        def strip_wh(white_out_file):
+            """Strip the prefixing .wh. for given file
+            :param white_out_file: path of file
+            :return: path without white-out prefix
+            """
+            # whiteout files have the syntax of `*/.wh.*`
+            file_name = os.path.basename(white_out_file)
+            path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(white_out_file), file_name.split(".wh.")[1])
+            return path
+        def is_regular_file(info):
+            """Check if file is a non-device file
+            :param info: tar member metadata
+            :return: if the file is a non-device file
+            """
+            return not ("dev/") or info.isdev())
+        with as tar:
+            extract_fileset = []
+            delete_fileset = []
+            for member in tar.getmembers():
+                if os.path.basename(".wh."):
+                    delete_fileset.append(strip_wh(
+                elif is_regular_file(member):
+                    extract_fileset.append(member)
+        return extract_fileset, delete_fileset
+# Plugin entry point
+def setup():
+    return DockerSource