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Posted to by Daniel Mahler <> on 2001/03/21 01:41:52 UTC

jakarta/Ant naming convention nightmares

I install and maintain a lot publicly available software.
I am not a superuser so I have a subdirectory in my home directory
with the same structure as /usr/local.
I use stow to keep my installation sane, and to avoid having
a $PATH as long as your arm.
I have a Makefile which automates the
untar/configure/make/install/stow process.
I just cd to ~/local and say 'make package-version'
and, for the vast majority of distributions,
that is all I need to do.
This relies on a very simple naming convention being used in most
I now need to install the various jakarta packages.
I figured I would just extend my script and all would be well.

However, the distributions use a rather baroque naming convention:

* jakarta-<project>-src-<version>.<archivetype> for the distribution
* name of the unpacked directory may or may not contain the "-src"
* {build,dist}/jakarta-<project> for the default install directories
* <project>.<property> for the ant properties

writing a generic script to automate this is a royal pain.
The following to simplify install automation:

- either drop the jakarta prefix or always use it as a part of the
  project name

Assuming  "jakarta-" is dropped:

* <project>-<version>.<archivetype> for the source distribution
* <project>-<version> for the expanded top directory
* {build,dist}/<project>-<version> for the default install directories
  together with a {build,dist}/<project> symlink to the directory
* just <property> for the buildfile properties pertaining to the current


PS: here is the MakeFile I use,
it assumes TAR, SRC and STOW subdirectories of ~/local
.SUFFIXES: .jar .tar .tar..bz2 .tar.gz .tgz .Z .zip .build .kill .clean
.check .test

%: STOW/%
	rm -f $</info/dir; # remove this line if installing emacs itself
	(cd STOW; stow $(<F));

	$(MAKE) $(@F).kill;
	cp -a STOW/LOCAL $@
	$(MAKE) -C SRC/$(@F) install;

#STOW/%: SRC/%/
#	(cd $(<D); sh ./ -Dbuild=$@)

STOW/%: SRC/%/build.xml
	$(MAKE) $(@F).kill;
	cp -a STOW/LOCAL $@
	ant -buildfile $< all

SRC/%/ SRC/%

SRC/%/build.xml: SRC/%

SRC/ SRC/%/Makefile
	$(MAKE) -C $(<D);

SRC/%/Makefile: SRC/%
	(cd $<; ./configure --prefix=$(STOW)/$(<F));

SRC/%: TAR/%.tgz
	tar zfx $< --directory $(@D);

SRC/%: TAR/%.tar.gz
	tar zfx $< --directory $(@D);

SRC/%: TAR/%.tar.Z
	tar zfx $< --directory $(@D);

	unzip -d $(@) $<

SRC/%: TAR/%.tar
	tar fx $< --directory $(@D);

TAR/%.tar: TAR/%.tar.bz2
	bunzip2 $<

SRC/%: TAR/%.jar
	jar fx $< --directory $(@D);

	(cd STOW; stow -D $(*F))
	rm -rf  STOW/$(*F);

%.clean: %.kill
	rm -rf SRC/$(*F);

%.check: SRC/%/Makefile
	 $(MAKE) -C $(<D) check;

%.test: SRC/%/Makefile
	 $(MAKE) -C $(<D) test;

#STOW/%: SRC/%/Makefile
#	 $(MAKE) -C $(<D);
#	 $(MAKE) $(@F).kill;
#	 mkdir $@;
#	 $(MAKE) -C $(<D) install;

#STOW/%: SRC/%
##	$(MAKE) $</Makefile
#	  (cd $<; ./configure --prefix=$(STOW)/$(@F);)
#	  $(MAKE) -C $<;
#	  $(MAKE) %.kill;
#	  mkdir $@;
#	  $(MAKE) -C $< install;

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