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[37/43] trafficserver git commit: TS-3783 TS-3030 Add luajit v2.0.4 as a subtree
diff --git a/lib/luajit/dynasm/dynasm.lua b/lib/luajit/dynasm/dynasm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffda75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/dynasm/dynasm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+-- DynASM. A dynamic assembler for code generation engines.
+-- Originally designed and implemented for LuaJIT.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- See below for full copyright notice.
+-- Application information.
+local _info = {
+  name =	"DynASM",
+  description =	"A dynamic assembler for code generation engines",
+  version =	"1.3.0",
+  vernum =	 10300,
+  release =	"2011-05-05",
+  author =	"Mike Pall",
+  url =		"",
+  license =	"MIT",
+  copyright =	[[
+Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+[ MIT license: ]
+-- Cache library functions.
+local type, pairs, ipairs = type, pairs, ipairs
+local pcall, error, assert = pcall, error, assert
+local _s = string
+local sub, match, gmatch, gsub = _s.sub, _s.match, _s.gmatch, _s.gsub
+local format, rep, upper = _s.format, _s.rep, _s.upper
+local _t = table
+local insert, remove, concat, sort = _t.insert, _t.remove, _t.concat, _t.sort
+local exit = os.exit
+local io = io
+local stdin, stdout, stderr = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+-- Program options.
+local g_opt = {}
+-- Global state for current file.
+local g_fname, g_curline, g_indent, g_lineno, g_synclineno, g_arch
+local g_errcount = 0
+-- Write buffer for output file.
+local g_wbuffer, g_capbuffer
+-- Write an output line (or callback function) to the buffer.
+local function wline(line, needindent)
+  local buf = g_capbuffer or g_wbuffer
+  buf[#buf+1] = needindent and g_indent..line or line
+  g_synclineno = g_synclineno + 1
+-- Write assembler line as a comment, if requestd.
+local function wcomment(aline)
+  if g_opt.comment then
+    wline(g_opt.comment..aline..g_opt.endcomment, true)
+  end
+-- Resync CPP line numbers.
+local function wsync()
+  if g_synclineno ~= g_lineno and g_opt.cpp then
+    wline("#line "..g_lineno..' "'..g_fname..'"')
+    g_synclineno = g_lineno
+  end
+-- Dummy action flush function. Replaced with arch-specific function later.
+local function wflush(term)
+-- Dump all buffered output lines.
+local function wdumplines(out, buf)
+  for _,line in ipairs(buf) do
+    if type(line) == "string" then
+      assert(out:write(line, "\n"))
+    else
+      -- Special callback to dynamically insert lines after end of processing.
+      line(out)
+    end
+  end
+-- Emit an error. Processing continues with next statement.
+local function werror(msg)
+  error(format("%s:%s: error: %s:\n%s", g_fname, g_lineno, msg, g_curline), 0)
+-- Emit a fatal error. Processing stops.
+local function wfatal(msg)
+  g_errcount = "fatal"
+  werror(msg)
+-- Print a warning. Processing continues.
+local function wwarn(msg)
+  stderr:write(format("%s:%s: warning: %s:\n%s\n",
+    g_fname, g_lineno, msg, g_curline))
+-- Print caught error message. But suppress excessive errors.
+local function wprinterr(...)
+  if type(g_errcount) == "number" then
+    -- Regular error.
+    g_errcount = g_errcount + 1
+    if g_errcount < 21 then -- Seems to be a reasonable limit.
+      stderr:write(...)
+    elseif g_errcount == 21 then
+      stderr:write(g_fname,
+	":*: warning: too many errors (suppressed further messages).\n")
+    end
+  else
+    -- Fatal error.
+    stderr:write(...)
+    return true -- Stop processing.
+  end
+-- Map holding all option handlers.
+local opt_map = {}
+local opt_current
+-- Print error and exit with error status.
+local function opterror(...)
+  stderr:write("dynasm.lua: ERROR: ", ...)
+  stderr:write("\n")
+  exit(1)
+-- Get option parameter.
+local function optparam(args)
+  local argn = args.argn
+  local p = args[argn]
+  if not p then
+    opterror("missing parameter for option `", opt_current, "'.")
+  end
+  args.argn = argn + 1
+  return p
+-- Core pseudo-opcodes.
+local map_coreop = {}
+-- Dummy opcode map. Replaced by arch-specific map.
+local map_op = {}
+-- Forward declarations.
+local dostmt
+local readfile
+-- Map for defines (initially empty, chains to arch-specific map).
+local map_def = {}
+-- Pseudo-opcode to define a substitution.
+map_coreop[".define_2"] = function(params, nparams)
+  if not params then return nparams == 1 and "name" or "name, subst" end
+  local name, def = params[1], params[2] or "1"
+  if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then werror("bad or duplicate define") end
+  map_def[name] = def
+map_coreop[".define_1"] = map_coreop[".define_2"]
+-- Define a substitution on the command line.
+function opt_map.D(args)
+  local namesubst = optparam(args)
+  local name, subst = match(namesubst, "^([%a_][%w_]*)=(.*)$")
+  if name then
+    map_def[name] = subst
+  elseif match(namesubst, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+    map_def[namesubst] = "1"
+  else
+    opterror("bad define")
+  end
+-- Undefine a substitution on the command line.
+function opt_map.U(args)
+  local name = optparam(args)
+  if match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+    map_def[name] = nil
+  else
+    opterror("bad define")
+  end
+-- Helper for definesubst.
+local gotsubst
+local function definesubst_one(word)
+  local subst = map_def[word]
+  if subst then gotsubst = word; return subst else return word end
+-- Iteratively substitute defines.
+local function definesubst(stmt)
+  -- Limit number of iterations.
+  for i=1,100 do
+    gotsubst = false
+    stmt = gsub(stmt, "#?[%w_]+", definesubst_one)
+    if not gotsubst then break end
+  end
+  if gotsubst then wfatal("recursive define involving `"..gotsubst.."'") end
+  return stmt
+-- Dump all defines.
+local function dumpdefines(out, lvl)
+  local t = {}
+  for name in pairs(map_def) do
+    t[#t+1] = name
+  end
+  sort(t)
+  out:write("Defines:\n")
+  for _,name in ipairs(t) do
+    local subst = map_def[name]
+    if g_arch then subst = g_arch.revdef(subst) end
+    out:write(format("  %-20s %s\n", name, subst))
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+-- Support variables for conditional assembly.
+local condlevel = 0
+local condstack = {}
+-- Evaluate condition with a Lua expression. Substitutions already performed.
+local function cond_eval(cond)
+  local func, err
+  if setfenv then
+    func, err = loadstring("return "..cond, "=expr")
+  else
+    -- No globals. All unknown identifiers evaluate to nil.
+    func, err = load("return "..cond, "=expr", "t", {})
+  end
+  if func then
+    if setfenv then
+      setfenv(func, {}) -- No globals. All unknown identifiers evaluate to nil.
+    end
+    local ok, res = pcall(func)
+    if ok then
+      if res == 0 then return false end -- Oh well.
+      return not not res
+    end
+    err = res
+  end
+  wfatal("bad condition: "..err)
+-- Skip statements until next conditional pseudo-opcode at the same level.
+local function stmtskip()
+  local dostmt_save = dostmt
+  local lvl = 0
+  dostmt = function(stmt)
+    local op = match(stmt, "^%s*(%S+)")
+    if op == ".if" then
+      lvl = lvl + 1
+    elseif lvl ~= 0 then
+      if op == ".endif" then lvl = lvl - 1 end
+    elseif op == ".elif" or op == ".else" or op == ".endif" then
+      dostmt = dostmt_save
+      dostmt(stmt)
+    end
+  end
+-- Pseudo-opcodes for conditional assembly.
+map_coreop[".if_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "condition" end
+  local lvl = condlevel + 1
+  local res = cond_eval(params[1])
+  condlevel = lvl
+  condstack[lvl] = res
+  if not res then stmtskip() end
+map_coreop[".elif_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "condition" end
+  if condlevel == 0 then wfatal(".elif without .if") end
+  local lvl = condlevel
+  local res = condstack[lvl]
+  if res then
+    if res == "else" then wfatal(".elif after .else") end
+  else
+    res = cond_eval(params[1])
+    if res then
+      condstack[lvl] = res
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  stmtskip()
+map_coreop[".else_0"] = function(params)
+  if condlevel == 0 then wfatal(".else without .if") end
+  local lvl = condlevel
+  local res = condstack[lvl]
+  condstack[lvl] = "else"
+  if res then
+    if res == "else" then wfatal(".else after .else") end
+    stmtskip()
+  end
+map_coreop[".endif_0"] = function(params)
+  local lvl = condlevel
+  if lvl == 0 then wfatal(".endif without .if") end
+  condlevel = lvl - 1
+-- Check for unfinished conditionals.
+local function checkconds()
+  if g_errcount ~= "fatal" and condlevel ~= 0 then
+    wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: unbalanced conditional\n")
+  end
+-- Search for a file in the given path and open it for reading.
+local function pathopen(path, name)
+  local dirsep = package and match(package.path, "\\") and "\\" or "/"
+  for _,p in ipairs(path) do
+    local fullname = p == "" and name or
+    local fin =, "r")
+    if fin then
+      g_fname = fullname
+      return fin
+    end
+  end
+-- Include a file.
+map_coreop[".include_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "filename" end
+  local name = params[1]
+  -- Save state. Ugly, I know. but upvalues are fast.
+  local gf, gl, gcl, gi = g_fname, g_lineno, g_curline, g_indent
+  -- Read the included file.
+  local fatal = readfile(pathopen(g_opt.include, name) or
+			 wfatal("include file `""' not found"))
+  -- Restore state.
+  g_synclineno = -1
+  g_fname, g_lineno, g_curline, g_indent = gf, gl, gcl, gi
+  if fatal then wfatal("in include file") end
+-- Make .include and conditionals initially available, too.
+map_op[".include_1"] = map_coreop[".include_1"]
+map_op[".if_1"] = map_coreop[".if_1"]
+map_op[".elif_1"] = map_coreop[".elif_1"]
+map_op[".else_0"] = map_coreop[".else_0"]
+map_op[".endif_0"] = map_coreop[".endif_0"]
+-- Support variables for macros.
+local mac_capture, mac_lineno, mac_name
+local mac_active = {}
+local mac_list = {}
+-- Pseudo-opcode to define a macro.
+map_coreop[".macro_*"] = function(mparams)
+  if not mparams then return "name [, params...]" end
+  -- Split off and validate macro name.
+  local name = remove(mparams, 1)
+  if not name then werror("missing macro name") end
+  if not (match(name, "^[%a_][%w_%.]*$") or match(name, "^%.[%w_%.]*$")) then
+    wfatal("bad macro name `""'")
+  end
+  -- Validate macro parameter names.
+  local mdup = {}
+  for _,mp in ipairs(mparams) do
+    if not match(mp, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+      wfatal("bad macro parameter name `""'")
+    end
+    if mdup[mp] then wfatal("duplicate macro parameter name `""'") end
+    mdup[mp] = true
+  end
+  -- Check for duplicate or recursive macro definitions.
+  local opname = name.."_"..#mparams
+  if map_op[opname] or map_op[name.."_*"] then
+    wfatal("duplicate macro `""' ("..#mparams.." parameters)")
+  end
+  if mac_capture then wfatal("recursive macro definition") end
+  -- Enable statement capture.
+  local lines = {}
+  mac_lineno = g_lineno
+  mac_name = name
+  mac_capture = function(stmt) -- Statement capture function.
+    -- Stop macro definition with .endmacro pseudo-opcode.
+    if not match(stmt, "^%s*.endmacro%s*$") then
+      lines[#lines+1] = stmt
+      return
+    end
+    mac_capture = nil
+    mac_lineno = nil
+    mac_name = nil
+    mac_list[#mac_list+1] = opname
+    -- Add macro-op definition.
+    map_op[opname] = function(params)
+      if not params then return mparams, lines end
+      -- Protect against recursive macro invocation.
+      if mac_active[opname] then wfatal("recursive macro invocation") end
+      mac_active[opname] = true
+      -- Setup substitution map.
+      local subst = {}
+      for i,mp in ipairs(mparams) do subst[mp] = params[i] end
+      local mcom
+      if g_opt.maccomment and g_opt.comment then
+	mcom = " MACRO "" ("..#mparams..")"
+	wcomment("{"..mcom)
+      end
+      -- Loop through all captured statements
+      for _,stmt in ipairs(lines) do
+	-- Substitute macro parameters.
+	local st = gsub(stmt, "[%w_]+", subst)
+	st = definesubst(st)
+	st = gsub(st, "%s*%.%.%s*", "") -- Token paste a..b.
+	if mcom and sub(st, 1, 1) ~= "|" then wcomment(st) end
+	-- Emit statement. Use a protected call for better diagnostics.
+	local ok, err = pcall(dostmt, st)
+	if not ok then
+	  -- Add the captured statement to the error.
+	  wprinterr(err, "\n", g_indent, "|  ", stmt,
+		    "\t[MACRO ", name, " (", #mparams, ")]\n")
+	end
+      end
+      if mcom then wcomment("}"..mcom) end
+      mac_active[opname] = nil
+    end
+  end
+-- An .endmacro pseudo-opcode outside of a macro definition is an error.
+map_coreop[".endmacro_0"] = function(params)
+  wfatal(".endmacro without .macro")
+-- Dump all macros and their contents (with -PP only).
+local function dumpmacros(out, lvl)
+  sort(mac_list)
+  out:write("Macros:\n")
+  for _,opname in ipairs(mac_list) do
+    local name = sub(opname, 1, -3)
+    local params, lines = map_op[opname]()
+    out:write(format("  %-20s %s\n", name, concat(params, ", ")))
+    if lvl > 1 then
+      for _,line in ipairs(lines) do
+	out:write("  |", line, "\n")
+      end
+      out:write("\n")
+    end
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+-- Check for unfinished macro definitions.
+local function checkmacros()
+  if mac_capture then
+    wprinterr(g_fname, ":", mac_lineno,
+	      ": error: unfinished .macro `", mac_name ,"'\n")
+  end
+-- Support variables for captures.
+local cap_lineno, cap_name
+local cap_buffers = {}
+local cap_used = {}
+-- Start a capture.
+map_coreop[".capture_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "name" end
+  wflush()
+  local name = params[1]
+  if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+    wfatal("bad capture name `""'")
+  end
+  if cap_name then
+    wfatal("already capturing to `"..cap_name.."' since line "..cap_lineno)
+  end
+  cap_name = name
+  cap_lineno = g_lineno
+  -- Create or continue a capture buffer and start the output line capture.
+  local buf = cap_buffers[name]
+  if not buf then buf = {}; cap_buffers[name] = buf end
+  g_capbuffer = buf
+  g_synclineno = 0
+-- Stop a capture.
+map_coreop[".endcapture_0"] = function(params)
+  wflush()
+  if not cap_name then wfatal(".endcapture without a valid .capture") end
+  cap_name = nil
+  cap_lineno = nil
+  g_capbuffer = nil
+  g_synclineno = 0
+-- Dump a capture buffer.
+map_coreop[".dumpcapture_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "name" end
+  wflush()
+  local name = params[1]
+  if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+    wfatal("bad capture name `""'")
+  end
+  cap_used[name] = true
+  wline(function(out)
+    local buf = cap_buffers[name]
+    if buf then wdumplines(out, buf) end
+  end)
+  g_synclineno = 0
+-- Dump all captures and their buffers (with -PP only).
+local function dumpcaptures(out, lvl)
+  out:write("Captures:\n")
+  for name,buf in pairs(cap_buffers) do
+    out:write(format("  %-20s %4s)\n", name, "("..#buf))
+    if lvl > 1 then
+      local bar = rep("=", 76)
+      out:write("  ", bar, "\n")
+      for _,line in ipairs(buf) do
+	out:write("  ", line, "\n")
+      end
+      out:write("  ", bar, "\n\n")
+    end
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+-- Check for unfinished or unused captures.
+local function checkcaptures()
+  if cap_name then
+    wprinterr(g_fname, ":", cap_lineno,
+	      ": error: unfinished .capture `", cap_name,"'\n")
+    return
+  end
+  for name in pairs(cap_buffers) do
+    if not cap_used[name] then
+      wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: missing .dumpcapture ", name ,"\n")
+    end
+  end
+-- Sections names.
+local map_sections = {}
+-- Pseudo-opcode to define code sections.
+-- TODO: Data sections, BSS sections. Needs extra C code and API.
+map_coreop[".section_*"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "name..." end
+  if #map_sections > 0 then werror("duplicate section definition") end
+  wflush()
+  for sn,name in ipairs(params) do
+    local opname = ".""_0"
+    if not match(name, "^[%a][%w_]*$") or
+       map_op[opname] or map_op[".""_*"] then
+      werror("bad section name `""'")
+    end
+    map_sections[#map_sections+1] = name
+    wline(format("#define DASM_SECTION_%s\t%d", upper(name), sn-1))
+    map_op[opname] = function(params) g_arch.section(sn-1) end
+  end
+  wline(format("#define DASM_MAXSECTION\t\t%d", #map_sections))
+-- Dump all sections.
+local function dumpsections(out, lvl)
+  out:write("Sections:\n")
+  for _,name in ipairs(map_sections) do
+    out:write(format("  %s\n", name))
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+-- Replacement for customized Lua, which lacks the package library.
+local prefix = ""
+if not require then
+  function require(name)
+    local fp = assert(".lua"))
+    local s = fp:read("*a")
+    assert(fp:close())
+    return assert(loadstring(s, "@"".lua"))()
+  end
+-- Load architecture-specific module.
+local function loadarch(arch)
+  if not match(arch, "^[%w_]+$") then return "bad arch name" end
+  local ok, m_arch = pcall(require, "dasm_"..arch)
+  if not ok then return "cannot load module: "..m_arch end
+  g_arch = m_arch
+  wflush = m_arch.passcb(wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn)
+  m_arch.setup(arch, g_opt)
+  map_op, map_def = m_arch.mergemaps(map_coreop, map_def)
+-- Dump architecture description.
+function opt_map.dumparch(args)
+  local name = optparam(args)
+  if not g_arch then
+    local err = loadarch(name)
+    if err then opterror(err) end
+  end
+  local t = {}
+  for name in pairs(map_coreop) do t[#t+1] = name end
+  for name in pairs(map_op) do t[#t+1] = name end
+  sort(t)
+  local out = stdout
+  local _arch = g_arch._info
+  out:write(format("%s version %s, released %s, %s\n",
+, _info.version, _info.release, _info.url))
+  g_arch.dumparch(out)
+  local pseudo = true
+  out:write("Pseudo-Opcodes:\n")
+  for _,sname in ipairs(t) do
+    local name, nparam = match(sname, "^(.+)_([0-9%*])$")
+    if name then
+      if pseudo and sub(name, 1, 1) ~= "." then
+	out:write("\nOpcodes:\n")
+	pseudo = false
+      end
+      local f = map_op[sname]
+      local s
+      if nparam ~= "*" then nparam = nparam + 0 end
+      if nparam == 0 then
+	s = ""
+      elseif type(f) == "string" then
+	s = map_op[".template__"](nil, f, nparam)
+      else
+	s = f(nil, nparam)
+      end
+      if type(s) == "table" then
+	for _,s2 in ipairs(s) do
+	  out:write(format("  %-12s %s\n", name, s2))
+	end
+      else
+	out:write(format("  %-12s %s\n", name, s))
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+  exit(0)
+-- Pseudo-opcode to set the architecture.
+-- Only initially available (map_op is replaced when called).
+map_op[".arch_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "name" end
+  local err = loadarch(params[1])
+  if err then wfatal(err) end
+  wline(format("#if DASM_VERSION != %d", _info.vernum))
+  wline('#error "Version mismatch between DynASM and included encoding engine"')
+  wline("#endif")
+-- Dummy .arch pseudo-opcode to improve the error report.
+map_coreop[".arch_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "name" end
+  wfatal("duplicate .arch statement")
+-- Dummy pseudo-opcode. Don't confuse '.nop' with 'nop'.
+map_coreop[".nop_*"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "[ignored...]" end
+-- Pseudo-opcodes to raise errors.
+map_coreop[".error_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "message" end
+  werror(params[1])
+map_coreop[".fatal_1"] = function(params)
+  if not params then return "message" end
+  wfatal(params[1])
+-- Dump all user defined elements.
+local function dumpdef(out)
+  local lvl = g_opt.dumpdef
+  if lvl == 0 then return end
+  dumpsections(out, lvl)
+  dumpdefines(out, lvl)
+  if g_arch then g_arch.dumpdef(out, lvl) end
+  dumpmacros(out, lvl)
+  dumpcaptures(out, lvl)
+-- Helper for splitstmt.
+local splitlvl
+local function splitstmt_one(c)
+  if c == "(" then
+    splitlvl = ")"..splitlvl
+  elseif c == "[" then
+    splitlvl = "]"..splitlvl
+  elseif c == "{" then
+    splitlvl = "}"..splitlvl
+  elseif c == ")" or c == "]" or c == "}" then
+    if sub(splitlvl, 1, 1) ~= c then werror("unbalanced (), [] or {}") end
+    splitlvl = sub(splitlvl, 2)
+  elseif splitlvl == "" then
+    return " \0 "
+  end
+  return c
+-- Split statement into (pseudo-)opcode and params.
+local function splitstmt(stmt)
+  -- Convert label with trailing-colon into .label statement.
+  local label = match(stmt, "^%s*(.+):%s*$")
+  if label then return ".label", {label} end
+  -- Split at commas and equal signs, but obey parentheses and brackets.
+  splitlvl = ""
+  stmt = gsub(stmt, "[,%(%)%[%]{}]", splitstmt_one)
+  if splitlvl ~= "" then werror("unbalanced () or []") end
+  -- Split off opcode.
+  local op, other = match(stmt, "^%s*([^%s%z]+)%s*(.*)$")
+  if not op then werror("bad statement syntax") end
+  -- Split parameters.
+  local params = {}
+  for p in gmatch(other, "%s*(%Z+)%z?") do
+    params[#params+1] = gsub(p, "%s+$", "")
+  end
+  if #params > 16 then werror("too many parameters") end
+  params.op = op
+  return op, params
+-- Process a single statement.
+dostmt = function(stmt)
+  -- Ignore empty statements.
+  if match(stmt, "^%s*$") then return end
+  -- Capture macro defs before substitution.
+  if mac_capture then return mac_capture(stmt) end
+  stmt = definesubst(stmt)
+  -- Emit C code without parsing the line.
+  if sub(stmt, 1, 1) == "|" then
+    local tail = sub(stmt, 2)
+    wflush()
+    if sub(tail, 1, 2) == "//" then wcomment(tail) else wline(tail, true) end
+    return
+  end
+  -- Split into (pseudo-)opcode and params.
+  local op, params = splitstmt(stmt)
+  -- Get opcode handler (matching # of parameters or generic handler).
+  local f = map_op[op.."_"..#params] or map_op[op.."_*"]
+  if not f then
+    if not g_arch then wfatal("first statement must be .arch") end
+    -- Improve error report.
+    for i=0,9 do
+      if map_op[op.."_"..i] then
+	werror("wrong number of parameters for `"..op.."'")
+      end
+    end
+    werror("unknown statement `"..op.."'")
+  end
+  -- Call opcode handler or special handler for template strings.
+  if type(f) == "string" then
+    map_op[".template__"](params, f)
+  else
+    f(params)
+  end
+-- Process a single line.
+local function doline(line)
+  if g_opt.flushline then wflush() end
+  -- Assembler line?
+  local indent, aline = match(line, "^(%s*)%|(.*)$")
+  if not aline then
+    -- No, plain C code line, need to flush first.
+    wflush()
+    wsync()
+    wline(line, false)
+    return
+  end
+  g_indent = indent -- Remember current line indentation.
+  -- Emit C code (even from macros). Avoids echo and line parsing.
+  if sub(aline, 1, 1) == "|" then
+    if not mac_capture then
+      wsync()
+    elseif g_opt.comment then
+      wsync()
+      wcomment(aline)
+    end
+    dostmt(aline)
+    return
+  end
+  -- Echo assembler line as a comment.
+  if g_opt.comment then
+    wsync()
+    wcomment(aline)
+  end
+  -- Strip assembler comments.
+  aline = gsub(aline, "//.*$", "")
+  -- Split line into statements at semicolons.
+  if match(aline, ";") then
+    for stmt in gmatch(aline, "[^;]+") do dostmt(stmt) end
+  else
+    dostmt(aline)
+  end
+-- Write DynASM header.
+local function dasmhead(out)
+  out:write(format([[
+** This file has been pre-processed with DynASM.
+** %s
+** DynASM version %s, DynASM %s version %s
+** DO NOT EDIT! The original file is in "%s".
+]], _info.url,
+    _info.version, g_arch._info.arch, g_arch._info.version,
+    g_fname))
+-- Read input file.
+readfile = function(fin)
+  g_indent = ""
+  g_lineno = 0
+  g_synclineno = -1
+  -- Process all lines.
+  for line in fin:lines() do
+    g_lineno = g_lineno + 1
+    g_curline = line
+    local ok, err = pcall(doline, line)
+    if not ok and wprinterr(err, "\n") then return true end
+  end
+  wflush()
+  -- Close input file.
+  assert(fin == stdin or fin:close())
+-- Write output file.
+local function writefile(outfile)
+  local fout
+  -- Open output file.
+  if outfile == nil or outfile == "-" then
+    fout = stdout
+  else
+    fout = assert(, "w"))
+  end
+  -- Write all buffered lines
+  wdumplines(fout, g_wbuffer)
+  -- Close output file.
+  assert(fout == stdout or fout:close())
+  -- Optionally dump definitions.
+  dumpdef(fout == stdout and stderr or stdout)
+-- Translate an input file to an output file.
+local function translate(infile, outfile)
+  g_wbuffer = {}
+  g_indent = ""
+  g_lineno = 0
+  g_synclineno = -1
+  -- Put header.
+  wline(dasmhead)
+  -- Read input file.
+  local fin
+  if infile == "-" then
+    g_fname = "(stdin)"
+    fin = stdin
+  else
+    g_fname = infile
+    fin = assert(, "r"))
+  end
+  readfile(fin)
+  -- Check for errors.
+  if not g_arch then
+    wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: missing .arch directive\n")
+  end
+  checkconds()
+  checkmacros()
+  checkcaptures()
+  if g_errcount ~= 0 then
+    stderr:write(g_fname, ":*: info: ", g_errcount, " error",
+      (type(g_errcount) == "number" and g_errcount > 1) and "s" or "",
+      " in input file -- no output file generated.\n")
+    dumpdef(stderr)
+    exit(1)
+  end
+  -- Write output file.
+  writefile(outfile)
+-- Print help text.
+  stdout:write("DynASM -- ", _info.description, ".\n")
+  stdout:write("DynASM ", _info.version, " ", _info.release, "  ", _info.url, "\n")
+  stdout:write[[
+Usage: dynasm [OPTION]... INFILE.dasc|-
+  -h, --help           Display this help text.
+  -V, --version        Display version and copyright information.
+  -o, --outfile FILE   Output file name (default is stdout).
+  -I, --include DIR    Add directory to the include search path.
+  -c, --ccomment       Use /* */ comments for assembler lines.
+  -C, --cppcomment     Use // comments for assembler lines (default).
+  -N, --nocomment      Suppress assembler lines in output.
+  -M, --maccomment     Show macro expansions as comments (default off).
+  -L, --nolineno       Suppress CPP line number information in output.
+  -F, --flushline      Flush action list for every line.
+  -D NAME[=SUBST]      Define a substitution.
+  -U NAME              Undefine a substitution.
+  -P, --dumpdef        Dump defines, macros, etc. Repeat for more output.
+  -A, --dumparch ARCH  Load architecture ARCH and dump description.
+  exit(0)
+-- Print version information.
+function opt_map.version()
+  stdout:write(format("%s version %s, released %s\n%s\n\n%s",
+, _info.version, _info.release, _info.url, _info.copyright))
+  exit(0)
+-- Misc. options.
+function opt_map.outfile(args) g_opt.outfile = optparam(args) end
+function opt_map.include(args) insert(g_opt.include, 1, optparam(args)) end
+function opt_map.ccomment() g_opt.comment = "/*|"; g_opt.endcomment = " */" end
+function opt_map.cppcomment() g_opt.comment = "//|"; g_opt.endcomment = "" end
+function opt_map.nocomment() g_opt.comment = false end
+function opt_map.maccomment() g_opt.maccomment = true end
+function opt_map.nolineno() g_opt.cpp = false end
+function opt_map.flushline() g_opt.flushline = true end
+function opt_map.dumpdef() g_opt.dumpdef = g_opt.dumpdef + 1 end
+-- Short aliases for long options.
+local opt_alias = {
+  h = "help", ["?"] = "help", V = "version",
+  o = "outfile", I = "include",
+  c = "ccomment", C = "cppcomment", N = "nocomment", M = "maccomment",
+  L = "nolineno", F = "flushline",
+  P = "dumpdef", A = "dumparch",
+-- Parse single option.
+local function parseopt(opt, args)
+  opt_current = #opt == 1 and "-"..opt or "--"..opt
+  local f = opt_map[opt] or opt_map[opt_alias[opt]]
+  if not f then
+    opterror("unrecognized option `", opt_current, "'. Try `--help'.\n")
+  end
+  f(args)
+-- Parse arguments.
+local function parseargs(args)
+  -- Default options.
+  g_opt.comment = "//|"
+  g_opt.endcomment = ""
+  g_opt.cpp = true
+  g_opt.dumpdef = 0
+  g_opt.include = { "" }
+  -- Process all option arguments.
+  args.argn = 1
+  repeat
+    local a = args[args.argn]
+    if not a then break end
+    local lopt, opt = match(a, "^%-(%-?)(.+)")
+    if not opt then break end
+    args.argn = args.argn + 1
+    if lopt == "" then
+      -- Loop through short options.
+      for o in gmatch(opt, ".") do parseopt(o, args) end
+    else
+      -- Long option.
+      parseopt(opt, args)
+    end
+  until false
+  -- Check for proper number of arguments.
+  local nargs = #args - args.argn + 1
+  if nargs ~= 1 then
+    if nargs == 0 then
+      if g_opt.dumpdef > 0 then return dumpdef(stdout) end
+    end
+  end
+  -- Translate a single input file to a single output file
+  -- TODO: Handle multiple files?
+  translate(args[args.argn], g_opt.outfile)
+-- Add the directory dynasm.lua resides in to the Lua module search path.
+local arg = arg
+if arg and arg[0] then
+  prefix = match(arg[0], "^(.*[/\\])")
+  if package and prefix then package.path = prefix.."?.lua;"..package.path end
+-- Start DynASM.
diff --git a/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.1 b/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd38b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.1
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.TH luajit 1 "" "" "LuaJIT documentation"
+luajit \- Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua Language
+.B luajit
+[\fIoptions\fR]... [\fIscript\fR [\fIargs\fR]...]
+This is the command-line program to run Lua programs with \fBLuaJIT\fR.
+\fBLuaJIT\fR is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for the Lua language.
+The virtual machine (VM) is based on a fast interpreter combined with
+a trace compiler. It can significantly improve the performance of Lua programs.
+\fBLuaJIT\fR is API\- and ABI-compatible with the VM of the standard
+Lua\ 5.1 interpreter. When embedding the VM into an application,
+the built library can be used as a drop-in replacement.
+.BI "\-e " chunk
+Run the given chunk of Lua code.
+.BI "\-l " library
+Load the named library, just like \fBrequire("\fR\fIlibrary\fR\fB")\fR.
+.BI "\-b " ...
+Save or list bytecode. Run without arguments to get help on options.
+.BI "\-j " command
+Perform LuaJIT control command (optional space after \fB\-j\fR).
+.BI "\-O" [opt]
+Control LuaJIT optimizations.
+.B "\-i"
+Run in interactive mode.
+.B "\-v"
+Show \fBLuaJIT\fR version.
+.B "\-E"
+Ignore environment variables.
+.B "\-\-"
+Stop processing options.
+.B "\-"
+Read script from stdin instead.
+After all options are processed, the given \fIscript\fR is run.
+The arguments are passed in the global \fIarg\fR table.
+Interactive mode is only entered, if no \fIscript\fR and no \fB\-e\fR
+option is given. Interactive mode can be left with EOF (\fICtrl\-Z\fB).
+luajit hello.lua world
+Prints "Hello world", assuming \fIhello.lua\fR contains:
+  print("Hello", arg[1])
+luajit \-e "local x=0; for i=1,1e9 do x=x+i end; print(x)"
+Calculates the sum of the numbers from 1 to 1000000000.
+And finishes in a reasonable amount of time, too.
+luajit \-jv \-e "for i=1,10 do for j=1,10 do for k=1,100 do end end end"
+Runs some nested loops and shows the resulting traces.
+\fBLuaJIT\fR is Copyright \(co 2005-2015 Mike Pall.
+\fBLuaJIT\fR is open source software, released under the MIT license.
+More details in the provided HTML docs or at:
+More about the Lua language can be found at:
diff --git a/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.pc b/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.pc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a652b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/etc/luajit.pc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Package information for LuaJIT to be used by pkg-config.
+Name: LuaJIT
+Description: Just-in-time compiler for Lua
+Version: ${version}
+Libs: -L${libdir} -l${libname}
+Libs.private: -Wl,-E -lm -ldl
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/.gitignore b/lib/luajit/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc94e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/Makefile b/lib/luajit/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d38fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+# LuaJIT Makefile. Requires GNU Make.
+# Please read doc/install.html before changing any variables!
+# Suitable for POSIX platforms (Linux, *BSD, OSX etc.).
+# Also works with MinGW and Cygwin on Windows.
+# Please check msvcbuild.bat for building with MSVC on Windows.
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+ABIVER=  5.1
+#############################  COMPILER OPTIONS  #############################
+# These options mainly affect the speed of the JIT compiler itself, not the
+# speed of the JIT-compiled code. Turn any of the optional settings on by
+# removing the '#' in front of them. Make sure you force a full recompile
+# with "make clean", followed by "make" if you change any options.
+# LuaJIT builds as a native 32 or 64 bit binary by default.
+CC= gcc
+# Use this if you want to force a 32 bit build on a 64 bit multilib OS.
+#CC= gcc -m32
+# Since the assembler part does NOT maintain a frame pointer, it's pointless
+# to slow down the C part by not omitting it. Debugging, tracebacks and
+# unwinding are not affected -- the assembler part has frame unwind
+# information and GCC emits it where needed (x64) or with -g (see CCDEBUG).
+CCOPT= -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
+# Use this if you want to generate a smaller binary (but it's slower):
+#CCOPT= -Os -fomit-frame-pointer
+# Note: it's no longer recommended to use -O3 with GCC 4.x.
+# The I-Cache bloat usually outweighs the benefits from aggressive inlining.
+# Target-specific compiler options:
+# x86 only: it's recommended to compile at least for i686. Better yet,
+# compile for an architecture that has SSE2, too (-msse -msse2).
+# x86/x64 only: For GCC 4.2 or higher and if you don't intend to distribute
+# the binaries to a different machine you could also use: -march=native
+CCOPT_x86= -march=i686
+# Uncomment the next line to generate debug information:
+CCWARN= -Wall
+# Uncomment the next line to enable more warnings:
+#CCWARN+= -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith
+################################  BUILD MODE  ################################
+# The default build mode is mixed mode on POSIX. On Windows this is the same
+# as dynamic mode.
+# Mixed mode creates a static + dynamic library and a statically linked luajit.
+# Static mode creates a static library and a statically linked luajit.
+#BUILDMODE= static
+# Dynamic mode creates a dynamic library and a dynamically linked luajit.
+# Note: this executable will only run when the library is installed!
+#BUILDMODE= dynamic
+#################################  FEATURES  #################################
+# Enable/disable these features as needed, but make sure you force a full
+# recompile with "make clean", followed by "make".
+# Permanently disable the FFI extension to reduce the size of the LuaJIT
+# executable. But please consider that the FFI library is compiled-in,
+# but NOT loaded by default. It only allocates any memory, if you actually
+# make use of it.
+# Features from Lua 5.2 that are unlikely to break existing code are
+# enabled by default. Some other features that *might* break some existing
+# code (e.g. __pairs or os.execute() return values) can be enabled here.
+# Note: this does not provide full compatibility with Lua 5.2 at this time.
+# Disable the JIT compiler, i.e. turn LuaJIT into a pure interpreter.
+# Some architectures (e.g. PPC) can use either single-number (1) or
+# dual-number (2) mode. Uncomment one of these lines to override the
+# default mode. Please see LJ_ARCH_NUMMODE in lj_arch.h for details.
+############################  DEBUGGING SUPPORT  #############################
+# Enable these options as needed, but make sure you force a full recompile
+# with "make clean", followed by "make".
+# Note that most of these are NOT suitable for benchmarking or release mode!
+# Use the system provided memory allocator (realloc) instead of the
+# bundled memory allocator. This is slower, but sometimes helpful for
+# debugging. This option cannot be enabled on x64, since realloc usually
+# doesn't return addresses in the right address range.
+# OTOH this option is mandatory for Valgrind's memcheck tool on x64 and
+# the only way to get useful results from it for all other architectures.
+# This define is required to run LuaJIT under Valgrind. The Valgrind
+# header files must be installed. You should enable debug information, too.
+# Use --suppressions=lj.supp to avoid some false positives.
+# This is the client for the GDB JIT API. GDB 7.0 or higher is required
+# to make use of it. See lj_gdbjit.c for details. Enabling this causes
+# a non-negligible overhead, even when not running under GDB.
+# Turn on assertions for the Lua/C API to debug problems with lua_* calls.
+# This is rather slow -- use only while developing C libraries/embeddings.
+# Turn on assertions for the whole LuaJIT VM. This significantly slows down
+# everything. Use only if you suspect a problem with LuaJIT itself.
+# You probably don't need to change anything below this line!
+# Flags and options for host and target.
+# You can override the following variables at the make command line:
+#   CC       HOST_CC       STATIC_CC       DYNAMIC_CC
+# Cross-compilation examples:
+#   make HOST_CC="gcc -m32" CROSS=i586-mingw32msvc- TARGET_SYS=Windows
+#   make HOST_CC="gcc -m32" CROSS=powerpc-linux-gnu-
+HOST_RM= rm -f
+# If left blank, minilua is built and used. You can supply an installed
+# copy of (plain) Lua 5.1 or 5.2, plus Lua BitOp. E.g. with: HOST_LUA=lua
+TARGET_AR= $(CROSS)ar rcus
+TARGET_LIBPATH= $(or $(PREFIX),/usr/local)/$(or $(MULTILIB),lib)
+TARGET_SONAME= libluajit-$(ABIVER).so.$(MAJVER)
+TARGET_DYLIBNAME= libluajit-$(ABIVER).$(MAJVER).dylib
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_X64 ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_X86 ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_ARM ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_PPC ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_PPCSPE ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  TARGET_LJARCH= ppcspe
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_MIPS ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  ifneq (,$(findstring MIPSEL ,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  endif
+  $(error Unsupported target architecture)
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_TARGET_PS3 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_NO_UNWIND 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(PREFIX))
+ifneq (/usr/local,$(PREFIX))
+  ifneq (/usr,$(PREFIX))
+  endif
+ifneq (,$(MULTILIB))
+ifneq (,$(LMULTILIB))
+# System detection.
+ifeq (Windows,$(findstring Windows,$(OS))$(MSYSTEM)$(TERM))
+  HOST_SYS= Windows
+  HOST_RM= del
+  HOST_SYS:= $(shell uname -s)
+  ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(HOST_SYS)))
+    HOST_SYS= Windows
+    HOST_MSYS= mingw
+  endif
+  ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(HOST_SYS)))
+    HOST_SYS= Windows
+    HOST_MSYS= cygwin
+  endif
+ifeq (Windows,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  TARGET_STRIP+= --strip-unneeded
+ifeq (,$(shell $(TARGET_CC) -o /dev/null -c -x c /dev/null -fno-stack-protector 2>/dev/null || echo 1))
+  TARGET_XCFLAGS+= -fno-stack-protector
+ifeq (Darwin,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  endif
+  TARGET_AR+= 2>/dev/null
+  TARGET_XSHLDFLAGS= -dynamiclib -single_module -undefined dynamic_lookup -fPIC
+  TARGET_XSHLDFLAGS+= -install_name $(TARGET_DYLIBPATH) -compatibility_version $(MAJVER).$(MINVER) -current_version $(MAJVER).$(MINVER).$(RELVER)
+  ifeq (x64,$(TARGET_LJARCH))
+    TARGET_XLDFLAGS+= -pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000
+    TARGET_XSHLDFLAGS+= -image_base 7fff04c4a000
+  endif
+ifeq (iOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  TARGET_AR+= 2>/dev/null
+  TARGET_XSHLDFLAGS= -dynamiclib -single_module -undefined dynamic_lookup -fPIC
+  TARGET_XSHLDFLAGS+= -install_name $(TARGET_DYLIBPATH) -compatibility_version $(MAJVER).$(MINVER) -current_version $(MAJVER).$(MINVER).$(RELVER)
+  ifneq (SunOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+    ifneq (PS3,$(TARGET_SYS))
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq (Linux,$(TARGET_SYS))
+    TARGET_XLIBS+= -ldl
+  endif
+  ifeq (GNU/kFreeBSD,$(TARGET_SYS))
+    TARGET_XLIBS+= -ldl
+  endif
+ifneq ($(HOST_SYS),$(TARGET_SYS))
+  ifeq (Windows,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  else
+  ifeq (Linux,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  else
+  ifeq (Darwin,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  else
+  ifeq (iOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  else
+  endif
+  endif
+  endif
+  endif
+ifneq (,$(CCDEBUG))
+# Files and pathnames.
+MINILUA_O= host/minilua.o
+MINILUA_T= host/minilua
+ifeq (,$(HOST_LUA))
+DASM_DIR= ../dynasm
+DASM= $(HOST_LUA) $(DASM_DIR)/dynasm.lua
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_ARCH_BITS 64,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_HASJIT 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_HASFFI 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_DUALNUM 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_ARCH_HASFPU 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifeq (,$(findstring LJ_ABI_SOFTFP 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+ifeq (Windows,$(TARGET_SYS))
+ifeq (x86,$(TARGET_LJARCH))
+  ifneq (,$(findstring __SSE2__ 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  endif
+ifeq (x64,$(TARGET_LJARCH))
+  DASM_ARCH= x86
+ifeq (arm,$(TARGET_LJARCH))
+  ifeq (iOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  endif
+ifeq (ppc,$(TARGET_LJARCH))
+  ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_ARCH_SQRT 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  endif
+  ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_ARCH_ROUND 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  endif
+  ifneq (,$(findstring LJ_ARCH_PPC64 1,$(TARGET_TESTARCH)))
+  endif
+  ifeq (PS3,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  endif
+DASM_DASC= vm_$(DASM_ARCH).dasc
+BUILDVM_O= host/buildvm.o host/buildvm_asm.o host/buildvm_peobj.o \
+	   host/buildvm_lib.o host/buildvm_fold.o
+BUILDVM_T= host/buildvm
+LJVM_S= lj_vm.s
+LJVM_O= lj_vm.o
+LJVM_MODE= elfasm
+LJLIB_O= lib_base.o lib_math.o lib_bit.o lib_string.o lib_table.o \
+	 lib_io.o lib_os.o lib_package.o lib_debug.o lib_jit.o lib_ffi.o
+LJLIB_C= $(LJLIB_O:.o=.c)
+LJCORE_O= lj_gc.o lj_err.o lj_char.o lj_bc.o lj_obj.o \
+	  lj_str.o lj_tab.o lj_func.o lj_udata.o lj_meta.o lj_debug.o \
+	  lj_state.o lj_dispatch.o lj_vmevent.o lj_vmmath.o lj_strscan.o \
+	  lj_api.o lj_lex.o lj_parse.o lj_bcread.o lj_bcwrite.o lj_load.o \
+	  lj_ir.o lj_opt_mem.o lj_opt_fold.o lj_opt_narrow.o \
+	  lj_opt_dce.o lj_opt_loop.o lj_opt_split.o lj_opt_sink.o \
+	  lj_mcode.o lj_snap.o lj_record.o lj_crecord.o lj_ffrecord.o \
+	  lj_asm.o lj_trace.o lj_gdbjit.o \
+	  lj_ctype.o lj_cdata.o lj_cconv.o lj_ccall.o lj_ccallback.o \
+	  lj_carith.o lj_clib.o lj_cparse.o \
+	  lj_lib.o lj_alloc.o lib_aux.o \
+	  $(LJLIB_O) lib_init.o
+LIB_VMDEF= jit/vmdef.lua
+LUAJIT_O= luajit.o
+LUAJIT_A= libluajit.a
+LUAJIT_T= luajit
+ALL_HDRGEN= lj_bcdef.h lj_ffdef.h lj_libdef.h lj_recdef.h lj_folddef.h \
+	    host/buildvm_arch.h
+WIN_RM= *.obj *.lib *.exp *.dll *.exe *.manifest *.pdb *.ilk
+ALL_RM= $(ALL_T) $(ALL_GEN) *.o host/*.o $(WIN_RM)
+# Build mode handling.
+# Mixed mode defaults.
+ifeq (Windows,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  LJVM_MODE= peobj
+  LUAJIT_T= luajit.exe
+  ifeq (cygwin,$(HOST_MSYS))
+  else
+  endif
+  # Mixed mode is not supported on Windows. And static mode doesn't work well.
+  # C modules cannot be loaded, because they bind to lua51.dll.
+  ifneq (static,$(BUILDMODE))
+    BUILDMODE= dynamic
+  endif
+ifeq (Darwin,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  LJVM_MODE= machasm
+ifeq (iOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  LJVM_MODE= machasm
+ifeq (SunOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  BUILDMODE= static
+ifeq (PS3,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  BUILDMODE= static
+ifeq (Windows,$(HOST_SYS))
+  MINILUA_T= host/minilua.exe
+  BUILDVM_T= host/buildvm.exe
+  ifeq (,$(HOST_MSYS))
+    MINILUA_X= host\minilua
+    BUILDVM_X= host\buildvm
+    ALL_RM:= $(subst /,\,$(ALL_RM))
+  endif
+ifeq (static,$(BUILDMODE))
+ifeq (dynamic,$(BUILDMODE))
+  ifneq (Windows,$(TARGET_SYS))
+  endif
+ifeq (Darwin,$(TARGET_SYS))
+ifeq (iOS,$(TARGET_SYS))
+Q= @
+E= @echo
+#E= @:
+# Make targets.
+default all:	$(TARGET_T)
+	@grep "^[+|]" ljamalg.c
+	$(MAKE) all "LJCORE_O=ljamalg.o"
+	$(HOST_RM) $(ALL_RM)
+	@for file in $(ALL_HDRGEN); do \
+	  test -f $$file || touch $$file; \
+	  done
+	@$(HOST_CC) $(HOST_ACFLAGS) -MM *.c host/*.c | \
+	  sed -e "s| [^ ]*/dasm_\S*\.h||g" \
+	      -e "s|^\([^l ]\)|host/\1|" \
+	      -e "s| lj_target_\S*\.h| lj_target_*.h|g" \
+	      -e "s| lj_emit_\S*\.h| lj_emit_*.h|g" \
+	      -e "s| lj_asm_\S*\.h| lj_asm_*.h|g" >Makefile.dep
+	@for file in $(ALL_HDRGEN); do \
+	  test -s $$file || $(HOST_RM) $$file; \
+	  done
+.PHONY: default all amalg clean depend
+# Rules for generated files.
+	$(E) "HOSTLINK  $@"
+host/buildvm_arch.h: $(DASM_DASC) $(DASM_DEP)
+	$(E) "DYNASM    $@"
+	$(Q)$(DASM) $(DASM_FLAGS) -o $@ $(DASM_DASC)
+host/buildvm.o: $(DASM_DIR)/dasm_*.h
+	$(E) "HOSTLINK  $@"
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m $(LJVM_MODE) -o $@
+lj_bcdef.h: $(BUILDVM_T) $(LJLIB_C)
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m bcdef -o $@ $(LJLIB_C)
+lj_ffdef.h: $(BUILDVM_T) $(LJLIB_C)
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m ffdef -o $@ $(LJLIB_C)
+lj_libdef.h: $(BUILDVM_T) $(LJLIB_C)
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m libdef -o $@ $(LJLIB_C)
+lj_recdef.h: $(BUILDVM_T) $(LJLIB_C)
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m recdef -o $@ $(LJLIB_C)
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m vmdef -o $(LIB_VMDEFP) $(LJLIB_C)
+lj_folddef.h: $(BUILDVM_T) lj_opt_fold.c
+	$(E) "BUILDVM   $@"
+	$(Q)$(BUILDVM_X) -m folddef -o $@ lj_opt_fold.c
+# Object file rules.
+%.o: %.c
+	$(E) "CC        $@"
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_DYNCC) $(TARGET_ACFLAGS) -c -o $(@:.o=_dyn.o) $<
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_ACFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.o: %.s
+	$(E) "ASM       $@"
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_DYNCC) $(TARGET_ACFLAGS) -c -o $(@:.o=_dyn.o) $<
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_ACFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+	$(E) "CC        $@"
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_STCC) $(TARGET_ACFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(HOST_O): %.o: %.c
+	$(E) "HOSTCC    $@"
+	$(Q)$(HOST_CC) $(HOST_ACFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+include Makefile.dep
+# Target file rules.
+	$(E) "AR        $@"
+# The dependency on _O, but linking with _DYNO is intentional.
+	$(E) "DYNLINK   $@"
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_STRIP) $@
+	$(E) "LINK      $@"
+	$(Q)$(TARGET_STRIP) $@
+	$(E) "OK        Successfully built LuaJIT"
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/Makefile.dep b/lib/luajit/src/Makefile.dep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e14d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/Makefile.dep
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+lib_aux.o: lib_aux.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_state.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h lj_traceerr.h lj_lib.h lj_alloc.h
+lib_base.o: lib_base.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h \
+ lj_tab.h lj_meta.h lj_state.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h lj_bc.h lj_ff.h \
+ lj_ffdef.h lj_dispatch.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_char.h lj_strscan.h \
+ lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_bit.o: lib_bit.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_debug.o: lib_debug.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_lib.h \
+ lj_libdef.h
+lib_ffi.o: lib_ffi.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_meta.h \
+ lj_ctype.h lj_cparse.h lj_cdata.h lj_cconv.h lj_carith.h lj_ccall.h \
+ lj_ccallback.h lj_clib.h lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_init.o: lib_init.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_arch.h
+lib_io.o: lib_io.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_state.h lj_ff.h \
+ lj_ffdef.h lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_jit.o: lib_jit.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_obj.h lj_def.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h lj_target.h \
+ lj_target_*.h lj_dispatch.h lj_vm.h lj_vmevent.h lj_lib.h luajit.h \
+ lj_libdef.h
+lib_math.o: lib_math.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_lib.h lj_vm.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_os.o: lib_os.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_package.o: lib_package.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_lib.h
+lib_string.o: lib_string.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h \
+ lj_meta.h lj_state.h lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_bcdump.h lj_lex.h lj_char.h \
+ lj_lib.h lj_libdef.h
+lib_table.o: lib_table.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h lj_obj.h \
+ lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h lj_lib.h \
+ lj_libdef.h
+lj_alloc.o: lj_alloc.c lj_def.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_arch.h lj_alloc.h
+lj_api.o: lj_api.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h lj_udata.h \
+ lj_meta.h lj_state.h lj_bc.h lj_frame.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_asm.o: lj_asm.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h \
+ lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h lj_mcode.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h \
+ lj_snap.h lj_asm.h lj_vm.h lj_target.h lj_target_*.h lj_emit_*.h \
+ lj_asm_*.h
+lj_bc.o: lj_bc.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_bcdef.h
+lj_bcread.o: lj_bcread.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h \
+ lj_cdata.h lualib.h lj_lex.h lj_bcdump.h lj_state.h
+lj_bcwrite.o: lj_bcwrite.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_str.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_dispatch.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_bcdump.h lj_lex.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_vm.h
+lj_carith.o: lj_carith.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h lj_meta.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h \
+ lj_cdata.h lj_carith.h
+lj_ccall.o: lj_ccall.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h \
+ lj_cdata.h lj_ccall.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_traceerr.h
+lj_ccallback.o: lj_ccallback.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h lj_state.h lj_frame.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h lj_ccall.h lj_ccallback.h lj_target.h \
+ lj_target_*.h lj_mcode.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h \
+ lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h
+lj_cconv.o: lj_cconv.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h lj_ctype.h lj_gc.h lj_cdata.h lj_cconv.h \
+ lj_ccallback.h
+lj_cdata.o: lj_cdata.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h \
+ lj_cdata.h
+lj_char.o: lj_char.c lj_char.h lj_def.h lua.h luaconf.h
+lj_clib.o: lj_clib.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h lj_str.h lj_udata.h lj_ctype.h lj_cconv.h \
+ lj_cdata.h lj_clib.h
+lj_cparse.o: lj_cparse.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_ctype.h lj_cparse.h lj_frame.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_vm.h lj_char.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_crecord.o: lj_crecord.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_cdata.h lj_cparse.h lj_cconv.h lj_clib.h lj_ccall.h lj_ff.h \
+ lj_ffdef.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_record.h lj_ffrecord.h lj_snap.h \
+ lj_crecord.h
+lj_ctype.o: lj_ctype.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ctype.h lj_ccallback.h
+lj_debug.o: lj_debug.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_state.h lj_frame.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_vm.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h
+lj_dispatch.o: lj_dispatch.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_func.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_meta.h lj_debug.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_ccallback.h lj_ctype.h lj_gc.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h \
+ lj_vm.h luajit.h
+lj_err.o: lj_err.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_err.h \
+ lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_func.h lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h \
+ lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h
+lj_ffrecord.o: lj_ffrecord.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ff.h \
+ lj_ffdef.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_record.h lj_ffrecord.h lj_crecord.h \
+ lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h lj_recdef.h
+lj_func.o: lj_func.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_func.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h
+lj_gc.o: lj_gc.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h lj_udata.h lj_meta.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_cdata.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h \
+ lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h
+lj_gdbjit.o: lj_gdbjit.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_jit.h \
+ lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h
+lj_ir.o: lj_ir.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h lj_traceerr.h lj_ctype.h lj_cdata.h lj_carith.h \
+ lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h lj_lib.h
+lj_lex.o: lj_lex.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ctype.h lj_cdata.h lualib.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_lex.h lj_parse.h lj_char.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_lib.o: lj_lib.c lauxlib.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h lj_lib.h
+lj_load.o: lj_load.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_func.h lj_frame.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_vm.h lj_lex.h lj_bcdump.h lj_parse.h
+lj_mcode.o: lj_mcode.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_mcode.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h
+lj_meta.o: lj_meta.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_meta.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_obj.o: lj_obj.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h
+lj_opt_dce.o: lj_opt_dce.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h
+lj_opt_fold.o: lj_opt_fold.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h \
+ lj_bc.h lj_traceerr.h lj_ctype.h lj_gc.h lj_carith.h lj_vm.h \
+ lj_strscan.h lj_folddef.h
+lj_opt_loop.o: lj_opt_loop.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h lj_traceerr.h lj_snap.h lj_vm.h
+lj_opt_mem.o: lj_opt_mem.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_tab.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h
+lj_opt_narrow.o: lj_opt_narrow.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_bc.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h \
+ lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_opt_sink.o: lj_opt_sink.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h lj_target.h lj_target_*.h
+lj_opt_split.o: lj_opt_split.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h \
+ lj_iropt.h lj_vm.h
+lj_parse.o: lj_parse.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_lex.h lj_parse.h lj_vm.h lj_vmevent.h
+lj_record.o: lj_record.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_meta.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_ctype.h lj_gc.h lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_ircall.h \
+ lj_iropt.h lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_record.h \
+ lj_ffrecord.h lj_snap.h lj_vm.h
+lj_snap.o: lj_snap.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_tab.h lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h \
+ lj_trace.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_snap.h lj_target.h \
+ lj_target_*.h lj_ctype.h lj_cdata.h
+lj_state.o: lj_state.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h lj_meta.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h lj_lex.h lj_alloc.h
+lj_str.o: lj_str.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_state.h lj_char.h
+lj_strscan.o: lj_strscan.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_char.h lj_strscan.h
+lj_tab.o: lj_tab.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h \
+ lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_tab.h
+lj_trace.o: lj_trace.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_debug.h lj_str.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h \
+ lj_state.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_iropt.h lj_mcode.h lj_trace.h \
+ lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_snap.h lj_gdbjit.h lj_record.h lj_asm.h \
+ lj_vm.h lj_vmevent.h lj_target.h lj_target_*.h
+lj_udata.o: lj_udata.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_udata.h
+lj_vmevent.o: lj_vmevent.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_state.h lj_dispatch.h lj_bc.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_vm.h lj_vmevent.h
+lj_vmmath.o: lj_vmmath.c lj_obj.h lua.h luaconf.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h \
+ lj_ir.h lj_vm.h
+ljamalg.o: ljamalg.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lj_gc.c lj_obj.h lj_def.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_err.h lj_errmsg.h lj_str.h lj_tab.h lj_func.h \
+ lj_udata.h lj_meta.h lj_state.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_ctype.h lj_cdata.h \
+ lj_trace.h lj_jit.h lj_ir.h lj_dispatch.h lj_traceerr.h lj_vm.h lj_err.c \
+ lj_debug.h lj_ff.h lj_ffdef.h lj_char.c lj_char.h lj_bc.c lj_bcdef.h \
+ lj_obj.c lj_str.c lj_tab.c lj_func.c lj_udata.c lj_meta.c lj_strscan.h \
+ lj_debug.c lj_state.c lj_lex.h lj_alloc.h lj_dispatch.c lj_ccallback.h \
+ luajit.h lj_vmevent.c lj_vmevent.h lj_vmmath.c lj_strscan.c lj_api.c \
+ lj_lex.c lualib.h lj_parse.h lj_parse.c lj_bcread.c lj_bcdump.h \
+ lj_bcwrite.c lj_load.c lj_ctype.c lj_cdata.c lj_cconv.h lj_cconv.c \
+ lj_ccall.c lj_ccall.h lj_ccallback.c lj_target.h lj_target_*.h \
+ lj_mcode.h lj_carith.c lj_carith.h lj_clib.c lj_clib.h lj_cparse.c \
+ lj_cparse.h lj_lib.c lj_lib.h lj_ir.c lj_ircall.h lj_iropt.h \
+ lj_opt_mem.c lj_opt_fold.c lj_folddef.h lj_opt_narrow.c lj_opt_dce.c \
+ lj_opt_loop.c lj_snap.h lj_opt_split.c lj_opt_sink.c lj_mcode.c \
+ lj_snap.c lj_record.c lj_record.h lj_ffrecord.h lj_crecord.c \
+ lj_crecord.h lj_ffrecord.c lj_recdef.h lj_asm.c lj_asm.h lj_emit_*.h \
+ lj_asm_*.h lj_trace.c lj_gdbjit.h lj_gdbjit.c lj_alloc.c lib_aux.c \
+ lib_base.c lj_libdef.h lib_math.c lib_string.c lib_table.c lib_io.c \
+ lib_os.c lib_package.c lib_debug.c lib_bit.c lib_jit.c lib_ffi.c \
+ lib_init.c
+luajit.o: luajit.c lua.h luaconf.h lauxlib.h lualib.h luajit.h lj_arch.h
+host/buildvm.o: host/buildvm.c host/buildvm.h lj_def.h lua.h luaconf.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_gc.h lj_obj.h lj_bc.h lj_ir.h \
+ lj_ircall.h lj_ir.h lj_jit.h lj_frame.h lj_bc.h lj_dispatch.h lj_ctype.h \
+ lj_gc.h lj_ccall.h lj_ctype.h luajit.h \
+ host/buildvm_arch.h lj_traceerr.h
+host/buildvm_asm.o: host/buildvm_asm.c host/buildvm.h lj_def.h lua.h luaconf.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_bc.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h
+host/buildvm_fold.o: host/buildvm_fold.c host/buildvm.h lj_def.h lua.h \
+ luaconf.h lj_arch.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_ir.h lj_obj.h
+host/buildvm_lib.o: host/buildvm_lib.c host/buildvm.h lj_def.h lua.h luaconf.h \
+ lj_arch.h lj_obj.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h lj_lib.h lj_obj.h
+host/buildvm_peobj.o: host/buildvm_peobj.c host/buildvm.h lj_def.h lua.h \
+ luaconf.h lj_arch.h lj_bc.h lj_def.h lj_arch.h
+host/minilua.o: host/minilua.c
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/host/.gitignore b/lib/luajit/src/host/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762ac2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/host/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/host/README b/lib/luajit/src/host/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abfcdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/host/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The files in this directory are only used during the build process of LuaJIT.
+For cross-compilation, they must be executed on the host, not on the target.
+These files should NOT be installed!
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/host/buildvm.c b/lib/luajit/src/host/buildvm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07122a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/host/buildvm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+** LuaJIT VM builder.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+** This is a tool to build the hand-tuned assembler code required for
+** LuaJIT's bytecode interpreter. It supports a variety of output formats
+** to feed different toolchains (see usage() below).
+** This tool is not particularly optimized because it's only used while
+** _building_ LuaJIT. There's no point in distributing or installing it.
+** Only the object code generated by this tool is linked into LuaJIT.
+** Caveat: some memory is not free'd, error handling is lazy.
+** It's a one-shot tool -- any effort fixing this would be wasted.
+#include "buildvm.h"
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_bc.h"
+#include "lj_ir.h"
+#include "lj_ircall.h"
+#include "lj_frame.h"
+#include "lj_dispatch.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+#include "lj_ccall.h"
+#include "luajit.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <io.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* DynASM glue definitions. */
+#define Dst		ctx
+#define Dst_DECL	BuildCtx *ctx
+#define Dst_REF		(ctx->D)
+#define DASM_CHECKS	1
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_proto.h"
+/* Glue macros for DynASM. */
+static int collect_reloc(BuildCtx *ctx, uint8_t *addr, int idx, int type);
+#define DASM_EXTERN(ctx, addr, idx, type) \
+  collect_reloc(ctx, addr, idx, type)
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Avoid trouble if cross-compiling for an x86 target. Speed doesn't matter. */
+/* Embed architecture-specific DynASM encoder. */
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_x86.h"
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_arm.h"
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_ppc.h"
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_ppc.h"
+#include "../dynasm/dasm_mips.h"
+#error "No support for this architecture (yet)"
+/* Embed generated architecture-specific backend. */
+#include "buildvm_arch.h"
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+void owrite(BuildCtx *ctx, const void *ptr, size_t sz)
+  if (fwrite(ptr, 1, sz, ctx->fp) != sz) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot write to output file: %s\n",
+	    strerror(errno));
+    exit(1);
+  }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Emit code as raw bytes. Only used for DynASM debugging. */
+static void emit_raw(BuildCtx *ctx)
+  owrite(ctx, ctx->code, ctx->codesz);
+/* -- Build machine code -------------------------------------------------- */
+static const char *sym_decorate(BuildCtx *ctx,
+				const char *prefix, const char *suffix)
+  char name[256];
+  char *p;
+#if LJ_64
+  const char *symprefix = ctx->mode == BUILD_machasm ? "_" : "";
+#elif LJ_TARGET_XBOX360
+  const char *symprefix = "";
+  const char *symprefix = ctx->mode != BUILD_elfasm ? "_" : "";
+  sprintf(name, "%s%s%s", symprefix, prefix, suffix);
+  p = strchr(name, '@');
+  if (p) {
+    if (!LJ_64 && (ctx->mode == BUILD_coffasm || ctx->mode == BUILD_peobj))
+      name[0] = '@';
+    else
+      *p = '\0';
+    /* Keep @plt. */
+    *p = '\0';
+  }
+  p = (char *)malloc(strlen(name)+1);  /* MSVC doesn't like strdup. */
+  strcpy(p, name);
+  return p;
+#define NRELOCSYM	(sizeof(extnames)/sizeof(extnames[0])-1)
+static int relocmap[NRELOCSYM];
+/* Collect external relocations. */
+static int collect_reloc(BuildCtx *ctx, uint8_t *addr, int idx, int type)
+  if (ctx->nreloc >= BUILD_MAX_RELOC) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: too many relocations, increase BUILD_MAX_RELOC.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (relocmap[idx] < 0) {
+    relocmap[idx] = ctx->nrelocsym;
+    ctx->relocsym[ctx->nrelocsym] = sym_decorate(ctx, "", extnames[idx]);
+    ctx->nrelocsym++;
+  }
+  ctx->reloc[ctx->nreloc].ofs = (int32_t)(addr - ctx->code);
+  ctx->reloc[ctx->nreloc].sym = relocmap[idx];
+  ctx->reloc[ctx->nreloc].type = type;
+  ctx->nreloc++;
+  return (int)(ctx->code - addr) + 4;  /* Encode symbol offset of .text. */
+  return 0;  /* Encode symbol offset of 0. */
+/* Naive insertion sort. Performance doesn't matter here. */
+static void sym_insert(BuildCtx *ctx, int32_t ofs,
+		       const char *prefix, const char *suffix)
+  ptrdiff_t i = ctx->nsym++;
+  while (i > 0) {
+    if (ctx->sym[i-1].ofs <= ofs)
+      break;
+    ctx->sym[i] = ctx->sym[i-1];
+    i--;
+  }
+  ctx->sym[i].ofs = ofs;
+  ctx->sym[i].name = sym_decorate(ctx, prefix, suffix);
+/* Build the machine code. */
+static int build_code(BuildCtx *ctx)
+  int status;
+  int i;
+  /* Initialize DynASM structures. */
+  ctx->nglob = GLOB__MAX;
+  ctx->glob = (void **)malloc(ctx->nglob*sizeof(void *));
+  memset(ctx->glob, 0, ctx->nglob*sizeof(void *));
+  ctx->nreloc = 0;
+  ctx->globnames = globnames;
+  ctx->relocsym = (const char **)malloc(NRELOCSYM*sizeof(const char *));
+  ctx->nrelocsym = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < (int)NRELOCSYM; i++) relocmap[i] = -1;
+  ctx->dasm_ident = DASM_IDENT;
+  ctx->dasm_arch = DASM_ARCH;
+  dasm_init(Dst, DASM_MAXSECTION);
+  dasm_setupglobal(Dst, ctx->glob, ctx->nglob);
+  dasm_setup(Dst, build_actionlist);
+  /* Call arch-specific backend to emit the code. */
+  ctx->npc = build_backend(ctx);
+  /* Finalize the code. */
+  (void)dasm_checkstep(Dst, -1);
+  if ((status = dasm_link(Dst, &ctx->codesz))) return status;
+  ctx->code = (uint8_t *)malloc(ctx->codesz);
+  if ((status = dasm_encode(Dst, (void *)ctx->code))) return status;
+  /* Allocate symbol table and bytecode offsets. */
+  ctx->beginsym = sym_decorate(ctx, "", LABEL_PREFIX "vm_asm_begin");
+  ctx->sym = (BuildSym *)malloc((ctx->npc+ctx->nglob+1)*sizeof(BuildSym));
+  ctx->nsym = 0;
+  ctx->bc_ofs = (int32_t *)malloc(ctx->npc*sizeof(int32_t));
+  /* Collect the opcodes (PC labels). */
+  for (i = 0; i < ctx->npc; i++) {
+    int32_t ofs = dasm_getpclabel(Dst, i);
+    if (ofs < 0) return 0x22000000|i;
+    ctx->bc_ofs[i] = ofs;
+    if ((LJ_HASJIT ||
+	 !(i == BC_JFORI || i == BC_JFORL || i == BC_JITERL || i == BC_JLOOP ||
+	   i == BC_IFORL || i == BC_IITERL || i == BC_ILOOP)) &&
+	(LJ_HASFFI || i != BC_KCDATA))
+      sym_insert(ctx, ofs, LABEL_PREFIX_BC, bc_names[i]);
+  }
+  /* Collect the globals (named labels). */
+  for (i = 0; i < ctx->nglob; i++) {
+    const char *gl = globnames[i];
+    int len = (int)strlen(gl);
+    if (!ctx->glob[i]) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Error: undefined global %s\n", gl);
+      exit(2);
+    }
+    /* Skip the _Z symbols. */
+    if (!(len >= 2 && gl[len-2] == '_' && gl[len-1] == 'Z'))
+      sym_insert(ctx, (int32_t)((uint8_t *)(ctx->glob[i]) - ctx->code),
+		 LABEL_PREFIX, globnames[i]);
+  }
+  /* Close the address range. */
+  sym_insert(ctx, (int32_t)ctx->codesz, "", "");
+  ctx->nsym--;
+  dasm_free(Dst);
+  return 0;
+/* -- Generate VM enums --------------------------------------------------- */
+const char *const bc_names[] = {
+#define BCNAME(name, ma, mb, mc, mt)       #name,
+#undef BCNAME
+const char *const ir_names[] = {
+#define IRNAME(name, m, m1, m2)	#name,
+#undef IRNAME
+const char *const irt_names[] = {
+#define IRTNAME(name, size)	#name,
+#undef IRTNAME
+const char *const irfpm_names[] = {
+#define FPMNAME(name)		#name,
+#undef FPMNAME
+const char *const irfield_names[] = {
+#define FLNAME(name, ofs)	#name,
+#undef FLNAME
+const char *const ircall_names[] = {
+#define IRCALLNAME(cond, name, nargs, kind, type, flags)	#name,
+static const char *const trace_errors[] = {
+#define TREDEF(name, msg)	msg,
+#include "lj_traceerr.h"
+static const char *lower(char *buf, const char *s)
+  char *p = buf;
+  while (*s) {
+    *p++ = (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') ? *s+0x20 : *s;
+    s++;
+  }
+  *p = '\0';
+  return buf;
+/* Emit C source code for bytecode-related definitions. */
+static void emit_bcdef(BuildCtx *ctx)
+  int i;
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "/* This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "LJ_DATADEF const uint16_t lj_bc_ofs[] = {\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < ctx->npc; i++) {
+    if (i != 0)
+      fprintf(ctx->fp, ",\n");
+    fprintf(ctx->fp, "%d", ctx->bc_ofs[i]);
+  }
+/* Emit VM definitions as Lua code for debug modules. */
+static void emit_vmdef(BuildCtx *ctx)
+  char buf[80];
+  int i;
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "-- This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT!\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "module(...)\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "bcnames = \"");
+  for (i = 0; bc_names[i]; i++) fprintf(ctx->fp, "%-6s", bc_names[i]);
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "irnames = \"");
+  for (i = 0; ir_names[i]; i++) fprintf(ctx->fp, "%-6s", ir_names[i]);
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "irfpm = { [0]=");
+  for (i = 0; irfpm_names[i]; i++)
+    fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"%s\", ", lower(buf, irfpm_names[i]));
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "}\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "irfield = { [0]=");
+  for (i = 0; irfield_names[i]; i++) {
+    char *p;
+    lower(buf, irfield_names[i]);
+    p = strchr(buf, '_');
+    if (p) *p = '.';
+    fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"%s\", ", buf);
+  }
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "}\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "ircall = {\n[0]=");
+  for (i = 0; ircall_names[i]; i++)
+    fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"%s\",\n", ircall_names[i]);
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "}\n\n");
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "traceerr = {\n[0]=");
+  for (i = 0; trace_errors[i]; i++)
+    fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"%s\",\n", trace_errors[i]);
+  fprintf(ctx->fp, "}\n\n");
+/* -- Argument parsing ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Build mode names. */
+static const char *const modenames[] = {
+#define BUILDNAME(name)		#name,
+/* Print usage information and exit. */
+static void usage(void)
+  int i;
+  fprintf(stderr, LUAJIT_VERSION " VM builder.\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, LUAJIT_COPYRIGHT ", " LUAJIT_URL "\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "Target architecture: " LJ_ARCH_NAME "\n\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: buildvm -m mode [-o outfile] [infiles...]\n\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "Available modes:\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < BUILD__MAX; i++)
+    fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", modenames[i]);
+  exit(1);
+/* Parse the output mode name. */
+static BuildMode parsemode(const char *mode)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; modenames[i]; i++)
+    if (!strcmp(mode, modenames[i]))
+      return (BuildMode)i;
+  usage();
+  return (BuildMode)-1;
+/* Parse arguments. */
+static void parseargs(BuildCtx *ctx, char **argv)
+  const char *a;
+  int i;
+  ctx->mode = (BuildMode)-1;
+  ctx->outname = "-";
+  for (i = 1; (a = argv[i]) != NULL; i++) {
+    if (a[0] != '-')
+      break;
+    switch (a[1]) {
+    case '-':
+      if (a[2]) goto err;
+      i++;
+      goto ok;
+    case '\0':
+      goto ok;
+    case 'm':
+      i++;
+      if (a[2] || argv[i] == NULL) goto err;
+      ctx->mode = parsemode(argv[i]);
+      break;
+    case 'o':
+      i++;
+      if (a[2] || argv[i] == NULL) goto err;
+      ctx->outname = argv[i];
+      break;
+    default: err:
+      usage();
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  ctx->args = argv+i;
+  if (ctx->mode == (BuildMode)-1) goto err;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  BuildCtx ctx_;
+  BuildCtx *ctx = &ctx_;
+  int status, binmode;
+  if (sizeof(void *) != 4*LJ_32+8*LJ_64) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Error: pointer size mismatch in cross-build.\n");
+    fprintf(stderr,"Try: make HOST_CC=\"gcc -m32\" CROSS=...\n\n");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  UNUSED(argc);
+  parseargs(ctx, argv);
+  if ((status = build_code(ctx))) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Error: DASM error %08x\n", status);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  switch (ctx->mode) {
+  case BUILD_peobj:
+  case BUILD_raw:
+    binmode = 1;
+    break;
+  default:
+    binmode = 0;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (ctx->outname[0] == '-' && ctx->outname[1] == '\0') {
+    ctx->fp = stdout;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+    if (binmode)
+      _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);  /* Yuck. */
+  } else if (!(ctx->fp = fopen(ctx->outname, binmode ? "wb" : "w"))) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open output file '%s': %s\n",
+	    ctx->outname, strerror(errno));
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  switch (ctx->mode) {
+  case BUILD_elfasm:
+  case BUILD_coffasm:
+  case BUILD_machasm:
+    emit_asm(ctx);
+    emit_asm_debug(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_peobj:
+    emit_peobj(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_raw:
+    emit_raw(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_bcdef:
+    emit_bcdef(ctx);
+    emit_lib(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_vmdef:
+    emit_vmdef(ctx);
+    emit_lib(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_ffdef:
+  case BUILD_libdef:
+  case BUILD_recdef:
+    emit_lib(ctx);
+    break;
+  case BUILD_folddef:
+    emit_fold(ctx);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  fflush(ctx->fp);
+  if (ferror(ctx->fp)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot write to output file: %s\n",
+	    strerror(errno));
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  fclose(ctx->fp);
+  return 0;