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Posted to by "Dansou, Didier" <> on 2004/07/02 10:42:04 UTC

Validating multiple selection with built-in validation tags

Can anyone help with this topic?
I have a multiple select zone on my form. The user must at least select one value.
I tried to use the validation tag "required" in 2 ways to perform this. But it seems not work.
Here is a snippet of my formBean 
<form-bean name="formuleFormBean"                                                           type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
    <form-property name="languesFormuleLibelleIHM"                                   type="java.lang.String[]"/>
Here is a snippet of my first validation.xml 
            <form name="formuleFormBean">
                        <field property="languesFormuleLibelleIHM[0]" depends="required">
                                   <msg name="required" key="errors.ihm.formule.langue"/>
                                   <arg0 key="libelle.formule.gestion.langue"/>
Here is a snippet of my second validation.xml 
            <form name="formuleFormBean">
                        <field property="languesFormuleLibelleIHM" depends="required">
                                   <msg name="required" key="errors.ihm.formule.langue"/>
                                   <arg0 key="libelle.formule.gestion.langue"/>
When I apply the first validation example and that the user doesn't select a value, I get the "required message" on my page. But ArrayIndexOutOfBound exceptions are thrown by the framework validator. 
When I apply the second validation example and that the user doesn't select a value, the "required message" doesn't appear on my page. 
Does someone know a smart way to get this work? 
Hope someone may help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance.

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