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[15/20] lucy-clownfish git commit: Add helper routines for Python callbacks.

Add helper routines for Python callbacks.

The generated C code for calling back into Python from Clownfish when a
method is overridden will require these helper functions for running the
Python callable, converting return values, etc.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: bb7e880799d6bb0e4743d24fcacb630e04b2e32f
Parents: 8996f0f
Author: Marvin Humphrey <>
Authored: Wed Jan 27 18:23:36 2016 -0800
Committer: Marvin Humphrey <>
Committed: Tue Feb 23 18:22:04 2016 -0800

 compiler/src/CFCPython.c | 203 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 202 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/compiler/src/CFCPython.c b/compiler/src/CFCPython.c
index 10c9872..b39240d 100644
--- a/compiler/src/CFCPython.c
+++ b/compiler/src/CFCPython.c
@@ -137,7 +137,208 @@ S_gen_callbacks(CFCPython *self, CFCParcel *parcel, CFCClass **ordered) {
     static const char helpers[] =
-        ""
+        "static PyObject*\n"
+        "S_pack_tuple(int num_args, ...) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(num_args);\n"
+        "    va_list args;\n"
+        "    va_start(args, num_args);\n"
+        "    for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {\n"
+        "        PyObject *arg = va_arg(args, PyObject*);\n"
+        "        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, arg);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    va_end(args);\n"
+        "    return tuple;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static PyObject*\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "              const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *callable = PyObject_GetAttrString(self, meth_name);\n"
+        "    if (!PyCallable_Check(callable)) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func, \"Attr '%s' not callable\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        cfish_Err_throw_mess(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    PyObject *result = PyObject_CallObject(callable, args);\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(args);\n"
+        "    if (result == NULL) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func,\n"
+        "                                  \"Callback to '%s' failed\", meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    return result;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_VOID(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_void(self, meth_name, args, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static void\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_void(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "                   const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    if (py_result == NULL) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func, \"Call to %s failed\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_BOOL(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_bool(self, meth_name, args, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static bool\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_bool(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "                   const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    int truthiness = py_result != NULL\n"
+        "                     ? PyObject_IsTrue(py_result)\n"
+        "                     : -1;\n"
+        "    if (truthiness == -1) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func, \"Call to %s failed\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "    return !!truthiness;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_OBJ(self, meth_name, args, ret_class, nullable) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_obj(self, meth_name, args, ret_class, nullable, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static cfish_Obj*\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_obj(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name,\n"
+        "                  PyObject *args, cfish_Class *ret_class, bool nullable,\n"
+        "                  const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    cfish_Obj *result = CFBind_py_to_cfish(py_result, ret_class);\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "    if (!nullable && result == NULL) {\n"
+        "        CFISH_THROW(CFISH_ERR, \"%s cannot return NULL\", meth_name);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    else if (!cfish_Obj_is_a(result, ret_class)) {\n"
+        "        cfish_Class *result_class = cfish_Obj_get_class(result);\n"
+        "        CFISH_DECREF(result);\n"
+        "        CFISH_THROW(CFISH_ERR, \"%s returned %o instead of %o\", meth_name,\n"
+        "                    CFISH_Class_Get_Name(result_class),\n"
+        "                    CFISH_Class_Get_Name(ret_class));\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    return result;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_DOUBLE(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_f64(self, meth_name, args, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_FLOAT(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((float)S_call_pymeth_f64(self, meth_name, args, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static double\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_f64(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "                  const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    PyErr_Clear();\n"
+        "    double result = PyFloat_AsDouble(py_result);\n"
+        "    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func,\n"
+        "                                  \"Converting result of '%s' to double failed\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "    return result;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_INT64_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_INT32_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((int32_t)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, INT32_MAX, INT32_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_INT16_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((int16_t)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, INT16_MAX, INT16_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_INT8_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((int8_t)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, INT8_MAX, INT8_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_CHAR(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((char)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, CHAR_MAX, CHAR_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_SHORT(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((short)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_INT(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((int16_t)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, INT_MAX, INT_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_LONG(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((int16_t)S_call_pymeth_i64(self, meth_name, args, LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static int64_t\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_i64(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "                  int64_t max, int64_t min,\n"
+        "                  const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    PyErr_Clear();\n"
+        "    int64_t result = PyLong_AsLongLong(py_result);\n"
+        "    if (PyErr_Occurred() || result > max || result < min) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func,\n"
+        "                                  \"Converting result of '%s' to int64_t failed\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "    return result;\n"
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_UINT64_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_u64(self, meth_name, args, UINT64_MAX, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_UINT32_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((uint32_t)S_call_pymeth_u64(self, meth_name, args, UINT32_MAX, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_UINT16_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((uint32_t)S_call_pymeth_u64(self, meth_name, args, UINT16_MAX, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_UINT8_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    ((uint32_t)S_call_pymeth_u64(self, meth_name, args, UINT8_MAX, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO))\n"
+        "#define CALL_PYMETH_SIZE_T(self, meth_name, args) \\\n"
+        "    S_call_pymeth_u64(self, meth_name, args, SIZE_MAX, \\\n"
+        "        __FILE__, __LINE__, CFISH_ERR_FUNC_MACRO)\n"
+        "\n"
+        "static uint64_t\n"
+        "S_call_pymeth_u64(PyObject *self, const char *meth_name, PyObject *args,\n"
+        "                  uint64_t max,\n"
+        "                  const char *file, int line, const char *func) {\n"
+        "    PyObject *py_result\n"
+        "        = S_call_pymeth(self, meth_name, args, file, line, func);\n"
+        "    PyErr_Clear();\n"
+        "    uint64_t result = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(py_result);\n"
+        "    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {\n"
+        "        cfish_String *mess\n"
+        "            = cfish_Err_make_mess(file, line, func,\n"
+        "                                  \"Converting result of '%s' to uint64_t failed\",\n"
+        "                                  meth_name);\n"
+        "        CFBind_reraise_pyerr(CFISH_ERR, mess);\n"
+        "    }\n"
+        "    Py_DECREF(py_result);\n"
+        "    return result;\n"
+        "}\n"
     static const char pattern[] =