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Posted to by Veaceslav Chicu <> on 2004/09/08 17:27:57 UTC

compilation errors


I get sources from repository, I have errors, missing classes, for example:
line 58, 59
what is the story with SanityState.tmpl ??
why it's not a .java ??

is there somebody who has same errors?

best regards,
P.S. I see a lot of warnings

Re: compilation errors

Posted by Andrew McIntyre <>.

Please post the output from Ant if you are having problems. It is 
easier to determine the source of the problems from the output of Ant.

As a general rule, if you've followed the setup instructions in 
BUILDING.txt at the root-level of the source tree (available at on the web), then the 
best way to get around problems caused by a previous bad compile is to 
run the clobber target ('ant clobber') at the top level to remove all 
generated files and rerun the build from scratch.

As for SanityState, 'sanity' was a concept introduced early in 
Cloudscape as a way to have assert functionality before the language 
supported it (which didn't happen until the recent 1.4.2 release). In 
short, the way 'sanity' works is assertions are contained in an if 
block with the value of one of the static final booleans in, like so:

if (SanityState.DEBUG)
   // assertion goes here

Because the value of SanityState.DEBUG is static and final, good 
compilers will optimize away the block of code containing the assert. is generated as the first step of the build by 
replacing tokens in the template file, SanityState.tmpl, with the 
proper values for the build. By default, the sanity state is 'sane,' or 
a debug build, and the value of SanityState.DEBUG is true. In an 
'insane,' or optimized build, the value of SanityState.DEBUG is false, 
and compilation options for removing debugging information are also 
turned on. See the 'init' target in the top-level build.xml to see the 
mechanics of this.

To run an insane build, run the clobber target to remove all generated 
files (including the generated and the sanity file). Then run the insane target at the top level to 
set up the sanity file. Then, running a full build 
will generate an 'optimized' insane build.

best regards,

On Sep 8, 2004, at 8:27 AM, Veaceslav Chicu wrote:

> hi,
> I get sources from repository, I have errors, missing classes, for 
> example:
> package;
> line 58, 59
> what is the story with SanityState.tmpl ??
> why it's not a .java ??
> is there somebody who has same errors?
> best regards,
> Slavic
> P.S. I see a lot of warnings