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Posted to by Hyrum <> on 2005/06/03 01:15:48 UTC

taskdef can't find junit.framework.Test

Hello all.


I am using the Eclipse 3.1 IDE, am on windows 2000, and am using
ant-1.6.2(built into eclipse).


My build fails with the following error:


BUILD FAILED: C:\eclipse\workspace\CactusTestTest\build.xml:34: taskdef A
class needed by class org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask cannot be
found: junit/framework/Test


I have checked and double checked, and that class is definitly on the
classpath.  As far as I can see, it should be available.  I have tried
adding it to Eclipse's Ant->Runtime->Classpath settings, and to Ant's home
lib directory, with no success.  I've also tried adding manual enties for
each tasks, to which it always fails on the "cactus" taskdef, with the same
above error.


Any ideas?




<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="CactusTestTest" default="make-war-with-cacti" basedir="."> 


            <property file="${basedir}/"/>


            <property name=""   value=" CactusTestTest "/>

            <property name="servlet.jar"

    <property name="jsp.jar"

    <property name="deploy.dir"         value="${tomcat.home}/webapps"/>

    <property name="build.compiler"     value="modern"/>

    <property name="build.dir"          value="${basedir}\WEB-INF/classes"

            <property name="jspbuild.dir"
value="./jspclasses" />

            <property name="webinf.dir"
value="WebRoot/WEB-INF" />

            <property name="classes.dir"
value="${webinf.dir}/classes" />

            <property name="lib.dir"
value="${webinf.dir}/lib" />

            <property name="src.dir"
value="${basedir}/src" />


            <path id="cactus.classpath" >

        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"> 

          <include name="*.jar"/> 




            <target name="init" >

                        <echo message="Starting the Test to Test the
CactusTestTest" />



                        <taskdef name="cactifywar"

                                    classpathref="cactus.classpath" />

                        <taskdef name="cactus"

                                    classpathref="cactus.classpath" />



                        <taskdef resource="cactus.tasks"
classpathref="cactus.classpath" />



            <target name="make-war-with-cacti" depends="init" >

                        <cactifywar />



